Spelling suggestions: "subject:"consumer cience"" "subject:"consumer cscience""
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Entrepreneurial development through non-formal adult education and skills training in a rural communityPerold, Jana 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Consumer Science)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years unemployment figures in South Africa have reached alarming proportions. Many
people do not have any form of income, and many others rely on irregular incomes from seasonal
work. Education of adults has been highlighted as a possibility for teaching people various skills,
which they could apply to generate an income for themselves. This research was conducted by
following a participatory action research method to determine whether a nonformal adult education
programme would assist individuals in generating an income.
The literature review to support the research conducted included a discussion on poverty, rural
areas and their development, and the relevance of entrepreneurial development for these areas.
From here, the focus of the literature review moved to that of adult education as applied in training
programmes. Participatory Action Research (PAR) and its role in a nonformal adult education
programme is discussed, followed by a discussion of empowerment. The monitoring and
evaluation of these programmes are also described.
The Development and Advancement of Rural Entrepreneurship (DARE) is a programme that was
launched in 2000 by the Department of Consumer Science: Foods, Clothing, Housing at the
University of Stellenbosch. The main focus of this programme is the assistance given to rural
communities to assist them in addressing the problem of unemployment and poverty, by providing
support and training to potential local entrepreneurs.
The rural town of Montagu was identified to conduct a nonformal adult education programme,
focusing on skills training and entrepreneurial development of interested individuals in the
community. The research period lasted 14 months. The programme itself consisted of different
projects that concentrated on skills training suitable for income generation. People from the
community were invited to attend the programme, making all participation voluntary. A PAR
approach to present training skills was followed. Each PAR cycle consisted of four stages, namely
planning, action, observation, reflection, as well as the revised plan which forms the first phase of
the next plan. This approach ensures maximum involvement of participants. Empowerment levels
of participants were measured using a standardised questionnaire with a pre- and post- test
design. One of the PAR cycles included a five-day business course. Different aspects of
entrepreneurship were addressed during the programme and eventually all the skills were
combined and implemented to assist in the generation of income.
Data of the empowerment levels of participants, and general information on the participants and
their evaluation of the programme are documented as case studies. This data was also used to
evaluate the success of the programme. The analysis of the data clearly shows that there was a need for skills development and
entrepreneurial development in this rural area. Participants were eager to take part in the
programme and to apply their skills in the market place where they displayed the skills they have
acquired. Those participants who completed the programme all demonstrated an increase in their
empowerment levels, the most significant increase on micro level.
The research results indicated that participants were able to apply the knowledge and skills gained
during the programme. However, four months after the completion of the programme none of
them were involved in income-generation ventures. Despite the fact that the need for training
existed in this rural area, sustainability was problematic once the facilitator withdrew. It is therefore
recommended that novice entrepreneurs should have long-term guidance and emotional support
in order to reach independence eventually. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werkloosheid syfer in Suid-Afrika het die afgelope paar jaar onrusbarend toegeneem. 'n Groot
aantal mense het geen vorm van inkomste nie, en baie maak staat op die inkomste wat hulle uit
seisoenwerk genereer. Opleiding van volwassenes is aangedui as 'n wyse waarop mense 'n
verskeidenheid vaardighede kan aanleer wat hulle dan kan toepas om sodoende vir hulself 'n
inkomste te genereer. Hierdie navorsing is onderneem om te bepaal of 'n nieformele
opleidingsprogram waar 'n deelnemende aksienavorsingsmetode (DAN) gevolg is, individue sal
kan help om 'n inkomste te genereer.
Die literatuuroorsig wat die navorsing onderskryf, sluit 'n bespreking in van armoede, landelike
areas en die ontwikkeling daarvan asook van die relevansie van entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling in
hierdie areas. Die fokus van die literatuur verskuif dan na volwasse onderwys, soos toegepas in
opleidings programme. Daarna word deelnemende aksienavorsing (DAN) en die rol daarvan in
programme in nieformele onderwys vir volwassenes bespreek. Dit word gevolg deur 'n bespreking
van bemagtiging. Laastens word monitering en evaluering van programme bespreek.
Die Development and Advancement of Rural Enterprises (DARE) Program is deur die Universiteit
van Stellenbosch, Departement Verbruikerswetenskap: Voedsel, Kleding, Behuising in 2000
geloods. Die fokus van die program is om bystand aan landelike gemeenskappe ten opsigte van
die hantering van werkloosheid en armoede aan te spreek.
Die landelike dorp Montagu, is geïdentifiseer as 'n area om 'n nieformele onderwysprogram vir
volwassenes wat fokus op vaardigheidsopleiding en entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling van
belangstellende individue in die gemeenskap, aan te bied. Mense van die gemeenskap is
uitgenooi om vrywillig aan die program deel te neem. Die navorsingsperiode het oor 14 maande
gestrek. Die program self het bestaan uit verskillende projekte wat op opleidingsvaardighede
geskik om 'n inkomste te genereer, fokus. 'n Deelnemende aksienavorsingsmetode is gevolg om
opleidingsvaardighede aan te bied. Elke DAN-siklus het uit vier fases bestaan, naamlik
beplanning, aksie, observasie en besinning. 'n Hersieningsplan het deel uitgemaak van die eerste
fase van die volgende siklus. Hierdie benadering het maksimum betrokkenheid deur deelnemers
verseker. Tydens een van die DAN siklusse, is deelnemers se bemagtingingsvlakke gemeet deur
gebruik te maak van 'n gestandaardiseerde vraelys met 'n voor- en ná-toets ontwerp. Een van die
DAN-siklusse het uit 'n vyf-dag sakekursus bestaan. Verskillende aspekte van entrepreneurskap
is tydens die program aangespreek en ten slotte is alle vaardighede saamgevoeg en
geïmplementeer om die generering van inkomste aan te moedig. Gevallestudies is gebruik om deelnemers se bemagtigingsvlakke, algemene inligting oor die
deelnemers en die deelnemers se evaluering van die program aan te teken. Hierdie data is ook
gebruik om die sukses van die program te evalueer.
