Spelling suggestions: "subject:"civic religion"" "subject:"divic religion""
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The articulation of Roman religion in the Latin historians Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus MarcellinusDavies, Jason Peter January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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O viva Rio e a construção de uma cultura da paz: cidadania, violência e paz na campanha do desarmamento de 2004 / Viva Rio and the construction of a culture of peace: citizenship, violence and peace in the disarmament campaign of 2004Suene dos Santos de Almeida 19 September 2007 (has links)
Na campanha do desarmamento organizada pela Organização Não Governamental Viva Rio - e realizada entre meados de 2004 e outubro de 2005, com o Referendo Sobre a Proibição do Comércio de Armas de Fogo no Brasil , os atores, discursos e práticas envolvidos na causa do desarmamento se voltavam, majoritariamente, a uma estratégia de apelo aos corações aos cidadãos de bem como forma de persuasão, atrelavam, de modo amplo, a defesa ao desarmamento à defesa à paz e ao combate à violência, e se concentravam, principalmente, na divulgação e promoção da campanha de entrega das armas. Para o debate em torno do Estatuto do Desarmamento e do Referendo, entretanto, novos atores entraram na disputa e começaram a ganhar visibilidade na esfera pública. Os atores engajados pelo "não" no Referendo acionaram aliados e seus discursos em prol de sua causa, recorrendo a elementos da moral e da religião na defesa da posse de armas como um direito inalienável dos cidadãos.Este trabalho reflete sobre as ações engendradas pelo Viva Rio em torno da questão do desarmamento desde sua fundação - com destaque para a Campanha do Desarmamento de 2004 -, discutindo a presença da religiosidade em suas iniciativas e a contribuição desta na constituição de noções de paz, violência e cidadania no espaço público brasileiro. Examina, ainda, de que modo estas noções fundamentaram a atuação pública do Viva Rio na construção de uma cultura da paz e ajudaram a compor um campo de parcerias e disputas no cenário nacional. / In the Campaign of the Disarmament organized by the Organization no Government Viva Rio - and accomplished between middles of 2004 and October of 2005, with the Referendum About the Prohibition of the Trade of Firearms in Brazil -, the actors, speeches and practices involved in the cause of the disarmament if they returned, for the most part, the a "appeal strategy to the hearts" to the "citizens of well" as persuasion form, they harnessed, in a wide way, the defense to the disarmament to the defense to the peace and the combat to the violence, and if they concentrated, mainly, in the popularization and promotion of the campaign of delivery of the weapons. For the debate around the Statute of the Disarmament and of the Referendum, however, new actors entered in the dispute and they began to win visibility in the public sphere. The actors engaged by the "no" in the Referendum they worked allies and their speeches on behalf of their cause, falling back upon elements of the morals and of the religion in the defense of the ownership of weapons as an inalienable right of the citizens. This work thinks about the actions engendered by Viva Rio around the subject of the disarmament from its foundation - with prominence for the Campaign of the Disarmament of 2004 -, discussing the presence of the religiosity in their initiatives and the contribution of this in the constitution of peace notions, violence and citizenship in the space Brazilian public. It examines, still, that way these notions based the public performance of Viva Rio in the construction of a culture of the peace and they helped to compose a field of partnerships and disputes in the national scenery.
