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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Industrial Management Curriculum for North Texas State College

Orr, Jack Kennedy 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis will concentrate on a two-fold purpose: first, to determine whether an industrial management program at North Texas State College is justified; and second, to present a broad outline that will form a foundation upon which the content of such a program can be based.

Employment Criteria of the Community and Recommended Business Curriculum for Frank Phillips College, Borger, Texas

Ayers, Paul J. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this survey and study is to attempt the establishment of ways in which the business administration department of Frank Phillips College may help its students to prepare to fill the employment needs in the commercial offices of the area.

Perceptions of international students in a community college-based coordinated studies program

Insley, Andrea E. 24 July 2000 (has links)
This study presented an in-depth exploration of international student perceptions of a coordinated studies program (CSP) at Seattle Central Community College. In conducting this research project, a phenomenological research methodology was used. Qualitative data were collected through participant observations, focus group, document review and individual in-depth interviews with nine students. The data were analyzed systematically and categorized into the following four themes: (1) program integration. (2) program content, (3) program structure, and (4) program faculty. Data within each theme were then grouped under subcategories and themes were presented with examples of student's statements to illustrate each theme. International students found that the coordinated studies program provided a unique and positive educational experience. Of great importance, students found that the experience was beneficial in addressing both social and academic areas in their lives. For most of the international students in the study, the sense of supportiveness and relationship development opportunities were the most important features of the experience. International students were able to build relationships with both American students and other international students through prolonged cross-cultural interaction in and out of class. The international students valued the cross cultural learning and the introduction to American culture the CSP context provided. The interdisciplinary nature of the CSP was, in general, viewed positively, though, for many students it was a big stretch since these types of learning strategies may not have been experienced in the past. Of the various activities in the CSP, international students regarded the small group work as the most rewarding of the in-class activities, and also enjoyed the out-of-class group projects and social activities. / Graduation date: 2001

Student learning outcomes: a critical issue in the implementation of the learning college paradigm

Switzer, Cathy Lynn 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Influências do PIBID na representação social de licenciandos em química sobre ser \"professor de química\" / The PIBID\'s influence on the chemistry teachers\' initial training Social Representation concerning being a \"Chemistry teacher\"

