Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cognitive model"" "subject:"cognitive godel""
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Making Diagnostic Inferences about Student Performance on the Alberta Education Diagnostic Mathematics Project: An Application of the Attribute Hierarchy MethodAlves, Cecilia Unknown Date
No description available.
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Building a Computational Model for Graph Comprehension Using BiSoarLele, Omkar M. 08 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Tutorial Dialog in an Equation Solving Intelligent Tutoring SystemRazzaq, Leena M 07 January 2004 (has links)
This thesis makes a contribution to Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) architectures. A new intelligent tutoring system is presented for the domain of solving linear equations. This system is novel, because it is the first intelligent equation-solving tutor that combines a cognitive model of the domain with a model of dialog-based tutoring. The tutorial model is novel because it is based on the observation of an experienced human tutor and captures tutorial strategies specific to the domain of equation-solving. In this context, a tutorial dialog is the equivalent of breaking down problems into simpler steps and then asking new questions to the student before proceeding to the next navigational step. The resulting system, named E-tutor, was compared, via a randomized controlled experiment, to an algebra ITS similar to the“Cognitive Tutor" by Carnegie Learning, Inc®. The Cognitive Tutor can provide traditional model-tracing feedback and buggy messages to students, but does not engage students in dialog. Preliminary results using a very small sample size, i.e., teaching equation solving to 15 high school students, showed that E-Tutor with dialog capabilities performed better than E-tutor without dialog. This result showed an effect size of 0.4 standard deviations for overall learning by condition. This set of preliminary results, though not statistically significant, shows promising opportunities to improve learning performance by adding tutorial dialog capabilities to ITSs. However, significant further validation is required, specifically, adding greater numbers and variations of the work to our sample size, before this approach can be deemed successful. The system is available at www.wpi.edu/~leenar/E-tutor.
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Bayesian mechanisms in spatial cognition : towards real-world capable computational cognitive models of spatial memoryMadl, Tamas January 2016 (has links)
Existing computational cognitive models of spatial memory often neglect difficulties posed by the real world, such as sensory noise, uncertainty, and high spatial complexity. On the other hand, robotics is unconcerned with understanding biological cognition. This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach towards developing cognitively plausible spatial memory models able to function in realistic environments, despite sensory noise and spatial complexity. We hypothesized that Bayesian localization and error correction accounts for how brains might maintain accurate location estimates, despite sensory errors. We argued that these mechanisms are psychologically plausible (producing human-like behaviour) as well as neurally plausible (implementable in brains). To support our hypotheses, we reported modelling results of neural recordings from rats (acquired outside this PhD), constituting the first evidence for Bayesian inference in neurons representing spatial location, as well as modelling human behaviour data. In addition to dealing with uncertainty, spatial representations have to be stored and used efficiently in realistic environments, by using structured representations such as hierarchies (which facilitate efficient retrieval and route planning). Evidence suggests that human spatial memories are structured hierarchically, but the process responsible for these structures has not been known. We investigated features influencing them using data from experiments in real-world and virtual reality environments, and proposed a computational model able to predict them in advance (based on clustering in psychological space). We have extended a general cognitive architecture, LIDA (Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent), by these probabilistic models of how brains might estimate, correct, and structure representations of spatial locations. We demonstrated the ability of the resulting model to deal with the challenges of realistic environments by running it in high-fidelity robotic simulations, modelled after participants' actual cities. Our results show that the model can deal with noise, uncertainty and complexity, and that it can reproduce the spatial accuracies of human participants.
