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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low Percolation Threshold in Electrically Conductive Adhesives using Complex Dimensional Fillers

Taubert, Clinton J. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Isotropically conductive adhesive filled with silver metalised polymer spheres

Jain, Shiwani January 2016 (has links)
Isotropic conductive adhesives (ICAs) have a growing range of applications in electronics packaging and have recently emerged as an important material in photo-voltaic module interconnections, particularly for thin-film and other non-silicon technologies where soldering processes are often unsuitable due to the nature of the metallisation or the limited maximum temperature the assembly can be exposed to. ICAs typically comprise of a high volume fraction of solid metallic flakes, usually silver, in an adhesive matrix because of its highly conductive oxide however, this thesis will focus on adhesives containing a large volume fraction of silver coated/metalised mono-sized polymer spheres (Ag-MPS). Incorporating silver coated mono-sized polymer spheres is anticipated to deliver specific advantages such as a significant reduction in the required silver content, improvement of the overall mechanical properties and flexibility to tune the properties of the filler according to the application compared with conventional flake filled adhesives. In this research advancements in the understanding of Ag-MPS filled ICAs, both through theory and experiments, have been made. Analytical models to predict an individual Ag-MPS resistance and Ag-MPS filled ICA resistance have been developed. The experiments based on the flat punch nanoindentation technique have been conducted to determine individual Ag-MPS resistances. The theoretical and experimental studies establish Ag-MPS diameter, coating resistivity, coating thickness, contact radius, and contact geometry as the main contributors towards the resistance of an Ag-MPS filled ICAs. These studies showed that Ag-MPS resistance decreases with increasing coating thickness and contact radius but increases with increasing coating resistivity. The experiments have also been conducted to investigate the effect of Ag-MPS volume fraction, diameter, coating thickness, curing conditions and shrinkage (affecting contact radius) on ICA conductivity and comparisons are made with flake filled and commercial ICAs. The results showed that ICA conductivity increases with increasing volume fraction and coating thickness but decreases with diameter. More importantly the results showed that conductivities similar to those of flake filled ICAs, including those commercially available, can be obtained using 70% less silver. The results show that, Ag content can be reduced further to just 7% with use of larger 30μm Ag-MPS but with a lower resulting conductivity. Thus for applications where very high conductivity is not required larger Ag-MPS may offer even greater potential cost benefits, which is something flake filled ICAs cannot offer. This is a significant achievement which can allow tuning of ICA formulations according to the demands of the application, which is not possible with the use of silver flakes as there is only a limited range of silver flake volume fractions that will yield useful levels of conductivity.

Etude des mécanismes de fatigue thermomécanique d'assemblages collés à base de composants électroniques pour applications spatiales / Study of the mechanisms involved in the thermomechanical fatigue of bonded assemblies made of electronical components for space applications

