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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construcción del hábitat residencial en poblaciones de bajos recursos. Intervenciones del habitante en el entorno inmediato en conjuntos habitacionales de vivienda social

Cobo Fray, Constanza January 2014 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Hábitat Residencial / La propuesta es una investigación básica que indaga sobre el hábitat residencial en poblaciones de bajos recursos de la ciudad de Cali y su relación con los proyectos de vivienda social producto de la implementación de políticas públicas. El objetivo principal es identificar qué aspectos determinantes de las propuestas de proyectos de viviendas sociales (físico–espacial, políticos, sociales y económicos), contribuyen a potenciar o deprimir el hábitat residencial de los pobladores. Identificándolos desde el estudio de las ransformaciones que los pobladores hacen en sus viviendas y entornos. No es desconocido para todos los que habitamos las ciudades latinoamericanas el hecho de que las personas transformen sus viviendas y su entorno inmediato de acuerdo a sus propias necesidades, en post de mejorar la calidad de su hábitat. Proceso que no siempre es apreciado por los profesionales de la arquitectura que trabajan el tema de la vivienda social, por perjuicios estéticos que no dejan reconocer el valor que tiene identificar estos fenómenos, para luego incorporarlos en el diseño de futuras propuestas mas acordes con las necesidades de los habitantes. Para el logro de este propósito, esta investigación propone involucrar a un profesional de las ciencias sociales que brinde asesoría en la aplicación de técnicas para hacer investigaciones cualitativas, que complemente y enriquezca la propuesta hecha desde la arquitectura. El resultado esperado es producir un modelo de análisis que sea aplicable al estudio de otros casos; locales, regionales, nacionales e internacionales. A partir del cual se pueda dar cuenta del estado del hábitat residencial en estos ámbitos y se generen recomendaciones para futuros desarrollos de proyectos de vivienda dirigidos a poblaciones de bajos recursos. También se espera contribuir al conocimiento y divulgación del tema de estudio y poder replicar ese conocimiento en la academia a través de cursos en pregrado y posgrado, estudiantes que participen en la investigación y más directamente con profesionales y organismos estatales involucrados en la acción habitacional.

Adult Education of Internally Displaced Persons in Medellin, Colombia: Factors Affecting Access and Participation

Cooper, Shaun John January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to identify barriers to access and participation of adult internally displaced persons (IDPs) within the metropolitan area of Medellin, Colombia, as perceived by a sample of advisors, administrators and educators working with this population. Displacement often presents substantial barriers to education and IDPs fulfilling their human rights. These barriers and their underlying structures are analysed and compared to Cross' (1981) situational, institutional and dispositional categories, as well as corresponding the data to Maslow’s (1943) 5-scale Hierarchy of Needs.  The study found a variety of reasons why IDPs do not participate in education, and complex networks between these, which could be mapped to Maslow’s and Cross’ theoretical models. Lack of resources, cost/ benefit choices (both economically and in terms of time) and family obligations figure as much as poor prior study experience, literacy skills and confidence in one's own abilities. This is not surprising, and agrees with the literature regarding adult education of this population. This study aims to contribute to a complex model of deterrents to participation. A full model could be combined with existing knowledge to form a dynamic model of participation in adult education of the IDP population.

Plan de negocios para la empresa estudia en Chile

Collazos Salazar, León Felipe January 2013 (has links)
Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas / El siguiente plan de trabajo, entrega una propuesta cuyo objetivo es el desarrollo de un plan de negocios para crear una compañía intermediaria o bróker intermediario en el sector de la educación. Esta compañía, entregará a los profesionales colombianos, la oferta académica de los MBA´s de las 3 mejores universidades de Chile, los cuales, están considerados entre los mejores programas de escuelas de negocios de Latinoamérica. A través de un servicio que contempla el asesoramiento y la planeación de la realización de sus MBA, a partir de un conocimiento sólido del país y de la oferta educativa del mismo, a nivel de posgrado, gracias a la experiencia previa, del autor de este trabajo, en este país. Adicionalmente, le entregará a estas universidades la posibilidad de contar con una representación comercial en Colombia, lo cual constituye la oportunidad de tener una actividad de mercadeo y comercial mucho más afinada, que se traducirá en mayores ingresos, derivados de mayores ventas y un enriquecimiento cultural de sus programas, todo de acuerdo a los perfiles y requerimientos solicitados por las mismas. El tema propuesto en el plan de negocios es relevante, ya que brinda a estos profesionales la posibilidad de realizar sus estudios en el exterior en un país, que sin dudas es el más admirado de Latinoamérica por su nivel desarrollo, el cual a partir de este año y debido a el último censo demográfico, sería el único país de la región, que dentro de dos años será considerado como desarrollado . El plan de negocios, propone una metodología completa con base en los principales postulados de Michael Porter, que pasa por las etapas de: análisis interno y externo, análisis y estrategias FODA, formulación estratégica, estudio de mercado, plan de marketing y el plan operativo, para finalizar con la proyección de ventas, y el análisis financiero requerido.

