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Commentary on the Pseudonymous Letters of Aeschines (excluding Letter 10)Guo, Zilong January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to study the pseudonymous letters of Aeschines, all of which purport to give an account of his sojourn in exile. There is a strong consensus among scholars that all the letters are forgeries, and their date of composition tends to be located in the first few centuries CE on linguistic grounds. Embracing a variety of literary forms, these letters were probably composed by multiple hands and may for convenience be divided into three categories: Letters 2, 3, 7, 11, 12 imitate the ‘Demosthenic’ letters in a manner similar to the Hellenistic (and beyond) historical declamations and progymnasmata; Letters 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 come to us with features reminiscent of what German scholars would call Briefromane, or ‘epistolary novels’, and are normally deemed typical of the so-called Second Sophistic; and Letter 4 is a showpiece assuming the form of a Pindaric exegesis. The thesis consists of two parts. The first gives an extensive account of the letters, including their background, history of scholarship, and basic features, to seek to present the ‘forger’ and the text in their proper historical and cultural contexts. The second part, which constitutes the basis for the reflections developed in the first, provides a detailed commentary in thematic sequence. It begins with the ‘Demosthenic’ counterparts (Epp. 2, 3, 7, 11, 12), and stylistic comparisons are made throughout. The analysis of the fictional letters (Epp. 1, 5, 6, 8, 9) pays particular attention to their consistency of narrative and engagement with other literary genres. The commentary on Letter 4 foregrounds the Pindaric elements and completes the thesis. Letter 10 is discussed at sporadic points: it is a later attachment to the corpus and the erotic content is inconsistent with the ‘original’ forgeries. The overall focus of the thesis is on two overlapping aspects of Aeschines’ early reception in antiquity – as ‘the other orator’ beside Demosthenes and as inspiration for later rhetorical education. Existing studies, however, are more concerned with textual criticism and linguistic analysis and have left the letters almost unproductive in these respects: so Drerup (1904), Schwegler (1914), and, most recently, García Ruiz and Hernández Muñoz (2012). In his classic work Goldstein (1968) took the parallel passages in the pseudonymous letters as evidence for authenticating Demosthenes’ letters, and scholars are now able to take advantage of a more reliable reference when studying Ps.-Aeschines. Holzberg (1994), on the other hand, established a set of generic criteria for the Briefromane and has substantially changed the way we read Ps.-Aeschines: it is now possible to appreciate the literary value of the letters without scrutinising their authenticity. Yet both these studies tell us only half the story: while Goldstein left more remarks on the imitative counterparts of Demosthenes’ letters, Holzberg focused on the way the letters reflect the epistolary narrative. Following Rohde (1876/1960), moreover, it seems common sense to characterise the pseudo-historical tale as seen through the letters as a product of the ‘Second Sophistic’, though discoveries of new papyri, e.g. the Ninus romance c. first century BCE, undermined this assumption. My study is built on these investigations in an attempt to form the most extended analysis. The study of the ‘Demosthenic’ counterparts will contribute to a better understanding of Ps.-Aeschines’ intertextual engagement with Demosthenes and his successors, e.g. Ps.-Leosthenes (FGrH 105 F 6 = MP3 2496). It shows that Ps.-Aeschines owes a great deal to the culture of rhetoric and highlights his significance in the Nachleben of Attic oratory. As for the other letters, this thesis argues that they deserve some space in our accounts of the history of exilic, periegetic, and epinician literatures for contextualising a wide range of preexisting literary forms such as the Homeric Odyssey (Ep. 1) and Pindar’s victory odes (Ep. 4). As contingent by-products of the ‘Demosthenic’ counterparts, however, they seem to allow no confident judgement about generic consciousness, esp. the very notion of ‘novel’, and need to be approached as antedating the Imperial exponents. Contrary to the communis opinio, therefore, I attempt to move the date of composition forward to the late Hellenistic period, in which there was already ample encouragement for a sophist, as well as for his students, to write pseudonymous letters. The ‘traitors’ blacklist’ (Ep. 12.8–9) and the term for the Rhodian family of Diagoreans (Ep. 4.4) entertain this possibility inasmuch as both show marked affinities with the Hellenistic sources. Last but not least, the two coexisting, radically opposed interpretations of one’s civic orientation in exile will help us tackle the stability and change in the political cultures of the post-Classical era. My conclusion is that these letters hold a unique position as very early – and very illuminating – examples of how different literary, political trends were interwoven to make, and to remould, a Classic. It is hoped that this study may have done something to reappraise Ps.-Aeschines, who is, in all likelihood, a pre-sophisticated forerunner at a crossroads in the history of Greek literature.
