Spelling suggestions: "subject:"citizens rights"" "subject:"sitizens rights""
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When is a Partner not a Partner? Conceptualisations of ‘Family’ in EU free movement LawGuth, Jessica 2011 October 1914 (has links)
Yes / This paper considers the definitions of spouse, civil partner and partner in European Union free movement of persons law in order to question the EU’s heterocentric approach to defining ‘family’ in this context. It argues that the terms ‘spouse’ should include same sex married partners to ensure there is no discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. It further highlights the problems created by basing free movement rights of civil partners on host state recognition of such partnerships. This approach allows Member States to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation and is therefore not compatible with EU equality law in others areas. The position of unmarried or unregistered partners is also considered. In particular the paper examines the requirement of a duly attested durable relationship and its impact on same-sex partners wishing to move from one Member State to another. The paper argues that it is time to reconsider the law in this area and bring it in line with the EU’s commitment to eliminate discrimination on several grounds including sexual orientation.
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Los recursos administrativos en Cuba : fundamentos teoricos de su regimen juridico / Les recours administratifs à Cuba : fondements Théoriques de leur Régime Juridique / Administrative remedies in Cuba : theoretical grounds of their legal regimRichards Martinez, Orisell 02 March 2016 (has links)
La thèse entend établir les fondements théoriques des recours administratifs en tenant compte des présupposés liés au contrôle de l'administration sur elle-même et à la garantie des droits des administrés. Elle confronte ensuite ces fondements à la situation juridique en vigueur aujourd'hui à Cuba, et propose des réformes pour rendre la réglementation cohérente avec ces présupposés théoriques. / This thesis aims to establish the theoretical grounds for administrative remedies, taking into account the presuppositions deriving from the control of public administration by itself, and the protection of citizen's rights. It faces those grounds with the actual legal organisation in Cuba, and propose reforms with the purpose to let the legal regulation be consistent with these theoretical grounds.
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Informační vzdělávání v české republice / Information Education in the Czech RepublicDombrovská, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Dombrovská, M. Informační vzdělávání v České republice (Information Education in the Czech Republic). Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví, 2017. Disertační práce. Vedoucí disertační práce doc. PhDr. Rudolf Vlasák. Abstract This doctoral thesis investigates information science, public policy, and law, via established system theory, to uncover how information education, and particularly information literacy, can be better developed in the Czech Republic. The theoretical focus is on concepts of information literacy, information education, and information competencies. This is complemented with case studies, investigating existing policies through grounded theory. The novel contributions to knowledge arising from this research are: (1) a new three-wave staged model of the evolution of literacies; (2) a promising methodology for creating and implementing effective literacy policies respecting these three waves; (3) three specific proposals, grounded in constitutional rights and obligations, for overcoming the lack of political and public interest in further developing information literacy at a national level. Keywords: literacy, information literacy, information education, access to information, human rights, citizens' rights and duties
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Perverse state formation and securitized democracy in Latin AmericaPearce, Jenny V. January 2010 (has links)
Two key themes of this special issue are: how violence challenges democracy and how democratic politics might, over time, diminish violence. This paper explores how violence(s) embedded in Latin America's state formation process are multiplied rather than diminished through democratization, generating a securitizing logic which fundamentally distorts democratic principles. Known for its high levels of historic violence(s), Latin America today is second only to Southern Africa in levels of homicide in the world. Some see contemporary violence in the region as a rupture from the past: ‘new violence’ characterized by its urban and social nature in contrast to the rural and political nature of the past. Violence, however, has a reproductive quality, by which it is transmitted through space as well as time. This article argues that rather than reflecting a rupture with the past, violence in Latin America has merely accelerated its complex reproduction in many forms across (gendered) spaces of socialization. The paradox is that the proliferation of this violence has occurred alongside democratic transitions. Although the state is not directly responsible for all the violence which is taking place, this article argues that in many countries it is the very trajectory of the state-formation process which has facilitated this rapid reproduction of violence. I call this process ‘perverse’. Democracy is increasingly subject to the fears and insecurities of the population, enabling the state to build its authority not on the protection of citizens' rights, but on its armed encounters and insidious collusions with violent actors in the name of ‘security provision’. Categories of people become non-citizens, subjected to abuse by state, para-state and non-state violent actors. If this process continues, democracy will ultimately be securitized.
