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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scholarly information sharing among book and paper conservators

Rice, Douglas P. 29 October 2010 (has links)
Book and paper conservation integrates several disciplines, including traditional handcrafts, hard sciences, and art and book history, each with distinct methodologies and epistemic cultures. In order to examine how book and paper conservators straddle these varied fields and methodologies, a large-scale survey was conducted to investigate information sharing within the field. This examination of both formal publication and informal, lateral communication was inspired by the work of sociologists of science such as Derek J. de Solla Price and Diana Crane, including their concept of invisible colleges. A sample of one hundred book and paper conservators was questioned on methods of information sharing and attitudes towards topics such as publication and peer review. The result shows a field with great respect for formal methods of publication but still largely centered around informal methods of information sharing. Based on the survey results, potential methods of information sharing that may be well suited to the singularities of the field are discussed. / text

Japonijos propaganda 2002 - 2011: Šiaurės Korėjos inicijuotų japonų pagrobimų atvejis / Propaganda of Japan in 2002 – 2011: North Korea initiated Japanese abduction case

Dačiola, Vaidas 14 June 2011 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo problema kaip buvo skleidžiama Japonijos propaganda dėl Š. Korėjos įvykdytų pagrobimų ir kokios jos sklaidos pasekmės išryškėjo. Baigiamojo darbo objektas - Japonijos propaganda 2002 – 2011 m. Š. Korėjos inicijuotų pagrobimų atveju. Šio darbo tikslas išanalizuoti Š. Korėjos įvykdytus Japonijos piliečių pagrobimus ir atskleisti Japonijos propagandos dėl šių pagrobimų organizacijos struktūrą, sklaidos priemones ir rezultatus. Šiam tikslui pasiekti išsikelti tokie uždaviniai: 1.Remiantis teorinės literatūros šaltinių analize apibrėžti propagandos sampratą ir jos skaidos priemones bei parengti Japonijos propagandos analizės modelį; 2. Išryškinti prielaidas Japonijos vyriausybės propagandos formavimui1970 – 2005 m.;3. Atlikti propagandos modelio taikymo Japonijoje analizę.; 4. Išnagrinėti Japonijos vyriausybės propagandos dėl Š. Korėjos įvykdytų pagrobimų poveikį Japonijos visuomenei. Baigiamajame darbe naudojami šie metodai: Lyginamasis, aprašomasis ir analitinis. Atlikus tyrimą prieita prie tokių išvadų: 1. Remiantis užsienio ir Lietuvos autorių propagandos sąvokos lyginamąja analize, iškirtais propagandos tipais ir jos sklaidos priemonėmis bei G.S. Jowett ir V. O‘Donnell propagandos analizės 10 žingsnių metodu buvo sudarytas 7 žingsnių Japonijos propagandos analitinis modelis. 2. Įvertinus propagandos formavimosi kontekstą ir atskleidus Japonijos ir Š. Korėjos santykius 1971 – 2005 m., pavyko identifikuoti pagrindinius propagandos šaltinius Japonijoje: neo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem of this master thesis is how propaganda of Japan regards North Korea initiated Japanese abductions is distributed and what are the consequences of this propaganda is in general. Subject in the final thesis is propaganda of Japan in 2002 – 2011: North Korea initiated Japanese abduction case. Objective of this research is to analyze North Korea initiated Japanese abductions and following it clarify structure of Japanese government propaganda, its distribution techniques and results. To reach this objective these following tasks are made: 1. define propaganda concept and ways of propaganda distribution based on theoretic scientific literature analysis and prepare model of Japanese propaganda analysis. 2. Highlight assumptions of Japanese governmental propaganda development in 1971 – 2005. 3. Accomplish research analysis based on model of propaganda of Japan. 4. Analyze Japanese government propaganda on North Korea initiated Japanese abduction case influence to Japanese society. In this research three methods are used: description, comparative and analytical methods. Accomplished Japanese propaganda analysis of this research led to these conclusions: 1. based on comparative analysis of Lithuanian and foreign authors on concept, sorts and ways of distributing propaganda, and G.S. Jowett ir V. O‘Donnell 10 steps of propaganda analysis method, 7 steps model of propaganda of Japan is shaped. 2. From propaganda development context based on Japan’s and North Korea‘s relation... [to full text]

I originalets tjänst : Om framställandet och bevarandet av kalkmåleri i svenska kyrkorum mellan 1850 och 1980