Innovation systems in developing countries : a top-down and bottom-up approach to studying the Colombian National System of Innovation and the coffee, flower and sugarcane production chains

Velasco, Diana Carolina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the evolution and development of science, technology and innovation (STI) policies in Colombia as a particular case study of a developing country within the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region. The initial stage of the research analysed attempts by Colombian policy-makers from the 1960s onwards to build a National System of Innovation (NSI), following recommendations from transnational organisations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development and the Organisation of American States. This investigation found little evidence of systemic relationships between public, industrial and academic organisations to generate, exchange and apply knowledge. Central to these innovation strategies was a focus upon funding research with public resources to strengthen knowledge generation as the main mechanism for promoting innovation. This suggested that, although the STI policy was formally defined as following a ‘systemic’ approach, the policy mix reflected a linear reading of innovation (Tait & Williams, 1999) and generated an unhelpful (mis)perception of an uptake lag (Brown, Gregson, & Mason, 2015). The study was therefore refocused to develop a bottom-up understanding of innovation in selected industrial settings. A detailed analysis was undertaken of the innovation arrangements in three key Colombian agricultural industries - coffee, flower and sugarcane - within the national economy and global supply chains. This is an exploratory qualitative research based upon semi-structured interviews and specialised focus groups with key academic, public and private actors related with the evolution, design and application of innovation policies and strategies at the national and sectoral levels, supported by analysis of published and unpublished literature. Moving beyond narrow Innovation Systems (IS) perspectives, this thesis brought together aspects of STI policy design with an analysis of formal and informal social, economic and political institutions. A detailed focus on specificities of the three ISs under study highlighted important differences in terms of the generation and exploitation of knowledge linked to differences in inter-organisational relationships within the sub-sectors and their governance and governability. This in turn pointed tothe importance of cultural factors shaping innovation dynamics and the co-evolution of sectoral actors with technical, organisational and market changes. These findings suggest a top-down and bottom-up approach to understanding how national innovation strategy can be embedded in firms and industries. This thesis makes three contributions to knowledge. Firstly, it contributes to theories of sectoral innovation systems - showing that even at the sub-sectoral level, there are very different innovation pathways depending upon ownership, trading relations, scale, political insertion, longevity, sources and cumulativeness of knowledge. This reinforces the need for NSI to be grounded in broader historical and sociological understanding. Secondly, the operation of (de facto) innovation systems needs to be understood through a broad analysis of the embedded institutions and the power dynamics between the actors involved in the system. We suggest that the NSI approach might usefully be reconnected with earlier Latin American intellectual approaches that took into account the particularities of local/national industrial and knowledge institutions and the insertion of the LAC economies into global trading systems. Finally, it provides a critical appraisal of how the NSI approach can be read and understood by political actors to justify and shape particular policy mixes that encourage a narrow focus on the promotion and exploitation of public sector research based upon linear models of innovation.

Rozvojová politika EU se zaměřením Kolumbii / Development Policy of the European Union with Focus on Colombia

Malá, Václava January 2008 (has links)
Bc. Malá, Václava: Development Policy of the European Union with a view to Colombia, Prague. Department of World Economy, Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics in Prague, 2009, 68 pages, Head: Ing. Josef Abrhám, Ph.D. The thesis focuses on the issue of the evolution of development policy and administration of development aid by the European Union as whole (i.e. the European Commission) as well as by individual member states. The case study looking into Colombia analyses putting the development policy and development assistance into practice. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter defines historical links between the European and developing countries, stipulates basic notions connected to the issue as well as defines the European Union institutions having development policy and development assistance in their respective agendas. Various forms of development aid are described at the end of the first chapter. The second chapter deals with prospective trends in the progress of development policy and development aid. Therefore, the Lisbon Treaty and the 10th European Development Fund are analysed in particular. The third chapter focuses on how development policy and development assistance are exercised in the Colombian case. The conclusion of the thesis contains a statement about a substantial importance of European Union in the field of granting international development assistance.

