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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CLIC drive beam phase stabilisation

Gerbershagen, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
The thesis presents phase stability studies for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and focuses in particular on CLIC Drive Beam longitudinal phase stabilisation. This topic constitutes one of the main feasibility challenges for CLIC construction and is an essential component of the current CLIC stabilisation campaign. The studies are divided into two large interrelated sections: the simulation studies for the CLIC Drive Beam stability, and measurements, data analysis and simulations of the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) Drive Beam phase errors. A dedicated software tool has been developed for a step-by-step analysis of the error propagation through the CLIC Drive Beam. It uses realistic RF potential and beam loading amplitude functions for the Drive and Main Beam accelerating structures, complete models of the recombination scheme and compressor chicane as well as of further CLIC Drive Beam modules. The tool has been tested extensively and its functionality has been verified. The phase error propagation at CLIC has been analysed and the critical phase error frequencies have been identified. The impact of planned error filtering and stabilisation systems for the Drive Beam bunch charge and longitudinal phase has been simulated and the optimal specifications for these systems, such as bandwidth and latency time, have been calculated and discussed. It has been found that a realistic feed-forward system could sufficiently reduce the longitudinal phase error of the Drive Beam, hence verifying that a satisfactory CLIC luminosity recovery system is possible to develop. Alternative designs of the Drive Beam accelerator, the recombination scheme and the phase signal distribution system have also been analysed. Measurements of the CTF3 Drive Beam phase have been performed. The source of the phase and energy errors at CTF3 has been determined. The performance of the phase feed-forward system prototype for CTF3 has been simulated. The prototype's specifications have been defined so that it will provide a sufficient test of the feed-forward correction principle. The prototype based on the defined specifications is currently in development and is to be installed at CTF3 in the second half of 2013.

Radiation and background levels in a CLIC detector due to beam-beam effects

Sailer, Andre 10 January 2013 (has links)
Der Kompakte Linearbeschleuniger CLIC, ist ein Konzept für einen zukünftigen Elektron– Positron Beschleuniger mit einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 3 TeV. Die hohen Ladungsdichten, verursacht durch kleine Strahlgrößen, und die hohe Strahlenergie am CLIC, führen zur Produktion einer großen Menge von Teilchen durch Strahl-Strahl-Wechselwirkungen. Ein großer Teil dieser Teilchen wird den Detektor ohne Wechselwirkung verlassen, aber eine signifikante Menge Energie wird dennoch im Vorwärtsbereich des Detektors deponiert. Dadurch werden Sekundärteilchen erzeugt, von denen Einige Untergrund im Detektor verursachen werden. Es werden auch einige Teilchen mit inhärent großem Polarwinkel erzeugt, die direkt Untergrund in den Spurdetektoren und Kalorimetern verursachen können. Die Hauptursache von Untergrund im Detektor, entweder direkt oder durch Sekundärteilchen, sind inkohärente e+e− Paare und Teilchen aus hadronischen Zwei-Photon Ereignissen. Die Untergrund- und Strahlungspegel im Detektor müssen bestimmt werden, um zu untersuchen, ob ein Detektor mit den Untergrundbedingungen bei CLIC zurechtkommen kann. Mit Hilfe von Simulation der inkohärenten Paare in dem auf GEANT4 basierendem Programm MOKKA, wird die Geometrie eines auf Detektors für CLIC optimiert um den Untergrund im Vertexdetektor zu minimieren. In diesem optimiertem Detektor werden die Untergrund- und Strahlungspegel durch inkohärente e+e− Paare und hadronischen Zwei-Photon Ereignissen bestimmt. Des Weiteren wird die Möglichkeit untersucht, ob Schauer von hochenergetischen Elektron bei kleinen Polarwinkeln im BeamCal zu identifizieren sind. / The high charge density—due to small beam sizes—and the high energy of the proposed CLIC concept for a linear electron–positron collider with a centre-of-mass energy of up to 3 TeV lead to the production of a large number of particles through beam-beam interactions at the interaction point during every bunch crossing (BX). A large fraction of these particles safely leaves the detector. A still significant amount of energy will be deposited in the forward region nonetheless, which will produce secondary particles able to cause background in the detector. Furthermore, some particles will be created with large polar angles and directly cause background in the tracking detectors and calorimeters. The main sources of background in the detector, either directly or indirectly, are the incoherent e+e− pairs and the particles from gamma gamma to hadron events. The background and radiation levels in the detector have to be estimated, to study if a detector is feasible, that can handle the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) background conditions. Based on full detector simulations of incoherent e+e− pairs with the GEANT4 based MOKKA program, the detector geometry of a CLIC detector is optimised to minimise the background in the vertex detector. Following the optimisation of the geometry, the background and radiation levels for incoherent pairs and gamma gamma to hadron events are estimated. The possibility of identifying high energy electron showers with the most forward calorimeter, the BeamCal, is investigated.

