Spelling suggestions: "subject:"connection"" "subject:"aconnection""
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Lastbalanseringsalgoritmer : En utvärdering av lastbalanseringsalgoritmer i ett LVS-kluster där noderna har olika operativsystemBrissman, Alexander, Brissman, Joachim January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar en undersökning av olika lastbalanseringsalgoritmer i Linux Virtual Server. Undersökningen har gjorts i ett webbkluster (Apache var webbservern som användes) med tre heterogena noder, där operativsystemet var den detalj som skiljde dem åt. Operativsystemen som ingick i undersökningen var Windows Server 2008 R2, CentOS 6.2 och FreeBSD 9.0. De faktorer som undersöktes mellan de olika algoritmerna var klustrets genomsnittliga svarstid vid olika belastning och hur många anslutningar som kunde hanteras av klustret, detta gjordes med verktyget httperf. Undersökningen ger svar på hur ett heterogent webbklusters genomsnittligasvarstid och arbetskapacitet kan skilja sig åt beroende på vilken algoritm som används för lastbalansering. Resultatet visar att den genomsnittliga svarstiden håller sig låg tills en hastig stigning inträffar. Shortest Expected Delay och Weighted Least-Connection Scheduling kunde hantera störst antal anslutningar. / This report covers an investigation of different load balancing algorithms in Linux Virtual Server. The investigation was done in a web cluster (with Apache as the software being used) consisting of three heterogeneous nodes, where the operating system was the detail that differentiated the nodes. The operating systems that were used in the investigation were Windows Server 2008 R2, CentOS 6.2 and FreeBSD 9.0. The factors examined were average response time at different load and how many connections the cluster could cope with, these factors were examined by measurements taken with the tool httperf. The investigation gives an answer to how a heterogeneous web clustersaverage response time and working capacity can be affected by the choice of load balancing algorithm. The result shows that the average response time stays low until a sudden rise occurs. Shortest Expected Delay and Weighted Least-Connection Scheduling could handle the largest number of connections.
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New Avenues for Einstein's Gravity : from Penrose's Twistors to Hitchin's Three-Forms / Des Twisteurs de Penrose aux Trois-Formes de Hitchin : nouvelles Perspectives sur la Gravité d'EinsteinHerfray, Yannick 27 October 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous explorons les aspects de la gravité d'Einstein qui sont propres à la dimension quatre.L'une des propriétés surprenantes liées à cette dimension est la possibilité de formuler la gravité de manière 'Chirale'. Dans ce type de reformulations, typiquement, la métrique perd son rôle centrale. La correspondance entre espace-temps et espace des twisteurs est un autre aspect propre à la dimension quatre. Ces formulations, Chirale et Twistorielle, semblent très différentes. Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous montrons qu'elles sont en fait intimement liées: en particulier nous proposons une nouvelle preuve du `théorème du graviton non-linéaire', due à Penrose, dont le cœur est la géométrie des SU(2)-connections (plutôt qu'une métrique). Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse nous montrons que la gravité en trois et quatre dimensions est liée à des théories d'une nature complètement différentes en dimension six et sept. Ces théories, due à Hitchin, sont des théories de trois-formes différentielles invariantes sous difféomorphismes. En dimensions sept, nous rencontrons seulement un succès partiel puisque la théorie 4D qui en résulte est une version modifiée de la gravité. Cependant nous prouvons au passage que les solutions d'une déformation particulière de la gravité ont, en 7D, l’interprétation de variétés avec holonomies G2.Par contre, en réduisant la théorie de six à trois dimensions nous obtenons précisément la gravité 3D. Nous présentons aussi de nouvelles fonctionnelles pour les formes différentielles en six dimensions. Toutes sont invariantes sous difféomorphismes et deux d’entre elles sont topologiques. / In this thesis we take Einstein theory in dimension four seriously, and explore the special aspects of gravity in this number of dimension.Among the many surprising features in dimension four, one of them is the possibility of `Chiral formulations of gravity' - they are surprising as they typically do not rely on a metric. Another is the existence of the Twistor correspondence. The Chiral and Twistor formulations might seems different in nature. In the first part of this thesis we demonstrate that they are in fact closely related. In particular we give a new proof for Penrose's `non-linear graviton theorem' that relies on the geometry of SU(2)-connections only (rather than on metric).In the second part of this thesis we describe partial results towards encoding the full GR in the total space of some fibre bundle over space-time. We indeed show that gravity theory in three and four dimensions can be related to theories of a completely different nature in six and seven dimension respectively. This theories, first advertised by Hitchin, are diffeomorphism invariant theories of differential three-forms.Starting with seven dimensions, we are only partially succesfull: the resulting theory is some deformed version of gravity. We however found that solutions to a particular gravity theory in four dimension have a seven dimensional interpretation as G2 holonomy manifold. On the other hand by going from six to three dimension we do recover three dimensional gravity. As a bonus, we describe new diffeomorphism invariant functionnals for differential forms in six dimension and prove that two of them are topological.