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Притужбе грађана као облик контроле рада полиције / Pritužbe građana kao oblik kontrole rada policije / Citizens’ Complaints as Form of the Control of Police WorkBikarević Darko 29 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања ове дисертације су притужбе грађана против полицијског<br />службеника ако сматра да су му незаконитом или неправилном радњом полицијског<br />службеника повређена права или слободе, односно притужбени поступак који се<br />спроводи у Министарству унутрашњих послова, у циљу утврђивања тачног чињеничног стања и предузимања мера одговорности према полицијском<br />службенику, за кога се утврди да је повредио права и слободе грађана.</p><p>Основни циљ истраживања предметне проблематике је у функцији утврђивања<br />целисходности вођења притужбеног поступка са позиције грађана, који се<br />притужује да су му повређена права или слободе. Други циљ је приказивање значаја<br />улоге коју има контрола рада полиције путем решавања притужби на заштити и<br />остварењу људских права и слобода, као и да се са проблемски орјентисаног аспекта сагледа начин вођења притужбеног поступка и презентују одређене тешкоће и специфичности које отежавају његово спровођење, уз предлагање мера за њихово<br />превазилажење.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije su pritužbe građana protiv policijskog<br />službenika ako smatra da su mu nezakonitom ili nepravilnom radnjom policijskog<br />službenika povređena prava ili slobode, odnosno pritužbeni postupak koji se<br />sprovodi u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova, u cilju utvrđivanja tačnog činjeničnog stanja i preduzimanja mera odgovornosti prema policijskom<br />službeniku, za koga se utvrdi da je povredio prava i slobode građana.</p><p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja predmetne problematike je u funkciji utvrđivanja<br />celishodnosti vođenja pritužbenog postupka sa pozicije građana, koji se<br />pritužuje da su mu povređena prava ili slobode. Drugi cilj je prikazivanje značaja<br />uloge koju ima kontrola rada policije putem rešavanja pritužbi na zaštiti i<br />ostvarenju ljudskih prava i sloboda, kao i da se sa problemski orjentisanog aspekta sagleda način vođenja pritužbenog postupka i prezentuju određene teškoće i specifičnosti koje otežavaju njegovo sprovođenje, uz predlaganje mera za njihovo<br />prevazilaženje.</p> / <p>The subject of the research of this thesis are citizens’ complaints against police officers if they deem that their rights or freedoms have been violated as a result of illegal or irregular work of a police officer, i.e. complaint procedure that is conducted in the Ministry of Interior in order to determine the facts and take measures against the police officer who has violated rights and freedoms of a citizen.</p><p>The main goal of the research of the subject issue is to determine the purpose of conducting the complaint procedure from the position of a citizen, who complaints that his or her rights or freedoms have been violated. The second goal is to show the role that the control of the police work by resolving complaints has in protecting and achieving human rights and freedoms, as well as reviewing, from a problem-solving aspect, the manner of conducting the complaint procedure, and to showcase certain difficulties and characteristics that hinder its implementation,</p>
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Lideranças e movimentos sociais no cenário sociopolítico da cidade de São Paulo: experiências coletivizadas no Observatório dos Direitos do Cidadão entre os anos 2001 e 2009Soares, Giselle Silva 18 May 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research investigates the performance of social movements and their relationship with the democratization of Brazilian social life, considering the sociopolitical landscape of São Paulo city and as a hub for this research, the participation involving of social leaders in the Observatory of Citizens' Rights. The aim is to examine the social relations created between the social leaders and the training process that is established from such participation. The research refers to the main features of social policies in the areas of social assistance, child and adolescent, housing and health during the first democratic administrations of Sao Paulo city, after the dictatorial period, the line of action of social movements in the mentioned areas , the period from 2008 to 2009, beyond to present the perception of social leaders, enabling the participation on Observatory of Citizens' Rights as an experiment collectivized capable of generating a training process with relevant learning the realization of popular participation and strengthening the democracy in Brazilian society / O presente trabalho aborda a atuação dos movimentos sociais e sua relação com a redemocratização da vida social brasileira, tomando como eixo de análise o cenário sociopolítico da cidade de São Paulo e como eixo de investigação a participação de lideranças sociais no Observatório dos Direitos do Cidadão. Busca-se examinar as relações sociais constituídas entre as lideranças sociais, bem como o processo formativo que se estabelece a partir desta participação. A pesquisa desenvolvida faz referência às principais características das políticas sociais nas áreas da assistência social, criança e adolescente, habitação e saúde, durante as primeiras gestões democráticas da cidade de São Paulo, após o período ditatorial, e à linha de atuação dos movimentos sociais nas áreas referidas, no período de 2008 a 2009, além de apresentar a percepção das lideranças sociais. Tal contexto possibilitou identificar a participação no Observatório dos Direitos do Cidadão como uma experiência coletivizada, capaz de gerar um processo formativo com aprendizados relevantes à efetivação da participação popular e ao fortalecimento da democracia na sociedade brasileira
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Diskurzivní analýza politických postojů prezidenta České republiky Miloše Zemana a krajně pravicových politických stran / Discourse Analysis of Political Attitudes of the Czech President Miloš Zeman and far-right political partiesVocel, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The key research question of my diploma thesis deals with the problem of whether the President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman creates the same discourse as far-right political parties in the Czech Republic. The research concerns the social discourse surrounding the current migration crisis facing Europe. In this connection, there is a discourse analysis of the themes of migration, Islam, terrorism, external and internal actors. This research is conducted on the basis of the theory of binaries from Teun Van Dijk, which can be applied to a populist political style characterized by President Zeman and extreme right-wing political parties, among which are analyzed the Workers' Party of Social Justice, National Democracy, Dawn - the National Coalition, Freedom And Direct Democracy - Tomio Okamura and the Citizens' Rights Party. Research data is collected from President Zeman's official communications channels and political parties, including official websites and social networks. Based on a discourse analysis of their political views, it is possible to compare President Zeman and the extreme right-wing parties to each topic and to conclude whether they speak the same or differently about these themes.
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Občanství Evropské unie: práva občanů Evropské unie a jejich dopad na právní řád České republiky / Citizenship of the European Union: rights of EU citizens and its impact on the legal order of the Czech RepublicRůžek, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores content, purpose and impact of citizenship of the European Union. The European Union is an international organization that affects day-to-day lives of citizens of its Member States. From the beginning of its existence, the European Union (formerly the European Community) has always taken into consideration the interests of its Member States. As it has accrued more power while widening and broadening its competencies, it has made it possible for the European Union to tackle new problems. Eventually, in order to reduce democratic deficit participation of individual citizens became inevitable for the purpose of creation of a genuine link between individuals and the European Union, which helps to ensure its proper governance. Although some rights linked with citizenship had been already incorporated into the law of the European Union, citizenship of the European Union was embedded into the primary law of the European Union by the Maastricht Treaty. Entering into force on 1 November 1993, this represented a milestone for the quality of the relationship between the European Union and citizens of its Member States. Citizenship of the European Union, which is a citizenship sui generis, is characterised by its accessority and additionality to the citizenship of a Member State....
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