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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da (não-)conformidade de concretos produzidos no Brasil e sua influência na confiabilidade estrutural / A study of Brazilian concrete strength (non)compliance and its effects on structural reliability

Wagner Carvalho Santiago 20 December 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da (não-)conformidade dos concretos estruturais produzidos no Brasil, bem como uma investigação da segurança de pilares curtos de concreto armado submetidos à compressão simples levando em conta a influência da (não-)conformidade da resistência do concreto. Esta investigação tem como base ensaios de resistência de mais de seis mil corpos-de-prova de diferentes localidades do Brasil. Estes ensaios mostram que parte significativa dos concretos atualmente produzidos no Brasil não atinge a resistência característica (fck) especificada em projeto. Como resultado, estes concretos deveriam ser considerados não-conformes e medidas de mitigação deveriam ser aplicadas. O trabalho investiga ainda o impacto da não-conformidade dos concretos produzidos no Brasil na confiabilidade de pilares curtos de concreto armado submetidos a compressão simples, quando medidas de reforço e recuperação não são adotadas. Para refletir o universo de condições de projeto, na análise de confiabilidade são consideradas quatro classes de resistência do concreto, quinze valores de razão de carregamento e três valores de taxa geométrica de armadura. O trabalho revela uma redução significativa da confiabilidade dos pilares curtos em função da não-conformidade dos concretos. Estes resultados reforçam a necessidade de um controle rigoroso no recebimento do concreto, bem como na fiscalização das medidas de mitigação no caso dos concretos não-conformes. / This paper presents a study of the strength (non-)compliance of structural concretes produced in Brazil, and an investigation of the safety of shortt reinforced concrete columns subjected to axial compression considering the influence of concrete strength (non-)compliance. The investigation is based on experimental results of over six thousand concrete samples from different parts of Brazil. Results show that a significant part of these concretes do not reach the characteristic strength specified in design. As a consequence, these concretes should be considered non-compliant, and mitigation measures should be adopted. The study also investigates the impact of concrete strength non-compliance on the reliability of short columns subject to axial compression, when mitigation measures are not adopted. In order to reflect different design conditions, four classes of concrete strength, fifteen load ratios and three reinforcement ratios are considered. The study reveals that concrete strength non-compliance significantly reduces the reliability of short columns. These results stress the necessity of a rigorous control of concrete deliveries, and the importance of a rigorous control of the mitigation actions, in case of concrete strength non-compliance.

Der Einfluss einer zweiaxialen Zugbelastung auf das Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten von Beton und gemischt bewehrten Bauteilen

