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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A intrusão ultrapotássica Indaiá II, província Alcalina Alto Paranaíba (MG): processos magmáticos de sistema aberto e implicações petrogenéticas / not available

Lima, Nicholas Machado 11 March 2019 (has links)
As intrusões Indaiá I e II (também referidas como Perdizes 3-A e 3-B) são corpos intrusivos hipoabissais ultrabásicos de pequeno porte, associados ao magmatismo cretácico da Província Alcalina Alto Paranaíba, oeste do Estado de Minas Gerais. Esta dissertação de mestrado objetivou compreender a gênese e processos de evolução relacionados a intrusão Indaiá II, cuja classificação ambígua entre kimberlito e kamafugito dividiu autores em trabalhos anteriores.. Também buscou-se discutir a possível vinculação genética com a intrusão vizinha, Indaiá I. Para tanto, foram realizadas novas análises petrográficas, geoquímicas e isotópicas de rocha total, e química mineral. A intrusão principal (Indaiá I) é classificada como um kimberlito do Grupo I. Já a intrusão satélite (Indaiá II) distingue-se quimicamente e petrograficamente, possuindo uma composição ultrapotássica, similar à kamafugítica, e apresenta menor concentração de macrocristais de olivina, diopsídio como o principal constituinte da matriz ( e não a monticellita como Indaiá I) e possui uma presença abundante de microenclaves félsicos. Estes enclaves apresentam estrutura estirada, e são constituídos principalmente por kalsilita/ nefelina, vidro devitrificado, diopsídio e flogopita. A presença de texturas sugestivas de desequilíbrio físico-químico como embayment e sieve em grãos de olivina e clinopiroxênio em Indaiá II são indicativas de processos de sistema aberto. A abundância de diopsídio na matriz e a substituição de olivina por clinopiroxênio nas bordas de macrocristais e microcristais apontam para um aumento da atividade de sílica no decorrer do processo de cristalização. A alta proporção de xenólitos crustais na rocha, totalmente transformados ou com evidências de fusão parcial, e a presença de apatitas aciculares nas suas cercanias, indicam a operação de um processo de contaminação crustal. Novos dados de química mineral e litogeoquímica de elementos maiores e traços corroboram esse processo. Os trends composicionais de minerais como espinélio e flogopita são bastante similares a ocorrências de kimberlitos contaminados registrados na literatura. Além disso, amostras de Indaiá II apresentam elevado C.I. (Contamination Index, 2,12-2,25), maior percentual de SiO2, K2O e maior razão Rb/Sr que a intrusão principal. Modelos de contaminação crustal foram efetuados a partir da mistura do fundido de Indaiá I e do fundido das rochas granitoides encaixantes. Os fundidos de Indaiá I e II foram obtidos pela extração do volume dos núcleos de macrocristais de olivina, considerados xenocristais em ambas as ocorrências, das análises de rocha total. A quantidade de olivina foi obtida através de análises modais, e a composição considerada foi obtida através de uma média das análises pontuais de microssonda eletrônica e LA-ICP-MS. O fundido da encaixante foi estimado utilizando-se as análises de rocha-total das encaixantes crustais da área e calculando-se um fundido parcial desta rocha a 750ºC e pressões entre 1-5Kbar com o software RhyoliteMelts (para elementos maiores). A composição de elementos-traço do fundido foi modelada por balanço de massa, a partir de coeficientes de partição compilados da literatura e a proporção de minerais no resíduo sólido obtida dos modelos por elementos maiores. Curvas de mistura entre elementos maiores e traços também parecem confirmar o processo. Novos dados isotópicos de 87Sr/86Sr e 143Nd/144Nd foram obtidos para estas intrusões, como também para a encaixante local. Curvas de mixing isotópico foram feitas para tentar estabelecer a quantidade de contribuição crustal nos magmas de Indaiá II. Nestes modelos, as amostras de Indaiá II ajustam-se concordantemente às curvas de mistura entre os polos de Indaiá I e da encaixante. Concluimos que: 1) a intrusão Indaiá II representaria uma intrusão kimberlítica altamente contaminada, 2) a contaminação provavelmente ocorreu pela assimilação de fundidos anatéticos oriundos das principais rochas encaixantes crustais da área, 3) que Indaiá I e Indaiá II