Spelling suggestions: "subject:"column"" "subject:"kolumn""
531 |
Desenvolvimento de diferentes métodos LC-MS/MS para a determinação de fármacos e endocanabinóides em amostras de plasma / Development of different LC-MS/MS methods for the determination of drugs and endocannabinoids in plasma samplesAcquaro Junior, Vinicius Ricardo 06 April 2018 (has links)
Esta tese foi dividida em três capítulos. O capítulo I descreve o desenvolvimento do método Column switching UHPLC-MS/MS para a determinação simultaneamente de fármacos psicotrópicos em amostras de plasma de pacientes esquizofrênicos. A politerapia é uma prática comum no tratamento da esquizofrenia. Portanto, a monitorização terapêutica destes fármacos tem sido realizada para o ajuste das doses e individualização da terapia farmacológica. O método Column switching UHPLC-MS/MS apresentou linearidade na faixa de concentração de 0,025 a 1,25 ng mL-1 com R2 acima de 0,9950 e a falta de teste de ajuste (p > 0,05); precisão com coeficientes de variação inferiores a 12% e exatidão com erro padrão relativo inferior a 14%. Este método foi aplicado com sucesso para determinação de fármacos em amostras de plasma de pacientes esquizofrênicos para fins de monitorização terapêutica. No capítulo II, o desempenho cromatográfico de colunas C18 superficialmente e totalmente porosas com diferentes tamanhos de partícula foi avaliado para a análise de fármacos psicotrópicos por LC-MS/MS e LC-DAD. Com o sistema LC-MS/MS foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros cromatográficos: altura do prato reduzido vs velocidade linear reduzida, impedância vs velocidade linear reduzida, tempo da corrida cromatográfica vs vazão, pressão vs vazão, resolução, capacidade de pico, assimetria e fator de retenção. Já com o sistema LC-DAD foram avaliados a hidrofobicidade, atividade silanol e impurezas metálicas também foram avaliadas. As colunas com superfície carregada apresentaram maior eficiência cromatográfica para os fármacos em sua forma ionizada. Já as colunas com partículas menores que 2 µm (Cortecs 1,6 µm, Acquity 1,7 µm, e Kinetex 1,7 µm) apresentaram maior eficiência cromatográfica para os fármacos na forma parcialmente ionizada. Os modelos matemáticos gerados foram capazes de prever a pressão e o tempo da corrida cromatográfica em diferentes vazões para todas as colunas. Considerando a eficiência, impedância, resolução, capacidade de pico, fator de retenção e hidrofobicidade, as colunas Cortecs 1,6 µm e Acquity 1,7 µm apresentaram melhor desempenho durante a análise dos fármacos em amostra de plasma. O capítulo III descreve o desenvolvimento e validação dos métodos SPME-UHPLC-MS/MS e Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS para a determinação dos endocanabinóides (AEA e 2-AG) em amostras biológicas. Para a otimização do processo SPME foram avaliadas as fases SPME (C18, C30 e HLB) e os solventes para dessorção (metanol, acetonitrila e isopropanol). Os aditivos modificadores de matriz, como cloridrato de guanidina, ácido trifluoroacético e acetonitrila foram avaliados por planejamento experimental. Os métodos SPME-UHPLC-MS/MS e Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS, com a fase HLB biocompatível, apresentaram para ambos endocanabinóides valores de LOQs de 1 ng mL-1 e 50 ng mL-1, respectivamente. O método Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS permitiu o direto acoplamento da fibra SPME ao espectrômetro de massas via dessorção/ionização nanoeletrospray que resultou em rápida determinação quantitativa dos endocanabinóides em amostras biológicas. / This thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter I describes the development of a column switching UHPLCMS/MS method to determine psychotropic drugs in schizophrenic patients plasma samples simultaneously. Polytherapy is a common practice in schizophrenia treatment. Therefore, therapeutic drug monitoring has been applied to adjust doses and to customize pharmacological therapy. The column switching UHPLCMS/MS method developed here is linear at concentrations ranging from 0.025 to 1.25 ng mL-1 with R2 above 0.9950 and presents lack of fit test (p > 0.05), precision with coefficients of variation lower than 12%, and accuracy with relative standard error lower than 14%. This method was successfully applied to determine drugs in schizophrenic patients plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. In chapter II, the chromatographic performance of C18 superficially porous columns and of C18 fully porous columns