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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of cocoa powder on the development of oxidative rancidity in peanut products

Peterson, Hilary January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science / J. Scott Smith / The objective of this study was to observe the effect of natural cocoa powder versus 200 ppm of tocopherols on delaying the onset of oxidative rancidity in peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut oil. The samples were obtained from a single lot of blended Runner peanuts after roasting, grinding, and pressing. The samples were treated within a week of initial roasting with either 200 ppm of mixed tocopherols or 2.5% cocoa powder. The development of oxidation was monitored by peroxide value (PV) and gas chromatography monitoring of hexanal development. The peanut butter samples were assessed by a professional sensory panel using descriptive analysis for the development of rancidity. The data was analyzed using JMP SAS software. In peanuts, the cocoa powder sample developed significantly lower levels of oxidation identifiers than the tocopherol or control samples. In peanut oil, there was no significant difference in levels of oxidation identifiers between the treatments. In peanut butter, the PV was significantly higher in the tocopherol sample than the cocoa powder or control samples, but no significant difference was observed in hexanal. The results of the sensory analysis indicated that the cocoa powder depressed the perception of both positive and negative attributes compared to the tocopherol and control samples. This study showed that cocoa powder may be a more effective preservative than an untreated sample or a sample treated with 200 ppm of tocopherols in peanuts and peanut butter; however, cocoa powder at 2.5% w/w basis did not perform as a significant antioxidant in peanut oil.

The role of surface properties on the physical attributes and stability of cocoa powder systems

Hector Lozano Perez (9192797) 03 August 2020 (has links)
<div>Cocoa is widely used by confectionary industries as a powder raw material for chocolate production. The chemical properties such as high- or low-fat content determine the functionality of the cocoa powder and constitute as a major factor in controlling the behavior of the final product. Additionally, the physicochemical properties such as the cohesive characteristics of cocoa powders create undesirable issues in industrial manufacturing settings. Thus, the evaluation of physical and chemical attributes is relevant to differentiate the powder surface structure and define the material behavior in presence of other materials or distinct environments.</div><div>This work evaluated three kinds of cocoa powders—varying mainly on the lipid content—to assess the powder performance in terms of the role of surface properties on the physical attributes (flowability and wettability) and stability under distinct frameworks. Various analytical tools were used, and several methodologies were developed and implemented to determine the surface area, changes in lipid melting phases at the surface level and particle interactions. The characterization methods included particle true density, flow properties under aerated conditions, bulk permeability, thermal properties, surface energetics, water sorption, and chemical surface compositional analyses.</div><div>The findings of this work revealed that the cocoa surface composition, amount of lipids, did not explain the low-flow performance or the water uptake. On the other hand, physicochemical properties such as lipid polymorphism was introduced as an avenue to further understand the results. From the surface energetics standpoint, a water diffusion mechanism is proposed as a result of the observed effect of water on the performance and stability of the cocoa powder systems. Owing to the hydrophobic nature of cocoa particles, this material can be used as a unique reference to understand cohesive particle models with implications on the performance (flowability and wettability) of lipid-based surface materials. The results indicated that powder behavior on the performance is a confounding effect of all variables.</div><div>The major contribution of this thesis work demonstrates the importance of surface chemistry characterization on the physical attributes of cocoa powder systems and the potential to control surface composition to improve the performance and stability of food complex systems.</div>

Application of Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to the Cocoa Industry for Fast Composition Analysis and Fraud Detection