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'In the moment' : A cross-linguistic exploration of the lexical concept [MOMENT]Mannheimer, Arthur January 2023 (has links)
Lexical typological studies examine how various languages express similar concepts. Previous research has discussed how the concept of moment is encoded lexically in English, Ancient Greek, and Ancient Egyptian. However, there are no cross-linguistic studies to date that collect data on the lexical expressions associated with the concept of moment. Apart from documenting expressions encoding the concept in various languages, I determine the morphosyntactic status of the collected expressions, analyze the contexts in which they are used, and identify the conceptual sources that the expressions are related to. The data is collected from a convenience sample of 37 mostly unrelated languages using a multiparallel Bible corpus, lexicons, reference grammars, and etymological dictionaries. An expression was found in 27 of the 37 languages. About 74% of the expressions (20 of 27) were used to create temporal adjuncts via affixation of locative case markers and collocation with adpositions. About 41% of the expressions (11 of 27) displayed conceptual sources pertaining to the cognitive domain TIME, while about 30% (8 of 27) were related to VISION. The study contributes to our knowledge of how abstract temporal concepts are expressed lexically. / Studier inom lexikal typologi utforskar hur olika språk uttrycker liknande koncept. Tidigare forskning inom området har behandlat hur ett ögonblick som koncept uttrycks på engelska, forngrekiska, och fornegyptiska. Däremot finns hittills inga typologiska studier som samlar data kring lexikala uttryck för konceptet ögonblick. Syftet med denna studie är att dokumentera hur ett ögonblick uttrycks lexikalt i olika språk. Utöver det syftar jag till att fastställa de olika uttryckens morfosyntaktiska status, analysera vad för slags kontext de förekommer i, och identifiera de olika konceptuella källorna som kan ge upphov till uttrycken i fråga. Data samlades in utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval av 37 mestadels obesläktade språk genom att använda en korpus med bibelöversättningar, lexikon, referensgrammatiker, och etymologiska ordböcker. Ett uttryck för konceptet ögonblick hittades i 27 av 37 språk. Circa 74% av uttrycken (20 av 27) användes inom adverbfraser, då de antigen förekom med lokativa affix eller med adpositioner. Circa 41% av uttrycken (11 av 27) hade konceptuella källor som kunde associeras med TID, medan circa 30% (8 av 27) hade med SYN att göra. Denna studie bidrar till kunskapen om hur abstrakta temporala koncept uttrycks lexikalt.
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Development of Functional Requirements for Cognitive Motivated MachinesGraham, James T. 08 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o processo de
tomada de decisão de
uma professora de inglês como língua estrangeira,
especialmente os fatores
influentes nestas decisões, que são, de fato, os elementos
identificados e
analisados nesta pesquisa. Neste estudo, o processo de
tomada de decisão dos
professores é visto em uma perspectiva sócio-cognitiva
(Woods, 1996), onde a
sala de aula é considerada em suas dimensões social,
cognitiva e afetiva
(Allwright, 1988, 1996; Van Lier, 1996). Os fatores
influentes são analisados
dentro dos três estágios da tomada de decisão descritos
por Woods (1996) em seu
modelo etno-cognitivo, que são: (i) os eventos/ações em
sala de aula, que juntos
formam um curso; (ii) o planejamento que precede estes
eventos e ações, onde o
professor atua de forma a criar o curso e elementos que
formarão os eventos
citados acima; e, (iii) a compreensão/interpretação que
vem logo em seguida,
através de quais ações e eventos são entendidos e
avaliados, alimentando o
processo de planejamento que por sua vez irá influenciar
ações e eventos futuros,
dando início ao novo ciclo. Assim, este estudo caracteriza-
se como uma pesquisa
de base micro-etnográfica (cf: Erickson, 2001), cuja
metodologia focaliza o
comportamento das pessoas no seu ambiente de trabalho,
descrevendo a sua
cultura e as relações sociais, buscando entender como as
pessoas vêem a si
mesmas e o seu grupo. Assim, foram feitas gravações em
vídeo de duas aulas da
professora. Uma semana depois a professora foi convidada a
narrar para o autorpesquisador
o que havia acontecido na aula gravada em vídeo. De comum
com a professora, decidiu-se, ainda, recorrer à adaptação
do processo chamado
por muitos autores de storytelling (Calter, 1993; Casanave
& Schecter, 1997;
Clandinin & Connelly, 2000; Connelly & Clandinin, 1990,
1999; Trimmer,
1997; Witherell & Noddings, 1991; in Contreras E., 2000).
