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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An international multidisciplinary analysis of scholarly communication through investigating citation levels

Levitt, Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis seeks to demonstrate that the new facilities of Web of Science (WoS) online can be used in new ways to enhance understanding of scholarly communication. It investigates four aspects of scholarly communication: characteristics of highly cited articles, citation levels of collaborative articles, citation levels of multi-disciplinary articles, and patterns of annual citation of highly cited articles. For the first two topics it investigates the WoS category of ‘Information Science & Library Science’ (IS&LS), whereas for the other topics it compares diverse WoS categories in science and social science. Although its main data source is WoS, its investigation of disciplinarity also uses Scopus. The thesis finds: (a) Highly cited IS&LS articles tend to be multidisciplinary and cited late, but are not necessarily first-authored by influential IS&LS researchers, (b) Amongst un-cite IS&LS articles the proportion of collaborative articles has remained almost constant over the past three decades whereas for higher cited articles it has grown steadily with time, (C) In social science subjects the level of citation of multi-disciplinary research are generally similar to that of mono-disciplinary research, whereas in science the citations levels for multi-disciplinary research are substantially lower than that of mono-disciplinary research, and (d) In both science and social science many very highly cited articles continue to be heavily cited more than twenty years after publication. This thesis also introduces and uses an indicator for measuring the extent of collaboration called ‘average partner scores’ and indicates a way in which the subject categories of WoS can be investigated without requiring a licence for the WoS database. Finally, it identifies and addresses some of the technical problems of using WoS online to investigate scholarly communication.

Dimensions and Operationalisations of IT Governance: A Literature Review and Meta-Case Study

Novotny, Alexander, Bernroider, Edward, Koch, Stefan January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper seeks to tackle the current confusion about the constituent dimensions of IT Governance (ITG) and inconsistent operationalisation approaches inhibiting advances in research and organisational ITG practice. Through a structured literature review of ranked high-quality publications augmented by a meta-case study with five underlying projects, we find nine distinct dimensions of ITG. The input-oriented dimensions Compliance Management, IT Investment Management and ITG Improvement have received little attention in earlier conceptualisations, while the more output-oriented dimensions Business/IT Alignment and Business Value Delivery have featured more often in related studies. Scope and application of ITG may depend on the organisational context and the intentional use, such as regulatory or strategic. Depending on the context, more research seems to be warranted to develop context-dependent measurement constructs of ITG that can be compared over studies. (author's abstract)

