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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magnetization Dynamics and Related Phenomena in Nanostructures

Chandra, Sayan 01 January 2013 (has links)
Collective magnetic behavior in nanostructures is a phenomenon commonly observed in various magnetic systems. It arises due to competing inter/intra–particle interactions and size distribution and can manifest in phenomena like magnetic freezing, magnetic aging, and exchange bias (EB) effect. In order to probe these rather complex phenomena, conventional DC and AC magnetic measurements have been performed along with radio–frequency transverse susceptibility (TS) measurements. We also demonstrate the magnetic entropy change as a parameter sensitive to subtle changes in the magnetization dynamics of nanostructures. The focus of this dissertation is to study the collective magnetic behavior in core-shell nanostructures of Fe/γ–Fe2O3 and Co/CoO, La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 nanowires, and LaMnO3 nanoparticles. In the case of core/shell Fe/γ–Fe2O3, we found the particles to critically slow down below the glass transition temperature, below which they exhibit aging effects associated with a superspin glass (SSG) state. We demonstrate that it is possible to identify individual magnetic responses of the Fe core and the γ–Fe2O3 shell. Consistently, a systematic study of the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in the Fe/γ–Fe2O3 system reveals the development of inverse MCE with peaks associated with the individual magnetic freezing of the core and the shell. From these obtained results, we establish a general criterion for EB to develop in core/shell nanostructures, that is when the core is in the frozen state and the magnetic moments in the shell begin to block. This criterion is shown to be valid for both ferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic (FM/FIM) Fe/γ–Fe2O3 and ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic (FM/AFM) Co/CoO core–shell nanostructures. We also elucidate the physical origin of the occurrence of asymmetry in field-cooled hysteresis loops and its dependence on magnetic anisotropy in the Co/CoO system by performing a detailed TS study. We have performed a detailed magnetic study on hydrothermally synthesized single crystalline La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 nanowires. The temperature and field dependent evolution of the different magnetic phases leading to development of the inverse MCE and EB in the nanowires is discussed. Finally, we have studied the collective magnetic behavior of LaMnO3 nanoparticles synthesized by the sol–gel technique. The nanoparticle ensemble shows the unusual co–existence of super-ferromagnetism (SFM), as well as the SSG state, which we term the 'ferromagnetic superglass' (FSG) state. The existence of FSG and the characteristics of its magnetic ground state are discussed.

Development of Improved Models for Gas Sorption Simulation

Mclaughlin, Keith 01 January 2013 (has links)
Computational chemistry offers one the ability to develop a better understanding of the complex physical and chemical interactions that are fundamental to macro- and mesoscopic processes that are seen in laboratory experiments, industrial processes, and ordinary, everyday life. For many systems, the physics of interest occur at the molecular or atomistic levels, and in these cases, computational modeling and two well refined simulation techniques become invaluable: Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD). In this work, two well established problems were tackled. First, models and potentials for various gas molecules were produced and refined from first principles. These models, although based on work done previously by Belof et al., are novel due to the inclusion of many-body van der Waals interactions, advanced r-12 repulsion combining rules for treating unlike intra- and intermolecular interactions, and highly-efficient treatment of induction interactions. Second, a multitude of models were developed and countless MD simulations were performed in order to describe and understand the giant frictional anisotropy of d-AlCoNi, first observed by Park et al. in 2005.

Energetic Beam Processing of Silicon to Engineer Optoelectronically Active Defects

Recht, Daniel 26 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores ways to use ion implantation and nanosecond pulsed laser melting, both energetic beam techniques, to engineer defects in silicon. These defects are chosen to facilitate the use of silicon in optoelectronic applications for which its indirect bandgap is not ideal. Chapter 2 develops a kinetic model for the use of point defects as luminescence centers for light-emitting diodes and demonstrates an experimental procedure capable of high-throughput screening of the electroluminescent properties of such defects. Chapter 3 discusses the dramatic change in optical absorption observed in silicon highly supersaturated (i.e., hyperdoped) with the chalcogens sulfur, selenium, and tellurium and reports the first measurements of the optical absorption of such materials for photon energies greater than the bandgap of silicon. Chapter 3 examines the use of silicon hyperdoped with chalcogens in light detectors and concludes that while these devices display strong internal gain that is coupled to a particular type of surface defect, hyperdoping with chalcogens does not lead directly to measurable sub-bandgap photoconductivity. Chapter 4 considers the potential for Silicon to serve as the active material in an intermediate-band solar cell and reports experimental progress on two proposed approaches for hyperdoping silicon for this application. The main results of this chapter are the use of native-oxide etching to control the surface evaporation rate of sulfur from silicon and the first synthesis of monocrystalline silicon hyperdoped with gold. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

