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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is de-carbonized development possible? Household emissions and renewable energy in developing countries

Seriño, Moises Neil 20 October 2014 (has links)
Politische Entscheidungsträger stehen heute vor der Herausforderung, dem Klimawandel zu begegnen, ohne das Entwicklungspotential von Entwicklungsländern einzuschränken. In diesem Zusammenhang trägt diese Arbeit zur Beantwortung der Frage bei, ob Entwicklung ohne höheren CO2-Ausstoß  möglich ist. Untersucht werden insbesondere die Emissionen von Haushalten und die mögliche Verbreitung erneuerbarer Energien in Entwicklungsländern. Diese Arbeit geht in vier Punkten über die bisherige Literatur hinaus. Erstens untersucht sie aus der Perspektive eines Entwicklungslandes die CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten und analysiert den Einfluss steigender Einkommen auf Emissionen, unter Berücksichtigung sozio-demografischer Eigenschaften der Haushalte. Zweitens betrachtet sie andere relevante Faktoren wie CO2-und Energieintensität, die steigende Emissionen beeinflussen könnten. Drittens untersucht sie, wie ungleich die Emissionen der Haushalte verteilt sind. Aus der Ungleichheit von Emissionen ergeben sich direkte Konsequenzen für die Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten. Zuletzt wird die Möglichkeit der Verbreitung verschiedener erneuerbarer Energien in Entwicklungsländern erforscht. Erneuerbare Energien scheinen eine Handlungsoption zur Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen darzustellen. Sie können helfen, Wachstum in Entwicklungsländern zu fördern, ohne die bereits besorgniserregend hohe Konzentration von klimaschädlichen Gasen in der Atmosphäre weiter zu verschlimmern. Der erste Teil der Dissertation untersucht, wie CO2-intensiv der Lebensstil philippinischer Haushalte ist und analysiert Möglichkeiten, Emissionen und Wohlstand von Haushalten zu entkoppeln. Wir schätzen die CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte, die durch den Konsum verschiedener Güter und Dienstleistungen verursacht werden, indem wir eine Input-Output-Analyse mit den Ausgaben der Haushalte in den Jahren 2000 und 2006 kombinieren. Auf Basis der Schätzung sind die Ausgaben der Haushalte, die im Zusammenhang mit Kraftstoffen, Licht und Transport stehen, die CO2-intensivsten, während diejenigen für kurzlebige Güter am wenigsten CO2-intensiv sind. Die zentralen Ergebnisse sind, dass während sozio-demografische Eigenschaften der Haushalte wichtig für die Erklärung der Höhe von Emissionen sind, keine konkreten Anzeichen für eine Entkopplung von CO2-Emissionen und Wohlstand gefunden wurden. Wenn sich das Konsumverhalten nicht ändert, werden philippinische Haushalte bei steigendem Wohlstand wahrscheinlich einen Lebensstil führen, der mit höherem CO2-Ausstoß einhergeht. Der zweite Teil schlüsselt die Veränderung der Emissionen durch Haushalte auf und untersucht andere relevante Einflussfaktoren wie CO2-Intensität und Energieintensität. Während der erste Teil die starke Korrelation zwischen Emissionen und Einkommen herausarbeitet, wird durch die Aufschlüsselung deutlich, dass diese Korrelation nicht gleichverteilt zwischen allen Haushalten ist. Der Einkommenseffekt ist in ärmeren Haushalten ausgeprägter, während der Effekt der Energieintensität in reicheren Haushalten überwiegt. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Energieintensität ein Ansatzpunkt dafür sein kann, Emissionen von Haushalten zu reduzieren. Insbesondere kann der Einsatz energieeffizienter Haushaltsgeräte gefördert werden, ebenso wie kraftstoffsparende Fahrzeuge oder der Zugang zu öffentlichen Transportmitteln. Um die CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten zu reduzieren, muss untersucht werden, wie sich die Emissionen auf die Haushalte verteilen. Jede politische Maßnahme zur Linderung des Klimawandels, die die Reduktion von Emissionen beinhaltet, hat einen direkteren Einfluss in gleicheren Gesellschaften, als in Ungleicheren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Emissionen sehr ungleich zwischen den Haushalten verteilt sind, dass diese Ungleichheit zunimmt und sich ein großer Anteil der Emissionsungleichheit durch energieintensiven Konsum von Kraftstoffen, Licht und Transport erklärt. Dies legt nahe, dass politische Entscheidungsträger sich auf energieintensiven Konsum fokussieren sollten, um die Ungleichheit von Emissionen zu reduzieren.  Die ersten drei Teile der Arbeit stellen heraus, dass ein großer Anteil der CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte durch energieintensiven Konsum verursacht wird. Dies deutet auf die Notwendigkeit hin, auf emissionsneutrale Energiequellen wie erneuerbare Energien umzusteigen um den Lebensstil der Haushalte zu erhalten oder zu verbessern ohne die globalen Emissionen weiter ansteigen zu lassen. Daher wird im vierten Teil die potentielle Ausbreitung verschiedener erneuerbarer Energiequellen in Entwicklungsländern modelliert  und ihre Bestimmungsfaktoren untersucht. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Diversifikation, da die meisten erneuerbaren Energien wetterabhängig und dadurch nicht planbar sind, eine Diversifikation aber eine stabile und verlässliche Energieversorgung ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen robusten nichtlinearen Effekt von Einkommen auf Diversifikation, der sich als grafisch als U-förmige Beziehung zeigt, so dass wir eine weitere Diversifikation erneuerbarer Energiequellen bei steigenden Einkommen in Entwicklungsländern erwarten. Darüber hinaus können technologisch fortschrittlichere Entwicklungsländer, Entwicklungsländer mit ausgebildeten Fachkräften, entwickelten Finanzmärkten, guter Regierungsführung und hohem Rohstoffvorkommen den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien diversifizieren ohne auf ausländische Direktinvestitionen und Entwicklungshilfe angewiesen zu sein. Wir dokumentieren ferner, dass sich die Diversifizierung erneuerbarer Energiequellen seit Einführung des Kyoto-Protokolls Ende 1997 weiter verbreitet hat. Auf Grundlage der obigen Erkenntnisse können die folgenden Politikempfehlungen abgeleitet werden. Auf Seiten der Haushalte: Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass Haushalte bei steigendem Wohlstand einen Lebensstil führen werden, der mit geringem CO2-Ausstoß einhergeht. Den Konsum der Haushalte zu beschränken ist jedoch schwierig und umstritten. Güter, durch die ein hoher CO2-Ausstoß verursacht wird, können besteuert werden um die Emissionen von Haushalten einzuschränken. Allerdings sollten politische Entscheidungsträger dabei Vorsicht walten lassen, um nicht die Bemühungen der Armutsbekämpfung zu gefährden, da auf den Philippinen ein Viertel der Bevölkerung als arm anzusehen ist. Es gibt verschiedene andere Optionen, die CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte zu drosseln. Dazu zählt die Verbesserung der Produktionseffizienz und die Veränderung des Konsumverhaltens hin zu einem weniger CO2-intensiven Lebensstil. Wichtig sind dabei insbesondere Verbesserungen beim Zugang zu öffentlichem Verkehrsmitteln, sowie zu energieeffizienteren Beleuchtungs- und Kühltechnologien. Ferner ist es ein wichtiger Politikansatz, den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energiequellen auszuweiten und erneuerbare Energie in den Energiemix von Entwicklungsländern einzugliedern, um wirtschaftliches Wachstum von Emissionen zu entkoppeln.

