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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Informal Politics of EU Climate and Energy Policy: Explaining Legislative Decision-Making (2007-2010)

Braun, Jan Frederik 17 July 2015 (has links)
This thesis explains the adoption of the Climate & Energy Package (2008), the Third Package (2009) and the Security of Gas Supply Regulation (2010). These three politically highly sensitive pieces of legislation are at the heart of the EU’s first-generation climate and energy policy which was established between 2007 and 2010. The climate & energy legislative files were adopted as an early agreement (EA), meaning via an informal compromise between the EU’s co-legislators (i.e. Council and Parliament) and after one rather than three possible readings. The adoption of these files under co-decision rules in such a short timeframe was remarkable as the bargaining process between the co-legislators was marked by collective action problems, disagreement over which set of rules to apply and had to be carried out under urgent circumstances caused by (inter)national events and/or regimes. This thesis applies a ‘thick’, rational choice institutionalism bargaining model in explaining the speed of the legislative decision-making process on the three pieces of legislation. Next to interests, this model incorporates ‘ideas’ meaning principles and norms found in EU primary and secondary legislation. In legislative decision-making, the EU puts a premium on the ability to provide convincing ideas or ‘focal points’ around which actors’ interests can converge and which promote common action. The cumulative message of the research conducted on the three files is that ideas served as instrumental tools in sustaining cooperation and cementing an acceptable compromise solution among a set of players with divergent interests.

Les déterminants spatiaux de la demande et de l'efficacité énergétiques / On the spatial determinants of energy demand and efficiency

Lampin, Laure 18 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une approche quantitative intégrée pour l'analyse du rôle de la dimension spatiale de l'économie sur la demande énergétique des secteurs résidentiel et transports, ainsi que sur les émissions de carbone associées. L'approche comprend cinq étapes méthodologiques distinctes et consécutives. Après une méta-analyse des travaux économiques soulignant l'impact significatif de la structure spatiale sur la demande énergétique pour les transports (Chapitre 1), on développe et estime un modèle économétrique en coupe transversale sur la France afin d'explorer la nature causale de cet impact et d'en révéler les déterminants pour les deux secteurs, transports (Chapitre 2) et résidentiel (Chapitre 3). Ensuite, le cadre d'analyse économétrique est étendu pour intégrer la dimension longitudinale de la relation entre espace et énergie via l'effet de long terme des prix de l'immobilier sur la demande nationale de transports (Chapitre 4). L'identification d'un tel effet permet de dépasser les enjeux d'acceptabilité d'un espace entièrement planifié ainsi que ceux d'arbitrage entre bien-être individuel et maitrise des externalités négatives dues aux émissions de carbone. Enfin, l'ensemble des déterminants identifiés dans les étapes économétriques précédentes sont intégrés dans un cadre d'équilibre général calculable pour l'évaluation du potentiel de l'organisation spatiale en tant que levier additionnel de lutte contre le changement climatique (Chapitre 5). Les résultats concluent en faveur de la coordination de stratégies d'action diversifiées (axées sur les instruments de marché et/ou sur les interventions planifiées) pour l'atteinte d'objectifs énergie-climat à coûts maitrisés / This thesis develops an integrated framework to investigate the impact of the spatial dimension of the economy on the energy use from the transportation and buildings sectors, and on associated carbon emissions. The developed framework consists of five methodological steps based on econometric and quantitative approach. First, a meta-analysis is carried out to pool information across existing studies and yield new and preliminary economic insights. It is shown that spatial organization of economic activities and agents is significantly positively associated with the demand on energy for transport (Chapter 1). Next the causal impact of space on energy consumption is estimated using cross section data for the French households and further decomposed into specific determinants of the energy demand for both transport- (Chapter 2) and buildings- (Chapter 3) related activities. The econometric framework is then extended to account for the longitudinal (dynamic) dimension of the relation between space and sectoral energy use via the long-term impact of housing price on domestic transport demand (Chapter 4). Including information on housing price formation and dynamics allows encompassing broader welfare effects of spatial planning and policy than pure environmental ones. Finally, the set of determinants identified in the previous steps of the analysis are then embedded in a computable general equilibrium framework to assess the role of space and spatial planning as additional leverage to carbon pricing scheme for climate change control (Chapter 5). In the face of the energy and climate challenges ahead, this thesis quantitatively concludes in favor of taking broad and coordinated action. This comes down to identifying the available (market-based and/or regulatory) policy instruments and using them to achieve ambitious targets whilst driving down the cost of action

