Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constitutive"" "subject:"konstitutive""
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Three dimensional formulation for the stress-strain-dilatancy elasto-plastic constitutive model for sand under cyclic behaviour.Das, Saumyasuchi January 2014 (has links)
Recent experiences from the Darfield and Canterbury, New Zealand earthquakes have shown that the soft soil condition of saturated liquefiable sand has a profound effect on seismic response of buildings, bridges and other lifeline infrastructure. For detailed evaluation of seismic response three dimensional integrated analysis comprising structure, foundation and soil is required; such an integrated analysis is referred to as Soil Foundation Structure Interaction (SFSI) in literatures. SFSI is a three-dimensional problem because of three primary reasons: first, foundation systems are three-dimensional in form and geometry; second, ground motions are three-dimensional, producing complex multiaxial stresses in soils, foundations and structure; and third, soils in particular are sensitive to complex stress because of heterogeneity of soils leading to a highly anisotropic constitutive behaviour. In literatures the majority of seismic response analyses are limited to plane strain configuration because of lack of adequate constitutive models both for soils and structures, and computational limitation. Such two-dimensional analyses do not represent a complete view of the problem for the three reasons noted above. In this context, the present research aims to develop a three-dimensional mathematical formulation of an existing plane-strain elasto-plastic constitutive model of sand developed by Cubrinovski and Ishihara (1998b). This model has been specially formulated to simulate liquefaction behaviour of sand under ground motion induced earthquake loading, and has been well-validated and widely implemented in verifcation of shake table and centrifuge tests, as well as conventional ground response analysis and evaluation of case histories.
The approach adopted herein is based entirely on the mathematical theory of plasticity and utilises some unique features of the bounding surface plasticity formalised by Dafalias (1986). The principal constitutive parameters, equations, assumptions and empiricism of the existing plane-strain model are adopted in their exact form in the three-dimensional version. Therefore, the original two-dimensional model can be considered as a true subset of the three-dimensional form; the original model can be retrieved when the tensorial quantities of the three dimensional version are reduced to that of the plane-strain configuration. Anisotropic Drucker-Prager type failure surface has been adopted for the three-dimensional version to accommodate triaxial stress path. Accordingly, a new mixed hardening rule based on Mroz’s approach of homogeneous surfaces (Mroz, 1967) has been introduced for the virgin loading surface. The three-dimensional version is validated against experimental data for cyclic torsional and triaxial stress paths.
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Immanent creativity and constitutive powerDunford, Robin Frederick January 2012 (has links)
I argue that the resources for political change do not exist as already constituted entities, whether in the form of transcendent values or an already-given consensus. Instead, they must be created; constitutive political action is rooted in creativity, and requires the creation of new movements, new powers, and new values. This creativity, though, does not come from a transcendent outside, as though a bolt from the blue. Instead, political creativity, and the creativity which humans may use to transform politics are themselves rooted in the immanent creativity of the natural and material world. I bring the sciences of Complexity into relation with the philosophies of Spinoza and DeLanda in order to argue that the world is made up of only the one reality of matter-energy, but that this matter-energy is capable of creatively generating novel phenomena. This understanding of the creativity of matter-energy is then used in order to reconceptualise political creativity in materialist terms. Political orders are constituted by a set of capacities or powers in relation, but the field of powers and their possible relations vastly exceeds any one configuration that it enters, and this field of possible relations, and the possible powers that might be formed through these relations, provide boundless resources for constitutive political change.
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Analytical and numerical modelling of artificially structured soilsRobin, Victor Paul Michel January 2014 (has links)
The effects of lime treatment on the mechanical properties of soils are usually not accounted for in the design of geotechnical structures. As a result the potential of lime treatment has not been fully exploited. In this thesis, a comprehensive experimental program has been carried out to identity the key features of the mechanical behaviour of structured materials. The chemical modifications arising from lime treatment were quantified using thermal analysis methods. From these results a non-linear chemo-mechanical coupling was established between the concentration of cementitious compounds and the yield stress. Using these results, a new formulation to model the degradation of the structure at yield has been developed and implemented in a constitutive model for structured materials. This new model, developed in the framework of the Modified Cam Clay model, requires a limited number of additional parameters that all have a physical meaning and can all be determined from a single isotropic compression test. The model has proven to be successful in reproducing the key features of structured materials and for the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of lime treated specimens under various stress paths. Due to similarities in behaviour, it is shown that the formulation is also suitable for naturally structured soils. To account for a structured material in the design of geotechnical structures, a fully functional finite element program for elasto-plastic problems was developed including the pre- and post-processing of the results. A thorough validation has confirmed the good implementation of the finite element method and its suitability for the modelling of complex geometries involving structured materials.