with different particle sizes were evaluated for analysis of psychotropic drugs by LC-MS/MS and LC-DAD. Within the LC-MS/MS system, the following chromatographic parameters were assessed: reduced plate height vs reduced linear velocity, impedance vs reduced linear velocity, chromatographic run time vs flow rate, backpressure vs flow rate, resolution, peak capacity, asymmetry, and retention factor. Within the LC-DAD system, hydrophobicity, silanol activity, and metal impurities were also examined. Columns with charged surface displayed improved chromatographic efficiency for drugs in the ionized form. Columns with particles smaller than 2 µm (Cortecs 1.6 µm, Acquity 1.7 µm, and Kinetex 1.7 µm) presented higher chromatographic efficiency for the drugs, which were in their partially ionized form. The generated mathematical models were able to predict the backpressure and the chromatographic run time at different flow rates for all the columns. Considering efficiency, impedance, resolution, peak capacity, retention factor, and hydrophobicity, columns Cortecs 1.6 µm and Acquity 1.7 µm provided the best performance during analysis of drugs in plasma samples. Chapter III describes the development and validation of the SPME-UHPLC-MS/MS and the Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS methods for determination of endocannabinoids (AEA and 2-AG) in biological samples. To optimize the SPME process, SPME coatings (C18, C30, and HLB) and solvents for desorption (methanol, acetonitrile, and isopropanol) were evaluated. Matrix modifier additives, such as guanidine hydrochloride, trifluoroacetic acid, and acetonitrile, were assessed by experimental design. The SPME-UHPC-MS/MS and the Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS methods with HLB biocompatible coating provided LOQ values of 1 ng mL-1 and 50 ng mL-1, respectively, for both endocannabinoids. The Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS method allowed direct coupling of SPME fibers to the mass spectrometer by desorption/ionization nanoelectrospray, which resulted in rapid quantitative determinations of endocannabinoids in biological samples.
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Fast Order Basis and Kernel Basis Computation and Related ProblemsZhou, Wei 28 November 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we present efficient deterministic algorithms
for polynomial matrix computation problems, including the computation
of order basis, minimal kernel basis, matrix inverse, column basis,
unimodular completion, determinant, Hermite normal form, rank and
rank profile for matrices of univariate polynomials over a field.
The algorithm for kernel basis computation also immediately provides
an efficient deterministic algorithm for solving linear systems. The
algorithm for column basis also gives efficient deterministic algorithms
for computing matrix GCDs, column reduced forms, and Popov normal
forms for matrices of any dimension and any rank.
We reduce all these problems to polynomial matrix multiplications.
The computational costs of our algorithms are then similar to the
costs of multiplying matrices, whose dimensions match the input matrix
dimensions in the original problems, and whose degrees equal the average
column degrees of the original input matrices in most cases. The use
of the average column degrees instead of the commonly used matrix
degrees, or equivalently the maximum column degrees, makes our computational
costs more precise and tighter. In addition, the shifted minimal bases
computed by our algorithms are more general than the standard minimal
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Fast Order Basis and Kernel Basis Computation and Related ProblemsZhou, Wei 28 November 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we present efficient deterministic algorithms
for polynomial matrix computation problems, including the computation
of order basis, minimal kernel basis, matrix inverse, column basis,
unimodular completion, determinant, Hermite normal form, rank and
rank profile for matrices of univariate polynomials over a field.
The algorithm for kernel basis computation also immediately provides
an efficient deterministic algorithm for solving linear systems. The
algorithm for column basis also gives efficient deterministic algorithms
for computing matrix GCDs, column reduced forms, and Popov normal
forms for matrices of any dimension and any rank.
We reduce all these problems to polynomial matrix multiplications.