人文學期刊引用類型分析初探 / Citation analysis of humanities

邱琦茹, Chiu, Chi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
人文學是指與人類文化有關,或與分析、判斷人類價值和獨特的精神表現的研究方法有關的學科。本研究透過臺灣人文學引文索引核心期刊資料庫(THCI Core)與美國藝術與人文引文索引資料庫(A&HCI),選擇人文學5門學科權威期刊內2011年出版的文獻進行文獻引用之分析,探討並比較國內外人文學科引用文獻的性質與類型,藉以瞭解人文學科學者的引用特性。 本研究結果如下:1.人文學引用文獻特性之分布現象:(1) 除語言學以期刊為主要引用資料類型外,人文學各學科引用資料類型以圖書為主;(2)除圖書與期刊外,文學、哲學與藝術偏重對博碩士論文的引用,歷史學則著重於檔案與報紙的使用,對於研究報告引用情形最少;(3)人文學參考文獻語文以中文為主,語言學之參考文獻以英文為多;(4)人文學引用文獻年代分布長遠,引用文獻半衰期平均為16.8年;2.人文學引用文獻位置與特性:(1)人文學學門以論述型文獻為主;(2)人文學論述型文獻對於引用文獻使用頻率以本文部分最多,結論最少;(3)人文學使用內容註現象頻繁;3.人文學引用類型都是以「首次作品」類型為多;4.語言學與其他人文學學門之引用文獻特質有所差異。 本研究結果可應用於規劃圖書館或相關研究單位之館藏資源類型,了解人文學學者的學術資訊需求與特性,界定學門中重要的資料類型,以提供研究人員完善的資訊服務。同時可將研究分析結果應用於國內人文學引文資料庫之建置建議,提供人文學學者撰寫註釋與引用格式之相關資訊,用以作為資料庫建置人員之參考。 / Humanities, those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself. Via Taiwan Humanities Citation Index Core and Arts & Humanities Citation Index, this study select 2011 representative journals of five disciplines to analysis their citations, and explore and compare humanities citation type and characteristics as to observe humanities scholars’ citation behavior. The results are as follows: 1.The analysis of Citation and Reference in Humanities: (1) The humanities citation mostly refer to books except the discipline of language; (2) In addition to books and periodicals, the citation emphasis on dissertations and theses in the discipline of literature, philosophy and art, and History focuses on the use of files and newspapers; (3) The majority of citations were to Chinese materials; (4) The half-life of the cited journal in the humanities is average 16.8 years; 2. The position of citation in humanities literature and research features: (1)The ratio of describing research literature in humanities is higher;(2) Humanities scholars frequently use citations at the part of body, which seldom at the part of conclusion;(3) The content note usage in humanities is frequently phenomenon;3. The classification of citation in humanities is mostly “primary sources”; 4. The citation characteristics of Linguistics differ from other discipline of humanities. The results can be applied to planning the resource type to libraries or research units, realize the academic information needs and characteristics of humanities scholars, and defining important research sources to provide researchers complete information services. Meanwhile, the analysis can be used in proposals of building citation index database, providing scholars to write notes and citation format, and as the recommend for humanities’ database.

Informação estatística oficial produzida pelo IBGE : apropriação pela comunidade científica brasileira no período 2001 a 2009

Zanotto, Sônia Regina January 2011 (has links)
Caracterizar a apropriação da informação estatística oficial produzida pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) pela comunidade científica brasileira motivou a realização deste estudo quantitativo, baseado em técnicas bibliométricas e análise de citações. Foram analisadas 3.272 citações em 2.571 publicações científicas contidas na base de dados Web of Science (WoS) no período de 2001 a 2009. Com o uso do software Bibexcel e da planilha eletrônica Excel, os documentos citantes e citados foram analisados conforme as seguintes variáveis: áreas e temas das informações estatísticas produzidas pelo IBGE citadas; áreas do conhecimento dos pesquisadores que citam as informações estatísticas produzidas pelo IBGE; idioma dos documentos citantes; tipos de documentos citados e citantes; periódicos citantes; autores citantes; instituições dos autores citantes e país dos autores citantes. Os resultados apontaram que tanto a Estatística como a Geografia, as duas grandes áreas de assunto abordadas pelo IBGE, foram contempladas. O tema População foi o mais presente entre as publicações do