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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suivi de maturation de composts mixtes par spectrométrie d'absorption et de fluorescence UV-visible / Monitoring of the maturation mixed composts by absorption and fluorescence spetrometry

Abaker, Madi Guirema 15 December 2016 (has links)
Le recyclage des déchets organiques est une préoccupation environnementaleimportante tant du point de vue énergétique que du point de vue du réchauffement climatique.Le compostage permet la transformation d'un déchet en produit, le compost, mais permetaussi d'augmenter le stockage du carbone dans les sols. Parmi les déchets, les boues de stationd'épuration sont un type de déchet urbain organique problématique et grandissant. La teneurélevée en matières organiques des boues peut ainsi être valorisée grâce au co-compostageavec des déchets verts. En effet, de nombreuses modifications chimiques se produisent aucours du processus de maturation d’un compost transformant les molécules simples ensubstances humiques bénéfiques aux sols. Cependant, il n'existe pas encore, à ce jour, detechniques rapides et universelles permettant de prédire la stabilité et la maturité du compost.Il est, en effet, nécessaire, pour suivre l'évolution d'un compost, de mesurer un nombreimportant de paramètres biologiques (test de respirométrie, test de germination), physiques(pH, température,…) et chimiques (potentiel d'oxydo-réduction, capacité d’échange de cations(CEC),…). Ceci n'est pas économiquement viable et rarement fait sur les plates-formes decompostage.L’objectif de cette étude a donc été d’identifier quel(s) paramètre(s) pourrai(en)t êtreutilisé(s) pour suivre aisément, sur une plate-forme de compostage, l’évolution du compostsur le terrain. Pour cela, nous avons suivi un co-compostage de boues de station d’épurationau cours du processus de maturation dans des composteurs de particuliers (sur place et enserre) et dans l’andain (sur place) afin d’observer l’effet de la taille mais aussi l’effet desconditions climatiques sur le processus de compostage. Une méthode d’extraction simple etpeu coûteuse de la matière organique extractible à l’eau (WEOM) utilisant un percolateur àeau à température ambiante est proposée. Ces extraits à l'eau ont été caractérisés par différentsparamètres, tels que le carbone organique dissous (CODWEOM) et l’azote total (NTWEOM) oules acides gras volatils (AGVWEOM) mais aussi par différentes techniques spectrométriquesd'absorption UV-Visible et de fluorescence. Pour l’absorption, des indices nous informent surl'aromaticité (SUVA254 WEOM), la taille moléculaire (E2/E3 WEOM), le poids moléculaire (E4/E6WEOM) et sur les substitutions des composés organiques (EET/EBZ WEOM) de la matièreorganique. En ce qui concerne la fluorescence, les indices d'humification HLIF, Kalbitz WEOM,Milori WEOM, Ra,c WEOM et Zsolnay WEOM ont été utilisés pour étudier les propriétés de laWEOM. De plus, à partir des matrices d'excitation-émission de fluorescence, les composantsCP/PARAFAC ont été déterminés. Au total, ce sont 23 paramètres qui ont été suivis au coursdu compostage.Les résultats permettent de discriminer les indices les plus pertinents pouvant êtreutilisés sur le terrain. Ces indices sont le SUVA254 WEOM, ainsi que les indices de Kalbitz WEOMet de Milori WEOM. La spectrométrie est une technique pertinente pour le suivi du compost surle terrain. Il n'a pas été décelé d'influence de la météorologie pour les composteursparticuliers, mais bien un effet de taille pour certains paramètres. / The recycling of organic waste is a major environmental concern both from anenergetic perspective and the global warming. The composting allows the conversion of wasteinto a product, the compost, and also the increase of carbon storage in soils. Among thedifferent wastes, sewage sludges are a problematic and increasing organic urban waste. Thehigh level of organic matter in sludges can be valorized by co-composting with green waste.Indeed, many chemical changes occur in the compost maturation process, transforming thesimple molecules in humic substances which are beneficial for soils. However, there are notyet, rapid and universal techniques which could predict the stability and the maturity ofcompost. It is necessary to measure a large number of biological (respirometric test, test ofgermination), physical (pH, temperature,…) and chemical (redox potential, cation exchangecapacity (CEC),…) parameters in order to follow the compost evolution. These measurementsare expensive and are rarely done on the composting platforms.Our objective was therefore to determine which parameter(s) could be used to easilymonitor the compost on the platform. For that, we followed a co-composting of sewagesludges during the maturation process in private compost bins (platform and greenhouse) andin swath (platform) in order to observe the size effect and the climatic condition effect on thecomposting process. An easy and little expensive extraction method of the water extractibleorganic matter (WEOM), using a percolator with water at room temperature was proposed.These water extracts were characterized by various parameters, such as dissolved organiccarbon (DOC WEOM) and total nitrogen (TN WEOM) or the content of volatile fatty acids, butalso, by various spectroscopic technics such as UV-Visible absorption and fluorescence. ForUV-Visible absorption, indices provide data on the aromaticity (SUVA254 WEOM), themolecular size (E2/E3 WEOM), the molecular weight (E4/E6 WEOM) and the substitutions oforganic compounds (EET/EBZ WEOM) of organic matter. Regarding fluorescence, humificationindexes such as HLIF, Kalbitz WEOM, Milori WEOM, Ra,c WEOM and Zsolnay WEOM were used tostudy the properties of WEOM. In addition, from the excitation-emission fluorescencematrices, CP/PARAFAC components were determined. All in all, 23 parameters werefollowed during the composting.We were thus able to distiguish the most relevant indices that can be used on theplatform. These indices are the SUVA254 WEOM and indices of Kalbitz WEOM and Milori WEOM.The spectroscopy is a relevant technique for monitoring the compost in the field. No impactof climatic conditions was revealed for the private compost bins, but a size effect for someparameters was observed.