poderiam ter um mesmo magma progenitor, mas com diferentes graus de contaminação crustal. / The intrusions Indaiá I and II (also referred as Perdizes 3-A and 3-B) are hypoabissal ultrabasic bodies of small size associated with the Cretaceous magmatism of the Alto Paranaiba Alkaline Province, west of the Minas Gerais state. This master\'s dissertation aimed a better understanding of the genesis and the evolution processes related to the Indaiá II intrusion, whose ambiguous classification between kimberlite and kamafugite divided the authors of former works. Also, it is discussed the possible genetic linkage of Indaiá II with the neighbor intrusion, Indaiá I. For this purpose, new petrographic, whole rock geochemical, isotopic and mineral chemistry analyses were made. The main intrusion (Indaiá I) was classified as a group-I kimberlite. The satellite intrusion, Indaiá II, is petrographically and chemically distinct of the main one, having a ultrapotassic composition, similar to those of kamafugites, and presenting lower volumes of olivine macrocrysts, diopside as the main matrix phase (instead of monticellite as found in Indaiá I), and an abundant presence of felsic microenclaves. These enclaves present elongated structure and they mainly have kalsilite, devitrified glass, diopside and phlogopite. The presence of textures indicative of physical-chemical disequilibrium, such as embayment and sieve in olivine and clinopyroxene grains from Indaiá II are indicative of an open system process. The high amounts of diopside in the matrix and the substitution of the rims of olivine macro- and microcrysts by clinopyroxene point to an increase in the silica activity during the crystallization. The high proportion of crustal xenoliths in the rocks, most of these totally transformed or with evidences with partial melt, and the presence of acicular apatite in their border regions, indicate the action of crustal contamination processes. New mineral chemistry and whole rock geochemical (major and trace elements) data corroborate this process. The spinel and phlogopite compositional trends are very similar with those from contaminated kimberlitic occurrences registered in the literature. Moreover, samples from Indaiá II have high Contamination Index (C.I., 2.12-2.25), greater amounts of SiO2, K2O and higher Rb/Sr ratios than those from the main intrusion. Crustal contamination models were developed considering a mixing between the melt of Indaiá I and the partial melt of the granitoid host rocks of the area. The composition of melts from Indaiá I and II were calculated by the extraction of the amount of the cores of olivine macrocrysts, considered xenocrysts in both occurrences, from the whole-rock compositions. The amount of olivines was taken from modal concentrations and the considered composition was obtained by the average of electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS) analyses. The major element composition of the partial melt of the host rock was estimated using the algorithm RhyoliteMelts. For these models, we considered the whole-rock compositions of the main host rocks of the area and used 750ºC and 1-5Kbar. The trace element composition of the host rock partial melts was modeled by mass balance calculations, using partition coefficients from the literature and the proportion of minerals in the solid residue obtained for the major element models. After the calculation of these liquid compositions, mixing curve models using major and trace element compositions were made and they are concordant with the crustal contamination processes. New 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic data were obtained for Indaiá I and II intrusions, as well as for the local host rock. Isotopic mixing curves were also made trying to constrain the amount of crustal contribution in Indaiá II magmas. In these models, Indaiá II samples fit concordantly with the mixing curves having Indaiá I and the host rock ratios as the main poles. We conclude that 1) Indaiá II is representative of a highly contaminated kimberlitic intrusion, 2) the contamination possibly occurred by the assimilation of the anatetic melts from the main crustal host rocks of this area and 3) that Indaiá I and Indaiá II could have the same parent melt, but with different degrees of crustal contamination.