Die data analise wys uitdruklik dat daar 'n behoefte was aan die ontwikkeling van vaardighede en
entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling in hierdie landelike gebied. Deelnemers was gretig om aan die
program deel te neem en om vaardighede wat aangeleer is, toe te pas op die ope mark. Die
deelnemers wat die program voltooi het, het almal 'n verbetering ten opsigte van hulle vlakke van
bemagtiging getoon, met die grootste verbetering op die mikrovlak.
Die navorsingsresultate bevestig dat die deelnemers hulle vaardighede en kennis wat in die
program verwerf is, kon toepas. Nogtans was geeneen van die deelnemers wat die program
voltooi het, vier maande ná die afloop van die program besig om 'n inkomste te genereer nie. AI
was daar 'n behoefte aan opleiding in hierdie landelike area geidentifiseer, was daar, nadat die
fasiliteerder onttrek het, geen volhoubaarheid van die program nie. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat
opkomende entrepreneurs langtermynondersteuning sal geniet wat uiteindelik tot hul
onafhanklikheid sal lei.
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The assessment of a rural community's needs and expectations regarding a community associationCoetzee, Ilse-Marí 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Community associations and community centres have become a common phenomenon throughout South
Africa. The aims of these associations and centres are closely linked to community development. Research
has found that activities related to development programmes at such centres come to an end when facilitators
hand the programmes over to the community. This was indeed the case at the Darling Focus Association
and Centre in Darling. A possible reason for this was that the community's needs and expectations were not
being met. The purpose of this study was to establish whether this Community Association and the services,
activities and programmes presented at the Centre meet the needs and expectations of the rural community.
A literature review was undertaken to present an in-depth look into the body of knowledge surrounding the
study. Rural community development and the notion of rural community were discussed, since they create
the context in which community associations and community centres function. Special attention was given to
the revision of literature on the purposes and functions of community associations and centres. The concepts
of community needs and community expectations were reviewed. The literature review concluded with a
reference to the sustainability of activities following on training and development programmes based on
community needs.
The geographically demarcated area of the study was the rural town of Darling, as well as the Darling Focus
Association and Centre. A context analysis was done and documents were analysed to gain knowledge of
the functioning of the Association and the Centre. The activities, services and programmes offered by the
Association at the Centre were established. A survey was undertaken among the Darling community, the
members of the management committee of the Darling Focus Association and the participants in activities at
the Darling Focus Centre. Samples were selected from these three groups, after which three different
questionnaires were designed and tested and finally administered to the three groups.
Statistical analysis was carried out on the data gathered during the community survey, and frequency tables
and cross-tabulations were constructed. Data gathered from the management and participant surveys was
analysed and described using frequency tables. The analysis showed that the community, the members of
the management committee and the participants in activities at the Centre had different viewpoints on the
functioning of the Association and the Centre. The community survey also revealed the needs of the
community for certain activities, services and programmes, as well as their expectations of the Association.
Comparisons were made between the needs of the community and the activities, services and programmes
offered by the Association. The expectations and viewpoints of the community were also compared with the
viewpoints of the management committee members and the participants. The conclusions of the study indicated that the activities, services and programmes offered by the
Association at the Centre did not meet the needs of the community, and shortcomings were identified. The
viewpoints of the management committee and the participants in activities did not comply with the
expectations and viewpoints of the community. It is argued that this might be the reason for the low
sustainability of activities, services and programmes of the Association. Recommendations are made to the
Association to increase participation within the community and to address the community's needs in order to
improve the sustainability of the activities, services and programmes of the Association. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenskapsverenigings en -sentrums het al 'n algemene verskynsel in Suid-Afrika geword. Die doel van
hierdie verenigings en sentrums is nou gekoppel aan gemeenskapsontwikkeling. Navorsing het bevind dat
aktiwiteite rondom ontwikkelingsprogramme ophou nadat die fasiliteerders die programme aan die
gemeenskap oorgee. Dit is spesifiek gevind in die Darling gemeenskap, by die Darling Fokus Vereniging en
Sentrum. 'n Rede vir die verskynsel mag wees dat daar nie aan die gemeenskap se behoeftes en
verwagtinge voldoen word nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stelof die landelike
Gemeenskapsvereniging en die dienste, aktiwiteite en programme wat in die Sentrum aangebied word, aan
die behoeftes en verwagtinge van die landelike gemeenskap voldoen.
'n Literatuuroorsig is onderneem om 'n in-diepte verslag te lewer van die literatuur wat die teoretiese
onderbou van die studie vorm. Landelike gemeenskapsontwikkeling asook die begrip landelike
gemeenskappe, wat die konteks vorm waarbinne landelike gemeenskapsverenigings en -sentrums
funksioneer, is bespreek. Spesiale aandag is gegee aan die oorsig oor literatuur aangaande die doel en
funksies van gemeenskapsverenigings en -sentrums. Die konsep van gemeenskapsbehoeftes en -
verwagtinge is bespreek en die literatuuroorsig is afgesluit met verwysing na die volhoubaarheid van
aktiwiteite wat volg op opleidings- en ontwikkelingsprogramme, gebaseer op gemeenskapsbehoeftes.