Compost bioremediation of oil sludge by using different manures under laboratory conditions

Ubani, Onyedikachi 06 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to measure the reduction in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) content in oil sludge by co-composting the sludge with pig, cow, horse and poultry manures under laboratory conditions. Four kilograms of soil spiked with 800g of oil sludge was co-composted differently with each manure in a ratio of 2:1 (w/w) spiked soil: manure and wood-chips in a ratio of 2:1 (w/v) spiked soil: wood-chips. Control was set up similar as the one above but without manure. Mixtures were incubated for 10 months at room temperature. Compost piles were turned weekly and moisture level was maintained at between 50% and 70%. Moisture level, pH, temperature, CO2 evolution and oxygen consumption were measured monthly and the ash content at the end of experimentation. Bacteria capable of utilizing PAHs were isolated, purified and characterized by molecular techniques using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), amplification of the 16S rDNA gene using the specific primers (16S-P1 PCR and 16S-P2 PCR) and the amplicons were sequenced. Extent of reduction of PAHs was measured using automated soxhlet extractor with Dichloromethane as the extraction solvent coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Temperature did not exceed 27.5OC in all compost heaps, pH ranged from 5.5 to 7.8 and CO2 evolution was highest in poultry manure at 18.78μg/dwt/day. Microbial growth and activities were enhanced. Bacteria identified were Bacillus, Arthrobacter and Staphylococcus species. Results from PAH measurements showed reduction between 77 and 99%. The results from the control experiments may be because it was invaded by fungi. Co-composting of spiked soils with animal manures enhanced the reduction in PAHs. Interestingly, all bacteria isolated and identified in this study were present in all treatments, including the control. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences)

Compostage et vermicompostage des effluents d'elevage : une alternative durable pour le recyclage des dechets d'origine animale / Composting and vermicomposting of livestock manure : a sustainable alternative to recycle animal wastes.

