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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Compton Camera for In-vivo Dosimetry in Ion-beam Radiotherapy

Kormoll, Thomas 22 February 2013 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Bildgebung durch eine Compton-Kamera zur Überwachung der Partikelstrahlentherapie erstmals an der Technischen Universität Dresden untersucht. Die inhärenten Beschränkungen der Methode wurden durch Berechnungen und Monte Carlo Simulationen studiert. Im Zuge dieser Untersuchungen erschien der Raumtemperatur-Halbleiter Cadmium Zink Tellurid als ein vielversprechendes Detektor-Material. Zur weiteren Untersuchung wurde eine einfache Compton-Kamera konstruiert bestehend aus einem Cadmium Zink Tellurid Detektor und einem ortsempfndlichen Szintillationsdetektor. Das System hat gezeigt, dass eine akkurate Bildgebung mit radioaktiven Punktquellen unter Laborbedingungen möglich ist. Weitere praktische Beschränkungen der Compton-Bildgebung unter Strahlbedingungen konnten durch Experimente an einem Protonen-Strahl hergeleitet werden. Durch die experimentellen Erfahrungen mit der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Compton-Kamera konnten wertvolle Informationen gesammelt werden, die erlauben, die Bildrekonstruktion zu evaluieren und dazu beitragen, die weitere Forschung hin zu einer klinisch anwendbaren Compton-Kamera zu leiten.:Abstract/Zusammenfassung Illustration Index Index of Tables List of Abbreviations 0 Introduction 0.1 Motivation 0.2 Task 1 Physical Background 1.1 Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter 1.1.1 Coherent Photon Scattering 1.1.2 Incoherent Photon Scattering 1.1.3 Complete Absorption in the Nuclear Electric Field 1.1.4 Pair Production 1.1.5 Total Photon Cross Section 1.1.6 Directly Ionizing Radiation 1.2 Prompt Gamma-rays from Nuclear Reactions 1.3 Detector Technology 1.3.1 Semiconductor Detectors 1.3.2 Scintillation Detectors 1.4 Compton Imaging 1.4.1 Image Formation 1.4.2 History and Application of Compton Cameras 1.5 Prompt Gamma-ray Imaging for In-vivo Dosimetry – Work of Other Groups 2 Design Study 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Emission Spectra – Available Data 2.2 Materials and Methods 2.2.1 Angular Resolution 2.2.2 Efficiency 2. Results 2.4 Conclusions 3 Prototype System 3.1 Overview 3.2 System Components 3.2.1 CdZnTe Detector and its Front-end-electronics 3.2.2 LSO Block-Detector 3.2.3 Mounting Frame 3.2.4 DAQ Hardware and Software 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Detector Performance 3.3.2 System Performance 3.4 Conclusions 4 Beam Experiments 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Materials and Methods 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Source Test 4.3.2 Beam Profile 4.3.3 Trigger Rate 4.3.4 Pixel Selection in the LSO 4.3.5 Phantom Measurement 4.4 Conclusions 5 Discussion Appendix A A.1 Technical Drawing of the CdZnTe Electrode Layout Bibliography Danksagung Erklärung / This work presents the first efforts at the Dresden University of Technology to study the feasibility of Compton imaging as a modality to monitor ion beam radiation therapy. The inherent limitations of the method have been studied by means of calculation and Monte Carlo simulation. As a result, the room-temperature semiconductor cadmium zinc telluride appeared as a promising detector material for a clinical device. For more detailed investigation, a simple Compton camera has been constructed comprising a cadmium zinc telluride detector and a position sensitive scintillation detector. This system has proven that accurate imaging of radioactive point sources in the laboratory is feasible. More practical restrictions of Compton imaging in beam conditions have been derived through experiments at a proton facility. Through the experimental work with the Compton camera developed in this work, valuable information was gathered which allowed to test the image reconstruction and to direct the further research towards a clinical Compton camera system.:Abstract/Zusammenfassung Illustration Index Index of Tables List of Abbreviations 0 Introduction 0.1 Motivation 0.2 Task 1 Physical Background 1.1 Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter 1.1.1 Coherent Photon Scattering 1.1.2 Incoherent Photon Scattering 1.1.3 Complete Absorption in the Nuclear Electric Field 1.1.4 Pair Production 1.1.5 Total Photon Cross Section 1.1.6 Directly Ionizing Radiation 1.2 Prompt Gamma-rays from Nuclear Reactions 1.3 Detector Technology 1.3.1 Semiconductor Detectors 1.3.2 Scintillation Detectors 1.4 Compton Imaging 1.4.1 Image Formation 1.4.2 History and Application of Compton Cameras 1.5 Prompt Gamma-ray Imaging for In-vivo Dosimetry – Work of Other Groups 2 Design Study 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Emission Spectra – Available Data 2.2 Materials and Methods 2.2.1 Angular Resolution 2.2.2 Efficiency 2. Results 2.4 Conclusions 3 Prototype System 3.1 Overview 3.2 System Components 3.2.1 CdZnTe Detector and its Front-end-electronics 3.2.2 LSO Block-Detector 3.2.3 Mounting Frame 3.2.4 DAQ Hardware and Software 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Detector Performance 3.3.2 System Performance 3.4 Conclusions 4 Beam Experiments 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Materials and Methods 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Source Test 4.3.2 Beam Profile 4.3.3 Trigger Rate 4.3.4 Pixel Selection in the LSO 4.3.5 Phantom Measurement 4.4 Conclusions 5 Discussion Appendix A A.1 Technical Drawing of the CdZnTe Electrode Layout Bibliography Danksagung Erklärung