Small engine performance limits - turbocharging, combustion or design

Attard, William January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Growing concerns about interruption to oil supply and oil shortages have led to escalating global oil prices. In addition, increased public acceptance of the global warming problem has prompted car manufacturers to agree to carbon emission targets in many regions including most recently, the Californian standards. Other legislating bodies are sure to follow this lead with increasingly stringent targets. As a result of these issues, spark ignition engines in their current form will need significant improvements to meet future requirements. One technically feasible option is smaller capacity downsized engines with enhanced power that could be used in the near term to reduce both carbon emissions and fuel consumption in passenger vehicles.This research focuses on exploring the performance limits of a 0.43 liter spark ignited engine and defining its operating boundaries. Limiting factors such as combustion, gas exchange and component design are investigated to determine if they restrict small engine performance. The research gives direction to the development of smaller gasoline engines and establishes the extent to which they can contribute to future powertrain fuel consumption reduction whilst maintaining engine power at European intermediate class requirements.

Energia nas operações de desmonte de rocha e suas influências na moagem de minérios

Carlos, Marcelo Ribeiro January 2017 (has links)
Energia é um insumo estratégico na mineração, pois é fundamental na viabilidade das operações mineiras e importante na manutenção de custos operacionais baixos e competitivos. Por esse motivo, toda iniciativa que visa a busca por eficiência no consumo de energia é importante para a competitividade das mineradoras. Vários insumos energéticos são utilizados nas operações unitárias de mineração. Os exemplos mais comuns são diesel, eletricidade, gás natural, carvão e explosivos. O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar, do ponto de vista energético, as atividades realizadas no processo de desmonte de rochas, em um complexo minerador de minério de ferro, visando a melhor utilização da energia no desmonte de rocha para aperfeiçoar as operações unitárias subsequentes de processamento de minérios. Um foco maior foi dado à economia de energia nas moagens de bolas da planta de beneficiamento e concentração, provocada pelas modificações e melhorias realizadas no desmonte de rocha. A metodologia consistiu na análise de diversos desmontes de rocha variando a razão de carga de explosivos no complexo minerador alvo desse trabalho. Os produtos desses desmontes foram acompanhados até a sua entrada na planta de beneficiamento. Durante o processamento desses materiais nas moagens da planta, foram coletadas e analisadas as grandezas elétricas resultantes e comparadas com uma linha de base gerada antes do início do trabalho. Os dados foram analisados com o objetivo de visualizar a influência do aumento da razão de carga na performance energética da operação de moagem. Em paralelo, também, foram analisadas as situações operacionais e dificuldades existentes nas medições de campo e nos acompanhamentos de consumos energéticos dos processos unitários, assim como a infraestrutura necessária para que uma variável tão importante como energia elétrica possa ser monitorada de forma adequada. Por fim, foi abordada a importância, a metodologia e os resultados da redução de emissões de CO2 provenientes da economia de energia de todo o trabalho realizado em campo. Os resultados apresentados mostram que mesmo com um aumento significativo da alimentação de material compacto (maior WI) nas moagens, o consumo energético total dessa operação unitária não aumentou. Isso gerou uma potencial economia específica de energia e a consequente redução de emissões de CO2 na atmosfera, além de viabilizar o processamento de material mais compacto nas mesmas linhas de processo. Esse comportamento sugere que uma melhor energia gasta no desmonte de rocha pode impactar positivamente na produtividade e nos custos de produção do minério ao longo de sua cadeia produtiva. / Energy is a mining strategic source, critical in mining operations feasibility and important to maintain low operational costs in a competitive level. For this reason, any initiative aimed at searching for energy efficiency is important for mining companies’ competitiveness. Mining operations need several energy sources. Most common examples are diesel, electricity, natural gas, coal and explosives. This text aims to address, from an energy perspective, a study carried out in an iron ore mining complex, which had as main objective to reach a better rock blasting energy utilization to improve subsequent mining operations. A greater focus was given to energy savings in ball mills operations of a beneficiation and concentration plant, impacted by modifications and improvements made in rock blasting. Methodology consisted in monitoring several rock blasting, carried out in this mining complex, varying explosive charge ratio. Products of those rock blasting were monitored until they entered the processing plant. During ore processing in plant´s ball mills, electrical variables were collected and analyzed, comparing to a baseline generated before the beginning of this research. All data were analyzed to show influence of explosive charge ratio increase on energy performance of the milling operation. In parallel, operational issues and difficulties in field measurements of energy consumptions were described, as well as the necessary infrastructure that allows the variable electricity to be adequately monitored. Besides, the methodology and results of CO2 emissions reduction from energy savings of all fieldwork were discussed. The research data shows that even with a significant increase in compact feed (higher Work Index), total energy consumption of mill operation did not increase. This scenario generate a potential specific energy savings and consequent reduction in CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. In addition, enables more compact material to be processed in the same process lines. This behavior suggests that a better energy spent on rock blasting can positively affect productivity and ore production costs along its production chain.

L'efficacité énergétique et carbone des différentes formes de distribution au Viêt-Nam et une comparaison en France / Energy and carbon efficiency of different forms of distribution in Vietnam and a comparison with France

