Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constitutive"" "subject:"konstitutiv""
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Geometric electroelasticityZiese, Ramona January 2014 (has links)
In this work a diffential geometric formulation of the theory of electroelasticity is developed which also includes thermal and magnetic influences.
We study the motion of bodies consisting of an elastic material that are deformed by the influence of mechanical forces, heat and an external electromagnetic field. To this end physical balance laws (conservation of mass, balance of momentum, angular momentum and energy) are established. These provide an equation that describes the motion of the body during the deformation. Here the body and the surrounding space are modeled as Riemannian manifolds, and we allow that the body has a lower dimension than the surrounding space. In this way one is not (as usual) restricted to the description of the deformation of three-dimensional bodies in a three-dimensional space, but one can also describe the deformation of membranes and the deformation in a curved space. Moreover, we formulate so-called constitutive relations that encode the properties of the used material.
Balance of energy as a scalar law can easily be formulated on a Riemannian manifold. The remaining balance laws are then obtained by demanding that balance of energy is invariant under the action of arbitrary diffeomorphisms on the surrounding space. This generalizes a result by Marsden and Hughes that pertains to bodies that have the same dimension as the surrounding space and does not allow the presence of electromagnetic fields.
Usually, in works on electroelasticity the entropy inequality is used to decide which otherwise allowed deformations are physically admissible and which are not. It is alsoemployed to derive restrictions to the possible forms of constitutive relations describing the material. Unfortunately, the opinions on the physically correct statement of the entropy inequality diverge when electromagnetic fields are present. Moreover, it is unclear how to formulate the entropy inequality in the case of a membrane that is subjected to an electromagnetic field.
Thus, we show that one can replace the use of the entropy inequality by the demand that for a given process balance of energy is invariant under the action of arbitrary diffeomorphisms on the surrounding space and under linear rescalings of the temperature. On the one hand, this demand also yields the desired restrictions to the form of the constitutive relations. On the other hand, it needs much weaker assumptions than the arguments in physics literature that are employing the entropy inequality. Again, our result generalizes a theorem of Marsden and Hughes. This time, our result is, like theirs, only valid for bodies that have the same dimension as the surrounding space. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine diffentialgeometrische Formulierung der Elektroelastizitätstheorie entwickelt, die auch thermische und magnetische Einflüsse berücksichtigt.
Hierbei wird die Bewegung von Körpern untersucht, die aus einem elastischen Material bestehen und sich durch mechanische Kräfte, Wärmezufuhr und den Einfluss eines äußeren elektromagnetischen Feldes verformen. Dazu werden physikalische Bilanzgleichungen (Massenerhaltung, Impuls-, Drehimpuls- und Energiebilanz) aufgestellt, um mit deren Hilfe eine Gleichung zu formulieren, die die Bewegung des Körpers während der Deformation beschreibt.
Dabei werden sowohl der Körper als auch der umgebende Raum als Riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeiten modelliert, wobei zugelassen ist, dass der Körper eine geringere Dimension hat als der ihn umgebende Raum. Auf diese Weise kann man nicht nur - wie sonst üblich - die Deformation dreidimensionaler Körper im dreidimensionalen euklidischen Raum beschreiben, sondern auch die Deformation von Membranen und die Deformation innerhalb eines gekrümmten Raums. Weiterhin werden sogenannte konstitutive Gleichungen formuliert, die die Eigenschaften des verwendeten Materials kodieren.
Die Energiebilanz ist eine skalare Gleichung und kann daher leicht auf Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten formuliert werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Forderung der Invarianz der Energiebilanz unter der Wirkung von beliebigen Diffeomorphismen auf den umgebenden Raum bereits die restlichen Bilanzgleichungen impliziert. Das verallgemeinert ein Resultat von Marsden und Hughes, das nur für Körper anwendbar ist, die die selbe Dimension wie der umgebende Raum haben und keine elektromagnetischen Felder berücksichtigt.
Üblicherweise wird in Arbeiten über Elektroelastizität die Entropieungleichung verwendet, um zu entscheiden, welche Deformationen physikalisch zulässig sind und welche nicht. Sie wird außerdem verwendet, um Einschränkungen für die möglichen Formen von konstitutiven Gleichungen, die das Material beschreiben, herzuleiten. Leider gehen die Meinungen über die physikalisch korrekte Formulierung der Entropieungleichung auseinander sobald elektromagnetische Felder beteiligt sind. Weiterhin ist unklar, wie die Entropieungleichung für den Fall einer Membran, die einem elektromagnetischen Feld ausgesetzt ist, formuliert werden muss.