Développement expérimental d'un télescope Compton au xenon liquide pour l'imagerie médicale fonctionnelle

Oger, Tugdual 06 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'imagerie 3γ est une nouvelle technique d'imagerie médicale nucléaire qui a été proposée au laboratoire Subatech. Cette technique consiste à localiser tridimensionellement la position de la désintégration d'un radioisotope innovant émetteur (β+, γ), le 44Sc. Il s'agit pour cela d'associer la détection des deux photons gamma de 511 keV issus de la désintégration d'un positon, assurée par une couronne de détecteurs de tomogaphie à émission de positon, à la détection dutroisième photon par un télescope Compton au xénon liquide. La position de l'interaction entre le photon et le xénon, ainsi que l'énergie déposée, sont relevées grâce à la mesure du signal d'ionisation à l'aide d'un chambre MICROMEGAS (MICROMEsh GAseousStructure), tandis que le déclenchement de l'acquisition et la mesure du temps de l'interaction sont assurés parla détection du signal de scintillation. Le principe de la TPC est ainsi utilisé pour l'imagerie Compton.Afin de faire la preuve expérimentale de faisabilité de l'imagerie 3γ, un prototype de petite dimension, XEMIS (XEnon Medical Imaging System), a été développé.Cette thèse constitue une étape importante vers cette preuve de faisabilité. Les travaux qui y sont exposés portent sur la caractérisation de la réponse du détecteur pour un faisceau de gammas de 511 keV et sur l'analyse des données qui en sont issues. La mesure des résolutions en énergie et temporelle seront exposés, ainsi que celle de la pureté du xénon liquide.

An Experimental re-evaluation of Photon Mass Attenuation Coefficients

2013 February 1900 (has links)
Photon mass attenuation coefficients are indispensable input parameters for use in several disciplines. They are of value for medical diagnostics, radiation therapy, material science, etc. Currently, photon mass attenuation coefficients derived from model calculations are widely used. This project directly measured the photon mass attenuation coefficients of water and a number of water based solutions. These measurements were made using a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector allowing for increased resolution beyond traditional techniques. Four sources were used (\Ba, \Eu, \Cs, \Am) producing multiple photons of interest over the range of 40 keV to 1.4 MeV, allowed for simultaneous collection of data and a refining of uncertainties beyond past techniques. Direct measurements using a new liquid technique supported the validity of Bragg's additive law, allowing for the mass attenuation coefficient of a constituent element to be calculated from a set of independent measurements. This technique allows materials not easily directly measured to be determined without an overburdening increase in uncertainty. The same direct measurements showed a deviation from the currently relied upon National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database - XCOM. Investigations of the deviation and surrounding references showed XCOM being at most accurate to 5 \% relative uncertainty.

