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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The kinetics and thermodynamics of clay mineral reactions

Chermak, John Alan January 1989 (has links)
The diagenesis of rocks during burial occurs in response to changing temperature, pressure, and solution composition. Due to their geologic abundance, high surface area, and reactivity clay minerals are important participants in the diagenesis of clastic rocks. The kinetic and thermodynamic stability of clays is in general poorly understood. This dissertation research measured the rate of transformation of kaolinite to muscovite/illite and developed a method to estimate clay mineral thermodynamic stability. Clastic rock diagenesis is controlled by the rates of silicate mineral growth and transformation. Marine mudstones commonly contain large proportions of kaolinite which reacts during diagenesis to form muscovite/illite and/or chlorite. Batch reactor experiments were used to measure the reaction rate of 1.5 kaolinite + K⁺ = muscovite + H⁺ + 1.5 H₂O using the initial rate method and a fitted form of the integrated rate equation. Experiments were performed at temperatures ranging from 250° to 307°C with solutions of 0.5 - 2.0 m KCl. These results can then be extrapolated to diagenetic temperatures using the Arrhenius equation. ln addition, a technique was developed to estimate the ΔG<sub>f</sub>0 and ∆H<sub>f</sub>0 of silicate minerals. Silicate minerals have been shown to act as a combination of basic polyhedral units (Hazen 1985 and 1988). This work showed that their thermodynamic properties could be modeled as the sum of polyhedral contributions. A multiple linear regression model was used to find the contribution of the oxide and hydroxide components (gᵢ and hᵢ) to the ΔG<sub>f</sub>0 and ∆H<sub>f</sub>0 of a selected group of aluminosilicate minerals at 298 K. The ΔG<sub>f</sub>0 and ∆H<sub>f</sub>0 of other silicate minerals can be estimated from a weighted sum of the contribution of each oxide and hydroxide component (gᵢ and hᵢ). These results can be also used to estimate the ΔG<sub>f</sub>0 of silicate minerals at higher temperatures (up to =600 K) by using the equation, gᵢ(T)= hᵢ(298) - T((hᵢ(298)-gᵢ(298))/298) / Ph. D.

Fe(III) reduction in clay minerals and its application to technetium immobilization

Jaisi, Deb Prasad. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Miami University, Dept. of Geology, 2007. / Title from second page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references.

The influence of precipitated iron oxides on the surface properties of clays and soils

Sumner, Malcolm E. January 1961 (has links)
No description available.

Parameters affecting accuracy and reproducibility of sedimentary particle size analysis of clays