Pin, Samuel 07 July 2015 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés traitent de la caractérisation en fatigue thermique et mécanique d’assemblages collés par colle conductrice isotrope. Issu du domaine des circuits électroniques radio fréquences à applications spatiales, l’empilement type considéré dans l’étude est constitué d’un carré d’alumine reporté de manière automatique sur un support en Kovar.L’adhésif est à base d’époxyde chargé de microparticules d’argent pour la conduction électrique et thermique du report.Les surfaces de collage de l’alumine sont polies-rectifiées et dorées pour favoriser les fonctions RF, au détriment de la tenue du collage. L’objectif principal est l’identification des mécanismes de fatigue de l’assemblage face aux sollicitations thermiques subies pendant des essais de qualification thermiques réalisés au sol, qui se veulent représentatives de celles subies en orbite pendant toute la durée de la mission. Deux axes de recherche sont privilégiés dans cette étude. D’une part, le comportement du matériau adhésif est caractérisé par des essais de fluage et des essais cyclés réalisés sur des éprouvettes de colle. Le modèle viscoplastique Two-Layers est retenu et implémenté dans un modèle éléments finis de l’assemblage. La tenue de la colle aux interfaces constitue une seconde approche de caractérisation. Une faible tenue en mode I est constatée à l’issue d’une campagne DCB. D’autre part, deux plans d’expériences portant sur la géométrie et les conditions de report des assemblages sont réalisés en parallèle d’une étude paramétrique numérique. Ces deux approches complémentaires permettent de proposer des hypothèses relatives aux mécanismes de fatigue prépondérants au sein de l’assemblage dans son environnement thermique. La tenue en fatigue des collages s’avère très dépendante du procédé automatique qui insère de nombreux défauts (porosités) à l’interface du composant. Une caractérisation en fatigue par essai mécanique est proposée comme alternative au cyclage thermique lent en étuve. Bien que l’équivalence ne soit pas complète, les résultats présentent de bonnes perspectives pour aider à la caractérisation en fatigue de l’interface entre des composants céramiques et une colle conductrice. / This subject deals with the fatigue life characterization under thermal and mechanical loads of bonded assemblies with anisotropic conductive adhesive. In the framework of radio frequency electronics for space applications, the stack of study iscomposed of an alumina square bonded onto a Kovar plate following an automatic process. The adhesive is made of anepoxy based matrix loaded with silver flakes for electrical and thermal conduction. Surfaces of adhesion are polished andcoated with gold to improve RF functions despite the reduction of adherence. The main objective is to identify the fatigue mechanisms taking place in the assembly under thermal cycling due to its orbital environment during the mission and some representative on-ground qualification tests. The study is divided into two parts. First of all, the mechanical behavior of the adhesive is completely characterized by creep and recovery tests and cycling tests performed on bulk specimens. The model of material behavior, called Two-Layers, is identified and implemented in a finite elements model of the whole assembly. The adhesive resistance at the bonding interfaces is also studied. A certain weakness in mode I is observed from a DCB campaign. Secondly, two designs of experiments on geometry and thermal conditions are performed in parallel of a numerical parametric study. These two complementary approaches allow proposing some hypothesis upon the fatigue mechanisms occurring in the assembly under thermal cycling. The fatigue resistance of bonded assemblies depends on the automatic bonding process that creates numerous defects at the component interface (as porosities). A fatigue life characterization by the help of a mechanical test is proposed as an alternative to slow thermal cycling in an oven. Although, the equivalence is not entirely proven, results are promising and can help further with the fatigue study of the interface between such ceramic components and a conductive adhesive.

Electrical, thermomechanical and reliability modeling of electrically conductive adhesives

Su, Bin 23 December 2005 (has links)
The first part of the dissertation focuses on understanding and modeling the conduction mechanism of conductive adhesives. The contact resistance is measured between silver rods with different coating materials, and the relationship between tunnel resistivity and contact pressure is obtained based on the experimental results. Three dimensional microstructure models and resistor networks are built to simulate electrical conduction in conductive adhesives. The bulk resistivity of conductive adhesives is calculated from the computer-simulated model. The effects of the geometric properties of filler particles, such as size, shape and distribution, on electrical conductivity are studied by the method of factorial design. The second part of the dissertation evaluates the reliability and investigates the failure mechanism of conductive adhesives subjected to fatigue loading, moisture conditioning and drop impacts. In fatigue tests it is found that electrical conduction failure occurs prior to mechanical failure. The experimental data show that electrical fatigue life can be described well by the power law equation. The electrical failure of conductive adhesives in fatigue is due to the impaired epoxy-silver interfacial adhesion. Moisture uptake in conductive adhesives is measured after moisture conditioning and moisture recovery. The fatigue life of conductive adhesives is significantly shortened after moisture conditioning and moisture recovery. The moisture accelerates the debonding of silver flakes from epoxy resin, which results in a reduced fatigue life. Drop tests are performed on test vehicles with conductive adhesive joints. The electrical conduction failure happens at the same time as joint breakage. The drop failure life is found to be correlated with the strain energy caused by the drop impact, and a power law life model is proposed for drop tests. The fracture is found to be interfacial between the conductive adhesive joints and components/substrates. This research provides a comprehensive understanding of the conduction mechanism of conductive adhesives. The computer-simulated modeling approach presents a useful design tool for the conductive adhesive industry. The reliability tests and proposed failure mechanisms are helpful to prevent failure of conductive adhesives in electronic packages. Moreover, the fatigue and impact life models provide tools in product design and failure prediction of conductive adhesives.

Characterization of Graphene-Based Anisotropic Conducting Adhesives : A study regarding x-ray sensing applications