Soft Colloids from p(NIPAm-co-AAc): Packing Dynamics and Structure

Muluneh, Melaku 03 August 2012 (has links)
Traditionally, the experimental model of choice for studying the structure and dynamics of glasses or crystals are hard-sphere colloids. An analogy with molecular or atomic materials is often drawn, in which each colloidal particle represents an atom or a molecule. Making the individual particles deformable allows an even wider range of phenomena to be observed. In this thesis, I report the three-dimensional confocal microscopic study of the structure and dynamics of aqueous suspensions of fluorescently labeled poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide)-co-(Acrylic Acid), or p(NIPAm-co-AAc), microgel particles of hydrodynamic diameter 1.0 - 1.5 μm. Image analysis techniques and particle tracking algorithms are used to quantify the particle dynamics and the suspension structure. The phase behavior of the suspensions is dependent on a number of factors including pH, temperature, and concentration. By adjusting the pH, the interactions between the microgel particles can be tuned from purely repulsive near neutral pH, to weakly attractive at low pH. At low pH and low concentration, dynamic arrest results mainly from crystallization driven by the attraction between particles; crystal nucleation occurs homogeneously throughout the sample. The dynamics is nucleation limited where fast crystallization follows a delay time. At low pH and high concentration, relaxation of the suspension is constrained and it evolves only slightly to form disordered solid. At neutral pH, the dynamics are a function of the particle number concentration only; a high concentration leads to the formation of a disordered soft glassy solid. Additionally, the three-dimensional image stacks are studied to determine crystal structure by calculating pair correlation functions, g(r), bond order parameters, and structure factors, s(q). The results show that crystal structure is independent of concentration, charge, size, and stiffness of particles remaining FCC under all conditions. At low concentrations and low pH, the structures formed are polycrystalline solids. Moreover, the ability of the particles to compress enables the suspensions to maintain their crystal structure when subjected to external stress. The results help us better understand the relationship between dynamics and structure in soft colloidal suspensions, enhance our ability to use the colloids to model materials, and improve applications of the colloids in industrial products. / Physics

Quasiparticle Tunneling and High Bias Breakdown in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

Dillard, Colin 24 September 2012 (has links)
The integer and fractional quantum Hall effects arise in two-dimensional electron systems subject to low temperature and high perpendicular magnetic field. The phenomenology of these two effects is rich and provides interesting insight into quantum physics. We present two experimental studies of phenomena in the fractional quantum Hall regime. The first examines the tunneling conductance of quasiparticles at filling factor 5/2. This state is of significant interest because it lies outside the traditional Jain hierarchy of fractional quantum Hall states and because it may be the first physical system found to exhibit non-abelian particle statistics. A quantum point contact is used to bring edge states on opposite sides of the system in proximity to each other, allowing quasiparticles to tunnel between the edge states. By annealing the gates forming the quantum point contact at different voltages we control the tunneling strength for fixed temperature and bias. We demonstrate a transition from strong to weak tunneling controlled in this manner. In the weak tunneling regime, the DC bias and temperature dependence of the tunneling conductance is fit to a theoretical form, resulting in values for the quasiparticle charge \(e*\) and the interaction parameter \(g\). The values of these parameters are used to help distinguish between proposed candidate states for the 5/2 wave function. Quantitative and qualitative results are most consistent with the abelian 331 state. Our second main focus is the breakdown of the fractional quantum Hall states at filling factors 4/3 and 5/3. Breakdown of integer and fractional quantum Hall states is known to occur when the Hall and longitudinal resistances deviate from their ideal values at nonzero critical currents. Although multiple studies of breakdown in the integer quantum Hall regime have been reported, corresponding results for the fractional regime are scarce. We observe breakdown over a range of integer states that is consistent with previous results. However, breakdown in the fractional regime is found to exhibit markedly different behavior. In particular, the magnitude of the critical current decreases with increased sample width. This behavior is opposite that observed for integer filling factors and does not seem to be explicable based on current theories of breakdown. / Physics

