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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A afetividade na pr??tica de professores de escolas p??blicas bem-sucedidas em avalia????es de larga escala

Silva, Leandro Batista da 14 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Kelson (kelson@ucb.br) on 2016-08-04T13:18:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LeandroBatistadaSilvaTese2016.pdf: 1686960 bytes, checksum: 475168ddc48aab8dc280d2e48e388cd1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-04T13:18:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeandroBatistadaSilvaTese2016.pdf: 1686960 bytes, checksum: 475168ddc48aab8dc280d2e48e388cd1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-14 / The school, as transmitting institution of all the accumulated cultural legacy of centuries by many societies, is a living organism, made up of people historically and culturally determined. For these reasons, it would be extremely impoverished want to research a complex plot that is built inside our schools only from the cold letter numbers or rates. During the process of learning, teacher and student develop relationship exchanges, deeply influenced by issues of affectivity. The affectivity, not rarely, is understood, in the educational context, in a contradictory way. Sometimes, it is believed to be only emotions (plastic expressions), or just feelings (psychologized representation); It is not observed that emotion and feeling are, together with the passions, the foundations of affectivity, and they should not be considered the affectivity itself. In addition to that, it is very common that the school is not able to recognize the role of affectivity in the construction of knowledge, reorganization of the cognitive aspect; for this reason, occasionally, affectivity and cognition are placed in opposite poles, and it not recognized that the first one is an important factor of influence on the capabilities (or on difficulties) of students in their learning pathways. This study surveyed the place of affectivity in the practices of teachers in successful public school in large-scale assessments (SAEB and ENEM). The study included six teachers, three public schools in the Federal District, two state schools and a federal school, which showed satisfactory rates in the ENEM and SAEB, according to which recommends the Federal Government. Interviews were conducted with these teachers, direct observation of their lessons - for half a year - and after that, a triangulation of data collection instruments was held from conducting focus groups with students of cooperating teachers. The research is based on theoretical assumptions of Henri Wallon. After analysis and discussion of the data, it was constituted the following meaning and units of meaning: "The teacher's view of the surveyed school and on large-scale assessments," "Conceptions of affectivity ", " affectivity, interaction and teaching practice ","Affectivity, learning and performance in large-scale assessments." From this analysis, it was seized, in teachers??? speech, their notion of affectivity and their effects on the teaching-learning process. It was also observed how the affectivity appears in the practices of cooperating teachers and ends up influencing the results obtained by students in external evaluations. Moreover, it was possible in all cores, fulfill the comparison of speech of the teachers with what was observed in their classes, and after that, contrast those opinions with the students??? points of view. The results show that teachers have a contradictory vision of affection, sometimes associating it to emotion, sometimes to the feeling (although not realize this duality). They do not realize, in their reports, that emotions and feelings, taken alone, do not express all possible range of affectivity. Also, it is noticeable in the accounts of the teachers, the belief that affectivity interfere in the results obtained in large-scale assessments; similarly, it appears in the speech of students, although teachers can not present, clearly, the situations in which this would occur. It also draws a lot of attention to the issue of the teachers perceive that the rates of large-scale assessments are just another indicator of the education course in their schools because they are aware that the concern with these rates should notexceed the commitment and attention to one teaching truly transformative and able to bring about change in the students??? lives / A escola, como institui????o transmissora de todo o legado cultural acumulado em s??culos pelas diversas sociedades, ?? um organismo vivo, formado por pessoas historicamente e culturalmente determinadas. Por tais raz??es, seria extremamente empobrecedor querer pesquisar a complexa trama que se constr??i no interior de nossas escolas apenas a partir da letra fria de n??meros ou de ??ndices. Durante o processo de aprendizagem, professor