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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das relações da variabilidade climatológica relacionada à variabilidade social da safra de pescados de água doce desembarcado na cidade do Rio Grande RS / Study of climatological variability relationships related of the social variability season of freshwater fish landed in Rio Grande RS

Clavico, Leandro Sampaio, Clavico, Leandro Sampaio 21 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:25:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_leandro_clavico.pdf: 1159675 bytes, checksum: 7d1fdc415c1f532540696f8afdeac2c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-21 / In this study the south area of the State of Rio Grande do Sul was chosen, to study the possible relationship of climatological variables with the fish disembarkation, seeking to explore the possibility to include contributions of these varied in the models of administration of the stocks of fish of fresh water of the area included by the Pond of the Ducks and Little Pond. For this, it was used the data of fish disembarkation in the city of Rio Grande, during the years of 1987 and 2006 originating from of embarkations of the cities of São Lourenço do Sul, Pelotas, Rio Grande, São José do Norte and Santa Vitória do Palmar, systematically they are organized for IBAMA / CEPERG (Center of Research and Administration of the Fishing Resources Lagunares and Estuarinos ). The climatological data were obtained in the site http//www.cdc.noaa.gov/cdc (NOAA). Starting from the analysis of the data of fish disembarkation it was observed that the fish specimens Jundiá and Traíra act more of the half of all the captured production and disembarked in Porto of Rio Grande/RS city inside of the period study. It was calculated the averages trimestrais of disembarkation of fish of the specimens Jundiá and Traíra for the four quarters of every year. Starting from the analysis of the data, identified that the third quarter is the most significant in the requirement amount (kg) of disembarkation for the specimen jundiá , while for the specimen Traíra was the second quarter. Starting from the statistical analyses correlating fish disembarkation and climatological variables was verified that for the specimen Jundiá the more significant climatological variables for it quarter of larger importance were: for the month of component July V of the wind, rain and long wave radiation (LWR), for the month of August already, component U of the wind, temperature and (LWR) and, consequently, for the month of September the most significant variables are component U and V of the wind and speed of the wind. And for the specimen Traíra the climatological variables that obtained larger significance indexes for more expressive quarter were: for the month of component April V of the wind and temperature, for the month of May already, all the variables present important values for analysis, in other words, component variable U and V of the wind, speed, temperature, rain and long wave radiation (LWR) and, consequently, for the month of June the more significant climatological variables are component U of the wind, speed of the wind and rain. / No presente projeto elegeu-se a região sul do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, para estudar-se as possíveis relações de variáveis climatológicas com o desembarque de pescado, visando explorar a possibilidade de incluir contribuições destas variáveis nos modelos de gerenciamento dos estoques de pescado de água doce da região abrangida pela Lagoa dos Patos e Lagoa Mirim. Para isto, utilizou-se os dados de desembarque de pescado na cidade do Rio Grande, entre os anos de 1987 e 2006 oriundo de embarcações das cidades de São Lourenço do Sul, Pelotas, Rio Grande, São José do Norte e Santa Vitória do Palmar, sistematicamente são organizados pelo IBAMA /CEPERG (Centro de Pesquisa e Gestão dos Recursos Pesqueiros Lagunares e Estuarinos). Os dados climatológicos foram obtidos no site http//www.cdc.noaa.gov/cdc (NOAA). A partir da análise dos dados de desembarque de pescado observou-se que os espécimes de peixe Jundiá e Traíra representam mais da metade de toda a produção capturada e desembarcada no Porto da cidade do Rio Grande/RS dentro do período de estudo. Calculou-se as médias trimestrais de desembarque de pescado dos espécimes Jundiá e Traíra para os quatro trimestres de cada ano. A partir da análise dos dados, identificou-se que o terceiro trimestre é o mais significativo no quesito quantidade (kg) de desembarque para o espécime jundiá, enquanto que para o espécime Traíra foi o segundo trimestre. A partir das análises estatísticas correlacionando desembarque de pescado e variáveis climatológicas verificou-se que para o espécime Jundiá as variáveis climatológicas mais significativas para seu trimestre de maior importância foram: para o mês de julho componente V do vento, chuva e radiação de onda longa (ROL), já para o mês de agosto, componente U do vento, temperatura e (ROL) e, por conseguinte, para o mês de Setembro as variáveis mais significativas são componente U e V do vento e velocidade do vento. E para o espécime Traíra as variáveis climatológicas que obtiveram maiores índices de significância para seu trimestre mais expressivo foram: para o mês de Abril componente V do vento e temperatura, já para o mês de Maio, todas as variáveis apresentam valores importantes para análise, ou seja, variável componente U e V do vento, velocidade, temperatura, chuva e radiação de onda longa (ROL) e, por conseguinte, para o mês de Junho as variáveis climatológicas mais significativas são componente U do vento, velocidade do vento e chuva.