Interferometer-Based Studies of Quantum Hall Phenomena

McClure, Douglas 19 November 2012 (has links)
The fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effect harbors a wealth of unique phenomena, many of which remain mysterious. Of particular interest is the predicted existence of quasi-particles with unusual topological properties, especially in light of recent proposals to observe these properties using electronic interferometers. An introduction to quantum Hall physics and electronic interferometry is given in Chapter 1 of this thesis. The remaining chapters, summarized below, describe a set of experiments in which FQH systems are studied using electronic Fabry-Perot interferometry and related techniques. Since prior studies of electronic Fabry-Perot interferometers revealed unexpected behavior even in the integer quantum Hall (IQH) regime, we began our measurements there. Our initial experiment, presented in Chapter 2, disentangles signatures of Coulomb interaction effects from those of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interference and provides the first measurement of pure AB interference in these devices. In our next experiment, presented in Chapter 3, we measure AB interference oscillations as a function of an applied dc bias, use their period to study the velocity of the interfering electrons, and study how the oscillations decay as a function of bias and magnetic field. Moving to the FQH regime, applying a similar-sized bias to a quantum point contact leads to long-lasting changes in the strengths and positions of FQH plateaus. The involvement of lattice nuclear spins in this effect, suggested by the long persistence times, is confirmed using NMR-type measurements. Although the exact physical process responsible for the effect remains unclear, its filling-factor dependence provides a striking illustration of composite fermion physics. These measurements are described in Chapter 4. In certain devices, interference oscillations associated with several FQH states are observed. Interpretation of their magnetic-field and gate-voltage periods provides a measurement of quasi-particle charge, and temperature dependence measurements suggest differences between the edge structure of IQH and FQH states. These measurements are described in Chapter 5. Finally, Chapter 6 presents some recent, not-yet-published observations that may shed light on ways to improve the visibility of existing oscillations and potentially observe interference at additional FQH states. This chapter concludes with a discussion of possible next steps toward achieving these goals. / Physics

The Facilitation of Protein-DNA Search and Recognition by Multiple Modes of Binding

Leith, Jason 21 December 2012 (has links)
The studies discussed in this thesis unify experimental and theoretical techniques, both established and novel, in investigating the problem of how a protein that binds specific sites on DNA translocates to, recognizes, and stably binds to its target site or sites. The thesis is organized into two parts. Part I outlines the history of the problem and the theory and experiments that have addressed the problem and presents an apparent incompatibility between efficient search and stable, specific binding. To address this problem, we elaborate a model of protein-DNA interaction in which the protein may bind DNA in either a search (S) mode or a recognition (R) mode. The former is characterized by zero or weak sequence-dependence in the binding energy, while the latter is highly sequence-dependent. The protein undergoes a random walk along the DNA in the S mode, and if it encounters its target site, must undergo a conformational transition into the R mode. The model resolves the apparent paradox, and accounts for the observed speed, specificity, and stability in protein-DNA interactions. The model shows internal agreement as regards theoretical and simulated results, as well as external agreement with experimental measurements. Part II reports on research that has tested the applicability of the two-mode model to the tumor suppressor transcription factor p53. It describes in greater depth the experimental techniques and findings up to the present work, and introduces the techniques and biological system used in our research. We employ single-molecule optical microscopy in two projects to study the diffusional kinetics of p53 on DNA. The first project measures the diffusion coefficient of p53 and determines that the protein satisfies a number of requirements for the validity of the two-mode model and for efficient target localization. The second project examines the sequence-dependence in p53's sliding kinetics, and explicitly models the energy landscape it experiences on DNA and relates features of the landscape to observed local variation in diffusion coefficient. The thesis closes with proposed extensions and complements to the projects, and a discussion of the implications of our work and its relation to recent developments in the field.