Van der Merwe, J. J. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aim of this study is to establish a standard procedure for all sedimentary particle size analysis methods specifically for clay minerals and mixtures thereof. Not only will it improve accuracy and reproducibility during clay size analysis, it will also secure comparability between different operators. As a start, all the apparatus-related parameters that can affect the accuracy and reproducibility were determined for the apparatus used, viz. the Sedigraph SOOOD. Thereafter, these parameters were kept constant, and the effects of potential material-related parameters were investigated one-by-one. First to be investigated were those parameters relating specifically to sample preparation. They were: grinding intensity, chemical dissolution of cementing materials, duration of prior soaking, salt content, centrifugal washing with polar organic liquids, deflocculant type and concentration, the effect of pH, ultrasonic time, and stirring during ultrasonic treatment. Then, the influence on accuracy and reproducibility of the physical and chemical parameters related to the suspension was determined. They were: the use of the viscosity and density of water to calibrate the apparatus in stead of those of the suspension liquid, hydrolysis of the deflocculant with suspension-ageing, and the effect of solid concentration on hindered settling. During this investigation a novel method was developed to enable faster and more accurate pycnometric density determinations. Next, the unique characteristics of clays, which can influence the results of sedimentary particle size analyses, were examined. Serious problems are encountered with the accuracy of the analyses of some clay types abundantly found in nature, viz. the smectites and mixed-layered clay minerals. Due to their swelling in water, and variations in the amounts of their crystal layers, they experience unpredictable changes in particle size. The latter is caused by the following external factors: clay type, humidity, type of exchange cation, electrolyte concentration, clay concentration, pH, deflocculant type and concentration, pressure history of the swell-clay suspension, and ageing of the suspension. The effect of each of them on the accuracy and reproducibility of the sedimentary particle size analysis of clays are investigated in detail. Another problem that influences the accuracy of the sedimentary methods is that owing to swelling, the densities of smectites and mixed-layered clays change by varying degrees when suspended in water. It is, however, impossible to pycnometrically determine the density of a swell-clay since it absorbs a part of the water used for its volume determination. To solve this problem, a novel method was devised to calculate swell-clay density. This method makes use of existing Monte Carlo simulations of the swelling mechanism of montmorillonite. During all sedimentary methods, an average clay density is normally used to calculate the particle size distribution of clay mixtures. However, if there is a large enough difference between the calculated average density and that of a component, then inaccurate results will be recorded. The magnitude of this effect was investigated for a few self-made clay mixtures, which consisted of different proportions of kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite. Based on all the above results, a practical approach to, and a standard methodology for all the sedimentary methods of particle size analysis of clay minerals are presented. Additionally, a condensed summary is provided in table-form, which contains the magnitudes of the errors associated with each of the parameters that were examined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n standaard prosedure daar te stel vir alle sedimentêre metodes van partikelgrootte analise, spesifiek vir gebruik met kleiminerale en mengsels daarvan. So 'n standaard prosedure sal die akkuraatheid en herhaalbaarheid van klei-analises verbeter, en die vergelykbaarheid tussen verskillende operateurs verseker. Aanvanklik is slegs die parameters bepaal wat die akkuraatheid en herhaalbaarheid van die gekose apparaat (Sedigraph 5000D) kan beïnvloed. Daarna is al hierdie parameters konstant gehou, en is die potensiële effekte van die moontlike materiaal-verwante parameters een na die ander ondersoek. Eerstens is die invloed van monstervoorbereiding op akkuraatheid en herhaalbaarheid bepaal. Verskillende parameters nl. maal-intensiteit, chemiese oplossing van sementerende materiale, sentrifugale wassing met polêre organiese vloeistowwe, tipe ontvlokker en konsentrasie, die effek van pH, ultrasoniese tyd en die effek van roer tydens ultrasonikasie is ondersoek. Vervolgens is die invloed op die akkuraatheid en herhaalbaarheid van die fisiese en chemiese parameters verwant aan die suspensie bepaal. Hierdie parameters was nl. die gebruik van die viskositeit en digtheid van water in plaas van dié van die suspensievloeistof, hidrolise van die ontvlokker tydens suspensieveroudering, asook die effek van vastestof-konsentrasie op belemmerde uitsakking. Gedurende hierdie ondersoek is ook 'n nuwe metode ontwikkel wat vinniger, en meer akkurate piknometriese digtheidsbepalings moontlik maak. Die unieke eienskappe van kleie wat die resultate van sedimentêre metodes van partikelgrootte analises kan beïnvloed, is volgende ondersoek. Tydens die analises van party kleie wat baie volop in die natuur voorkom, nl. die smektiete en menglaag-kleie, word ernstige akkuraatheids-probleme ondervind. Hul swelling in water, tesame met variasies in hul aantal kristal-lagies, veroorsaak onvoorspelbare verandering van hul partikelgroottes. Laasgenoemde word deur die volgende eksterne faktore veroorsaak: klei tipe, humiditeit, tipe uitruil-katioon, elektrolietkonsentrasie, kleikonsentrasie, pH, ontvlokker-tipe en konsentrasie, drukgeskiedenis van 'n swelklei-suspensie, en veroudering van die suspensie. Die effek van elk op die akkuraatheid en herhaalbaarheid van die sedimentêre partikelgrootte analises van kleie word in detail bespreek. 'n Verdere probleem wat die akkuraatheid van sedimentêre metodes beïnvloed, is dat wanneer smektiete en menglaag-kleie in water gesuspendeer word, hulle digthede in verskillende mates weens swelling verander. Dit is egter onmoontlik om die digtheid van swelkleie in water piknometries te bepaal, omdat swelklei 'n gedeelte van die water absorbeer wat gebruik moet word om die kleivolume mee te bepaal. Om hierdie probleem op te los, is 'n nuwe metode ontwikkelom die digtheid van swelkleie mee te bereken. Die metode maak gebruik van reedsbestaande Monte Carlo simulasies van die swelling van montmorillonite. Tydens alle sedimentêre metodes word normaalweg van 'n gemiddelde kleidigtheid gebruik gemaak om die partikelgrootte-verspreiding van kleimengsels mee te bereken. Indien die berekende gemiddelde digtheid egter genoegsaam met dié van 'n kleikomponent verskil, sal onakkurate resultate verkry word. Hierdie effek is ondersoek vir 'n paar selfgemaakte kleimengsels wat uit verskillende hoeveelhede kaoliniet, illiet, en montmorilloniet bestaan het. Laastens word 'n praktiese benadering en 'n standaard metode vir alle sedimentêre metodes voorgestel, wat gebaseer is op al die bogenoemde resultate. 'n Verkorte opsomming, met die groottes van die foute geassosieer met elke parameter wat ondersoek is, word laastens in tabelvorm verskaf.