Quelal Vásconez, Maribel Alexandra 20 January 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El cacao es un producto de alto valor, no únicamente por sus características sensoriales, sino porque también presenta un alto contenido en antioxidantes y alcaloides estimulantes con efectos saludables. Debido a la alta demanda, la industria del cacao en polvo tiene el desafío de asegurar la calidad de grandes volúmenes de producción de una manera rápida y precisa, evitando la presencia de contaminantes o adulterantes en la materia prima, ofreciendo productos donde se preserven las propiedades saludables. La espectroscopia del infrarrojo cercano (NIR) es una tecnología rápida y no destructiva útil en el análisis de productos alimentarios. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en evaluar el potencial uso del NIR como una herramienta de control de calidad con el fin de poder resolver problemas que se presentan en la industria del cacao en polvo. Los problemas a resolver incluyen la detección de materiales no deseados o adulterantes en el cacao en polvo, y la monitorización rápida y precisa del contenido de flavanoles y metilxantinas del cacao en polvo durante el proceso de alcalinización. El primer capítulo evalúa la viabilidad del NIR, en combinación con análisis quimiométricos, en la detección de la presencia de materiales no deseados o adulterantes como son cascarilla de cacao o harina de algarroba. Para ello, diferentes muestras de cacao en polvo natural y con diferentes niveles de alcalinización (suave, medio y fuerte) fueron mezcladas con distintas proporciones de cascarilla de cacao (con cacao natural) o harina de algarroba (con cacao natural y alcalinizado). Los resultados obtenidos indican que el NIR, combinado con modelos estadísticos tales como el análisis discriminante por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-DA) y la regresión parcial de mínimos cuadrados (PLS), es un método rápido y eficaz para identificar cualitativa y cuantitativamente materiales no deseados o adulterantes como la cascarilla y la algarroba en cacao en polvo, independientemente del grado de alcalinización o el nivel de tostado de la harina de algarroba. En el segundo capítulo, el análisis composicional del cacao en polvo se orientó al control de los cambios producidos en el contenido de flavanoles y metilxantinas debidos al proceso de alcalinización al que se somete el caco en polvo. Se determinó el contenido de catequina, epicatequina, cafeína y teobromina mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC), correlacionándose los contenidos obtenidos para cada uno de estos compuestos con las determinaciones NIR. Se obtuvieron buenos modelos para la predicción de los compuestos mediante regresión PLS con valores superiores a 3 para la relación entre el rendimiento y la desviación (RDP), lo cual demuestra que los modelos obtenidos pueden ser utilizados para la rápida y fiable predicción del contenido de flavanoles y metilxantinas en cacaos naturales y con diferentes niveles de alcalinización. / [CA] El cacau és un producte d'alt valor, no sols per les seues característiques sensorials, sinó perquè també presenta un elevat contingut en antioxidants i alcaloids estimulants amb efectes saludables. A conseqüència a l'alta demanda, l'industria del cacau en pols té el desafiament d'assegurar la qualitat de grans volums de producció d'una manera ràpida i precisa, evitant la presència de contaminants o adulterants en la matèria cosina, oferint productes a on se preserven les propietats saludables. L'espectroscòpia de l'infrarroig proper (NIR) és una tecnologia ràpida i no destructiva útil en l'anàlisi de productes alimentaris. La present tesis doctoral se centra en avaluar el potencial ús del NIR com una eina de control de qualitat amb l'objectiu de poder resoldre problemes que es presenten en l'industria del cacau en pols. Els problemes a resoldre inclouen la detecció de materials no desitjats o adulterants en el cacau en pols, i la monitorització ràpida i precisa del contingut de flavanols i metilxantines del cacau en pols durant el procés d'alcalinització. El primer capítol avalua la viabilitat del NIR, en combinació amb anàlisis quimiométrics, en la detecció de la presència de materials no desitjats o adulterants com són pellofa de cacau o farina de garrofa. Per a això, diferents mostres de cacau en pols natural i amb diferents nivells d'alcalinització (suau, mig i fort) foren barrejades en distintes proporcions de pellofa de cacau (en cacau natural) o farina de garrofa (en cacau natural i alcalinisat). Els resultats obtinguts per a NIR, combinats amb models estadístics com l'anàlisi discriminant per mínims quadrats parcials (PLS-DA) i la regressió parcial de mínims quadrats (PLS), és un mètode ràpid i eficaç per identificar materials no desitjats o adulterants com la pellofa de cacau o la farina de garrofa, amb independència del grau d'alcalinització del cacau o de torrat de la farina de garrofa. En el segon capítol, l'anàlisi composicional del cacau en pols s'orientà al control dels canvis produïts en el contingut de flavanols i metilxantines a causa del procés d'alcalinització al que se sotmet el cacau en pols. Es va determinar el contingut de catequina, epicatequina, cafeïna i teobromina mitjançant cromatografia líquida d'alta resolució (HPLC), i es van correlacionar els continguts obtinguts per a cadascun d'estos composts amb les determinacions NIR. Es van obtindré bons models per a la predicció dels composts mitjançant regressió PLS amb valors superiors a 3 per a la relació entre el rendiment i la desviació (RDP), la qual cosa demostra que els models obtinguts poden ser emprats per a la ràpida i fiable predicció del contingut de flavanols i metilxantines en cacaus naturals o amb diferents nivells d'alcalinització. / [EN] Cocoa is a product of high value, not only because of its sensory characteristics, but also because it has a high content of antioxidants and stimulating alkaloids with health effects. Due to the high demand, the cocoa powder industry has the challenge of ensuring the quality of large volumes of production in a fast and accurate way, avoiding the presence of contaminants or adulterants in the raw material, offering products where the healthy properties are preserved. The near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is a rapid and non-destructive technology useful in the analysis of food products. The present doctoral thesis focuses on evaluating the potential use of NIR as a quality control tool in order to solve problems that arise in the cocoa industry powdered. The problems to solve include the detection of unwanted materials or adulterants in the cocoa powder, and the rapid and accurate monitorization of the flavanols and methylxanthines content in the cocoa powder during the alkalization process. The first chapter evaluates the viability of the NIR, in combination with chemometric analysis, in the detection of presence of unwanted materials or adulterants such as cocoa shell or carob flour. For this, different samples of natural cocoa powder and with different levels of alkalization (light, medium and strong) were mixed with different proportions of cocoa shell (with natural cocoa) or carob flour (with natural and alkalized cocoa). The results obtained indicate that the NIR combined with statistical models such as the partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and the partial least squares regression (PLS), is a fast and efficient method to identify qualitative and quantitative unwanted materials or adulterants such as shell and carob in cocoa powder, regardless of the degree of alkalization or level of roasting of carob flour. In the second chapter, the compositional analysis of cocoa powder was oriented to the control of the changes produced in the content of flavanols and methylxanthines due to the process of alkalization to which the cocoa powder is subjected. The content of catechin, epicatechin, caffeine and theobromine were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), correlating the contents obtained for each of these compounds with the NIR determinations. Good models were obtained for the prediction of compounds by regression PLS with values above 3 for the ratio of performance to deviation (RDP), which shows that the obtained models can be used for the quick and reliable prediction of flavanol content and methylxanthines in natural cocoas and with different alkalization levels. / This Doctoral Thesis has been carried out thanks to a doctoral studies scholarship granted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) of the Republic of Ecuador / Quelal Vásconez, MA. (2019). Application of Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to the Cocoa Industry for Fast Composition Analysis and Fraud Detection [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/135258 / Compendio

