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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization Of Rv2745c In The Pathogenesis Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

January 2014 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is the leading cause of death from an infectious disease worldwide. Over the course of its life cycle in vivo, Mtb is exposed to a plethora of environmental stress conditions. Temporal regulation of genes involved in sensing and responding to such conditions is therefore crucial for Mtb to establish an infection. The Rv2745c (clgR) gene encodes a Clp protease gene regulator that is induced in response to a variety of stress conditions and potentially plays a role in Mtb pathogenesis. Our isogenic Mtb:ΔRv2745c mutant is significantly more sensitive to in vitro redox stress generated by diamide, relative to wild-type Mtb, implicating a role for ClgR in the management of intraphagosomal redox stress. Our data indicates that ClgR plays a role in multiple regulatory networks in response to different stress conditions. Thus, redox stress leads to dysregulation of the σH/σE regulon in Mtb:ΔRv2745c. Induction of clgR in Mtb and Mtb:ΔRv2745c (comp) did not lead to Clp protease induction, indicating that clgR has additional functions. Disruption of genes involved in sulfate assimilation also occurred in the knock out, implicating clgR as a possible regulator of downstream signaling cascades that facilitate Mtb survival. On the other hand, the expression of clgR during hypoxia is known to result in Clp protease induction. As such, the isogenic mutant has a significantly different growth profile upon hypoxia and reaeration. Transcriptomics reveal disruption of the dosR regulon, σH/σE regulon, and mycolic acid synthesis genes. Clearly, the Mtb Rv2745c-encoded ClgR performs different functions during stress response and is important for the pathogenicity of Mtb in vivo. Our in vivo findings in a low dose aerosolized model reveal deficiencies of the isogenic mutant when establishing an infection, leading to skewed immune responses throughout the course of infection. Thus, clgR plays a critical role in both establishing an infection that influence the immunogenic outcome. Additional studies investigating the role of clgR in a nonhuman primate model will further elucidate the contributions of clgR to the pathogenesis of Mtb in an animal model that is more representative of human TB disease. / acase@tulane.edu

Quantifying Localizations and Dynamics in Single Bacterial Cells

Landgraf, Dirk 06 October 2014 (has links)
Levels of macromolecules fluctuate both spatially and temporally in individual cells. Such heterogeneity could be exploited for bet hedging in uncertain environments, or be suppressed by negative feedback if perturbations are deleterious. For the master stress-response regulator in Escherichia coli, RpoS, both of these scenarios have been suggested. RpoS levels are also exceedingly low and controlled by the ClpXP protease, which reportedly displays extreme spatial heterogeneity. However, little is known quantitatively about RpoS dynamics. This is partly because no functional protein fusions exist, but also because the quantitative tools for studying fluctuations and localizations are limited, particularly ones that can be independently validated. Here I develop such methods and begin applying them to RpoS. Protein localization measurements increasingly rely on fluorescent protein fusions and are difficult to verify independently. I designed a non-intrusive method for validating localization patterns in live bacterial cells by exploiting post-division heterogeneity in downstream processes. Applying this assay to the ClpXP protease, widely reported to form biologically relevant foci, revealed in fact that the protease molecules are not specifically localized inside cells, as confirmed by four independent methods. I further evaluated 20+ commonly used fluorescent reporters and found that many cause severe mislocalization when fused to homo-oligomers, likely due to avidity effects. Further reinvestigating other foci-forming proteins strongly suggests that the previously reported foci were all caused by the fluorescent proteins used. For mRNAs – which are often present in low numbers per cell and major sources of non-genetic heterogeneity – existing single-cell assays have unknown accuracy: the experimental counting errors could completely over-shadow the natural variation. I therefore optimized and cross-evaluated two single-molecule mRNA detection methods. Several problems were identified and solutions discussed. I succeeded in building a functional RpoS protein fusion, and used bulk methods to show that the RpoS feedback loop is effectively not operating during exponential- phase growth. Mathematical analyses and initial experiments in a microfluidic device further suggest that the RpoS system has several unusual properties contributing towards extremely fast stress response. A stochastic analysis further suggests that the RpoS feedback loop cannot suppress spontaneous fluctuations, and preliminary experiments indicate that large deviations might indeed play important roles.