Thermo-mechanical analysis of cryo-cooled electrode system in COMSOL

Olofsson, Joel January 2018 (has links)
In the planned linear accelerator called Compact Linear Collider, CLIC, electrons and positrons will be accelerated to velocities near the speed of light. A limiting factor in accelerating structures are vacuum breakdowns, which are electrical discharges from a surface as a result of a large electric field being applied. In the preparatory studies for the CLIC, Uppsala University in collaboration with The European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, is building a DC Spark system to analyze vacuum breakdowns. This system containing large planar electrodes will be cooled down all the way down to around 4 K in order to limit the rate of wich vacuum breakdowns happen. When cooling a system like this, which consists of different components made of different materials there is the question of how the system will be affected. The objective of this project is to investigate how the cooling will affect the stability in terms of stresses and to analyze the cool down time of the system. Another goal is to make a material recommendation for a few parts based on the results. This will be done by simulating the cooling in COMSOL Multiphysics, which is a program that uses finite element analysis to solve complex problems where different branches of physics interact. The conclusion is that the system will most likely be stable as it is and there is no need to redesign it. The choice of recommended material is alumina with the reason being it should cause the least stress and the smallest gap between the electrodes when the cooling is done. There was no big difference in the cool down time between the materials. Further studies and simulations on the system is also recommended since there are many factors not taken into consideration in this study.

Development of a beam-based phase feedforward demonstration at the CLIC test facility (CTF3)

Roberts, Jack January 2016 (has links)
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a proposal for a future linear electron--positron collider that could achieve collision energies of up to 3 TeV. In the CLIC concept the main high energy beam is accelerated using RF power extracted from a high intensity drive beam, achieving an accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m. This scheme places strict tolerances on the drive beam phase stability, which must be better than 0.2 degrees at 12 GHz. To achieve the required phase stability CLIC proposes a high bandwidth (>17.5 MHz), low latency drive beam "phase feedforward" (PFF) system. In this system electromagnetic kickers, powered by 500 kW amplifiers, are installed in a chicane and used to correct the phase by deflecting the beam on to longer or shorter trajectories. A prototype PFF system has been installed at the CLIC Test Facility, CTF3; the design, operation and commissioning of which is the focus of this work. Two kickers have been installed in the pre-existing chicane in the TL2 transfer line at CTF3 for the prototype. New optics have been created for the line to take these changes in to account, incorporating new constraints to obtain the desired phase shifting behaviour. Three new phase monitors have also been installed, one for the PFF input and two to verify the system performance. The resolution of these monitors must be significantly better than 0.2 degrees to achieve CLIC-level phase stability. A point by point resolution as low as 0.13 degrees has been achieved after a series of measurements and improvements to the phase monitor electronics. The performance of the PFF system depends on the correlation between the beam phase as measured at the input to the PFF system, and the downstream phase, measured after the correction chicane. Preliminary measurements found only 40% correlation. The source of the low correlation was determined to be energy dependent phase jitter, which has been mitigated after extensive efforts to measure, model and adjust the machine optics. A final correlation of 93% was achieved, improving the theoretical reduction in jitter using the PFF system from a factor 1.1 to a factor 2.7. The performance and commissioning of the kicker amplifiers and PFF controller are also discussed. Beam based measurements are used to determine the optimal correction timing. With a maximum output of around 650 V the amplifiers provide a correction range of ±5.5 ± 0.3 degrees. Finally, results from operation of the complete system are presented. A mean phase jitter of 0.28 ± 0.02 degrees is achieved, in agreement with the theoretical prediction of 0.27 ± 0.02 degrees for an optimal system with the given beam conditions. The current limitations of the PFF system, and possible future improvements to the setup, are also discussed.

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