Longs épisodes secs hivernaux dans le bassin méditerranéen et conditions atmosphériques associées : variabilité contemporaine et future (1957-2100) / Winter long dry spells in the Mediterranean basin and associated atmospheric conditions : contemporary and future variability (1957-2100)

Raymond, Florian 04 December 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte de changement climatique actuel et futur, se traduisantnotamment par un assèchement déjà observé en Méditerranée, cette thèse seconcentre sur l’étude de la variabilité contemporaine et future (1957-2100)des événements de très longs épisodes secs (eTLES) hivernaux (septembreavril)dans le bassin méditerranéen. Une méthodologie originale a été développéeau cours de cette thèse pour appréhender les eTLES comme desévénements climatiques singuliers, caractérisés par des critères de localisation,de durée et d’extension spatiale.Sur la période contemporaine (1957-2013), 76 eTLES ont été détectésdans le bassin méditerranéen. Ces événements sont répartis en 4 principalesconfigurations géographiques : Nord-Est, Ouest, Dispersés & Restreints etSud-Est. Les configurations de types Nord-Est et Ouest sont associées àdes blocages anticycloniques localisés à environ 1 000 km au nord-ouestdes secteurs principalement affectés par les eTLES, favorisant un ciel dégagéet l’absence de précipitations. Les configurations de types Dispersés& Restreints et Sud-Est sont particulières, car la première est caractériséecomme étant une classe résiduelle regroupant des eTLES à faible extensionspatiale répartis dans l’ensemble du bassin, la seconde est caractérisée pardes eTLES saisonniers qui s’insèrent dans la continuité de l’été sec observéà l’est du bassin méditerranéen.Les grands régimes de circulation atmosphérique du domaine Euro-Atlantique montrent un certain contrôle sur les eTLES. Ainsi, la phasepositive de l’oscillation nord-atlantique (NAO+) est le seul régime à êtreclairement favorable au développement d’eTLES sur la quasi-totalité du bassin.Le régime est-atlantique (EA) ne montre pas de contrôle sur les eTLES,atlantic ridge (AR) et la phase négative de l’Oscillation Nord-Atlantique(NAO-) sont deux régimes généralement défavorables aux eTLES. Cependant,des eTLES sont pourtant associés aux régimes AR, EA et NAO-. Pourcela, il faut que ces trois régimes de circulation soient associés à des pressionsatmosphériques légèrement plus élevées au nord-ouest des secteursimpactés par les eTLES, comparativement à leur climatologie respective.Les longues séquences des régimes AR, EA et NAO+, représentatives d’unecertaine stabilité atmosphérique durable dans le temps, sont préférentiellementassociées aux eTLES, contrairement aux courtes séquences de ces troisrégimes. À l’inverse, les longues séquences du régime NAO-, renforçant les basses pressions atmosphériques sur l’Europe et le bassin méditerranéen,sont peu associées aux eTLES.Bien que les deux modèles ALADIN52 et LMDZ4-NEMOMED8 affichentdes résultats différents à plusieurs niveaux, ils s’accordent tout demême à montrer que les eTLES devraient être de plus en plus longs d’icià l’horizon 2100, de façon encore plus marquée pour la trajectoire RCP8.5que RCP4.5. Une analyse multi-modèles comprenant 12 simulations CMIP5montre qu’en moyenne par saison, la pression réduite au niveau de la meraurait tendance à augmenter sur l’océan Atlantique, au large des côtes françaiseset sur le centre du bassin méditerranéen, de façon robuste pour latrajectoire RCP8.5. À l’inverse, la fréquence et la durée des séquences des 4régimes de circulation atmosphérique ne semblent pas être amenées à évoluerd’ici à l’horizon 2100.Une étude est enfin menée pour constater les impacts des eTLES