The computational costs of our algorithms are then similar to the
costs of multiplying matrices, whose dimensions match the input matrix
dimensions in the original problems, and whose degrees equal the average
column degrees of the original input matrices in most cases. The use
of the average column degrees instead of the commonly used matrix
degrees, or equivalently the maximum column degrees, makes our computational
costs more precise and tighter. In addition, the shifted minimal bases
computed by our algorithms are more general than the standard minimal
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Estudo experimental de uma ligação viga-pilar de concreto pré-moldado parcialmente resistente a momento fletor / Experimental study of a partial moment resistant beam-to-column connection in precast concreteAlice Baldissera 25 May 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de uma ligação viga-pilar de estrutura pré-moldada parcialmente resistente a momento fletor quando submetida a momentos negativos e positivos. A ligação estudada é composta por dois chumbadores inclinados presos à viga através de chapa metálica, porcas e arruelas e uma capa de concreto com armadura longitudinal passando por dentro do pilar. No programa experimental foram elaborados dois modelos submetidos a carregamentos alternados, em ciclos e de curta duração. Em seguida foi desenvolvido um modelo analítico para cálculo dos momentos resistentes e feita uma simulação numérica para avaliar a influência da semi-rigidez da ligação em estruturas típicas de concreto pré-moldado. Os resultados experimentais indicaram que a ligação apresenta uma boa capacidade de transmissão a momento fletor negativo e a momento fletor positivo com um comportamento bastante dúctil. Sem a necessidade de grandes alterações de custos e de execução, a ligação proposta promoveu uma redução significativa dos momentos na base dos pilares (aproximadamente 50%) quando comparada à ligação articulada. Quando comparada à ligação similar, porém com os chumbadores retilíneos, há um aumento superior a 2,5 vezes no momento de plastificação e de 3 vezes na rigidez no sentido do momento fletor positivo / In this research the behavior of a partial moment resistant beam-to-column connection in precast concrete subjected to negative and positive moments was studied. This connection has two inclined dowels fixed to the beam with steel plate, washer and nut and a concrete cap with longitudinal reinforced bars passing trough the column. In the experimental program two prototypes was made and subjected to an alternative cyclic e short duration load. Afterwards it was develop an analytical model and a numerical simulation to analyze the influence of the semi-rigid connection in a typical precast structure. The experimental results shown that the connection has a good capacity of transmitte the bending moments and has a ductile behave. Without any significative difference of cost and manufacture, the connection studied promoted a reduction on the column base bending moment (approximately 50%) when compared to pinned connection. When compared to similar structures but with a vertical dowel, the connection presents strength over 2.5 times and over 3 times the stiffens for positive bending moments
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Desenvolvimento de diferentes métodos LC-MS/MS para a determinação de fármacos e endocanabinóides em amostras de plasma / Development of different LC-MS/MS methods for the determination of drugs and endocannabinoids in plasma samplesVinicius Ricardo Acquaro Junior 06 April 2018 (has links)
Esta tese foi dividida em três capítulos. O capítulo I descreve o desenvolvimento do método Column switching UHPLC-MS/MS para a determinação simultaneamente de fármacos psicotrópicos em amostras de plasma de pacientes esquizofrênicos. A politerapia é uma prática comum no tratamento da esquizofrenia. Portanto, a monitorização terapêutica destes fármacos tem sido realizada para o ajuste das doses e individualização da terapia farmacológica. O método Column switching UHPLC-MS/MS apresentou linearidade na faixa de concentração de 0,025 a 1,25 ng mL-1 com R2 acima de 0,9950 e a falta de teste de ajuste (p > 0,05); precisão com coeficientes de variação inferiores a 12% e exatidão com erro padrão relativo inferior a 14%. Este método foi aplicado com sucesso para determinação de fármacos em amostras de plasma de pacientes esquizofrênicos para fins de monitorização terapêutica. No capítulo II, o desempenho cromatográfico de colunas C18 superficialmente e totalmente porosas com diferentes tamanhos de partícula foi avaliado para a análise de fármacos psicotrópicos por LC-MS/MS e LC-DAD. Com o sistema LC-MS/MS foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros cromatográficos: altura do prato reduzido vs velocidade linear reduzida, impedância vs velocidade linear reduzida, tempo da corrida cromatográfica vs vazão, pressão