Application of hyper-spectral remote sensing to assess contamination associated with gold mining in the Witwatersrand Gold Basin, South Africa

Maya, Mafuza 05 February 2015 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, Johannesburg, August, 2014. / Efflorescent minerals are a common feature of the soil surface in seasonal environments where evapotranspiration (ET) exceeds precipitation (P), and are formed by the evaporation of salt solutions from the soil during periods of drying. On the Highveld gold fields, ET exceeds rainfall by approximately two-and-a-half times during the dry season, and soils overlying acid mine drainage and along polluted stream banks can become covered by distinctively coloured mineral efflorescent crusts. Whereas some efflorescent minerals are relatively insoluble and present a negligible environmental hazard (for example, gypsum), others may be readily soluble and contain high concentrations of potentially toxic metals (for example, copiapite, jarosite and uranyl sulphate). During periods of rainfall, such salts are washed further afield and into surface water bodies and act as sources of episodic pollution. The presence of some efflorescent minerals can be detected from their characteristic reflectance signatures using remote-sensing (RS) of the electromagnetic spectrum. The species of efflorescent minerals present is a useful indication of the spatial extent of sub-surface contamination, and also of the chemical conditions of the substrate, in particular the concentration of total dissolved solids, pH and redox conditions. The aim of this study was therefore to assess the use of remote-sensing on indicator efflorescent minerals as a cost-effective aid in the spatial mapping of acid rock-drainage polluted soils and water-bodies. This study describes the range of efflorescent crusts identified on different land-use areas and soil classes in a Highveld gold-mining region. Crusts were first measured in-situ under natural sunlight using a portable analytical spectral radiometer (ASD) as well as using X-ray diffraction (XRD). They were then dissolved in deionized water and the resulting salt solutions allowed to evaporate prior to analysis under controlled lighting conditions. Spectra were post-processed and compared with iv geological spectral reference libraries. The salt solutions were also analyzed for metal and sulphate content and the results were used to establish evaporation models from which mineral precipitation could be predicted. Minerals identified in the visible near-infra red (VNIR) region included iron oxides (hematite and goethite), and the sulphate mineral jarosite. In the short wave infra-red (SWIR) region clay minerals of the smectite group were dominant. Gypsum and Al-Mn-Mg-Na sulphate salts were identified in the SWIR region as mixtures occurring with clay minerals. Minerals identified in the VNIR-SWIR region were all confirmed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD). Upon dissolution, geochemical modeling revealed that gypsum and jarosite are the most common minerals expected to precipitate. The precipitation of gypsum and jarosite indicates persistent acidic conditions after dissolution of mineral salts. Gypsum and jarosite were also accurately identified by hyper-spectral spectroscopy and confirmed by XRD and geochemical modeling. Agreement between spectral interpreted minerals and geochemically precipitated mineral phases demonstrated the ability of hyper-spectral data in detecting efflorescence minerals on the soil surface. Using partial least squares regression (PLSR) combined with bootstrapping, reflectance spectrum was significantly correlated with geochemical variables.

Bacterial Contamination of Commercial Yeast

O'Brien, Susannah Sara 22 March 2006 (has links)
Master of Science - Molecular and Cell Biology / The bacterial contamination profile of a typical commercial yeast factory was assessed by three replicate microbiological surveys. In order to detect low-level contamination in samples, this study made use of a preliminary incubation technique (24h at 37°C), which boosted bacterial counts for the identification of sources of contamination. Numbers of bacteria were quantified by standard pour- and spread-plate techniques and various selective media. Raw materials were negligible in contributing to the bacterial contamination of commercial yeast, with the exception of soda ash, used to control the pH of fermentations, which contained 2 log CFU/ ml Enterococcus and aerobic bacteria. It was found that the scale up of seed yeast biomass was the primary site for contamination with Enterococcus, which progressively increased in number as the product passed down the production line. Coliforms were present at low levels, with significant increases (P < 0.05) observed during the storage of yeast cream; extrusion of compressed yeast; and packaging of dry yeast. The environment surrounding the compressed yeast production line was identified as a potential source of airborne contamination. Although Salmonella spp. and S. aureus were not detected, L. monocytogenes was isolated from compressed and dry yeast products. In addition, Bacillus spp. commonly associated with the rope-spoilage of bread, were isolated from 67% of all dry yeast product samples. Shelf-life investigations, showed that cream and compressed yeast samples were spoiled with lengthened storage periods, and especially at higher temperatures (>10°C), whilst vacuum-packaged dry yeast remained bacteriologically stable. During shelf-life studies, isolates from spoiled cream and compressed yeast samples were predominantly Lactobacillus (up to 78%), while populations of Enterococcaceae predominated in vacuum-packaged dry yeast samples (up to 68%). The use of stainless steel surfaces, attached to processing equipment used in the manufacturing of Baker’s compressed yeast, in conjunction with SEM illustrated the accumulation of yeast and bacterial cells with early stages of biofilm formation, with time. Where populations of Gram-positive members of the lactic acid bacteria family, Lactobacillus and Enterococcaceae, were isolated in the highest proportion from processing equipment surfaces used in the manufacturing of Baker’s compressed yeast (81-100%).