An experimental investigation of the secondary electron formative time lag due to a pulse of primary electrons

Fordham, David Manuel January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Coded-Aperture Compton Camera for Gamma-Ray Imaging

Farber, Aaron M. January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation describes the development of a novel gamma-ray imaging system concept and presents results from Monte Carlo simulations of the new design. Current designs for large field-of-view gamma cameras suitable for homeland security applications implement either a coded aperture or a Compton scattering geometry to image a gamma-ray source. Both of these systems require large, expensive position-sensitive detectors in order to work effectively. By combining characteristics of both of these systems, a new design can be implemented that does not require such expensive detectors and that can be scaled down to a portable size. This new system has significant promise in homeland security, astronomy, botany and other fields, while future iterations may prove useful in medical imaging, other biological sciences and other areas, such as non-destructive testing. A proof-of-principle study of the new gamma-ray imaging system has been performed by Monte Carlo simulation. Various reconstruction methods have been explored and compared. General-Purpose Graphics-Processor-Unit (GPGPU) computation has also been incorporated. The resulting code is a primary design tool for exploring variables such as detector spacing, material selection and thickness and pixel geometry. The advancement of the system from a simple 1-dimensional simulation to a full 3-dimensional model is described. Methods of image reconstruction are discussed and results of simulations consisting of both a 4 x 4 and a 16 x 16 object space mesh have been presented. A discussion of the limitations and potential areas of further study is also presented.

Monte-Carlo simulations of positron emission tomography based on liquid xenon detectors

Lu, Philip Fei-Tung 05 1900 (has links)
The prospects for enhanced Positron Emission Tomography imaging using liquid xenon (LXe) gamma ray detectors had been examined. Monte-Carlo simulations using GEANT4 were performed and the results were used to study the expected performance of a small animal PET scanner in comparison with a simulated conventional small animal scanner (LSO Focus 120). A NEMA-like cylinder phantom and an image contrast phantom were simulated with both scanners to compare performance characteristics. A Compton reconstruction algorithm was developed for the LXe scanner, and its performance and limitations studied.

Monte-Carlo simulations of positron emission tomography based on liquid xenon detectors

Lu, Philip Fei-Tung 05 1900 (has links)
The prospects for enhanced Positron Emission Tomography imaging using liquid xenon (LXe) gamma ray detectors had been examined. Monte-Carlo simulations using GEANT4 were performed and the results were used to study the expected performance of a small animal PET scanner in comparison with a simulated conventional small animal scanner (LSO Focus 120). A NEMA-like cylinder phantom and an image contrast phantom were simulated with both scanners to compare performance characteristics. A Compton reconstruction algorithm was developed for the LXe scanner, and its performance and limitations studied.

Etude de la structure partonique de l'hélium / Study of partonic structure of helium nucleus

Perrin, Yohann 19 October 2012 (has links)
La structure des nucléons et des noyaux a été intensivement étudiée au cours duvingtième siècle au travers de la diffusion élastique d’électrons (mesure des facteurs deforme électromagnétique) et de la diffusion profondément inélastique (mesure des distributionsde partons). Le formalisme des distributions généralisées de partons (GPD)a permis d’unifier les facteurs de forme et les distributions de partons. Ce lien procureune source d’information unique sur la dynamique des partons, telle la distribution desforces nucléaires et de moment orbital au sein des hadrons. L’accès expérimental le plussimple aux GPD est la diffusion Compton profondément virtuelle (DVCS), correspondantà l’électroproduction dure d’un photon réel. Tandis que plusieurs expériences sesont déjà focalisées sur la réaction DVCS sur le nucléon, les expériences sur une ciblenucléaire s’avèrent plus rares. Cette thèse se concentre sur l’étude du canal DVCS cohérentsur l’hélium 4, avec pour objectif l’extraction des parties réelle et imaginaire dufacteur de forme Compton via l’asymétrie de spin du faisceau. / The structure of the nucleons and of the nuclei was actively studied during the twentiethcentury through electron elastic scattering (measuring the electromagnetic formfactors) and deep inelastic electron scattering (measuring the parton distributions). Theformalism of generalized parton distributions (GPD) achieved the unification of the formfactors and the parton distributions. This link gives a source of information about partondynamics, such as the distribution of nuclear forces and orbital momentum insidehadrons. The easiest experimental access to the GPD is the deeply virtual Comptonscattering (DVCS), which corresponds to the hard electroproduction of a real photon.While several experiments focussed on DVCS off the nucleon, only a few experimentsstudied DVCS off a nuclear target. This thesis is dealing with the study of the coherentchannel of DVCS off helium 4, with the aim to extract the real and imaginary parts ofthe Compton form factor thanks to the beam spin asymetry.