IBGE citadas, e o Censo demográfico predominou, com 19,77% sobre as demais pesquisas citadas. A análise das áreas de conhecimento com base na classificação do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) revelou que não houve predomínio de uma área em relação às demais e que todas as nove áreas foram contempladas. O idioma predominante foi o inglês, com 61,96% dos documentos citantes analisados. O tipo de documento citante predominante foi o Artigo, com 91,40% sobre o total. E em relação ao tipo de documento citado, entre as publicações do IBGE, a categoria Monografia esteve presente em 52,35% das citações analisadas. Entre os periódicos citantes evidenciou-se 805 títulos diferentes, sendo 88,95% estrangeiros e 11,05% nacionais. Os periódicos mais citantes são nacionais. Os autores são predominantemente brasileiros (80,68%), pesquisadores de instituições de ensino e pesquisa. Nas instituições de filiação dos autores há a predominância das instituições nacionais, com 640 (58,82%) instituições, enquanto que as estrangeiras têm uma representação um pouco menor, com 442 (40,62%) instituições diferentes, e as instituições de abrangência internacional representam menos de 1%. Com base nos resultados apurados é possível concluir que as informações estatísticas são apropriadas pelos pesquisadores brasileiros provenientes de todas as áreas do conhecimento e que o método bibliométrico pode ser aplicado para o acompanhamento e a prospecção dessa apropriação. / The characterization of the appropriation of official statistical information, produced by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), by brazilian scientific community motivated this quantitative study, based on techniques of bibliometric and citation analysis. Were analyzed 3,272 citations in 2,571 scientific publications contained in the database Web of Science (WoS) for the period 2001 to 2009. Using the software Bibexcel and spreadsheet Excel, the citing and cited documents were analyzed according to the following variables: areas and subject of statistical information produced by the IBGE cited; areas of knowledge of the researchers who cited the statistical information produced by the IBGE; language of citing documents, types of documents citing, citing journals, citing authors, institutions and country of the citing authors. The results showed that both the Geography and Statistics, the two major subject areas addressed by the IBGE, were served. The subject Population was more present in 30.62% of the citations and the Censo demográfico predominated with 19.77% over other reported studies. The analysis of the knowledge areas, based on the classification of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), revealed no predominance of one area over others and that all nine areas were covered. The predominant language is English with 61.96% of citing documents analyzed. Regarding the type of document citing, articles are predominat, with a total of 91.40%. When the type of the document cited is analyzed, the category Monoghaph reach 52.35% of the citations analyzed. In relation to the citing journals were found 805 different titles, being 88.95% and 11.05% international and nacional respectively. The journals more citing are national. The authors are predominantly brazilians (80.68%), researchers from educational institutions and researchers. When analysed the author‟s institutional affiliation there is a predominance of national institutions with 640 (58.82%), followed by the foreign ones with 442 (40.62%) and different international institutions represent less of 1%. Based on the results it is possible to conclude that the statistical information are appropriated by Brazilian researchers in all areas of knowledge and the bibliometric method can be applied for monitoring and exploration of this appropriation.