Cocoa Applications in the Food Industry: Development of New Uses and Processing Methods

Puchol Miquel, Marta 23 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] "Aplicaciones del cacao en la industria alimentaria: desarrollo de nuevos usos y métodos de procesado" es una tesis doctoral industrial que tiene por objetivo dar respuesta a gran parte de los retos a los que se enfrenta la industria de transformación del cacao fruto de las crecientes demandas sociales y últimos cambios legislativos. Entre estos retos se incluyen la sostenibilidad de toda la cadena de valor, la escasez de materias primas y el aumento de la demanda, la adaptación a las nuevas tendencias del mercado (clean label) y las crecientes demandas de producto por parte de los consumidores. Para dar respuesta a estos retos, la tesis se ha dividido en cuatro capítulos, estando alineados cada uno de ellos con un reto diferente. / [CA] "Aplicacions del cacau en la indústria alimentària: desenvolupament de nous usos i mètodes de processament" és una tesi doctoral industrial que té per objectiu donar resposta a gran part dels reptes als quals s'enfronta la indústria de transformació del cacau fruit de les creixents demandes socials i últims canvis legislatius. Entre aquests reptes s'inclouen la sostenibilitat de tota la cadena de valor, l'escassetat de matèries primeres i l'augment de la demanda, l'adaptació a les noves tendències del mercat (clean label) i les creixents demandes de producte per part dels consumidors. Per a donar resposta a aquests reptes, la tesi s'ha dividit en quatre capítols, estant alineats cadascun d'ells amb un repte diferent. / [EN] "Applications of cocoa in the food industry: development of new uses and processing methods" is an industrial doctoral thesis that aims to respond to many of the challenges that the cocoa processing industry faces as a result of growing social demands and recent legislative changes. These challenges include the sustainability of the entire value chain, the scarcity of raw materials, and the increases in demand, adaptation to new market trends (clean labels) and growing product consumer demands. To respond to these challenges, the thesis is divided into four chapters, each of which is aligned to a different challenge. / The author wish to acknowledge the financial assistance provided by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spanish Government) and the European Regional Development Fund (Project RTC-2016-5241-2). / Puchol Miquel, M. (2022). Cocoa Applications in the Food Industry: Development of New Uses and Processing Methods [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191451 / Compendio

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