As decisões do
professor, em qualquer nível ou momento do curso, são
influenciadas por vários fatores simultaneamente, além de
representar e sinalizar suas crenças, suposições
e conhecimento. / [en] The aim of this study is to investigate the decision-
making process of a
teacher of English as a foreign language, more
specifically the influent factors
upon those decisions which are identified and analyzed in
this research. The
decision-making process is studied within a social
cognitive view (WOODS,
1996), where the classroom is considered as being a
environment, with its social, affective and cognitive
dimensions (ALLWRIGHT,
1988, 1996; VAN LIER, 1996). The influent factors are
analyzed within an
ethno-cognitive model developed by Woods (1996) and
constituted of: (i) the
events/action in the classroom, which together constitute
a course; (ii) the
planning that precedes these events and actions, where the
teacher acts to create
the course and elements that will form the events cited
above; and, (iii) the
understanding/interpretation that comes immediately
afterwards, through which
actions and events are understood and evaluated, feeding
the planning process
that in turn will influence future actions and events,
starting a new cycle. Thus,
this study is micro-ethnographic based (Erickson, 2001):
its methodology focuses
on people´s behavior in their work environment, describing
its social culture and
relations, searching to understand how these people see
themselves and the group
they are in. Thus, two classes of the same teacher were
videorecorded. One week
later the teacher was invited to tell the author what had
happened as she watched
the classes on the videotape. The researcher and the
teacher decided to make use
of the process called by many authors as storytelling
(Calter, 1993; Casanave &
Schecter, 1997; Clandinin & Connelly, 2000; Connelly &
Clandinin, 1990, 1999;
Trimmer, 1997; Witherell & Noddings, 1991; in Contreras
E., 2000). The
teacher´s decisions, in any level or moment of the course,
are influenced by
several factors simultaneously, and they also represent
and signal her beliefs,
assumptions and knowledge. Moreover, this study
contributes to a better understanding of necessary content
to be approached in teacher education
courses that will help them in this constant decision-
taking process.
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A psico-oncologia à luz da terapia cognitivo-comportamental: modelo cognitivo funcional para paciente portador de câncer / Psycho-oncology according to cognitive behavioral therapy: a functional cognitive model for patients with cancerVilaça, Anali Póvoas Orico 04 July 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo fazer a interface da prática e das técnicas da Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental (TCC) com a Psico-Oncologia, no que tange ao entendimento do modelo cognitivo e como este interfere positiva ou negativamente no enfrentamento do câncer. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, com metodologia de estudo de caso, com duas participantes, sendo uma com câncer de colo de útero e a outra com câncer de mama. A pesquisa qualitativa foi organizada em 14 encontros: no primeiro, foram medidas as variáveis distress, ansiedade e depressão, por meio dos instrumentos Termômetro do Distress e Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão; os 12 encontros seguintes foram realizados no formato de sessões de psicoterapia, baseados na Terapia Psicológica Adjuvante, em que os conflitos, a necessidade de adaptação a uma nova realidade e o enfrentamento do diagnóstico e do tratamento do câncer foram abordadas por meio das técnicas da TCC; por fim, o último e 14º encontro teve como objetivo o fechamento das sessões e a avaliação das variáveis medidas ao início. Os resultados apontaram que as duas participantes apresentaram melhora das variáveis medidas, tendo resultados mais significativos, em ambos os casos, nas variáveis ansiedade e distress. Por meio do entendimento do modelo cognitivo e da ressignificação de crenças e pensamentos automáticos, as duas participantes tiveram melhora na capacidade de aceitação da nova condição, bem como na aceitação e enfrentamento dos limites impostos pelos sintomas da doença e pelos efeitos colaterais do tratamento, além de reestruturar alguns pontos de grande importância em sua vida pessoal, familiar e de saúde, tendo ganhos consideráveis, a despeito do adoecimento oncológico. Ademais, a pesquisa demonstrou a necessidade de um olhar individualizado para cada paciente e suas crenças estabelecidas em diferentes momentos, em diversas situações e como sua percepção acerca do câncer pode ser