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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Islamic economics: nové paradigma v ekonomii? / Islamic Economics: New Paradigm in Economics?

Obdržálek, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents and applies at Islamic economics one of the approaches on basis of wich is it possible to identify or to refuse Islamic economics as a new paradigm. The aim of the thesis is achieved by the way of comparison of this concept to the economics as such, defined on the basis of Colader's, Holt's and Rosser's definition of mainstream economics, and the conclusion is made that on the basis of the comparative analysis it is rather impossible to describe modern Islamic economics as a new paradigm in economics.

Filetički odnosi unutar sekcije SynochetaLegrand, 1946 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)Balkanskog poluostrva / Phyletic relations within Synocheta Legrand, 1946 section (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) of the Balkan Peninsula

Horvatović Mladen 23 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Aktuelna sistematika sekcije Synocheta na gotovo svim nivoima ne odražava realne&nbsp;filetičke&nbsp; veze.&nbsp; Neobična distribucija, nejasni diferencijalni&nbsp; karakteri familije Styloniscidae&nbsp; i&nbsp;njene veze sa familijom Trichoniscidae su problematični. Kriterijumi podele Trichoniscidae&nbsp;na podfamilije su nejasni, nedosledni i često neprimenljivi. &nbsp;Otuda ne čudi krajnje upro&scaron;ćena&nbsp;podela koja ne oslikava realne filetičke odnose unutar grupe, koji su znatno kompleksniji.&nbsp;</p><p>Od 593 vrste Synocheta, trećina (većinom&nbsp; endemita), naseljava Balkan, &scaron;to nameće&nbsp;<br />ovo područje&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedan od centara diverzifikacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; grupe,&nbsp; i čini&nbsp; ga idealnim za&nbsp;sagledavanje&nbsp; realnih&nbsp; filetičkih&nbsp; odnosa.&nbsp; Ovo&nbsp; je&nbsp; definisalo&nbsp; glavne&nbsp; ciljeve&nbsp; na&scaron;e&nbsp; studije:&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp;potpunije&nbsp; sagledavanje&nbsp; faune&nbsp; balkanskih&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; taksonomsku&nbsp; obradu;&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp;filetičkih veza&nbsp; na osnovu kompleksa relevantnih karaktera uporednim analizama, sa teži&scaron;tem&nbsp;na konzervativnijim karakterima, &scaron;to do sada nije učinjeno.&nbsp;</p><p>Konstatovali smo u balkanskoj fauni iz familije Styloniscidae 4 roda sa 15 vrsta, od&nbsp;toga 3 roda i 4 vrste su nove za nauku; iz familije Trichoniscidae 33 roda sa 176 vrsta, od&nbsp;toga 1 novi rod i 18 novih vrsta. Od tog broja 27 rodova i 161 vrsta Synocheta je endemično&nbsp;za Balkan.&nbsp;</p><p>Kod Styloniscidae smo utvrdili znatno veći diverzitet i heterogenost od onoga &scaron;to je&nbsp;bilo&nbsp; do&nbsp; sada&nbsp; poznato,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; ukazuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; moguće&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; ove&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; sa&nbsp; prostora&nbsp; severne&nbsp;Gondvane (delom inkorporirane u prostore Balkana), zajedničko sa familijom &nbsp;Trichoniscidae.</p><p>Rekonstruisali&nbsp; smo&nbsp; najznačajnije&nbsp; momente&nbsp; u&nbsp; filogeniji&nbsp; Trichoniscidae:&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; rano&nbsp;razviće&nbsp; konglobacije,&nbsp; uz&nbsp; masivan&nbsp; integument&nbsp; i&nbsp; razvijenu&nbsp; ornamentiku&nbsp; kao&nbsp; adaptacije;&nbsp;prelazak&nbsp; na&nbsp; za&scaron;titu&nbsp; stereotaksacijom;&nbsp; evolucija&nbsp; ka&nbsp; aktivnijoj&nbsp; za&scaron;titi&nbsp; i&nbsp; gubitku&nbsp; &bdquo;oklopa&rdquo;&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp;dovodi do velike adaptivne radijacije. Pri tome smo pokazali da su karakteri koji su smatrani&nbsp;izvedenim osobinama zapravo pleziomorfni.</p><p>Predstavili smo osnovne&nbsp; evolutivne tokove u familiji&nbsp; Trichoniscidae, kao&nbsp; i filetičke&nbsp;<br />veze&nbsp; koje&nbsp; proizilaze&nbsp; iz&nbsp; ove&nbsp; studije:&nbsp; Haplophthalminae&nbsp; su&nbsp; stara&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; koja&nbsp; poseduje&nbsp; niz&nbsp;pleziomorfnih karaktera; Buddelndiellinae su stara grupa sa znatno bližim filetičkim vezama&nbsp;sa&nbsp; Haplophthalminae;&nbsp; Thaumatoniscellinae&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; davno&nbsp; zajedničko&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; sa&nbsp;Haplophthalminae; Trichoniscinae su mlađa, parafiletička grupa, a mnoge linije su nezavisno&nbsp;evoluirale od podfamilije Haplophthalminae.