Informação estatística oficial produzida pelo IBGE : apropriação pela comunidade científica brasileira no período 2001 a 2009

Zanotto, Sônia Regina January 2011 (has links)
Caracterizar a apropriação da informação estatística oficial produzida pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) pela comunidade científica brasileira motivou a realização deste estudo quantitativo, baseado em técnicas bibliométricas e análise de citações. Foram analisadas 3.272 citações em 2.571 publicações científicas contidas na base de dados Web of Science (WoS) no período de 2001 a 2009. Com o uso do software Bibexcel e da planilha eletrônica Excel, os documentos citantes e citados foram analisados conforme as seguintes variáveis: áreas e temas das informações estatísticas produzidas pelo IBGE citadas; áreas do conhecimento dos pesquisadores que citam as informações estatísticas produzidas pelo IBGE; idioma dos documentos citantes; tipos de documentos citados e citantes; periódicos citantes; autores citantes; instituições dos autores citantes e país dos autores citantes. Os resultados apontaram que tanto a Estatística como a Geografia, as duas grandes áreas de assunto abordadas pelo IBGE, foram contempladas. O tema População foi o mais presente entre as publicações do IBGE citadas, e o Censo demográfico predominou, com 19,77% sobre as demais pesquisas citadas. A análise das áreas de conhecimento com base na classificação do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) revelou que não houve predomínio de uma área em relação às demais e que todas as nove áreas foram contempladas. O idioma predominante foi o inglês, com 61,96% dos documentos citantes analisados. O tipo de documento citante predominante foi o Artigo, com 91,40% sobre o total. E em relação ao tipo de documento citado, entre as publicações do IBGE, a categoria Monografia esteve presente em 52,35% das citações analisadas. Entre os periódicos citantes evidenciou-se 805 títulos diferentes, sendo 88,95% estrangeiros e 11,05% nacionais. Os periódicos mais citantes são nacionais. Os autores são predominantemente brasileiros (80,68%), pesquisadores de instituições de ensino e pesquisa. Nas instituições de filiação dos autores há a predominância das instituições nacionais, com 640 (58,82%) instituições, enquanto que as estrangeiras têm uma representação um pouco menor, com 442 (40,62%) instituições diferentes, e as instituições de abrangência internacional representam menos de 1%. Com base nos resultados apurados é possível concluir que as informações estatísticas são apropriadas pelos pesquisadores brasileiros provenientes de todas as áreas do conhecimento e que o método bibliométrico pode ser aplicado para o acompanhamento e a prospecção dessa apropriação. / The characterization of the appropriation of official statistical information, produced by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), by brazilian scientific community motivated this quantitative study, based on techniques of bibliometric and citation analysis. Were analyzed 3,272 citations in 2,571 scientific publications contained in the database Web of Science (WoS) for the period 2001 to 2009. Using the software Bibexcel and spreadsheet Excel, the citing and cited documents were analyzed according to the following variables: areas and subject of statistical information produced by the IBGE cited; areas of knowledge of the researchers who cited the statistical information produced by the IBGE; language of citing documents, types of documents citing, citing journals, citing authors, institutions and country of the citing authors. The results showed that both the Geography and Statistics, the two major subject areas addressed by the IBGE, were served. The subject Population was more present in 30.62% of the citations and the Censo demográfico predominated with 19.77% over other reported studies. The analysis of the knowledge areas, based on the classification of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), revealed no predominance of one area over others and that all nine areas were covered. The predominant language is English with 61.96% of citing documents analyzed. Regarding the type of document citing, articles are predominat, with a total of 91.40%. When the type of the document cited is analyzed, the category Monoghaph reach 52.35% of the citations analyzed. In relation to the citing journals were found 805 different titles, being 88.95% and 11.05% international and nacional respectively. The journals more citing are national. The authors are predominantly brazilians (80.68%), researchers from educational institutions and researchers. When analysed the author‟s institutional affiliation there is a predominance of national institutions with 640 (58.82%), followed by the foreign ones with 442 (40.62%) and different international institutions represent less of 1%. Based on the results it is possible to conclude that the statistical information are appropriated by Brazilian researchers in all areas of knowledge and the bibliometric method can be applied for monitoring and exploration of this appropriation.

Variants of compound models and their application to citation analysis

Low, Wan Jing January 2017 (has links)
This thesis develops two variant statistical models for count data based upon compound models for contexts when the counts may be viewed as derived from two generations, which may or may not be independent. Unlike standard compound models, the variants model the sum of both generations. We consider cases where both generations are negative binomial or one is Poisson and the other is negative binomial. The first variant, denoted SVA, follows a zero restriction, where a zero in the first generation will automatically be followed by a zero in the second generation. The second variant, denoted SVB, is a convolution model that does not possess this zero restriction. The main properties of the SVA and SVB models are outlined and compared with standard compound models. The results show that the SVA distributions are similar to standard compound distributions for some fixed parameters. Comparisons of SVA, Poisson hurdle, negative binomial hurdle and their zero-inflated counterpart using simulated SVA data indicate that different models can give similar results, as the generating models are not always selected as the best fitting. This thesis focuses on the use of the variant models to model citation counts. We show that the SVA models are more suitable for modelling citation data than other previously used models such as the negative binomial model. Moreover, the application of SVA and SVB models may be used to describe the citation process. This thesis also explores model selection techniques based on log-likelihood methods, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). The suitability of the models is also assessed using two diagrammatic methods, randomised quantile residual plots and Christmas tree plots. The Christmas tree plots clearly illustrate whether the observed data are within fluctuation bounds under the fitted model, but the randomised quantile residual plots utilise the cumulative distribution, and hence are insensitive to individual data values. Both plots show the presence of citation counts that are larger than expected under the fitted model in the data sets.