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O viva Rio e a construção de uma cultura da paz: cidadania, violência e paz na campanha do desarmamento de 2004 / Viva Rio and the construction of a culture of peace: citizenship, violence and peace in the disarmament campaign of 2004Suene dos Santos de Almeida 19 September 2007 (has links)
Na campanha do desarmamento organizada pela Organização Não Governamental Viva Rio - e realizada entre meados de 2004 e outubro de 2005, com o Referendo Sobre a Proibição do Comércio de Armas de Fogo no Brasil , os atores, discursos e práticas envolvidos na causa do desarmamento se voltavam, majoritariamente, a uma estratégia de apelo aos corações aos cidadãos de bem como forma de persuasão, atrelavam, de modo amplo, a defesa ao desarmamento à defesa à paz e ao combate à violência, e se concentravam, principalmente, na divulgação e promoção da campanha de entrega das armas. Para o debate em torno do Estatuto do Desarmamento e do Referendo, entretanto, novos atores entraram na disputa e começaram a ganhar visibilidade na esfera pública. Os atores engajados pelo "não" no Referendo acionaram aliados e seus discursos em prol de sua causa, recorrendo a elementos da moral e da religião na defesa da posse de armas como um direito inalienável dos cidadãos.Este trabalho reflete sobre as ações engendradas pelo Viva Rio em torno da questão do desarmamento desde sua fundação - com destaque para a Campanha do Desarmamento de 2004 -, discutindo a presença da religiosidade em suas iniciativas e a contribuição desta na constituição de noções de paz, violência e cidadania no espaço público brasileiro. Examina, ainda, de que modo estas noções fundamentaram a atuação pública do Viva Rio na construção de uma cultura da paz e ajudaram a compor um campo de parcerias e disputas no cenário nacional. / In the Campaign of the Disarmament organized by the Organization no Government Viva Rio - and accomplished between middles of 2004 and October of 2005, with the Referendum About the Prohibition of the Trade of Firearms in Brazil -, the actors, speeches and practices involved in the cause of the disarmament if they returned, for the most part, the a "appeal strategy to the hearts" to the "citizens of well" as persuasion form, they harnessed, in a wide way, the defense to the disarmament to the defense to the peace and the combat to the violence, and if they concentrated, mainly, in the popularization and promotion of the campaign of delivery of the weapons. For the debate around the Statute of the Disarmament and of the Referendum, however, new actors entered in the dispute and they began to win visibility in the public sphere. The actors engaged by the "no" in the Referendum they worked allies and their speeches on behalf of their cause, falling back upon elements of the morals and of the religion in the defense of the ownership of weapons as an inalienable right of the citizens. This work thinks about the actions engendered by Viva Rio around the subject of the disarmament from its foundation - with prominence for the Campaign of the Disarmament of 2004 -, discussing the presence of the religiosity in their initiatives and the contribution of this in the constitution of peace notions, violence and citizenship in the space Brazilian public. It examines, still, that way these notions based the public performance of Viva Rio in the construction of a culture of the peace and they helped to compose a field of partnerships and disputes in the national scenery.
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A Gateway for Everyone to Believe: Identity, Disaster, and Football in New OrleansHaynes, Brandon D 06 August 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to analyze the dynamic processes of collective identity by examining the relationship between New Orleans and its professional football team, the Saints, after Hurricane Katrina. Much of the discourse written on American professional sports focuses on economic transactions between player and franchise or franchise and city. This study explores sports from a cultural perspective to understand the perceived social values provided to the host community. This case study spans the years from 2006 to 2013 and discusses several major events, including the Hurricane Katrina disaster, the reopening of the Superdome, the Saints winning a league championship and subsequent cheating scandal, and the city’s hosting of Super Bowl XLVII. Using a mixed-method approach of content analysis, in-person interviews, and participant observation, this research demonstrates how post-Hurricane Katrina events altered the collective identity in New Orleans. Additionally, it explores how the interaction of sports, identity, and ritual served to create a civic religion in New Orleans. Finally, the research examines the impact of this religious devotion on New Orleans’ tourist economy.