vs vazão, resolução, capacidade de pico, assimetria e fator de retenção. Já com o sistema LC-DAD foram avaliados a hidrofobicidade, atividade silanol e impurezas metálicas também foram avaliadas. As colunas com superfície carregada apresentaram maior eficiência cromatográfica para os fármacos em sua forma ionizada. Já as colunas com partículas menores que 2 µm (Cortecs 1,6 µm, Acquity 1,7 µm, e Kinetex 1,7 µm) apresentaram maior eficiência cromatográfica para os fármacos na forma parcialmente ionizada. Os modelos matemáticos gerados foram capazes de prever a pressão e o tempo da corrida cromatográfica em diferentes vazões para todas as colunas. Considerando a eficiência, impedância, resolução, capacidade de pico, fator de retenção e hidrofobicidade, as colunas Cortecs 1,6 µm e Acquity 1,7 µm apresentaram melhor desempenho durante a análise dos fármacos em amostra de plasma. O capítulo III descreve o desenvolvimento e validação dos métodos SPME-UHPLC-MS/MS e Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS para a determinação dos endocanabinóides (AEA e 2-AG) em amostras biológicas. Para a otimização do processo SPME foram avaliadas as fases SPME (C18, C30 e HLB) e os solventes para dessorção (metanol, acetonitrila e isopropanol). Os aditivos modificadores de matriz, como cloridrato de guanidina, ácido trifluoroacético e acetonitrila foram avaliados por planejamento experimental. Os métodos SPME-UHPLC-MS/MS e Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS, com a fase HLB biocompatível, apresentaram para ambos endocanabinóides valores de LOQs de 1 ng mL-1 e 50 ng mL-1, respectivamente. O método Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS permitiu o direto acoplamento da fibra SPME ao espectrômetro de massas via dessorção/ionização nanoeletrospray que resultou em rápida determinação quantitativa dos endocanabinóides em amostras biológicas. / This thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter I describes the development of a column switching UHPLCMS/MS method to determine psychotropic drugs in schizophrenic patients plasma samples simultaneously. Polytherapy is a common practice in schizophrenia treatment. Therefore, therapeutic drug monitoring has been applied to adjust doses and to customize pharmacological therapy. The column switching UHPLCMS/MS method developed here is linear at concentrations ranging from 0.025 to 1.25 ng mL-1 with R2 above 0.9950 and presents lack of fit test (p > 0.05), precision with coefficients of variation lower than 12%, and accuracy with relative standard error lower than 14%. This method was successfully applied to determine drugs in schizophrenic patients plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. In chapter II, the chromatographic performance of C18 superficially porous columns and of C18 fully porous columns with different particle sizes were evaluated for analysis of psychotropic drugs by LC-MS/MS and LC-DAD. Within the LC-MS/MS system, the following chromatographic parameters were assessed: reduced plate height vs reduced linear velocity, impedance vs reduced linear velocity, chromatographic run time vs flow rate, backpressure vs flow rate, resolution, peak capacity, asymmetry, and retention factor. Within the LC-DAD system, hydrophobicity, silanol activity, and metal impurities were also examined. Columns with charged surface displayed improved chromatographic efficiency for drugs in the ionized form. Columns with particles smaller than 2 µm (Cortecs 1.6 µm, Acquity 1.7 µm, and Kinetex 1.7 µm) presented higher chromatographic efficiency for the drugs, which were in their partially ionized form. The generated mathematical models were able to predict the backpressure and the chromatographic run time at different flow rates for all the columns. Considering efficiency, impedance, resolution, peak capacity, retention factor, and hydrophobicity, columns Cortecs 1.6 µm and Acquity 1.7 µm provided the best performance during analysis of drugs in plasma samples. Chapter III describes the development and validation of the SPME-UHPLC-MS/MS and the Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS methods for determination of endocannabinoids (AEA and 2-AG) in biological samples. To optimize the SPME process, SPME coatings (C18, C30, and HLB) and solvents for desorption (methanol, acetonitrile, and isopropanol) were evaluated. Matrix modifier additives, such as guanidine hydrochloride, trifluoroacetic acid, and acetonitrile, were assessed by experimental design. The SPME-UHPC-MS/MS and the Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS methods with HLB biocompatible coating provided LOQ values of 1 ng mL-1 and 50 ng mL-1, respectively, for both endocannabinoids. The Bio-SPME-Nano-ESI-MS/MS method allowed direct coupling of SPME fibers to the mass spectrometer by desorption/ionization nanoelectrospray, which resulted in rapid quantitative determinations of endocannabinoids in biological samples.