Faverial, Julie 26 July 2016 (has links)
En Guadeloupe, l'utilisation de composts se heurte à de nombreux freins, aussi bien en termes de leur qualité qu’en termes d’un manque de plateformes de compostage à grande échelle et de proximité. Des études récentes ont montré que la qualité des composts locaux était plus faible qu’en milieu tempéré, ce qui constituerait un verrou majeur à l’adoption de la pratique et l’utilisation des composts industriels locaux. Pourtant, les objectifs de valorisation des déchets organiques fixés par les instances publiques sont ambitieux et le gisement local, bien que diffus et actuellement mal géré ou négligé, présenterait un réel intérêt pour la profession agricole à être orienté vers la valorisation biologique telle que le compostage. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la qualité des composts élaborés en milieu tropical et d'apporter des éléments factuels pour son amélioration et, plus spécifiquement, d’apporter de l’information sur les potentialités agronomiques du compostage des effluents d’élevage en Guadeloupe, présentant ainsi le compostage comme une alternative durable pour le recyclage des déchets d’origine animale.Une méta-analyse de 442 composts d'origine diverse, la première réalisée sur le sujet, nous a permis de démontrer que les composts produits en milieu tropical présentent des teneurs en carbone, azote, potassium et fraction soluble de la matière organique plus faibles que celles des composts produits en milieu tempéré, et que cela pourrait notamment être dû à l’influence des conditions climatiques lors du compostage. En revanche, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que certaines matières premières permettaient l’obtention de composts de meilleure qualité quelque soit le climat considéré, il s’agissait entre autres des effluents d’élevage.Les résultats issus d'une série d’expérimentations menée sur la production de composts d’effluents d’élevage avec co-compostage et vermicompostage ont été traités avec une approche méthodologique innovante dans ce domaine, les Réseaux Bayésiens. L’évaluation réalisée sur le co-compostage effluents/déchets verts nous a permis d’identifier l’"effet de concentration" du carbone et de la lignine, comme celui qui définit la qualité des composts en termes de quantité et de stabilité de la matière organique. En revanche, dans le cas des nutriments, seule la qualité des matières premières a été identifiée comme le facteur déterminant de la qualité des produits finaux. Ces résultats nous ont amené à considérer les effluents d’élevage de bovin comme la matière première la plus efficace pour produire des co-composts de qualité satisfaisante, répondant à la problématique d’usure de la matière organique des sols guadeloupéens et permettant de satisfaire les attentes de la profession agricole.De plus des expérimentations réalisées sur les composts domestiques ont montré que la gamme analysée présentait une variabilité trop importante pour être considérée comme acceptable par la profession agricole. Le compostage domestique peut permettre de produire des composts de bonne qualité agronomique à utiliser à la petite échelle des jardins particuliers et des jardins créoles. / In Guadeloupe, the practice of composting faces many obstacles and preconceptions both in terms of quality and in terms of lack of large-scale composting plants as well as local composting facilities. Recent studies have shown that the quality of local composts was lower compared to those from temperate regions. This constitutes an important constraint for the adoption of the former by farmers. However, organic waste recovery targets set by the government are ambitious and local resources, although diffused and currently poorly managed or neglected would be of real interest for the farming profession by being directed towards organic recycling such as composting. In this context, the aim of this thesis was to evaluate the quality of compost produced in the tropics, provide factual elements for improvement and, more specifically, to provide information on the agronomic potential of composting livestock manure in Guadeloupe, presenting composting as a sustainable alternative for the recycling of animal waste.A meta-analysis of 442 composts from various sources, the first one to be conducted on the subject enabled us to demonstrate that composts produced in the tropics present lower contents of carbon, nitrogen, potassium and soluble fraction of organic matter than those produced in temperate environments. This could especially be due to the influence of climatic conditions during composting. However, we were able to show that some raw materials allow better quality composts whatever the considered climate, especially the case of livestock manure.A series of experiments conducted on the production of livestock manure composts with co-composting and vermicomposting were treated with an innovative methodological approach in this field, the Bayesian Networks. The evaluation carried out on co-composting has allowed us to identify that the "concentration effect" was the main factor affecting compost quality in terms of amount and stability of organic matter. While in the case of nutrients, only the quality of raw materials has been identified as the determining factor affecting the quality of the end products. These results led us to consider manure, mainly cattle manure, as the most efficient feedstock for producing satisfactory quality composts, meeting the needs of loss of soil organic matter in Guadeloupe and the needs of the farming profession.Further experiments performed on household composts showed that their quality exhibited a too important variability to be considered acceptable by farmers. Our results indicate that household composts could be suitable for use in small-scale private gardens and Creole gardens.