Svahn Garreau, Hélène January 2015 (has links)
There are approximately 1300 completely or partially preserved medieval churches in Sweden. Many of these have remains of kalkmåleri (mural paintings at least partially created in lime) from the 12th throughout the 17th century. This dissertation discusses the enactments that formed the revival of this kalkmåleri between 1850 and 1980, with a focus on restoration and conservation. The decorative and monumental paintings that were created at the same time are also discussed. The study is divided into two sections: one concentrates on the mural paintings and the networks that made their (re-)enactment possible, and the second is a case study that examines kalkmåleri in four medieval churches; Vendel and Ed north of Stockholm, and Floda and Vadsbro south of Stockholm. To come close to the paintings, an eclectic methodology with analysis of written and depicted sources, interviews, and studies in situ of the paintings through mapping and analysis of taken samples was designed. The objectives were to investigate the formation of kalkmåleri as phenomena, significant concepts, and conservation practices throughout time and space. Theoretical inspiration was taken from Actor-Network-Theory, critical discourse analysis, and speculative realism. Throughout the study the kalkmåleri is thus seen to have agency. The weave of enactments stemming from different professions and thought collectives that formed the paintings was made visible by following the actors. Some of these enactments were analyzed: i.e. the aesthetic shaping of the room, as religious and iconographic images, historical documents, art, style, technical, or hybrid objects. The latter refers to conservation that did not entirely rely on science, humanist scholarship, craftsmanship, or artistic creativity. Thus conservation is seen as a hybrid activity. Three periods of conservation principles were explored: stylistic restoration, original conservation, and precautionary conservation, which were related to what was perceived as the authentic original. Furthermore some Swedish "traditions" are discussed: that no institute for technical studies of art was formed, the use of "Curman’s principles", restricted retouching from the 1960s onward, and the use of gomma pane for cleaning. Finally appendices are included containing terminology, an index of conservators, and a DVD with mapping, chemical analysis, and photographs. / <p>Forskningsfinansiärer: FoU-medel: Riksantikvarieämbetet, Brandförsäkringsverkets stiftelse för bebyggelsehistorisk forskning, Elna Bengtsssons fond och Tyréns stiftelse.</p><p>Ett läsår på Columbia University kunde genomföras med stöd av Fulbright Commission. Erik &amp; Lily Philipsons minnesfond och Axelson Johnsons stiftelse.</p>

El arranque a strappo de pinturas murales. Estudio de la técnica como método de conservación y como recurso artístico

