Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coaxial"" "subject:"koaxial""
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Blood Sample Characterization Using A Co-Axial Transmission LineHilderbrand, Evan C. 22 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Metal-Ceramic Coaxial Cable Sensors for Distributed Temperature MonitoringTrontz, Adam J. 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Core-Sheath Polymer Fibers by Coaxial ElectrospinningHan, Daewoo January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Additive Manufacturing of Hydrogels for Vascular Tissue EngineeringAttalla, Rana January 2018 (has links)
One of the major technical challenges with creating 3D artificial tissue constructs is the lack of simple and effective methods to integrate vascular networks within them. Without these vascular-like networks, the cells embedded within the constructs quickly become necrotic.
This thesis details the use of a commercially available, low-cost, 3D printer modified with a microfluidic printhead in order to generate instantly perfusable vascular-like networks integrated within gel scaffolds seeded with cells. The printhead featured a coaxial nozzle that allowed the fabrication of hollow, gel tubes (500µm–2mm) that can be easily patterned to create single or multi-layered constructs. Media perfusion of the channels caused a significant increase in cell viability.
This microfluidic nozzle design was further modified to allow for multi-axial extrusion in order to 3D print and pattern bi- and tri-layered hollow channel structures. Most available methodologies lack the ability to create multi-layered concentric conduits inside natural extracellular matrices, which would more accurately replicate the hierarchal architecture of biological blood vessels. The nozzle used in this work allowed, for the first time, for these hierarchal structures to be embedded within layers of gels in a fast, simple and low cost manner. This scalable design allowed for versatility in material incorporation, thereby creating heterogeneous structures that contained distinct concentric layers of different cell types and biomaterials.
This thesis also demonstrates the use of non-extrusion based 3D biofabrication involving planar processing by means of hydrogel adhesion. There remains a lack of effective adhesives capable of composite layer fusion without affecting the integrity of patterned features. Here, silicon carbide was found for the first time to be an effective and cytocompatible adhesive to achieve strong bonding (0.39±0.03kPa) between hybrid hydrogel films. Multi-layered, heterogeneous constructs with embedded high-resolution microchannels (150µm-1mm) were fabricated in this way.
With the new 3D fabrication technology developed in this thesis, gel constructs with embedded arrays of hollow channels can be created and used as potential substitutes for blood vessel networks as well as in applications such as drug discovery models and biological studies. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Additive manufacturing (AM) involves any three-dimensional (3D) fabrication technologies that is used to produce a solid model of a predetermined design. AM techniques have recently been used in tissue engineering applications for fabrication of 3D artificial tissues that resemble architectures and material properties similar to that of the native tissue. Utilizing AM for this purpose presents the advantage of increased control in feature patterning, which leads to the realization of more complex geometries. However, there still remains a lack of simple and effective methods to integrate vascular networks within these 3D artificially engineered scaffolds and tissue constructs. Without these vascular-like networks, the cells embedded within the constructs would quickly die due to a lack of nutrient delivery and waste transport. This remains one of the biggest challenges in true 3D tissue engineering. This thesis presents a number of fast, effective and low-cost AM biofabrication techniques to address this challenge.
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Phase Transform Time Delay Estimation to Counteract Spectral Haystacking Effects in Jet Exhaust Flow MeasurementsSilas, Kevin Alexander 01 September 2021 (has links)
This study determined a superior data processing technique for correlating an acoustic signal passing through a subsonic jet engine exhaust in order to estimate the traversal time of the signal. Thrust measurement is possible with enough time delay estimates across different portions of the exhaust. This preliminary study did not take the full array of data necessary to measure thrust, but did validate key aspects of the measurement process. The turbulent shear layers of the exhaust spectrally broaden the signal, creating the appearance of spectral "haystacks", making traditional correlation methods unworkable. An experiment was performed to evaluate the ability of a novel sound source to produce a signal from which a reliable and precise time delay estimate could be found. The test apparatus was installed on either side of a Honeywell TFE731-2 turbofan research engine exhaust cone, with the source and receivers placed near the jet exit plane. The signal was then directed across the jet exhaust. This flow environment is considered an extreme challenge for accurate acoustic signal propagation. A key contribution of this paper is the determination that the Phase Transform processor of the Generalized Cross-Correlation (GCC) method produces the most reliable time delay estimates, for the given signal and flow conditions. Several alternative time delay estimators and GCC processors were examined and evaluated on this data. A proposed explanation is provided for why this time delay estimation technique produces the most accurate results, as well as explanations for why the technique became less reliable as the flow environment became more challenging, with an observed 22% anomalous TDE selection rate for the N1Corr = 60% and N1Corr = 70% conditions combined, versus only 6% for the idle and N1Corr = 50% conditions combined. This paper also details the development and first use of a novel acoustic source that produces a two-tone narrowband signal emanating from a single point – the dual Hartmann generator. / Master of Science / This study builds on a Computational Tomography (CT) technique that uses an acoustic signal and an array of receivers to measure the velocity and temperature of a gas flow field. In particular, the velocity and temperature field tested involves multiple turbulent and disruptive elements, requiring a loud and specifically designed signal. As such, a novel acoustic signal generator, the dual Hartmann generator, was designed that is both loud and produces a specific two-toned signal. The key contribution of the study was to process the data, comparing the sets of transmitted and received signals, in order to estimate the time delay amongst receiver pairs – a key input in the CT method. Traditional cross-correlation methods were inadequate, and multiple alternatives were evaluated. The Phase Transform (PHAT) technique showed the most promise, and an explanation is given for why this technique is most suitable for this type of signal.
