Spelling suggestions: "subject:"compound channel"" "subject:"eompound channel""
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Turbulence structure and momentum exchange in compound channel flows with shore ice covered on the floodplainsWang, F., Huai, W., Guo, Yakun, Liu, M. 17 March 2021 (has links)
Yes / Ice cover formed on a river surface is a common natural phenomenon during winter season in cold high latitude northern regions. For the ice-covered river with compound cross-section, the interaction of the turbulence caused by the ice cover and the channel bed bottom affects the transverse mass and momentum exchange between the main channel and floodplains. In this study, laboratory experiments are performed to investigate the turbulent flow of a compound channel with shore ice covered on the floodplains. Results show that the shore ice resistance restricts the development of the water flow and creates a relatively strong shear layer near the edge of the ice-covered floodplain. The mean streamwise velocity in the main channel and on the ice-covered floodplains shows an opposite variation pattern along with the longitudinal distance and finally reaches the longitudinal uniformity. The mixing layer bounded by the velocity inflection point consists of two layers that evolve downstream to their respective fully developed states. The velocity inflection point and strong transverse shear near the interface in the fully developed profile generate the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and horizontal coherent vortices. These coherent vortices induce quasi-periodic velocity oscillations, while the dominant frequency of the vortical energy is determined through the power spectral analysis. Subsequently, quadrant analysis is used in ascertaining the mechanism for the lateral momentum exchange, which exhibits the governing contributions of sweeps and ejections within the vortex center. Finally, an eddy viscosity model is presented to investigate the transverse momentum exchange. The presented model is well validated through comparison with measurements, whereas the constants α and β appeared in the model need to be further investigated. / National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Grant Numbers: 52020105006, 11872285: State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science (WRHES), Wuhan University. Grant Number: 2018HLG01
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Flow characteristics in straight compound channels with vegetation along the main channelTerrier, Benoit January 2010 (has links)
This study investigates the complex flow structure generated by riparian emergent vegetation along the edge of floodplain. Detailed velocity and boundary shear stress measurements were carried out for various arrangements of emergent rigid cylindric rods of 3 mm, 6 mm and 9 mm diameters and for three different rod densities. In addition, the impact of foliage on the flow field was assessed during a series of experiments where brushes were used instead of smooth rods. The results of these new experiments are first presented. In addition to the laboratory data, field data was obtained through Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler measurements for two flood events in a stretch of the river Rhône that can be approximated to a straight compound channel with vegetated banks. The analysis of the flow structure highlights the presence of strong secondary circulation and increased vorticity on the river banks. The rods on the edge of the floodplain increase significantly flow resistance, reducing velocity and decreasing boundary shear stress. Flow rate was seen to decrease with increasing vegetative density for all cases except when foliage was added. This suggests that an optimum threshold density, for which a smaller density would lead to an increased flow rate might exist. Wakes trailing downstream of the vegetation stem, planform coherent structures advected between the main channel and the floodplain, and eddying motion in the flow due to enhanced turbulence anisotropy are among the defining patterns observed in the studied compound channel flows with one line of emergent vegetation along the edge of the floodplain. The Shiono and Knight Method (SKM) was modified in order to account for the increased turbulence activity due to the rods. The drag force term was introduced in the same way as in the work of Rameshwaran and Shiono (2007). However, a new term was added to the transverse shear stress term in the form of an Elder formulation, incorporating a friction drag coefficient which can be derived from the experimental data. In this proposed version, the advection term was set to zero. Another version of the SKM, similar to Rameshwaran and Shiono (2007), was also tested with the addition of a local drag friction only applied in the rod region. The proposed SKM version without the advection term was favored as it can be more closely related to the experimental data and to physical processes. Finally, the capabilities of Telemac-2D were tested against the experimental data for various turbulence models. The Large Eddy Simulation turbulence model highlighted some unsteady flow patterns that were observed during experiments, while satisfactorily predicting the lateral velocity and boundary shear stress distributions.