Contaminação do solo e mobilidade de As, Cd, Mo, Pb e Zn em colunas de solo franco arenoso com cinza de carvão / Soil contamination and mobility of As, Cd, Mo, Pb and Zn in sandy loam soil columns with coal fly ash

Lange, Camila Neves 20 June 2012 (has links)
Elementos tóxicos podem provocar impacto na qualidade ambiental dos solos e representar risco à saúde humana. As cinzas leves de carvão são uma fonte de elementos tóxicos e são comumente dispostas de maneira inadequada sobre o solo nas proximidades das usinas termelétricas, onde esses elementos podem ser lixiviados pela chuva, transportados para as fontes de águas naturais e absorvidos pela fauna e flora do solo, podendo assim, entrar na cadeia alimentar humana. Neste estudo foi avaliada a mobilidade dos elementos As, Cd, Zn, Pb e Mo em colunas de solo franco arenoso com cinza de carvão da usina termelétrica de Figueira, Paraná. Para tanto, colunas de cinza de carvão, solo e solo coberto com cinza foram lixiviadas com uma solução ácida ao longo de 336 dias e as amostras de cinza, solo e percolado das colunas foram caracterizadas quanto à concentração dos elementos e propriedades físicas, químicas e mineralógicas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o Pb não foi lixiviado da cinza de carvão, indicando que a lixiviação de Pb da cinza de carvão não representa risco ambiental. O Cd foi o elemento mais retido pelo solo franco arenoso, seguido de As. O Mo foi lixiviado da cinza de carvão, mas não foi detectado no solo e nos percolados das colunas de solo+cinza. Nas condições de estudo, o Zn não representou risco ambiental. Observou-se também que a concentração de As no solo excedeu o valor de intervenção para área de proteção máxima estabelecido pela Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB) e a concentração de Cd no solo excedeu o valor de qualidade de referência estabelecido pela mesma companhia ambiental. / Toxic elements can cause impact on soil environmental quality and represent risks to human life. Coal ashes, considered as a source of toxic elements, are commonly disposed inadequately on the soil surface around thermoelectric plants, from where these elements can be transported to natural water sources or to be absorbed by plants, soil fauna and flora and consequently impact on food chain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contamination of a sandy loam soil and the mobility of As, Cd, Mo Pb and Zn from coal fly ash of Figueira Power Plant. Experiments with columns of coal fly ash, soil and soil covered with ash were carried out to simulate contamination by acid leaching during 336 days and samples of ash, soil and leachate were characterized by the determination of elements concentration and chemical, mineralogical and physical properties. Results indicate that Pb was not was not released from fly ash on study conditions, providing evidence that Pb leaching does not pose a risk to the environment. Mo was leached from fly ash, but was not detected on soil and on leachate of soil+ash columns. In study conditions, Zn did not represent environmental concern. As exceeded the intervention value for maximum protection area established by the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of São Paulo (CETESB) and Cd did not exceed the quality reference value established by the same agency.

Influência da contaminação por saliva durante a realização de procedimentos adesivos / Influence of saliva contamination during adhesive procediments

