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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Study and Data Analysis of Water Transport and Their Initial Fate in Through Unsaturated or Dry Bioreactor Columns Filled with Different Porous Media

Yadav, Akash 13 June 2013 (has links)
The electro-kinetic characteristics of different material bioreactor columns for treating water and waste water are experimentally studied. Separate columns of unsaturated gravels (~6mm) and ball clay were assessed for electro-kinetic characteristics by dosing water at a hydraulic loading rate of 50ml/min and 10ml/min. Similarly locally available organic materials such as sawdust, Moringa oleifera sheets and textile clothe pieces were also empirically analyzed. Size effects of the bio-reactor columns were also studied. The effluent from textile clothe and gravel reactor respectively showed an increase in pH while a depreciation in pH in the effluent was observed in the Moringa Oleifera reactor and sawdust reactor. This may be due to leaching of acidic organic components for sawdust and Moringa Oleifera . In gravels effluent pH depreciated with increase in flow rate but the general trend of the effluent pH curve showed an initial improvement before it slowed down to an asymptote for a specific constant dosage and height. A multi-parameter stochastic linear model for change in pH as a function of column height, dosage rate, time for specific volume discharge and change in electrical conductivity between influent and effluent was derived. A general stochastic model was also developed to characterize pH change in any bioreactor irrespective of the material media. Thirty centimeters of gravel exhibited an increase in conductivity with increase in flow rate while conductivity dipped with increasing flow rate when the gravel column height was halved. The measure of organic compounds in water decreased with increasing percolation rate through gravel. The chemical oxygen demand ratio within the gravel improved to unity showing increased containment of organic compounds with time. Organic textile clothes reactor also illustrated increased conductivity with increasing flow but conductivity dipped with increase in column height. For Moringa Oleifera reactors, a dosage of water at 10ml/min showed a significant improvement in conductivity with increase in column height. An initial depreciation in temperature curve was observed within clay and gravel reactor. With increase in depth there was an increase in temperature within the gravel as the saturation by water improved. In sawdust reactors this was not the trend. A birth process model is proposed to simulated temperature within a bioreactor as a function of time irrespective of any specific material used as bioreactor media.

Grid Structure and Space

Sung, Li-wen 05 April 2000 (has links)
From the ancient times, people used various kinds of natural material to build architecture. Because of the characteristics of natural materials, there are many limits to challenge the possibility of the architectural structure.After the fire of 1871 in Chicago, there were many incentives to convince Chicago architects to use steel as the material in grid structure buildings. For example, rising real estate prices, the advent of the safety elevator and availability of cost effective steel members. After that, grid structures play a very important role in modern architectural history. Now, construction technologies are improving and hundreds of structure types can be used. Architects have more power to build various kinds of amazing space. For instance, TWA terminal of J.F.K. International Airport. However, the grid structure still has several advantages that can not be substituted: (1) It costs less money due to repetition of components across similar bays. (2) It reduces the construction time, and (3) It possesses an inherent order, a good prerequisite for plan and section. In addition, new technology extends the span limits of grid structures. Thus, grid structures have more chances to take on different roles in the definition of space. This project is a study of the relations between structural grid and architectural space, and a search for several distinct spaces within the grid. In other words, the concept of the project is setting up a grid structure, then developing spacial ideas according to program. So, we can reserve the spirit of the grid structure, and it offers many chances to us to think about other roles that the grid structure can play. / Master of Architecture

Upscaling of water flow and mass transport in a tropical soil: numerical, laboratory and field studies