Schröder, Steffen 29 November 2012 (has links)
Das Zugtragverhalten von bewehrten und unbewehrten Bauteilen wird von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren beeinflusst. Maßgeblich wird es von der Festigkeit des verwendeten Betons, dem Verbundverhalten zwischen Bewehrung und Beton sowie vom vorhandenen Spannungszustand im Bauteil bestimmt. In der Regel werden im täglichen Planungsgeschäft des Ingenieurs einaxiale Spannungszustände unter Berücksichtigung der Materialeigenschaften des Betons aus den Standardprüfungen betrachtet. Jedoch treten in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen mehraxiale Spannungszustände auf. Beispielhaft sollen hier Bereiche von zweiachsig spannenden Deckenplatten, in Bereichen von Rahmenecken, rotationssymmetrischen Bauwerkshüllen sowie bei Brückenbauwerken mit durchlaufender Fahrbahn im Bereich der Stützen genannt werden. Normative Regelungen sehen bisher im Falle einer zweiaxialen Druckbeanspruchung lediglich die Erhöhung der Druckfestigkeit bzw. Verbundspannung vor. Regelungen zur Festigkeit des Betons unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung existieren dagegen nicht. Daraus abgeleitet stellt sich die Frage, welchen Einfluss eine zweiaxiale Zugbeanspruchung auf das Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten von unbewehrten und bewehrten Bauteilen ausübt. Mit Blick auf übliche Konstruktionsbetone sollen diese Fragestellungen für einen Beton C20/25 und C40/50 geklärt werden. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens wurden hierzu Versuche an unbewehrten Betonsscheiben und gemischt bewehrten Bauteilen durchgeführt. Das im CEB-FIP MODELL CODE 90 vorgestellte Modell zur Beschreibung des einaxialen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens bildet das reale Verhalten von Beton unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung nur ungenügend ab. Hierfür werden Modelle zur Beschreibung des Verformungsverhaltens von Beton unter Berücksichtigung von zweiaxialen Spannungszuständen für einen Beton C20/25 und C40/50 entwickelt. Weiterhin werden Bruchkriterien für die zwei Betonsorten vorgestellt, mit denen die Zugfestigkeit des Betons unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung bestimmt werden kann. Während bei einem Beton C20/25 die zweiaxiale Zugfestigkeit annähernd der einaxialen Zugfestigkeit entspricht, so nimmt die Zugfestigkeit des Betons C40/50 unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung um ca. 25% ab. Hinsichtlich der Bruchdehnungen unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung wurde festgestellt, dass diese mit steigendem Spannungsverhältnis 1 : 2 abnehmen. Darüber hinaus bilden die Modelle zur Bestimmung des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens des unbewehrten Betons die Versuchsergebnisse sehr gut ab. Mit Hilfe der hier vorliegenden Ergebnisse können somit das Verformungs- und Festigkeitsverhalten von Beton unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung sehr gut abgebildet werden. In Bauteilversuchen wurde das Verformungsverhalten unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung von gemischt bewehrten Bauteilen untersucht. Die Bestimmung der Verformungen erfolgte hierbei mittels Dehnmessstreifen auf der Betonoberfläche, dem schlaffen Bewehrungsstahl und dem im nachträglichen Verbund liegenden Spannglied. Ein indirekter Nachweis des Einflusses auf das Verbundverhalten des Spanngliedes erfolgte. Es wurde aufgezeigt, dass unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung die Dehnungen im Spannstahl infolge der Längsrissbildung über dem Hüllrohr abnehmen. Dies lässt die Aussage zu, dass die Verbundwirkung des Spanngliedes durch eine orthogonal wirkende Zugbelastung negativ beeinflusst wird. Aufbauend auf den Versuchsergebnissen wird eine Empfehlung für den Einsatz von Dehnmessstreifen zur Bestimmung der Verformungen auf einbetonierten Betonstählen gegeben. Die Berechnung der Erstrisslasten aus den Bauteilversuchen mit den entwickelten Bruchkriterien hat eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung ergeben. / The tensile load-bearing characteristics of structural elements made of reinforced or non-reinforced concrete is influenced by a number of factors. Mainly it depends on the strength of the concrete, the interaction between the concrete and the rebar, and the state of stress in the concrete element. Traditionally the designing engineer examines uni-axial stress conditions under consideration of the material properties of the concrete based on standard tests. However, multiple-stress conditions apply for a number of application of such elements, e.g. in concrete slabs designed for bi-axial load bearing, in the joints of frames, in axial symmetrical constructions, or in the intersections of column and deck of multi-span bridges. The commonly used design standard recommends the increase of the compression strength of the concrete or the bond stress for cases of bi-axial load-bearing caused by compression. However, no recommendations are given for the design strength of a concrete under bi-axial tensile stress. Therefore it is interesting to know how a bi-axial tensile stress is influencing the load-bearing and deformation behaviour of structural elements made of reinforced or non-reinforced concrete. This has been investigated for two commonly used concretes (C20/25 and C40/50). Part of an earlier research programme was to perform trials on slabs made of reinforced and non-reinforced concrete. In result a model CEB-FIP MODELL CODE 90 was introduced to describe the deformation of the slab due to a uni-axial stress. However, the model does not satisfactory describe the real behaviour of the slab under a bi-axial tensile stress. In this dissertation a new model will be presented to describe the deformation behaviour of a Concrete C20/25 and a Concrete C40/50 under bi-axial tensile stress. Furthermore, criteria for the two concretes are introduced to describe the ultimate limit state under bi-axial tensile stress. It has been found the bi-axial tensile strength of a Concrete C20/25 is comparable to its uni-axial strength. In difference, the tensile strength of a Concrete C40/50 is decreased by 25% when subject to bi-axial stress. The ultimate limit stress due to bi-axial tensile stress decreases with increasing ratio of the stress 1 : 2. The Strains 1 and 2 are the strains as a result of the biaxial tensile forces in the main directions. The presented model to describe the strain-stress behaviour of an unreinforced concrete is found to agree well with the observations from the trials. Based on the results of this thesis it is possible to describe the strain-stress behaviour of concrete under bi-axial tensile stress. The stress-strain behaviour of structural elements has been investigated under bi-axial tensile stresses. Strains have been monitored with strain-gauges fixed to the surface of the concrete, to the rebars and to the post-tensioning tendons. Therefore, the influence to the interaction of tendon and concrete has been demonstrated indirectly. Furthermore, it has been shown the strain of the tendon decreases following the development of cracks along the grout tube due to the application of bi-axial tensile stress. It can be concluded the bound of the tendon is influenced adversely by tensile stresses applied in perpendicular direction. Recommendations are given for the application of strain-gauges to measure strains of rebars set in concrete. Based on these trials, the estimation of the critical stress to develop initial cracks has been found in good agreement to the presented criteria.