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Clonage moléculaire, caractérisation et localisation de deux récepteurs couplés à la protéine G chez le cnidaire Renilla koellikeri (Anthozoa)Bouchard, Christelle January 2004 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Testing of newly synthetized compounds with Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR)Mouratidis, Ioannis January 2012 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Ioannis Mouratidis Supervisor: Doc. PharmDr. Petr Pávek Ph.D. Testing of newly synthesized compounds with constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) Interactions of a diverse array of nuclear receptors with numerous isolated compounds (ligands) have been extensively investigated during the last years. The reason of this intense research activity is, of course, the wide therapeutic potential of the nuclear receptors super- family. It is known that they interact with the metabolism and excretion of various compounds, endogenous or exogenous that interfere with the homeostasic mechanisms of the living organisms. In my study, I tested the activation of a specific orphan nuclear receptor known as constitutive androstane receptor (CAR). I tested 11 structurally different compounds as well as a known inhibitor of CAR (clotrimazole) and an activator (CITCO). To test these interactions between these compounds and CAR, I used the method of the mammalian two- hybrid system, a method where ligand-protein interactions are studied in an environment close to that in vivo. The method is based on the Dual-Luciferase Reporter kit, which made the quantification of the CAR responsive luciferase reporter...
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Hipoplasticidade em solicitações diversas. / Hypoplacticity in several applications.Nogueira, Matheus Ciccacio 08 November 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta uma ampliação da investigação da capacidade de um modelo constitutivo hipoplástico de representar o comportamento tensão-deformação dos solos. Os modelos hipoplásticos apresentam características que os toram mais adequados, em muitas situações, a fornecer respostas mais realistas que os modelos baseados na elastoplasticidade clássica, que são os mais utilizados na prática da engenharia atual. O trabalho então consistiu da simulação, através de um equacionamento hipoplástico, de ensaios triaxiais drenados realizados em solos e trajetórias de tensão aos quais o modelo em estudo ainda não havia sido aplicado, tais como em corpos de prova adensados anisotropicamente e em trajetórias com decréscimos da tensão desviadora, bem como da comparação entre a resposta do modelo e os respectivos resultados desses ensaios. Em termos qualitativos, os resultados obtidos nesse confronto são bons em todas as situações estudadas. Quantitativamente, são bons na maioria das situações e razoavelmente bons em outras. / This research presents an extension of the investigation of the capacity of a hypoplastic constitutive model to represent the stress-strain behavior of soils. Hipoplastic models have characteristics that make them more suitable, in many situations, to provide more realistic answers than models based on classical elastoplasticity, which are most often used in engineering practice today. The work then consisted in the simulation, through a hypoplastic equation, of drained triaxial tests performed on soils and stress paths to which the model had not been applied yet, such as anisotropically consolidated specimens and paths with decreasing deviatoric stress as well as in the comparison between the response of the model and the results of those tests. The results obtained in this comparison are qualitatively good in all the situations studied. Quantitatively, they are good in most situations and reasonably in the others.
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Sobre a formulação de um modelo de dano para o concreto / On the formulation of damage model for the concretePituba, José Julio de Cerqueira 28 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da formulação de leis constitutivas para meios elásticos, que uma vez danificados passam a apresentar diferentes comportamentos em tração e em compressão e certo grau de anisotropia. Inicialmente é revista uma formulação para meios elásticos anisótropos e bimodulares, sendo a mesma, então, estendida para incorporar os casos de meios elásticos com anisotropia e bimodularidade induzidas pelo dano. Seguindo os conceitos da mecânica do dano contínuo e a extensão mencionada da formulação, propõe-se um modelo constitutivo para o concreto assumindo por hipótese fundamental, a equivalência de energia entre meio danificado real e meio contínuo equivalente. Tal hipótese garante a simetria do tensor constitutivo e a sua consistência termodinâmica. De acordo com o modelo proposto, o material é considerado como um meio elástico inicialmente isótropo que passa a apresentar anisotropia induzida pela evolução do dano. Além disso, a danificação pode também induzir uma resposta bimodular no material, isto é, respostas elásticas diferentes para estados de tensão de tração ou de compressão predominantes. Nesse sentido, dois tensores de dano governando as rigidezes em regimes predominantes de tração ou de compressão são introduzidos. Sugere-se então, um critério afim de caracterizar os estados dominantes. As deformações permanentes induzidas pelo dano são, de uma forma geral, desconsideradas. No entanto, propõe-se uma versão unidimensional do modelo que permite a sua consideração. Por outro lado, os critérios para a ativação inicial