Die geografies-afgebakende studiegebied was die landelike dorpie Darling, asook die Darling Fokus
Vereniging en Sentrum. 'n Konteksanalise is gedoen en dokumente is geanaliseer om kennis te bekom van
die funksionering van die Vereniging en die Sentrum. Die aktiwiteite, dienste en programme wat die
Vereniging aan die gemeenskap by die Gemeenskapsentrum bied, is vasgestel. 'n Opname is verder
onderneem onder die Darling gemeenskap, die lede van die bestuurskomitee van die Darling Fokus
Vereniging en die deelnemers aan die aktiwiteite by die Darling Fokus Sentrum. Steekproewe is van die drie
groepe getrek, drie verskillende vraelyste is ontwerp en getoets en daarna op die drie verskillende groepe
'n Statistiese analise is op die data uitgevoer wat in die gemeenskapsopname ingesamel is, en
frekwensietabelle en kruistabulasies is opgestel. Data wat in die bestuurs- en deelnemersopnames
ingesamel is, is ontleed en met behulp van frekwensietabelle beskryf. Die analises het getoon dat die
gemeenskap, die lede van die bestuurskomitee en die deelnemers aan aktiwiteite by die Sentrum
verskillende sieninge oor die funksionering van die Vereniging en die Sentrum het. Die
gemeenskapsopname het ook die behoeftes van die gemeenskap vir sekere aktiwiteite, dienste en
programme, asook hul verwagtinge van die Vereniging, uitgewys. Vergelykings is getref tussen die
behoeftes van die gemeenskap en die aktiwiteite, dienste en programme wat deur die Vereniging aangebied
word. Die verwagtinge en sieninge van die gemeenskap is ook vergelyk met die sieninge van die
bestuurslede en die deelnemers. Die bevindinge van die studie het getoon dat die aktiwiteite, dienste en programme wat die Vereniging aan
die gemeenskap bied, nie in die behoeftes van die gemeenskap voorsien nie, en leemtes is geïdentifiseer.
Die sieninge van die bestuurskomitee en die deelnemers aan aktiwiteite stem nie ooreen met die verwagtinge
en sieninge van die gemeenskap nie. Daar word verder redeneer dat dit moontlik die rede mag wees. vir die
lae volhoubaarheid van aktiwiteite, dienste en programme van die Vereniging. Aanbevelings word gemaak
vir die Vereniging om die deelname van die gemeenskap te verhoog en om aandag te gee aan die
gemeenskap se behoeftes om sodoende die volhoubaarheid van die aktiwiteite, dienste en programme van
die Vereniging te verbeter.
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An educational computer programme designed for companies in South Africa to facilitate employee housing assistanceFullard, Alexandra J. E. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 'Housing' has been addressed as a basic human right. In South Africa this right has
become a challenge, which cannot be met by the government alone. It also requires a
vast contribution from the broader non-State (private) sector. This includes large
companies who need to provide housing assistance to their employees.
The aim of this research was to develop an educational computer programme which
can be used by companies in their employee housing assistance programmes. The
objectives of the research included establishing the extent to which companies provide
employee housing assistance; the viability of an educational computer programme; the
requirements of companies; criteria and content of a computer programme; and the
development and testing of a pilot demonstration module of an educational computer
programme for employee housing assistance.
Exploratory research was carried out on a sample of 112 companies by means of both
postal and telephonic questionnaires. The results of these surveys indicated that 41 of
these companies have already established employee housing assistance, providing
general information on housing and housing related issues. Most of these companies,
however, are only offering financial assistance to their employees without the necessary
education and training which should accompany it. A programme which provides these
aspects benefits both the company and the employees and should be implemented by
many more institutions throughout the country. The main findings of this research, indicated the viability of an educational computer
programme and the surveyed companies were positive about using it as part of their
employee housing assistance.
Throughout the world, computers have proved to offer high-quality interaction and
unique learning opportunities to users of varying levels of understanding. They have
also demonstrated that they are convenient to use and assist in promoting effective
management of time and finances.
On the basis of the responses to the survey, essential elements of an educational
computer programme for the use of companies in employee housing assistance were
identified. A pilot demonstration module was developed using a holistic and didactically
sound approach.
The development of this educational computer programme, will allow lower income
employees to receive beneficial housing assistance at their own pace and level of
comprehension and education through an enjoyable and contemporary medium.
The results of the initial (but limited) testing of the pilot demonstration module,
suggested that there is justification for the further development of the programme and
for research to be carried out to examine its effect in the private sector.
This research sheds light on the present trends in the provision of employee housing
assistance in the private sector and the positive contribution which companies can
provide to the housing crisis in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'Behuising' word as 'n basiese reg van die mens beskou. In Suid-Afrika het hierdie reg
'n uitdaging geword wat nie deur die regering alleen aanvaar kan word nie. Dit verg ook
'n groot bydrae van die breër gemeenskap, veral die privaatsektor, en dit sluit groot
maatskappye wat behuisingshulp aan hulle werknemers behoort te verskaf, in.
Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingsprojek was om 'n opvoedkundige rekenaarprogram
te ontwikkel wat deur maatskappye as deel van 'n behuisingsondersteuningsprogram
aan hulle werknemers gebied kan word. Die doelwitte van die navorsing was onder
meer om die mate waartoe maatskappye reeds behuisingsondersteuningsprogramme
vir hulle werknemers aanbied, te bepaal. Verder is die lewensvatbaarheid van 'n
opvoedkundige rekenaarprogram bepaal, asook die maatskappye se behoefte aan so 'n
program. Daar is ook vasgestel wat maatskappye se menings oor die kriteria vir en
inhoud van 'n opvoedkundige rekenaarprogram, wat as deel van hulle
behuisingsondersteuningsprogram aan werknemers gebied kan word, is.
Verkennende navorsing is onderneem met 'n steekproef van 112 maatskappye deur
middel van telefoniese- en posvraelyste. Die resultate van hierdie vraelyste het
aangedui dat 41 van die maatskappye reeds 'n behuisingsondersteuningsprogram
aanbied wat algemene inligting oor behuising en behuisingsverwante aangeleenthede
aan die werknemers verskaf. Die meeste van dié maatskappye, wat
behuisingsondersteuningsprogramme aanbied, bied egter alleenlik finansiële hulp aan
hulle werknemers, sonder die nodige meegaande opvoeding en opleiding. "n Program wat beide finansiële en opvoedkundige hulp aanbied kan maatskappye en
werknemers tot voordeel strek en behoort landswyd deur baie meer inrigtings
geïmplementeer te word.