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Desarrollo y caracterización de recubrimientos MCrAlY obtenidos mediante técnicas láser para aplicaciones de barrera térmica en aceros inoxidablesPereira Falcón, Juan Carlos 10 July 2015 (has links)
[EN] The coaxial laser cladding process is an excellent tool to obtain quality coatings, achieving complete melting and deposition of alloys with high melting point on complex 3D surfaces. In this work we have studied the coaxial laser cladding parameters for MCrAlY coatings (where M = Ni, Co, Fe or combinations of these), commonly used as bond coats in thermal barrier systems, among them: NiCoCrAlYTa, NiCoCrAlY, NiCrAlY and CoNiCrAlY; selecting the laser parameters that allow to obtain overlapping coatings with adequate geometrical aspect ratio, minimum dilution, low porosity and good metallurgical bond with the austenitic stainless steel substrate, by using a 2.2 kW Nd:YAG laser equipment and coaxial head with annular nozzle.
The laser coatings have been characterized using various microstructural tech-niques, to identify their constituent phases and the type of microstructure obtained with coaxial laser processing. The mechanical properties were determined by three-point bending tests as well as micro hardness and nanoindentation tests. The high temperature oxidation behavior of the laser coatings and austenitic stainless steel substrate were studied through isothermal oxidation tests at 1100 ºC. The morphology and chemical composition of the oxidized surface were evaluated in detail. The oxidation kinetics and the thermal growth oxide scale, thickness, structure and composition of the oxide layers formed according to the oxidation time were also studied. Finally, friction and wear behavior at room temperature and elevated temperature (500 ºC) were studied by dry sliding tribological tests, in order to obtain the friction coefficient and wear resistance of MCrAlY laser cladding coatings and to compare their behavior with the substrate.
The experimental results, allowing to analyze the influence of coaxial laser processing on mechanical properties and high temperature behavior of MCrAlY laser coatings, as well as their comparison with the AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel and MCrAlY coatings obtained by thermal spray processes that are currently used in bond coats. The results indicate that the coaxial laser cladding may be a good alternative to thermal spray processes, because microstructural integrity is improved and defects such as porosity and lack of metallurgical bonding were decreased. These facts, along with the enhancement of the oxidation and the wear resistance of MCrAlY alloys at high temperature, make the coaxial laser process potentially useful to obtain MCrAlY bond coats for new generation of thermal barrier systems. / [ES] El proceso de plaqueado láser coaxial es una excelente herramienta para la obtención de recubrimientos de calidad, logrando la completa fusión y deposición de aleaciones con elevado punto de fusión sobre superficies 3D complejas. En este trabajo se han estudiado los parámetros de procesado láser coaxial de superaleaciones MCrAlY (donde M = Ni, Co, Fe o combinaciones entre ellos), comúnmente empleadas como recubrimientos de anclaje en sistemas de barrera térmica, entre ellas: NiCoCrAlYTa, NiCoCrAlY, NiCrAlY y CoNiCrAlY; logrando seleccionar una combinación de parámetros que permiten obtener recubrimientos por solape de cordones con adecuada relación de aspecto, mínima dilución, bajo nivel de porosidad y buena unión metalúrgica con el sustrato de acero inoxidable austenítico, utilizando un equipo láser Nd:YAG de 2.2 kW y un cabezal coaxial.