Informação estatística oficial produzida pelo IBGE : apropriação pela comunidade científica brasileira no período 2001 a 2009

Zanotto, Sônia Regina January 2011 (has links)
Caracterizar a apropriação da informação estatística oficial produzida pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) pela comunidade científica brasileira motivou a realização deste estudo quantitativo, baseado em técnicas bibliométricas e análise de citações. Foram analisadas 3.272 citações em 2.571 publicações científicas contidas na base de dados Web of Science (WoS) no período de 2001 a 2009. Com o uso do software Bibexcel e da planilha eletrônica Excel, os documentos citantes e citados foram analisados conforme as seguintes variáveis: áreas e temas das informações estatísticas produzidas pelo IBGE citadas; áreas do conhecimento dos pesquisadores que citam as informações estatísticas produzidas pelo IBGE; idioma dos documentos citantes; tipos de documentos citados e citantes; periódicos citantes; autores citantes; instituições dos autores citantes e país dos autores citantes. Os resultados apontaram que tanto a Estatística como a Geografia, as duas grandes áreas de assunto abordadas pelo IBGE, foram contempladas. O tema População foi o mais presente entre as publicações do IBGE citadas, e o Censo demográfico predominou, com 19,77% sobre as demais pesquisas citadas. A análise das áreas de conhecimento com base na classificação do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) revelou que não houve predomínio de uma área em relação às demais e que todas as nove áreas foram contempladas. O idioma predominante foi o inglês, com 61,96% dos documentos citantes analisados. O tipo de documento citante predominante foi o Artigo, com 91,40% sobre o total. E em relação ao tipo de documento citado, entre as publicações do IBGE, a categoria Monografia esteve presente em 52,35% das citações analisadas. Entre os periódicos citantes evidenciou-se 805 títulos diferentes, sendo 88,95% estrangeiros e 11,05% nacionais. Os periódicos mais citantes são nacionais. Os autores são predominantemente brasileiros (80,68%), pesquisadores de instituições de ensino e pesquisa. Nas instituições de filiação dos autores há a predominância das instituições nacionais, com 640 (58,82%) instituições, enquanto que as estrangeiras têm uma representação um pouco menor, com 442 (40,62%) instituições diferentes, e as instituições de abrangência internacional representam menos de 1%. Com base nos resultados apurados é possível concluir que as informações estatísticas são apropriadas pelos pesquisadores brasileiros provenientes de todas as áreas do conhecimento e que o método bibliométrico pode ser aplicado para o acompanhamento e a prospecção dessa apropriação. / The characterization of the appropriation of official statistical information, produced by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), by brazilian scientific community motivated this quantitative study, based on techniques of bibliometric and citation analysis. Were analyzed 3,272 citations in 2,571 scientific publications contained in the database Web of Science (WoS) for the period 2001 to 2009. Using the software Bibexcel and spreadsheet Excel, the citing and cited documents were analyzed according to the following variables: areas and subject of statistical information produced by the IBGE cited; areas of knowledge of the researchers who cited the statistical information produced by the IBGE; language of citing documents, types of documents citing, citing journals, citing authors, institutions and country of the citing authors. The results showed that both the Geography and Statistics, the two major subject areas addressed by the IBGE, were served. The subject Population was more present in 30.62% of the citations and the Censo demográfico predominated with 19.77% over other reported studies. The analysis of the knowledge areas, based on the classification of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), revealed no predominance of one area over others and that all nine areas were covered. The predominant language is English with 61.96% of citing documents analyzed. Regarding the type of document citing, articles are predominat, with a total of 91.40%. When the type of the document cited is analyzed, the category Monoghaph reach 52.35% of the citations analyzed. In relation to the citing journals were found 805 different titles, being 88.95% and 11.05% international and nacional respectively. The journals more citing are national. The authors are predominantly brazilians (80.68%), researchers from educational institutions and researchers. When analysed the author‟s institutional affiliation there is a predominance of national institutions with 640 (58.82%), followed by the foreign ones with 442 (40.62%) and different international institutions represent less of 1%. Based on the results it is possible to conclude that the statistical information are appropriated by Brazilian researchers in all areas of knowledge and the bibliometric method can be applied for monitoring and exploration of this appropriation.