Vogel, Marcos 25 February 2016 (has links)
Esta Tese apresenta um estudo sobre a formação inicial de professores de Química em 10 diferentes universidades públicas brasileiras, estabelecidas em 7 diferentes estados e abrange 217 estudantes de licenciatura. Analisou-se a influência do \"Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência\" - PIBID - na composição do Núcleo Central (NC) da Representação Social (RS; (MOSCOVICI, 1978) desses Licenciandos sobre o ser \"professor de Química\". Para alocar um termo na zona de centralidade de uma RS é necessário identificar o valor simbólico do termo, refletido em sua saliência, a qual é indicada pela relação entre freqüência e Ordem Média de Evocação e, pelo poder associativo, refletido na conexidade e na categorização temática dos termos. Para a coleta de informações, empregou-se um questionário, com 20 questões, das quais apenas 5 fazem referência específica à tarefa de livre associação de palavras a partir do termo indutor \"professor de Química\", enquanto as demais se referem à caracterização do grupo social. As conclusões deste estudo emergiram da comparação entre o NC da RS de alunos participantes do PIBID (118) com aquele de licenciandos que jamais participaram do Programa (99). Para os alunos participantes dos sub-projetos PIBID-QUÍMICA, os termos do NC da RS investigada são: dedicado, experimentação, responsabilidade. Para o sub-grupo não/PIBID, os termos salientes e com conexidade suficiente para expressar sua centralidade na RS são: dedicado, experimentação, inteligente. Portanto, a zona de centralidade da RS dos dois sub-grupos é diferente, devido a dois termos: responsabilidade e inteligente. O primeiro termo destacado é exclusivo do NC do sub-grupo PIBID, enquanto o último ocorre apenas no NC do sub-grupo não/PIBID. Vale salientar que para o sub-grupo PIBID o termo experimentação apresenta saliência e conexidade expressivos e, para o outro sub-grupo, o termo mais saliente e conexo é dedicado, o que reflete uma diferença qualitativa na organização interna da estrutura das RS, resultado que os caracteriza como diferentes grupos sociais, cada um com uma RS para o ser \"professor de Química\". A presença de termos diferentes na zona de centralidade das RS indica que o processo de formação desenvolvido no âmbito do PIBID expressa a importância da vivência das diferentes práticas pedagógicas junto à Escola Básica durante a formação inicial para a docência em Química, o que não ocorre para o sub-grupo não/PIBID até o momento dos estágios docentes, que demoram muito para acontecer nas Licenciaturas convencionais. No caso do sub-grupo não/PIBID, é forte a presença de termos ligados à idéia de \"vocação\" na docência, expressando aspectos históricos resistentes à mudança no processo de formação de professores. / This Dissertation presents a study involving 217 undergraduate students engaged in Chemistry teachers\' initial formation courses from 10 different Brazilian public universities, settled in seven different Brazilian states. The study aims to analyze the \"Institutional Scholarship Program for the promotion of Teaching Practice\"- whose acronym from Portuguese is PIBID - influences on the composition of the elements of the structure of these undergraduates Social Representation\'s (SR; Moscovici, 1978) Central Core (CC) concerning their understanding of what it means to be a \"Chemistry teacher\". A term is allocated in the SR centrality zone depending on its symbolic value. This qualitative parameter is reflected both on the salience of the term, which is indicated by the relationship between the frequency and Evocation Average Order values, and on its associative power, reflected in its connectivity. A questionnaire with 20 questions was employed to collect information, of which only 5 questions make specific reference to the free-word association task related to the inducing term \"Chemistry teacher\", while the others refer to the characterization of the social group. The students were asked to list the 6 first words that came to their minds at a glance in relation to the stimulus and to hierarchize them accordingly to the importance they conferred to each one of those words. In the next step, the subjects were asked to explain their choices of terms in the free-association task, with subsequent organization of these terms in pairs. In the final task, they should complete the sentence: \"For me, TO BE A CHEMISTRY TEACHER is (...)\". The results of this study emerged by comparison of the PIBID students (118) SR\'s CC with those of the undergraduates who have never joined the program (99). The terms of the CC of the SR\'s PIBID-CHEMISTRY subprojects\' students are: dedicated, experimentation, responsibility. For the students that have never participated of the program, the terms of the CC of the SR are: dedicated, experimentation, intelligent. Therefore, the two subgroups\' central zone of the SR is different two to three words: responsibility and intelligent. The first term highlighted is sole present in the CC of the PIBID\'s subgroup SR, while the latter two only occur at the CC of the subgroup not / PIBID. For the PIBID\'s subgroup the term experimentation presents expressive salience and connectivity, and to the other sub-group, the most salient and associative term is dedicated, reflecting a qualitative difference in the internal organizational structure of the SR. This result characterizes the students as pertaining to different social groups, each of them showing its own SR concerning what it means to be a \"Chemistry teacher\"The presence of different terms in the SR\'s CC indicates that the formation process developed in the context of the PIBID program was impacted by the experiences of different teaching practices performed in the High School classes. These practices take place only in more advanced stages in the conventional undergraduate courses leading to this degree.

Influências do PIBID na representação social de licenciandos em química sobre ser \"professor de química\" / The PIBID\'s influence on the chemistry teachers\' initial training Social Representation concerning being a \"Chemistry teacher\"