Los recubrimientos láser han sido caracterizados microestructuralmente con diversas técnicas, logrando identificar las fases que los constituyen y el tipo de microestructura obtenida con el procesado láser coaxial. Se han determinado sus propiedades mecánicas a través de ensayos de microdureza, nanoindentación instrumentada y de flexión a tres puntos. Se ha estudiado también el comportamiento de oxidación a alta temperatura de los recubrimientos y del acero inoxidable austenítico mediante ensayos de oxidación isotérmica a 1100 ºC, logrando evaluar en detalle la morfología y composición de la superficie oxidada, la cinética de oxidación, así como la evolución del espesor, estructura y composición de las capas de óxido formadas en función del tiempo de oxidación. Por último, se ha realizado el estudio del comportamiento ante la fricción y el desgaste a temperatura ambiente y a elevada temperatura (500 ºC), mediante ensayos tribológicos de desgaste por deslizamiento en seco, con la finalidad de obtener el coeficiente de rozamiento y evaluar la resistencia al desgaste que presentan los recubrimientos láser MCrAlY y su comparación con el comportamiento que presenta el sustrato.
Los resultados de la experimentación han permitido analizar la influencia del procesado láser coaxial en las propiedades mecánicas y el comportamiento a alta temperatura de recubrimientos MCrAlY, y su comparación con el acero inoxidable AISI 304 y recubrimientos similares obtenidos por procesos de proyección térmica y utilizados en la actualidad. Los resultados indican que el plaqueado láser coaxial puede ser una buena alternativa a los procesos de proyección térmica, ya que se mejora la integridad microestructural, se disminuyen los defectos como la porosidad y la falta de unión metalúrgica, mejorando también el comportamiento ante la oxidación y el desgaste a elevadas temperaturas de los recubrimientos de anclaje MCrAlY que pueden ser utilizados en nuevos sistemas de barrera térmica. / [CA] El procés de plaquejat làser coaxial és una excel·lent eina per a l'obtenció de recobriments de qualitat, aconseguint la completa fusió i deposició d'aliatges amb elevat punt de fusió sobre superfícies 3D complexes. En aquest treball s'han estudiat els paràmetres de processament làser coaxial de superaliatges MCrAlY (on M = Ni, Co, Fe o combinacions entre ells), comunament emprades com recobriments d'ancoratge en sistemes de barrera tèrmica, entre elles: NiCoCrAlYTa, NiCoCrAlY, NiCrAlY i CoNiCrAlY; aconseguint seleccionar una combinació de paràmetres que permeten obtenir recobriments per solapament de cordons amb adequada relació d'aspecte, mínima dilució, baix nivell de porositat i bona unió metal·lúrgica amb el substrat d'acer inoxidable austenític, utilitzant un equip làser Nd:YAG de 2.2 kW i un capçal coaxial.
Els recobriments làser han estat caracteritzats microestructuralment amb diverses tècniques, aconseguint identificar les fases que els constitueixen i el tipus de microestructura obtinguda amb el processat làser coaxial. S'han determinat les seves propietats mecàniques mitjançant assaigs de microduresa, nanoindentació i de flexió a tres punts. S'ha estudiat també el comportament d'oxidació a alta temperatura dels recobriments i de l'acer inoxidable austenític mitjançant assaigs d'oxidació isotèrmica a 1100 ºC, aconseguint avaluar en detall la morfologia i composició de la superfície rovellada, la cinètica d'oxidació, així com la evolució del gruix, estructura i composició de les capes d'òxid formades en funció del temps d'oxidació. Finalment, s'ha realitzat l'estudi del comportament davant la fricció i el desgast a temperatura ambient i a elevada temperatura (500 ºC), mitjançant assajos tribològics de desgast per lliscament en sec, amb la finalitat d'obtenir el coeficient de fricció i avaluar la resistència al desgast que presenten els recobriments làser MCrAlY i la seva comparació amb el comportament que presenta el substrat.