Hernández Altarejos, Iris 19 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] El strappo es una técnica de arranque que permite extraer la superficie más externa de una pintura mural. Sus orígenes se remontan al siglo XVIII y a lo largo de la historia ha sido empleado de forma extensa como recurso conservativo en la intervención de nuestro patrimonio, aunque también ha sido muy cuestionado y acotado, por lo que la presente investigación muestra la vigencia de la técnica. Por otro lado, desde hace algunas décadas este sistema de arranque ha sido adoptado por diversos artistas como método de producción de obras de arte. La hipótesis de esta tesis doctoral plantea que el strappo es un sistema de arranque de pintura mural que ofrece posibilidades válidas y aplicables tanto en el ámbito de la conservación del patrimonio cultural como en el contexto del arte contemporáneo. La presente tesis reúne en una misma investigación los diversos usos que puede proporcionar esta técnica de arranque, en los dos ámbitos mencionados anteriormente. Esta idea surge de la necesidad de hallar soluciones técnicas a diversas problemáticas específicas, por un lado, sobre los procedimientos requeridos para llevar a cabo un strappo de pintura mural minimizando sus riesgos y, por otro lado, sobre los tratamientos y materiales más adecuados para intervenir una pintura mural arrancada. La investigación teórico-experimental que se desarrolla a lo largo de la tesis tiene como finalidad actualizar el protocolo de intervención a seguir para la realización del proceso que conlleva un arranque a strappo, adaptando la técnica tradicional a las necesidades de las obras investigadas, aportando con ello nuevos conocimientos sobre sistemas de consolidación de pinturas murales al seco. Las casuísticas de este tipo de pinturas son diversas, y van desde la sensibilidad al agua, hasta los problemas derivados de la falta de cohesión de la estructura pictórica. Cualquiera de los sistemas de arranque de pintura mural conlleva en sí mismo un riesgo, las operaciones de extracción son complejas y pueden acontecer múltiples circunstancias que derivan en problemáticas que deben intentar solventarse. Ante esta situación la tesis reivindica la necesidad de continuar investigando sobre este recurso conservativo, para intentar progresar y minimizar los riesgos y las dificultades de una técnica (el strappo) que sigue vigente en la actualidad y continúa realizándose cuando las circunstancias lo justifican como único recurso de salvaguarda. / [CA] El strappo és una tècnica d'arrancament que permet extraure la superfície més externa d'una pintura mural. Els seus orígens es remunten al segle XVIII i al llarg de la història ha sigut emprat de manera extensa com a recurs conservatiu en la intervenció del nostre patrimoni, encara que també ha sigut molt qüestionat i delimitat, per la qual cosa la present investigació mostra la vigència de la tècnica. D'altra banda, des de fa algunes dècades este sistema d'arrancament ha sigut adoptat per diversos artistes com a mètode de producció d'obres d'art. La hipòtesi d'esta tesi doctoral planteja que el strappo és un sistema d'arrancament de pintura mural que oferix possibilitats vàlides i aplicables tant en l'àmbit de la conservació del patrimoni cultural com en el context de l'art contemporani. La present tesi reunix en una mateixa investigació els diversos usos que pot proporcionar esta tècnica d'arrancament, en els dos àmbits esmentats anteriorment. Esta idea sorgix de la necessitat de trobar solucions tècniques a diverses problemàtiques específiques, d'una banda, sobre els procediments requerits per a dur a terme un strappo de pintura mural minimitzant els seus riscos i, d'altra banda, sobre els tractaments i materials més adequats per a intervindre una pintura mural arrancada. La investigació teòric-experimental que es desenvolupa al llarg de la tesi té com a finalitat actualitzar el protocol d'intervenció a seguir per a la realització del procés que comporta un arrancament a strappo, adaptant la tècnica tradicional a les necessitats de les obres investigades, aportant amb això nous coneixements sobre sistemes de consolidació de pintures murals al sec. Les casuístiques d'esta mena de pintures són diverses, i van des de la sensibilitat a l'aigua, fins als problemes derivats de la falta de cohesió de l'estructura pictòrica. Qualsevol dels sistemes d'arrancament de pintura mural comporta en si mateix un risc, les operacions d'extracció són complexes i poden esdevindre múltiples circumstàncies que deriven en problemàtiques que han d'intentar solucionar-se. Davant esta situació la tesi reivindica la necessitat de continuar investigant sobre este recurs conservatiu, per a intentar progressar i minimitzar els riscos i les dificultats d'una tècnica (el strappo) que continua vigent en l'actualitat i continua realitzant-se quan les circumstàncies ho justifiquen com a l'únic recurs de salvaguarda. / [EN] Strappo is a detachment technique for removing the outermost surface of a mural painting. Its origins date back to the 18th century and throughout history it has been used extensively as a conservation technique. Even though it is a popular intervention, strappo has also been highly questioned in the conservation field; therefore, this research tries to show the validity of the technique. On the other hand, for some decades the strappo system has been adopted by various artists as a method of producing works of art. The hypothesis of this doctoral thesis is that strappo is a system for detachment of wall paintings that offers valid and applicable possibilities both in the field of cultural heritage conservation and in the context of contemporary art production. This thesis brings together in the same research the different uses that this starting technique can provide, in the two areas mentioned above. This idea arises from the need to find technical solutions to various specific problems, on the one hand, on the procedures required to carry out a mural painting removal minimising its risks and, on the other hand, on the most suitable treatments and materials to intervene on a torn mural painting. The theoretical-experimental research carried out throughout the thesis aims to update the intervention procedure for carrying out a strappo start-up, adapting the traditional technique to the needs of the works investigated, thereby providing new knowledge on systems for consolidating dry mural paintings. The casuistry of this type of painting is diverse, ranging from sensitivity to water to problems derived from the lack of cohesion of the pictorial structure. Any of the detachment of wall paintings systems involves a risk in itself, the extraction operations are complex and multiple circumstances can occur that lead to problems that must be solved. In view of this situation, the thesis claims the need to continue researching this conservation resource, in order to try to progress and minimise the risks and difficulties of a technique (strappo) that is still in use today and continues to be carried out when circumstances justify it as the only safeguarding resource. / Hernández Altarejos, I. (2024). El arranque a strappo de pinturas murales. Estudio de la técnica como método de conservación y como recurso artístico [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206466

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