surla production agricole en Espagne. Le nombre de jours d’eTLES impactedavantage les rendements d’orge, de blé et d’avoine (espèces d’hiver et cultivéesau travers d’une agriculture pluviale) que les simples ratios de jourssecs et les cumuls de pluie en Espagne. Une étude de cas réalisée sur deuxsaisons ayant reçu des cumuls de pluie comparables montre qu’en plus desrendements, un eTLES provoque une baisse significative de l’humidité dessols et du débit du fleuve Èbre. / In the context of climate change, as reflected by a dryer Mediterraneanbasin, this thesis focused on the study of the contemporary and future variability(1957-2100) of the wintertime (September to April) very long dryspells events (called VLDSe) in the Mediterranean basin. An original methodologywas developed in this thesis in order to define VLDSe as singularclimatic events, characterized by location, duration and spatial extent criteria.76 VLDSe were detected in the Mediterranean basin on the contemporaryperiod (1957-2013). These events are divided into 4 main geographicalpatterns: North-East, West, Scattered Localized and South-East. North-East and West configurations are associated with anticyclonic conditionslocated approximately 1 000 km northwestern to the areas affected by theVLDSe, favoring a clear sky and no precipitations. The Scattered Localizedand South-East configurations are special: the first one is characterized asa residual class grouping VLDSe with small spatial extent and distributedthroughout the entire basin, and the second one is characterized by seasonalVLDSe which are the continuation of the dry summer observed in the eastof the Mediterranean basin.Euro-Atlantic weather regimes have some control on the VLDSe. Thepositive phase of the north-atlantic oscillation regime (NAO+) is the onlyone that is clearly favorable to the development of VLDSe on almost the entirebasin. The east-atlantic regime (EA) does not show any control on theVLDSe, and the atlantic ridge (AR) and the negative phase of the northatlanticoscillation (NAO-) regimes are generally detrimental to VLDSe. However,some VLDSe can sometimes be associated with AR, EA and NAOregimes.This requires these three weather regimes to be associated withslightly higher atmospheric pressure northwest of the areas impacted bythe VLDSe, compared to their respective climatology. Long duration of theAR, EA and NAO+ regimes, which are coupled with sustained atmosphericstability, are preferentially associated with VLDSe, in contrast to the shortduration. Conversely, the long duration of the NAO- regime, reinforcingthe low atmospheric pressure on Europe and the Mediterranean basin, areweakly associated with VLDSe.Although the two climate models ALADIN52 and LMDZ4-NEMOMED8 differ in several respects, they agree in that VLDSe should be longer by 2100,especially in the RCP8.5 trajectory. A multi-model analysis with 12 CMIP5simulations shows that wintertime sea-level pressure tends to increase in theAtlantic Ocean, off the French coast and in the central the Mediterraneanbasin for the RCP8.5 trajectory. Conversely, the frequency and duration ofthe 4 weather regimes do not show significant trends until the end of the21st century.Finally, a study is carried out to assess the impact of VLDSe on agriculturalproduction in Spain. The number of VLDSe days has a larger impactson the yields of barley, wheat and oats (winter species and cultivatedthrough rainfed agriculture) than the simple ratio of dry days or seasonalrainfall amounts in Spain. A two-season case study, based on seasons withcomparable rainfall amounts, shows that in addition to yields, a VLDSecauses a significant decrease in soil moisture and in the Ebro River flow.