dos processos de danificação e de sua posterior evolução são escritos em termos de densidade de energia de deformação. Os parâmetros do modelo podem ser identificados mediante experimentos, onde estados de tensão uniaxial e biaxial são induzidos. Também propõem-se leis de evolução de dano com base nos resultados experimentais. A boa coerência do modelo é ilustrada comparando-se uma série de respostas experimentais e numéricas no concreto relativas a estados de tensão uni, bi e triaxiais. Por fim, o modelo é empregado em análises unidimensionais e planas de vigas e pórtico em concreto armado com o objetivo de mostrar a sua potencialidade. / This thesis deals with the formulation of constitutive laws for elastic media that start to present different behaviours in tension and compression and some anisotropy degree when damaged. Initially a formulation for bimodular and anisotropic elastic media is reviewed; then it is extended to take into account the bimodularity and anisotropy induced by damage. Following the concepts of the continuum damage mechanics and the formulation extension, a constitutive model is proposed here by exploring the fundamental hypothesis of energy equivalence between real and continuous medium. Such hypothesis guarantees symmetry to the constitutive tensor and its thermodynamic consistency. According to the proposed modeling, the material is assumed as an initial elastic isotropic medium presenting anisotropy induced by damage evolution. Moreover, damage can also induce a bimodular response in the material, i.e., distinct elastic responses whether traction or compression stress states prevail. To take into account the bimodularity conveniently, two damage tensors governing the rigidity in traction or compression regimes are introduced. A criterion is proposed in order to characterize the dominant states. In general, the permanent strains induced by damage are disregarded. However, a one-dimensional version of the model that allows considering permanent strains is proposed. On the other hand, damage criteria indicating the initial and further evolution of damage are expressed in terms of strain energy densities. The model parameters can be identified from experiments where one-axial and two-axial stress states are induced. Damage evolution laws are also proposed on the basis of experimental results. The good performance of the model is illustrated by comparing a variety of numerical and experimental responses, from one to three-axial stress states. Finally, the model is used in one-dimensional and plane analysis of reinforced concrete beams and frame in order to show its potentiality.
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Desenvolvimento de um modelo hipoplástico que represente efeitos do sobreadensamento. / Development of a hypoplastic model that represents overconsolidation effects.Russo Junior, Wanderley Camargo 16 May 2006 (has links)
São propostas modificações em um modelo hipoplástico buscando representar o comportamento mecânico de argilas sobreadensadas. São introduzidos no modelo a razão de sobreadensamento, o intercepto de coesão e índices que representam características do trecho sobreadensado, resultando em parâmetros com claro sentido físico e de fácil determinação. A equação constitutiva é então calibrada com parâmetros de solos sobreadensados e a capacidade dos modelos de representar o comportamento de dois solos em particular é verificada, confrontando as previsões teóricas com resultados experimentais em diversas situações de carregamento e para uma larga faixa de razões de sobreadensamento. Verifica-se que as modificações introduzidas no modelo hipoplástico contemplam avanços significativos na representação dos efeitos do sobreadensamento, como a curvatura da envoltória de resistência no trecho sobreadensado, o aumento do módulo de deformabilidade com o grau de sobreadensamento, diferente rigidez no carregamento e no recarregamento, o aumento das tensões desviadoras de ruptura em solos sobreadensados, a diminuição da tendência à contração volumétrica com o aumento da razão de sobreadensamento, chegando à expansão volumétrica, e, nas solicitações não-drenadas, pressão neutra negativa quando o solo encontra-se fortemente sobreadensado. / Modifications in a hypoplastic model are proposed intending to represent the mechanical behavior of overconsolidated clays. The overconsolidation ratio, the cohesion intercept and indices that represent overconsolidation characteristics are introduced in the model, resulting in parameters with a clear physical meaning and of easy to determine. The constitutive equation is then calibrated with parameters of overconsolidated soils and the capacity of the models of representing the behavior of two soils in particular is checked, confronting the theoretical predictions with experimental results in several loading situations and in a wide overconsolidation ratio range. It is verified that the modifications introduced into hypoplastic model contemplates significant advances in the representation of the effects of overconsolidation, like the curvature of the strength envelope in the overconsolidation region, the increase of the deformability modulus with the overconsolitadion ratio, different stiffness in loading and reloading, the increase of the deviator stress at failure in overconsolidated soils, presenting peak deviator stress, a decrease of the tendency to volumetric contraction with the increase of the overconsolidation ratio, including to the volumetric expansion, and, in undrained tests, negative pore pressure when the soil is heavily overconsolidated.