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[pt] Nos projetos de engenharia é comum desconsiderar-se o comportamento semirrígido das ligações, ou seja, as ligações são assumidas com as condições ideais de rigidez. A primeira condição ideal é aquela na qual há transferência total de momento fletor, assumindo-se que não existe rotação relativa entre os elementos ligados, estas ligações são as chamadas rígidas. Na segunda opção, a transferência de momento fletor é desconsiderada e a ligação é definida como rotulada ou simples. Entretanto, sabe-se que a maioria das ligações comporta-se como semirrígida e o problema é que ao se fazer essas simplificações em projeto, dois aspectos podem ser comprometidos: segurança estrutural e custo do projeto. Neste trabalho, uma ligação semirrígida mista é proposta e estudada com o objetivo de obter-se as suas características principais e necessárias para utilizá-la em projeto: curva momento-rotação, rigidez de serviço e momento fletor resistente. Com a ligação mista proposta, busca-se uma nova maneira de transferência de forças na região de momento negativo em uma viga semicontínua. Adotou-se para a transferência dos esforços, entre a laje de concreto e a viga de aço, conectores de cisalhamento do tipo Perfobond Rib. Este conector foi inicialmente utilizado em pontes e depois alguns estudos o viabilizaram para o uso em edificações. Para atingir os objetivos do trabalho, foram realizados dois ensaios em escala real das ligações propostas. Os testes experimentais foram feitos em modelos cruciformes invertidos e realizados no laboratório de estruturas e materiais da PUC-Rio. Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com dois modelos analíticos: o método proposto por Leon et al. em 1996 e o método presente no Anexo R da NBR 8800:2008. / [en] In engineering design it is common to disregard the semi-rigid behavior of connections, i.e., connections are assumed to have the ideal conditions of rigidity. The first ideal condition is the one in which there is full transfer of bending moment, assuming that there is no relative rotation between the connected elements, this connection is defined rigid. In the second option, the transfer of bending moment is disregarded and the connection is defined simple. However, it is known that most connections have a semi-rigid behavior and the problem is that when making these simplifications in design, two aspects can be compromised: structural safety and project cost. In this work, a composite semi-rigid connection is studied in order to obtain its main and necessary features to use it in design: moment-rotation curve, service rigidity and bending moment capacity. With the proposed composite connection, a new way to transfer forces in the negative moment region on a semicontinous beam. Shear connectors like the Perfobond Rib were adopted for the transfer of efforts between the concrete slab and the steel beam. This connector was first used on bridges and since then some studies have made possible its use in buildings, showing its advantages over the more usual connectors. To achieve this work s objectives, two real scale tests of the proposed connections were conducted. Experimental tests were done in inverted cruciform models and carried out in the laboratory of structures and materials at PUC-Rio. Information on these tests was obtained, such as displacements, strains, and cracking of the slab. The experimental results were compared to two analytical models: the method proposed by Leon et al. in 1996 and the present method in Annex R of NBR 8800: 2008.