Argilominerais da porção basal da formação Corumbataí (Bacia do Paraná) na região de Rio Claro/SP /

Ibrahim, Liliane. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Margarita Torres Moreno / Banca: Antenor Zanardo / Banca: André Sampaio Mexias / Banca: Viviane Carillo Ferrari / Banca: Sérgio Ricardo Christofoletti / Resumo: As rochas sedimentares da Formação Corumbataí (Neopermiano) afloram próximas à borda leste da Bacia do Paraná e na região de Rio Claro (SP) constituem importante fonte de matéria-prima para a indústria cerâmica regional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a gênese e a evolução dos argilominerais presentes nos litotipos de dois perfis posicionados estratigraficamente na porção basal da Formação Corumbataí. As amostras foram coletadas nas frentes de lavra das minerações Pieroni e Estrela Dalva, localizadas no Distrito de Assistência, município de Rio Claro (SP) e analisadas através de difração de raios X, espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X, microscopia ótica e granulometria por absorção de raios X. A aplicação de técnicas complementares na interpretação dos difratogramas, como decomposição de picos e elaboração de difratogramas calculados, permititu a identificação dos argilominerais individualizados e interestratificados e associá-los aos processos deposicional, diagenético, hidrotermal e intempérico que atuaram ao longo da evolução geológica da Bacia do Paraná. A assembléia dos argilominerais é constituída por illita 2M1, illita 1Md, clorita, illita/clorita, clorita/esmectita e esmectita. O politipo illita 2M1 dioctaédrico é predominante e constitui o único argilomineral detrítico. Os argilominerais illita 1Md, clorita e illita/clorita resultam de transformações provocadas pela atuação de fluidos termais originados a partir da intrusão dos magmas básicos na forma de diques e sills correlatos à Formação Serra Geral, de idade Eocretácea. O interestratificado clorita/esmectita constitui o registro do início da fase pós-hidrotermal. / Abstract: Corumbataí Formation (Neopermian) sedimentary rocks arise near of the East edge of Parana Basin and in Rio Claro region (SP) constitute important raw material source for the regional ceramic industry. The aim of this work is to show genesis and evolution of clay minerals of the litotypes of two minings stratigraphycally located in Corumbatai Formation basal zone. The samples were collected from Pieroni and Estrela Dalva minings, in Assistencia District, Rio Claro city (SP) and analysed by techniques of X-ray diffraction, chemical analysis, optical microscopy and grain-size distribution. Aplicattion of complementary techniques in difratograms analysis as peak decomposition and calculated patterns difratograms allowed individualized and interstratified clay minerals identification and associate them with deposicional, diagenetic, hidrothermal and weathering processes during Parana Basin geological evolution. Clay minerals assemblage includes illite 2M1, illite 1Md, chlorite, illite/chlorite, chlorite/smectite and smectite. The polytipe illite 2M1dioctahedral is the predominant detritic clay mineral. Illite 1Md, chorite and illite/chlorite are the result of transformation due to basic magmas intrusions as sills and dykes associated to Serra Geral Formation (Eocretaceous). The presence of smectite at the top litotypes is due to weathering processes, conditioned for Cenozoic sediments that recover Corumbatai Formation rocks. The results suggest that the superimposed hidrothermalism on these pelitic rocks from the eocretaceous intrusions related to Serra Geral Formation constitutes the main geologic process during pelitic rocks evolution, changing the previous features and preparing all the posterior mechanisms, including the weathering alteration. / Doutor