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Análise de canabinóides e cocaínicos em amostras de cabelo e sua correlação com sintomas psiquiátricos / Analysis of cannabinoids and cocainics in hair samples and correlation with psychiatric symptomsMarcela Nogueira Rabelo Alves 08 July 2015 (has links)
O consumo dos diferentes tipos de drogas está associado a problemas sociais, econômicos e de saúde pública, em todas as regiões no mundo. Dentre os problemas de saúde pública, podemos destacar a alta prevalência de comorbidade entre o uso de drogas e os transtornos mentais. A Cannabis, a cocaína e o crack são as drogas ilícitas mais consumidas no Brasil. A utilização do cabelo como matriz biológica para determinação destas drogas permite avaliar o uso crônicos pelos indivíduos, uma vez que o cabelo é uma matriz estável, de fácil manipulação e a janela de detecção depende apenas do comprimento do cabelo. Entretanto, a análise em cabelo ainda representa um desafio analítico. Foram desenvolvidos dois métodos para a detecção das diferentes drogas no cabelo, com diferentes enfoques analíticos. O primeiro método (desenvolvido durante o estágio de doutorado sanduíche na Itália) identificou e quantificou cocaína e metabólitos usando a técnica de column switching e detecção por LC-MS/MS. O segundo método foi desenvolvido para determinação de canabinóides nas amostras de cabelo utilizando GC-MS. O diferencial deste método foi a utilização de um novo dispositivo de extração em fase sólida (as ponteiras DPX) para concentração e purificação do extrato, utilizando menor quantidade de solventes. A determinação dos canabinóides e cocaínicos foi realizada nas amostras de cabelo da população atendida no CAPS - AD de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. Além da coleta da amostra de cabelo, o sujeito foi submetido a uma entrevista, onde os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação foram aplicadas: Questionário sobre a saúde do Paciente 9, Inventário de fobia social, Self Report Questionnaire, Questionário de Ansiedade de Beck, Inventário de Depressão de Beck e Questionário sobre o uso da Cannabis, bem como um questionário elaborado pelo pesquisador para coleta de dados sociodemográficos, consumo de substâncias e dados sobre a amostra de cabelo, como comprimento, cor, tintura ou coloração. As amostras de cabelo foram analisadas e a média das concentrações de cada droga encontrada no cabelo foi correlacionada com os indicadores clínicos de transtorno mentais, obtidos através dos instrumentos de avaliação psiquiátrica. A maior prevalência de indicadores clínicos positivos para transtornos psiquiátricos entre a população estudada foi de transtornos mentais comuns, entre eles a ansiedade e depressão. A comparação da média de concentração de Cannabis, cocaína e crack no cabelo com os indicadores clínicos positivos para os transtornos não apresentou resultados estatisticamente significantes. Entretanto, podemos inferir que os sujeitos que apresentaram maior concentração média de Cannabis e cocaína no cabelo possuíam mais indicadores clínicos positivos para sintomas mentais comuns e depressão maior enquanto que os sujeitos usuários de crack possuíam mais indicadores clínicos positivos para sintomas ansiedade. Apesar de algumas limitações, podemos concluir que o estudo possibilitou estimar a prevalência da morbidade entre abuso de drogas ilícitas e transtornos psiquiátricos na população atendida no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e drogas de Ribeirão Preto. / Different kinds of drug use have been associated to social, economic and health public problems worldwide. Among the high prevalent public health problems is the comorbidity between drug abuse and psychiatric disorders. Cannabis, cocaine and crack are the most consumed illicit drugs in Brazil. Hair use as the biological matrix for the determination of these drugs allows to evaluate chronic use, once hair is a stable matrix, easy to manipulate and the window detection only depends on the size of the hair. However, hair analysis still represents an analytical challenge. It was developed two methods for the detection of the drugs in hair, with different analytical approach. The first method (developed during doctoral stage in Italy) had identified and quantified cocaine and metabolites using column switching technique and LCMS/ MS detection. The second method was developed for determination of cannabinoids in hair samples using GC-MS. Decontamination procedure