e aluno desenvolvem trocas relacionais, profundamente influenciadas pelas quest??es da afetividade. A afetividade, n??o raro, ?? compreendida, no contexto educacional, de forma contradit??ria. Por vezes, acredita-se que seja somente emo????es (express??es pl??sticas), ou somente sentimentos (representa????o psicologizada); n??o se percebe que emo????o e sentimento s??o, em conjunto com as paix??es, as bases da afetividade, n??o podendo ser, sozinhas, afetividade em si. Tamb??m ?? muito comum que a escola n??o consiga reconhecer o papel da afetividade na constru????o do conhecimento, na reorganiza????o do aspecto cognitivo; por conta disso, por vezes, afetividade e cogni????o s??o colocadas em polos opostos, n??o se reconhecendo a primeira como importante fator de influ??ncia nas potencialidades (ou nas dificuldades) dos alunos em seus percursos de aprendizagem. Este estudo pesquisou o lugar da afetividade nas pr??ticas de professores de escolas p??blicas bem-sucedidas em avalia????es de larga escala (SAEB e ENEM). Participaram do estudo seis professoras, de tr??s escolas p??blicas do Distrito Federal, duas escolas estaduais e uma escola federal, que apresentaram ??ndices satisfat??rios no ENEM e no SAEB, de acordo com o que preconiza o Governo Federal. Foram realizadas entrevistas com essas professoras, observa????o direta de suas aulas ??? durante um semestre ??? e, ap??s isso, foi realizada uma triangula????o dos instrumentos de coleta de dados, a partir da realiza????o de grupos focais com os alunos das professoras colaboradoras. A base te??rica s??o os pressupostos de Henri Wallon. Ap??s a an??lise e discuss??o dos dados, constitu??ram-se os seguintes n??cleos de significa????o e sentido: "O olhar do docente sobre a escola pesquisada e sobre as avalia????es de larga escala", "Concep????es de afetividade", "Afetividade, intera????o e pr??tica docente", "Afetividade, aprendizagem e desempenho em avalia????es de larga escala". A partir dessa an??lise, apreenderam-se, no discurso docente, suas concep????es acerca da afetividade e de seus efeitos no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Foi poss??vel verificar, tamb??m, de que modo a afetividade comparece nas pr??ticas das professoras colaboradoras e termina por influenciar nos resultados obtidos pelos alunos nas avalia????es externas. Al??m disso, foi poss??vel, em todos os n??cleos, realizar a compara????o da fala das professoras com o que era observado em suas aulas, bem como contrastar essas opini??es com o ponto de vista dos educandos. As conclus??es do estudo apontam que as professoras t??m uma vis??o contradit??ria sobre a afetividade, associando-a ora ?? emo????o, ora ao sentimento (ainda que n??o percebam essa dualidade). Elas n??o se d??o conta, em seus relatos, de que emo????es e sentimentos, tomados isoladamente, n??o expressam toda a gama poss??vel da afetividade. ?? percept??vel, tamb??m, nos relatos das professoras, a cren??a de que a afetividade interfere nos resultados obtidos nas avalia????es em larga escala; isso tamb??m comparece no discurso dos alunos. Tamb??m chama bastante aten????o a quest??o de as professoras perceberem que os ??ndices das avalia????es de larga escala s??o apenas mais um indicador dos rumos da educa????o em suas escolas, pois t??m consci??ncia de que a preocupa????ocom esses ??ndices n??o deve superar o empenho e a aten????o a um trabalho docente verdadeiramente transformador e capaz de operar mudan??as na vida dos discentes

Inova??o pedag?gica, pr?ticas pedag?gicas inovadoras e concep??es docentes no macrocampo inicia??o cient?fica e pesquisa do PROEMI

Lima, S?nia Maria Pereira de 03 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-12-04T20:35:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SoniaMariaPereiraDeLima_DISSERT.pdf: 5293190 bytes, checksum: fcad2779ac0a1ff61e4c626c71d8214b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-12-06T23:26:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SoniaMariaPereiraDeLima_DISSERT.pdf: 5293190 bytes, checksum: fcad2779ac0a1ff61e4c626c71d8214b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-06T23:26:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SoniaMariaPereiraDeLima_DISSERT.pdf: 5293190 bytes, checksum: fcad2779ac0a1ff61e4c626c71d8214b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-03 / O presente estudo situa-se no campo da Educa??o B?sica, tomando a pr?tica e as concep??es de docentes do ensino m?dio sobre inova??o pedag?gica e pr?ticas inovadoras de inicia??o cient?fica e pesquisa no Programa Ensino M?dio Inovador, como aspectos centrais. Com essa pretens?o, direcionou-se os esfor?os anal?ticos para estudar as concep??es de inova??o pedag?gica e as pr?ticas pedag?gicas inovadoras de professores de Ci?ncias da Natureza e Matem?tica no contexto do macrocampo inicia??o cient?fica e pesquisa do ProEMI, no intuito de conhecer o que pensam e fazem os professores no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Do