Kiran R. Bangari (5929499) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Dioxins and poly-chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) compounds are high priority organic pollutants which are similar in structure and well known for their toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistence in the environment. Dioxins and PCBs have a high affinity for certain types of clay minerals. However, the molecular mechanism for the observed high affinity of these compounds to clay minerals is not well understood and has been the main focus of this research work. The mechanisms that govern dioxin-clay and PCB-clay interactions were investigated from two perspectives. First, the influence of selected properties clay minerals on dioxin sorption was investigated via in-situ spectroscopic techniques (ATR-FTIRand Raman) structural (XRD) and macroscopic batch sorption methods using dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD) as a model solute. Second, the influence of solute properties, especially position and degree of chlorination and molecular planarity, on sorption was investigated.</p> <p> Smectites, especially, Cs-saponite effectively adsorbs dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD) from water with values reaching 10,000 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>, or one weight percent which greatly exceeds that by other naturally occurring sorbents such as soil organic matter. Adsorption was promoted by clay interlayer exchangeable cations with low hydration energies, and by smectites in which negative charge in the smectite originate from the tetrahedral siloxane sheets. IR-active bands of DD sorbed to saponite in the 1280 to 1500 cm<sup>-1 </sup>region were perturbed compared to the ‘reference’ IR spectra. Combined batch sorption, XRD and spectroscopic data confirm that the intercalation of DD occurred in the clay interlayer and site specific interactions occur between DD molecule and Cs<sup>+</sup> cation. </p> <p> Sorption of 1-chloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (1-ClDD) and 2-chloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (2-ClDD) on homoionic (Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, Rb<sup>+</sup>, and Cs<sup>+</sup>) smectites was evaluated to explore the effect of chlorine substitution position (and steric hindrance) of dioxin on sorption mechanisms. Similar to DD, adsorption was influenced by the hydration energy of exchangeable cations and the origin of negative charge in the smectite. XRD measurements revealed that 1-ClDD molecules were oriented nearly parallel to the siloxane surface of the clay while 2-ClDD adopted a tilted orientation, similar to DD. The location of the chlorine constituent in 1-ClDD prevents the molecule from its apparent energetically more favorable orientation. In-situ ATR-FTIR spectra revealed that sorption of 1-ClDD to Cs-saponite resulted in the loss of interfacial H<sub>2</sub>O and suggested that the sorption 1-ClDD displaces interlayer H<sub>2</sub>O and 2-ClDD is less sterically restricted in the clay interlayer. </p> <p> Sorption of three dioxins (DD, 1-ClDD and 2-ClDD) was compared to three PCBs (PCB-1, PCB-4, and PCB47) with similar octanol-partition coefficients (log K<sub>ow</sub>) but varying molecular planarity and degree of chlorination onto Cs-saponite, which was shown to be representative of other smectites, revealed that despite having similar structure and hydrophobicity, dioxins have higher affinity for smectites than PCBs. Sorption studies also showed that sorption of PCBs is influenced by molecular planarity and hydrophobicity. Polarizability and dipole-moment were identified as important solute properties that affect the sorption behavior of dioxins and PCBSs. Linear relationships between these properties and log K<sub>f</sub>’(subcooled liquid solubility normalized Freundlich sorption coefficient) values suggest that high sorption affinity of planar dioxins could be due to a combination of <i>Van der Waals</i> interactions with the siloxane surface, steric effects, and site-specific interactions between dioxin and exchangeable cations. In contrast, the sorption of PCBs was highly influenced by their molecular orientation.</p>