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Metody měření přenosových rychlostí v datových sítích / Methods for the measurement of bit rates in data networksFranc, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The target of this master's thesis were the known methods for testing the quality of transfer parameters of data networks. I have studied the RFC 2544 document to analyze these tests. From that information and by studying other existing web-based applications I was able to design a concept of my own application that will allow to measure basic quality parameters of transfers made through the Internet (the parameters: downstream, upstream, latency, variance of these and a traced route). My application doesn't require any modifications on the user's system. It's built on the server-based programming language PHP and uses the relational database engine MySQL to store measurement and user data. On the client side, it's assisted by the JavaScript scripting language. Both registered users and visitors are allowed to perform the listed measurements. Registered users are able to browse the history of their own benchmark results and also to send messages to others. There is an administrative account to oversee the operations. Another part of my thesis work is an application for Windows that performs the same measurements but does not use JavaScript.
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I-U charakteristiky fotovoltaických modulů spojovaných paralelně a do série / I-V characteristic on photovoltaic modules connected in parallel and in serialLáník, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
In mentioned theses there are described the basic tenets of the photovoltaic panels operation. There is described the progress of the photovoltaic panels. Theses is focused on the theoretical knowledges about the equivalent circuits and their aplication in the proposed simulation system. The goal of theses is to create the surroundings in the program Agilent VEE Pro 8.0 and to create the program for the simulation of the serial and paralel conjunction of the photovoltaic panels. The resultant program enables the simulation of the I – V and P – V characteristics of the real photovoltaic panels.
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Zastřešení zimního stadionu / Ice Hockey stadiumChalupa, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the design of the roofing of an ice hockey stadium situated in Žďár nad Sázavou. Plan view dimensions are 55 m x 77 m. The structural height of the roof varies from 10 to 17 m. The roof itself consists of pipe truss girders with a span of 55 m, which are supported by columns on each side. The girders are suspended by a load-carrying arch with a span of 96 m and a camber of 29 m through a system of pre-stressed cables. To determine the internal forces, structural analysis software Scia Engineer was used. Individual elements were then manually designed.
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Zum elektrischen Kontakt- und Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem DurchhangHildmann, Christian 09 December 2016 (has links)
In Deutschland und Europa ist im Zuge der Energiewende erforderlich, mehr Elektroenergie mit bestehenden Freileitungen zu transportieren. Eine technische Lösung, mit der dieses Ziel erreicht werden kann, ist das Umbeseilen der Freileitung mit Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem Durchhang (High Temperature Low Sag – HTLS conductors). Diese Leiterseile haben gegenüber konventionellen Leiterseilen (z. B. Aluminium/Stahl-Leiterseilen) höhere Bemessungsströme und temperaturen. Die stromführenden Verbindungen mit HTLS-Leiterseilen werden damit ebenfalls höher thermisch belastet. Diese sind für den zuverlässigen und sicheren Betrieb der Freileitung sehr wichtige Betriebsmittel.
Neben anderen Verbindungstechnologien hat sich bei den stromführenden Verbindungen mit konventionellen Leiterseilen das Sechskantpressen seit Jahrzehnten bewährt. Aus der Literatur sind fast ausschließlich empirische Untersuchungen mit dieser Verbindungstechnologie bekannt. Das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen wurde bisher nur unzureichend untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird dazu ein elektrisches Modell vorgestellt und weiterentwickelt, mit dem das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen genauer beschrieben werden kann. Weiterhin werden prinzipielle Zusammenhänge zwischen der Stromverteilung in den Kontaktpartnern und deren Einfluss auf den Verbindungswiderstand dargestellt. Als Ergebnis von theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen konnten allgemeine Empfehlungen für das Dimensionieren von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und HTLS-Leiterseilen erarbeitet werden.
Aus der prinzipiellen Funktionsweise einer Pressverbindung ist bekannt, dass der Form-, der Kraft- und der Stoffschluss in der Verbindung das elektrische Kontaktverhalten beeinflussen. Insbesondere der Kraftschluss wurde in der Literatur bislang nur näherungsweise berechnet. In den bekannten analytischen Modellen werden die Geometrie der Kontaktpartner sowie das Werkstoffverhalten vereinfacht und die mechanischen Belastungen beim Fügen der Verbindung nicht genau genug berücksichtigt. Aus den genannten Gründen wurde das Fügen von Pressverbindungen mit mehrdrähtigen Leiterseilen mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) berechnet. Die Press- und Kontaktkräfte konnten damit für alle Kontaktflächen in einer Verbindung ermittelt werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere hohe Press- und Kontaktkräfte die Ursache für ein gutes elektrisches Kontaktverhalten einer Pressverbindung sind. Die physikalischen Ursachen dieses Zusammenhangs werden diskutiert.