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Desenvolvimento de modelo hipoplástico aplicável a carregamentos cíclicos. / Development of a hypoplastic model applicable to cyclic loading.Costa, Marcelo Saad Taulois da 27 June 2017 (has links)
Modelos constitutivos são relações matemáticas entre grandezas físicas que buscam descrever o comportamento dos materiais quando submetidos a ações externas. A hipoplasticidade é um modelo constitutivo desenvolvido para solos a partir de uma modificação da equação hipoelástica. Este modelo tem como principais características a existência de uma única equação constitutiva e o seu caráter não linear, o que lhe confere a propriedade de introduzir deformações irreversíveis desde o início das ações externas. Neste trabalho são estudados dois novos modelos desenvolvidos com o objetivo de melhorar as previsões para carregamentos cíclicos. O primeiro, denominado hipoplasticidade estendida, é caracterizado pela introdução de superfícies de memória e uma nova equação constitutiva específica para o recarregamento. O segundo modelo, a hipoplasticidade cíclica, é uma modificação deste último onde são introduzidos fatores capazes de modificar as superfícies de memória. Os novos modelos são primeiramente aplicados em situações teóricas para verificar sua aplicabilidade. Posteriormente, utilizando dados experimentais, é feita sua calibração e aplicação para então compararem-se as previsões teóricas com os resultados experimentais. Verifica-se que os novos modelos contemplam avanços significativos na previsão do comportamento dos solos sob carregamentos cíclicos. Para permitir um número maior de simulações foi desenvolvida uma planilha eletrônica com a capacidade de representar quantos ciclos sejam desejados, efetuar a alteração dos parâmetros do solo durante a calibração do modelo de maneira fácil e rápida, assim como visualizar para cada um dos intervalos se foi utilizada a equação geral ou a específica do recarregamento. / Constitutive models are mathematical relationships between physical quantities that approximate the behavior of materials when subjected to external actions. Hypoplasticity is a constitutive model developed for soils from a modification of the hypoelastic equation. The main features of this model are the existence of a unique constitutive equation and its nonlinear character, which gives it the property of introducing irreversible deformation from the beginning of external actions. In this work two new models developed in order to improve the predictions of cyclic loading are studied. The first one, which is called extended hypoplacity, has as its main feature the addition of a memory surface and the introduction of a new equation specific for reloading. The second model, cyclic hypoplasticity, which is a modification of this last one, is characterized by the introduction of factors that are capable of modifing the memory surfaces. The new models are first checked in theoretical situations to verify their applicability. Subsequently, using experimental data, the models are calibrated, applied, and then compared to experimental results. The new models include significant advances in predicting soil behavior under cyclic loading. To allow a larger number of simulations, a spreadsheet was developed with the following abilities: simulate as many cycles as are desired; easy to change soil\'s parameters during the calibration phase; and display for each of the intervals which of the equations was used.
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Desenvolvimento de um modelo hipoplástico que represente efeitos do sobreadensamento. / Development of a hypoplastic model that represents overconsolidation effects.Wanderley Camargo Russo Junior 16 May 2006 (has links)
São propostas modificações em um modelo hipoplástico buscando representar o comportamento mecânico de argilas sobreadensadas. São introduzidos no modelo a razão de sobreadensamento, o intercepto de coesão e índices que representam características do trecho sobreadensado, resultando em parâmetros com claro sentido físico e de fácil determinação. A equação constitutiva é então calibrada com parâmetros de solos sobreadensados e a capacidade dos modelos de representar o comportamento de dois solos em particular é verificada, confrontando as previsões teóricas com resultados experimentais em diversas situações de carregamento e para uma larga faixa de razões de sobreadensamento. Verifica-se que as modificações introduzidas no modelo hipoplástico contemplam avanços significativos na representação dos efeitos do sobreadensamento, como a curvatura da envoltória de resistência no trecho sobreadensado, o aumento do módulo de deformabilidade com o grau de sobreadensamento, diferente rigidez no carregamento e no recarregamento, o aumento das tensões desviadoras de ruptura em solos sobreadensados, a diminuição da tendência à contração volumétrica com o aumento da razão de sobreadensamento, chegando à expansão volumétrica, e, nas solicitações não-drenadas, pressão neutra negativa quando o solo encontra-se fortemente sobreadensado. / Modifications in a hypoplastic model are proposed intending to represent the mechanical behavior of overconsolidated clays. The overconsolidation ratio, the cohesion intercept and indices that represent overconsolidation characteristics are introduced in the model, resulting in parameters with a clear physical meaning and of easy to determine. The constitutive equation is then calibrated with parameters of overconsolidated soils and the capacity of the models of representing the behavior of two soils in particular is checked, confronting the theoretical predictions with experimental results in several loading situations and in a wide overconsolidation ratio range. It is verified that the modifications introduced into hypoplastic model contemplates significant advances in the representation of the effects of overconsolidation, like the curvature of the strength envelope in the overconsolidation region, the increase of the deformability modulus with the overconsolitadion ratio, different stiffness in loading and reloading, the increase of the deviator stress at failure in overconsolidated soils, presenting peak deviator stress, a decrease of the tendency to volumetric contraction with the increase of the overconsolidation ratio, including to the volumetric expansion, and, in undrained tests, negative pore pressure when the soil is heavily overconsolidated.
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