&nbsp;</p><p>Ovom&nbsp; studijom&nbsp; smo&nbsp; u&nbsp; nekim&nbsp; segmentima&nbsp; dokazali&nbsp; dijametralno&nbsp; suprotne,&nbsp; znatno&nbsp;kompleksnije filetičke veze unutar Synocheta u odnosu na do sada prezentovane.</p> / <p>Current&nbsp; systematic&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; section&nbsp; at&nbsp; almost&nbsp; all&nbsp; levels&nbsp; fails&nbsp; to&nbsp; reflect&nbsp; the&nbsp; real phyletic&nbsp; relations.&nbsp; Unusual&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; and&nbsp; vague&nbsp; differential&nbsp; characters&nbsp; of&nbsp; Styloniscidae family&nbsp; and&nbsp; its&nbsp; relationships&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; Trichoniscidae&nbsp; family&nbsp; are&nbsp; problematic.&nbsp; The&nbsp; division criteria&nbsp; for&nbsp; forming&nbsp; Trichoniscidae&nbsp; subfamilies&nbsp; are&nbsp; unclear,&nbsp; inconsistent&nbsp; and&nbsp; often unenforceable. Hence, the extremely simplified division that does not reflect the real phyletic relations within the group, which are much more complex, is not surprising.</p><p>Of&nbsp; 593&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; species,&nbsp; one&nbsp; third&nbsp; (mostly&nbsp; endemic)&nbsp; inhabit&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balkans,&nbsp; which imposes this area as one of the centers of diversification and diversity of the group, and makes it ideal for the analysis of real phyletic relations. This defined the&nbsp; main goals of our study: as complete assessment of the fauna of the Balkan Synocheta as achievable through taxonomic treatment; determining phyletic relations through comparative analyses based on the complex of relevant characters, with the emphasis on the more conservative ones, which has not been accomplished thus far.</p><p>In&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balkan&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Styloniscidae&nbsp; family,&nbsp; 4&nbsp; genera&nbsp; with&nbsp; 15&nbsp; species&nbsp; were identified, of which 3 genera and 4 species are new to science; similarly, the 33 genera&nbsp; with 176 species from the family Trichoniscidae found in Balkan fauna included one new genus and 18&nbsp; new&nbsp; species.&nbsp; Of&nbsp; that&nbsp; number,&nbsp; 27&nbsp; genera&nbsp; and&nbsp; 161&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; species&nbsp; are&nbsp; endemic&nbsp; to&nbsp; the Balkans.</p><p>In&nbsp; Styloniscidae,&nbsp; we&nbsp; found&nbsp; much&nbsp; greater&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; and&nbsp; heterogeneity&nbsp; than&nbsp; was previously established, which indicates that these groups possibly originate from the&nbsp; northern Gondwana (partly incorporated into the Balkans area), in common with&nbsp; Trichoniscidae family.</p><p>We reconstructed the most important moments in the Trichoniscidae philogeny: early&nbsp;development&nbsp; of&nbsp; conglobation,&nbsp; with&nbsp; massive&nbsp; integument&nbsp; and&nbsp; developed&nbsp;&nbsp; rnamentation&nbsp; as adaptations;&nbsp; transition&nbsp; into&nbsp; protection&nbsp; via&nbsp; stereotaxation;&nbsp; evolution&nbsp; toward&nbsp; more&nbsp; active protection&nbsp; and&nbsp; loss&nbsp; of&nbsp; &quot;armor&quot;,&nbsp; which&nbsp; leads&nbsp; to&nbsp; extensive&nbsp; adaptive&nbsp; radiation.&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition,&nbsp; we have shown that the characters that were previously considered derived properties are actually plesiomorphic.</p><p>We have presented the basic evolutionary trends in Trichoniscidae family, as well as phyletic relations arising from this study: Haplophthalminae are the ancient group&nbsp; ossessing a wide range of plesiomorphic characters; Buddelndiellinae are the ancient&nbsp; group with a much VI closer phyletic relations to Haplophthalminae; Thaumatoniscellinae share a common, and very distant, origin&nbsp; with&nbsp; Haplophthalminae; Trichoniscinae are a&nbsp; younger paraphyletic&nbsp; group and many&nbsp; lines have evolved independently of the Haplophthalminae subfamily.</p><p>In&nbsp; this&nbsp; study,&nbsp; in&nbsp; some&nbsp; segments,&nbsp; we&nbsp; have&nbsp; demonstrated&nbsp; substantially&nbsp; more&nbsp; complex phyletic&nbsp; relations&nbsp; within&nbsp; Synocheta,&nbsp; diametrically&nbsp; opposed&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; previously&nbsp; presented findings.</p>