Almeida de Godoy, Vanessa 21 May 2018 (has links)
Los modelos numéricos son herramientas fundamentales para realizar predicciones de muchos problemas enfrentados por ingenieros geotécnicos y geoambientales. Sin embargo, para que estos modelos puedan realizar predicciones confiables, los parámetros de entrada del modelo deben ser estimados considerando el efecto escala. En este contexto, esta tesis se concentra en las reglas del cambio de escala de los parámetros de flujo y transporte de masa en un suelo tropical a través de estudios numéricos, de laboratorio y de campo. Esta está organizada en cuatro partes. Primero, la heterogeneidad, correlación y correlación cruzada entre los parámetros de transporte de solutos (dispersividad, ¿, y coeficiente de partición, Kd) y las propiedades del suelo fueron estudiadas en detalle. En esta parte fue verificado que la conductividad hidráulica (K) y los parámetros de transporte de solutos son altamente heterogéneos, mientras que las propiedades del suelo no lo son. La correlación espacial de ¿ y K con variables estadísticamente significativas fue estudiada. Este resultado probablemente podrá mejorar la estimación en casos de estudios de pequeña escala debido a que solo fue observada correlaciones de hasta 2,5 m. Este estudio fue un primer intento de evaluar la variación espacial en el coeficiente de correlación de los parámetros de transporte de un soluto reactivo y de un no reactivo, indicando las variables más relevantes y aquella que debería ser incluida en estudios futuros. En la segunda parte, el efecto escala en K, dispersividad y coeficiente de partición de potasio y clorito fue estudiado experimentalmente a través de experimentos de laboratorio y de campo. El objetivo de esta parte fue contribuir a la discusión sobre el efecto escala en K, ¿ y Kd, y entender como estos parámetros se comportan con el cambio de escala de medición. La dispersividad tiende a aumentar con la altura de la muestra de manera exponencial. El coeficiente de partición tiende a aumentar con la altura, el diámetro y el volumen de la muestra. Estas diferencias encontradas en los parámetros de acuerdo con la escala de medición deben ser considerados cuando estos valores sean usados posteriormente como datos de entrada de modelos numéricos; de otra manera, las respuestas pueden ser malinterpretadas. Tercero, análisis estocásticos tridimensionales de cambio de escala de la conductividad hidráulica fueron realizados usando los métodos de promedios simples y de Laplace con piel para una variedad de tamaños de bloques usando mediciones reales de K. En esta parte son demostrados los errores que pueden ser introducidos al usar métodos determinísticos de cambio de escala usando promedios simples de las mediciones de K sin llevar en consideración la correlación espacial. La aplicación muestra que la heterogeneidad de K puede ser incorporada en la práctica diaria del modelador geotécnico. Los aspectos que considerar durante un proceso de cambio de escala también son discutidos. Finalmente, la dependencia del exponente de la norma-p como función del tamaño del bloque fue analizada. En la última parte, una aplicación de cambio de escala estocástico del coeficiente de dispersión hidrodinámica D y del factor de retardo R fue realizada usando datos reales con el objetivo de reducir la falta de casos de investigación experimental de cambio de escala de parámetros de transporte de solutos reactivos. El cambio de escala de D fue realizado usando el método de macrodispersión. El método de promedio simple de norma-p fue usado para realizar el cambio de escala de R. Una buena propagación de incertidumbres fue alcanzada. Métodos simples de cambio de escala pueden ser introducidos en la práctica del modelaje usando programas comerciales de transporte y conseguir reproducir el transporte en escala gruesa, pero puede requerir correcciones con el objetivo de reducir el efecto de suavizado de la heterogeneidad causado por el / Numerical models are becoming fundamental tools to predict a range of complex problems faced by geotechnical and geo-environmental engineers. However, to render the model reliable for future predictions, the model input parameters must be determined with consideration of the scale effects. In this context, this thesis focuses on upscaling of water flow and mass transport in a tropical soil by means of numerical, laboratory and field studies. This thesis is organized in four parts. First, the heterogeneity, correlation and cross-correlation between solute transport parameters (dispersivity, ¿, and partition coefficient, Kd) and soil properties were studied in detail. In this part, it was verified that the hydraulic conductivity (K) and solute transport parameters are highly heterogeneous, while soil properties not. Spatial correlation of ¿, K, and statistically significant variables were studied, and it would probably improve the estimation only in a small-scale study, since the spatial correlation were only observed up to 2.5 m. This study was a first attempt to evaluate the spatial variation in the correlation coefficient of transport parameters of a reactive and a nonreactive solute, indicating the more relevant variables and the one that should be included in future studies. In the second part, scale effect on K, dispersivity and partition coefficient of potassium and chloride is studied experimentally by means of laboratory and field experiments. The purpose of was to contribute to the discussion about scale effects on K, ¿ and Kd and understanding how these parameters behave with the change in the scale of measurement. Results shows that K increases with scale, regardless of the method of measurement. Dispersivity trends to increases exponentially with the sample height. Partition