was the same cited above. The differential of this method was the use of a new device in solid phase extraction (DPX tips) for the extracts concentration and purification, using less solvents volumes. Cannabinoids and cocaine analysis were performed in hair samples from people who were enrolled in the CAPS - AD of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. Besides hair collection, the individual was submitted to an interview, where it was applied the following evaluation scales: Patient health questionnaire - 9, Social phobia inventory, Self report questionnaire, Beck anxiety inventory, Beck depression inventory and Cannabis research questionnaire as well as a questionnaire made by the author to collect sociodemographic data, substance consume and hair data. Hair samples were analyzed and the concentrations were correlated with positive clinical factors of mental disorders obtained through evaluation scales. The highest prevalence of positive clinical indicators for psychiatric disorders among the population studied was of common mental disorders, including anxiety and depression. The comparison of the average concentration of Cannabis, cocaine and crack in the hair with the positive clinical indicators for the disorders did not show statistically significant results. However, we can infer that the subjects who had higher average concentration of Cannabis and cocaine in hair had showed positive indicators for common mental symptoms and major depression as well as the subjects who had higher average concentration of crack in hair had showed positive indicators for anxiety. Despite of some limitations, we can conclude that the study had allowed estimating the prevalence of morbidity among illicit drugs abuse and psychiatric disorders in the population enrolled in the psychosocial care center in Ribeirão Preto.
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Analytical Query Processing Based on Continuous Compression of IntermediatesDamme, Patrick 02 October 2020 (has links)
Nowadays, increasingly large amounts of data are being collected in numerous areas ranging from science to industry. To gain valueable insights from these data, the importance of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) workloads is constantly growing. At the same time, the hardware landscape is continuously evolving. On the one hand, the increasing capacities of DRAM allow database systems to store their entire data in main memory. Furthermore, the performance of microprocessors has improved tremendously in recent years through the use of sophisticated hardware techniques, such as Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) extensions promising hitherto unknown processing speeds. On the other hand, the main memory bandwidth has not increased proportionately, such that the data access is now the main bottleneck for an efficient data processing.
To face these developments, in-memory column-stores have emerged as a new database architecture. These systems store each attribute of a relation separately in memory as a contiguous sequence of values. It is state-of-the-art to encode all values as integers and apply lossless lightweight integer compression to reduce the data size. This offers several advantages ranging from lower transfer times between RAM and CPU over a better utilization of the cache hierarchy to fast direct processing of compressed data. However, compression also incurs a certain computational overhead. State-of-the-art systems focus on the compression of base data. However, intermediate results generated during the execution of complex analytical queries can exceed the base data in number and total size. Since in in-memory systems, accessing intermediates is as expensive as accessing base data, intermediates should be handled as efficiently as possible, too.
While there are approaches trying to avoid intermediates whenever it is possible, we envision the orthogonal approach of efficiently representing intermediates using lightweight integer compression algorithms to reduce memory accesses. More precisely, our vision is a balanced query processing based on lightweight compression of intermediate results in in-memory column-stores. That means, all intermediates shall be represented using a suitable lightweight integer compression algorithm and processed by compression-enabled query operators to avoid a full decompression, whereby compression shall be used in a balanced way to ensure that its benefits outweigh its costs.