Els resultats de l'experimentació han permès analitzar la influència del processat làser coaxial en les propietats mecàniques i el comportament a alta temperatura de recobriments MCrAlY, i la seva comparació amb l'acer inoxidable AISI 304 i recobriments similars obtinguts per processos de projecció tèrmica, utilitzats actualment. Els resultats indiquen que el plaquejat làser coaxial pot ser una bona alternativa als processos de projecció tèrmica, ja que es millora la integritat microestructural, es disminueixen els defectes com la porositat i la falta d'unió metal·lúrgica, millorant també el comportament davant l'oxidació i el desgast a elevades temperatures dels recobriments d'anclatge MCrAlY que poden ser utilitzats en nous sistemes de barrera tèrmica. / Pereira Falcón, JC. (2015). Desarrollo y caracterización de recubrimientos MCrAlY obtenidos mediante técnicas láser para aplicaciones de barrera térmica en aceros inoxidables [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52946
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Etude et réalisation de filtres matriochkas pour des applications spatiales / Conception and fabrication of matriochka filters for spatial applicationsHallet, Christophe 26 October 2018 (has links)
Le résonateur matriochka est conçu à partir de résonateurs coaxiaux ré-entrants créant ainsi des sauts d’impédances (SIR). La thèse développe alors des innovations théoriques sur la technologie matriochka en proposant des modèles analytiques précis sur le comportement fréquentiel et du facteur de qualité du résonateur. Les modélisations mettent en relief l’existence de degrés de liberté au sein du résonateur matriochka induisant une flexibilité du rapport de forme du résonateur. Les degrés de liberté créent ainsi une multitude de configurations du résonateur matriochka pour une fréquence fondamentale et un facteur de qualité donnés. Par conséquent, une optimisation en volume est réalisée pour concevoir deux filtres en bande L et C afin de minimiser leur encombrement. Une étude de la tenue en puissance dans le vide est également effectuée pour le filtre en bande L. Une méthode conjointe d’optimisation de la tenue en puissance et de minimisation en volume est alors proposée pour ce filtre. Ainsi, les modélisations et les optimisations sont employées afin de concevoir et de fabriquer deux filtres hyperfréquences. Le premier est un filtre de transmission en bande L conçu pour l’application de navigation Galileo qui propose une alternative d’encombrement et une tenue en puissance dans le vide élevée. Enfin, le second est un filtre de réception en bande C conçu, fabriqué et mesuré pour l’application de télémesure qui propose de meilleures performances en réjection et un volume réduit par rapport à l’existant. Finalement, la technologie matriochka est une alternative de résonateur par rapport à l’état de l’art en proposant, selon les configurations, un rejet élevé des harmoniques et un volume réduit pour une fréquence fondamentale et un facteur de qualité donnés. / The matriochka resonator is based on reentrant coaxial Stepped Impedance Resonator (SIR). So, the thesis develops theoretical innovations on the matriochka technology offering accurate analytical models on the frequency and the quality factor behaviors of the resonator. The models prove the existence of degrees of freedom within the matriochka resonator which allows to get different form factors of the resonator. The degrees of freedom create many configurations of the matriochka resonator for a fundamental frequency and a quality factor. Consequently, a volume optimization is realized to design a L-band filter and a C-band filter. A multipactor study is also carried out for the L-band filter. So, a joint optimization method of the multipactor and the volume minimization is proposed for this filter. Thus, the models and optimisations are used in the order to to design and fabricate the microwave filters. The first one is a transmission L-band filter for the navigation application Galileo which offers a volume alternative and a high power in the vaccum. Then, the second one is a reception C-band filter for the telemetry application which offers wide spurious free-performance and a low volume compared to the state of the art. Finally, for a frequency and a quality factor and depending on the configurations, the matriochka technology offers an alternative of the resonator volume, and it offers a wide spurious free- performance and a low volume compared to the state of the art.
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Análise de transição entre cabos coaxiais constituída por corrugações e desníveis angulares. / Analysis of transition between the coaxial cable constitute by corrugations and desnible angle.Leonardo Issa Nicolau 01 July 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um formalismo baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), adequado a análise de descontinuidades coaxiais com simetria axial, entre
duas linhas coaxiais quaisquer, incluindo corrugações nos tubos internos e externos. Pelo método de Galerkin-Budnov deduz-se um operador integral bilinear, aplicado ao campo
magnético, expandido em todo o domínio da estrutura, coaxial-descontinuidade-coaxial. As portas de entrada e saída da estrutura são posicionadas distantes da descontinuidade, de forma que nelas só haja o modo Transversal Eletromagnético (TEM). O campo magnético procurado e obtido pelo MEF. Os resultados encontrados; perdas de retorno, comportamento do campo magnético e as equi-fases nas portas de entrada e saída da estrutura,
foram calculados e confrontados com as do Método de Casamento de Modos (MCM), com um alto grau de concordância. / This paper presents a formalism based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), suitable for analysis of discontinuities with axial symmetry, between any two coaxial lines, including corrugations. The method of Galerkin-Budnov follows a bi-linear integral operator, applied to the magnetic held, expanded in the whole area of the structure, coaxial-discontinuity-coaxial. The input and output ports of the structure are far from of the discontinuity, so that therein there is only the TEM mode. The magnetic held sought is obtained by MEF. The values for the return loss, and the magnetic helds at both ports
were calculated and compared with those yielded by Modes Matching Technique, showing good agreement.