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Flow characteristics in compound channels with and without vegetationSun, Xin January 2007 (has links)
The flow characteristics in compound channels with and without vegetation on the floodplain were investigated experimentally and numerically in this thesis. Detailed measurements of velocity and boundary shear stress, using a Pitot tube and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter together with a Preston tube, were undertaken to understand the flow characteristics in compound channels. Eight no-rod cases, two emergent-rod cases and two submerged-rod cases were tested. Unsteady large eddies that occur in the shear layer were explored numerically with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to identify its generation and its effects on the flow behaviors. Mean flow parameters were predicted using the quasi-2D model by considering the shear effect. Usirgg the data of depth-averaged velocity and boundary shear stress, the contributions of shear-generated turbulence and bed-generated turbulence to the Reynolds shear stress were identified, the apparent shear stress was calculated using the modified method of Shiono and Knight (1991) and the depth-averaged secondary current force was then obtained. Large eddies were important to the lateral momentum exchange in shallow non-vegetated compound channels and even in deep vegetated compound channels. In the compound channel with one-line rods at the floodplain edge, the secondary current forces were of opposite signs in the main channel and on the floodplain and the bed shear stress was smaller than the standard two-dimensional value of yHSo due to the vegetation effect, where y,H,So are the specific weight of water, water depth and bed slope respectively. In vegetated compound channels, the velocity patterns were different to those and the discharges were smaller than those in non-vegetated compound channels under similar relative water depth conditions. The anisotropy of turbulence was the main contribution to the generation of secondary currents in non-vegetated and vegetated compound channels, but the Reynolds stress term was more important in the vegetated compound channels. Results of cross spectra showed the mechanisms of the turbulent shear generation near the main channel-floodplain junction are due to large eddies in the non-vegetated compound channel and owing to wakes in the vegetated compound channel. LES results indicated that large eddies caused significant spatial and temporal fluctuations of velocity and water level in the compound channel and the instantaneousv alues of these flow parameters were significantly higher than the mean values. In vegetated compound channels, the flow moved from the main channel to the floodplain and from the floodplain to the main channel alternately. The characteristic frequencies of the large eddy were less than 1Hz which was consistent with the experimental data. The capability of the quasi-2D model to predict the 2D mean flow parameters in compound channels were assessed under different flow conditions and also improved by using the mean wall velocity as the boundary condition and appropriate values of the lateral gradient of the secondary current force. In the vegetated compound channels, new approaches were proposed to treat the drag force in the cases of oneline emergent rods at the floodplain edge and submerged rods on the floodplain.
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Prediction of the depth-averaged two-dimensional flow direction along a meander in compound channelsShan, Y., Huang, S., Liu, C., Guo, Yakun, Yang, K. 03 August 2018 (has links)
Yes / For overbank flows in meandering channels, the flow direction along a meander varies and is affected by floodplain vegetation. This study proposes a model for predicting the depth-averaged two-dimensional flow direction (depth-averaged flow angle) along a meander in smooth and vegetated meandering compound channels. Laboratory experiments were performed in smooth and vegetated channels. Measurements show that the height of the secondary current cell in the main channel is increased by dense floodplain vegetation comparing with that in a non-vegetated channel. A method of determining the height of the cell is proposed. At the middle section between the apex and exit sections, where the secondary current cell is absent, the depth-averaged flow angle is independent of the height of the cell. Beyond the middle section, a new secondary current cell is formed, and the flow angle is highly dependent on the height of the cell. The proposed model is thoroughly verified using the flume experimental and field observed data. Good agreement is obtained between predictions and measurements, indicating that the proposed model is capable of accurately predicting the depth-averaged flow angle along a meander in smooth and vegetated meandering compound channels. / National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFC0402302), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51709022, 51609160 and 51539007)
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Turbulent flow around bluff bodies at the floodplain edgeHeatlie, Fiona January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the flow around bluff bodies placed at the floodplain edge in a compound, open channel. The floodplain edge location is associated with a strong shear layer between lower velocity floodplain flow and high velocity flow in the main channel. The drag force exerted by a bluff body is dependant on the way in which the flow separates around the body and subsequently recovers but the drag coefficients typically used to represent the effects of bluff bodies are based on experiments on bodies in geometrically simple channels. The differences induced in the wake structures and therefore in the drag coefficients of bluff bodies when they are placed in the shear layer at the floodplain edge are little understood. In this study, experimental data is gathered that allows direct comparison of the wakes of identical bluff bodies, both emergent (surface-piercing) and submerged, in simple and compound open channels. For the compound channel scenarios, for both single and multiple block arrangements, turbulence data is also reported. These results are augmented using a computational model based on the solution of the 3D Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations, using a non-linear turbulence model. The results show that the changes induced in the wake structures due to their location at the floodplain edge of the compound channel can have a significant effect on the drag coefficient. For the emergent bodies, the proximity of the deep main channel flow is shown to impact in a complex manner upon the processes of reattachment and re-separation, changing the formation of vorticity in the wake. For the submerged bodies, this is complicated by asymmetry in the same processes on the block top. For both body types, separation on the main channel side results in the creation of a strong axial circulation at the floodplain edge and the decay of the wake is asymmetrically affected by the differing behaviour of the turbulence on the two sides.