Lam, Quoc Dat 21 December 2015 (has links)
Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) d’origine humaine, en se concentrant dans l’atmosphère entraînent des changements climatiques. L’augmentation des GES, notamment les émissions de CO2 dans l’activité du transport en général et du transport de marchandise en particulier contribuent au réchauffement de la planète. Le transport est à l’origine d’une part croissante de ces émissions, principalement le transport routier et, dans le transport, la part des marchandises (environ un tiers) est croissante. Actuellement, une part importante et croissante du transport de marchandises est organisée par quelques enseignes de la grande distribution qui cherchent à contrôler les flux logistiques de plus en plus loin en amont des magasins et de les organiser à leur profit.L'objectif principal de la thèse est une contribution à une meilleure connaissance de la consommation d’énergie et des émissions de carbone (CO2) dans le transport de marchandises. Pour cela, la thèse analyse l’efficacité énergétique et carbone de différentes formes de chaînes logistiques mises en œuvre par les principaux distributeurs au Vietnam et les compare avec les chaînes logistiques correspondantes en France. Hanoi est une ville en développement très rapide depuis l’ouverture de l’économie en 1986. Le développement de l’économie a attiré l’augmentation de la population dans la zone urbaine dense, la motorisation du transport et une évolution importante des formes de distribution et des chaînes logistiques.Nous partons de travaux sur la quantification de l’énergie et des émissions de GES des chaînes logistiques en France et en Europe. Nous avons réalisé des enquêtes sur les chaînes de distributions vietnamiennes pour obtenir des données comparables et quantifier l’énergie consommée et les émissions en appliquant la méthode de quantification du CO2 utilisée en France. Ceci nous permet de comparer l’efficacité énergétique et carbone de différentes formes de magasins sur le cas du yaourt et du blue-jeans entre le Vietnam et la France.Une enquête a été menée en face à face auprès des opérateurs (producteurs, transporteurs, distributeurs) et une enquête Web auprès des consommateurs au Vietnam qui vont acheter ces produits aux magasins. A partir des données collectées sur le territoire de Hanoï, nous avons décrit les chaînes logistiques du yaourt et du blue-jean au Vietnam depuis la matière première jusqu’au domicile du consommateur. Les différences entre types de distribution ou chaînes logistiques étudiées, portent notamment sur le type de magasin : petit magasin de centre-ville qui peut appartenir au producteur au Vietnam, à une chaîne de distribution en France ou être indépendant de l’un et de l’autre, supermarché et hypermarché des grands distributeurs.Grâce à ces analyses, nous allons répondre aux questions suivantes : Quels sont les types de magasins et les organisations logistiques les plus efficaces pour l’énergie et des émissions de CO2? Les types d’énergie rencontrés dans cette comparaison sont le gazole, l’essence, l’électricité et parfois le gaz. Les coefficients d’émission de ces différentes énergies sont ceux du Guide Information de CO2 des prestations de transport de l’ADEME (2012) et le coefficient d’émission de l’électricité au Vietnam est celui du Ministère de la Resource naturelle et de l’Environnement du Vietnam (2010). / Anthropic Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG), when concentrating in the atmosphere, cause climate change. The increase in greenhouse gases, including CO2 emissions in transport activity in general and freight transport in particular of contribute to global warming. Transportation is responsible for an increasing part of these emissions, mainly road transport and within transport; the share of goods (about one third) is increasing. Currently, a large and growing share of freight transport is organized by a few large retailers seeking to control logistics flows even further upstream and to organize theses flows for their own benefit.The main aim of the thesis is a contribution to a better understanding of energy consumption and carbon (CO2) emissions in the transportation of goods. For this, the thesis analyzes the energy and carbon efficiencies of various forms of supply chains implemented by major retailers in Vietnam and compares them with the corresponding supply chains in France. Hanoi is a very fast developing city since the opening of the economy in 1986. The economic development has drawn increasing population in the dense major urban areas, the motorization of transport and dramatic changes in the distribution and in the supply chains organization.The starting point of the thesis is a research result on quantifying energy and GHG emissions from supply chains in France and in Europe. We conducted surveys on the corresponding supply chains of Vietnamese distributions to obtain comparable data and quantify the energy consumption and emissions of CO2 by applying the quantification method used in France. This allows us to compare the energy and carbon efficiency of different forms of retail outlets in the cases studied of yoghurt and blue jeans between Vietnam and France.A survey was conducted face to face with the operators (producers, transporters, distributors) and a Web survey with consumers (in shopping trips) in Vietnam have bought these products in these retail outlets. Using the information collected in Hanoi, we describe the supply chains of yoghurt and jeans in Vietnam from the raw material up to the consumer's home. The differences between types of distribution or supply chains, relate in particular to the type of retail outlets: a shop can belong to the producer in Vietnam, a retailer in France or an independent shop and the supermarket and hypermarket to major distributors.Through these analyzes, we answer the following questions: What are the most efficient logistic organizations for energy and CO2 emissions of retail outlets? Energy consumptions in this analysis are diesel, gasoline, electricity and sometimes gas. For these different energies, we use the emission factors of the ‘CO2 in transport services Information Guide’ (ADEME 2012) and for electricity in Vietnam, the emission factor published by the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment of Vietnam (2010).

Porovnání účinnosti a ekologického přínosu fotovoltaických elektráren v různých oblastech České republiky / Comparison of the effectivity and the ecological benefits of photovoltaic power stations in different areas of the Czech Republic

SLUKA, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The study is focusing on comparison of efficiency and ecological impacts of photovoltaic power stations depending on their locations in the Czech Republic. The report gives us an overview of photovoltaic power stations efficiency and also their environmental value by minimising CO2 emissions due to replacing conventional energy technologies. The research is based on data taken from energy audits of photovoltaic power stations in Vidov (South Bohemia), in Hodonice (South Moravia) and Lahošť (North Bohemia). The measured data of efficiency and CO2 savings are compared to forecast data from numerical weather prediction models PVSYST, PVGIS and Meteonorm. The project revealed, that photovoltaic power stations efficiency directly depends on their geographic location. Decisive factor was sunlight. Paired comparison showed, that there is a difference between photovoltaic power stations in Lahošť, Hodonice (P < 0,01) and Vidov (P < 0,05). The difference between real and expected datas from each photovoltaic systems was conclusive (p < 0,01). Significant was also factor of month (p < 0,001).

