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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un projet politique et administratif pour l’arrière-pays de la Guyane française : le territoire de l’Inini (1930-1969) / An administrative division governing franch Guiana’s hinterland : the Territory of Inini (1930-1969)

Thabouillot, Gérard 11 June 2012 (has links)
En 1930, la France créa le Territoire autonome de l’Inini, colonie d’administration directe de l’hinterland de la Guyane française. Après la départementalisation de la Guyane, ce dispositif perdura en 1951 sous la forme d’un arrondissement à statut particulier, en droit jusqu’en 1961 et de fait jusqu’en 1969. La description de ce système politico-administratif, fortement inspiré de celui conçu pour les colonies d’Afrique, permet d’analyser l’ultime étape du processus d’expansion de l’État français dans un espace social et culturel amazonien. Cette intégration fut l’œuvre des fonctionnaires de terrain qui menèrent, à partir de 1936, une politique continue de contact dans le cadre d’une implantation dynamique de postes administratifs en direction de l’intérieur et des frontières. Ce personnel subalterne, fonctionnaires coloniaux et gendarmes, mit en œuvre une technique administrative d’approche et de gestion des populations - déportés indochinois des Etablissements Pénitentiaires Spéciaux, tribus de frontière et orpailleurs - dans un espace ouvert aux politiques des Etats voisins. L’histoire de l’Inini incite à ne pas limiter l’histoire de la Guyane française à celle d’une vieille colonie devenue un D.O.M. en 1946. Elle permet de dépasser cette analyse qui relève du discours politique assimilationniste. Elle nuance aussi l’interprétation par l’anthropologie d’une intégration de populations sylvicoles artificiellement et hâtivement conduite. Enfin, elle ouvre la voie à une analyse comparative de l’arrière-pays des Guyanes. / In 1930, France established the Autonomous Territory of Inini, an administrative division governing French Guiana's hinterland. Once Guiana had become an overseas department, the formula was renewed from 1951 in the shape of a district with special status, remaining so officially until 1961 and in effect until 1969. Discussing this politico-administrative system - largely based on what had been worked out for French colonies in Africa – gives a key to understanding the ultimate stage of the French state's expansion process in a social and cultural Amazonian context. That effort at social integration was the work of civil servants in the field who, from 1936 on, conducted a sustained policy of contact by establishing administrative posts in the interior of the territory and at its borders. These low-ranking colonial officers and gendarmes implemented an administrative approach to the handling of various communities – deportees from Southeast Asia held in special jails, border tribes or gold-diggers – across areas under the political influence of neighbouring states. The Inini file is an encouragement not to limit the history of French Guiana to that of an old colony turned into an overseas department (D.O.M.) in 1946. It makes it possible to go beyond analyses which are linked to assimilation policies. It also tends to moderate the anthropological view of an artificial and hasty integration of forest tribes. Lastly, it paves the way for a comparative analysis of Guyanese back countries. / A França criou, em 1930, o Território autónomo do Inini, colónia de administração directa dahinterlândia da Guiana francesa. Após a départementalisação da Guiana, este dispositivocontinuou em 1951 sob a forma de distrito à estatuto específico (particular), juridicamente até1961 e de facto até 1969. A descrição deste sistema politicoadministrativo, fortementeinspirado de estas concebidas para as colónias da África, permite analisar a ultima etapa doprocesso de expansão do Estado francês num espaço social e cultural amazónico. Estaintegração foi a obra dos funcionários de terreno que levaram, a partir de 1936, uma políticacontínua de contato no âmbito de uma implantação dinâmica de postos administrativos emdireção do interior e das fronteiras. Este pessoal subalterno, funcionários coloniais egendarmes, implementou uma técnica administrativa de abordagem e gestão das populações -déportados indochineses dos Estabelecimentos Penitenciários Especiais, tribos de fronteira egarimpeiros - num espaço aberto às políticas dos Estados vizinhos. A história do Inini incita anão limitar a história da Guiana francesa à essa de uma velha colónia que tornou-se, em 1946,em Departamento de Ultramar (D.O.M.). Permite ultrapassar esta análise que diz respeito aodiscurso político assimilacionista. Ela nuança também a interpretação pela antropologia deuma integração de populações silvícolas artificialmente e apressadamente conduzida. Porúltimo, abre o caminho à uma análise comparativa do interior (da hinterlândia) das Guianes. / In 1930 werd door Frankrijk het zelfstandige gebied Inini gecreëerd, het onder directkoloniaal bestuur vallende achterland van Frans Guyana. Nadat Guyana een overzeesdepartement was geworden, bleef deze bestuursvorm bestaan tot in 1951 in de vorm van eenarrondissement met speciaal statuut, in rechte tot 1961 et feitelijk tot 1969. De beschrijvingvan deze bestuursvorm die sterk werd beïnvloed door het voor de Afrikaanse koloniënontwikkelde systeem, maakt het mogelijk het laatste stadium van het expansieproces van deFranse overheid te analyseren in het sociale en culturele gebied van de Amazone. Deze socialeintegratie was het werk van ambtenaren die ter plaatse, vanaf 1936, een aanhoudend contactbeleid uitvoerden bij de oprichting van administratieve posten in het binnenland van hetgebied en aan de grenzen. Dit ondergeschikte personeel, ambtenaren en politie, voerden eenbestuursbeleid uit van benadering en behandeling van de bevolking - indo-chinesegedeporteerden bewaard in speciale strafkampen, aan de grenzen levende stammen engoudzoekers – in een gebied dat open stond voor politieke invloed van de buurtstaten. Degeschiedenis van het Inini gebied nodigt uit de geschiedenis van Frans Guyana niet tebeperken tot die van een oude kolonie die in 1946 een overzees gebiedsdeel (D.O.M.) isgeworden. Zij nuanceert tevens de antropologische interpretatie van een te kunstmatige en tesnel uitgevoerde integratie van de woudbevolking. En ten laatste opent zij de weg naar eenvergelijkende analyse van de achterlanden van Guyana.