Gärdin, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
A common method of cancer treatment is radiation therapy. In radiation therapy, a treatment planning system is made to specify the dose of X-rays needed to eradicate the tumor. To assure the right amount of X-ray dosage a quality assurance is using a phantom containing radiation sensors. The sensors are made of semiconductor materials with heavy metal-based contacts. Irradiating heavy elements with a high-intensity beam such as Xrays causes secondary scattering of electrons, resulting in an additional photocurrent which may distort the signal used in the quality analysis. By exchanging the heavy-metal contact material to a lighter version such as a carbon-based material, preventing secondary scattering, the error obtained from the quality analysis can be minimized.In this thesis, characterization of contacts between radiation diodes and a copper substrate by flip-chip bonding with reduced graphene oxide-based anisotropic conducting adhesive is made. The parameters of the connections are characterized with respect to electrical, thermal and mechanical properties.Analysis of the novel contact material is done by comparing different types of graphene-based anisotropic fillers with a commercial metal-based filler. Results obtained indicate that it is possible to exchange the metal-based fillers in an anisotropic conducting adhesive with reduced graphene oxide coated polymer spheres as a contacting material for radiation sensing technology. / En vanlig metod som används för att behandla cancer är strålningsterapi. I strålningsterapi görs ett behandlingsplaneringssystem för att specificera en exakt dos av röntgenstrålning som krävs för att slå ut en tumör. För att säkerställa att man ger rätt dos av röntgenstrålning utförs en kvalitetssäkring genom att använda en fantom innehållande strålningssensorer. Sensorerna är gjorda av halvledarmaterial men har oftast anslutningar gjorda av tunga metalliska material. När man bestrålar metaller med hög intensitet, exempelvis röntgenstrålning, emitteras en sekundär spridning av elektroner i form av en fotoström som kan störa signalen i kvalitetsäkrningen. Genom att byta ut metallen som används i anslutningarna till ett kontaktmaterial med lägre atomnummer som exempelvis kolbaserade material, förhindras den sekundära spridningen av elektroner, som troligtvis minskar felet som uppstår vid kvalitetssäkringen.I detta arbete har en kartläggning av kontakter mellan stålningsdioder och ett kopparsubstrat, genom en flip-chip-bindning process med ett ledande adhesiv baserat på reducerad grafenoxid gjorts. Kontaktparametrarna som kartlagts är baserade på termiska, elektriska och mekaniska egenskaper.Kartläggningen av kontakterna har i mestadels gjort genom att jämföra olika typer av grafen baserade partiklar ett kommersiellt metalbaserat material gjort för flip-chipbindning. Resultaten från arbetet indikerar att det är möjligt att byta ut det metallbaserade partiklarna i ett anisotropt ledande adhesiv med reducerade grafenoxid-belagda polymersfärer som ett ledande material för strålningsapplikationer.

Analýza a optimalizace selektivních technologických procesů pro kontakty krystalických křemíkových solárních článků / The Analysis and Optimization of Selective Technological Processes for Contacts on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

Hladík, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The submitted work deals with the methods for manufacturing and analysis of contacts on crystalline silicon solar cells. It is focused on selective processes for the production of solar cells metal contacts. The masking feature of silicon nitride is used for selective silicon etching, selective phosphorus diffusion and selective electro-less nickel deposition. Properties of metal contacts precursors are investigated using optical microscopy and their electrical properties using methods based on a four-point probe method. Results are used for the manufacturing of silicon, solar cell with an innovative type of the structure of the front side metallization: chemical nickel, conductive adhesive and copper wire. This approach allows to reduce shading of the front area of PV cells with the ability to avoid usage of busbars. The another advantage of this approach is in replacement of costly silver in at least 2/3 cross section of the front side metallization. Selective ablation of silicon nitride layer was conducted by means of IR laser beam.

Komponenty na bázi vlnovodu integrovaného do textilu / Textile Integrated Waveguide Components

Cupal, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na výzkum struktur založených na vlnovodu integrovaném do textilu (TIW). Pozornost je věnována elektrické charakterizaci textilních materiálů (textilní substráty, nitě), které jsou využívány při implementaci antén, rekonfigurovatelných a aktivních obvodů integrovaných do textilu. Práce se zabývá návrhem vícevrstvých přechodů mezi mikropáskovým vedením na konvenčním substrátu a vedeními integrovanými do textilu. Dále je prezentován koncept přepínače integrovaného do textilu. Přepínač je řízen vodivými sloupky, které vytvářejí otevřenou či zavřenou stěnu prostřednictvím stejnosměrně ovládaných PIN diod. Na závěr je formulována metodika návrhu kruhově polarizovaných antén integrovaných do textilu, jež jsou určeny pro práci v ISM pásmech až do 24 GHz. Všechny postupy návrhu byly ověřeny simulacemi a měřeními reálných vzorků, které byly vyrobeny sítotiskem stříbrnou polymerovou pastou. Polovodičové komponenty byly k obvodům přilepeny vodivým stříbrným lepidlem. Komponenty vyrobené sítotiskem byly porovnávány s referenčními strukturami, které byly realizovány pomocí samolepicí měděné fólie.

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