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Estimation of flow direction in meandering compound channelsLiu, X., Zhou, Q., Huang, S., Guo, Yakun, Liu, C. 01 November 2017 (has links)
Yes / The flow in the main channel of a meandering compound channel does not occur in the ridge direction because of the effect of the upstream floodplain flows. This study proposes a model for estimating the flow direction in the depth-averaged two-dimensional domain (depth-averaged flow angles) between the entrance and the apex sections. Detailed velocity measurements were performed in the region between the meander entrance section and apex section in a large-scale meandering compound channel. The vertical size of the secondary current cell is highly related to the depth-averaged flow angle; thus, the means of the local flow angles above the secondary current cell and within the cell are separately discussed. The experimental measurements indicate that the mean local flow angle above the cell is equal to the section angle, whereas the mean local flow angle within the cell is equal to zero. The proposed model is validated using published data from five sources. Good agreement is obtained between the predictions and measurements, indicating that the proposed model can accurately estimate the depth-averaged flow direction in the meandering compound channels. Finally, the limitations and application ranges of the model are discussed. / National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFC0402302), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51539007 and 51609160)
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Flow modelling in compound channels : momentum transfer between main channel and prismatic or non-prismatic floodplainsBousmar, Didier 12 February 2002 (has links)
Flow modelling in a compound channel is a complex matter. Indeed, due to the smaller
velocities in the floodplains than in the main channel, shear layers develop at the
interfaces between these subsections, and the channel conveyance is affected by a
momentum transfer corresponding to this shear layer, but also to possible geometrical
changes in a non-prismatic reach.
In this work, a one-dimensional approach, the Exchange Discharge Model (EDM), is
proposed for such flows. The EDM accounts for the momentum transfer between
channel subsections, estimated as proportional to the velocity gradient and to the
discharges exchanged through the interface; where two main processes are identified :
(1) the turbulent exchange, due to the shear-layer development; and (2) the geometrical
transfer, due to cross-sectional changes. The EDM is successfully validated for
discharge prediction, but also for water-profile computation, through comparison with
existing laboratory and field measurements.
The momentum transfer due to turbulent exchanges is then studied experimentally,
theoretically and numerically. At first, new experimental data, obtained by using
Particle Tracking Velocimetry techniques, are presented : the periodical vortex
structures that develop in the shear layer are clearly identified and characterised.
Secondly, a hydrodynamic linear stability analysis enables to predict quite successfully
the wave length of some observed vortices. Lastly, an Unsteady-RANS numerical
method is used to simulate the perturbation development. The estimated vortex wave
lengths agree again with the measurements and the theoretical predictions, although
vortices merging occurs in the simulation results, which was actually not observed
experimentally. The velocity-profile prediction is found improved when the effect of
vortices is considered, thanks to the corresponding additional shearing.
The geometrical transfer is also investigated experimentally and numerically. Novel
experiments are designed, with the measurements of the flow in a compound channel
with symmetrically narrowing floodplains. The mass transfer and the evolution of the
flow distribution along the channel length are clearly observed. A significant additional
head loss due to this transfer is measured, in accordance with the EDM hypothesis.
Measured water profiles are finally compared successfully with the EDM predictions.
In addition to the EDM development and validation, the so-called Lateral Distribution
Method (LDM) is also investigated and the significance of the secondary-currents
models proposed by previous authors for this method is discussed. When considering
the velocity-profile prediction, the effect of these helical secondary currents is again
clearly highlighted, by using dispersion terms in the Saint-Venant equations. However,
the actual physical meaning of the related dispersion coefficients remains uncertain. In
addition, an extended LDM is also proposed and discussed for non-prismatic flow
modelling, using the new narrowing-channel data set./La modélisation des écoulements dans les rivières à plaines inondables est
particulièrement complexe. En effet, la vitesse de l'eau étant plus faible sur la plaine
d'inondation que dans le lit mineur, une couche de cisaillement se développe à
l'interface entre ces sous-sections. La débitance totale de la rivière est dés lors réduite, à
cause du transfert de quantité de mouvement qu'occasionne la présence de la couche de
cisaillement, mais aussi de part les changements de géométrie qui peuvent se produire
dans un lit non-prismatique.