coefficient, tend to increase with sample length, diameter and volume. These differences in the parameters according to the scale of measurement must be considered when these observations are later used as input to numerical models, otherwise the responses can be misrepresented. Third, stochastic analysis of three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity upscaling was performed using a simple average and the Laplacian-with-skin methods for a variety of block sizes using real K measurements. In this part it was demonstrated the errors that can be introduced by using a deterministic upscaling using simple averages of the measured K without accounting for the spatial correlation. The application shows that K heterogeneity can be incorporated in the daily practice of the geotechnical modeler. The aspects to consider when performing the upscaling were also discussed. Finally, the dependence of the exponent of the p-norm as a function of the block size was analyzed. In the last part, an application of stochastic upscaling of hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient (D) and retardation factor (R) was performed using real data aiming to reduce the lack in experimental upscaling of reactive solute transport research. Upscaling of D was done using macrodispersion method. Simple average method based on p-norm was used to perform R upscaling. A good propagation of the uncertainties was achieved. Simple upscaling methods can be incorporated to the modeling practice using commercial transport codes and properly reproduce de transport at coarse scale but may require corrections to reduce smoothing of the heterogeneity caused by the upscaling procedure. / Els models numèrics s'estan constituint en eines fonamentals per a realitzar prediccions d'una àmplia gamma de problemes enfrontats per enginyers geotècnics i geoambientales. No obstant açò, perquè aquests models puguen realitzar prediccions fiables, els paràmetres d'entrada del model han de considerar l'efecte escala. En aquest context, aquesta tesi es concentra en les regles del canvi d'escala dels paràmetres de flux i transport de massa en un sòl tropical a través d'estudis numèrics, de laboratori i de camp. Aquesta tesi està organitzada en quatre parts. Primer, l'heterogeneïtat, correlació i correlació creuada entre els paràmetres de transport de soluts (dispersivitat, ¿, i coeficient de partició, Kd) i les propietats del sòl van ser estudiades detalladament. En aquesta part va ser verificat que la conductivitat hidràulica (K) i els paràmetres de transport de soluts són altament heterogenis, mentre que les propietats del sòl no ho són. La correlació espacial de ¿ i K amb variables estadísticament significatives va ser estudiada. Aquest resultat probablement podrà millorar l'estimació en casos d'estudis de xicoteta escala a causa que solament va ser observada correlacions de fins a 2,5 m. Aquest estudi va ser un primer intent d'avaluar la variació espacial en el coeficient de correlació dels paràmetres de transport d'un solut reactiu i d'un no reactiu, indicant les variables més rellevants i aquelles que haurien de ser inclosas en estudis futurs. En la segona part, l'efecte escala en K, dispersivitat i coeficient de partició de potassi i clorito va ser estudiat experimentalment a través d'experiments de laboratori i de camp. L'objectiu d'aquesta part va ser contribuir a la discussió sobre l'efecte escala en K, ¿ i Kd, i entendre com aquests paràmetres es comporten amb el canvi d'escala de mesurament. La dispersivitat tendeix a augmentar amb l'altura de la mostra, és a dir, amb la longitud del transport, de manera exponencial. El coeficient de partició tendeix a augmentar amb l'altura, el diàmetre i el volum de la mostra. Aquestes diferències en els paràmetres d'acord amb l'escala de mesurament han de ser considerats quan aquests valors siguen usats posteriorment com a dades d'entrada de models numèrics; d'una altra manera, les respostes poden ser malament interpretades. Tercer, anàlisis estocàstiques tridimensionals de canvi d'escala de la conductivitat hidràulica van ser realitzats usant els mètodes de mitjanes simples i de Laplace amb pell per a una varietat de grandàries de blocs usant mesuraments reals de K. En aquesta part són demostrats els errors que poden ser introduïts en usar mètodes determinístics de canvi d'escala usant mitjanes simples dels mesuraments de K sense tindre en consideració la correlació espacial. L'aplicació mostra que l'heterogeneïtat de K pot ser incorporada en la pràctica diària del modelador geotècnic. Els aspectes a considerar durant un procés de canvi d'escala també són discutits. Finalment, la dependència de l'exponent de la norma-p com a funció de la grandària del bloc va ser analitzada. En l'última part, una aplicació de canvi d'escala estocàstic del coeficient de dispersió hidrodinámica D i del factor de retard R va ser realitzada usant dades reals amb l'objectiu de reduir la falta de casos de recerca experimental de canvi d'escala de paràmetres de transport de soluts reactius. El canvi d'escala de D va ser realitzat usant el mètode de macrodispersió. El mètode de mitjana simple de norma-p va ser usat per a realitzar el canvi d'escala de R. Una bona propagació d'incerteses va ser aconseguida. Mètodes simples de canvi d'escala poden ser introduïts en la pràctica de la modelació usant programes comercials de transport i aconseguir reproduir el transport en escala gruixuda, però pot requerir correccions amb l'objectiu de reduir l'efecte de suavitzat de l'heterogeneïtat causat pel procés de canvi d'escala. / Almeida De Godoy, V. (2018). Upscaling of water flow and mass transport in a tropical soil: numerical, laboratory and field studies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/102405