Daher zeigen wir, dass die Benutzung der Entropieungleichung ersetzt werden kann durch die Forderung, dass für einen gegebenen Prozess die Energiebilanz invariant ist unter der Wirkung eines beliebigen Diffeomorphimus' auf den umgebenden Raum und der linearen Reskalierung der Temperatur. Zum einen liefert diese Forderung die gewünschten Einschränkungen für die Form der konstitutiven Gleichungen, zum anderen benoetigt sie viel schwächere Annahmen als die übliche Argumentation mit der Entropieungleichung, die man in der Physikliteratur findet. Unser Resultat ist dabei wieder eine Verallgemeinerung eines Theorems von Marsden und Hughes, wobei es, so wie deren Resultat, nur für Körper gilt, die als offene Teilmengen des dreidimensionalen euklidischen Raums modelliert werden können.
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Charakterisierung regulatorischer Schritte in der konstitutiven Exocytose in Pflanzenzellen / Characterization of Regulatory Steps within the Constitutive Secretory Pathway in Plant CellsSutter, Jens-Uwe 01 November 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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A novel method for constitutive characterization of the mechanical properties of uncured rubberFeng, Xijin, Li, Zhichao, Wei, Yintao, Chen, Yalong, Kaliske, Michael, Zopf, Christoph, Behnke, Ronny 08 October 2019 (has links)
A novel constitutive characterization method for uncured rubber behaviour has been developed in this article. A systematic measuring procedure was designed to fully investigate the uncured rubber complex stress–strain behaviour under different deformation patterns, which integrated three kinds of tests – the uniaxial tensile, the compression test and the shear test. It can be found from the observed behaviour that the uncured rubber has similar but much pronounced non-elastic stress–strain relationship, which is highly non-linear and highly rate dependent. A generalized Maxwell model with modified Yeoh model is developed to constitutively describe the observed phenomena in which parameters are identified by an evolution optimization scheme. Good agreement can be found between the model and the test data. Another finding is that, similar to vulcanized rubber, multi-test data are needed to obtain compatible constitutive models. The test results, findings and the developed model help rubber engineers deeply understand the uncured rubber’s mechanical behaviour and provide a base for rubber manufacturing simulation.
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Multiaxial Constitutive Modeling of Basal Textured Wrought Magnesium AlloysNischler, Anton 21 March 2025 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the multiaxial constitutive modeling of basal textured wrought magnesium (Mg) alloys. Twin-roll-cast Mg alloys typically exhibit a significant basal texture as a result of the manufacturing process. Depending on the direction of load, plastic deformation can occur by activating dislocation slip or twinning. The pronounced basal texture and load direction-dependent plastic deformation mechanisms lead to anisotropic and asymmetric plastic material behavior. Furthermore, in recent research, a pronounced strain localization has been observed in the form of macroscopic bands of twinned grains (BTGs), where the compressive strain is approximately 600 % higher than in adjacent areas. The fatigue behavior is significantly affected by BTGs. However, their local elasto-plastic material behavior remains largely unexplored both experimentally and numerically. The objective of this study is to conduct an experimental analysis of the global and local elasto-plastic material behavior for uniaxial and biaxial stress states, with particular emphasis on anisotropic and asymmetric properties. Additionally, the study aims to establish a constitutive model for finite element method simulation, which encompasses both the anisotropic and asymmetric material behavior as well as the pronounced strain localization.
Therefore, strain-controlled uniaxial tensile and compression tests were performed in both the rolling (RD) and transverse directions (TD). In-situ strain field measurements were performed using digital image correlation (DIC) to locally evaluate the three-dimensional evolution of plastic deformations in the BTGs. The results of the uniaxial compression tests demonstrate that macroscopic plastification takes place exclusively in the BTGs, whereas the adjacent areas are mainly elastically deformed. Additionally, the BTGs exhibit a strong anisotropy in lateral plastic strains. The plastic Poisson’s ratio is 0 in the sheet mid-plane and 1 perpendicular to the sheet mid-plane. It can be stated that this is a fundamental plastic property for twinning. The deviation between the measured plastic Poisson’s ratios and the theoretical values is dependent on the intensity of the basal texture. In contrast, the gauge area of the uniaxial tensile sample exhibits a homogeneous strain field with nearly isotropic material behavior. Both the tensile and compression tests demonstrate plastic volume constancy.