Methods for local energy and climate planning : A Case stuudy on the Urban Community of Dunkirk

Thibault, Sacha January 2023 (has links)
Energy management concerns were raised in France after the oil crisis in the 1970s. From then, the local actors developed policies to better control the energy production and consumption on the territories. Climate considerations and the need to limit greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions were then added to these energy issues in the early 2000s. The Climate Plans first appeared in France in 2004, in the National Climate Plan. This regulatory document outlined the desire to apply national and European energy and climate objectives at the territorial level. This initiative laid the foundations for the principle of territorial climate-air-energy planning, which became statutory in 2015 for Public Establishment of Intercommunal Cooperation with over 50,000 inhabitants. A regulatory framework has defined the ins and outs of this planning exercise, but the first results have shown that not all local authorities have fully taken up these planning issues, due to a lack of internal competence, means and method to answer the formal exercise. Tot heir credit, the regulatory objectives imposed by the National Low Carbon Strategy were quickly judged to be out of touch and disconnected from local reality, particularly for industrial territories. More recently, a growing number of local authorities have chosen to flesh out their territorial strategy by drawing up an Energy Master Plan, a roadmap that outlines a comprehensive and integrated approach to managing energy resources. Based on a case study of the Urban Community of Dunkirk, this thesis investigates how local authorities have taken up these energy and climate planning challenges, the difficulties they face, and how the Plan Climat-Air-Energie Territoriaux (Local Climate Air Energy Plan) could become essential monitoring tools for the low-carbon transition of territories if they were equipped with real decision-support tools. The case of the Urban Community of Dunkirk is emblematic. Responsible for 4% of France's GHG emissions due to its port and industrial activities, the urban area has committed itself to implementing accelerated decarbonisation. An exploratory study is carried out based on a comparative analysis of the 2022 revised climate plan of the Urban Community of Dunkirk and the Energy Master Plan developed by the Greater Lyon Metropolis in 2019, as well as a series of interviews with the departments and researchers specialising in environmental and territorial planning. On the one hand, results identified approximations in the calculations of emissions reduction, and in particular on the formulation of the working and calculation hypotheses for energy and carbon trends by 2050 in the revised climate plan of the Urban Community of Dunkirk. They led to a lack of clarity in the presentation of the territorial strategy defined by the community. On the other hand, results showed that the Energy Master Plan of Grand Lyon allows to build a more robust action plan, whose strength lies in integrating economic, temporal, technical and governance issues. However, a number of limitations have been identified, related to the cumbersome nature of implementing integrated tools for local authorities and the rapid obsolescence of the energy diagnoses carried out on territories resulting from a difficult updating process. Finally, results showed that the decision-support tools that will be developed must meet the technical needs of fine-tuned modelling of territories, the practical needs of coordinating actions over time and measuring their impact, and the cross-sectoral needs of organising governance between all the players involved. / Energifrågorna aktualiserades i Frankrike efter oljekrisen på 1970-talet. Därefter utvecklade de lokala aktörerna strategier för att hantera energiförbrukningen på sina territorier. Klimathänsyn och behovet av att begränsa utsläppen av växthusgaser lades sedan till dessa energifrågor i början av 2000-talet. Klimatplanerna dök först upp i Frankrike 2004, i den nationella klimatplanen. I detta lagstiftningsdokument beskrevs önskan att tillämpa nationella och europeiska energi- och klimatmål på territoriell nivå. Detta initiativ lade grunden till principen om lokal klimat-, luft- och energiplanering, som 2015 blev lagstadgad för offentliga inrättningar för interkommunalt samarbete med över 