A Comparative Analysis Of Perimeter, Area And Volume Topics In The Selected Sixth, Seventh And Eighth Grades Mathematics Textbooks From Turkey, Singapore And The United States

Ozdogan, Serpil 01 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to compare selected sixth, seventh and eighth grades mathematics textbooks from Turkey, Singapore and the United States of America and explore their implications for presenting same opportunity to learn to the students at the same grade level. In this study, the selected books were analyzed in terms of whether they included perimeter, area and volume topics, how they presented the topics on the basis of the selected features and the complexity of to-be-solved mathematical problems related to the topics. Some similarities and differences were observed among the textbooks. It was found that the Turkish textbooks are inclusive in terms of subtopics related to perimeter, area and volume. However, the number of pages dedicated to present the topics is the highest in the Singaporean textbooks. That is, in comparison to the Turkish textbooks, the Singaporean textbooks include fewer number of subtopics related to perimeter, area and volume, but the subtopics are presented in a more detail manner. These books are also rich in terms of mathematically relevant illustrations that make the topics more understandable for students. While the U.S textbooks benefit heavily from technology to present the topics, especially by using three-dimensional shapes / the Turkish and Singaporean textbooks do not make use of technology. The textbooks do not show a difference in terms of complexity of to-be-solved problems. Since all of them mostly include the problems with moderate complexity. Despite there is not any difference among the textbooks in terms of the complexity of to-be-solved problems, there is a difference in terms of the number of to-be-solved problems in the textbooks. The Singaporean textbooks encompass more to-be-solved problems compared to others. The study was concluded by providing some useful suggestions to cover the perimeter, area and volume topics in a way that makes students&rsquo / learning easier and to present same opportunity to learn to the students.

A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Male – Male Competition in the Evolution of Aggression, Vertical Bars and Male Body Size in the Northern Swordtail Fishes

Moretz, Jason A. 28 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Sélection sexuelle et évolution des ornements femelles : une étude de la coloration du plumage femelle utilisant des analyses comparatives et des jeux de données à long terme issus de populations de mésange bleue (Cyanistes caeruleus) / Sexual selection and the evolution of female ornaments : an examination of female plumage colouration using comparative analyses and long-term data sets collected in blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) populations