Kawaguchi, Fernando Aparecido 31 July 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da contaminação com saliva em diferentes momentos do procedimento operatório, bem como diferentes tratamentos desta contaminação. Este estudo foi conduzido utilizando estudo de resistência adesiva (RA), através de ensaio de microtração, com avaliação do padrão de fratura. Foram utilizados 120 molares humanos (n=10). Os dois substratos do teste foram obtidos a partir da mesma unidade amostral. Os grupos experimentais para ambos os substratos foram: sem contaminação (controle G1 e G13); contaminação antes do condicionamento ácido (CAC), com lavagem e secagem (G2 e G14); secagem apenas (G3 e G15); contaminação após o condicionamento ácido (CAC), com lavagem e secagem (G4 e G16); secagem apenas (G5 e G17); CDC e recondicionamento para repetição da técnica adesiva (G6 e G18); contaminação entre as duas camadas de adesivo (CEA), com lavagem e secagem (G7 e G19); secagem apenas (G8 e G20); CEA e recondicionamento (G9 e G21); contaminação após a aplicação final do sistema adesivo (CFA), com lavagem e secagem (G10 e G22); secagem apenas (G11 e G23); CFA e recondicionamento (G12 e G24). O adesivo utilizado foi o Adper Single Bond 2 (SB2) e a resina composta Z-250 (3M) para a realização do teste de microtração. Os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de ANOVA demonstrando que existe influencia da contaminação com saliva na RA de esmalte (p=0,007) e dentina (p=0,001). Para o esmalte, apenas o momento da contaminação originou resultados estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001). Contudo, a interação entre os fatores de variação em dentina mostrou-se estatisticamente significante (p<0,001). Dessa forma, concluímos que a contaminação do campo operatório com saliva durante a utilização de sistema adesivo do tipo condicione-e-lave reduz a adesão em esmalte e em dentina somente em condições específicas; o tratamento do contaminante mais indicado para recuperar a RA perdida está diretamente relacionado com o momento do procedimento adesivo em que a contaminação ocorre. / This study evaluated the influence of saliva contamination during distinct steps of the operatory procedure and treatments used to counteract its effects on the microtensile bond strength. 120 human molars were used (n=10) and both substrates were obtained from the same teeth. The experimental groups were: no contamination (control group G1 and G13); contamination before acid conditioning (CBC), wash and dry (G2 and G14); only dry (G3 and G15); contamination after acid conditioning (CAC), wash and dry (G4 and G16); only dry (G5 and G17); CAC and reconditioning (G6 and G18); contamination between the 2 adhesive system layers (CBL), with wash and dry (G7 and GG19), only dry (G8 and G20); CBL and reconditioning (G9 and G21); contamination after polymerization (CAP), with wash and dry (G10 and G22), only dry (G11 and G23), CAP and reconditioning (G12 and G24). Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive system (SB2) and Composite Resin Z-250 were used for microtensile test. ANOVA results showed a statistically significant difference when saliva contaminated adhesive procedures in enamel (p=0.007) and dentin (p=0.001). In enamel, the moments when contamination occurred during the operative procedure showed statistical difference (p<0.001), while in dentin the interaction between the factors - moments and treatments - showed to be statistically significant (p<0.001). Based on the obtained results it was licit to conclude that saliva contamination during etch-and-rinse adhesive application decreases adhesion to enamel and dentin in specific experimental conditions; the most indicated treatment to counteract saliva influence is directly related to the moment of the operatory procedure that the contamination occurred.

Estudos laboratoriais da contaminação do solo por gasolina com o uso de detetor de fotoionização. / Laboratory Studies of the Contamination of Soil by Gasoline through the Measure of Vapor Concentration by Photoionization Detector.

Penner, Giovanni Chaves 05 September 2000 (has links)
A presente pesquisa trata de calibrar, a ferir e utiliza em laboratório um detetor de fotoionização (método de campo) proveitoso na caracterização de áreas contaminadas por vazamentos de gasolina; comparar as informações do detetor com os resultados obtidos com balança analítica; comparar os resultados de fluxo de massa medido com o previsto pelo modelo JURY contido no software APIDSS 2.0 O detetor mostrou-se útil como primeira ferramenta na caracterização de áreas contaminadas recentemente (até 100 dias). Para áreas onde a contaminação esteja em uma fase mais avançada o aparelho mostrou-se útil na detecção de alterações; os modelos desenvolvidos com base nos resultados obtido com balança e com o detetor de fotoinização apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para o período de ensaio; as comparações realizadas com o software APIDSS 2.0 serviram para a confirmação dos resultados obtidos. / The present research aims at gauging, checking and using a photoionization detector (field method) in laboratory advantageous to the characterization of areas polluted by leaks of gasoline; to compare the information of the detector with the results obtained in the analytic scale; to compare the results of the measured mass flow with those foreseen by the model JURY of the software APIDSS 2.0. The detector showed to be useful as a first tool in the characterization of areas recently contaminated (up to 100 days). To areas where the contamination is in a more advanced phase, the apparel showed to be useful in the detection of alterations; the development of models based on the results obtained with a scale and with the photoionization detector presented satisfactory results for the rehearsal period; the comparisons accomplished by the software APIDSS 2.0 confirmed the obtained results.

