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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Identifica????o do perfil profissiogr??fico do profissional de Contabilidade requerido pelas empresas atrav??s de ofertas de empregos na regi??o metropolitana de S??o Paulo

Guimar??es, Paulo C??zar 30 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo_Cezar_Guimaraes.pdf: 1445377 bytes, checksum: de067daa5be6c20688c0539985f6bdb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-30 / The aim of this research was to identify the Professiographic profile demanded from the labour market for accountants in S??o Paulo, showed in job ads published in some local newspapers. The results are referred to a period from March 2004 to July 2005, and are part of a research project funded by the State of S??o Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). It was developed, tested and applied a research tool, so as to compile a table with the studied ads in three hierarchical levels and eight groups of knowledge. About 4107 ads and job offers were obtained and analyzed, all of which published in local newspapers. To treat data, it was used the chi-square test, for testing the hypothesis. Moreover, it was used the exploratory analyzis and the descriptive estatistics, with the compiling of contingency tables. It was verified that, in about 36,3% of the ads, there are no claims for professional features. Through the results, it was proved that the job ads may help to identify and differ the professiographic profile for the determined hierarchical levels. Inside the groups, the professional experience was highlighted in the aforesaid levels. In addition, concerning them, the research has shown that business accountants are preferred to technical workers. Further information may be used by accountants, students, universities and accounting organisms. / Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar e acompanhar o perfil profissiogr??fico exigido pelo mercado de trabalho para profissionais de Contabilidade na Grande S??o Paulo, expresso em ofertas de emprego em jornais de grande circula????o na regi??o. Os resultados obtidos se referem ao per??odo de mar??o de 2004 a junho de 2005, e s??o parte de um projeto de pesquisa financiado pela FAPESP - Funda????o de Amparo ?? Pesquisa do Estado de S??o Paulo. Foi elaborado, testado e usado um instrumento de pesquisa, que permitiu tabular os an??ncios pesquisados, em tr??s n??veis hier??rquicos e oito grupos de conhecimentos definidos para a pesquisa. Foram obtidos e analisados 4.107 an??ncios de ofertas de emprego, publicados no "O Estado de S??o Paulo", "Folha de S??o Paulo" e "Gazeta Mercantil". No tratamento dos dados, usou-se o Chi-Quadrado para o teste de hip??tese, al??m da an??lise explorat??ria e estat??stica descritiva, com a elabora????o de tabelas de dupla entrada. Em 36,3% dos an??ncios verificou-se a aus??ncia de exig??ncia de requisitos profissionais. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram a hip??tese de que as ofertas de emprego permitem identificar e diferenciar o perfil profissiogr??fico para os n??veis hier??rquicos definidos na pesquisa. Dentre os grupos de conhecimento, a experi??ncia profissional destacou-se nos tr??s n??veis hier??rquicos. A pesquisa revelou, para os tr??s n??veis hier??rquicos, uma demanda por contadores com perfil mais empresarial do que t??cnico cont??bil. As demais informa????es obtidas com a pesquisa poder??o ser usadas pelos profissionais de Contabilidade, estudantes, institui????es de ensino superior e ??rg??os de classe da profiss??o cont??bil
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Estudo sobre a demanda de contabilidade internacional e conte??dos relacionados no mercado de trabalho da regi??o metropolitana de S??o Paulo

Queiroz, Mario Roberto Braga de 08 September 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mario_Roberto_Braga_de_Queiroz.pdf: 380436 bytes, checksum: 9f34b710d510e2a602f277009a658b06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-09-08 / This work follow the line of research in Accounting Education of the ??lvares Penteado Universitary Center, into Controllership and Strategic Accouting Master Program, in addiction of realized works to help out the improvement of Accounting graduate programs. This work looked to identify to which the demand of the market of work in the metropolitan region of S??o Paulo, for professionals specialized in International Accounting, and which are the requirements of demanded knowledge. By means of one it searches documentary of the job offers that searched professionals with knowledge in international accounting standards and assuming that with the adoption of international accounting standards for the countries of the European Community, it was identified that the demand for professionals with knowledge in North American accounting standard is greater that the demand for knowledge in