Modélisation des consommations d'énergie et des émissions de CO² à long terme appliquée au secteur résidentiel algérien / Modeling of long-term energy consumption and CO² emissions applied in algerian residential sector

Ouahab, Athmane 06 July 2015 (has links)
Le secteur résidentiel en Algérie consomme 25 % de l'énergie finale et émet en moyenne 21 % des gaz à effet de serre. Or, il existe un important gisement d'économie d'énergie dans ce secteur. Ce constat a conduit à rechercher la manière de rendre le secteur du logement plus efficient en termes de consommation d'énergie et d'émission de CO2. Cette thèse vise à développer différentes méthodes d'analyse quantitative dédiées à l'amélioration performantielle du secteur résidentiel à l'horizon 2050 . Il s'agit, en clair, d'infléchir les consommations d'énergie et de stabiliser les émissions de CO2. La comparaison entre la France et l'Algérie doit mettre de mettre en lumière les différences, tant dans les dynamiques des structures de parcs que dans celles induites par les différentiels climatiques.Ce travail s'inscrit dans une démarche prospective. Il s'appuie sur les principes de l'exercice prospectif développés par Jacques Arcade et Michel Godet, et il s'inspire pleinement de nombreux travaux de recherche (ETHEL, CLIP…). Il a pour ambition de développer un modèle de prospective énergétique bottom-up, capable de mesurer différentes trajectoires de l'évolution des consommations d'énergie dans le secteur résidentiel et les émissions qui en découleraient à l'horizon 2050.Ce modèle s'articule à partir des données du scénario central de la démographie et du parc de logements de l'Office national des statistiques algérien, ainsi que les hypothèses argumentées relatives aux évolutions démographiques des ménages. La poursuite des tendances actuelles, en termes de consommations d'énergie et d'émissions à l'horizon 2050, permet de tracer un scénario de référence sur lequel la thèse s'appuie pour identifier les actions à mettre en œuvre afin d'y apporter d'éventuelles solutions. En se basant en effet sur un ensemble de leviers technologiques, notre modèle peut établir des scénarios volontaristes dans lesquels l'on suppose plusieurs trajectoires de l'évolution du couple consommations/émissions.Outre l'intérêt scientifique de ce travail, le développement de ce modèle peut constituer un outil d'aide à la mise en oeuvre d'une politique énergétique portant sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique dans le secteur du logement ; les scénarios réalisés peuvent en outre constituer une feuille de route pour de nouvelles stratégies énergétiques. / The residential sector in Algeria consumes 25 % of the final energy and emits about 21% of greenhouse gas emissions. However, there is a significant potential of energy saving in this sector. This leads to looking for ways to make the sector of housing more efficient in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. This thesis aims to develop different methods of quantitative analysis dedicated to improving the performance of the résidential sector in 2050. In other words, the objective is to reduce energy consumption and stabilize CO2 emissions. The comparison between France and Algeria should help to clarify the differences in both dynamic structures housing stock as well as in those induced by climate differentials.This research work fits into a prospective approach. It is based on the principles of prospective exercise developed by Jacques Arcade, Michel Godet, and it is influenced by numerous research works (ETHEL, CLIP). It has the ambition to develop a model of bottom-up energy prospective capable of measuring various trajectories of the evolution of energy consumption in the residential sector and resulting emissions by 2050.This model is based on the data of the central scenario of demography and the housing stock of the Algerian National office of Statistics, and on the well-argued assumptions concerning the démographic evolution of households. The continuation of current trends in terms of energy consumption at the approach of 2050 allows us to draw up a reference scenario on which the thesis is based to identify the actions to be implemented to identify possible solutions. Indeed, by basing itself on a set of technological levers, our model can establish voluntaris scenarios in which several trajectories of the evolution of the consumption/emissions pair can be envisaged.Besides the scientific interest of this work, the developement of this model can establish a help tool for the implementation of an energy policy concerning the improvement of the energy efficiency in the sector of housing ; moreover, the scenarios undertaken could constitute a road map for new energy strategies.