instrumentalizada positivamente para ajudar no enfrentamento do adoecimento e em sua qualidade de vida e de relacionamentos / The purpose of this dissertation was to interface the practice and techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Psycho-Oncology, by understanding the cognitive model and how it interferes - positively or negatively - in coping with cancer. For that, a qualitative research using a case study methodology with two participants, one with cervical cancer and the other with breast cancer, was carried out. The qualitative research was organized in 14 meetings: in the first, the distress, anxiety, and depression variables were measured, using the Distress Thermometer and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; the following 12 meetings were held in the format of Psychotherapy sessions based on the Adjuvant Psychological Therapy, where the conflicts, the need to adapt to a new reality, the confrontation of the diagnosis, and the treatment of cancer were addressed through CBT techniques; finally, the last and 14th meeting had the objective of closing the sessions and evaluating the variables measured at the beginning. The results showed that both participants presented improvements in their psychological states, with more significant results, in both cases, in the variables of anxiety and distress. By understanding the cognitive model and the modification of beliefs and automatic thoughts, the two participants had an improvement in their ability to accept their new condition, as well as in accepting and coping with the limits imposed by the symptoms of the disease and the side effects of the treatment, and by restructuring important points relating to their personal, family and health life, which resulted in considerable gains, in spite of their cancer. In addition, the research demonstrated the need for individualized care for each patient and a deeper understanding of their beliefs, which were established at different moments and in different situations, as well as understanding how their different perception towards cancer was used as a tool to help them confront the disease, improve their quality of life and relationships
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Untersuchung der kognitiven Modellierung zur GussstückqualitätsverbesserungPolyakova, Irina 25 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Als Ergebnis der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein nützliches Hilfsmittel auf der Basis der kognitiven Herangehensweise zur Verbesserung der Effizienz der Managemententscheidungen für die Gussausschussverringerung und Qualitätsverbesserung in den Gießereien entwickelt. Das Werkzeug hilft dem Technologen, den Mechanismus des Gussfehlerentstehungsprozesses aufzudecken, die Logik der Gussfehlerentstehung zu verstehen und die präventiven Maßnahmen zu testen. Man kann das Werkzeug täglich im Betrieb benutzen, um die strategischen und operativen Entscheidungen rasch und ohne Durchführung der kostspieligen und komplizierten Versuche zu treffen. Auf diese Weise können Kosten und Zeit eingespart werden.
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Strategies for context reasoning in assistive livings for the elderlyTiberghien, Thibaut 18 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Leveraging our experience with the traditional approach to ambient assisted living (AAL) which relies on a large spread of heterogeneous technologies in deployments, this thesis studies the possibility of a more "stripped down" and complementary approach, where only a reduced hardware subset is deployed, probing a transfer of complexity towards the software side, and enhancing the large scale deployability of the solution. Focused on the reasoning aspects in AAL systems, this work has allowed the finding of a suitable semantic inference engine for the peculiar use in these systems, responding to a need in this scientific community. Considering the coarse granularity of situational data available, dedicated rule-sets with adapted inference strategies are proposed, implemented, and validated using this engine. A novel semantic reasoning mechanism is proposed based on a cognitively inspired reasoning architecture. Finally, the whole reasoning system is integrated in a fully featured context-aware service framework, powering its context awareness by performing live event processing through complex ontological manipulation. the overall system is validated through in-situ deployments in a nursing home as well as private homes over a few months period, which itself is noticeable in a mainly laboratory-bound research domain
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