Das Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit Verbund-Leiterseilen wurde experimentell untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Langzeitversuche zeigen den Einfluss der Kontaktkraft im elektrischen Langzeitverhalten qualitativ auf. Bei den Pressverbindungen, für die nur sehr geringe Kontaktkräfte berechnet wurden, war das elektrische Langzeitverhalten weniger stabil. / In Germany and in Europe it is due to the “Energiewende” necessary to transmit more electrical ener-gy with existing overhead transmission lines. One possible technical solution to reach this aim is the use of high temperature low sag conductors (HTLS-conductors). Compared to the common Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), HTLS-conductors have higher rated currents and rated tempera-tures. Thus the electrical connections for HTLS-conductors are stressed to higher temperatures too. These components are most important for the safe and reliable operation of an overhead transmission line.
Besides other connection technologies, hexagonal compression connections with ordinary transmis-sion line conductors have proven themselves since decades. From the literature, mostly empirical stud-ies with electrical tests for compression connections are known. The electrical contact behaviour, i.e. the quality of the electrical contact after assembly, of these connections has been investigated insuffi-ciently. This work presents and enhances an electrical model of compression connections, so that the electrical contact behaviour can be determined more accurate. Based on this, principal considerations on the current distribution in the compression connection and its influence on the connection re-sistance are presented. As a result from the theoretical and the experimental work, recommendations for the design of hexagonal compression connections for transmission line conductors were devel-oped.
Furthermore it is known from the functional principle of compression type connections, that the elec-trical contact behaviour can be influenced from their form fit, force fit and cold welding. In particular the forces in compression connections have been calculated up to now by approximation. The known ana-lytical calculations simplify the geometry and material behaviour and do not consider the correct me-chanical load during assembly. For these reasons the joining process of hexagonal compression con-nections with stranded overhead transmission line conductors was calculated with the finite element method. The compression forces and the residual contact forces were determined for all contacts be-tween barrel and conductor as well as between the wires of the conductor. It was shown, that high compression and residual contact forces are the main cause of good electrical contact behaviour. The physical relations are discussed.
The electrical long-term behaviour was furthermore investigated in experiments. The results confirm the influence of the residual contact force on the long-term behaviour qualitatively. Those compression connections, which had only small residual contact forces, were less stable in the long-term tests.
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Lösbare Verbindungstechnik für Bauteile aus Wood Polymer Composite (WPC) unter dynamischen BelastungenSchubert, Christine, Schleinitz, Armin, Kluge, Patrick, Eichhorn, Sven 21 August 2018 (has links)
Im Projekt wurden lösbare Verbindungstechniken für hochgefüllte Holz-Polymer-Werkstoffe für das statisch-dynamische Belastungskollektiv des Maschinenbaus erarbeitet. Im Fokus der Untersuchungen standen vorgespannte Schraubverbindungen in den konstruktiven Ausführungen als Durchsteckschraubverbindung und Einschraubverbindungen. Die Direktverschraubung und die Quergewindebolzen-Steckschraubverbindung wurden aus technisch-wirtschaftlicher Sicht für den Werkstoff als Sonderverfahren der Einschraubverbindung favorisiert. Für die benannten Verschraubungsarten wurden Montageempfehlungen, Grenzlastbereiche und Einflussfaktoren der Verbindungen unter Berücksichtigung des Werkstoffes erarbeitet.
Abschließend wurden die erarbeiteten Kenntnisse zu lösbaren Verbindungstechniken auf einen Demonstrator in der Fördertechnik übertragen. / In the project removable connection methods for high filled wood polymer composites for static and dynamic loads were worked out.