ponto de vista metodol?gico, realizou-se uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa com estudo descritivo, explorat?rio e, como instrumento de coleta de dados, a entrevista semi estruturada, a qual foi aplicada a dez (10) professores de duas escolas estaduais, localizadas no Agreste Meridional do Estado de Pernambuco, no per?odo de maio a junho do ano de 2016. Os dados foram codificados e tabulados com a ajuda de estat?stica descritiva como t?cnica de tratamento de dados e com base nesse procedimento, foram constru?das tabelas, grelhas e gr?ficos. Como procedimento para an?lise das entrevistas semiestruturadas, utilizou-se a an?lise de conte?dos de Bardin (1977; 2010) e para melhor compreender o n?vel de conhecimento dos professores utilizou-se a t?cnica de triangula??o dos dados, a qual favoreceu o cruzamento de resultados coletados atrav?s de diferentes fontes como procedimento de enriquecimento das interpreta??es de cada quest?o de estudo. Esta disserta??o est? estruturada em seis cap?tulos, a saber: 1) Delineamento do objeto de estudo; 2) Programa Ensino M?dio Inovador e o macrocampo inicia??o cient?fica e pesquisa; 3) A Inicia??o cient?fica e pesquisa no ProEMI; 4) A Inova??o Pedag?gica; 5) Metodologia. 6)An?lise de dados. Os resultados permitiram conhecer que os professores t?m concep??es limitadas sobre inova??o pedag?gica que refletem como dificuldades para o planejamento de praticas pedag?gicas inovadoras no contexto do macrocampo de inicia??o cient?fica e pesquisa do ProEMI. Dentre estas, conhecimentos limitados sobre o que ? inova??o pedag?gica e como esse conhecimento ? produzido em sala de aula, o que distancia a criatividade e o dialogo interdisciplinar do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, uma vez que estes s?o elementos caracter?sticos da inova??o. As falas dos professores indicam a forma??o como necess?ria para que possam pensar pr?ticas inovadoras nos dias atuais. Por fim, apresentamos uma s?ntese do estudo nas considera??es finais, enfatizando sua relev?ncia para a atualiza??o da pr?tica docente nos momentos de forma??o continuada e ? melhoria do desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. / This present study is situated in the Basic Education field, taking High School teachers` conceptions pedagogical innovation and innovator practicing of scientific initiation and innovator on High School Research Program as central features. Within that intention, it has been targeted analytical efforts to study the teachers pedagogical innovation conceptions about Natural Science and Mathematics on macro research scientific initiation context of macro field initiation and Pro-Emi research, to know what the teachers think and do with their teaching-apprenticeship. From the methodological point of view, it?s been realized a qualitative study with exploratory-descriptive approach research, and as data collecting tools, the half structured interviews which were applied to ten (10) teachers from the state public schools, localized in our Southern Rural Pernambuco State area zone in the period between May and June of 2016. Those data have been codified and tabulated with a descriptive statistic support as data technique treatment, and based on that measure, it?s been built tables, grills and graphics as measure to analyze half structured interviews; it?s been used the content analysis by Bardim( 1977;2010), and to make it better to understand the teacher`s knowledge level, it was triangular data technique, which one helped the result crossing collected through different sources as measures of interpretations improvement on each study question. This essay is structured to six chapters as following: 1) Delineation of the object study. 2) An innovate High School Program and the macro field of scientific initiation and research. 3) The scientific initiation and the research on Pro-Emi.4) The Pedagogical innovation. 5) Methodology. 6) Data analysis. The results allowed how to know that the teachers have limited conceptions about pedagogical Innovation which reflects as difficulties to make a plan for innovator pedagogical practices within scientific initiation macro field context and Pro-Emi . Among these limited knowledge of pedagogical innovation is, and as that knowledge as produced in classroom, which makes creativity distant, and the dialog inter -disciplinary of teaching apprenticeship measure, once these are characteristic items of a synthesis of the study, on final considerations. The teachers? speech indicates the continuous education as necessary to make them able to think about innovator pedagogical practicing, nowadays. Finally, it?s been shown an abstract of the final considerations, focusing on its importance for the teaching corporation practicing up date at the continuous education moments, and for the teachers professional development.

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