Vztahy Kolumbie a USA .- Od Plánu Kolumbie do současnosti. / Relations between USA and Colombia. - From Plan Colombia till today

Kurzová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
I analyze relations between the USA and Colombia in my diploma thesis. I focus on security and drug aspect of their relations. I investige influence of the USA on situatin in Colombia.

Specifika podnikatelského prostředí v Kolumbii a možnosti uplatnění českých subjektů na tomto trhu / Particularities of Business Environment of Colombia and opportunities for Czech companies on this market

Sedmíková, Anežka January 2011 (has links)
Presented work analyses business environment of Colombia. It focuses on political and security situation in the country, cultural and social differences, economic situation with regard to market opportunities for Czech companies in Colombia. It further evaluates mutual commercial relations between the Czech Republic and Colombia and addresses experience of particular Czech companies with business activities in Colombia. Based on the analysis of socio-economic environment and experience of Czech companies, a SWOT analysis of the Colombian market from the perspective of a Czech company is created.

Youth and trade unions - case study in a post-conflict country as Colombia

Munoz, Marcia January 2018 (has links)
This paper aims to explain how interpretations and perception of unionsdiffer depending on the age of the audience as well as identifying what kind of development ideas and visions are detectable in union communication and practices. The paper also examines to which extent unionstriesto rejuvenate themselves and how they relate with gender issues. The case of the Colombian central union organization, CUT, is used as an example of a trade union. Within the framework of theories related to intergenerational value changes, rejuvenationand gender discourse two different analysis are made. The first one being a textualanalysis ofthe unionscommunication and the second one being a qualitative surveyanalysis of perceptions of unionsby youth. These two analyses are made separately to subsequently proceed to merge the twoand discuss how they interactwith each other. The results of this research show that the perceptions of unionsamong youth is more negative in comparison to the perception of an older generation even though the respondents did feel represented by the unionswork and shared many of the development-related issues mentioned by the unionscommunication. Intergenerational value change is a theory applied in this research that could be an answer to youth low affiliation to unionsbecause of their hierarchical structures but was however an explanation notable when it comes to differences in value priorities, where the priorities between the target groups were not radically different

United States Cold War Policy, The Peace Corps And Its Volunteers In Colombia In The 1960s.

James, John 01 January 2008 (has links)
John F. Kennedy initiated the Peace Corps in 1961 at the height of the Cold War to provide needed manpower and promote understanding with the underdeveloped world. This study examines Peace Corps work in Colombia during the 1960s within the framework of U.S. Cold War policy. It explores the experiences of volunteers in Colombia and contrasts their accounts with Peace Corps reports and presentations to Congress. It intends to show the agency's assessment of volunteer work and how it compares to the volunteers' views and Congressional reports. Although the Peace Corps presented some topics and themes expressed by volunteers, the thesis exposes the discrepancies that existed between Peace Corps reports and the volunteers' experiences. Volunteer accounts reveal that there were some criticisms and stories that the agency did not report. Furthermore, evidence sheds light on the obstacles volunteers encountered, how they were presented by the Peace Corps, as well as the value of volunteer work as perceived by volunteers. Finally, the Peace Corps articulated a goal of making friends in the underdeveloped world, and the accounts of the volunteers support the Peace Corps assertion that volunteers were successful in fostering relations and understanding in Colombia during the 1960s.

De una Policia Centrada en el estado a una centrada en la comunidad. Lecciones del Intercambio entre las Policías Comunitarias de Bradford en el Reino Unido y de Medellín en Colombia.

Abello Colak, Alexandra L., Pearce, Jenny V. January 2007 (has links)
yes / Este documento de investigación del ICPS es un reporte final de un proceso de cuatro años, en el que se realizaron visitas de intercambio entre oficiales de policía de dos distintos pero problemáticos contextos urbanos, así como una reflexión académica sobre lo que nos enseñó acerca de la construcción de seguridad en tales contextos. Esperamos estimular una mayor discusión en el campo académico y en el diseño de políticas para sobrepasar los obstáculos a la construcción de seguridad en nuestras ciudades en formas que contribuyan al bienestar, la paz y la justicia social. Nuestro trabajo en el Centro Internacional de Estudios en Participación de la Universidad de Bradford se concentra especialmente en el estudio de cómo mejores condiciones de seguridad pueden promover y permitirle a la comunidad tener un rol completo en la vida pública. Creemos que la seguridad debe estar en el centro de los estudios de paz con sólidas dimensiones teóricas y prácticas. Este no es un concepto que deba ser dejado a los pensadores conservadores cuya principal preocupación son el orden y la estabilidad. La seguridad crea ambientes que posibilitan cambios sociales positivos y progreso humano.

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