A testing device is presented that allows not only biaxial tensile tests but also, for the first time, biaxial compression tests on thin-walled sheets. A cruciform sample was developed that ensures an almost homogeneous biaxial stress state in the gauge area. Furthermore, a novel anti-buckling device was developed to prevent the biaxial sample from buckling under compressive loading. In analogy to the uniaxial and shear tests, in-situ strain field measurements were performed in the gauge area to study the evolution of plastic deformations. The initial yield loci for calibrating the yield surface were determined using a numerical-experimental method. The findings from the equi-biaxial compression test prove that BTGs form similar to the uniaxial compression tests. Initially, the BTGs form perpendicular to the TD and exhibit a plastic Poisson’s ratio in the sheet plane of approx. 0. The initial biaxial yield stresses correspond approximately to the uniaxial compressive yield stresses. It was proven that the elasto-plastic material behavior can be modeled with a convex yield surface. At higher loads, BTGs are also formed perpendicular to the RD.
A three-dimensional, phenomenological, constitutive model was developed that accounts for the anisotropic and asymmetric plastic material behavior and the potential strain localization. The constitutive model was calibrated through the uniaxial and biaxial tests and subsequently validated with ten different FEM simulations. Tests of the constitutive model using one finite element show that the stress-strain relationship and plastic deformations can be validly calculated, for example, a total of four uniaxial and three biaxial stress states. The FEM simulation of a uniaxial compression sample shows that the discontinuous strain localization can be simulated on the macroscopic scale for the first time. This results in macroscopic bands with high plastic strain (BPDs) whose shape, volume, and propagation match those of the BTGs. Moreover, local state variables, such as stresses, plastic strains, and flow vectors in the BPD, correspond remarkably well to the experimentally measured state variables in the BTG. The validation of a notched specimen from the literature demonstrated that the cross-shaped strain localization in the form of BTGs can be reasonably well calculated. The accurate determination of the field quantities in the BTGs through FEM simulation, which is crucial for fatigue modeling, underscores the capability of the constitutive model.
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SFB 528: Textile Bewehrungen zur Bautechnischen Verstärkung und Instandsetzung / CRC 528: Textile Reinforcements for Structural Strengthening and Repair. Report for the period II/1999-I/2002Curbach, Manfred 04 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Durch die beanspruchungsgerechte Anordnung von Fasermaterialien wie Glas oder Carbon mit hervorragenden Trageigenschaften entstehen technische Textilien, die in eine Betonmatrix eingebracht werden können, so daß ein neuer, innovativer Verbundwerkstoff entsteht, der sowohl bei der Herstellung neuer Betonbauteile verwendet werden kann als auch für den Einsatz in der Instandsetzung und Verstärkung bestehender Bauwerke geeignet ist. Da die verwendeten Materialien im Gegensatz zum Stahl nicht korrosionsempfindlich sind und gleichzeitig hohe Festigkeiten aufweisen, können Verstärkungen aus textilbewehrtem Beton mit sehr geringen Abmessungen ausgeführt werden. Bei Holzkonstruktionen können textile Verstärkungen die durch die Anisotropie bedingten Festigkeits- und Steifigkeitsunterschiede kompensieren und die Dauerhaftigkeit erhöhen. Bei Verzicht auf Knotenbleche aus Stahl und durch Applikation von textilen Strukturen können beachtliche Steigerungen der Tragfähigkeit und der Duktilität von Verbindungen erreicht werden. In den fünf Projektbereichen werden in theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen die Grundlagen für die Werkstoffe, die mechanische Beschreibung, die konstruktive Durchbildung und die Bemessung, die technologische Aufbringung, bautechnische Umsetzung und die Langzeiteigenschaften und damit für die Sicherheit und die Lebensdauer bei der Verwendung textiler Bewehrungen für die Instandsetzung und Verstärkung geschaffen. / The stress-oriented arrangement of fibre materials, such as glass or carbon, which have an excellent load-bearing capacity, leads to technical textiles that may be incorporated into a concrete matrix. So a new, innovative composite material is produced, which can be used for the production of new concrete members and also for the restoration and strengthening of existing structures. As the materials used are noncorrosive compared to steel and as they show great strength at the same time, textile-reinforced concrete can be used for strengthening tasks of small dimensions. With regard to timber structures, textile reinforcement can compensate the strength and stiffness differences caused by anisotropy and can increase durability. If textile structures are used instead of steel gussets this may lead to a considerable increase in the ultimate strength and the ductility of joints. The five fields of the project are designed that theoretical and experimental investigations are carried out to provide the fundamentals of the materials. Additionally information will be obtained about the mechanical description, the detailing and the dimensioning, the techniques of applying, the realisation on the site and the long-term behaviour. All leading to a safety concept and also a service life concept for the use of textile reinforcements for restoration and strengthening.
