Spelling suggestions: "subject:"computer aided 1translation (CAT)"" "subject:"computer aided atranslation (CAT)""
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Traductologie et traduction outillée : du traducteur spécialisé professionnel à l’expert métier en entreprise / Translation Technologies for English, French or German : From Individual Specialized Translators To Company Domain ExpertsLemaire, Claire 23 June 2017 (has links)
Comment adapter des technologies de la traduction, initialement conçues pour des traducteurs spécialisés professionnels, à des experts métier devant traduire pour leur entreprise ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons comparé les pratiques de ces deux types d'utilisateurs, à l’aide de questionnaires. Ensuite, nous avons constitué un corpus à partir de traductions d’experts métier et nous l’avons passé en revue pour renforcer l’analyse des différences. La différence la plus flagrante est l'utilisation de la traduction automatique (TA) ainsi que le contexte de production des traductions. La réalité du terrain montre en effet des textes source qui ne sont souvent pas exploitables par des machines ; nous proposons de travailler sur l'exploitabilité informatique des textes. En étudiant les technologies de TA actuelles, nous constatons qu'elles permettent soit une post-édition en langue cible après le processus de traduction, soit une pré-édition en langue source avant le processus de traduction. Nous suggérons de tirer profit de la situation inédite de rédacteur traduisant, pour utiliser l’expertise du rédacteur pendant le processus de traduction et de développer une fonctionnalité de TA permettant une édition en cours de processus. / How to adapt translation technologies, initially designed for professional translators, to domain experts who have to translate for their company?We address this issue by first comparing the practices of two groups of translators, professional and non-professional, with two surveys. Secondly, we built a corpus of translations done by domain experts and we studied it to reinforce the analysis. The most obvious difference are the use of machine translation (MT) and the production context. Actually, the reality in companies shows texts, in source language that often cannot be processed by machines; we propose to focus on text processability. By looking at current MT technologies, it appears that they can either post-edit the texts that are in target language, after the translation process or pre-edit the texts that are in source language, before the translation process. We propose to take advantage of the unprecedented situation of having the "writer" and the "translator" working together, to use the writer expertise during the translation process by creating a new MT feature that allow editing during the process.
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Vyhlídky překladatelské profese v éře moderních technologií: interdisciplinární pohled / Prospects of Human Translation in the Era of Modern Technology: An Interdisciplinary PerspectiveHrách, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
Modern technology affects all aspects of human life, and translation is not an exception. The development of translation technology -computer-assisted translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT)- is causing shifts in professional competencies and significant changes in the work of human translators, who are concerned about the future of their profession. Furthermore, insufficient collaboration between translators and technology developers leads to dissatisfaction with translation tools, contempt for machine translation, and mutual misunderstandings. The aim of this master's thesis is to promote the dialogue between professional translators and translation technology experts. First, a questionnaire survey is conducted among translators; then, its results are consulted with experts in translation technology. It is confirmed that the inevitable changes do not mean that the profession will become obsolete, but rather transformed. In addition, there are various possibilities for collaboration between translators and developers. However, for this collaboration to be as effective as possible, it will be necessary to address the differences between the views of both sides.
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Překlad hospodářských textů do němčiny - na příkladu výročních zpráv / Translating Business-Economic Texts into German - Exemplified on Annual ReportsRůžička, David January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this thesis is to provide an introduction into the topic of specialized texts in relation to Czech and German, or to be more precise, into the topic of translating business administrative texts into a foreign language. The theoretical part begins with an introduction of the research results hitherto achieved in the area of specialized texts and the translation thereof. After that, we deal with business administrative texts and their translation. Within these first two parts, we always first give an introduction into the particular topic giving an historical overview of research formulated in our three languages of main interest - English, German and Czech, with, Spanish being mentioned to a much lesser extent. We address the issue of translation into non-mother tongues and translation associated computer technologies in relation to the text we analyze in the analytical part of the thesis. There, we analyze a typical type of business-administrative text - annual reports. We compare the results with the theory knowledge. The analysis of the interview led in the company that provided the texts for the analysis serves as supplementary information. Finally we sum up the hitherto carried out research and correlate it with the results of our translatological analysis.
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