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Augustin historien. Recherches sur les méthodes historiques d'un évêque de l'Antiquité tardive / Augustine as an historian. Research on the historical methods of a bishop in late AntiquityRevel-Barreteau, Cécile 06 December 2014 (has links)
Héritier de la culture classique antique et ancien professeur de rhétorique, Augustin d'Hippone (354-430) est l'auteur d'une oeuvre vaste et variée où il s'illustre comme un théologien, philosophe, pasteur à la pensée originale et puissante. Il n'est pas connu cependant comme historien et n'est pas l'auteur d'ouvrages spécifiquement historiques. Pourtant, comme évêque africain et autorité intellectuelle reconnue de ses contemporains, il a été amené à s'engager dans des controverses pour lesquelles il a utilisé une argumentation historique construite avec rigueur.Les méthodes avec lesquelles Augustin rassemble et critique ses sources et interprète l'histoire sont étudiées à partir de la Cité de Dieu et des traités anti-donatistes. Elles sont analysées en fonction du contexte culturel antique, à l'aide des réflexions historiographiques contemporaines. De quelle façon Augustin répond-il aux exigences d'un travail historique lorsqu'il aborde l'histoire de Rome et de l'Église ?Les recherches ont été menées en trois étapes pour envisager tout d'abord Augustin comme historien de Rome et particulièrement de la République romaine, puis comme historien du rôle de la religion (païenne et chrétienne) à Rome, et enfin comme historien du schisme donatiste en Afrique. Ces axes d'études permettent d'approfondir l'analyse des méthodes d'Augustin et de mettre en valeur une progression, d'un travail accompli à partir de sources secondaires sur une époque éloignée, à un travail mené partir d'une documentation qu'il réunit lui-même sur l'histoire de l'Église de son temps. / Steeped in ancient classical culture and a former professor of rhetoric, Augustine of Hippo (354-430) is considered as a distinguished theologian, philosopher, and pastor, with original andpowerful thoughts. He is not known as a historian, and is not the author of historical works.However, as a bishop and an intellectual authority recognized by his contemporaries, he wasconducted to conduct controversies during which he used a rigorously built historicalargumentation.The way Augustine collects and criticizes his sources, and interprets history, are studied based onCity of God and anti-Donatist writings. These are analyzed taking account to ancient culturalcontext, and using contemporary historiographical approach. Does Augustin reach the historicalwork standard when he addresses the history of Rome and the Church ?The research was conducted in three stages ; first considering Augustine as an historian of Romeand especially of the Roman Republic, then as an historian of the role of pagan and Christianreligion in Rome, and finally as an historian of the Donatist schism in Africa. These steps revealthe progression of Augustine methods, from a work based on secondary sources dealing with anancient period, to a work conducted from documents that he personnally gathers on thecontemporary history of the Church.
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Les confréries d'Avignon. De la religion civique à l'identité urbaine (XIVe et XVe siècles) / The confraternities of Avignon. From civic religion to urban identity (14th and 15th centuries)Lv, Zhao 16 December 2017 (has links)
À la suite des catastrophes aux XIVe et XVe siècles et notamment de l’arrivée et du départ de la Cour pontificale, la population immigrée, d’origines diverses, devient la majorité des habitants d’Avignon. La communauté urbaine connaît des transformations à la fin du Moyen Âge. Après une déconstruction des définitions traditionnelles de la « religion civique » et de l’« identité urbaine », notre recherche, comptant sur la notion récente de « citadinité » et les sources manuscrites – les statuts des confréries, leurs registres de gestion et des comptes et les testaments d’Avignonnais –, explore comment les confréries forgent la religion civique et de quelle manière l’identité urbaine est marquée par les initiatives des citadins.Sous l’autorité de l’Église, les Avignonnais ont fondé presque une centaine de confréries aux XIVe et XVe siècles. Ces dernières groupent, généralement sans mettant de critère social, des citadins aux profils variés et assument des fonctions multiples qui favorisent l’intégration de leurs membres dans une vie urbaine. Le gouvernement de « simi-consulat » des confréries, ses correspondances avec le régime du gouvernement communal, provoque une citadinisation des habitants dans un niveau politique. La