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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriedades ópticas e ordem local de ferrofluidos iônicos investigadas por meio de espalhamento de raios X e medidas da birrefringência. / Optical properties and local order of ionic ferrofluids investigated by X-ray scattering and birefringence measurements.

Verdeaux, Maria de Fátima da Silva 01 June 1995 (has links)
Os ferrofluidos iônicos de \'MN\'\'FE IND. 2\'\'O IND. 4\', \'gama\' - \'FE IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\' e \'CO\'\'FE IND. 2\'\'O IND. 4\' foram investigados pelas técnicas de óptica e espalhamento de raios X. Investigamos o comportamento desses ferrofluidos, na presença e na ausência de campo magnético e quando submetidos à variação de temperatura. A birrefringência óptica medida em função da temperatura, sem qualquer campo magnético, mostrou a existência de uma ordem tipo nemática nesses materiais. Os resultados obtidos com as medidas de anisotropia óptica podem ser explicados através da anisotropia de forma dos grãos e o fator clássico de despolarização da luz. Experimentos com a técnica de espalhamento de raios X mostrou a existência de pequenos agregados de grãos nas amostras estudadas. / Ionic ferrofluids of MnFe2O4, - Fe2Os Fe2Os and CoFe204 have been investigated by means of optical and x-ray- scattering techniques. An investigation on the behavior of such ferrofluids has been made, when in the presence and absence of a magnetic field, and when submitted to the variation of temperature. The optical birefringence measured as a function of temperature, without any magnetic field, showed the existence of a nematic-type order in these maaterials. The results obtained by the measured optical anisostropy could be explained by the shape anisostropy of the grains and the classical light depolarizing factors. X-ray scattering results indicate the existence of small aggregates in the samples studied.

Fabricação e caracterização de filmes semicondutores de InN depositados com o método de deposição assistida por feixe de íons / Growth and caracterization of ImN semiconductor films by ion beam assisted deposition

Lopes, Karina Carvalho 31 October 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, analisamos as propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e óticas de filmes finos de nitreto de índio, depositados em diferentes tipos de substratos (Si , safira-C, safira-A, safira-R, GaN/ safira e vidro) pelo método de deposição as s i s t ida por feixe de elétrons com energia de íons entre 100 e 1180 eV. A temperatura de substrato durante o processo de deposição variou da temperatura ambiente (TA) à 450oC, e ARR( I/A) ,que é a razão do f luxo de íons incidentes no feixe de íons relativa ao f luxo de átomos de In evaporados , de 0,8 até 4,5. O crescimento de InN cristalino foi fortemente influenciado pela orientação cristalográfica do substrato e os filmes sobre safira-C, safira-A e GaN/ safira foram os que apresentaram maior cristalinidade. O melhor valor de energia de íons foi de 100 eV para a formação de InN cristalino e sua cristalinidade aumentou com o aumento da temperatura do substrato. Não observamos influências de ARR( I/A) sobre a cristalinidade de InN e os filmes preparados em TA sobre GaN/ safira apresentaram InN amorfo. / In thi s work, we analyzed the structural , morphological and optical properties of thin indium nitride films grown on some types of subs t rate (Si , c-plane sapphire, a-plane sapphire, r -plane sapphire, GaN/ sapphire and glass ) by the ion beam as s is ted deposition method with ion energy of 100-1180 eV. The substrate temperature during deposition ranged from room temperature (RT) to 450oC and ARR ( I/A) , from 0.8 to 4.5. The growth of crystalline InN was strongly influenced by the crystallographic orientation of substrate and the films on c-plane sapphire, a-plane sapphire and GaN/ sapphire provided more favorable result s . The best value of ion energy was found to be 100 eV for the format ion of crystalline InN and this crystallization increased with increasing the substrate temperature. We found that influence of ARR( I/A) on the crystallization of InN was imperceptible and that the f ilm prepared at RT on the GaN/ sapphire was amorphous of InN.

Comportamento Crítico e Transições de Fases Dinâmicas em Autômatos Celulares Probabilísticos / Critical behavior and phase transitions in dynamic probabilistic cellular automata.