La didactique de la traduction - une étude scientométrique / Translation didactics – A scientometric study

Nasr, Maria 15 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse est une analyse scientométrique d’un corpus de 542 textes sur la didactique de la traduction publiés entre 1966 et 2009. L’objectif est de voir à travers une analyse des citations quels auteurs ont influencé ce domaine et quels sont les titres, les langues, les supports et les domaines de textes les plus cités. La plupart des auteurs les plus cités sont des traductologues non didacticiens. L’approche fonctionnaliste et l’approche linguistique de la traduction sont les courants de pensée les plus présents parmi ces auteurs dont l’influence est surtout théorique et méthodologique (méthodes d’enseignement). Les textes didactiques reflètent le poids des institutions européennes puisque la plupart des auteurs cités se trouvent sur ce continent. Les auteurs français sont cités presque uniquement par des auteurs du monde francophone alors que les germanophones les plus cités ont de l’écho auprès d’auteurs d’horizons variés. La plupart des écrits les plus cités sont des monographies de recherche traductologique publiées dans les années quatre-vingt dix par des enseignants et praticiens de la traduction. Les écrits les plus citées entre 1966 et 2005 sont des textes de recherche traductologique non didactiques alors que la période 2006-2009 est marquée par les textes didactiques sur la traduction non littéraire. Les articles d’ouvrages collectifs et de revues sont moins cités que les monographies et les auteurs citent davantage de textes anciens que récents. La majorité des textes cités sont écrits en anglais. Par ailleurs, les auteurs du corpus sont très influencés par les écrits traductologiques non didactiques et peu par des textes d’autres domaines. / This thesis is a scientometric study on 542 texts about translation didactics published between 1966 and 2009. The purpose is to investigate what authors have influenced this field and what texts, languages, types of media and disciplines are the most cited. Most cited authors are translation scholars who are not specialized in translation didactics. The functionalist and linguistic approach of translation are the most cited trends among the most cited authors. These authors are mostly cited for their theories and their teaching methods. Citing texts show the influence of European institutions, since most cited authors are affiliated in European countries. French authors are practically only cited by authors affiliated in French-speaking countries and the most influential German-speaking authors are cited by authors from various countries. The majority of most cited texts are monographs on translation studies published in the nineties by teachers and translators. The most cited texts between 1966 and 2005 deal with translation studies research (non-didactic texts) and the most cited texts between 2006 and 2009 are didactic texts on non-literary translation. Papers in collective books and journals are less cited than monographs. Authors also cite more ‘old’ texts than ‘recent’ texts (released more or less than five years after the publication of the citing text). Most cited texts are written in English and texts on translation studies (non-didactic texts) are a lot more cited than texts from other disciplines.

Využití bibliometrických metod na příkladě analýzy časopisu Československá psychologie / Using bibliometric methods for the analysis of Czechoslovak Psychology journal

Matička, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes bibliometric indicators and bibliometric methods and presents their potential practical application on the analysis of the Czech scientific journal Czechoslovak Psychology. The introduction provides a historical development of bibliometry, a scientific classification of bibliometry and presents some of the main thinkers in the field. The thesis then continues with the exploration of bibliographic methods and laws and sets them into wider context with the issue of current evaluation of scientific journals and the issue of the scientific work itself. The research deals with the scientific journal Czechoslovak Psychology and the subject of psychology is briefly presented to the reader. The practical part of the research focuses on the use of bibliometric methods in the qualitative analysis of data from Web of Science and Scopus citation databases, these registers are compared with each other. The conclusion presents the results from this bibliometric analysis and suggests recommendations for further bibliometric research.