Caractérisation des processus de transferts et d’interactions entre les compartiments hydrologiques, hydrogéologiques et cryosphériques d’un bassin versant andin semi-aride soumis à une forte variabilité climatique (Vallée de l’Elqui – Chili) / Characterization of water transfers and interactions processes between hydrologic, hydrogeologic and cryospheric compartments of an Andean, semi-arid watershed, affected by a strong climatic variability (Elqui Valley – Chile)

Pourrier, Jonathan 15 December 2014 (has links)
Le nord du Chili est soumis à un contexte climatique aride à semi-aride présentant une variabilité saisonnière et inter-annuelle forte. Dans cette région les zones de haute altitude soutiennent les parties plus basses des bassins versants, mais la ressource en eau reste malgré tout limitée. Afin d'améliorer les méthodes de gestion de l'eau dans ces bassins versants, il est important de préciser le rôle des zones de haute altitude dans le soutien des parties basses, mais aussi de caractériser les modalités de transfert et d'interaction entre les compartiments constitutifs de l'hydrosystème. Ce travail porte sur la caractérisation du fonctionnement hydrologique du bassin versant de l'Elqui depuis la tête de bassin, située au cœur de la cordillère des Andes, jusqu'aux vallées de la zone inférieure situées entre 500 et 2000 mètres d'altitude. En tête de bassin, les processus d'interaction entre les compartiments cryosphériques, hydrologiques et hydrogéologiques, et leurs impacts sur le transfert des masses d'eau vers l'aval de la zone d'étude sont caractérisés. Le comportement hydrologique des sous bassins versant partiellement ou non‑englacés est également étudié. Dans la zone inférieure du bassin, l'étude porte principalement sur les processus d'interactions surface-souterrain en contexte semi‑aride et sur les impacts des forçages climatiques et anthropiques sur ces derniers. Cette étude s'appuie sur plus de 40 ans de données hydro-météorologiques disponibles sur la zone inférieure du bassin, complétés par des mesures hydrologiques sur la zone supérieure (> 2000 mètres d'altitude) et des prélèvements chimiques (majeurs et traces) et isotopiques (²D, 18O) sur la totalité de la zone d'étude, réalisés entre 2011 et 2013.Ces travaux ont montré que le modèle conceptuel de fonctionnement du bassin versant de l'Elqui généralement accepté était incomplet. Dans la zone supérieure, l'étude d'un bassin versant englacé a permis de montrer que le rôle de la cryosphère dépasse la fonction de production d'eau, avec certains compartiments stockant temporairement de l'eau en période humide et la libérant en période sèche. Ce processus permet d'amortir la variabilité temporelle des précipitations et du taux de fonte en altitude. Les analyses physico-chimiques réalisées dans le bassin versant ont également permis d'identifier des compartiments aquifères ignorés jusqu'à maintenant, comme les compartiments volcanique et plutonique. En améliorant les connaissances sur les processus d'interactions entre compartiments cryosphériques, hydrologiques et hydrogéologiques, les résultats de ce travail ont apporté des précisions sur le fonctionnement hydrologique de la zone de haute altitude. Cela a permis l'estimation des impacts potentiels de la variabilité climatique sur ces processus d'interactions et leurs conséquences sur la disponibilité et la qualité de la ressource. Dans la zone inférieure, la caractérisation des interactions surface-souterrain a montré qu'il existe un fort potentiel d'interaction entre le compartiment hydrologique et le compartiment alluvial, mais également entre le compartiment alluvial et le socle plutonique. L'étude des données hydrologiques et physico-chimiques a permis de caractériser le type d'échanges se déroulant entre les compartiments. Dans certains secteurs le processus dominant est la recharge du compartiment alluvial par le compartiment hydrologique, tandis