Brunstein, Adriana 27 August 1999 (has links)
Estudamos o comportamento crítico e transições de fase em modelos estocásticos irreversíveis, através de simulações numéricas, análise de campo médio e séries perturbativas. Na primeira parte do trabalho, analisamos o comportamento crítico de autômatos celulares irreversíveis, cujas regras dinâmicas são invariantes sob as operações de simetria do grupo C3v. Estudamos as transições de fase dinâmicas que ocorrem nos modelos e obtemos, através de simulações de Monte Carlo, expoentes críticos estáticos e dinâmicos. Nossos resultados indicam que os modelos pertencem a mesma classe de universalidade do modelo de Potts de três estados. Essa conjectura também foi desenvolvida considerando expansões análogas àquelas utilizadas na teoria de Landau de transições de fase. Na segunda parte do trabalho utilizamos o formalismo de operadores como uma forma ele abordar problemas de sistemas ele não-equilíbrio. Aplicamos o formalismo para construir séries perturbativas para modelos irreversíveis ele dois estados. / We study the critical behavior and phase transitions that take place in irreversible stochastic models through numerical simulations, mean field analysis and perturbative series. In the first part of this work we analyze the critical behavior of irreversible cellular automata whose dynamic rules are invariant under the symmetry operations of the point group C3v. We study the dynamical phase transitions that occur in the models and we obtain the static and dynamic critical exponents by the use of Monte Carlo simulations. Our results indicate that these models are in the same universality class as the three-state Potts model. This conjecture is also developed by considering expansions that are similar to those used in the Landau theory of phase transitions. In the second part of this work we use the operator fonnalism as a way to approach non- equilibrium systems. We apply this fonnalism in order to build perturbative series for two-state irreversible models.

Laser-Induced Recoverable Surface Patterning on Ni50Ti50 Shape Memory Alloys

Ilhom, Saidjafarzoda 01 July 2018 (has links)
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are a unique class of smart materials exhibiting extraordinary properties with a wide range of applications in engineering, biomedical, and aerospace technologies. In this study, an advanced, efficient, low-cost, and highly scalable laser-assisted imprinting method with low environmental impact to create thermally controllable surface patterns is reported. Two different imprinting methods were carried out mainly on Ni50Ti50 (at. %) SMAs by using a nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm wavelength and 10 Hz frequency. First, laser pulses at selected fluences were directly focused on the NiTi surface, which generated pressure pulses of up to a few gigapascal (GPa), and thus created micro-indents. Second, a suitable transparent overlay serving as a confining medium, a sacrificial layer, and a mesh grid was placed on the NiTi sample, whereafter the laser was focused through the confinement medium, ablating the sacrificial layer to create plasma and pressure, and thus pushing and transferring the grid pattern onto the sample. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and laser profiler images show that surface patterns with tailorable sizes and high fidelity could be obtained. The depth of the patterns was shown to increase and later level off with the increase in laser power and irradiation time. Upon heating, the depth profile of the imprinted SMA surfaces changed where the maximum depth recovery ratio of 30 % was observed. Recovery ratio decreased and saturated at about 15 % when the number of pulses were increased. A numerical simulation of the laser irradiation process was performed showing that considerably high pressure and temperature could be generated depending on the laser fluence. The stress wave closely followed the rise time of the laser pulse to its peak value and followed by the rapid attenuation and dispersion of the stress through the sample.