"Aplicação da difração e flourescência de raios-X (WDXRF): ensaios de argilominerais" / APPLICATION OF X–RAY DIFFRACTION AND FLUORESCENCE (WDXRF): CLAY MINERALS TEST

Scapin, Marcos Antonio 12 December 2003 (has links)
Os argilominerais são elementos estruturais do solo multiplamente aplicados segundo suas propriedades. A caracterização desse material se faz cada vez mais necessária por fatores tecnológicos, ambientais, ecológicos e legais. Neste âmbito disponibilizar uma metodologia rápida, segura e eficiente é especialmente relevante. Neste trabalho são descritos dois procedimentos, o primeiro para identificar os argilominerais encontrados em solos argilosos por difração de raios X e o segundo para determinar quantitativamente os macro e micro constituintes da argila por fluorescência de raios X (WDXRF), aplicando-se o método de parâmetros fundamentais, que, não utiliza curvas de calibração. Esses procedimentos foram aplicados em cinco amostras de solo cedidas por uma empresa de médio porte, localizada em Ipube, Pe. Os resultados por difração de raios X mostraram a predominância dos argilominerais caulinita e ilita, os quais, foram confirmados por meio das análises quantitativas dos elementos majoritários por fluorescência de raios X. Os resultados para os elementos minoritários foram comparados com os valores orientadores para solo publicados pela CETESB. / Clay minerals are structural elements of soil applied in agreement with its properties. The characterization of this material has been necessary for technological, environmental, ecological and legal factors. In this scope to make possible a fast methodology, safe and efficient is especially important. In this work two procedures are described, the first to identify the clay minerals found in loamy soils by x-ray diffraction and the second determine quantitative constituent macro and micro of the clay by x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF), applied the fundamental parameters method, that, it doesn't use calibration curves. Those procedures were applied in five soil samples given by a company of little, located in Ipube, Pe. The results by x-ray diffraction showed the predominance of the clays minerals kaolinite and illite, the ones which, they were confirmed by means of the quantitative analyses of the majority elements by x-ray fluorescence. The results for the minority elements they were compared with the values reference for soil published by CETESB.

Celadonita em basaltos da Província Magmática do Paraná, região do alto Uruguai, RS