Die hoofbevindinge van die navorsing het getoon dat die opvoedkundige
rekenaarprogram lewensvatbaar is, en die deelnemende maatskappye het
bereidwilligheid getoon om so "n program as deel van hulle werknemers se
behuisingsondersteuningsprogram in te sluit.
Die ontwikkeling van die rekenaarprogram sal dit moontlik maak vir werknemers om op
verskillende vlakke van begrip en opvoedingspeil, voordelige behuisingsondersteuning
teen hulle eie tempo en deur middel van "n genotvolle en kontemporêre medium te kan
Dit is wêreldwyd bewys dat rekenaars hoë kwaliteit interaksie en unieke
leergeleenthede op alle begripssvlakke kan bied. Daar is ook bewys gelewer dat
rekenaars nie net gerieflik is nie, maar ook effektief met die bestuur van tyd en finansies
Op grond van die vraelys resultate, is noodsaaklike elemente van 'n
rekenaargebaseerde behuisingsondersteuningsprogram vir werknemers geïdentifiseer,
en "n proefmodule ontwikkel wat gebruik maak van "n holistiese en didakties gesonde
Die uitslae van die eerste (maar beperkte) toetsing van die proefmodule dui daarop dat
daar regverdiging is vir die verdere ontwikkeling van die program asook vir navorsing
om te bepaal wat die effek van so "n program op die privaatsektor sou wees.
Hierdie navorsing het lig gewerp op huidige neigings in die verskaffing van
behuisingsondersteuning aan werknemers in die privaatsektor, asook op die positiewe
bydrae wat deur maatskappye gelewer kan word tot die oplossing van die
behuisingkrisis in Suid-Afrika.
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Protection of the long chain N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in hake head flour against oxidationNolte, Noreen Kathleen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Please refer to full text for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien asb volteks vir opsomming
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The development of two-week menu cycles for households with children allergic to wheat, soy, cow's milk and egg respectivelyMatthee, Suzette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Consumer Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Food allergies in children are a growing problem and have various effects on these children, their
households, the community and the economy. No medication or cure is currently available to consumers
suffering from food-allergies. Medical teams are aware of the patients' need for support, but information is
lacking and understanding of their basic needs and problems neglected.
Two qualitative research methods, namely the focus group technique and case studies were used to
investigate the emotional and physical environment of children allergic to wheat, soy, cow's milk and egg
respectively. Five focus group meetings were conducted with the caregivers of food-allergic children. Two
during the pilot study and three in the main study. A total of twenty three participants attended the three
meetings of the main study. A meeting schedule was developed and the meetings carefully moderated.
After the data had been obtained from the focus group meetings, there was a need for more in-depth
information and understanding.
Seven of the participants of the focus groups were identified, through developed criteria, to be further
investigated as case studies. Five units of investigation were identified for the case studies. It was the (i)
caregiver, (ii) allergic child, (iii) other children, (iv) "non-caregiver parent" and (v) household.
Some of the matters that were investigated in both the focus groups and case studies were health
consciousness, menu planning, recipe needs and use, reading of food labels, hidden allergens and the
social and emotional effects of having and being a food-allergic child. A great need for better support and
educational programs to assist these households were identified. Very few of the households were health
conscious, while they all experienced problems with menu planning, identifying hidden allergens and
suffered from social and or emotional problems. Very few participants made use of recipes or identified a
need for allergen-free recipes.
After having gained insight in the daily lives of these households, four - virtually identical, two-week menu
cycles were developed to suit the life style requirements and restrictions of these children. The same recipes
were used, but allergens omitted, replacements made and the recipes adapted as necessary. Product
scouting was done for hidden allergens in selected popular convenience foods, especially those from the
lowest level of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. Hidden allergens appeared to be a problem when food is prepared and bought for the food allergic child. It should be taken into account that despite the information
stated on the food label undeclared allergens might still be present in food.
The two-week menu cycle for the child allergic to cow's milk was then quantitatively evaluated for nutritional
adequacy by FoodFinder ™ 2 - a software program, for children aged between seven and ten years. All the
macronutrients and micronutrients identified by the National Survey in 1999 as insufficient «67% of the
RDA) among South African children aged between one and nine years, were evaluated as well as those
mentioned in the WHO Dietary and Health Goals. All the nutrients were sufficient, except for calcium and
Vitamin D. Supplementation is advised. The sensory acceptability of the menu-items in the two-week menu
cycles were not evaluated.
A vast number of issues pertaining to the food-allergic child require further research. A great need exists for
the development of educational programs to support the households with food-allergic children. The
identification of hidden allergens and the development of reliable sensory testing models for food-allergic
children are all areas that should urgently be researched further. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voedsel-allergieë by kinders is 'n groeiende probleem met 'n verskeidenheid effekte op dié kinders, hulle
huishoudings, die gemeenskap en die ekonomie. Tans is geen medikasie of kuur teen voedsel-allergieë
beskikbaar nie. Mediese spanne is bewus van die behoefte aan sorg en leiding wat deur dié spesifieke
groep verbruikers benodig word, maar inligting oor hulle behoeftes en probleme is ontoereikend.
Twee kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes, naamlik die fokusgroeptegniek en gevallestudies, is gebruik om die
emosionele en fisiese omgewing van kinders allergies vir onderskeidelik grane, soja, melk en eiers te
ondersoek. Tydens 'n voorloperstudie is twee fokusgroepvergaderings gehou. Vir die hoofstudie is drie
fokusgroepvergaderings met versorgers van kinders met 'n voedsel-allergie gehou met 'n totaal van drie en
twintig deelnemers. 'n Vergaderingskedule is ontwikkel en die vergaderings is sorgvuldig gemodereer.