50 000 invånare. Ett regelverk har definierat hur denna planering ska gå till, men de första resultaten har visat att inte alla lokala myndigheter har tagit sig an dessa planeringsfrågor fullt ut, på grund av brist på intern kompetens, medel och metoder för att svara på den formella uppgiften. De lagstadgade mål som infördes genom den nationella strategin för låga koldioxidutsläpp bedömdes snabbt vara verklighetsfrämmande och inte kopplade till den lokala verkligheten, särskilt för industriområden. På senare tid har ett växande antal lokala myndigheter valt att konkretisera sin territoriella strategi genom att utarbeta en energiplan, en färdplan som beskriver en omfattande och integrerad strategi för att hantera energiresurser. Med utgångspunkt i en fallstudie av stadsregionen Dunkerque undersöker denna avhandling hur lokala myndigheter har tagit sig av dessa utmaningar inom energi- och klimatplanering, vilka svårigheter de möter och hur den lokala klimat- och energiplanen (Plan Climat-Air-Energie Territoriaux) skulle kunna bli viktiga övervakningsverktyg för den koldioxidsnåla omställningen av territorier om de utrustades med verkliga beslutsstödsverktyg. Fallet med den urbana gemenskapen i Dunkerque är emblematiskt. Stadsområdet står för 4% av Frankrikes utsläpp av växthusgaser på grund av sin hamn- och industriverksamhet, och har åtagit sig att genomföra en snabbare utfasning av fossila bränslen. En explorativ studie genomförs baserad på en jämförande analys av den reviderade klimatplanen 2022 för Dunkerque och Energy Master Plan som utvecklades av Greater Lyon Metropolis 2019, samt en serie intervjuer med avdelningar och forskare som är specialiserade på miljö- och territoriell planering. Å ena sidan identifierar resultaten approximationer i beräkningarna av utsläppsminskningar, och i synnerhet i formuleringen av arbets- och beräkningshypoteser för energi- och koldioxidtrender fram till 2050 i den reviderade klimatplanen för Dunkerques stadsgemenskap. De leder till en brist på tydlighet i presentationen av den territoriella strategi som fastställts av kommunen. Å andra sidan visar resultaten att Grand Lyons energimasterplan gör det möjligt att bygga en mer robust handlingsplan, vars styrka ligger i att integrera ekonomiska, tidsmässiga, tekniska och styrningsfrågor. Vi har dock identifierat ett antal begränsningar som rör den besvärliga implementeringen av integrerade verktyg för lokala myndigheter och den snabba föråldringen av de energidiagnoser som utförts på territorier till följd av en svår uppdateringsprocess. Slutligen visade sig att det behövs utveckla beslutsverktyg som måste uppfylla de tekniska behoven av finjusterad modellering av territorier, de praktiska behoven av att samordna åtgärder över tid och mäta deras effekter, samt de sektorsövergripande behoven av att organisera styrning mellan alla aktörer som är involverade.

České nevládní neziskové organizace a politika EU v oblasti změny klimatu / Czech non-governmental organisations and EU climate change policy

Stuchlíková, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The thesis aims to analyse the relations of non-governmental organisations towards the European integration process, which creates an additional platform for their interest representation. This case study focuses on how Czech non-profit organisations, which are dealing in long term with the topic of climate change, try to use the instruments and channels available at the EU level to promote their idea of the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework targets and how the EU climate action policy translates to their understanding of the topic. The thesis is based on the Europeanization theory that assumes that non-state actors are adjusting their behaviour to the existence of another platform of decision making and interest representation. I, therefore, assume, that the selected sample of Czech ecological NGOs tries to actively use the opportunity to participate in the EU decision making - especially because a climate policy is decided mostly at the EU level and therefore the outcomes, such as the 2030 Framework, present another tool to achieve change in the climate policy of the Czech Republic. I conclude that from the perspective of selected NGOs the European climate policy is perceived as an important driver behind the development in this field in both Czech Republic and global negotiations - even though...

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