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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medieval and modern halakhic attitudes on the applicability of Biblical rabbinic law concerning the Seven Nations and the ancient pagans to contemporary non-Jews : a study in Halakhah, exegesis and history / Yishum shel ha-mishpat ha-Miḳraʹi-Talmudi be-ḳesher la-yeḥasim ben Yiśraʾel u-ven umot - ha ʻolam be-fesiḳah ha-rabanit le-man ha-meʾah ha-shemoneh eśreh ṿe-elekh

Charlap, Yaakov January 1988 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two issues among the many comprising the broad subject of the relationship between Jews and non-Jews according to Jewish law. The issues are: (1) the prohibition against selling real estate in the land of Israel to non-Jews; and (2) the prohibition against intermarriage. / The prohibition against selling real estate in the land of Israel to non-Jews is based upon a Rabbinic interpretation of the phrase "lo Tehanem" from Deut. 7:2. In the period of the "Rishonim" (from Maimonides till Radbaz) the general view was that this prohibition was still in force and applied to contemporary non-Jews. From the beginning of the modern era, however, this prohibition, as a result of the new reality facing the struggling Jewish settlement in the land of Israel, became problematic. / The prohibition against intermarriage underwent a reverse development. During the Talmudic period most of the Rabbis, guided by the context of the Biblical text, argued that the Biblical prohibition only concerned the "Seven Nations" who used to live in Canaan at the time of the conquest and the settlement. But at the beginning of the modern era a rabbinic consensus gradually emerged that this Biblical prohibition related not only to the "Seven Nations" or "Ancient Pagans", but to all non-Jews at all times. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Historical development of selected design amenities in central Indiana rural school buildings, 1875-1915

Teeple, Lisa J. January 1993 (has links)
The purposes of this study were: (1) to study the conditions that influenced the construction of early rural schoolhouses in Indiana, (2) to examine how emerging concerns for sanitation and student health surfaced from the construction of early rural schoolhouses, and (3) to provide a data base for individuals who desire to do further research on school buildings and their historic preservation. The research concentrated on the period of 1875 to .1915. Special attention was given to conditions that led to the passage of the Sanitary Schoolhouse Act of 1911.Results revealed that early schoolhouses often were constructed as little more than shelters. Virtually no consideration was given to either educational processes or the health and safety of occupants. As a result, water and other design and care of water and sewage systems resulted insanitary factors became major concerns. The inadequate serious health concerns for students and teachers. These concerns contributed to the passage of laws that eventually led to: (1) the abandonment of early rural schoolhouses, and (2) the construction of more sophisticated structures often designed by professional architects.This study also revealed that some of those early schoolhouses that survived have been converted to residential, business, or civic purposes. Photographs of such buildings in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Madison, and Tipton counties in Indiana are included in the thesis. They provide evidence that preservation is a means with which these buildings can continue to serve a useful existence.There is historical value in understanding conditions that led to the rise and fall of early rural school buildings. Collectively, data about the construction and sanitary conditions provide insights into rural culture, expand an appreciation of the uniqueness of design for these buildings, and enhance the importance and desirability of preserving these structures. The net product of this thesis is to provide a view of the construction of buildings in central Indiana of this period. / Department of Architecture

Preservation plan and the history of development of Indiana's round and polygonal barns

McMahan, Jerry D. January 1992 (has links)
Since territorial days, agriculture has been an important and vital aspect of life in Indiana. Developments in the field gradually transformed agriculture from a way of life into an agribusiness, thus positioning agriculture in the mainstream U.S. economy. One of the phenomena that developed as a result of agriculture's evolution was the practice of constructing round and polygonal barns. Such structures were intended to increase the efficiency and thus economic return for the farmers.Between the years 1850 and 1936, some 222 round and polygonal barns were built in the state of Indiana, probably more than in any other state in the Union. Today, only 110 of the barns remain and three to four are destroyed annually. The reasons for the destruction of these agricultural icons are varied but often new machinery and farm practices have rendered the barns obsolete. Additionally, in these economic times, many owners cannot justify spending the money to restore what they consider to be interesting but impractical structures.A large number of owners, however, are interested in saving their round or polygonal barns but are uninformed as to where to turn for help. Therefore, it is necessary to give the barn owners guidance on the qualifications for the Investment Tax Credit Prcgram. These farmers want to know what actions the state and federal agency consider in keeping with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and what the process entails.In response to this issue, this creative project will deal with preservation planning for Indiana's round and polygonal barns. The method of investigation will consist of documenting the overall history of the barns, compiling a survey of the barns that remain and developing a usable preservation plan. This plan will deal with specifics as to suitable replacement materials for roofs and walls, adapting interior spaces to accommodate modern uses and an explanation of the application process for the Investment Tax Credit program. The research and suitability analysis will be developed in conjunction with authorities at the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, specifically Frank Hurdis and David Kroll.In summary, I feel strongly that my chosen field of preservation needs to address the problem of saving structures in a more proactive way. Preservationists have been accused, justifiably so, of merely asking for people to spend vast sums of money to save structures but not offering any viable action plan. I feel that this document is at least a step in the direction of giving these round and polygonal barn owners a practical and understandable guide for saving an important part of our heritage. / Department of Architecture

Medieval and modern halakhic attitudes on the applicability of Biblical rabbinic law concerning the Seven Nations and the ancient pagans to contemporary non-Jews : a study in Halakhah, exegesis and history

Charlap, Yaakov January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Morphogenèse des charpentes à chevrons formant fermes : évolution morphologique, comportement mécanique et principes constructifs / Morphogenesis of medieval rafter trusses : morphological evolution, structural behaviour and constructive principles.