Fargevieille, Amélie 13 December 2016 (has links)
Les traits ornementaux sont classiquement vus comme un attribut des mâles chez les espèces animales. Cette vision est liée à un rôle considéré historiquement comme très asymétrique des sexes, avec les mâles qui entrent en compétition (sélection intra-sexuelle) pour attirer les femelles qui choisissent (sélection intersexuelle) le meilleur partenaire. Cette idée fut développée en liaison avec l’asymétrie dans la production des gamètes mâles et femelles. Les femelles, qui produisent un nombre réduit de gamètes de grosse taille, maximisent la chance de survie de leurs descendants en investissant plus dans les soins parentaux ; elles deviennent ainsi le sexe limitant et choisissent les mâles qui entrent donc en compétition pour avoir accès à la reproduction. Tout trait ornemental qui augmente le succès d’appariement sera donc avantageux pour les mâles conduisant à des traits sexuels secondaires plus développés chez ce sexe. Si les traits ornementaux sont fréquents chez les mâles, il existe également de nombreux exemples chez les femelles, notamment chez les espèces socialement monogames à soins biparentaux. C’est seulement récemment que les biologistes évolutifs ont cherché à tester les processus expliquant l’apparition et le maintien des ornements femelles. Si le rôle de la corrélation génétique dans cette évolution est incontestable, et que la sélection sociale est aussi majeure, plusieurs études empiriques ont montré un choix mâle pour les ornements femelles et des modèles théoriques ont déterminé les paramètres conduisant à l’évolution du choix mâle. Par ailleurs, les approches phylogénétiques retraçant l’évolution des ornements ont montré une forte labilité des traits femelles, avec des apparitions et disparitions de traits ornementaux plus fréquentes chez les femelles que chez les mâles. Afin de mieux comprendre la relation entre la sélection sexuelle et l’évolution des ornements femelles, cette thèse s’est construite sur ces résultats précédemment acquis et a mené plusieurs approches pour mieux préciser le rôle de la sélection sexuelle dans l’évolution et le maintien de la coloration chez les femelles. Une approche comparative à l’échelle des passereaux a testé les paramètres déterminés comme conduisant à l’évolution du choix mâle par des modèles théoriques. En accord avec les modèles théoriques, les résultats mettent en avant l’importance de l’investissement du mâle dans les soins parentaux dans l’évolution de la coloration du plumage femelle. Ils montrent également comment l’investissement initial des femelles dans la reproduction limite l’évolution de la coloration femelle. Un autre axe de la thèse s’est focalisé sur la coloration chez une espèce monogame, la Mésange bleue Cyanistes caeruleus, en utilisant un vaste jeu de données à long terme avec10 ans de donnés dans quatre populations pour tester notamment(i) la force de la corrélation génétique, (ii) les liens entre indices de succès de reproduction et coloration et (iii) l’existence d’un appariement par homogamie chez cette espèce. Si les résultats principaux montrent une forte corrélation génétique et soulignent une très forte variation spatiotemporelle, l’application d’outils méta-analytiques a permis de déceler une relation entre les colorations des femelles et les indices de succès de reproduction ainsi qu’un patron faible mais positif d’appariement par homogamie pour les deux patchs étudiés (couronne et bavette). Les deux volets de la thèse représentent de nouveaux apports en faveur de l’évolution des ornements femelles. Ils soulignent la complexité associée à leur évolution et l’importance de prendre en compte la variation spatiotemporelle pour une compréhension étendue et une possibilité de généralisation. / Ornamental traits are classically associated with males in animal species. The asymmetrical view is related to sex roles, in which males are competing (intra-sexual selection) to attract females which chose the best mate (intersexual selection). This idea was developed with the concept of anisogamy, the asymmetry in the production of male and female gametes. Females producing few but large gametes maximize their offspring survival rate by investing more in parental care; they become the limiting sex and chose males which are thus competing for access to reproduction. Then, any ornamental trait increasing pairing success would become advantageous for males, leading to more developed secondary sexual traits in this sex. If ornamental traits are more frequent in males, there are also many examples with females, especially in socially monogamous species with biparental care. Evolutionary biologists have only started recently to test processes explaining the outbreak and maintenance of female ornaments. Genetic correlation is an unquestionable process involved in this evolution, and social selection is also a major process. Several empirical studies have also related male mate choice to female ornaments and theoretical models have defined key parameters driving the evolution of male mate choice. Furthermore, phylogenetical studies retracing the evolution of ornaments have showed a high lability in female traits, with more frequent gains and losses of ornamental traits in females compared to males. In order to link sexual selection to the evolution of female ornaments, this thesis was based on these previous achievements to develop different approaches to better understand the role of sexual selection in the evolution and maintenance of female colouration. Comparative methods in songbirds tested the key parameters defined by theoretical models as driving the evolution of male mate choice. In line with theoretical models, results highlight the importance of male investment in parental care in the evolution of female plumage colouration. They also show how female initial investment in reproduction limits this evolution. Another thesis axis focused on colouration in a monogamous species, the Blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, using a large dataset across 10 years in four populations and tested in particular (i) the strength of genetic correlation, (ii) relations between proxies of reproductive success and colouration and (iii) the existence of assortative mating in this species. The main results highlight a strong genetic correlation and a wide spatiotemporal variation and the use of meta-analyses revealed correlation between female colouration and proxies of reproductive success as well as a weak but positive pattern of assortative mating on the two measured patches (crown and chest). Both sides of the thesis represent new insights in favour of the evolution of female ornaments. They also highlight the complexity associated with their evolution and the importance of considering spatiotemporal variation for extensive understanding and generalisation.