Une analyse économique et ex-post des effets du prix du carbone sur le secteur électrique européen / An economic and ex-post analysis of the impacts of the carbon price on the European power sector

Solier, Boris 23 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse évalue les interactions entre le système européen d’échange de quotas de CO2 et les marchés de l’électricité sur la période 2005-2012. Elle est réalisée à partir d’instruments économétriques et de modélisation, permettant d’expliquer les évolutions observées des marchés et de dégager des enseignements pour la conduite des politiques futures. L’analyse ex-post de l’introduction d’un prix du carbone sur les marchés électriques en Europe fait apparaître trois types d’interactions : sur la formation des prix de l’électricité ; sur les choix techno-économiques et les émissions de CO2 ; sur la formation des rentes électriques. Les estimations empiriques mettent en évidence que le degré de répercussion du prix du carbone sur les prix de l’électricité n’est généralement pas homogène mais varie selon les périodes et les marchés en fonction d’une combinaison de facteurs. Les impacts du prix du carbone sur le mix technologique et les émissions de CO2 du secteur électrique sont estimés à partir du modèle de simulation ZEPHYR-Elec, qui a pour objet de reproduire l’équilibre de court terme offre-demande d’électricité. Les réductions d’émissions de la production électrique induites par le marché européen des quotas représentent 3% à 5% des émissions contre-factuelles. Depuis 2012, le prix du carbone ne permet plus de compenser le différentiel de prix gaz-charbon en Europe. Les effets distributifs du prix du carbone sur le secteur électrique sont introduits dans le modèle ZEPHYR-Elec à partir d’une représentation analytique de la formation des rentes. Les estimations suggèrent que les profits du secteur électrique sont globalement plus élevés du fait du prix du carbone, y compris en cas d’allocation aux enchères des quotas. / This thesis is an evaluation of the interaction between the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and electricity markets over the period 2005-2012. It rests on econometric and modelling instruments to both explain the development of markets and draw lessons for the conduct of future policies. The ex-post analysis of the introduction of a carbon price into electricity markets in Europe unveils three types of interactions with: the formation of electricity prices; the technical and economic choices and CO2 emissions; the formation of electricity rents. Empirical estimates show that the degree to which the carbon cost is passed on through electricity prices is generally not homogeneous but rather varies over both time and markets, contingent upon a combination of factors. The impacts of the carbon price on both the technological mix and the CO2 emissions from the power sector are estimated using the simulation model ZEPHYR-Elec, which aims at replicating the short-term equilibrium between electricity supply and demand. Emission reductions in the electricity sector induced by the European carbon market amount to between 3% and 5% of counterfactual emissions. From 2012 on, the carbon price has not been high enough to compensate for the gas-to-coal price differential in Europe. Distributional effects of the carbon price on the electricity sector are introduced into the ZEPHYR-Elec model using an analytical representation of the formation of rents. Estimates suggest that profits made by the electricity sector are generally higher with a carbon price in place, including when allowances are auctioned.

Impactos dos investimentos no setor energético brasileiro sobre as emissões de CO2: uma abordagem de equilíbrio geral computável

Viana, Jorge Henrique Norões 01 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:44:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1758104 bytes, checksum: 44e8e7ad979e645b86ada3465c9bf745 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study analyses the effects of an increase in investments to energy production, over the emissions of CO2 and the main macroeconomic variables. The data required for their preparation were obtained from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the IBGE and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. To meet these goals, the energy inputs were divided into two groups: energy "clean" and "dirty"; based on their coefficients of CO2 emissions in 2006. Then, were simulated scenarios with: increases in investment equivalent to 1% of GDP in 2006, for each energy group, as well as scenarios involving an environmental tax of R$ 100.00 per ton of CO2; for a time horizon of ten years, using a sequential Computable General Equilibrium Model. The results of these simulations showed that there was a direct relationship between increased investments in energy and: the process of capital accumulation, the real GDP growth, the evolution of welfare, the evolution of CO2 emissions and changes in the intensity of CO2 pollution. Meanwhile, the results for simulations involving the environmental tax shown that it implied, in general, in: slowdown in capital accumulation, GDP growth below the steady state, a strong reduction of welfare and increasing reductions of emissions and intensity of pollution. Especially, the combination of an increase in investments for clean energy production, with the adoption of the environmental tax, was able to generate, simultaneously: accelerated accumulation of capital (2,70%) and real GDP growth (1,08%), increase of the welfare (R$ 33 billion) and reduction of the emissions (-1,21%) and intensity of pollution (-2,26%). / Este estudo trata dos efeitos de um aumento dos investimentos destinados a produção de energia, sobre as emissões de CO2 e as principais variáveis macroeconômicas. Os dados necessários à sua elaboração foram obtidos junto ao Ministério de Minas e Energia, ao IBGE e o Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Para cumprir com esses objetivos, os insumos energéticos foram divididos em dois grupos: energéticos limpos e sujos ; com base nos seus coeficientes de emissões de CO2 em 2006. Em seguida, foram simulados cenários com: aumentos nos investimentos equivalentes a 1% do PIB em 2006, para cada grupo de energético; bem como cenários envolvendo um imposto ambiental de R$ 100,00 por tonelada de CO2; para um horizonte de tempo de dez anos, utilizando um Modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Computável sequencial. Os resultados dessas simulações mostraram que existiu uma relação direta entre o aumento dos investimentos em energia e: o processo de acumulação de capital, o crescimento do PIB real, a evolução do bem-estar, a evolução das emissões de CO2 e a evolução da intensidade de poluição por CO2. Enquanto isso, os resultados para as simulações envolvendo o imposto ambiental mostraram que o mesmo implicou, de maneira geral, em: desaceleração do processo de acumulação de capital, crescimento do PIB abaixo do estado estacionário, forte redução do bem-estar e redução crescente das emissões e da intensidade da poluição. Especialmente, a combinação de um aumento dos investimentos destinados a produção de energia limpa, com a adoção do imposto ambiental, foi capaz de gerar, simultaneamente: aceleração da acumulação de capital (2,70%) e crescimento do PIB real (1,08%); aumento do bem-estar (R$ 33 bilhões); e redução das emissões (-1,21%) e da intensidade da poluição (-2,26%).