que pour d'autres il existe une alternance entre période de drainage du compartiment alluvial par le compartiment hydrologique et période de recharge du compartiment alluvial. La réponse de ces processus face aux impacts des forçages climatiques et anthropiques contraindra la disponibilité et la qualité de la ressource dans les années à venir. Ainsi, les résultats apportés par ce travail permettront certainement de mieux anticiper les modifications futures du fonctionnement hydrologique des bassins versant montagneux en contexte semi-arides. / The north Chile is affected by an arid to semi-arid climate, associated with a strong seasonal to inter-annual variability. In this region, while mountainous areas are supporting low areas, the availability of water resources remains limited. In order to improve the water management in these basins, it is necessary to precise how the high areas support the low areas, and to characterize water transfers and interaction processes between the constitutive compartments of the hydrosystem. This work concern the characterization of the hydrodynamic behavior of the Elqui watershed from the headwaters, in the Andes, to the valleys, ranging between 500 and 2000 m.a.s.l.In the headwaters, the interactions processes between cryospheric and hydrologic compartments and their impact on water transfers to the low areas are characterized. The behavior of unglacierized or partially glacierized watershed is also studied. In the low area of the watershed, the study mainly considers groundwater-surface water interactions under semi-arid context and the impact of the climatic variability on these processes. This study is based on more than 40 years of hydro-meteorological data available in the lower zone of the basin, completed by hydrological measurements in the upper zone (> 2000 m.a.s.l.) and chemical (majors and traces elements) and isotopic samples (²D, 18O) over the whole study area realized between 2011 and 2013.This work demonstrated that the conceptual model of the Elqui basin hydrological behavior, generally accepted, was incomplete. In the high area (> 2000 m.a.s.l.), the study of a glacierized watershed show that the function of the cryosphere overpass the water production with some compartments storing water during humid periods and draining their water content during dry periods. This process buffers the temporal variability of precipitations and melting rates in the high area. Physico-chemical analysis, allows to identify some ignored aquifer compartments, as the volcanic and plutonic compartments. The results of this study improve the knowledge about interactions processes between cryospheric, hydrologic and hydrogeologic compartments, which precise the hydrological functioning of the high area. The interpretation of the hydrological behavior of the high altitude area allows to better understand the way that it support the low area, and the way that climate variability may affects it.In the low area, results show that the groundwater-surface water interaction potential is good between alluvial and hydrological compartments, but also between the plutonic and the alluvial compartments. The study of hydro-meteorological and physico-chemical data allowed to characterize the type of exchanges that take place between groundwater and surface water. In some sectors the main process is the recharge of the alluvial compartment by the hydrological compartment, while in other sectors the processes show a seasonal variability with periods of alluvial compartment recharge and periods of hydrological compartment support. The answer of these processes face to climatic and anthropic forcing will constrain the evolution of the availability and quality of the water resources in the Elqui basin. Finally, the results of this study will certainly allow to better anticipate the future modifications of the semi-arid mountainous watershed hydrological functioning.