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Finances publiques et richesses privées en Grèce aux époques classique et hellénistique / Public Finances and Private Wealth in Greece to the Classical and Hellenistic erasAka, Adou Marcel 14 June 2014 (has links)
La thèse relative au thème ‘‘finances publiques et richesses privées en Grèce aux époques classique et hellénistique’’ pose la problématique des relations et des corrélations entre les richesses privées et les finances publiques dans les cités et les royaumes du monde grec. Durant cette longue période, d’une part les richesses privées se constituèrent indépendamment des finances publiques par les rentes tirées de la location de certains biens, de l’exploitation minière, du commerce et des activités bancaires. En outre, par le travail intellectuel, la divination et le sport. D’autre part, les richesses privées se seraient formées aux dépens des finances publiques par la corruption et la malversation auxquelles les magistrats grecs se seraient adonnés lors de l’exercice de leurs charges. Les richesses qui furent ainsi constituées d’une manière ou d’une autre ne servirent pas seulement à l’usage privé. Elles servirent également aux finances publiques pour palier des pénuries financières, approvisionner en grain, financer des guerres, construire ou reconstruire des édifices, payer des tributs ou des rançons, faire des sacrifices, accomplir des ambassades et fournir de l’huile aux gymnases. Dès lors, les Etats grecs eurent recours à la contrainte par l’imposition du tribut, la pratique des confiscations et des prêts contraignants ainsi que la levée des taxes, des amendes et des impôts. Par ailleurs, les Etats grecs firent aussi appel à l’évergétisme des plus riches de leurs populations qui manifestèrent leur générosité lors des épidoseis, des prêts à souscription publique et des évergésies individuels. / Thesis on the theme '' public finances and private wealth in Greece in Classical and Hellenistic periods '' raises the issue of the relationships and correlations between private wealth and public finances in the cities and kingdoms of the Greek world. During this long period, on the one hand the private wealth were formed independently of public finances by rents from the leasing of certain assets, by mining, trade and banking. In addition, by the intellectual work divination and sport. On the other hand, private wealth would have formed at the expense of public finances by corruption and embezzlement that Greek judges would have indulged in the exercise of their charges. The wealth that were thus formed in one way or another did not serve only for private use. They also served the public finances to overcome financial shortages , grain supply , finance wars , build or rebuild buildings, pay tribute or ransom , make sacrifices , perform embassies and supplying oil to gyms . Therefore, the Greek states had recourse to coercive imposition of tribute, the practice of confiscation and binding and the removal of taxes loans, fines and taxes. Moreover, the Greek states also appealed to the evergetism of the richest people who demonstrated their generosity during épidoseis, public subscriptions’ loans and individual evergetisms.