Energia nas operações de desmonte de rocha e suas influências na moagem de minérios

Carlos, Marcelo Ribeiro January 2017 (has links)
Energia é um insumo estratégico na mineração, pois é fundamental na viabilidade das operações mineiras e importante na manutenção de custos operacionais baixos e competitivos. Por esse motivo, toda iniciativa que visa a busca por eficiência no consumo de energia é importante para a competitividade das mineradoras. Vários insumos energéticos são utilizados nas operações unitárias de mineração. Os exemplos mais comuns são diesel, eletricidade, gás natural, carvão e explosivos. O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar, do ponto de vista energético, as atividades realizadas no processo de desmonte de rochas, em um complexo minerador de minério de ferro, visando a melhor utilização da energia no desmonte de rocha para aperfeiçoar as operações unitárias subsequentes de processamento de minérios. Um foco maior foi dado à economia de energia nas moagens de bolas da planta de beneficiamento e concentração, provocada pelas modificações e melhorias realizadas no desmonte de rocha. A metodologia consistiu na análise de diversos desmontes de rocha variando a razão de carga de explosivos no complexo minerador alvo desse trabalho. Os produtos desses desmontes foram acompanhados até a sua entrada na planta de beneficiamento. Durante o processamento desses materiais nas moagens da planta, foram coletadas e analisadas as grandezas elétricas resultantes e comparadas com uma linha de base gerada antes do início do trabalho. Os dados foram analisados com o objetivo de visualizar a influência do aumento da razão de carga na performance energética da operação de moagem. Em paralelo, também, foram analisadas as situações operacionais e dificuldades existentes nas medições de campo e nos acompanhamentos de consumos energéticos dos processos unitários, assim como a infraestrutura necessária para que uma variável tão importante como energia elétrica possa ser monitorada de forma adequada. Por fim, foi abordada a importância, a metodologia e os resultados da redução de emissões de CO2 provenientes da economia de energia de todo o trabalho realizado em campo. Os resultados apresentados mostram que mesmo com um aumento significativo da alimentação de material compacto (maior WI) nas moagens, o consumo energético total dessa operação unitária não aumentou. Isso gerou uma potencial economia específica de energia e a consequente redução de emissões de CO2 na atmosfera, além de viabilizar o processamento de material mais compacto nas mesmas linhas de processo. Esse comportamento sugere que uma melhor energia gasta no desmonte de rocha pode impactar positivamente na produtividade e nos custos de produção do minério ao longo de sua cadeia produtiva. / Energy is a mining strategic source, critical in mining operations feasibility and important to maintain low operational costs in a competitive level. For this reason, any initiative aimed at searching for energy efficiency is important for mining companies’ competitiveness. Mining operations need several energy sources. Most common examples are diesel, electricity, natural gas, coal and explosives. This text aims to address, from an energy perspective, a study carried out in an iron ore mining complex, which had as main objective to reach a better rock blasting energy utilization to improve subsequent mining operations. A greater focus was given to energy savings in ball mills operations of a beneficiation and concentration plant, impacted by modifications and improvements made in rock blasting. Methodology consisted in monitoring several rock blasting, carried out in this mining complex, varying explosive charge ratio. Products of those rock blasting were monitored until they entered the processing plant. During ore processing in plant´s ball mills, electrical variables were collected and analyzed, comparing to a baseline generated before the beginning of this research. All data were analyzed to show influence of explosive charge ratio increase on energy performance of the milling operation. In parallel, operational issues and difficulties in field measurements of energy consumptions were described, as well as the necessary infrastructure that allows the variable electricity to be adequately monitored. Besides, the methodology and results of CO2 emissions reduction from energy savings of all fieldwork were discussed. The research data shows that even with a significant increase in compact feed (higher Work Index), total energy consumption of mill operation did not increase. This scenario generate a potential specific energy savings and consequent reduction in CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. In addition, enables more compact material to be processed in the same process lines. This behavior suggests that a better energy spent on rock blasting can positively affect productivity and ore production costs along its production chain.