La présente thèse propose, pour la représentation de tels écoulements, une nouvelle
approche uni-dimensionnelle dénommée Modèle des Débits d'Echange ("Exchange
Discharge Model" – EDM). Le transfert de quantité de mouvement entre les soussections
de la rivière est pris en compte par l'EDM comme étant proportionnel au
gradient de vitesse entre celles-ci et aux débits échangés à travers leur interface. A cette
interface, deux phénomènes sont essentiellement présents : (1) un échange turbulent, dû
au développement de la couche de cisaillement; et (2) un transfert géométrique,
correspondant aux changements de section. L'EDM est validé avec succès pour la
prédiction du débit et pour le calcul de lignes d'eau, par comparaison avec des données
existantes de laboratoire et de terrain.
Le transfert de quantité de mouvement dû à l'échange turbulent est ensuite étudié
expérimentalement, théoriquement et numériquement. De nouvelles mesures sont
obtenues, au moyen d'une technique de vélocimétrie par suivi de particules. Les
structures périodiques qui se développent dans la couche de cisaillement sont clairement
identifiées et caractérisées. Deuxièmement, une analyse linéaire de stabilité
hydrodynamique permet de prédire théoriquement les longueurs d'onde de quelques
tourbillons qui ont été observés expérimentalement, et ce avec succès. Enfin, un modèle
numérique, de type "Unsteady-RANS", est utilisé pour simuler la croissance des
tourbillons dans la couche de cisaillement. Encore une fois, les longueurs d'onde obtenues correspondent relativement bien avec les valeurs mesurées et prédites
théoriquement; bien que les coalescences de tourbillons qui se produisent
numériquement n'aient pas été observées expérimentalement. La prédiction des profils
de vitesse est améliorée, lorsque l'effet des tourbillons est considéré, grâce à la
contrainte de cisaillement additionnelle que ceux-ci génèrent.
Les transferts géométriques sont également explorés expérimentalement et
numériquement. Une nouvelle campagne expérimentale a été réalisée, en considérant
l'écoulement dans un lit composé symétrique, dont les plaines d'inondation se
rétrécissent progressivement. Le transfert de masse entre sous-sections et la
redistribution des débits qui lui est associée sont clairement observés au long du canal.
Une importante perte de charge additionnelle due à ce transfert est mesurée, en
concordance avec les hypothèses de l'EDM. Finalement, les lignes d'eau mesurées sont
reproduites avec succès par un calcul utilisant l'EDM.
En complément au développement et à la validation de l'EDM, la "Lateral Distribution
Method" (LDM) est également utilisée, avec pour objectif la clarification du rôle des
termes de courants secondaires proposés par différents auteurs. Par rapport à la
prédiction du profil de vitesse, l'effet de ces courants secondaires est très marqué. Il est
ici reproduit en utilisant des termes de dispersion dans les équations de Saint-Venant.
Cependant, le sens physique des valeurs des coefficients de dispersion qui doivent être
utilisés est discutable. Par ailleurs, une LDM étendue, pour les écoulement en lits nonprismatiques,
est proposée et commentée, en utilisant le nouveau jeu de données pour le
canal convergent.