Tolotti, Caroline Dornelles Kern January 2018 (has links)
Os derrames da Formação Serra Geral fazem parte de uma grande província ígnea continental situada no sul do Brasil e em parte do Uruguai, Paraguai e Argentina, são portanto muito bem conhecidos e estudados, no entanto as pesquisas geralmente são voltadas para os minerais primários da rocha, excluindo os argilominerais que são considerados como produtos de alteração. Este trabalho é um estudo voltado para a caracterização e entendimento dos argilominerais presentes em basaltos da Formação Serra Geral na região situada entre os municípios de Frederico Westphalen, Iraí, Caiçara, Ametista do Sul e Planalto. Os derrames da região foram contabilizados e estudados através de um levantamento em perfiís de estradas, onde um dos deles foi escolhido como estudo de caso por conter grandes quantidades de argilominerais, especialmente celadonita que é o principal foco de estudo deste trabalho. As técnicas utilizadas consistiram em análises petrográficas em microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), além de difratometria raios X (DRX), espectrometria de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e espectrometria Mössbauer em argilominerais e celadonitas retiradas manualmente de vesículas. As análises químicas das rochas e dos minerais foram realizadas através das técnicas de fluorescência de Raios X e microssonda eletrônica, para análise de elementos maiores, e ICP-MS para elementos traços. Foi identificada uma correlação entre o litotipo pahoehoe de derrame e a presença da celadonita que ocorre em grandes proporções, preenchendo vesículas, fraturas e rodeando geodos. As análises químicas revelaram uma variação composicional da borda da vesícula para o centro e diferenças químicas entre as celadonitas encontradas dependendo do local de coleta, mesmo ocorrendo em um mesmo derrame. A caracterização microtextural das celadonitas e esmectitas revelaram padrões de precipitação em um sistema de equilíbrio com os minerais primários da rocha, sugerindo assim uma precipitação pós-magmática. / The flows of the Serra Geral Formation are part of a continental large igneous province located at southern of Brazil and part of Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina, are well known and studied, however researches are generally directed to the primary rock minerals, excluding the clay minerals which are considered as products of alteration. This work is a study at the characterization and understanding of the clay minerals present in basalts of the Serra Geral Formation in the region located between the cities of Frederico Westphalen, Iraí, Caiçara, Ametista do Sul and Planalto. The flows of the region were counted and studied through road profiles lifting, where one of those was chosen as a study case because the large amounts of clay minerals, mainly celadonites, which is the focus of this study. The techniques used consisted of petrographic analyzes using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), powder X - ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and Mössbauer spectrometry in clays manually removed from vesicles. The chemical analyzes of rocks and minerals were performed using X-Ray fluorescence and electron microprobe for verification of major elements and ICP-MS for trace elements. A correlation was identified between pahoehoe litotype and the celadonite presence, which occurs filling vesicles, fractures and surrounding geodes. The chemical analyzes shows a compositional variation at the border towards the center of the vesicle and chemical differences between the celadonites depending on the place of gathering, even occurring in the same effusion. The microtexural characterization of celadonites and smectites revealed precipitation patterns in a system of equilibrium with the rock primary minerals, thus suggesting port-magmatic precipitation.

Intemperismo de minerais de um remineralizador / Weathering of minerals in a remineralizer