Gruenewald, John H. 01 January 2017 (has links)
The 5d transition metal oxides have drawn substantial interest for predictions of being suitable candidates for hosting exotic electronic and magnetic states, including unconventional superconductors, magnetic skyrmions, topological insulators, and Weyl semimetals. In addition to the electron-electron correlation notable in high-temperature 3d transition metal superconductors, the 5d oxides contain a large spin-orbit interaction term in their ground state, which is largely responsible for the intricate phase diagram of these materials. Iridates, or compounds containing 5d iridium bonded with oxygen, are of particular interest for their spin-orbit split Jeff = 1/2 state, which is partially filled without the presence of any additional electron correlation. However, the comparable energetics between a small, finite electron correlation energy and the spin-orbit interaction make the band structure of iridates amenable to small perturbations of the crystalline lattice and ideal for exploring the interplay between these two interactions. While altering the spin-orbit interaction strength of iridium is tenably not feasible, the electron correlation energy can be tuned using a variety of experimental techniques. In this dissertation, the electronic and magnetic properties of iridates at various electron correlation energies are studied by altering the epitaxial lattice strain, dimensionality, and the radius size of the A-site cation. These parameters tune the effective electronic bandwidth of the system, which is inversely proportional to the effective electron correlation energy. The lattice strain and the cationic radius size achieve this by altering the Ir-O-Ir bond angle between nearest neighbor Ir ions. In the case of dimensionality tuning, the effective bandwidth is controlled via the coordination number of each Ir ion. In the first study, a metal-to-insulator transition is observed in thin films of the semi-metallic SrIrO3 as in-plane compressive lattice strain is increased. This observation is consistent with the expectation of compressive lattice strain increasing the effective correlation energy; however, optical spectroscopy spectra reveal the increase is not sufficient for opening an insulating Mott gap. In the second part, the effective correlation energy is adjusted using a dimensional confinement of the layered iridate Sr2IrO4. Here, the coordination number of each Ir ion is reduced using an a-axis oriented superlattice of one-dimensional IrO2 quantum stripes, where several emergent features are revealed in its insulating Jeff = 1/2 state. In the final study, the effective correlation is tuned in a series of mixed-phase pyrochlore iridate thin films, where the Ir atoms take a corner-shared tetrahedral configuration. Here, a transition between conducting to insulating magnetic domain walls is revealed as the correlation energy is increased via A-site chemical doping. Each of these studies sheds light on the pronounced role the effective correlation energy plays in determining the local subset of phases predicted for iridates and related systems featuring strong spin-orbit interactions.


Nasseri, Mohsen 01 January 2018 (has links)
One dimensional carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and two-dimensional layered materials like graphene, MoS2, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), etc. with different electrical and mechanical properties are great candidates for many applications in the future. In this study the synthesis and growth of carbon nanotubes on both conducting graphene and graphite substrates as well as insulating hBN substrate with precise crystallographic orientation is achieved. We show that the nanotubes have a clear preference to align to specific crystal directions of the underlying graphene or hBN substrate. On thicker flakes of graphite, the edges of these 2D materials can control the orientation of these carbon nanotubes. This integrated aligned growth of materials with similar lattices provides a promising route to achieving intricate nanoscale electrical circuits. Furthermore, short channel nanoscale devices consisting of the heterostructure of 1D and 2D materials are fabricated. In these nanoscale devices the nanogap is created due to etching of few layer graphene flake through hydrogenation and the channel is either carbon nanotubes or 2D materials like graphene and MoS2. Finally the transport properties of these nanoscale devices is studied.


Connell, John G. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Hydrogen exposure of insulating d0-titanates, such as SrTiO3 (STO), has displayed the formation of intriguing conducting states. These conducting states form through the use of forming gas (N2/H2) annealing or hydrogen plasma exposure, where hydrogen gas is exposed to high energy microwaves. The exposure of STO to hydrogen causes metallic conductivity due to the introduction of hydrogen cations on some of the oxygen sites. However, the optical properties of this hydrogen-exposed STO have not been well-studied. Further, Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST), an insulating dielectric, also shows changes in its conductivity upon hydrogen exposure. Unlike STO where the conductivity of the hydrogen-exposed material has been characterized, the optical, electronic, and transport properties of hydrogen exposed BST have not been studied. Thus, by studying hydrogen-exposed BST and STO, our understanding of the effects of hydrogen on insulators can be enhanced. In the first study, the effects of the exposure of insulating dielectric BST thin films to a hydrogen plasma is presented. These BST thin films are deposited on GdScO3 (GSO) substrates via Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD). After deposition, the thin films are exposed to a hydrogen plasma. Just five minutes of hydrogen plasma exposure is enough to induce conductivity in the BST thin film. This conducting state is dominated by the interplay of disorder and strong electron correlations introduced during hydrogen exposure. Further, the optical properties indicate the formation of a transparent conductor, as the introduction of disorder and strong correlations has not changed the optical properties of the BST thin film in the visible spectrum. BST demonstrates an example of a new type of transparent conductor that utilizes large effective mass carriers to generate conductivity. In the second study, the effects of hydrogen doping on the surface of STO is explored. The conducting heterointerface that forms between PLD-deposited thin films of LaAlO3 (LAO) on STO is used as the standard to explore this hydrogen surface doping. The optical, electronic, and transport properties of water-leached and buffered hydrofluoric acid (BHF) etched heterointerfaces are characterized and compared. The recently developed water-leaching method is compared with the well-known BHF etching method, which has been shown to unintentionally dope the STO surface with fluorine and hydrogen. Both methods generate single-terminated atomically flat STO substrate surfaces that are ideal for heterointerface formation. After deposition, the optical, electronic, and transport properties of both the water-leached and BHF-etched heterointerfaces show no meaningful difference, demonstrating that water-leaching may also unintentionally dope the STO substrate surface with hydrogen. However, these results confirm that water-leaching generates a high-quality conducting heterointerface without the safety concerns of BHF.