Quantificação dos impactos econômicos e ambientais decorrentes do estado de conservação das rodovias brasileiras / Quantifying of the economic and environmental impacts deriving from Brazilian\'s highways state of conservation

Daniela Bacchi Bartholomeu 21 November 2006 (has links)
Devido à importância do modal rodoviário para a economia brasileira no que diz respeito à sua participação na matriz de transporte de cargas, à elevada participação no consumo de combustíveis fósseis (óleo diesel) e nas emissões de CO2, esta Tese avaliou se rodovias em melhores estados de conservação implicam benefícios econômicos e ambientais. Os benefícios econômicos disseram respeito à avaliação dos seguintes parâmetros: consumo de combustível, tempo de viagem e gasto com manutenção do veículo. Já os benefícios ambientais referiram-se às reduções das externalidades negativas resultantes da diminuição nas emissões de CO2. Foram realizadas coletas de dados primários relacionados ao desempenho observado em caminhões em rodovias com diferentes condições de infra-estrutura. Nesse sentido, foram conduzidos dois conjuntos de experimentos, envolvendo rotas e tipos diferentes de caminhões, aos quais foram acoplados computadores de bordo para auxiliar na coleta dos dados. O primeiro conjunto de experimentos envolveu quatro rotas, as quais foram percorridas por um caminhão Volvo FH12, fabricado em 2004. Num total de 48 viagens, foram observados o consumo de combustível, e o perfil das velocidades em cada trajeto. Os resultados indicaram a existência de benefícios econômicos e ambientais para as rotas em melhor estado de conservação. No segundo conjunto de experimentos, foram selecionadas duas rotas em diferentes estados de conservação., nas quais dois caminhões de fabricantes distintos (Scania R124-420 e MB 1944S) realizaram um total de 40 viagens. Nesses experimentos, também foram comparados os resultados observados em cada tipo de veículo, tendo sido possível concluir que o tipo de tecnologia apenas impactou no consumo de combustível. Finalmente, os dados dos dois conjuntos de experimentos foram agregados, a fim de estimar valores mais próximos à realidade, já que na prática, há diversos tipos de modelos e fabricantes de caminhão. Ainda assim, os resultados obtidos confirmam a existência de benefícios econômicos e ambientais resultantes de viagens em rotas com melhor infra-estrutura: há um aumento na eficiência energética em rotas melhores, implicando menor consumo de combustível e menores níveis de emissão de CO2. A análise estatística dos resultados sugeriu que, em geral, os dados relacionados ao consumo de combustível eram significativos ao nível de significância de 5%, rejeitando a hipótese nula de que o consumo médio das rotas em piores estados de conservação é estatisticamente igual ao consumo médio observado em rotas com melhores condições. Portanto, tratou-se de indicação em favor da hipótese alternativa, de que o consumo médio observado em rotas piores é maior do que aquele em rotas melhores. / Due to importance of the road transportation for the Brazilian economy related to its participation in the matrix of load transport, to its high participation in the fossil fuels consumption (diesel) and in the CO2 emissions, this study evaluated if highways in better state of conservation imply in economic and environmental benefits. The economic benefits were related to the evaluation of the following parameters: fuel consumption, duration of the trip and expenses on vehicle maintenance. The environmental benefits related to the CO2 emissions reduction. It was collected primary data related to the performance observed in trucks on highways with different infrastructure conditions. In this aspect, it was carried out two sets of experiments, involving different routes and types of trucks, to which cutting edge computers were connect to assist the collection of the data. The first set of experiments involved four routes covered by a Volvo FH12 truck, manufactured in 2004. In a total of 48 trips, the fuel consumption, and the velocity profile in each passage were observed. The results showed the existence of economic and environmental benefits in the routes with better conservation. In the second set of experiments, two routes in different states of conservation were selected, in which two trucks from distinct manufacturers (Scania R124-420 and MB 1944S) performed a total of 40 trips. In these experiments, the results observed in each type of vehicle were compared, which allowed to conclude that the type of technology only impacted on the fuel consumption. Finally, the data of the two sets of experiments were aggregated, in order to approximate the values to the reality, once in reality there are several types of truck models and manufacturers. Still, the results confirm the existence of economic and environmental benefits deriving from trips in routes with better infrastructure: there is a gain in energy efficiency, resulting in less fuel consumption and lower levels of CO2 emissions. The statistical analysis of the results suggested that, in general, the data related to the fuel consumption were significant to the level of significance of 5%, rejecting the null hypothesis that the average fuel consumption in the routes in worse states of conservation is statistically equal to that observed in routes in better condition. Therefore, it is indicated that the alternative hypothesis is significant that the observed average consumption in worse routes is bigger than that observed in better routes.

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