Nadat die data van die fokusgroepe ingesamel is, was daar behoefte aan meer in diepte inligting en begrip.
Aan die hand van ontwikkelde kriteria is sewe van die deelnemers aan die fokus groepe as gevallestudies
geselekteer. Vyf eenhede van ondersoek is geïdentifiseer vir die gevallestudies. Dit is: (i) die allergiese
kind, (ii) versorger, (iii) ander kinders, (iv) die "nie-versorgende" ouer en (v) die huishouding.
Sommige van die aspekte wat in beide die fokusgroepe en gevallestudies ondersoek is, was
gesondheidsbewustheid, spyskaartbeplanning, die gebruik en behoefte aan resepte, lees van
voedseletikette, verskuilde allergene en die sosiale en emosionele effek van 'n voedsel-allergie op die kind
sowel as die ouers. 'n Groot behoefte aan beter ondersteuning en opvoedkundige programme, om hierdie
huishoudings te help, is geïdentifiseer. Baie min van die huishoudings was werkilk gesondheidsbewus,
terwyl hulle almal probleme met spyskaartbeplanning, identifisering van verborge allergene en sosioemosionele
probleme ondervind het. Weinig van die deelnemers het gebruik gemaak van resepte of het 'n
behoefte aan allergeen-vrye resepte ondervind.
Nadat insig in die daaglikse lewenstyl van hierdie huishouding verkry is, is vier amper-identiese twee-weekse
siklusspyskaarte ontwikkel wat die lewenstyl en behoeftes van hierdie huishoudings aanspreek. Dieselfde
resepte was gebruik vir al vier twee-weeksiklusspyskaarte, met die verskil dat verskillende allergene vervang is, na gelang van die allergie verskillende behoefte. Marknavorsing is gedoen op alledaagse produkte en is
hoofsaaklik gefokus op die produkte wat die basis van die voedselpiramide uitmaak. Daar is bevind dat
verskeulde allergene voorkom in produkte waar dit nie verwag word nie, en soms selfs nie op die
voedseletikette verklaar word nie.
Die twee-weeksiklusspyskaart van die melk-allergiese kind is kwantitatief ge-evalueer vir toereikendheid van
die dieet vir kinders tussen die ouderdomme sewe tot tien jaar op die Foodfinder TM 2 - sagteware program.
Die makro- en mikronutriente wat volgens 'n nasionale opname in 1999 as problematiese «67% van die
RDA) vir kinders in die ouderdomsgroep een tot nege, uitgewys is, is geneem en die voedingstowwe is ook
teen die Werêld Gesondheidsorganisasie (WHO) se dieetdoelwitte getoets. AI die nutriënte was voldoende
volgens die analise, behalwe kalsium en Vitamen D. Supplementasie word aanbeveel vir dié twee nutriënte.
Die sensoriese aanvaarbaarheid van die spyskaartitems in die siklusspyskaart is nie getoets nie.
Verskeie aspekte wat vorendag gekom het, benodig verdere navorsing. 'n Groot behoefte aan die
ontwikkeling van opvoedkundige programme, wat die huishoudings met voedsel-allergiese kinders
ondersteun, bestaan. Die identifikasie van verskuilde allergene en die ontwikkeling van 'n beproefte
sensoriese toetsmodel vir voedsel-allergiese kinders is potensiële gebiede wat dringend verder nagevors
behoort te word.
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Food product development with spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) – Sensory profiling, product perception and consumer acceptanceGrahl, Stephanie 08 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A sensory evaluation of swidden rye (Secale cereale) – how the taste of history and geographical location can play part in a sustainable food productionJonsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Due to their resilience, durability, and broad genetic variations, increasing the production and consumption of landrace cereals has been highlighted as a solution to handle increasing environmental variability resulting from climate change. However, the consumption of landrace cereals remains low due to limited production and purchase availability for consumers. To increase knowledge and possibly the production and consumption of landrace cereals, the overall aim of the study was to investigate the influence of terroir and the addition of ingredients on consumers' perception and acceptance of sensory qualities in cookies prepared from the landrace cereal swidden rye. Rye (Secale cereale) has been pointed out as a wonder crop and is of historical importance in the Nordic region. The study analyses the application of swidden rye (Swedish: Svedjeråg), a landrace variety of rye, in cookies by investigating how consumers perceive and describe its sensory characteristics. Additionally, the study explores how terroir relates to sensory perceptions. Five samples of swidden rye and a conventional rye sample have been included in the study. The study used a mixed methods approach with a Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA®), a hedonic liking test, a focus group, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data. Different sensory profiles could be detected for the cookies produced with swidden rye, and a descriptive vocabulary and sensory profiles have been developed to describe the swidden rye cookies. Common descriptors were a browned butter aroma, a colour that ranged between golden and grey, roasted nutty and rye flavours, with a coarser or oily texture. All cookies were considered liked and acceptable by consumers, and cookies produced with swidden rye and the addition of butter and sugar could meet future consumers' expectations. There were relationships between terroir and sensory perceptions of swidden rye cookies. Relationships were found for increases and decreases in intensities of different sensory attributes. The geographical location on the latitude was only related to a decrease in the liking for texture; otherwise, differences in the consumer's liking were not related to the farm's geographical location. Showing that soil texture and land types are more related to differences in consumer liking and that the geographical location was less so. However, all parameters representing terroir were related to perceived sensory attribute intensities. The knowledge gained can be applied in the efforts to increase the production and consumption of landrace cereals. Communicating both the history, the historical importance, and the different sensory characteristics of swidden rye through terroir could be one way to increase consumers' interests and consumption.