Incremento del módulo de rotura por flexo tracción de losas de concreto hidraúlico empleando fibras de acero provenientes de neumáticos reciclados para uso como losas en pavimento / Increased modulus of rupture by flexo traction of hydraulic concrete slabs using steel fibers from recycled tires for use as slabs on pavements

Gutierrez Jimenez, Miguel Angel, Vizarreta Valenzuela, Manuel Edgard 03 May 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es proponer recuperar y usar el acero que es parte de un neumático, el cual se encuentra en desuso, como una alternativa para poder incrementar la resistencia de la losa de concreto frente a los esfuerzos de flexo tracción, y así poder mitigar la formación de grietas producto de la acción de cargas externas, específicamente en el diseño y construcción de pavimentos. Con esta finalidad, se procedió a realizar un estudio del comportamiento mecánico del concreto reforzado con fibras de acero, las que fueron obtenidas previamente del reciclado de neumáticos usados, las que a su vez fueron obtenidas de reencauchadoras provenientes de distintas partes de la ciudad de Lima. Se prepararon una serie de muestras cilíndricas y prismáticas, estas posteriormente fueron curadas mediante inundación en una poza durante periodos de 3 días, 14 días y 28 días. Con la finalidad de poder evaluar la evolución de las resistencias del concreto con el tiempo, los especímenes fueron analizados en distintas edades, estas fueron específicamente 3, 7 y 28 días. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las fibras de acero tuvieron un efecto directo en el módulo de rotura a la flexo tracción, lográndose incrementos promedios de hasta el 48.1%, el cual contiene acero en longitudes de 45mm (fibras) cuyo peso que equivale al 3%, brindando un aporte estructural a losas de concreto hidráulico Finalmente, se determinó que es posible obtener losas con resistencias a la flexo tracción equivalentes a losas de espesores menores usando este acero en desuso en el concreto. / In this work, the use of steel fibers obtained from recycled tires has been proposed, as an alternative to increase the resistance of the concrete slab against flexo tracción efforts, and thus be able to mitigate the formation of cracks caused by the action of external loads, specifically in the design and construction of pavements. To this end, a study of the mechanical behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete was carried out, which were previously obtained from the recycling of used tires, which in turn were obtained from retreads from different parts of the city of Lima. A series of cylindrical and prismatic specimens (concrete beams) were prepared, which were subsequently cured by flooding in a pool for periods of 3 days, 14 days and 28 days. In order to be able to evaluate the evolution of concrete resistances over time, the specimens were analyzed at different ages, these were specifically 3, 7 and 28 days. The results obtained show that the steel fibers had a direct effect on the flexo tracción modulus of rupture, achieving average increases of up to 48%, with a dosage of 3% of steel fibers by weight. providing a structural contribution to hydraulic concrete slabs. Finally, it was found that it is possible to obtain slabs with tensile bending strengths equivalent to slabs of smaller thicknesses, by applying steel fibers from recycled tires. / Tesis

Технология зимнего бетонирования монолитного пола по грунту : магистерская диссертация / Technology of winter concreting of monolithic floor on the ground

Говорухина, Ю. С., Govorukhina, I. S. January 2024 (has links)
Зимнее бетонирование монолитного пола по грунту требует соблюдения обязательных условий, связанных с поддержанием положительных температур в бетонной смеси и в твердеющем бетоне. Зимний период является наиболее сложным для ведения бетонных работ и сопровождается ростом энергетических затрат. Снижение энергоемкости процесса бетонирования напрямую связано с умением предварительно рассчитать наиболее оптимальные условия режимов транспортировки, укладки бетонной смеси и твердения бетона. / Winter concreting of monolithic floor on the ground requires compliance with mandatory conditions associated with maintaining positive temperatures in the concrete mixture and in the hardening concrete. The winter period is the most difficult for concrete works and is accompanied by an increase in energy costs. Reducing the energy intensity of the concreting process is directly related to the ability to pre-calculate the most optimal conditions of modes of transportation, placement of concrete mix and curing of concrete.