Tests on elliptical concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) beams and columns

Ren, Q-X., Han, L-H., Lam, Dennis, Li, W. 04 May 2014 (has links)
No / This paper presents a series of test results of elliptical concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) beams and columns to explore their performance under bending and compression. A total of twenty-six specimens were tested, including eight beams under pure bending and eighteen columns under the combination of bending and compression. The main parameters were the shear span to depth ratio for beams, the slenderness ratio and the load eccentricity for columns. The test results showed that the CFST beams and columns with elliptical sections behaved in ductile manners and were similar to the CFST members with circular sections. Finally, simplified models for predicting the bending strength, the initial and serviceability-level section bending stiffness of the elliptical CFST beams, as well as the axial and eccentric compressive strength of the composite columns were discussed.

Tests of self-compacting concrete filled elliptical steel tube columns

Mahgub, Munir, Ashour, Ashraf, Lam, Dennis, Dai, Xianghe 24 October 2016 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents an experimental study into the axial compressive behaviour of self-compacting concrete filled elliptical steel tube columns. In total, ten specimens, including two empty columns, with various lengths, section sizes and concrete strengths were tested to failure. The experimental results indicated that the failure modes of the self-compacting concrete filled elliptical steel tube columns with large slenderness ratio were dominated by global buckling. Furthermore, the composite columns possessed higher critical axial compressive capacities compared with their hollow section companions due to the composite interaction. However, due to the large slenderness ratio of the test specimens, the change of compressive strength of concrete core did not show significant effect on the critical axial compressive capacity of concrete filled columns although the axial compressive capacity increased with the concrete grade increase. The comparison between the axial compressive load capacities obtained from experimental study and prediction using simple methods provided in Eurocode 4 for concrete-filled steel circular tube columns showed a reasonable agreement. The experimental results, analysis and comparison presented in this paper clearly support the application of self-compacting concrete filled elliptical steel tube columns in construction engineering practice.

An evaluation of modelling approaches and column removal time on progressive collapse of building

Stephen, D., Lam, Dennis, Forth, J., Ye, J., Tsavdaridis, K.D. 25 October 2018 (has links)
Yes / Over the last few decades, progressive collapse disasters have drawn the attention of codified bodies around the globe; as a consequence, there has been a renewed research interest. Structural engineering systems are prone to progressive collapse when subjected to abnormal loads beyond the ultimate capacity of critical structural members. Sudden loss of critical structural member(s) triggers failure mechanisms which may result in a total or partial collapse of the structure proportionate or disproportionate to the triggering event. Currently, researchers adopt different modelling techniques to simulate the loss of critical load bearing members for progressive collapse assessment. GSA guidelines recommend a column removal time less than a tenth of the period of the structure in the vertical vibration mode. Consequently, this recommendation allows a wide range of column removal time which produces inconsistent results satisfying GSA recommendation. A choice of a load time history function assumed for gravity and the internal column force interaction affects the response of the structure. This paper compares different alternative numerical approaches to simulate the sudden column removal in frame buildings and to investigate the effect of rising time on the structural response.

Testing of a Full-Scale Composite Floor Plate

Lam, Dennis, Dai, Xianghe, Sheehan, Therese 29 January 2019 (has links)
Yes / A full-scale composite floor plate was tested to investigate the flexural behavior and in-plane effects of the floor slab in a grillage of composite beams that reduces the tendency for longitudinal splitting of the concrete slab along the line of the primary beams. This is important in cases where the steel decking is discontinuous when it is orientated parallel to the beams. In this case, it is important to demonstrate that the amount of transverse reinforcement required to transfer local forces from the shear connectors can be reduced relative to the requirements of Eurocode 4. The mechanism under study involved in-plane compression forces being developed in the slab due to the restraining action of the floor plate, which was held in position by the peripheral composite beams; while the secondary beams acted as transverse ties to resist the forces in the floor plate that would otherwise lead to splitting of the slab along the line of the primary beams. The tendency for cracking along the center line of the primary beam and at the peripheral beams was closely monitored. This is the first large floor plate test that has been carried out under laboratory conditions since the Cardington tests in the early 1990s, although those tests were not carried out to failure. This floor plate test was designed so that the longitudinal force transferred by the primary beams was relatively high (i.e., it was designed for full shear connection), but the transverse reinforcement was taken as the minimum of 0.2% of the concrete area. The test confirmed that the primary beams reached their plastic bending resistance despite the discontinuous decking and transverse reinforcement at the minimum percentage given in Eurocode 4. Based on this test, a reduction factor due to shear connectors at edge beams without U-bars is proposed.