In this thesis, we address all important aspects of this vision. We provide an extensive overview of existing lightweight integer compression algorithms and conduct a systematical experimental survey of several of these algorithms to gain a deep understanding of their behavior. We propose a novel compression-enabled processing model for in-memory column-stores allowing a continuous compression of intermediates. Additionally, we develop novel cost-based strategies for a compression-aware secondary query optimization to make effective use of our processing model. Our end-to-end evaluation using the famous Star Schema Benchmark shows that our envisioned compression of intermediates can improve both the memory footprint and the runtime of complex analytical queries significantly.:1 Introduction
1.1 Contributions
1.2 Outline
2 Lightweight Integer Compression
2.1 Foundations
2.1.1 Disambiguation of Lightweight Integer Compression
2.1.2 Overview of Lightweight Integer Compression
2.1.3 State-of-the-Art in Lightweight Integer Compression
2.2 Experimental Survey
2.2.1 Related Work
2.2.2 Experimental Setup and Methodology
2.2.3 Evaluation of the Impact of the Data Characteristics
2.2.4 Evaluation of the Impact of the Hardware Characteristics
2.2.5 Evaluation of the Impact of the SIMD Extension
2.3 Summary and Discussion
3 Processing Compressed Intermediates
3.1 Processing Model for Compressed Intermediates
3.1.1 Related Work
3.1.2 Description of the Underlying Processing Model
3.1.3 Integration of Compression into Query Operators
3.1.4 Integration of Compression into the Overall Query Execution
3.1.5 Efficient Implementation
3.1.6 Evaluation
3.2 Direct Integer Morphing Algorithms
3.2.1 Related Work
3.2.2 Integer Morphing Algorithms
3.2.3 Example Algorithms
3.2.4 Evaluation
3.3 Summary and Discussion
4 Compression-Aware Query Optimization Strategies
4.1 Related Work
4.2 Compression-Aware Secondary Query Optimization
4.2.1 Compression-Level: Selecting a Suitable Algorithm
4.2.2 Operator-Level: Selecting Suitable Input/Output Formats
4.2.3 QEP-Level: Selecting Suitable Formats for All Involved Columns
4.3 Evaluation
4.3.1 Compression-Level: Selecting a Suitable Algorithm
4.3.2 Operator-Level: Selecting Suitable Input/Output Formats
4.3.3 Lessons Learned
4.4 Summary and Discussion
5 End-to-End Evaluation
5.1 Experimental Setup and Methodology
5.2 A Simple OLAP Query
5.3 Complex OLAP Queries: The Star Schema Benchmark
5.4 Summary and Discussion
6 Conclusion
6.1 Summary of this Thesis
6.2 Directions for Future Work
List of Figures
List of Tables
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Sportovní hala / Sports hallHorká, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this master´s thesis is to design load bearing structure of a sports hall. The thesis is elaborated in two variants of the structure design of the sports hall for common types of sports (handball, footsal, tennis, volleyball, basketball). The ground plan dimension is 42 to 72 meters and the construction height is 8 meters. The construction is designed for the district of Brno city. In the structural anlysis there were the following main load bearing structural elements designed and examined: glue laminated timber truss, wood purlins, steel beams, rods and bracing, columns, which together with the transverse girders are linked and foot and anchoring. The selected variant is also further developed. Part of the work is drawing documentation of the choosen variant, disposition drawing and drawings of the selected details.
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Letištní terminál / Airport TerminalFojtík, Petr January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on design and assessment of structural system of airport terminal. The design is processed in two options. Both of them has the same dimensions but structural system is changed. Floor plan is in the shape of part of annulus. Width of the hall is changing, in the middle of the hall is aproximatly 90 m. Length is 52,5 m, 10 m of this length is porch. Roof slope is 3° towards to the front of the hall.
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Rozhledna / Lookout towerJedzoková, Patricie January 2022 (has links)
The object of the diploma thesis is design and assessment of a steel lookout tower situated in Beskydy mountains. Two different variants were designed. The first variant is of square shaped plan and the second one is of hexagonal shaped plan. Both variants are spatial truss structures. They are shaped as hourglass. The variants were compared and the first one was chosen to be further developed. The lookout tower is 36 meters high and it is divided by floors. One floor is 3,6 meters high. The widest section is 8 meters, the narrowest section is 5 meters wide. The structure is pin-supported into concrete foundation. The concrete is class C25/30. The roof covering is made of trapezoidal sheet of class S280GD. Each steel element is made of steel of class S355.
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