西文資訊科學重要期刊引用文獻之研究 / Citation analysis of western journal literature on information science

許如玉, Hsu, Ju-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在學術傳播中,引用文獻揭示正式傳播的模式與學術影響,本研究是以1998年至2008年資訊科學重要期刊Information Processing and Management、Journal of Information Science及Journal of Documentation為研究對象,利用引用文獻分析法,分析近年來資訊科學引用參考文獻之情形,以瞭解資訊科學學門研究的學科及主題範疇。 研究結果發現,西文資訊科學期刊引用參考文獻的類型以期刊為主,圖書與會議文獻次之。在文獻分布方面,並不完全符合布萊德福與布萊德福─齊夫定律,其核心期刊主題以資訊科學及圖書資訊學為主,僅有兩種期刊偏向電腦科學。參考文獻引用的學科以圖書資訊學門為主,此外更涉及科學、社會科學及科技學門,著重於數學、電腦科學;科學總論;工業、土地用途、勞工;一般語言學;電機、電子、核子工程、電腦硬體;科技總論等。在期刊引用的學科範疇偏向圖書資訊學門及電腦科學,然而在圖書引用方面,圖書資訊學所佔比例未如同在期刊引用,且對於社會科學的引用比例亦提高許多。 深入分析圖書資訊學相關圖書與期刊的主題,發現重要議題包含:機械化(電腦)資訊檢索及書目控制、圖書館學與資訊科學、索引摘要、編目、各類型圖書館、參考服務、圖書館資訊網路、電子資源等。而圖書資訊學文章熱門研究主題有:搜尋、線上資訊檢索、資訊工作、全球資訊網、資訊儲存與檢索、主題索引法、技術服務、資訊尋求行為、評估及研究、引文分析、書目計量學、資訊科學、使用者調查等。 本研究結果可應用於館藏規劃與評估,界定重要的期刊與圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估資訊科學相關館藏是否足以支援研究。同時可將研究之分析應用於資訊科學學術研究,提供研究人員近年來資訊科學引用學科之變化及研究主題趨勢等相關資訊,作為資訊科學學者進行研究規劃之參考。 / As an artifact of scholarly communication, citations reveal formal communication patterns and scholarly impact. By Citation Analysis, this study explores the related disciplines and subjects with Information Science through investigating the important Information Science journals: Information Processing and Management, Journal of Information Science, and Journal of Documentation during the period 1998 to 2008. Results show that the main documentation type of Information Science citation is journal, and followed by book and conference. The distribution of Information Science citation does not exactly fit Bradford’s Law and Bradford-Zipf Law. Of the citation, the chief field of core journals is Information Science and Library & Information Science; only two core journals are about Computer Science. The primary discipline of citation is Library & Information Science. However, it also involves with Science, Social Science, and Technology, such as Mathematics, Computer Science; General Science; Industries, Land use, Labor; General Philology and Linguistics; Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Nuclear Engineering, Computer Hardware; General Technology and so on in particular. From further examination of subjects of the cited Library & Information Science journals and books, some important topics are found: Machine Methods of Information and Retrieval, Mechanized Bibliographic Control; Library Science, Information Science; Indexing and Abstracting; Cataloging; Classes of Libraries; Reference Services; Library Information Networks; Electronic Information Resources and so on. On the other hand, popular research subjects of the cited Library & Information Science journal articles are Searching, Online Information Retrieval, Information Work, World Wide Web, Information Storage and Retrieval, Subject Indexing, Technical Services, Information Seeking Behavior, Evaluation, Research, Citation Analysis, Bibliometrics, Information Science, User Surveys, etc. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection planning and assessment, and identify the core journals and books. It assists libraries or information centers in evaluating the adequacy of Information Science collections to support research. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with recent trends of Information Science research.

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