"Relação entre a espessura real e aparente da gasolina com etanol e da gasolina pura em colunas de laboratório" / Relationship of apparent and actual thickness of free phase gasoline and E-20 in column experiment

Ferreira, Silvia Maria 23 April 2003 (has links)
A gasolina que é comercializada no Brasil sofre a adição de álcool etílico anidro, também conhecido como etanol, em frações que podem variar de 20 a 24%. O uso desse composto adicionado à gasolina serve para aumentar a octanagem e reduzir a emissão de monóxido de carbono para a atmosfera. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar e comparar a relação existente entre a espessura encontrada nos poços de monitoramento e no meio poroso, tanto para gasolina pura quanto para a gasolina com 20 % de etanol (E-20), após a simulação de um vazamento em subsuperfície, utilizando colunas de areia em laboratório, visto que esta relação é de extrema importância para o cálculo preciso do volume do contaminante a ser bombeado, no caso de vazamentos de combustível. As colunas foram confeccionadas utilizando-se 2 tubos de acrílico transparente com 100 cm de comprimento e 23cm de diâmetro interno que foram fixados a uma base de acrílico transparente com 0,60 cm de espessura. Um tubo de PVC branco com 100 cm de comprimento e 3,50 cm de diâmetro interno, com ranhuras horizontais de 0,10 cm de largura foi cortado longitudinalmente e cada metade foi fixada nas paredes dos tubos de acrílico para representar o poço de monitoramento. As colunas foram preenchidas com areia de granulometria muito fina (0,088 mm). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a espessura aparente da gasolina pura foi 2,6 vezes superior à espessura real da fase livre e a espessura aparente da E-20 foi 0,6 vezes superior a espessura real da fase livre. A tensão interfacial da E-20 foi 67% inferior à tensão interfacial da gasolina pura, possibilitando que uma quantidade maior de poros fosse acessada, refletindo em valores de saturação total 54% superiores ao da gasolina pura. Parte da fase gasolina da E-20 deve ter sido depositada como glóbulos desconectados nos poros caracterizando uma saturação residual, devido ao particionamento preferencial do etanol para a água subterrânea e o conseqüente enriquecimento em gasolina na fase gasolina. Esta saturação residual deve ter dificultado o fluxo e consequentemente reduzido a permeabilidade relativa para a fase aquosa, causando o retardamento da chegada da E-20 no poço de monitoramento. / Commercial gasolines sold in Brazil are added ethanol from 20 to 24% by volume. This oxygenated additive raises the octane level and reduces carbon monoxide emissions to the atmosphere. Underground storage tanks and gasoline lines are a major potential problem for soil and groundwater contamination. Since ethanol has cosolvent properties that alter the behavior of phase distribution in subsurface, this research compares the existing relationship of apparent and actual thicknesses of free phase gasoline and E-20 (80% gasoline and 20% ethanol by volume) found respectively in monitoring wells and medium porous material using two column experiments. Two cylindrical plexiglass columns were used (100 cm long and 23 cm in internal diameter). The bottom ends were capped using two 35 x 35 cm plexiglass plates. A spout-like connection of PVC was fitted near the base of each column as an inlet/outlet end. One well screen (100 cm long and 3,5 cm in internal diameter) in white PVC was cut in half lengthwise and attached to the inside walls of columns to be used as monitoring wells. The columns were then filled with 0,088 mm grain size sand (very fine).The apparent thickness of pure gasoline was 2.6 times thicker than the actual thickness in the aquifer while it was only 0.6 thicker for E-20. The interfacial tension of E-20 is 67% lower than the that of the pure gasoline, allowing a larger quantity of pores to be accessed, which was reflected in an oil saturation 54% higher than that of pure gasoline. Part of the gasoline phase of E-20 must have been precipitated as disconnected doplets within the pores creating a residual saturation and consequently reducing the permeability with respect to the aqueous phase delaying the breakthrough of E-20 in the monitoring well.