La place des valeurs dans la prise de décisions stratégiques : étude comparative entre banque islamique et banque classique / The values' place in the strategic decision making : a comparative analysis between Islamic and conventional banks

Ghares, Mariem 02 December 2013 (has links)
Dans ce temps de crise, nombreuses sont les préoccupations qui réclament une moralisation du management. La revendication d’une référence valeurs s’est répandue dans les entreprises afin de servir de catalyseur aux comportements managériaux. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser les valeurs énoncées par les deux types de banques islamiques et classiques, dans une dynamique stratégique afin de déterminer le rôle que peuvent jouer les valeurs dans le processus de prise de décisions stratégiques. D’abord, nous avons recensé les valeurs mises en avant par chaque banque. Ensuite, nous avons tenté de comprendre la perception et l’appropriation de ces valeurs dans leur pratique de management, notamment les projets stratégiques. Enfin, un audit de conformité aux valeurs s’est avéré intéressant pour mesurer les écarts par rapport à l’incarnation des valeurs.Sur le plan méthodologique, cette recherche s’inscrit tout d’abord dans une étude exploratoire dont les résultats vont servir à construire un nouveau cadre théorique d’analyse, ensuite nous avons procédé à une analyse intra-cas pour étudier en profondeur la problématique dans les cas retenus et pour terminer, une analyse inter-cas a eu lieu en vue d’effectuer l’étude comparative qualitative. / In a period of economic crisis, there are more and more concerns about moralizing management methods. Claims of values as a background of managerial behavior are becoming common in business. This thesis has as objective to analyze and compare, in a strategic and dynamical way, the set of values of both conventional and Islamic banks. The aim is to determine the potential role of values in the process of strategic decisions making. First, we identified the set of values displayed by each bank. Then we searched to understand the appropriation of these values in managerial practices especially in strategic projects. Finally, an audit was proposed in order to measure deviations from the displayed values. This research is an exploratory study. Indeed, research results were first used to build a new theoretical framework which served, in a second step, to analyze in depth the selected case studies. Finally, the same framework was again used in order comparative qualitatively these case studies.

A shared ideology of death ? : the architectural elements and the uses of the Late Neolithic gallery graves of western Germany and the Paris Basin / Une idéologie partagée de la mort ? : les éléments architecturaux et la gestion des allées sépulcrales du Néolithique récent de l’Allemagne de l’Ouest et du Bassin parisien

Pape, Eléonore 09 December 2016 (has links)
Au sein du vaste phénomène pan-européen de l’émergence de nombreuses sépultures collectives apparaissent à partir de la deuxième moitié du 4e millénaire av. J.-C. des structures dites allées sépulcrales dans deux régions distinctes, notamment en Hesse et Westphalie, dans le Bassin parisien et avec de faibles effectifs en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas. Ces caveaux de matériaux diverses et de forme rectangulaire sont organisés en une antichambre courte réservée au dépôt de mobiliers collectifs et en une vaste chambre funéraire réservée aux dépôts successifs de nombreux défunts. Les similitudes architecturales entre les structures de ces deux aires géographiques furent reconnues dès le 20ème siècle et la nature de leurs liens a été dès lors interrogée à partir de perspectives diffusionnistes. La trajectoire d’influences unilinéaires varia au cours du temps en fonction du progrès des méthodes et de la mise en œuvre de datations par le radiocarbone. Ce travail s’est penché une fois de plus sur cette question, en effectuant une analyse comparative à deux niveaux: une comparaison empirique de toutes les tombes recensées afin de vérifier en quoi les structures collectives correspondent effectivement à un stéréotype architectural et afin de saisir les variations potentielles entre elles sur le plan régional, et d’autre part une comparaison qualitative de trois Galeriegräber et six allées sépulcrales afin de déceler à quel degré leurs modes de fonctionnement convergent ou diffèrent en fonction d’aspects architecturaux distincts et régionaux. Ce travail interroge enfin la manière dont on peut considérer ces tombes comme les vestiges d’une idéologie partagée de la mort. / Amidst the pan-European phenomenon of the rise of numerous collective burials in the second half of the 4th millennium BC appear so-called gallery graves in two distinct regions, notably in Hessia and Westphalia, in the Paris Basin, and in scarce numbers also in Belgium and the Netherlands. These collective burial vaults of diverse construction materials and of rectangular shape are organised in a short antechamber reserved to the deposit of collective grave good assemblages and in a long chamber sheltering numerous deceased individuals, which were deposited successively. The similarities of the structures of both main study regions in terms of architecture were already noted since the 20th century and the nature of the ties binding latter have since then been interrogated in the line of diffusionist approaches. The resulting presumptions of the direction of unilinear diffusionist processes changed according to the progress of dating methods and processing of radiocarbon samples. With the present research work, the issue was revived anew, and this time via a twofold comparative analysis: A first, empirical comparative analysis is destined to check at what level the collective structures correspond to a structural stereotype and to inform us in terms of potentially regional variations. A second, qualitative comparison included three Galeriegräber and six allées sépulcrales in order to determine to what degree their uses conferred or differed according to distinct architectural and regional features. The resulting observations are finally argued jointly concerning to what extent we finally can consider them the remains of a shared ideology of death.