Eccentric compression behaviour of concrete columns reinforced with steel-FRP composite bars

Ge, W., Chen, K., Guan, Z., Ashour, Ashraf, Lu, W., Cao, D. 19 March 2021 (has links)
Yes / Eccentric compression behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) columns reinforced by steel-FRP composite bars (SFCBs) was investigated through experimental work and theoretical analyses. The tension and compression test results show that SFCBs demonstrate a stable post-yield stiffness. The mechanical properties of the composite reinforcement have a significant influence on eccentric compression behaviour of the reinforced concrete columns, in terms of failure mode, crack width, deformation and bearing capacity. Formulae were also developed to discriminate failure mode and to determine moment magnification factor, bearing capacity and crack width of the columns studied, with the theoretical predictions being in a good agreement with the experimental results. In addition, parametric studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of mechanical properties of reinforcement, reinforcement ratio, eccentricity, slenderness ratio, types of reinforcement and concrete on the eccentric compression behaviour of RC columns. The results show that the compressive performance is significantly improved by using the high performance concrete, i.e. reactive powder concrete (RPC) and engineered cementious composites (ECC). / financial supports of the work by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51678514), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (BK20201436), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2018M642335), the Science and Technology Project of Jiangsu Construction System (2018ZD047), the Deputy General Manager Science and Technology Project of Jiangsu Province (FZ20200869), the Cooperative Education Project of Ministry of Education, China (201901273053), the Blue Project Youth Academic Leader of Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province (2020), the Six Talent Peaks Project of Jiangsu Province (JZ-038, 2016), the Yangzhou University Top Talents Support Project and the Jiangsu Government Scholarship for Overseas Studies.

Effect of chloride corrosion on eccentric compression response of concrete columns reinforced with steel-FRP composite bars

Ge, W.-J., Zhu, J.-W., Ashour, Ashraf, Yang, Z.-P., Cai, X.-N., Yao, S., Yan, W.-H., Cao, D.-F., Lu, W.-G. 14 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents test results of eccentrically loaded concrete columns reinforced with steel-fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite bars (SFCBs) subjected to chloride corrosion. The first stage of the experimental work explored the tensile and compressive tests of various reinforcements (SFCBs with different cross section, steel and FRP bars) used in the large reinforced concrete (RC) columns after chloride corrosion with or without sustained stresses. The results showed that the tensile and compressive stress-strain relationships of SFCBs are characterised by stable secondary (post-yield) stiffness. The second stage of the testing investigated the structural performance of RC columns with various amounts and types of reinforcements, slenderness ratio, applied load eccentricity and chloride corrosion rate. The results showed that the effect of reinforcements on eccentric compression behaviour is significant. The deformation and crack width of SFCB RC columns, respectively, decreased by 12.2%~52.6% and 8.5%~71.0%, while the load capacity improved by 0.9%~18.8%, when compared with the corresponding FRP RC columns having the same eccentricity and reinforcement ratio. The use of SFCBs as the reinforcement of RC columns, especially with high reinforcement ratio or SFCBs having high area ratio of inner steel to SFCB, is beneficial to reduce the deflection and crack width as well as improve the bearing capacity utilization coefficients under serviceability limit state.

Seismic response of prestressed precast reinforced concrete beam-column joints assembled by steel sleeves

Xue, H., Ashour, Ashraf, Ge, W., Cao, D., Sun, C., Cao, S. 25 October 2022 (has links)
Yes / A novel prestressed precast reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column joint, composed of prestressed tendons, stiffened steel sleeves, and high-strength bolts, having improved self-centring ability and assembly efficiency is proposed in this paper. Four prestressed precast RC joints assembled by steel sleeves and one cast-in-place RC joint were tested under cyclic loading to investigate the seismic response of the proposed joint. The main parameters studied are the axial compression ratio of columns, stirrup ratio in the core area of the proposed joint and effective prestress of tendons. The energy dissipation capacity, bearing capacity, and self-centring ability of the prestressed precast RC beam-column joints assembled by steel sleeves are higher than those measured for the cast-in-place RC joint. For the prestressed precast RC joints assembled by steel sleeves, both yield and ultimate displacements increase with the increase of the axial compression ratio, stirrup ratio and effective prestress, but the ductility decreases with the increase of the axial compression ratio and effective prestress. The increasing of axial compression ratio can lead to an increase in the energy dissipation capacity, shear capacity and residual displacement. Finally, formulae to predict the shear capacity of prestressed precast RC joint assembled by steel sleeves are proposed, being in good agreement with the experimental results. / The authors would like to thank the financial support provided by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (BK20201436), the Open Foundation of Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Prefabricated Building and Intelligent Construction (2021), the Blue Project Youth Academic Leader of Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province (2020) and the Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province, China (KYCX21_3225).

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