Compost bioremediation of oil sludge by using different manures under laboratory conditions

Ubani, Onyedikachi 06 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to measure the reduction in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) content in oil sludge by co-composting the sludge with pig, cow, horse and poultry manures under laboratory conditions. Four kilograms of soil spiked with 800g of oil sludge was co-composted differently with each manure in a ratio of 2:1 (w/w) spiked soil: manure and wood-chips in a ratio of 2:1 (w/v) spiked soil: wood-chips. Control was set up similar as the one above but without manure. Mixtures were incubated for 10 months at room temperature. Compost piles were turned weekly and moisture level was maintained at between 50% and 70%. Moisture level, pH, temperature, CO2 evolution and oxygen consumption were measured monthly and the ash content at the end of experimentation. Bacteria capable of utilizing PAHs were isolated, purified and characterized by molecular techniques using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), amplification of the 16S rDNA gene using the specific primers (16S-P1 PCR and 16S-P2 PCR) and the amplicons were sequenced. Extent of reduction of PAHs was measured using automated soxhlet extractor with Dichloromethane as the extraction solvent coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Temperature did not exceed 27.5OC in all compost heaps, pH ranged from 5.5 to 7.8 and CO2 evolution was highest in poultry manure at 18.78μg/dwt/day. Microbial growth and activities were enhanced. Bacteria identified were Bacillus, Arthrobacter and Staphylococcus species. Results from PAH measurements showed reduction between 77 and 99%. The results from the control experiments may be because it was invaded by fungi. Co-composting of spiked soils with animal manures enhanced the reduction in PAHs. Interestingly, all bacteria isolated and identified in this study were present in all treatments, including the control. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences)


Medeiros, Angela Carolina de 18 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:23:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angela Carolina de Medeiros.pdf: 816809 bytes, checksum: ac7c00cad843d88070dc5e748e2319ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-18 / This study had the object of evaluating the influence of the frequency of aeration and the quantity of structural material in the process of co-composting of sludge from house septic tanks with residual organic solids. The research was carried out at the Experimental Station for the Biological Treatment of Sewage (EXTRABES), in the city Campina Grande, Paraiba during the period from August 2008 to July 2009. To mount the experimental system of co-composting sludge was collected from the house septic tanks in the district of Malhada da Roça, in the small town of São João do Cariri, situated in the semi-arid region of the state of Paraiba. The residual organic solids were collected from the Paraiba Company for Food and Agricultural Services (EMPASA), Campina Grande, PB. The experimental system comprised a new treatment of co-composting of sludge from house septic tanks with residual organic solids using a process of turning over, with a frequency of 1, 2 and 3 times per week with proportions of porous material of 4 and 8%. The monitoring period was for 112 days and weekly samples were collected for physic-chemical analysis and parasite counts. The turning frequency did not have a significant effect on the transformation of total volatile solids during the treatment period. The quantity of added structural material directly influenced the efficiency of the transformation of dry mass which was inversely proportional to the percentage of structural material added. The process of co-composting showed efficient removal of helminthes eggs. The compost produced met the legal requirements in relation to the quantities of macronutrients. The efficiency of the co-composting system showed two distinct phases: namely rapid during the first 35 days and a slow subsequent phase. The kinetic constants for biodegradation were determined from adjusted exponential equations, and showed higher values during the rapid phase and values approximately ten times lower during for the slow phase. / O trabalho teve objetivo de avaliar a influência da freqüência de aeração e quantidade de estruturante no processo de co-compostagem de lodo de tanque séptico unifamiliar e resíduos sólidos orgânicos. A pesquisa foi realizada na Estação Experimental de Tratamento Biológico de Esgoto (EXTRABES), na cidade de Campina Grande-PB, durante o período de Agosto de 2008 a Julho de 2009. Para a montagem do sistema experimental de co-compostagem foram coletados lodos de tanques sépticos unifamiliar no distrito de Malhada da Roça, Município de São João do Cariri, localizado no semi-árido paraibano. Os resíduos sólidos orgânicos foram coletados na Empresa Paraibana de Alimentos e Serviços Agrícolas (EMPASA), Campina Grande-PB. O sistema experimental foi constituído de nove tratamentos de co-compostagem de lodo de tanque séptico unifamiliar e resíduos sólidos orgânicos, realizando o processo de reviramento com freqüência de uma, duas e três vezes por semana e percentagem de estruturante de 0, 4 e 8%. O monitoramento do sistema experimental foi realizado durante 112 dias, e semanalmente eram coletadas amostras para realização de análises físico-químicas e parasitológicas. A freqüência de reviramento não apresentou influência significativa na transformação de STV nos tratamentos estudados. O material estruturante influenciou diretamente no processo, de modo que o comportamento da eficiência de transformação de massa seca foi inversamente proporcional ao percentual de estruturante. O processo de cocompostagem mostrou-se eficiente na remoção de ovos de helmintos. O adubo produzido atendeu aos requisitos da legislação, com relação à quantidade de macronutrientes. O desempenho do sistema de co-compostagem permitiu visualizar duas fases distintas: rápida nos primeiros 35 dias e fase lenta nos dias subsequentes. As constantes cinéticas de biodegradação foram determinadas a partir de equações exponenciais ajustadas, apresentando valores maiores na fase rápida, e valor aproximadamente dez vezes menor na fase lenta.