Anchorage in Concrete Structures : Numerical and Experimental Evaluations of Load-Carrying Capacity of Cast-in-Place Headed Anchors and Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors

Nilforoush, Rasoul January 2017 (has links)
Various anchorage systems including both cast-in-place and post-installed anchors have been developed for fastening both non-structural and structural components to concrete structures. The need for increased flexibility in the design of new structures and strengthening of existing concrete structures has led to increased use of various metallic anchors in practice. Although millions of fasteners are used each year in the construction industry around the world, knowledge of the fastening technology remains poor. In a sustainable society, buildings and structures must, from time to time, be adjusted to meet new demands. Loads on structures must, in general, be increased to comply with new demands, and the structural components and the structural connections must also be upgraded. From the structural connection point of view, the adequacy of the current fastenings for the intended increased load must be determined, and inadequate fastenings must either be replaced or upgraded. The current design models are generally believed to be conservative, although the extent of this behavior is not very clear. To address these issues, the current models must be refined to allow the design of new fastenings and also the assessment of current anchorage systems in practice. The research presented in this thesis consists of numerical and experimental studies of the load-carrying capacity of anchors in concrete structures. Two different types of anchors were studied: (I) cast-in-place headed anchors, and (II) post-installed adhesive anchors. This research focused particularly on the tensile load-carrying capacity of cast-in-place headed anchors and also on the sustained tension loading performance of post-installed adhesive anchors. The overall objective of this research was to provide knowledge for the development of improved methods of designing new fastening systems and assessing the current anchorage systems in practice. For the cast-in-place headed anchors (I), the influence of various parameters including the size of anchor head, thickness of concrete member, amount of orthogonal surface reinforcement, presence of concrete cracks, concrete compressive strength, and addition of steel fibers to concrete were studied. Among these parameters, the influence of the anchor head size, member thickness, surface reinforcement, and cracked concrete was initially evaluated via numerical analysis of headed anchors at various embedment depths. Although these parameters have considerable influence on the anchorage capacity and performance, this influence is not explicitly considered by the current design models. The numerical results showed that the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors increases with increasing member thickness and/or increasing size of the anchor head or the use of orthogonal surface reinforcement. However, their capacity decreased considerably in cracked concrete. Based on the numerical results, the current theoretical model for the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors was extended by incorporating several modification factors that take the influence of the investigated parameters into account. In addition, a supplementary experimental study was performed to verify the numerically obtained findings and the proposed refined model. The experimental results corresponded closely to the numerical results, both in terms of failure load and failure pattern, thereby confirming the validity of the proposed model. The validity of the model was further confirmed through experimental results reported in the literature. Additional experiments were performed to determine the influence of the concrete compressive strength and the addition of steel fiber to concrete on the anchorage capacity and performance. These experiments showed that the anchorage capacity and stiffness increase considerably with increasing concrete compressive strength, but the ductility of the anchor decreases. However, the anchorage capacity and ductility increased significantly with the addition of steel fibers to the concrete mixture. The test results also revealed that the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors in steel fiber-reinforced concrete is significantly underestimated by the current design model. The long-term performance and creep behavior of the post-installed headed anchors (II) was evaluated from the results of long-time tests on adhesive anchors under sustained loads. In this experimental study, adhesive anchors of various sizes were subjected to various sustained load levels for up to 28 years. The anchors were also exposed to several in-service conditions including indoor temperature, variations in the outdoor temperature and humidity, wetness (i.e., water on the surface of concrete), and the presence of salt (setting accelerant) additives in the concrete. Among the tested in-service conditions, variations in the outdoor temperature and humidity had the most adverse effect on the long-term sustained loading performance of the anchors. Based on the test results, recommendations were proposed for maximum sustained load levels under various conditions. The anchors tested under indoor conditions could carry sustained loads of up to 47% of their mean ultimate short-term capacities. However, compared with these anchors, the anchors tested under outdoor conditions exhibited larger creep deformation and failure occurred at sustained loads higher than 23% of their mean ultimate short-term capacities. Salt additives in concrete and wet conditions had negligible influence on the long-term performance of the anchors, although the wet condition resulted in progressive corrosion of the steel. Based on the experimental results, the suitability of the current testing and approval provisions for qualifying adhesive anchors subjected to long-term sustained tensile loads was evaluated. The evaluations revealed that the current approval provisions are not necessarily reliable for qualifying adhesive anchors for long-term sustained loading applications. Recommendations were given for modifying the current provisions to ensure safe long-term performance of adhesive anchors under sustained loads.

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