Silva, Rafael Cipriano da 25 May 2016 (has links)
A remineralização é uma prática antiga que está associada a aplicação de pós de rocha no solo visando a melhoria das propriedades edáficas e por fim o aumento da produtividade, associado também a redução dos custos de produção, uma vez que os remineralizadores possuem menor preço comparado com fertilizantes sintéticos solúveis. Porém ainda existem divergências nos resultados obtidos com o uso de remineralizadores, por vezes associados a dificuldade na descrição e controle dos fatores que podem interferir no processo, como clima, características do solo e do remineralizador empregado. Esta tese tem por objetivo investigar a dissolução de um remineralizador em experimentos em diferentes níveis de complexidade e avaliar as alterações mineralógicas correspondentes, inclusive com ênfase na possibilidade de neoformação de minerais. No experimento in vitro foi possível identificar os efeitos do tamanho das partículas e dos diferentes solventes na dissolução dos minerais do remineralizador. Aumentando o nível de complexidade, no experimento em colunas contendo solo, foi possível identificar principalmente um incremento nos teores de Ca+2, Mg+2, K+ trocáveis no solo, além do Na+, Fe e Si no tratamento com a aplicação do remineralizador. Também houve aumento dos teores de Fe e Al extraídos em solução de ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato e oxalato de amônio e, em concordância com os diagramas de estabilidade termodinâmica dos minerais, foi constatada a precipitação de óxidos de baixa cristalinidade no tratamento com remineralizador. No experimento em vasos, a presença das plantas atuou como um dreno, mas mesmo assim com aumento principalmente dos teores de Ca+2 e Mg+2 trocáveis, mas sem ser constatada a precipitação de óxidos amorfos. Por fim, o experimento de campo reafirma o que foi observado nos dois experimentos anteriores, no qual houve aumento dos teores de Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+ e Si trocáveis. Em todos os níveis de experimentos, de forma geral, foi possível observar a maior contribuição de plagioclásios cálcio-sódicos e clinopiroxênios no fornecimento de Ca+2 e Mg+2, principalmente, além de Na+, ferro e silício. / The remineralization is an ancient practice of application of rock powders into the soil in order to improve the soil properties and increase productivity. It is also associated with the reduction of production costs, since remineralizers are cheaper as compared to soluble synthetic fertilizers. Contradiction among the results obtained from the use of remineralizadores frequently be associated with difficulty to describe and control of the factors that may affect the results, such as climate, soil characteristics and characterization of the remineralizers used. This thesis aims to investigate the dissolution of remineralizers in experiments with increasing levels of complexity and evaluate the mineralogical changes, emphasing the possibility of neoformation minerals. In the in vitro experiment, it was possible to identify the effects of particle size and different solvents in the dissolution of the mineral presents in the remineralizer. The rock powder when applied in columns containing soil allowed to identify an increase in Ca+2, Mg+2, K+ exchangeable, including Na+, Fe and Si. Also increased the levels of Fe and Al extracted solution of sodium dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate, ammonium oxalate and in accordance with the thermodynamic stability diagrams of minerals, the precipitation of low crystallinity oxide in remineralizer treatment. In the pot experiment, the presence of plants acted as a drain, but there was still an increase of Ca+2 and Mg+2 exchangeable, specially, but without was observed precipitation of amorphous oxides. Finally, field experiment confirms what was observed in the two previous experiments in which there was an increase in Ca+ 2, Mg+ 2, Na+ and Si exchangeable. At all experiments, in general, we observed the greatest contribution of plagioclase and clinopyroxenes in providing of Ca+2 and Mg+2 in large amount, as well as Na+, Fe and Si in minor quantity.

"Aplicação da difração e flourescência de raios-X (WDXRF): ensaios de argilominerais" / APPLICATION OF X–RAY DIFFRACTION AND FLUORESCENCE (WDXRF): CLAY MINERALS TEST

Marcos Antonio Scapin 12 December 2003 (has links)
Os argilominerais são elementos estruturais do solo multiplamente aplicados segundo suas propriedades. A caracterização desse material se faz cada vez mais necessária por fatores tecnológicos, ambientais, ecológicos e legais. Neste âmbito disponibilizar uma metodologia rápida, segura e eficiente é especialmente relevante. Neste trabalho são descritos dois procedimentos, o primeiro para identificar os argilominerais encontrados em solos argilosos por difração de raios X e o segundo para determinar quantitativamente os macro e micro constituintes da argila por fluorescência de raios X (WDXRF), aplicando-se o método de parâmetros fundamentais, que, não utiliza curvas de calibração. Esses procedimentos foram aplicados em cinco amostras de solo cedidas por uma empresa de médio porte, localizada em Ipube, Pe. Os resultados por difração de raios X mostraram a predominância dos argilominerais caulinita e ilita, os quais, foram confirmados por meio das análises quantitativas dos elementos majoritários por fluorescência de raios X. Os resultados para os elementos minoritários foram comparados com os valores orientadores para solo publicados pela CETESB. / Clay minerals are structural elements of soil applied in agreement with its properties. The characterization of this material has been necessary for technological, environmental, ecological and legal factors. In this scope to make possible a fast methodology, safe and efficient is especially important. In this work two procedures are described, the first to identify the clay minerals found in loamy soils by x-ray diffraction and the second determine quantitative constituent macro and micro of the clay by x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF), applied the fundamental parameters method, that, it doesn't use calibration curves. Those procedures were applied in five soil samples given by a company of little, located in Ipube, Pe. The results by x-ray diffraction showed the predominance of the clays minerals kaolinite and illite, the ones which, they were confirmed by means of the quantitative analyses of the majority elements by x-ray fluorescence. The results for the minority elements they were compared with the values reference for soil published by CETESB.

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