Vorobiov, Mykhailo 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis devoted to the experimental studies of yellow and blue luminescence (YL and BL relatively) bands in Gallium Nitride samples doped with C and Si. The band BLC was at first observed in the steady-state photoluminescence spectrum under high excitation intensities and discerned from BL1 and BL2 bands appearing in the same region of the spectrum. Using the time-resolved photoluminescence spectrum, we were able to determine the shape of the BLC and its position at 2.87 eV. Internal quantum efficiency of the YL band was estimated to be 90\%. The hole capture coefficient of the BLC related state was determined as 7 10-10 cm3/s. Properties of BLC were investigated. The YL and BLC bands are attributed to electron transitions via the (0/-) and (+/0) transition levels of the CN defect.

Electronic and Geometric Structure of AlnOm and AlnOm +

Armstrong, Albert R 01 January 2019 (has links)
Generally, the electronic stability of aluminum clusters is associated with either closed electronic shells of delocalized electrons, or aluminum in the +3 state. To explore alternative routes for electronic stability in aluminum oxide clusters, theoretical methods were used to examine the geometric and electronic structure of AlnOm (2≤n≤7; 1≤m≤10) clusters. Two types of electronically stable clusters with large HOMO-LUMO gaps were identified the first being Al2nO3m clusters with a +3 oxidation state on the aluminum, and the second being planar clusters such as Al4O4, Al5O3, Al6O4, and Al6O5. The structures of the planar clusters have external Al atoms bound to a single O atom. Their electronic stability can be explained by the multiple valence Al sites with the internal Al atoms having an oxidation state of +3, while the external Al atoms have an oxidation state of +1. The formation of AlnOm+ clusters with high concentrations of oxygen were found experimentally. To determine the stability of such clusters theoretical methods were used to examine the geometric and electronic structure of these clusters (2≤n≤7; 1≤m≤10). The structures were found to be below average in terms stability, implying formation in a low collision environment.

Measurement of stability and size of colloidal particles in aqueous suspension

Mateos González, Eduardo January 2019 (has links)
This project focused on the study of self-assembling systems that can be inuenced by an external magnetic field, following the PhD research of Hauke Carstensen. My role was to study the behavior of beads and to optimize the tunable parameters so that the main force driving the dynamics of the system is the magnetic dipolar interaction between beads. To make sure that no other force plays an important role, we checked a number of things, the most problematic of which is flocculation in the colloid, which may happen if some beads get stuck to each other; to prevent them from aggregating we have to make sure that they have a large zeta potential, which will result in an electrically repulsive force between beads and will thus increase the stability of the colloid. We also have to make sure that other forces in the sample do not exceed the magnitude of magnetic forces between particles; examples of such forces can be the drag experienced while moving in the viscous ferrofluid, the gravity force or the random thermal movement of the molecules in the fluid. In order to study these efects, I measured the zeta potential of the magnetic and non-magnetic beads and later I added a surfactant compound (SDS) to our sample in order to increase said potential.

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