international accounting standard, confirm, therefore, the assumption adopted in this work. How much to the technical knowledge, generalities and abilities, and mannering required by the market, as much for the job offers that searched professionals with knowledge in international standard as in North American, are lined up with the recommendations and suggestions of the uprisings of the IFAC and the UNCTAD. This alignment requires that the Institutions of Superior Education at the moment of the planning of the resume of the course of graduation in Accounting Sciences, are attempted against for these recommendations and also look for to search to the market which knowledge and abilities together are valued in the accounting professional. / Este trabalho segue a linha de pesquisa de Ensino da Contabilidade do Mestrado em Controladoria e Contabilidade Estrat??gica do Centro Universit??rio ??lvares Penteado, e juntando-se a outros trabalhos j?? realizados com o intuito de contribuir para a evolu????o dos cursos de gradua????o em Ci??ncias Cont??beis. Durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, procurou-se identificar qual a demanda do mercado de trabalho, na regi??o metropolitana de S??o Paulo, por profissionais especializados em Contabilidade Internacional, e quais s??o os requisitos de conhecimentos exigidos. Por meio de uma pesquisa documental das ofertas de emprego que buscavam profissionais com conhecimentos em padr??es cont??beis internacionais, (e supondo a ado????o dos padr??es cont??beis internacionais, tamb??m pelos pa??ses da Comunidade Europ??ia), identificou-se que a demanda por profissionais com conhecimentos em padr??o cont??bil norte-americano ?? maior que a demanda por conhecimentos em padr??o cont??bil internacional, corroborando, portanto, a suposi????o adotada neste trabalho. No que diz respeito aos conhecimentos t??cnicos, gerais, e habilidades e compet??ncias comportamentais requeridos pelo mercado, tanto para as ofertas de emprego que buscavam profissionais com conhecimentos em padr??o internacional quanto em padr??o norte-americano, constatou-se que estes est??o alinhados com as recomenda????es e sugest??es dos pronunciamentos do IFAC e do UNCTAD. Esse alinhamento requer que as Institui????es de Ensino Superior, no momento do planejamento do curr??culo do curso de gradua????o em Ci??ncias Cont??beis, atentem para essas recomenda????es, e procurem, tamb??m identificar junto ao mercado de trabalho quais os conhecimentos, habilidades e compet??ncias s??o valorizados no profissional cont??bil.
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Contribui????o ?? melhoria da atua????o profissional do contador na cidade S??o Paulo : pesquisa face ??s exig??ncias do mercado de trabalho

Silva, Marli Rosendo da 04 August 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marli_Rosendo_da_Silva.pdf: 622537 bytes, checksum: b44283d2d84d8f4ac624d2eb2a863710 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-08-04 / The scope of this research work is to identify the requirements of the market ,define the necessary qualifications for the position of an Accountant, and analyse it in the professional market of S??o Paulo city. For this purpose, literature in the field gave the theoretical grounds and job advertisements published in newspapers or shown in Internet seeking for an accountant in the preriod of jan through dec 2002 were used. The results of the research pointed out what Knowledge and skills are required from an accountant in the present economical context , where technology and quick information exchange demand new attitudes and solutions to problems faced by such professionals. The trend shown is that the Accountant has a broader managemental performance taking part of the decision making of the business, with a high etical attitude. From these data, it is poss??ble to rethink the role of the accountant and extract elements of how to better get prepared for a competitive performance in the field. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar qual a qualifica????o exigida de um Contador e analis??-la no atual mercado de trabalho na cidade de S??o Paulo. Para isso usou-se como pesquisa publica????es da ??rea, an??ncios publicados em jornais e sites da Internet, buscando por este profissional no per??odo de janeiro a dezembro de 2002. Os resultados das pesquisas apontaram quais os conhecimentos e ??s habilidades requeridas do Contador no atual contexto econ??mico, onde o avan??o tecnol??gico e a velocidade de troca de informa????es exigem novas posturas e solu????es para os problemas enfrentados por este profissional. A tend??ncia observada foi a de um Contador que saiba atuar gerencialmente, com perspectiva ampla na tomada de decis??es dos neg??cios e que tenha uma postura ??tica. A partir destes dados pode-se lev??-lo a repensar o seu papel e extrair elementos para se preparar e obter um desempenho competitivo como profissional.