Water Realities and Development Trajectories : Global and Local Agricultural Production Dynamics / Vatten en realitet i jordbruksutvecklingen : Global och lokal dynamik över tid

Lannerstad, Mats January 2009 (has links)
Water constraints for humans and nature are gaining more and more public attention as a critical environmental dilemma that needs to be addressed. When aquifers and rivers are running dry, the debate refers to an ongoing “world water crisis”. This thesis focuses on the water and agricultural production complexity in a global, regional and local perspective during different phases of development. It addresses the river basin closing process in light of consumptive water use changes, land use alterations, past and future food production in waterscarce developing countries in general, and a south Indian case study basin in particular, the Bhavani basin in Tamil Nadu. The study focuses on early phases of global agricultural development and addresses consumptive use and river depletion in response to land use change and irrigation expansion. It shows that focus must be shifted from a water use to a consumptive water use notion that considers both green and blue water resources. The Bhavani basin development trajectory reveals a dynamic interplay between land and water resources and different socio-political groups during the “green revolution” period. The present system has emerged as a step-by-step adaptation in response to hydro-climatic variability, human demands and infrastructure constraints. The study reveals three kinds of basin closure: allocation closure; hydrological closure; and perception wise closure. Many concerted actions on multiple scales have contributed to an increasing water use complexity even after closure. The study shows the extent to which natural variability hides creeping changes, and that the “average year” is a deceptive basis for water allocation planning. Future consumptive water requirements to feed growing populations in the developing world is analysed with a back-casting country-based approach. The study shows a doubling of water requirements by 2050 and how the challenge can be halved by increased water productivity. Since blue water accessibility for irrigation clearly will be insufficient, additional green water has to be acquired by horizontal agricultural expansion into other terrestrial ecosystems. The task will be substantial and increase the importance of global food trade. / Vattenbrist för människor och ekosystem är en mer och mer uppmärksammad miljöfråga. Sjunkande grundvattennivåer och uttorkade floder gör att många talar om en ”global vattenkris”. Denna avhandling fokuserar på de komplexa sambanden mellan vatten och jordbruksproduktion utifrån ett globalt, regionalt och lokalt perspektiv under olika utvecklingsfaser under fyra sekler. Den redogör för hur avrinningsområden överintecknas och slutligen ”stängs” för ytterligare vattenutvinning. Effekterna av ökad vattenutvinning i relation till historisk och framtida matproduktion analyseras generellt i utvecklingsländer med vattenbrist, och i detalj i en fallstudie i Bhavani avrinningsområde i Tamil Nadu i södra Indien. Studien visar för den tidiga jordbruksutvecklingen på global nivå hur förändrad markanvändning och bevattningsexpansion leder till förändrad balans mellan evapotranspiration och avrinning, med uttorkning av vattendrag som följd. Den visar vidare vikten av ett paradigmskifte där fokus flyttas från vattenanvändning till ”konsumerande” vattenanvändning, och som inkluderar både grönvatten- och blåvattenresurser. Analysen av Bhavaniområdets utvecklingskurva under det senaste seklets jordbruksutveckling visar på ett dynamiskt växelspel mellan land- och vattenresurser och mellan olika samhällsgrupper. Den nuvarande vattenanvändningssituationen har stegvis växt fram som en respons på hydroklimatisk variabilitet, människors behov och infrastrukturbegränsningar. Studien påvisar att ett avrinningsområde kan ses som ”stängt” på tre skilda sätt: när flödet är överintecknat, när utflödet sinar, och när vattenanvändare upplever att behoven överstiger tillgången. Även efter ”stängning” har etablering och intensifiering av vattenutvinning fortsatt och resulterat i ett alltmer komplext och sammanflätat vattenanvändningsmönster. Studien visar vidare hur hög hydroklimatisk variabilitet, dels gör att ”genomsnittlig vattentillgång” är förledande vid planering av vattenfördelning i ett avrinningsområde, och dels döljer smygande kumulativa effekter av ökad vattenutvinning. Slutligen anlyseras ländervis framtida vattenbehov för att möta matbehovet i världens utvecklingsländer, vilket visar på en fördubbling fram till 2050. Tack vare ökad vattenproduktivitet kan behovet emellertid halveras. Endast en bråkdel av det resterande behovet kan mötas genom ökad bevattning, dvs. med mera blåvatten. En stor del av vattenbehovet måste istället täckas med mera grönvatten via uppodling av andra terrestra ekosystem. Uppgiften innebär en betydande utmaning och global handel med jordbruksprodukter kommer att öka avsevärt i betydelse.

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