Guidelines on choosing between native and cross platform development : A comparative study on the efficiency of native and cross-platform mobile development

Folke, Andrae, Sharma Kothuri, Rahul January 2023 (has links)
The first decision in an application development project is choosing the application development platform. Until recently, native application development was the dominant development platform used. The recent increase in popularity of cross-platform development has made this decision to choose between native and cross platform development platforms even more difficult. There is a problem of a lack of guidelines on choosing between native and cross platform development. This lack of guidelines can lead companies to incur costs since application development is a time and money intensive process. The purpose of the thesis is to provide guidelines on when to choose between native application development and cross platform development. This thesis utilized qualitative methods to perform a comparative analysis between native and cross platform development. This analysis was done by building a weather application using native platform development and Flutter, which is the cross-platform development tool we have chosen. We used five comparative criteria to perform the comparative analyses. The results of the thesis are the set of guidelines that are obtained by performing a comparative analysis between native and cross platform development using five comparative criteria. These results will aid people involved in the application development process in making an informed decision of what development platform to use. / Det första beslutet i ett applikationsutvecklingsprojekt är att välja applikationsutvecklingsplattform. Fram tills nyligen var inbyggd applikationsutveckling den dominerande plattformen som användes. Det ökande populariteten för plattformsoberoende utveckling har gjort det ännu svårare att välja mellan inhemska och plattformsoberoende utvecklingsplattformar. Det finns en brist på riktlinjer för att välja mellan inbyggd och plattformsoberoende utveckling. Denna brist på riktlinjer kan leda till kostnader för företag eftersom applikationsutveckling är en tids- och resurskrävande process. Syftet med rapporten är att tillhandahålla riktlinjer för när man ska välja mellan inbyggd applikationsutveckling och plattformsoberoende utveckling. Denna rapport använde kvalitativa metoder för att utföra en jämförande analys mellan inbyggd och plattformsoberoende utveckling. Denna analys utfördes genom att bygga en väderapplikation med inbyggd apputveckling och Flutter, som är det plattformsoberoende utvecklingsverktyget vi har valt. Vi använde fem jämförande kriterier för att utföra de jämförande analyserna. Resultaten av rapporten är den uppsättning riktlinjer som erhålls genom att utföra en jämförande analys mellan nativ apputveckling och tvärplattformsutveckling med hjälp av fem jämförande kriterier. Dessa resultat kommer att hjälpa personer som är involverade i applikationsutvecklingsprocessen att fatta ett välgrundat beslut om vilken utvecklingsplattform de ska använda

Análise comparativa da aplicação do Programa Seis Sigma em processos de manufatura e serviços / Comparative analyses of Six Sigma application in manufacturing and service process

