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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Increasing e-government adoption by emphasizing environmental sustainability: an extended case study in Peru

Pérez Chacón, Sebastián Ramón, Rodriguez Vilchez, Jose Luis, Cabrera Berrios, Jorge Antonio, Raymundo Ibañez, Carlos Arturo, Mauricio, David Santos 01 January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: Low citizen adoption rates jeopardize the success and proliferation of e-government systems. This study aims to understand how the perception of environmental sustainability (ES) can influence a citizen’s intention to use e-government systems. Design/methodology/approach: In a case study in Peru, the technology acceptance model (TAM) adoption model is extended with the construct of ES and evaluated with structural equation modeling. An 18-element, in-person survey was constructed and administered to citizens of Lima, Peru who had prior exposure to e-government systems. Findings: The results show that citizens can be positively influenced to adopt e-government systems if they perceive that doing so will contribute to ES. Research limitations/implications: As this was a preliminary study, further research should focus on specific, as opposed to general, e-government systems, as well as encompassing a broader cross section of the population. Practical implications: Administrators of e-government initiatives can consider public-interest factors, alongside of the common self-interest factors, when looking to improve adoption rates of e-government systems. Originality/value: This is the first time that TAM has been extended with the construct of ES.

Citizen Perception of Private Security Guards in Malmö

Bengtsson, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Trots en markant ökning av vaktpersonal i privat regi under de senaste decennierna finns det inte mycket empirisk forskning om allmänhetens uppfattning av väktare. I detta arbete undersöks malmöbornas tillit till och tillfredställelse med väktare och syftet med studien är att får en inblick i allmänhetens inställning till vaktpersonal. Enkäter delades ut i Malmö med frågor angående upplevd tillit till väktare, tillfredställelse med väktare samt frågor om respondenternas uppfattning av väktares professionalitet, ansvarskyldighet, framställning och artighet. Urvalet bestod av 78 respondenter och resultaten tyder på att den allmänna uppfattningen av vaktpersonal är mer positiv än negativ. Upplevd professionalitet hos väktare påverkade tillit till väktare och upplevd artighet hos väktare påverkade tillfredställelse med väktare. Hur man upplevt väktares beteende vid personlig kontakt visade sig påverka uppfattningen av både tillit till och tillfredställelse med vaktpersonal. Studier om allmänhetens uppfattning av vaktpersonal kan användas i utbildande syfte för vaktbolag för att påverka väktares beteende och agerande mot allmänheten. Ökad kännedom av allmänhetens inställning till vaktpersonal är även relevant för politiker i deras ställningstagande av framtida reglering av den privata säkerhetsindustrin. / Despite the rapid increase in private security guards in recent decades, little is known about citizens’ perception of security guards. In this paper citizens’ trust and satisfaction with security guards is assessed. The aim of the study is to get an insight into citizens’ perception of private security guards in Malmö. Paper and pencil surveys were distributed in Malmö with questions regarding perceived trust and satisfaction with security guards and about security guards’ professionalism, accountability, imagery, and civility. The sample consisted of 78 respondents and the findings suggest that the overall perception of security guards was more positive than negative, however, the results were largely mixed. Perceived professionalism predicted satisfaction with security guards and perceived civility predicted trust in security guards. Also, security guard behavior while interacting with the public was a strong predictor of both trust and satisfaction with security personnel. Results from this study and similar studies can be used by private security organizations to educate staff in order to improve the public perception of security guards. It may also be useful for policy makers in order to make more educated decisions about future regulation of the private security industry.

Gestión turística municipal percibida por el ciudadano del distrito de Lagunas, Mocupe 2021

Vargas Urbina, Alexis Eduardo January 2024 (has links)
La planificación turística constituye un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de la actividad turística pues garantiza la correcta integración del turismo en la economía, en la sociedad, la cultura y medio ambiente local, por eso la importancia de conocerlo, estudiarlo y mejorarlo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la percepción que tienen los ciudadanos sobre la gestión turística municipal del distrito de Lagunas en la ciudad de Mocupe. El estudio fue de nivel descriptivo, de tipo aplicado, no experimental y transversal. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 184 personas para medir la planificación turística, el recurso humano, la unidad de turismo y las alianzas públicas privadas; se estableció una medida a través de la baremación y se aplicó la estadística descriptiva para el análisis de los resultados. Se pudo hallar según las respuestas de los encuestados que los recursos humanos tienen el nivel más bajo de todos, seguido y la planificación de las actividades un nivel medio aceptable. Finalmente se pudo concluir que la percepción de los ciudadanos sobre la gestión turística municipal del distrito de Lagunas Mocupe, es regular, y que el principal problema se da en el área turística por la poca eficiencia del trabajo, dejando una reflexión poco alentadora en la gestión actual, motivo de ello, poco o nulo crecimiento económico en la zona. / Tourism planning is a fundamental pillar for the development of tourism activity as it guarantees the correct integration of tourism in the economy, society, culture and local environment, hence the importance of knowing it, studying it and improving it. The objective of the study was to determine the perception that citizens have about the municipal tourism management of the Lagunas district in the city of Mocupe. The study was descriptive, applied, non-experimental and cross-sectional. A questionnaire was applied to 184 people to measure tourism planning, human resources, the tourism unit and public-private partnerships; a measure was established through the scale and descriptive statistics were applied for the analysis of the results. It was possible to find according to the responses of the respondents that human resources have the lowest level of all, followed by the planning of activities, an acceptable average level. Finally, it was possible to conclude that the perception of the citizens about the municipal tourism management of the Lagunas Mocupe district is regular, and that the main problem occurs in the tourism area due to the low efficiency of the work, leaving a not very encouraging reflection on the management. reason for this, little or no economic growth in the area.

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