Marcos Vogel 25 February 2016 (has links)
Esta Tese apresenta um estudo sobre a formação inicial de professores de Química em 10 diferentes universidades públicas brasileiras, estabelecidas em 7 diferentes estados e abrange 217 estudantes de licenciatura. Analisou-se a influência do \"Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência\" - PIBID - na composição do Núcleo Central (NC) da Representação Social (RS; (MOSCOVICI, 1978) desses Licenciandos sobre o ser \"professor de Química\". Para alocar um termo na zona de centralidade de uma RS é necessário identificar o valor simbólico do termo, refletido em sua saliência, a qual é indicada pela relação entre freqüência e Ordem Média de Evocação e, pelo poder associativo, refletido na conexidade e na categorização temática dos termos. Para a coleta de informações, empregou-se um questionário, com 20 questões, das quais apenas 5 fazem referência específica à tarefa de livre associação de palavras a partir do termo indutor \"professor de Química\", enquanto as demais se referem à caracterização do grupo social. As conclusões deste estudo emergiram da comparação entre o NC da RS de alunos participantes do PIBID (118) com aquele de licenciandos que jamais participaram do Programa (99). Para os alunos participantes dos sub-projetos PIBID-QUÍMICA, os termos do NC da RS investigada são: dedicado, experimentação, responsabilidade. Para o sub-grupo não/PIBID, os termos salientes e com conexidade suficiente para expressar sua centralidade na RS são: dedicado, experimentação, inteligente. Portanto, a zona de centralidade da RS dos dois sub-grupos é diferente, devido a dois termos: responsabilidade e inteligente. O primeiro termo destacado é exclusivo do NC do sub-grupo PIBID, enquanto o último ocorre apenas no NC do sub-grupo não/PIBID. Vale salientar que para o sub-grupo PIBID o termo experimentação apresenta saliência e conexidade expressivos e, para o outro sub-grupo, o termo mais saliente e conexo é dedicado, o que reflete uma diferença qualitativa na organização interna da estrutura das RS, resultado que os caracteriza como diferentes grupos sociais, cada um com uma RS para o ser \"professor de Química\". A presença de termos diferentes na zona de centralidade das RS indica que o processo de formação desenvolvido no âmbito do PIBID expressa a importância da vivência das diferentes práticas pedagógicas junto à Escola Básica durante a formação inicial para a docência em Química, o que não ocorre para o sub-grupo não/PIBID até o momento dos estágios docentes, que demoram muito para acontecer nas Licenciaturas convencionais. No caso do sub-grupo não/PIBID, é forte a presença de termos ligados à idéia de \"vocação\" na docência, expressando aspectos históricos resistentes à mudança no processo de formação de professores. / This Dissertation presents a study involving 217 undergraduate students engaged in Chemistry teachers\' initial formation courses from 10 different Brazilian public universities, settled in seven different Brazilian states. The study aims to analyze the \"Institutional Scholarship Program for the promotion of Teaching Practice\"- whose acronym from Portuguese is PIBID - influences on the composition of the elements of the structure of these undergraduates Social Representation\'s (SR; Moscovici, 1978) Central Core (CC) concerning their understanding of what it means to be a \"Chemistry teacher\". A term is allocated in the SR centrality zone depending on its symbolic value. This qualitative parameter is reflected both on the salience of the term, which is indicated by the relationship between the frequency and Evocation Average Order values, and on its associative power, reflected in its connectivity. A questionnaire with 20 questions was employed to collect information, of which only 5 questions make specific reference to the free-word association task related to the inducing term \"Chemistry teacher\", while the others refer to the characterization of the social group. The students were asked to list the 6 first words that came to their minds at a glance in relation to the stimulus and to hierarchize them accordingly to the importance they conferred to each one of those words. In the next step, the subjects were asked to explain their choices of terms in the free-association task, with subsequent organization of these terms in pairs. In the final task, they should complete the sentence: \"For me, TO BE A CHEMISTRY TEACHER is (...)\". The results of this study emerged by comparison of the PIBID students (118) SR\'s CC with those of the undergraduates who have never joined the program (99). The terms of the CC of the SR\'s PIBID-CHEMISTRY subprojects\' students are: dedicated, experimentation, responsibility. For the students that have never participated of the program, the terms of the CC of the SR are: dedicated, experimentation, intelligent. Therefore, the two subgroups\' central zone of the SR is different two to three words: responsibility and intelligent. The first term highlighted is sole present in the CC of the PIBID\'s subgroup SR, while the latter two only occur at the CC of the subgroup not / PIBID. For the PIBID\'s subgroup the term experimentation presents expressive salience and connectivity, and to the other sub-group, the most salient and associative term is dedicated, reflecting a qualitative difference in the internal organizational structure of the SR. This result characterizes the students as pertaining to different social groups, each of them showing its own SR concerning what it means to be a \"Chemistry teacher\"The presence of different terms in the SR\'s CC indicates that the formation process developed in the context of the PIBID program was impacted by the experiences of different teaching practices performed in the High School classes. These practices take place only in more advanced stages in the conventional undergraduate courses leading to this degree.

A survey of selected business offices in Modesto with implications for curriculum and guidance at Modesto Junior College

Savage, Carol Kent 01 January 1950 (has links)
This survey of one hundred business offices in Modesto was conducted for the purpose of determining whether the office training curriculum offered by the Modesto Junior College adequately prepares students to successfully enter the office occupations in the community.