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Représentations, fonctions et statuts des parents dans les lois grecques des époques archaïque et classique : analyse des documents épigraphiques / Functions and Statuts of Relatives in the Greek Laws from Archaic and Classical Eras : Study of the Epigraphical EvidenceLajeunesse, Maude 28 November 2014 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les rôles impartis aux parents et sur la façon dont ceux-ci étaient considérés dans les documents épigraphiques à caractère législatif (nomoi, psephismata, thesmoi) entérinés dans l’ensemble du monde grec aux époques archaïque et classique. Certaines de ces inscriptions concernent les affaires familiales à proprement parler : elles visaient à prévenir l’extinction des oikoi, mais également à endiguer les conflits entre parents. Ce sont notamment des lois funéraires ou encore des normes réglementant la succession. Les autres lois examinées dans le cadre de cette étude avaient pour objectif de contrôler la composition du corps civique. Il s’agit de règlements d’associations civiques, des décrets octroyant la citoyenneté, ou encore de lois prévoyant des privilèges ou des peines héréditaires. Dans l’ensemble des lois étudiées, ce sont les membres de la famille nucléaire, le père, la mère et leurs enfants, qui sont les plus souvent désignés, signe de l’intérêt porté par les législateurs au maintien de l’oikos, l’unité de base de la polis. Or, ces parents sont plus précisément nommés dans les lois à titre d’ascendants ou de descendants. Ainsi, les lois mentionnant les parents étaient d’abord destinées à assurer la préservation des lignages et, à travers eux, de la famille et du corps civique. C’est pourquoi les parents les plus fréquemment nommés dans les lois à l’étude sont les enfants et les descendants, héritiers d’un statut et d’un patrimoine qu’ils transmettraient à leur propre progéniture. Parce qu’ils tenaient une place essentielle dans la préservation des lignées, les enfants mineurs comme les femmes, épouses ou mères, tout en étant exclus du corps civique, avaient néanmoins un statut légal reconnu, même si leur capacité légale demeurait, elle, très limitée. Le père reste toutefois plus souvent nommé que la mère dans les lois, de même que le fils, parfois appelé à se substituer au père, est plus souvent nommé que la fille, qui est quant à elle essentiellement désignée comme sujet passif. Ceci témoigne du rôle-clé joué par l’homme, chef de l’oikos et représentant de sa famille au sein de la cité. Les collatéraux sont appelés à intervenir pour leur part lorsqu’il y a une rupture au sein de l’oikos, généralement à la mort d’un parent : ils se substituent alors au parent disparu ou apportent une assistance à leurs proches, parfois avec le concours des affins. Parmi les collatéraux, le frère, issu d’un oikos commun, mais surtout membre d’une même lignée paternelle, est le parent substitut privilégié. / This study intends to highlight how and why the relatives were named in the epigraphical legislative documents (nomoi, psephismata, thesmoi) from archaic and classical Greek cities. Some of these laws concern family matters, such as inheritance or funerals. These laws intended to prevent either the extinction of the oikos or conflicts between relatives, which could have disrupt the society. Other rules concern the regluation of the city by itself. These texts regulated the social and civic inclusion of the children and the wife (as a potential mother) or the exclusion of the descendants of subversive individuals. The relatives named in the laws are, for most of them, members of the same oikos : the father, the mother and their children. But these relatives are specifically named ascendants or descendants. The general interest of the lawgivers was actually the preservation of the lineages, conditio sine qua non for the maintenance of both the oikos and the polis as a whole. Therefore, children and descendants are the relatives most frequently designated in the protected documents. They are named as main heirs, who will further give the status and the heritage they have received to their own children. This thesis points out that minor children, as well as women (spouses or mothers), even if they were excluded from the citizenship, were recongnized by the law but they couldn’t really act legally. The man, as husband and father, remains more often mentionned in the laws, as he had a main role both in the oikos and in the polis. The same applies to the son, who could sometimes substitute for the father, whereas the daughter is always a passive suject in the laws. As for the collaterals, these relatives could intervene when a break occured in the oikos, mostly when someone died, sometimes with the family-in-law of the deceased. Within the collaterals, the brother, who comes from the same oikos but, most of all, who is a member of the same lineage, is designated to be the perfect substitute.