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As diretrizes curriculares dos cursos de gradua????o em Ci??ncias Cont??beis X o mercado de trabalho atrav??s das ofertas de emprego para ??rea cont??bil na grande S??o Paulo : uma an??lise cr??tica

Brussolo, F??bio 04 June 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio_Brussolo.pdf: 778746 bytes, checksum: c5c3a5b6bd656f49e200ae68d8419a0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-06-04 / The present work analyzes the adequation of the minimum contents, included in the Resolution 03/92 of Federal Education Council, to the job market for the accounting area, through the job offers in the great S??o Paulo, verifying the use of the Proposal of New Curriculum Guidelines of the Experts Commission of the Accounting Teaching as a way to adequate the graduation course in Accounting Sciences to the globalized market, proposing the necessary alterations for a better professional preparation and qualification of the Accountant by the teaching institutions. For this purpose, the main transformation of the market were analyzed, resulting in a change of profile, attitude, as well as, in the need of development of new abilities and competences of the accounting professional in order to face the future perspectives of the profession, comparing the demands of the market and what is offered by the minimum contents of the Resolution 03/92 and the New Curriculum Guidelines proposed by the Experts Commission of the Accounting Teaching, to verify what is the most appropriate proposal in order that the Teaching Institutions can qualify, in the best possible way, the Accountant for the job market. / The present work analyzes the adequation of the minimum contents, included in the Resolution 03/92 of Federal Education Council, to the job market for the accounting area, through the job offers in the great S??o Paulo, verifying the use of the Proposal of New Curriculum Guidelines of the Experts Commission of the Accounting Teaching as a way to adequate the graduation course in Accounting Sciences to the globalized market, proposing the necessary alterations for a better professional preparation and qualification of the Accountant by the teaching institutions. For this purpose, the main transformation of the market were analyzed, resulting in a change of profile, attitude, as well as, in the need of development of new abilities and competences of the accounting professional in order to face the future perspectives of the profession, comparing the demands of the market and what is offered by the minimum contents of the Resolution 03/92 and the New Curriculum Guidelines proposed by the Experts Commission of the Accounting Teaching, to verify what is the most appropriate proposal in order that the Teaching Institutions can qualify, in the best possible way, the Accountant for the job market. / O presente trabalho analisa a adequa????o dos conte??dos m??nimos, contidos na Resolu????o 03/92 do Conselho Federal de Educa????o, ao mercado de trabalho para a ??rea cont??bil, atrav??s das ofertas de emprego na grande S??o Paulo, verificando a utiliza????o da Proposta de Novas Diretrizes Curriculares da Comiss??o de Especialistas do Ensino da Contabilidade como meio de adequar o curso de gradua????o em Ci??ncias Cont??beis ao mercado globalizado, propondo as altera????es que se mostraram necess??rias para uma melhor prepara????o e qualifica????o profissional do Contador por parte das institui????es de ensino. Para isso analisaram-se as principais transforma????es do mercado que resultaram em uma mudan??a de perfil, atitude, bem como, na necessidade de desenvolvimento de novas habilidades e compet??ncias do profissional cont??bil, para enfrentar as perspectivas futuras da profiss??o, fazendo ent??o um quadro comparativo entre as exig??ncias do mercado, e o que oferecem os conte??dos m??nimos contidos na Resolu????o 03/92 e as Novas Diretrizes Curriculares propostas pela Comiss??o de Especialistas do Ensino da Contabilidade, de modo a verificar qual a proposta mais adequada para que as Institui????es de Ensino possam qualificar da melhor maneira poss??vel o Contador para o mercado de trabalho.