multiplicité des ressources et des dépenses entraîne les confréries dans l’économie de la ville. La dévotion collective, centrée sur le culte de(s) saint(s) patron(s) et la commémoration des morts, revèle la présence des communautés confraternelles dans la ville. Aux côtés des les charités vers l’extérieure, les groupements confraternels, grâce à un système efficace d’entraide, contribuent à l’installation des nouveaux arrivants et aident les Avignonnais à résister à la précarité de la vie urbaine. En pratiquant la moralisation et la punition, les confréries intègrent les individus dans leurs communautés et constituent des lieux de sociabilité dans lesquels la moralité personnelle et la paix avec les autres suscitent l’assimilation et la citadinisation. Grâce à la dévotion collective, les confréries ne nourrissent pas seulement une religion civique caractérisée par la diversité des cultes des saints, laquelle dote le temps urbain des rythmes variés. En suscitant des déplacements individuels et collectifs, elles étendent également les réseaux de sociabilité des individus et diluent les délimitations de l’espace urbain. Dans l’ensemble, les confréries, en façonnant les relations sociales entre les personnes et les liens entre les citadins et la ville, contribuent à la formation de la religion civique et de l’identité urbaine. / As the result of the catastrophes of the 14th and 15th centuries, especially with the arrival and the departure of the papal court, the immigrant population, from various origins, becomes the majority of the inhabitants of Avignon. The urban community undergoes the transformations at the end of the Middle Ages. After a deconstruction of the traditional definitions of "civic religion" and "urban identity", our research, relying on the recent notion of "citadinité" and the manuscript sources – the statutes of the confraternities, their administration registers, their account books and the testaments of Avignoneses – explores how the confraternities forge the civic religion and how the urban identity is marked by the initiatives of the city dwellers.Under the authority of the Church, the Avignoneses founded almost one hundred confraternities during the 14th and 15th centuries. They group, generally without any social criteria, the city dwellers with varied profiles and assume the multiple functions, which favor the integration of their members into an urban life. The government of "simi-consulate" of the confraternities, with correspondences to the regime of the communal government, promotes the citadinization of the inhabitants in the political dimension. The multiplicity of the resources and the expenses leads the confraternities into the city’s economy. The collective devotion, which is centered on the worship of the patron(s) saint(s) and the commemoration of the dead, reveals the presence of the fraternal communities in the city. Along with the charities to the external people, the fraternal groups, by means of an efficient system of mutual assistance, contribute to the settlement of newcomers and help the Avignoneses resist the precariousness of urban life.Practicing the moralization and the punishment, the confraternities integrate the individuals into their communities and constitute the places of sociability, in which the personal morality and the peace with others arouse the assimilation and the citadinization. Through the collective devotion, the confraternities nourish not only a civic religion characterized by the diversity of cults of saints, which endows the urban time with varied rhythms. By encouraging the individual and collective movements, they also extend the individuals’ social networks and dilute the boundaries within the urban space. Overall, the confraternities, who shape the social relationships between the people and the links between the city and its residents, contribute to the formation of the civic religion and the urban identity. / 发生在中世纪晚期的灾难以及教宗的到来与离开共同改变了阿维尼翁的人口结构,来自西欧各地的移民成为了城市居民中的大多数,城市共同体因此发生了变化。在对“城市信仰”和“城市认同”的传统定义进行一系列解构之后,这项研究依托于城市研究的新概念“市民性”,通过解读十四、十五世纪的原始档案手稿——兄弟会的会规、它们的管理记录和账簿、阿维尼翁人的遗嘱——,探讨中世纪晚期的城市居民如何通过兄弟会构建城市信仰,形成城市认同。在教会的监控下,阿维尼翁人在十四、十五世纪创建了大约一百个兄弟会。它们吸纳各种社会背景的城市居民成为成员,并承担了多项能够促进成员融入城市生活的职能。兄弟会中“类执政官”的管理制度与市政组织具有一定的相似性,促进了城市居民在政治层面的市民化。兄弟会收入和支出的多样性使它们成为了城市经济的重要参与者。以崇拜主保圣人和纪念亡魂为主要内容的集体性宗教活动向整个城市展示了兄弟会共同体的存在。除了组织面向外界的慈善救济活动,兄弟会还在共同体内部建立起了有效的互助体系,帮助新近移民对抗城市生活的不稳定性,有利于他们在阿维尼翁安居。通过道德教化和惩罚措施,兄弟会将背景不同的个人融入进了共同体中,并且形成了以“好名声”和“和为贵”为基本原则的社交场域,促进了城市居民间的同化与市民化。借助集体性的宗教活动,阿维尼翁众多的兄弟会孕育了一个以圣徒崇拜多样化为特点的城市信仰,赋予了城市时间更为复杂的周期性。此外,由于兄弟会调动了个人和集体在城市中的移动,它们不仅拓展了个人在城市空间中的社交网络,还一定程度上消弭了城市空间中的各种区隔。总之,兄弟会通过塑造城市居民的社会关系以及他们与城市的关系促进了城市信仰和城市认同的形成。
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