Mouterde, Rémy 23 September 2011 (has links)
Les premières charpentes à chevrons formant fermes dont on a gardé en France des traces datent du XIème siècle. Ce principe va se maintenir jusqu'au XVIIème siècle, pour disparaître ensuite totalement. Leur dispositif morphologique change progressivement avec le temps. L'objectif de ce travail est de contribuer à comprendre les déterminants de cette évolution. Nous proposons deux explications à ces transformations : l'une repose sur l'évolution des connaissances en mécanique des structures. En sélectionnant des spécimens représentatifs des jalons identifiés par nos prédécesseurs, nous utilisons une modélisation numérique de ces structures hyperstatiques pour mieux comprendre le rôle précis jouée par les différentes pièces de la charpente. Les études comparées mettent ainsi en évidence un lent processus d'innovation où alternent des phases d'adaptation morphologiques conjoncturelles et la prise en compte d'une nouvelle connaissance mécanique induite par ces évolutions. L'autre prend en compte la problématique du levage de ces charpentes. En reconstituant certains spécimens remarquables et en étudiant leur mise en place, à l'aide de dispositifs de levage représentatifs de ceux utilisés à cette époque, nous cherchons à préciser la plausibilité de certains scénarios et les séquences opérationnelles associées. Les résultats invalident certaines hypothèses et en particulier, celle d'un assemblage des fermes au niveau du sol avant de les hisser sur les murs. Les premiers dispositifs longitudinaux reliant deux fermes principales apparaissent aussi comme une aide au levage : ils facilitent le travail en hauteur et permettent une mise en place simplifiée des chevrons / The earliest wooden rafter trusses in France can be traced back from the 11th century. Their morphology progressively changes in time until the 17th century, after which it disappears completely. This research is meant to be a contribution towards the understanding of the possible origins of such an evolution. Two explanations are proposed :the first one is based on the accumulation of knowledge in structural mechanics of the carpenters. Considering a selection of specimens that are representative of major milestones identified by previous authors, a numerical modelling of these hyperstatic structures is implemented so as to understand better the precise role played by the different elements of the framework. Comparative studies highlight a slow evolutionary process in which phases of situational shape adaptation alternate with periods of implementation of new knowledge extracted from these experimentations. The second explanation takes into account the problems related to the erection of the frames. Through reconstructions of remarkable specimens and the simulation of the assembly process using representative lifting devices, the credibility of a number of scenarios and operational sequences are evaluated. The results invalidate several assumptions and in particular, that of an assembly at ground level preceding the lifting into place. Furthermore, the first longitudinal systems connecting two principal trusses appear as an aid to the construction process: these facilitate safer in-situ operations and allow an easier assembly of the rafters