Galvani, Luis Ricardo 16 September 2010 (has links)
A competitividade é um fator de extrema importância para o sucesso das organizações. Os expressivos resultados alcançados pela Motorola e General Electric (GE), por meio do programa Seis Sigma, tem sido uma fonte de inspiração para muitas empresas seguirem o seu exemplo e conseguir maior competitividade. O programa Seis Sigma foi criado e evoluiu em ambiente de manufatura, mas também pode ser aplicado em processos de serviços. Entretanto a aplicação em serviços tem sido feita de forma mais modesta, com menor participação de empresas, e conseqüentemente menor número de casos e relatos divulgados. A literatura menciona que de forma geral o desempenho dos processos de serviços é inferior aos processos de manufatura, e isso pode ser um indicativo de boa oportunidade para a aplicação do programa Seis Sigma. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise comparativa da aplicação do programa Seis Sigma em processos de manufatura e serviços, por meio de revisão da literatura e pesquisa com empresas que aplicam o programa, visando entender as diferenças da aplicação em benefício da aplicação em serviços. Os resultados obtidos sugerem indícios de similaridades e diferenças significativas, tais como \"no perfil do Black Belt, nas equipes de projeto, no tempo de execução de um projeto, no uso da CTQ, na disponibilidade e natureza dos dados e na aplicação de técnicas e ferramentas\" que podem ajudar na expansão do programa em serviços, e assim, espera-se que possa motivar mais pesquisas com esse tema de trabalho. / Competitiveness is an important factor for any organization success. The Six Sigma program, which has been used by companies like Motorola and GE since the 1980\'s, has proved to be a successful way to make any company improve all areas of business and therefore, become more competitive. Although it was created and has been growing in manufacturing successfully, its implementation can reach a much wider field of application. In the last few years, some service corporations also been benefited by the use of this program. However, different from manufacturing, its application is less popular and still restricted to few companies that have already implemented it, which explains limited case studies and projects published in the literature. This paper has the goal to perform a comparative analysis of Six Sigma program implementation in manufacturing as well as in services process and consequently, comprehend the differences and advantages of its application in these different fields. The results of this study, which are based on literature review and also a survey with service companies, have led to some significant similarities and differences like the profile of the Black Belt, project time execution, CTQ use, the nature and availability of the data and application of techniques and tools. Further research, can certainly contribute to the expansion of the Six Sigma methodology improvement in service quality.

Análise comparativa da aplicação do Programa Seis Sigma em processos de manufatura e serviços / Comparative analyses of Six Sigma application in manufacturing and service process

Luis Ricardo Galvani 16 September 2010 (has links)
A competitividade é um fator de extrema importância para o sucesso das organizações. Os expressivos resultados alcançados pela Motorola e General Electric (GE), por meio do programa Seis Sigma, tem sido uma fonte de inspiração para muitas empresas seguirem o seu exemplo e conseguir maior competitividade. O programa Seis Sigma foi criado e evoluiu em ambiente de manufatura, mas também pode ser aplicado em processos de serviços. Entretanto a aplicação em serviços tem sido feita de forma mais modesta, com menor participação de empresas, e conseqüentemente menor número de casos e relatos divulgados. A literatura menciona que de forma geral o desempenho dos processos de serviços é inferior aos processos de manufatura, e isso pode ser um indicativo de boa oportunidade para a aplicação do programa Seis Sigma. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise comparativa da aplicação do programa Seis Sigma em processos de manufatura e serviços, por meio de revisão da literatura e pesquisa com empresas que aplicam o programa, visando entender as diferenças da aplicação em benefício da aplicação em serviços. Os resultados obtidos sugerem indícios de similaridades e diferenças significativas, tais como \"no perfil do Black Belt, nas equipes de projeto, no tempo de execução de um projeto, no uso da CTQ, na disponibilidade e natureza dos dados e na aplicação de técnicas e ferramentas\" que podem ajudar na expansão do programa em serviços, e assim, espera-se que possa motivar mais pesquisas com esse tema de trabalho. / Competitiveness is an important factor for any organization success. The Six Sigma program, which has been used by companies like Motorola and GE since the 1980\'s, has proved to be a successful way to make any company improve all areas of business and therefore, become more competitive. Although it was created and has been growing in manufacturing successfully, its implementation can reach a much wider field of application. In the last few years, some service corporations also been benefited by the use of this program. However, different from manufacturing, its application is less popular and still restricted to few companies that have already implemented it, which explains limited case studies and projects published in the literature. This paper has the goal to perform a comparative analysis of Six Sigma program implementation in manufacturing as well as in services process and consequently, comprehend the differences and advantages of its application in these different fields. The results of this study, which are based on literature review and also a survey with service companies, have led to some significant similarities and differences like the profile of the Black Belt, project time execution, CTQ use, the nature and availability of the data and application of techniques and tools. Further research, can certainly contribute to the expansion of the Six Sigma methodology improvement in service quality.

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