A Model for a Speech and Drama Program for an Upper-Division College: Tyler State College

Kern, Judy Beth 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is that of developing a speech and drama program for Tyler State College which is consistent with the philosophical framework of the college as well as with the scope of upper-division institutions in Texas as stated by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System. Emphasis is placed on the matriculation of students from junior colleges within commuting distance of Tyler.

Evaluation of curriculum design and delivery : a case for Zimbabwe Staff College

Kashora, Phoebe 01 1900 (has links)
The major goal of the Bachelor of Adult Education degree is to equip officers with the prerequisite skills, knowledge and attitudes to design and deliver programmed instruction to different categories of learners as well as to equip them with skills to conduct research in the field of adult education practice. The present study undertakes to investigate the reasons for lack of patronage for the adult education degree at Zimbabwe Staff College (ZSC) by exploring the quality of the adult education degree programme in terms of its effectiveness, relevance, value and its ability to enhance the quality of life. An adult education degree programme should reflect the sociocultural realities and experiences of adult learners. Participatory approaches should inform the development and implementation of curriculum. The aim of the study is to inform decisionmaking aimed at programme improvement. Effectiveness entails adequacy and appropriateness of teaching methods and support services. Relevance is ensured by considering the policy framework, curriculum provision, learners‟ needs and non–participation in the programme. Value constitutes the ability to improve the economic, professional, social and political aspects of life. Using the qualitative case study design, seven students and two administrators were selected using purposeful sampling, which is informed by the non-probability theory of sampling, to participate in individual and focus group interviews, which were subsequently conducted and generated data for analysis. Available relevant documents were analysed. The major finding revealed that a lack of recognition of the adult education programme by superiors at ZSC was the major obstacle to participation. Lack of recognition was found to be attributable to the absence of any national lifelong learning policy, ZSC policy framework, institutional structural conditions, and non–participatory curriculum development process and also to other associated barriers. The non-existence of the national and local policies on adult education was found to be negatively affecting not only participation but also the quality of the content provision because a lifelong learning policy framework is supposed to be informing design and practice. Recommendations focus on revision of the policy framework and the way the policies are implemented at national and local levels. A review of the implementation of policy is imperative if the restrictions responsible for the invisibility of adult education in the country and adult education programmes at ZCS are to be removed. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Evaluation of curriculum design and delivery : a case for Zimbabwe Staff College

Kashora, Phoebe 01 1900 (has links)
The major goal of the Bachelor of Adult Education degree is to equip officers with the prerequisite skills, knowledge and attitudes to design and deliver programmed instruction to different categories of learners as well as to equip them with skills to conduct research in the field of adult education practice. The present study undertakes to investigate the reasons for lack of patronage for the adult education degree at Zimbabwe Staff College (ZSC) by exploring the quality of the adult education degree programme in terms of its effectiveness, relevance, value and its ability to enhance the quality of life. An adult education degree programme should reflect the sociocultural realities and experiences of adult learners. Participatory approaches should inform the development and implementation of curriculum. The aim of the study is to inform decisionmaking aimed at programme improvement. Effectiveness entails adequacy and appropriateness of teaching methods and support services. Relevance is ensured by considering the policy framework, curriculum provision, learners‟ needs and non–participation in the programme. Value constitutes the ability to improve the economic, professional, social and political aspects of life. Using the qualitative case study design, seven students and two administrators were selected using purposeful sampling, which is informed by the non-probability theory of sampling, to participate in individual and focus group interviews, which were subsequently conducted and generated data for analysis. Available relevant documents were analysed. The major finding revealed that a lack of recognition of the adult education programme by superiors at ZSC was the major obstacle to participation. Lack of recognition was found to be attributable to the absence of any national lifelong learning policy, ZSC policy framework, institutional structural conditions, and non–participatory curriculum development process and also to other associated barriers. The non-existence of the national and local policies on adult education was found to be negatively affecting not only participation but also the quality of the content provision because a lifelong learning policy framework is supposed to be informing design and practice. Recommendations focus on revision of the policy framework and the way the policies are implemented at national and local levels. A review of the implementation of policy is imperative if the restrictions responsible for the invisibility of adult education in the country and adult education programmes at ZCS are to be removed. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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