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Analyse numérique et expérimentale d’un doublet de rotors contrarotatifs caréné au point fixe / Experimental and numerical analysis of a shrouded contrarotating coaxial rotor in hoverHuo, Chao 26 March 2012 (has links)
Cette étude se propose d’analyser le comportement du double rotor contra-rotatif caréné dans lecadre des échelles réduites des microdrones, pour exploiter le potentiel d’amélioration desperformances stationnaires des rotors libres. La demande d’une performance propulsive de hautniveau, alors que les échelles sont très réduites constitue un véritable défi scientifique. De façongénérale, par rapport au rotor libre, l’ajout de la carène permet de piloter la contraction del’écoulement et offre un potentiel de poussée de carène. La tuyère par sa condition d’adaptationpilote le débit entrant à puissance donnée. L’augmentation du débit massique, par comparaison ausystème de rotor libre, amplifie la poussée à travers la dépression distribuée sur toute la surface decaptation. Pour comprendre les lois de fonctionnement d’un système propulsif caréné, il a d’abord été proposé un modèle théorique simplifié basé sur une extension de la théorie de Froude pour les rotors libres: le système rotor est assimilé à un disque actuateur, générateur de débit dans une conduite à section variable. Une simulation Navier Stokes 2D axisymétrique a permis d’optimiser les paramètres de forme du carénage. Les simulations ont confirmé l’influence déterminante des sections d’entrée et de sortie, et relativisé l’impact des formes possibles, pourvu que les variations de sections limitent le décollement de la couche limite. Après conception d’un banc d’essai utilisant un doublet de rotor coaxial placé dans cette carène optimisée, l’étude expérimentale complète et confirme les performances globales du système et qualifie l’écoulement méridien. Enfin, une simulation 3D instationnaire a été entreprise pour compléter l’analyse de l’écoulement autour des rotors. / This study aims to analyze the behavior of shrouded, contrarotating coaxial rotor in the reducedMAVs’ scale in order to exploit its potential to improve the free rotor steady performance. The highhover ability under low operational Reynolds number is therefore, a scientific challenge. Generally,comparing with free rotor, the addition of the shroud decreases the flow contraction and gives thepotential to generate an extra thrust. A suitable nozzle can control the mass flow for a given power.The increased mass flow, comparing with free rotor, amplifies the thrust offered by the lowpressure formed at the air entrance. To understand the principals of shrouded propulsion system, a simplified theory model was first proposed through the extension of Froude theory for free rotors: the double rotor is initially treated as an actuator disk, generating the flow at varied sections through the shroud passage. A 2D simulation which accounts for an axial flow of viscous effects within the actual shroud profile, confirmed effects of all defined geometrical parameters. It further demonstrated that within the non-stalling region of the different crosssections, shroud shape and inlet shape do not have asignificant impact on performance. The experimental study, carried out with coaxial rotor, contributed to the confirmation of the overall performance and the approximation of the flow field through the shroud. Meanwhile, the 3D simulation, developed to better model the actual coaxial rotor in counter rotation, was validated to well solve the steady performance. It was applied to complement the analysis of the flow around the coaxial rotor.
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Análise de transição entre cabos coaxiais constituída por corrugações e desníveis angulares. / Analysis of transition between the coaxial cable constitute by corrugations and desnible angle.Leonardo Issa Nicolau 01 July 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um formalismo baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), adequado a análise de descontinuidades coaxiais com simetria axial, entre
duas linhas coaxiais quaisquer, incluindo corrugações nos tubos internos e externos. Pelo método de Galerkin-Budnov deduz-se um operador integral bilinear, aplicado ao campo
magnético, expandido em todo o domínio da estrutura, coaxial-descontinuidade-coaxial. As portas de entrada e saída da estrutura são posicionadas distantes da descontinuidade, de forma que nelas só haja o modo Transversal Eletromagnético (TEM). O campo magnético procurado e obtido pelo MEF. Os resultados encontrados; perdas de retorno, comportamento do campo magnético e as equi-fases nas portas de entrada e saída da estrutura,
foram calculados e confrontados com as do Método de Casamento de Modos (MCM), com um alto grau de concordância. / This paper presents a formalism based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), suitable for analysis of discontinuities with axial symmetry, between any two coaxial lines, including corrugations. The method of Galerkin-Budnov follows a bi-linear integral operator, applied to the magnetic held, expanded in the whole area of the structure, coaxial-discontinuity-coaxial. The input and output ports of the structure are far from of the discontinuity, so that therein there is only the TEM mode. The magnetic held sought is obtained by MEF. The values for the return loss, and the magnetic helds at both ports
were calculated and compared with those yielded by Modes Matching Technique, showing good agreement.
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