The focuses of studies were pre-stressed screw connections in a constructive style as push-through screw connection and screw in connection. On the basis of the material and the technical-economic reasons the 'direct-screw-connection' and 'cross-threaded bolt plug-in screw connection' were favored as a special method of the screw-in connection. Installation recommendations, limit load ranges and influencing factors of the connections based on the material were compiled for the named types of bolting.
Finally the compiled knowledges of the removable connections were transferred into demonstrator for conveying systems.
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Proper connection number of graphsDoan, Trung Duy 16 August 2018 (has links)
The concept of \emph{proper connection number} of graphs is an extension of proper colouring and is motivated by rainbow connection number of graphs. Let $G$ be an edge-coloured graph. Andrews et al.\cite{Andrews2016} and, independently, Borozan et al.\cite{Borozan2012} introduced the concept of proper connection number as follows: A coloured path $P$ in an edge-coloured graph $G$ is called a \emph{properly coloured path} or more simple \emph{proper path} if two any consecutive edges receive different colours. An edge-coloured graph $G$ is called a \emph{properly connected graph} if every pair of vertices is connected by a proper path. The \emph{proper connection number}, denoted by $pc(G)$, of a connected graph $G$ is the smallest number of colours that are needed in order to make $G$ properly connected. Let $k\geq2$ be an integer. If every two vertices of an edge-coloured graph $G$ are connected by at least $k$ proper paths, then $G$ is said to be a \emph{properly $k$-connected graph}. The \emph{proper $k$-connection number} $pc_k(G)$, introduced by Borozan et al. \cite{Borozan2012}, is the smallest number of colours that are needed in order to make $G$ a properly $k$-connected graph.
The aims of this dissertation are to study the proper connection number and the proper 2-connection number of several classes of connected graphs. All the main results are contained in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
Since every 2-connected graph has proper connection number at most 3 by Borozan et al. \cite{Borozan2012} and the proper connection number of a connected graph $G$ equals 1 if and only if $G$ is a complete graph by the authors in \cite{Andrews2016, Borozan2012}, our motivation is to characterize 2-connected graphs which have proper connection number 2. First of all, we disprove Conjecture 3 in \cite{Borozan2012} by constructing classes of 2-connected graphs with minimum degree $\delta(G)\geq3$ that have proper connection number 3. Furthermore, we study sufficient conditions in terms of the ratio between the minimum degree and the order of a 2-connected graph $G$ implying that $G$ has proper connection number 2. These results are presented in Chapter 4 of the dissertation.
In Chapter 5, we study proper connection number at most 2 of connected graphs in the terms of connectivity and forbidden induced subgraphs $S_{i,j,k}$, where $i,j,k$ are three integers and $0\leq i\leq j\leq k$ (where $S_{i,j,k}$ is the graph consisting of three paths with $i,j$ and $k$ edges having an end-vertex in common).
Recently, there are not so many results on the proper $k$-connection number $pc_k(G)$, where $k\geq2$ is an integer. Hence, in Chapter 6, we consider the proper 2-connection number of several classes of connected graphs. We prove a new upper bound for $pc_2(G)$ and determine several classes of connected graphs satisfying $pc_2(G)=2$. Among these are all graphs satisfying the Chv\'tal and Erd\'{o}s condition ($\alpha({G})\leq\kappa(G)$ with two exceptions). We also study the relationship between proper 2-connection number $pc_2(G)$ and proper connection number $pc(G)$ of the Cartesian product of two nontrivial connected graphs.
In the last chapter of the dissertation, we propose some open problems of the proper connection number and the proper 2-connection number.
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Ocelová konstrukce výstavního pavilonu / Exhibition hall steel structureSelyvonenko, Ivan Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the design and structural analysis of an exhibition hall. The building is located in Brno city. The dimensions of a floor plan are 121,8 m x 66,5 m, the height is 17,75 m. The load-bearing structure consists of arched truss girders, which are pin-supported by fixed columns. The distance between main trusses is 8,7 m. The supporting part of the roof deck consists of solid-purlins. Spatial rigidity of the structure is ensured by cross bracing and longitudinal bracing. All structural members are made of rolled steel profiles and are designed according to current ČSN EN standards. Steel S355 is used as the construction material. This thesis consists of structural design report of main load bearing elements including connections design and drawings.
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