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The development, implementation and evaluation of a housing education literacy programme for semi-literate recipients of government subsidised housingVenter, Maria Dorothea 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Consumer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In the ten years since the inclusive elections of 1994, the South African government has created an international precedent in the housing field. It is widely acknowledged that in this period it has delivered more subsidised houses than any other country in the world. The housing backlog is still between 2 to 3 million and growing every year, so housing policies for the future must continue to , not only provide subsidised housing for a large part of the population but also seeking to establish a viable market for low-cost housing units and to create sustainable human settlements for low-income groups. There are a therefore large numbers of new consumers that enter the housing market for the first time.
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Food micro-enterprises for food security in an urban slum community in East London : development of an awareness-creating programmeCress-Williams, Lise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to develop the content of a programme to increase the awareness of women in
Duncan Village of I) the potential role of food micro-enterprises in the improvement of food security; 2)
the consumer demand concerning the operations of food micro-enterprises; and 3) appropriate microenterprise
training programmes available in the greater East-London area. This was based on an
identified need for the inclusion of a module on food security in a comprehensive programme to prevent
growth failure in 0 to 24-month-old children attending local government clinics in Duncan Village by
improving the capacity of mothers or primary caregivers to care for their children.
Food security is defined as access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life.
The potential role of food micro-enterprises in the improvement of food security was established through
a literature review. It was established that street foods contribute to individual food security by
providing food where people work or congregate at cheap prices, thus increasing availability. It also
helps in meeting energy and nutritional needs if safe, nutritious food is provided. The main method by
which it increases an individual's access to food is by supplying an income to food micro-enterprise
owners if they sell street foods.
The consumer demand concerning the operations (including the products) of food micro-enterprises was
determined through personal interviews with the customers and non-customers of food micro-enterprises
in Duncan Village, using a structured questionnaire. One hundred and twenty-nine customers and 129
non-customers were selected using a combination of cluster and convenience sampling. Food microenterprises
operating at the schools and on pavements in Duncan Village and at the taxi rank in East
London were included. The results of this particular survey indicate that the consumer behaviour is
influenced by the trade area where the customers purchase their food, the age and gender of the
customers as well as the friendliness of the vendor. The product choice of consumers was mostly
determined by taste, price and how filling the food is. There was general satisfaction with the operating
times of, and the products sold by, food micro-enterprises. Street food consumers were least satisfied
with the locations where the enterprises were situated. The dusty environment was given as a reason for
dissatisfaction. Further, cleanliness of the food, the vendor and the environment were the main problems
cited, especially by the non-customers.
The appropriateness of micro-enterprise training programmes available in the greater East London area
for current and prospective food micro-enterprise owners in Duncan Village was determined by
compiling a profile of food micro-enterprises, their owners and their business operations in Duncan
Village; identifying the features of the ideal training programme for current and prospective food microenterprise
owners in Duncan Village; investigating the supply of micro-enterprise training in the greater
East London area; and evaluating the appropriateness of the identified training programmes. The profile of food micro-enterprises in Duncan Village owned by women, included a profile of the
owners, the enterprise itself as well as the business operations thereof. The data were gathered by means
ofa personal interview (using a structured questionnaire) with the owners of food micro-enterprises. The
enterprises included in the study were operated by women producing and trading processed foods from
non-permanent structures at schools and on pavements in Duncan Village, as well as at the taxi ranks in
East London. Systematic sampling techniques were used to select food micro-enterprises at the schools
while all the enterprises at the pavements and at the taxi rank were included. This resulted in the
inclusion of 41 food micro-enterprises. The results indicated that the profiles of these owners do not
differ significantly from micro-enterprise owners operating in the informal sector elsewhere in South
Africa. Furthermore, they indicated a clear need for training in all aspects regarding their business
The identification of the features of the ideal micro-enterprise training programme for the training of
current and prospective female food micro-enterprise owners operating in Duncan Village was based on
the profiles of street food consumers and food micro-enterprise owners, discussions with experts and on
the literature. The identified features were used for the development of a framework to evaluate the
appropriateness of micro-enterprise training in the greater East London area for current and prospective
food micro-enterprise owners in Duncan Village.
The supply of micro-enterprise training in the greater East London area for food micro-enterprise owners
was investigated using a structured questionnaire, completed during a personal interview with the
training managers of the organisations. All governmental and non-governmental organisations in the
area offering training programmes with the objective to motivate and enable persons to establish a microenterprise
in the informal sector; or with the objective to enable established micro-enterprises to operate
more efficiently within the informal sector, were included in the study population. These organisations
were identified through snowball sampling and resulted in ten organisations and 17 programmes being
Subsequently, the appropriateness of micro-enterprise training programmes available in the greater East
London area for current and prospective food micro-enterprise owners in Duncan Village was evaluated
using the Evaluation Framework. The results indicate that only one programme, combining business
management and cooking skills, could be rated as appropriate for current and prospective food microenterprise
owners in Duncan Village. Five other programmes could be rated as moderately appropriate
for particular groups. These programmes, with the exception of one, included business management
skills and no cooking skills. The remaining programmes were rated as either not very appropriate or
inappropriate for current and prospective food micro-enterprise owners in Duncan Village.
It is concluded that a need for the mentioned awareness-creating programme exists. Furthermore, it is
recommended that the programme developed in this research, be used as basis for the household food
security module of the comprehensive programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was die ontwikkeling van 'n program om die bewustheid van vroue in Duncan
Village ten opsigte van 1) die bydrae wat voedsel mikro-ondernemings tot die verbetering van voedsel
sekuriteit kan lewer; 2) verbruikers se behoeftes betreffende die bedrywighede van voedsel mikroondernemings;
en 3) toepaslike mikro-onderneming opleidingprogramme in die groter Oos Londen area
te verhoog. Die behoefte om 'n module oor voedselsekuriteit in 'n omvattende intervensie program in te
sluit, is reeds geïdentifiseer. Hierdie intervensie program het ten doeI om groeivertraging in 0 tot 24
maande oue kinders, wat munisipale klinieke in Duncan Village besoek, te voorkom deur die
versorgingkapasiteit van hul moeders of primêre versorgers te verhoog.