Essene sectarianism as a Judaic alternative to Pharisaism and Sadduceanism

Botha, P. D. (Pieter Daniël) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Essenism is, according to the data being discussed in this thesis, closely associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls material and had alienated itself from Second Temple Judaism as manifested through both Pharisaism and Sadduceanism. The problem that presents itself is the fact that Essenism is sometimes seen, with Pharisaism and Sadduceanism, as one of the three major trends within Second Temple Judaism, albeit schismatic in origin and nature. With Sadduceanism deriving its authority from the Temple and written Torah, and with Pharisaism its authority from both the written Torah as well as the oral tradition of the Sages, this thesis attempts to determine the criteria to be applied to cults of the Second Temple period in order for them to be classified as being Judaic. This is done in order to be able to establish what, in their own minds, set the Essenes apart from the other two prominent groups. That their motivation for exclusiveness must have been very strong becomes clear through the fact that, in their writings, the Essenes did not see themselves as just another group within Judaism, but as the only true and legitimate group. The ultimate aims of this thesis therefore are, firstly to find out exactly what constituted mainstream Second Temple Judaism according to certain historical and religious factors as well as Judaic ha/achic interpretation. Secondly, the thesis attempts to ascertain if Essenism met the determined criteria to be regarded as part of mainstream Judaism, and if not, if it can be regarded as sectarian Judaism, or as a separate religion altogether. In view of all the abovementioned criteria discussed, the probable conclusion would be that the sectarians from Qumran never thought of themselves as anything other than Jews within the ha/achic tradition, even though it may have been a ha/acha that may in certain respects have radically deviated from that of their fellow Jews. They can therefore rightly be regarded as part of the Judaic tradition of the Second Temple period. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Essenisme is, volgens die data bespreek in hierdie tesis, nou geassosiëer met die materiaal van die Dooie See Rolle, en die eksponente daarvan het hulself vervreem van Tweede Tempel Judaïsme soos gemanifesteer deur beide Fariseïsme en Sadduseïsme. Die probleem wat homself voordoen, is dat Essenisme, saam met Fariseïsme en Sadduseïsme, somtyds gesien word as een van die drie hoofstrominge binne Tweede Tempel Judaïsme, alhoewelskismaties van aard. Met Sadduseïsme wat sy outoriteit aan die Tempel en geskrewe Tora ontleen, en Fariseïsme sy gesag van beide die geskrewe Tora en die mondelinge tradisie van die Wyses, probeer hierdie tesis die kriteria bepaal wat toegepas kan word op kultusse van die Tweede Tempel tydperk, om sodoende as Judaïsties geklassifiseer te kan word, al dan nie. Dit word gedoen om vas te stel wat, in hul eie oë, die Esseners onderskei het van die ander twee prominente groepe. Uit hul geskrifte kan 'n mens aflei dat die Esseners se dryfveer vir eksklusiwiteit baie sterk moes gewees het, aangesien hulle hulself nie net as nog 'n verdere groep binne die Judaïsme gesien het nie, maar in der waarheid as die enigste ware en legitieme groep. Die uiteindelike doel van hierdie tesis is dus eerstens, om vas te stel presies wat verstaan kan word as Tweede Tempel Judaïsme, aan die hand van sekere historiese en religieuse faktore, asook ha/aehiese interpretasie. Tweedens, probeer dit vasstelof Essenisme aan die vasgestelde kriteria voldoen het om as deel van die hoofstroom Judaïsme gesien te kan word, en indien nie, of dit gesien kan word as sektariese Judaïsme, of as 'n heeltemal aparte godsdiens. In die lig van al die bogemelde bespreekte kriteria, sal die waarskynlike gevolgtrekking wees dat die sektelede van Qumran hulself nooit gesien het as enigiets anders as Jode binne die ha/aehiese tradisie nie, alhoewel dit 'n ha/aeha was wat in sekere opsigte radikaal verskil het van die van hul mede-Jode. Hulle kan gevolglik met reg gesien word as deel van die Judaïstiese tradisie van die Tweede Tempel tydperk.

The Vault with Curvilinear Ribs in the "Hall of Arms" in the Albrechtsburg Meissen: Studies on the Concept, Design and Construction of a Complex Late Gothic Rib Vault

Wendland, David, Aranda Alonso, María, Kobe, Alexander 05 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The current state of research on the design and construction of late Gothic vaults is principally based on the interpretation of sources, but rarely on surveys of existing vaults. In particular the idea for the criteria upon which the radii of the single ribs and arches were determined (so-called "principal arch"), is found to derive from sources dating from later periods when Gothic vaulting was no longer generally practised. In fact, this interpretation cannot be supported by geometric surveys on existing vaults: the plain contradiction to the actual geometric properties of some of the vaults studied so far have called for a critical revision of this interpretation. For investigating the design criteria and procedures starting from the built object, and also debating the methodological aspects of using the "building as source", a rewarding subject is the vault with curvilinear ribs in the "Hall of Arms" in the Albrechtsburg at Meissen (Germany), which was built by Jacob Heilmann in 1521. This is due to its ambitious design, high quality of execution and good state of preservation. A detailed survey of this structure is presented, discussing different aspects of the design, construction, and detailing, e.g.: Investigations on the geometrical concept of the vault by means of "reverse geometric engineering", on the background of the problem mentioned above. Further, the stone-cutting of the single members of the vault, which offers interesting aspects of standardization and its limits in nerves with double curvature: standardization in medieval constructions has been object of discussion, but not yet studied in the ambit of late Gothic vault construction. The question whether and how the vault surface was determined in the design, being the principle structural feature working as a shell structure; this is of particular interest as the relation between the rib system and the shell is complex and has consequences on the stone-cutting of the arches. The question how the design specifications for the single rib members could be derived from the general concept of the curves (clarified in the survey); the context to the graphic sources and technical prose related to late Gothic vault design and structural design. The aim is to understand the entire design process, the criteria of the decisions taken, their relation to the contemporary theory, and the communication process which took place for the creation of this extremely demanding structure.

Der hoch- und spätromanische Bauschmuck des Naumburger Domes im Zusammenhang der Baugeschichte / Architecture and decoration of the Romanesque Naumburg cathedral with regard to the history of its construction

Glaeseker, Michael 19 December 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Traductions constructives du projet d'architecture : théoriser le détail à l'ère de la modélisation intégrative

Destombes, Louis 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A partial differential equation to model the Tacoma Narrows Bridge failure

Swatzel, James Paul 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to examine a partial differential equation to model the Tacoma Narrows bridge failure. This thesis will examine the equation developed by Lazer and McKenna to model a suspension bridge in no wind.

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