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SFB 528: Textile Bewehrungen zur Bautechnischen Verstärkung und Instandsetzung: Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht für die Periode II/1999 - I/2002Curbach, Manfred 04 September 2005 (has links)
Durch die beanspruchungsgerechte Anordnung von Fasermaterialien wie Glas oder Carbon mit hervorragenden Trageigenschaften entstehen technische Textilien, die in eine Betonmatrix eingebracht werden können, so daß ein neuer, innovativer Verbundwerkstoff entsteht, der sowohl bei der Herstellung neuer Betonbauteile verwendet werden kann als auch für den Einsatz in der Instandsetzung und Verstärkung bestehender Bauwerke geeignet ist. Da die verwendeten Materialien im Gegensatz zum Stahl nicht korrosionsempfindlich sind und gleichzeitig hohe Festigkeiten aufweisen, können Verstärkungen aus textilbewehrtem Beton mit sehr geringen Abmessungen ausgeführt werden. Bei Holzkonstruktionen können textile Verstärkungen die durch die Anisotropie bedingten Festigkeits- und Steifigkeitsunterschiede kompensieren und die Dauerhaftigkeit erhöhen. Bei Verzicht auf Knotenbleche aus Stahl und durch Applikation von textilen Strukturen können beachtliche Steigerungen der Tragfähigkeit und der Duktilität von Verbindungen erreicht werden. In den fünf Projektbereichen werden in theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen die Grundlagen für die Werkstoffe, die mechanische Beschreibung, die konstruktive Durchbildung und die Bemessung, die technologische Aufbringung, bautechnische Umsetzung und die Langzeiteigenschaften und damit für die Sicherheit und die Lebensdauer bei der Verwendung textiler Bewehrungen für die Instandsetzung und Verstärkung geschaffen. / The stress-oriented arrangement of fibre materials, such as glass or carbon, which have an excellent load-bearing capacity, leads to technical textiles that may be incorporated into a concrete matrix. So a new, innovative composite material is produced, which can be used for the production of new concrete members and also for the restoration and strengthening of existing structures. As the materials used are noncorrosive compared to steel and as they show great strength at the same time, textile-reinforced concrete can be used for strengthening tasks of small dimensions. With regard to timber structures, textile reinforcement can compensate the strength and stiffness differences caused by anisotropy and can increase durability. If textile structures are used instead of steel gussets this may lead to a considerable increase in the ultimate strength and the ductility of joints. The five fields of the project are designed that theoretical and experimental investigations are carried out to provide the fundamentals of the materials. Additionally information will be obtained about the mechanical description, the detailing and the dimensioning, the techniques of applying, the realisation on the site and the long-term behaviour. All leading to a safety concept and also a service life concept for the use of textile reinforcements for restoration and strengthening.
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Multi-physical modeling and numerical simulation of the thermo-hygro-mechanical treatment of woodFleischhauer, Robert, Kaliske, Michael 22 March 2024 (has links)
The contribution at hand introduces computational modeling and realistic simulation concepts for a comprehensive description of the manufacturing and application of densified wood and wooden structures made from molded densified wood.Wood, as a natural material, is characterized by e.g. a very good mechanical load-bearing capacity related to its density. Nevertheless, the ratio between its mechanical properties and its density can be optimized by densification technology for an expanded use of wood in structural engineering. The wood densification process is not only a mechanical process with large and irreversible deformations, it is also denoted by temperature- and moisture-dependent treatments of the wooden specimens. Thus, the introduced approaches to predict the material and structural characteristics of compressed and molded wood consist of an inelastic and multi-physical constitutive modeling of wood at finite deformations as well as the computation of effective structural properties of wood after the thermo-hygro-mechanical densification process. A successful implementation of the modeling concepts into the finite element method (FEM) is presented, which is verified by numerical investigations. A validation of the numerical results is carried out by use of experimental data at beech wood (Fagus Sylvatica, L.), taken from literature.
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