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Modélisation physique des écoulements débordants en présence d’un épi placé dans la plaine d’inondation / Physical modelling of overbank flows with a groyne set on the floodplainPeltier, Yann 06 September 2011 (has links)
Si généralement, les variations de sections en travers des rivières naturelles ou anthropisées sont progressives et continues, au droit de certains biefs, des obstacles transversaux et discontinus (naturels ou artificiels) peuvent partiellement ou totalement bloquer les plaines d’inondation. L’écoulement dans la plaine d’inondation est dès lors contracté par l’obstacle, qui promeut le développement de zones de recirculation de part et d’autre de l’obstacle, entraînant une réduction de la section d’écoulement et la génération d’échanges de masse entre lits qui viennent se superposer aux interactions turbulentes. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la modélisation physique de ces écoulements et nous avons particulièrement étudié les distorsions introduites par l’obstacle sur la turbulence dans l’écoulement. Ce travail est basé sur de nouvelles expériences menées dans deux canaux à lit composé. Un jeu complet de données d’écoulements rapidement variés en présence d’un épi dans la plaine d’inondation. Les effets sur les paramètres hydrauliques de la superposition des deux problématiques que sont (i) les écoulements en géométries composées et (ii) les écoulements rapidement variés au voisinage d’un obstacle ont ensuite été analysés. Finalement, les processus physiques dominant dans ces écoulements ont été identifiés / If in natural or anthropized rivers, the river cross-section generally gradually and continuously varies, transversal and discontinuous obstacles either natural or artificial may partially or totally block off floodplains. The flow overbanking in the floodplain is therefore contracted by this obstacle which then promotes two recirculation zones of both sides of the obstacle, resulting in a reduction of the flow section and in the generation of strong mass exchange between channels that superimposes to the classical turbulent interactions. New experiments are conducted in two different compound channels: rapidly varied flows in compound channel with a groyne set on the floodplain. Flows with various groyne lengths and total discharges were investigated. Effects on the hydraulic parameters of the superimposition of the two problems that are (i) flow in compound geometry and (ii) rapidly varied flow in the vicinity of a thin obstacle were analysed. Finally, dominance of physical processes in such flow configuration is discussed
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Étude expérimentale d’écoulements soumis à une transition longitudinale de rugosité en lit simple et en lit composé / Experimental investigation of flows subjected to a longitudinal transition in hydraulic roughness in single and compound channelsDupuis, Victor 21 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'intéresse à l'effet d'une variation longitudinale de l'occupation du sol de la plaine d'inondation sur l'écoulement d'une rivière en débordement. Nous traitons le cas d'une transition entre une zone de prairie et une zone de forêt, et vice versa. Cette variation d'occupation du sol est associée à une transition de rugosité hydraulique entre une rugosité de fond (prairie fortement immergée) et des macro-rugosités émergées (arbres), modélisées respectivement par une moquette plastifiée et par un champ de cylindres. Ces écoulements sont étudiés en laboratoire dans un canal de dimension 18 m x 3 m. Dans un premier temps, nous considérons l'écoulement à travers un champ de cylindres émergents en lit simple, en étudiant l'effet du fond sur le sillage des cylindres et le phénomène de seiche (fortes oscillations de la surface libre). Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous penchons sur le développement vers l'uniformité d'un écoulement en lit composé de rugosité uniforme. La croissance asymétrique de la couche de mélange du lit composé, la propriété d'autosimilarité ainsi que l'organisation tridimensionnelle des structures turbulentes cohérentes associées à la couche de mélange sont analysées. Le troisième temps fait l'objet de la transition longitudinale de rugosité en lit composé, dont l'effet sur la couche de mélange et sur les structures cohérentes est discuté. Nous évaluons également les différentes contributions au transfert latéral de quantité de mouvement entre lit mineur et plaine d'inondation par diffusion turbulente, par échange de masse et par les courants secondaires / This PhD thesis investigates the effect of a longitudinal change in floodplain land use on an overflooding river flow. We consider a transition between a meadow and a woodland and vice versa. This change in land use is associated with a change in hydraulic roughness, between a bed roughness (highly submerged meadow) and emergent macro-roughnesses (trees), respectively modelled by a plastic artificial grass and an array of emergent cylinders. The flows are experimentally investigated in an 18 m x 3 m laboratory flume. In a first step, we investigate the flow through a cylinder array in a single channel, focusing on the effect of bed roughness on the cylinder wakes and on the seiche phenomenon (strong free surface oscillations). In a second step, we study the development towards flow uniformity of compound channel flows with a uniform hydraulic roughness on the floodplains. The asymmetrical growth of the compound channel mixing layer, the self-similarity property and the three-dimensional organisation of the turbulent coherent structures associated with the mixing layer are analysed. In a third step, we investigate the longitudinal change in roughness in compound channel configuration, which effects on mixing layer and on coherent structures are discussed. We also assess the contributions to lateral transfers of momentum between main channel and floodplain by turbulent diffusion, by mass exchange and by secondary currents
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