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O profissional cont??bil diante das necessidades decisoriais dos empres??rios e gestores, considerando o ambiente tecnol??gico atual

Meira Neto, Abdon 01 July 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Abdon_Meira_Neto.pdf: 683210 bytes, checksum: a2bf6366f1f1eef651bc5f46fa37d62c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-07-01 / The main objective of this work is to show, even tough in a non- exhausting way, the professional profile of accountants, its skills and the technological impact he is facing in a day-to-day basis. Due to the high competitive corporate environment, managers have been requested quite different informations compared with some time ago enforcing the acccountant professional to keep up updated constantly and even to rethink and foresee what would be the challenges to overcome in order to provide more and more qualified information. We have also the objective of going through the roles and responsabilities of accountant professional, since from the ones pretty much belongs to the core competence of its area that requires tecnical habilitation, being registered in public organism till new roles and responsabilities that would perfectly fit to its career, but not restricted, as controller that requires accountant background, and other skills as administration, finance, information tecnology, so on so forth. Among the existing technological resources, big emphasis was given to the integrated management systems, that makes possible the reduction and even to extinguish of some common accountant tasks as: document classification and its typestry. These systems were able to link companies, standardize procedures, improve operational control even tough nowadays companies are spreaded out in many countries / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo tra??ar, mesmo que de forma n??o exaustiva o perfil do profissional cont??bil, suas habilidades e o impacto que o avan??o tecnol??gico tem causado no seu dia-a-dia. Foi destacado que devido a alta competitividade entre as empresas, as exig??ncias dos gestores em termos de informa????o s??o diferentes do que se exigia no passado, imprimindo ao profissional cont??bil a necessidade de atualizar-se constantemente, e inclusive repensar quais s??o essas novas exig??ncias que ele deve atender enquanto provedor de informa????o de qualidade. ?? abordado tamb??m as posi????es ocupadas na carreira de um profissional cont??bil, desde aquelas restritas ?? profiss??o, e em que ?? exigida habilita????o t??cnica, com registro em ??rg??os de classe, at?? novas posi????es que embora se enquadre perfeitamente a este profissional, n??o ?? restrita a esta profiss??o, como o cargo de controller, que requer al??m do conhecimento cont??bil, o conhecimento de outras disciplinas, como administra????o, finan??as, tecnologia da informa????o, e outras. Dentre os recursos tecnol??gicos existentes, foi dado maior ??nfase aos sistemas integrados de gest??o, que possibilita a redu????o e at?? extin????o de trabalhos como classifica????o cont??bil de documentos e sua digita????o. Estes sistemas tem interligado empresas, padronizado procedimentos, possibilitando um controle muito melhor sobre as opera????es das empresas, ainda que estas tenham unidades espalhadas por v??rios Pa??ses.
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O curr??culo do curso de Ci??ncias Cont??beis e o mercado de trabalho para o profissional contador

Evangelista, Armindo Aparecido 28 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Armindo_Aparecido_Evangelista.pdf: 2089265 bytes, checksum: faf0206a0b2a336a178517c34232bb91 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-28 / This master thesis has the purpose of evidencing whether the curricula of the undergraduate Accountancy courses meet the requirement of the Accountancy professionals' labor market. Describes the capabilities, skills, profile, modern working environment and challenges of the Accountancy professional, by means of bibliographical research. Through documentary research, curricula were obtained from the colleges and universities of the city of S??o Paulo, as well as the hour load of the courses offered to their students. In order to know the needs of the institutions that were researched, a questionnaire was developed, forwarded to and answered by such entities, containing questions that deal with the attitudes, skills and knowledge required from the Accountancy professional to perform his or her functions. Based on the results obtained by the research, convergences and divergences were produced aiming at helping the coordinators of the undergraduate Accountancy courses to create a curriculum that comprises the capabilities, skills and attitude that meet the needs of the labor market. / Essa disserta????o de mestrado tem o objetivo de evidenciar se o curr??culo dos cursos de Ci??ncias Cont??beis atende as necessidades requeridas pelo mercado de trabalho para o profissional Contador. Atrav??s da pesquisa bibliogr??fica relata as compet??ncias, habilidades, perfil, moderno ambiente de atua????o e os desafios do profissional Contador. Com uma pesquisa documental obteve-se juntamente ??s institui????es de ensino superior da cidade de S??o Paulo a grade curricular e, tamb??m, a carga-hor??ria oferecida aos alunos em seus cursos. Para conhecer as necessidades das empresas aqui pesquisadas foi elaborado, encaminhado e respondido um question??rio contendo quest??es que tratam das atitudes, habilidades e conhecimentos requeridos do profissional Contador para desempenhar suas fun????es. Com base nos resultados proporcionados pelas pesquisas, produziram-se converg??ncias e diverg??ncias com a inten????o de auxiliar os coordenadores dos cursos de Ci??ncias Cont??beis a formar uma grade curricular contendo as compet??ncias, habilidades e atitudes que atendam as necessidades do mercado de trabalho.
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