Avaliação de métodos geofísicos no comportamento espacial de plumas de necrochorume / Evaluation of geophysical methods in spatial behavior of necroleachate contamination plume.

Saraiva, Fernando Augusto 07 February 2011 (has links)
Nos últimos 20 anos, impactos ambientais relacionados à implantação e funcionamento de cemitérios têm sido objeto de diversas discussões públicas, levantamentos ambientais e alguns trabalhos acadêmicos. A maioria das pesquisas tem demonstrado o esperado dano ambiental causado pelos cemitérios. Por outro lado, em estudos ambientais tanto acadêmicos quanto técnicos, os pesquisadores e profissionais têm se valido de diversas metodologias, especialmente dos métodos indiretos de investigação por sua rapidez e qualidade dos resultados. Os métodos indiretos utilizados na avaliação e controle das contaminações por cemitérios têm sido a eletrorresistividade e os eletromagnéticos. Mais recentemente o radar (GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar) tem sido mencionado em literatura e utilizado principalmente em estudos forenses. Neste projeto se implantou em uma área sem qualquer histórico de contaminação, corpos e restos de animais com semelhanças a corpos humanos, comparando os métodos e técnicas geofísicas no acompanhamento da formação da pluma de contaminação possivelmente originada a partir da formação do necrochorume. Os resultados mostraram que o método da eletrorresistividade com a técnica do caminhamento elétrico apresentou os melhores resultados quanto à delimitação da pluma gerada. Análises físico-químicas efetuadas na água subterrânea para se avaliar os resultados não mostraram claramente as alterações previstas, especialmente quanto ao esperado aumento da condutividade elétrica. / In recent years, environmental impacts related to the deployment and operation of cemeteries has been the subject of several public discussions, environmental surveys and academic papers. Most surveys have shown the expected environmental damage caused by cemeteries. On the other hand, in academic and technical environmental studies, researchers and professionals have been using various methodologies, especially the indirect methods of investigation due to quickness and quality of results. The indirect methods used in the evaluation and control of contamination caused by cemeteries has been the electrical and electromagnetic. More recently Ground Penetrating Radar has been mentioned in literature and mainly used in forensic studies. This study implemented in an area without any history of contamination, animal bodies with similarities to human burials and compared the methods and geophysical techniques to monitor the formation of the plume of contamination probably originated from the formation of necroleachate. The results showed that the method of electrical imaging showed the best results concerning the delimitation of the plume generated. Physical and chemical analysis performed in groundwater to evaluate the results did not clearly show the expected changes, especially regarding the specific increase in electrical conductivity.

Annual Road Salt Budget During the 2013-2014 Season in an Unconfined Aquifer, Southeastern MA

Bello, Bianca Susan January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Rudolph Hon / Road de-icing salts (predominantly NaCl, CaCl2, and MgCl2) are applied each winter in the northern US, northern Europe, and Canada to maintain safe driving conditions. It is widely recognized that road salt enters the environment through runoff and infiltration (Williams et al., 2000; Ostendorf, et al., 2001; J. Marsalek, 2003), resulting in salinization of freshwater (Godwin et al., 2003; Kaushal et al., 2005; Kelly et al., 2012). The chloride concentration (a proxy for deicers) has doubled in the last 20 years in the groundwater Norwell, MA, the primary public water supply for the town’s residents, and often exceeds the EPA secondary drinking water standard for chloride. The annual budget TDLCl¬ of Third Herring Brook in Norwell, MA is estimated using specific conductance and discharge datasets to determine the retention of dissolved deicers in the watershed during the study period. The estimated retention rate is between 59% and 78%. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Aquíferos sob ameaça: estudo sobre a contaminação por agrotóxicos em uma área de recarga do Aquífero Guarani / Aquifers under threat: study on pesticides contamination in a recharge area of Guarani Aquifer