Arqueologia Guarani e sistema de assentamento no extremo sul de Santa Catarina

Santos, Josiel dos 03 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Maisonave (simonemaisonave@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-21T14:13:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Josiel do Santos_Dissertação.pdf: 9228181 bytes, checksum: 648f06b38c53c912ff61811d7e6a6c38 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-09-21T16:35:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Josiel do Santos_Dissertação.pdf: 9228181 bytes, checksum: 648f06b38c53c912ff61811d7e6a6c38 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-09-21T16:37:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Josiel do Santos_Dissertação.pdf: 9228181 bytes, checksum: 648f06b38c53c912ff61811d7e6a6c38 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-21T16:37:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Josiel do Santos_Dissertação.pdf: 9228181 bytes, checksum: 648f06b38c53c912ff61811d7e6a6c38 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-03 / Sem bolsa / Com este trabalho procuramos contribuir para o conhecimento acerca do processo de ocupação Guarani no litoral do extremo sul catarinense. Dentro de uma área piloto delimitada entre os municípios de Balneário Rincão e Araranguá, estudamos a variedade dos sítios associados às populações Guarani que teriam ocupado a região em um momento próximo ao início do processo colonial. Agregando informações oriundas de diferentes momentos da pesquisa arqueológica local e acrescentando novos dados produzidos no âmbito deste trabalho, buscamos elucidar, a partir da variedade do registro arqueológico, as diferentes estratégias utilizadas por estas populações no que diz respeito ao domínio do território litorâneo caracterizado pela presença dos rios, lagoas, dunas e Oceano Atlântico. Neste sentido, buscamos articular os dados empíricos e a bibliografia arqueológica, etno-histórica e histórica, a fim de propor um modelo de domínio e gestão do ambiente local. Por fim, busca-se inserir a presença Guarani na região dentro de um contexto histórico mais amplo, no âmbito das expansões coloniais ibéricas, demonstrando que este processo histórico, fartamente documentado, pode também ser observado em seus aspectos materiais, a partir de elementos específicos dos vestígios materiais associados a determinados sítios arqueológicos aqui estudados. / This work aims to contribute to the knowledge about the process of Guarani occupation on the coast of the southern end of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Within a pilot area enclosed between the municipalities of Balneario Rincão and Araranguá, we studied the variety of sites associated with the Guarani people who have occupied the region at a time near the beginning of the colonial process. Aggregating information from different moments of local archaeological research and adding new data produced in this work, we seek to elucidate, from the variety of the archaeological record, the different strategies used by these populations to dominate the coastal territory, characterized by the presence of rivers, ponds, dunes and the Atlantic Ocean. In this sense, we intend to articulate the empirical data and the archaeological, ethno-historical and historical bibliography, in order to propose a model of control and management of the local environment. Finally, we propose a delimitation of the Guarani presence in the region within a broader historical context –the Iberian colonial expansion –, demonstrating that this historical process, amply documented, can also be observed in its materiality, from specific elements of material remains associated with certain archaeological sites studied here.

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