Voedselsekuriteit word gedefinieer as toegang deur alle mense, ten alle tye, tot genoegsame voedsel vir
'n aktiewe, gesonde lewe. Die potensiële rol wat voedsel mikro-ondernemings in die verbetering van
voedselsekuriteit kan speel, is deur middel van 'n literatuuroorsig vasgestel. Daar is vasgestel dat die
voedsel wat deur hierdie ondernemings verkoop word tot individuele voedselsekuriteit bydra deurdat dit
goedkoop voedsel beskikbaar stel by plekke waar mense werk of andersins bymekaar kom. Indien
veilige en voedsame voedsel voorsien word, kan dit help om energie- en voedingbehoeftes te bevredig.
Die belangrikste metode waardeur dit 'n individu se toegang tot voedsel verhoog, is deur 'n inkomste aan
die eienaars van voedsel mikro-ondernemings te verskaf.
Verbruikers se behoeftes betreffende die bedrywighede, insluitend produkte, van voedsel mikroondernemings
is met behulp van gestruktureerde vraelyste tydens persoonlike onderhoude met die kopers
en nie-kopers van voedsel van hierdie ondernemings, bepaal. Eenhonderd nege-en-twintig kopers en niekopers
is onderskeidelik geselekteer deur 'n kombinasie van bondel- en geriefssteekproefneming te
gebruik. Die voedsel mikro-ondernemings wat handel gedryf het by skole en op sypaadjies in Duncan
Village, asook dié by die taxi staanplek in Oos Londen, is in hierdie steekproef ingesluit. Die resultate
van hierdie opname toon aan dat verbruikergedrag bepaal word deur die gebied waar verbruikers hul kos
koop, die geslag en ouderdom van die verbruiker, en die vriendelikheid van die verkoper. Verbruikers se
produkkeuse word grootliks bepaal deur die smaak, koste en die vullingsvermoë van die voedsel.
Verbruikers was oor die algemeen tevrede met die bedryfsure en die produkte van voedsel mikroondernemings.
Hulle was egter die minste tevrede met die area waar die ondernemings bedryf word,
hoofsaaklik vanweë die stowwerigheid van die omgewing. Nie-kopers in die besonder het die higiëne
van die voedsel, die verkoper en die omgewing as hul grootste bronne van kommer bestempel.
Die toepaslikheid van beskikbare mikro-onderneming opleidingprogramme in die groter Oos Londen
omgewing vir huidige en voornemende eienaars van voedsel mikro-ondernemings in Duncan Village is
geëvalueer deur die volgende stappe uit te voer: 'n Profiel van voedsel mikro-ondernemings, met
inbegrip van die eienaars en die besigheidsaktiwiteite, is saamgestel. Die eienskappe van die ideale
opleidingprogram vir huidige en voornemende eienaars van voedsel mikro-ondernemings in Duncan
Village is geïdentifiseer, die beskikbaarheid van mikro-onderneming opleiding in die groter Oos Londen
omgewing is ondersoek en die toepaslikheid van die geïdentifiseerde programme is geëvalueer. Die profiel van voedsel mikro-ondernemings in Duncan Village, het 'n profiel van die eienaars, die
onderneming self en die besigheidbedrywighede ingesluit. Die data is ingesamel deur gestruktureerde
vraelyste gedurende 'n persoonlike onderhoud met die eienaars van voedsel mikro-ondernemings te
voltooi. Die ondernemings wat in die studie ingesluit is, is bestuur deur vroue wat voedsel vervaardig en
verkoop vanaf nie-permanente strukture by die skole en op die sypaadjies in Duncan Village, asook die
taxi staanplek in Oos Londen. Sistematiese steekproefnemingmetodes is gebruik om die voedsel mikroondernemings
by die skole te selekteer. Al die ondernemings wat vanaf die sypaadjies in Duncan
Village en die taxi staanplek in Oos Londen bedryf is, is ingesluit. Een-en-veertig voedsel mikroondernemings
is in die studie populasie ingesluit. Die resultate het aangedui dat die profiel van die
eienaars nie wesentlik verskil het van dié van algemene mikro-onderneming eienaars in die informele
sektor elders in Suid Afrika nie. Bykans alle eienaars het aangedui dat daar by hulle 'n behoefte bestaan
vir opleiding in alle aspekte rondom die bestuur van hulle besighede.
Die eienskappe van die ideale mikro-onderneming opleidingprogram vir huidige en potensiële eienaars
(vroulik) van voedsel mikro-ondernemings in Duncan Village, is gebaseer op die profiele van die
verbruikers en eienaars van voedsel mikro-ondernemings, besprekings met kundiges op die gebied en
relevante literatuur. Die geïdentifiseerde eienskappe is gebruik vir die ontwikkeling van 'n raamwerk om
die toepaslikheid van mikro-onderneming opleidingprogramme in die groter Oos Londen area te
Die beskikbaarheid van mikro-onderneming opleiding programme in die groter Oos Londen omgewing,
vir voedsel mikro-onderneming eienaars, is met behulp van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys wat tydens 'n
persoonlike onderhoud met die opleidingbestuurders van die organisasies voltooi is, ondersoek. Alle
regerings- en nie-regerings organisasies in die omgewing wat opleidingprogramme met die doel om
persone te motiveer en in staat te stel om 'n voedsel mikro-onderneming in die informele sektor te vestig,
of om 'n gevestigde voedsel mikro-onderneming meer effektief te bedryf, aanbied, is in die studie
populasie ingesluit. Tien organisasies en 17 programme is deur middel van sneeubal steekproefneming
geïdentifiseer en ingesluit.