Suivi physico-chimique, microbiologique et écotoxicologique du compostage de boues de STEP mélangées à des déchets de palmier : validation de nouveaux indices de maturité / physico-chemical microbiological and ecotoxicological monitoring during composting of sewage sludge-date palme waste : validation of new maturity index

El Fels, Loubna 20 December 2014 (has links)
Le traitement de boues de station d'épuration (Boues activées de Marrakech) en mélange avec déchets verts (Palmier dattier) selon deux mélanges dont les proportions : A (1/3 Boues + 2/3 Déchets de palmier) et B (1/2 Boues + 1/2 Déchets de palmier), a été effectué par la filière du compostage, pendant six mois. Au cours du co-compostage, l’intense activité microbienne s’est traduite par une augmentation de température (autour 65 C°) au cours des premières semaines (phase thermophile) et un taux de décomposition final de l’ordre de 40%. Après six mois de co-compostage, le compost final est caractérisé par un rapport C/N voisin de 10, un rapport de NH4+/NO3- < 1, un pH autour de la neutralité signe de maturité des composts. L’analyse FTIR a montré une diminution de l'absorbance des bandes aliphatiques et l'augmentation de la structure de bandes d'absorbance aromatiques reflètent l'état d'avancement du processus d'humification. Le taux d’abattement des lipides totaux est de l’ordre de 43%. Les esters méthyliques d’acide gras (FAMEs) des Gram-positif (i,C15 :0) ont augmenté durant la phase thermophile. Les FAMEs d’origine non spécifique (C6 :0, C14 :0) ont connu une intense diminution, les FAMEs de bactéries non spécifiques représentent une grande teneur durant la phase thermophile. L’indice CPI a augmenté à la fin du co-compostage indiquant l’enrichissement du compost en FAMEs d’origine végétale. Les principaux composés ligneux identifiés, au cours du co-compostage, par Py-GC-MS, sont classés en deux groupes. Le premier est constitué de 7 composés dont la teneur diminue au cours du co-compostage, parmi lesquels : Toluène, 2,4-diméthylbenzène, éthylbenzène, Styrène, 1-éthyl-2-méthylbenzène, 4-méthylphénol et 2-méthylnaphthalène. Le deuxième groupe est constitué de 4 composés qui augmentent au cours du co-compostage : phénol, benzofuran, éthylméthoxyphénol et diméthoxyphénol. Les principaux stéroïdes identifiés sont les C27-C29 sterènes, stanols, 5β-cholesta-3-one, cholesta-3,5-diène et 2 thiostéranes. A l’exception des thiosteranes et quelques composés de C27-C29 cholestenes la concentration relative des stéroides diminue au cours du processus suit à leur attaque microbien. L’abattement total de la teneur des stéroïdes est corrélé positivement avec les indicateurs de maturité du compost (C/N et NH4+/NO3-) ce qui ouvre la voie à une éventuelle utilisation des stéroïdes comme indicateur de dépollution et de maturité de compost. 12 isolats d’actinomycètes ayant une activité antimicrobienne vis-à-vis d’un large spectre des germes pathogènes ont été isolés sur le milieu sélectif CTEA. Le degré d’hygiénisation est confirmé par la diminution de la concentration des coliformes fécaux et totaux, et l’abattement des œufs d’helminthes identifiés (Ascaris sp., Capillaria sp., et Trichuris sp.) vers la fin du co-compostage. La phytotoxicité, déterminée par l’effet des extraits hydrosolubles à différents stades de co-compostage sur la germination et la croissance des radicules (Navet, Cresson, Laitue, Luzerne), a diminué et l’indice de germination dépasse 100%, après six mois de co-compostage. La génotoxicité du chrome hexavalent (Cr(VI)) du substrat de co-compostage est corrélée positivement avec la fréquence des micronoyaux (MN). Après six mois de co-compostage le taux des MN diminue avec un taux d’abattement de 70,4% et 77,2% avec l’abattement de la concentration du Cr(VI) avec 58 et 58,6% respectivement pour le mélange A et B. Ceci ouvrira la voie d’utilisation de cet indice comme un indice de maturité des composts. La diminution de la phytotoxicité et la génotoxicté au cours du co-compostage confirme l’état