Alves, Paulo Alexandre de Toledo 30 May 2016 (has links)
Por muito tempo acreditou-se que o solo atuaria como um filtro protegendo os grandes reservatórios de água subterrânea. Porém estes reservatórios possuem áreas onde existe uma maior sensibilidade à contaminação da água, devido características específicas do solo e não confinamento da rocha porosa. Estes locais são conhecidos também como áreas de recarga. O Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG) é atualmente a reserva de água subterrânea mais importante do Brasil. Transfronteiriço, ocupa 8 estados nacionais e 3 países da América do Sul, e recebe constante impacto pelo uso da água e de suas áreas de recarga por atividades industriais e agrícolas. No estado de São Paulo, Brasil, existe uma faixa contínua e estreita de afloramento do SAG que abrange a porção central, com ocorrência de solos arenosos, baixa profundidade da rocha sedimentar e ocupação do solo com atividades agrícolas intensivas (em especial citros, café, cana-de-açúcar e silvicultura). As características edafoclimáticas influenciam diretamente a vulnerabilidade dos aquíferos, e esta pode ser medida com ajuda de ferramentas de modelagem digital associadas a Sistemas de Informações Georreferenciadas (SIG). Sendo a atividade agrícola a mais recorrente neste sistema de recarga do SAG, este projeto objetivou estudar os impactos da agricultura neste sistema em três frentes. Primeiro pela determinação da vulnerabilidade do aquífero pelo modelo DRASTIC-SIG de uma área de recarga do Aquífero Guarani ocupada com a cultura de citros e com solo arenoso. Segundo pela avaliação da ocorrência de contaminação por agrotóxicos de águas superficiais, subterrâneas e sedimento por HPLC-UV/DAD e CG-µECD. E por final, avaliando o comportamento do herbicida Diuron em solo da área de estudo. Os resultados do modelo DRASTIC apontaram alta vulnerabilidade do aquífero para a região estudada. Foi identificada contaminação pontual por Heptacloro em duas amostras de água superficial analisadas. Quanto ao comportamento do Diuron em solo, este apresentou baixo risco de lixiviação e baixa adsorção em solo arenoso. Estes resultados indicam que estas áreas devem ser mais estudadas quanto à vulnerabilidade, visando o direcionamento de políticas públicas para orientar a melhores práticas nas lavouras objetivando a proteção desta importante reserva natural de água, que está atualmente exposta às atividades antrópicas e pode ter a sua qualidade comprometida no longo tempo / For a long time it was believed that watersheds would be free of environmental contamination due protection exerted by soil and rock layers. However, aquifers may have confined areas where it is covered by one or more layers of solid rock, and not confined areas where the sedimentary rock, which retains water, is outcropping. In the non-confined areas, the aquifer is recharged usually by direct infiltration of rainwater or indirectly from other water bodies. Thus, the recharge areas have higher sensitivity and vulnerability to contamination because they are more exposed to anthropogenic activities. The Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) is currently the most important groundwater reserve in Brazil. Transboundary, it occupies 8 national states and 3 countries in South America, and receives constant impact of it is uses and soil occupation for industrial and agricultural activities. In São Paulo State, Brazil, there is a continuous narrow strip of outcrop of GAS covering the inner portion of the central part of the State, with the occurrence of sandy soils, shallow sedimentary rock and soil occupation with intensive agricultural activities (especially citrus, coffee, sugarcane and planted forestry). Soil and climatic characteristics directly influence the vulnerability of aquifers, and this can be measured with the help of digital modeling tools associated with Geo-referenced Information Systems (GIS). Due the agricultural activity being the most practiced activity in the GAS recharge system, this project aimed to study the specific impact of agriculture in the system by three fronts. First was to determine the vulnerability by DRASTIC-GIS model of a recharge area of the Guarani Aquifer occupied with the cultivation of citrus and sandy soil. Second, was the evaluation of the occurrence of pesticides contamination in surface water, groundwater and sediment by HPLC-UV/DAD and GC-µECD for the period of one year. And last, studying the Diuron behavior in the soil of the study area. The results of the DRASTIC model showed a high vulnerability of the aquifer to the region studied. Spot contamination was identified by Heptachlor in two field samples of surface water. The Diuron behavior in soil showed lowrisk of leaching and low sorption coefficient. These results indicates that these areas should be more studied for vulnerability, targeting the direction of public policies to guide best practices in the fields aiming to protect this important natural water reserve, which is currently exposed to human activities and may have their quality compromised in the long time

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