Structure interne du nucléon à haute et à basse énergie par la diffusion Compton virtuelle / Internal structure of the nucleon at low and high energy by virtual Compton scattering

Benali, Meriem 24 May 2016 (has links)
La première partie présente la mesure des polarisabilités généralisées (GPs) électrique αε(Q²) et magnétique βM(Q²) du proton qui sont fonctions du quadri-moment de transfert Q². L'expérience a été réalisée dans le Hall A1 à MAMI (Mayence) avec un faisceau d'énergie de l'ordre de 1 GeV, à Q²=0.45 GeV² (qcm=714 MeV/c et ε=0.63). Le modèle DR (Relations de Dispersion) a été utilisé pour extraire les GPs, αε(Q²) et βM(Q²), ainsi que deux combinaisons linéaires P¿ (Q²) – 1/ε PTT (Q²) et P¿ (Q²). Ces dernières ont été extraites, pour les mêmes données, en utilisant l'approche de basse énergie (LEX) sous le seuil de production du pion. Nos résultats préliminaires montrent un bon accord entre les deux méthodes et offrent une nouvelle contrainte sur la structure du proton à basse énergie. La deuxième partie est dédiée à la mesure de la section efficace totale du processus de diffusion Compton profondément virtuelle (DVCS) sur le neutron à Q²=1.75 GeV² et xB=0.36. Le processus DVCS permet d'extraire des fonctions universelles "distributions généralisées de partons (GPDs)" permettant de comprendre la structure interne du nucléon en terme de partons. Le DVCS sur le neutron est sensible à la GPD E qui est la moins contrainte à ce jour et dont la connaissance est indispensable pour remonter au moment orbital des quarks. Les données analysées proviennent de l'expérience E08-025 effectuée dans le Hall A de JLab (USA) avec un faisceau d'électrons polarisés d'énergie de l'ordre de 6 GeV et deux cibles d'hydrogène et de deutérium. Nos résultats préliminaires montrent, pour la première fois, une contribution (neutron-DVCS + deuton cohérent-DVCS) non nulle et sont très prometteuses en vue d'une extraction de la GPD "E". / The first part presents the measurement of the generalized αε(Q²) electric and magnetic βM(Q²) polarisabilities (GPs) of the proton which depend on the four-momentum transfer  Q². The experiment was performed in Hall A1 at MAMI (Mainz) with a 1 GeV beam energy at Q² =0.45 GeV² (qcm=714 MeV/c and ε=0.63). The dispersion relations model was used to extract the GPs, αε(Q²) and βM(Q²),  and two linear combinations P¿ (Q²) – 1/ε PTT (Q²) and P¿ (Q²). These last ones were extracted, for the same data, using the low-energy approach (LEX) under the pion production threshold. Our preliminary results show a good agreement between both methods and provide a new constraint on the proton structure at low-energy. The second part is dedicated to the measurement of the total cross section of deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) on the neutron at Q²=1.75 GeV² and xB=0.36. The DVCS process allows to extract the universal functions "generalized parton distributions (GPDs)" which provide  a new understanding the nucleon in terms of partons. The DVCS on the neutron is sensitive to E, the less constrained GPD, which allows  to access the orbital momentum of the quarks. The analyzed data were taken in the E08-025 experiment performed in Hall A at JLab (USA) with a polarized electron beam with energy around 6 GeV and two hydrogen and deuterium targets.  Our preliminary results show, for the first time, a  nonzero (neutron-DVCS + coherent-deuteron-DVCS) contribution and are very promising for the extraction of the GPD "E".

Monte-Carlo simulations of positron emission tomography based on liquid xenon detectors

Lu, Philip Fei-Tung 05 1900 (has links)
The prospects for enhanced Positron Emission Tomography imaging using liquid xenon (LXe) gamma ray detectors had been examined. Monte-Carlo simulations using GEANT4 were performed and the results were used to study the expected performance of a small animal PET scanner in comparison with a simulated conventional small animal scanner (LSO Focus 120). A NEMA-like cylinder phantom and an image contrast phantom were simulated with both scanners to compare performance characteristics. A Compton reconstruction algorithm was developed for the LXe scanner, and its performance and limitations studied. / Science, Faculty of / Physics and Astronomy, Department of / Graduate

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