Die toepaslikheid van beskikbare mikro-onderneming opleidingprogramme in die groter Oos Londen
omgewing is deur middel van die Evaluering Raamwerk geëvalueer. Die resultate het aangedui dat slegs
een program wat ondernemingsbestuur- en voedsel voorbereidingsvaardighede gekombineer het, as
toepaslik vir huidige en voornemende voedsel mikro-onderneming eienaars beskou kon word. Vyf ander
programme kan as redelik toepaslik vir sekere groepe gesien word. Almal behalwe een van hierdie
programme het ondernemingsbestuurvaardighede ingesluit, maar geen voedsel
voorbereidingsvaardighede nie. Die oorblywende programme is as nie baie toepaslik of geensins
toepaslik vir huidige en voornemende eienaars van voedsel mikro-ondernemings in Duncan Village
Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar 'n behoefte bestaan vir die bogenoemde
bewusmakingprogram. Daar word verder aanbeveel dat die program wat in hierdie navorsing ontwikkel
is, as 'n basis vir die huishoudelike voedselsekuriteit module in die omvattende intervensie program
gebruik word.
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An exploratory study in the Western Cape on game meat as a consumer productCrafford, Karlien 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to study the current purchasing and marketing behaviour of game meat by
supermarkets, butcheries and restaurants in the Western Cape Province, and to investigate perceptions on,
purchasing and consumption of game meat by South African consumers and overseas tourists visiting South
Africa. Research was done by the survey method with the aid of structured, self-administered questionnaires.
Chi-squared frequencies were used to test for significant influences of data.
The research showed that South African consumers are poorly educated regarding the nutritional benefits and
cooking methods of game meat. Consumers indicated that they would buy game meat if they were better
informed on its qualities. Just over 73% of the respondents indicated that they have eaten game meat, whilst
66% of the respondents indicated that they would eat game meat again. South African consumers, however,
indicated that they are not willing to pay more for game meat than other meat types. Race and educational level
were the only two socio-demographical variables that showed significant differences. White respondents and
respondents that were in the "post-High school diploma/degree" educational group, were better informed on
game meat and were also more likely to buy game meat than either the black or coloured racial groups. The
respondents indicated the leanness of meat as one of the most important quality considerations when they buy
meat. This provides an opportunity for game meat marketers to market game meat as a low-fat meat product.
This research succeeded in identifying target markets for game meat. Restaurants should market game meat
for European tourists, whilst supermarkets and butcheries should focus on marketing game meat to white
consumers and consumers with higher educational qualifications, but also target coloured and black consumers.
This research confirmed that the South African game meat industry is plagued by numerous misconceptions and
contradictions. It is evident that both consumers and marketers of game meat have contradictory beliefs
regarding the seasonal availability of game meat. Consumers as well as some of the supermarket, butchery and
restaurant meat buyers, are ill-informed regarding the sensory qualities, health benefits and preparation and
cooking methods of game meat. Ironically, the research showed that tourists visiting South Africa were the
respondent group that were the most knowledgeable regarding the sensory qualities and health benefits of game
meat. This research provides a valuable pilot-study into the marketing possibilities of game meat. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die huidige aankoop en bemarkingsgedrag vir wildsvleis deur
supermarkte, slaghuise en restaurante in die Wes-Kaap gebied, en persepsies oor en aankoop van wild deur
Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers en oorsese toeriste wat Suid-Afrika besoek, te ondersoek. Gestruktureerde
vraelyste is ontwerp om die navorsing volgens die opname metode uit te voer. Chi-kwadraat frekwensies is
gebruik om beduidende invloede te meet.
Die navorsing het gewys dat Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers oningelig is aangaande die gesondheidsvoordele en
gaarmaakmetodes van wildsvleis. Verbruikers het aangedui dat hulle wildsvleis meer gereeld sou koop indien
hulle beter ingelig word oor wildsvleis se kwaliteite. Die navorsing het bewys dat toeriste wat Suid-Afrika
besoek, beter ingelig is oor die sensoriese kwaliteite en gesondheidsvoordele van wildsvleis as Suid-Afrikaners.
Net meer as 73% van die Suid-Afrikaanse respondente het aangedui dat hulle al voorheen wildsvleis geëet het,
terwyl 66% aangedui het dat hulle weer wildsvleis sal eet. Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers het egter genoem dat
hulle nie bereid is om meer vir wildsvleis te betaal as vir ander vleis nie. Ras en opvoedkundige vlak is die
enigste sosio-demografiese veranderlikes wat 'n beduidende invloed gehad het. Blanke respondente en
respondente in die "post-hoërskool diploma/graad" opvoedkundige vlak, was beter ingelig oor wildsvleis en ook
meer geneig om wildsvleis te koop. Die vetinhoud van vleis was vir meeste respondente 'n belangrike maatstaf
by die keuse en aankoop van vleis. Aangesien wildsvleis 'n lae-vet produk is, is daar dus geleentheid vir
vleisbemarkers om wildsvleis as 'n lae-vet produk te bemark.
Hierdie navorsing het daarin geslaag om teikenmarkte vir wildsvleis te identifiseer. Restaurante moet fokus op
oorsese toeriste wat Suid-Afrika besoek, terwyl supermarkte en slaghuise bemarking moet rig op verbruikers
met 'n hoër opvoedkundige vlak en blanke verbruikers. Hierdie navorsing het bevestig dat die Suid-Afrikaanse
wildbedryf geknel word deur verskeie wanpersepsies en teenstellings. Dit is duidelik dat sowel verbruikers as
bemarkers van wildsvleis, teenstellende persepsies het aangaande seisoenale beskikbaarheid van wildsvleis.
Hierdie navorsing verskaf 'n waardevolle voorloperstudie vir verdere navorsing oor die bemarkingsmoontlikhede
van wildsvleis.
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