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Clio dans les romans grecs : l’Histoire chez Chariton et Héliodore / Clio in Greek Romances : History in Chariton and Heliodorus’ novelsRomieux-Brun, Élodie 06 December 2014 (has links)
Les références à l’Histoire sont très présentes dans le Roman de Chairéas et Callirhoé de Chariton (Ier siècle ap. J.-C.) et dans les Éthiopiques d’Héliodore (IVe siècle ap. J.-C.). Elles sont exprimées selon des modalités très variées. Les intrigues se déroulent à l’époque classique. Elles font allusion à un grand nombre d’épisodes et de personnages historiques. Les jeux d’intertextualité avec Hérodote et de Thucydide sont nombreux. Ces procédés font écho à des pratiques d’écriture courantes chez les orateurs. La souplesse de la forme romanesque, qui n’est pas encore codifiée, permet de mettre en scène une représentation du passé riche et innovante. Les démarches des deux romanciers sont différentes. Le Roman de Chairéas et Callirhoé met en scène une grande diversité de références au passé, donnant à lire un condensé de l’Histoire grecque de l'époque classique à Alexandre. Les jeux d’intertextualité avec l’œuvre de Thucydide suggèrent une réflexion sur la transformation de l’Athènes classique. Les échos à différents personnages historiques reflètent l’évolution des valeurs morales de l’époque classique à l’époque impériale. Se dessine ainsi, à travers les références historiques, une réflexion sur l’exercice du pouvoir, en lien avec les écrits des orateurs. Les Éthiopiques présentent des jeux d’intertextualité très élaborés avec les Histoires d’Hérodote. À travers ces échos, le romancier affirme la profonde innovation que constitue le genre romanesque. Les références à l’Histoire dessinent les contours d'un univers romanesque original, qui trouve sa place entre Histoire et légende. Elles expriment des enjeux politiques et moraux présents chez les orateurs. / References to history are frequent in the Greek novels Chaireas and Callirhoe, by Chariton (1th century AD), and Aithiopika, by Heliodorus (4th century AD.) These references take a variety of forms. The novels are set in the classical period, but they refer to a wide range of events and historical figures. They also feature rich intertextual engagement with the histories of Herodotus and Thucydides, in a way that recalls the allusive practices of contemporary orators. Thanks to the flexibility of the novel framework, which had not yet been codified, the authors represent the past in innovative, complex, and divergent ways. The Romance of Chaireas and Callirhoe, I demonstrate, exhibits a large variety of references to the past, giving a condensed summary of Greek history from the classical era to Alexander the Great. Echoes to Thucydides suggest thoughts on the transformation of Athens, while references to different historical figures reflect the change of moral values from the classical era to imperial times. The references to the past are linked to political thoughts, in connection with orators' discourses. The Aithiopika, by contrast, presents elaborate allusions to Herodotus Histories. Through these echoes, the novelist affirms the profoundly innovative capacity of the Greek novel as a genre. References to history, I conclude, draw the outlines of an original fictional universe, which finds its place between history and legend, and serve as a counterpoint to the political and moral frameworks developed in oratorical contexts.
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Rozpoznání hudebního slohu z orchestrální nahrávky za pomoci technik Music Information Retrieval / Recognition of music style from orchestral recording using Music Information Retrieval techniquesJelínková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
As all genres of popular music, classical music consists of many different subgenres. The aim of this work is to recognize those subgenres from orchestral recordings. It is focused on the time period from the very end of 16th century to the beginning of 20th century, which means that Baroque era, Classical era and Romantic era are researched. The Music Information Retrieval (MIR) method was used to classify chosen subgenres. In the first phase of MIR method, parameters were extracted from musical recordings and were evaluated. Only the best parameters were used as input data for machine learning classifiers, to be specific: kNN (K-Nearest Neighbor), LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis), GMM (Gaussian Mixture Models) and SVM (Support Vector Machines). In the final chapter, all the best results are summarized. According to the results, there is significant difference between the Baroque era and the other researched eras. This significant difference led to better identification of the Baroque era recordings. On the contrary, Classical era ended up to be relatively similar to Romantic era and therefore all classifiers had less success in identification of recordings from this era. The results are in line with music theory and characteristics of chosen musical eras.
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