Topological Properties of Interacting Fermionic Systems

Dos Santos, Luiz Henrique Bravo 17 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a study of three categories of problems in fermionic systems for which topology plays an important role: (i) The properties of zero modes arising in systems of fermions interacting with a bosonic background, with a special focus on Majorana modes arising in the superconductor state. We propose a method for counting Majorana modes and we study a mechanism for controlling their number parity in lattice systems, two questions that are of relevance to the protection of quantum bits. (ii) The study of dispersionless bands in two dimensions as a platform for correlated physics, where it is shown the possibility of stabilizing the fractional quantum Hall effect in a flat band with Chern number. (iii) The extension of the hierarchy of quantum Hall fluids to the case of time-reversal symmetric incompressible ground states describing a phase of strongly interacting topological insulators in two dimensions. / Physics

Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging with a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond

Hong, Sungkun 18 March 2013 (has links)
Magnetic imaging has been playing central roles not only in fundamental sciences but also in engineering and industry. Their numerous applications can be found in various areas, ranging from chemical analysis and biomedical imaging to magnetic data storage technology. An outstanding problem is to develope new magnetic imaging techniques with improved spatial resolutions down to nanoscale, while maintaining their magnetic sensitivities. For instance, if detecting individual electron or nuclear spins with nanomter spatial resolution is possible, it would allow for direct imaging of chemical structures of complex molecules, which then could bring termendous impacts on biological sciences. While realization of such nanoscale magnetic imaging still remains challenging, nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond have recently considered as promising magnetic field sensors, as their electron spins show exceptionally long coherence even at room temperature. This thesis presents experimental progress in realizing a nanoscale magnetic imaging apparatus with a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center diamond. We first fabricated diamond nanopillar devices hosting single NV centers at their ends, and incorporated them to a custom-built atomic force microscope (AFM). Our devices showed unprecedented combination of magnetic field sensitivity and spatial resolution for scanning NV systems. We then used these devices to magnetically image a single isolated electronic spin with nanometer resolution, for the first time under ambient condition. We also extended our study to improve and generalize the application of the scanning NV magnetometer we developed. We first introduced magnetic field gradients from a strongly magnetized tip, and demonstrated that the spatial resolution can be further improved by spectrally distinguishing identical spins at different locations. In addition, we developed a method to synchronize the periodic motion of an AFM tip and pulsed microwave sequences controlling an NV spin. This scheme enabled employment of 'AC magnetic field sensing scheme' in imaging samples with static and spatially varying magnetizations. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

Cooperativity, Fluctuations and Inhomogeneities in Soft Matter

Paulose, Jayson Joseph 07 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents four investigations into mechanical aspects of soft thin structures, focusing on the effects of stochastic and thermal fluctuations and of material inhomogeneities. First, we study the self-organization of arrays of high-aspect ratio elastic micropillars into highly regular patterns via capillary forces. We develop a model of capillary mediated clustering of the micropillars, characterize the model using computer simulations, and quantitatively compare it to experimental realizations of the self-organized patterns. The extent of spatial regularity of the patterns depends on the interplay between cooperative enhancement and history-dependent stochastic disruption of order during the clustering process. Next, we investigate the influence of thermal fluctuations on the mechanics of homogeneous, elastic spherical shells. We show that thermal fluctuations give rise to temperature- and size-dependent corrections to shell theory predictions for the mechanical response of spherical shells. These corrections diverge as the ratio of shell radius to shell thickness becomes large, pointing to a drastic breakdown of classical shell theory due to thermal fluctuations for extremely thin shells. Finally, we present two studies of the mechanical properties of thin spherical shells with structural inhomogeneities in their walls. The first study investigates the effect of a localized reduction in shell thickness—a soft spot—whereas the second studies shells with a smoothly varying thickness. In both cases, the inhomogeneity significantly alters the response of the shell to a uniform external pressure, revealing new ways to control the strength and shape of initially spherical elastic capsules. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

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