Charakterisierung von Arabidopsis HEMA-Mutanten und in vivo-Analyse funktioneller Domänen der pflanzlichen Glutamyl-tRNA-Reduktasen

Apitz, Janina 09 June 2016 (has links)
Die Tetrapyrrolbiosynthese (TBS) führt zu wichtigen Endprodukten wie Häm und Chlorophyll. Das gemeinsame Vorstufenmolekül aller Tetrapyrrole ist die 5-Aminolävulinsäure (ALA), die in Pflanzen über den C5-Weg aus Glutamat synthetisiert wird. Das erste spezifische Enzym der ALA-Synthese und somit auch der TBS ist die Glutamyl-tRNA Reduktase (GluTR). Sie unterliegt als Schlüsselenzym einer strengen Regulation. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Expression der HEMA-Gene in Arabidopsis wird ein differenzieller Beitrag der GluTR-Isoformen zu den Endprodukten der TBS vermutet. Analysen von knockout-Mutanten gaben Aufschluss darüber, inwiefern die Isoformen den Verlust des jeweils anderen kompensieren können. Die knockout-Mutante von HEMA1 zeigte einen blassgrünen Phänotyp, war nicht mehr in der Lage photoautotroph zu wachsen und demonstrierte eine essentielle Rolle der GluTR1 gegenüber GluTR2, wohingegen hema2-Mutanten einen wildtypartigen Phänotyp aufzeigten. Die Bedeutung der N-terminalen GluTR-Domäne in der posttranslationalen Regulation der ALA-Synthese wurde durch BiFC-Analysen und Komplementationsversuche aufgeklärt. BiFC-Analysen zeigten eine Interaktion der N-terminalen Domäne der GluTR1 mit Proteinen der Clp Proteasen und dem GluTR-Bindeprotein (GBP). Veränderte GluTR-Stabilitäten in gbp-Mutanten lassen eine schützende Funktion des GBP gegenüber dem Abbau des Proteins postulieren. Die Expression einer N-terminal verkürzten GluTR1 komplementierte hema1-Mutanten vollständig. Die in diesen Pflanzen und in clp-Mutanten beobachteten erhöhten GluTR1-Proteinstabilitäten im Dunkeln lassen einen Abbau der GluTR durch Clp Proteasen vermuten, bei dem der N-Terminus des Enzyms für die Substraterkennung notwendig zu sein scheint. Die Detektion von erhöhten Pchlid-Mengen als Folge der erhöhten Proteinstabilität in Linien, die die verkürzte GluTR1 exprimierten, demonstriert erstmals die Bedeutung einer kontrollierten Proteolyse der GluTR in der Regulation der ALA-Synthese. / In plants 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is the common precursor of all tetrapyrrols and formed from glutamate via the C5 pathway. Glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR) is the initial enzyme of ALA synthesis and thus tetrapyrrole biosynthesis (TBS). The most important control point of the TBS is the synthesis of ALA and GluTR is the key enzyme, that is tightly regulated. Due to the different expression of HEMA genes in Arabidopsis, a differential contribution to endproducts of the TBS is proposed for GluTR isoforms. Analysis of knockout mutants gave some indications of how the isoforms can compensate each other. I introduced a new knockout mutant of HEMA1 that was pale-green and not able to grow photoautotrophically, indicating that the remaining GluTR2 does not sufficiently compensate ALA synthesis for the extensive needs of chlorophyll. In contrast, hema2 mutants were wild-type-like. The function of the N-terminal region of GluTR1 in posttranslational regulation has been analyzed by BiFC analysis and complementation experiments of hema1. BiFC analysis showed an interaction of the N-terminal region of GluTR1 with the GluTR binding protein (GBP) and with proteins of the Clp proteases. Mutants of GBP revealed a decreased GluTR1 stability during the dark period, indicating a protective role of GBP against proteolysis of GluTR1 in darkness. The expression of a GluTR1 lacking the N-terminal amino acid residues successfully complemented hema1. These plants as well as clp mutants revealed an increased GluTR1 stability in darkness, suggesting a degradation of the protein through Clp proteases. Thereby, the N-terminal region of GluTR1 seems to be necessary for the recognition by Clp proteins. The observed high amount of truncated GluTR1 in transformed hema1 mutants was caused by the increased GluTR1 stability and lead to an accumulation of Pchlide in prolonged dark periods, demonstrating the importance of a controlled proteolysis of GluTR in the regulation of ALA synthesis.

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