de stabilisation et de la maturité des co-composts, ce qui pemettra l’épandage de ces composts en tant qu’amendement organique des sols sans risque de contamination du système sol-plante. / The co-composting of activated sludge and lignocellulose waste (palm tree waste) was monitored to study the behaviour of two mixtures, referred to as A (1/3 sludge + 2/3 palm waste) and B (1/2 sludge + 1/2 waste palm) for 6 months. The biotransformation was evaluated by physicochemical and spectroscopic analyses. The thermophilic phase is characterized by a rise in temperature, which peaked at 65°C. This is the result of intense microbial activities. The final composts exhibited a higher degree of decomposition than the controls as shown by a decomposition rate of about 40%, decrease of C/N ratio to around 10 and NH4 +/NO3 - ratio below 1. The decrease of aliphatic absorbance bands and the increase of aromatic absorbance bands follow the progress of the humification process. Total extractable lipid was decreased by 43%. The fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) from Gram-positive bacteria (i, C15: 0) increased during the thermophilic phase. FAMEs from non-spécific origin (C6 :0, C14 :0) exhibited a decrease toward the end of co-compostin, linear FAMEs from non-specific bacteria underwent a decrease during co-composting. The CPI index thus increased at the end of the composting process, indicating that the final product was proportionally richer in fatty acids of plant origin. Two lignin groups were distinguished by Py-GC-MS. Group 1 contained toluene, 2,4-dimethylbenzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, 1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene, 4-methylphenol and 2-methylnaphthalene; their relative proportions decreased during co-composting. A second group of 4 components showed concentrations that increased with co-composting time: phenol, benzofuran, ethylmethoxyphenol and dimethoxyphenol. The main steroids identified were C27-C29 sterenes and stanols, 5β-cholesta-3-one, cholesta-3,5-diene and 2 thiosteranes. Except for thiosteranes and some of the C27-C29 cholestenes, the relative concentrations decreased during co-composting due to microbial degradation. The changes in steroids during co-composting, was positively correlated with the physico-chemical parameters of mature compost, especially C/N and NH4 +/NO3 - ratios, opening the way for the use of steroids as indicators of pollution and compost maturity. On the selective CTEA medium, 12 active strains of isolated actinobacteria presented a suppressive action against various pathogens. This may justify that a biotic factor is also an important factor contributing to making co-composting substrates hygienic. The degree hygiene reached is confirmed by the reduction in the faecal and total coliforms, and by the abatement of identified helminth eggs (Ascaris sp., Capillaria sp., and Trichuris sp.) towards the end of the process. The phytotoxicity determined by the effect of aqueous extract, at various stages of the co-composting, performed by monitoring the number of germinated seeds and the rootlets growth of turnip, watercress, alfalfa, and lettuce was decreased, and the growth of radicals that have a germination index that exceeds 100% after six months of co-composting. Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) genotoxicity showed a positive correlation with micronucleus (MN) frequency. After six months of co-composting, the MN rate decreased significantly by 70.4 and 77.2% with decreasing Cr(VI) concentration with 58 and 58.6%, for mixtures A and B respectively. That indicates their suitability for use as a maturity index. During co-composting the abatement rate of phytotoxicity and genotoxicity confirme the maturation and stabilization degree of co-composting end products which encourages their recycling in agriculture as a fertilizer for the soil without any contamination of the soil-plant system.

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