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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stopami divadelní poetiky Otomara Krejči ve frankofonní Belgii / Influence of Otomar Krejca's aesthetics in French-speaking Belgium

Flock, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
1 Stopami Krejčovy divadelní poetiky ve frankofonní Belgii Disertační práce se zaměřuje na české divadlo od první do druhé avantgardy. Především je zaměřená na divadlo Otomara Krejči a jeho vztah s belgickým divadlem v rámci druhého českého avantgardního divadla do doby normalizace (do r. 1982). Hlavní hypotéza je v tom, že Krejčův přínos byl významný pro belgické pojetí dramatického umění. Existuje dnes belgické pokračování divadelní poetiky Krejči ve frankofonní Belgii a pokud ano, proč ? Krejča realizoval důležitou část svého uměleckého života v Belgii. Belgická divadelní činnost Krejči se dělí do dvou odlišných období. První z nich začíná založením Divadla za branou v Praze v roce 1965 a je spojené s působením v belgickém Národním divadle v Bruselu. Tato léta spadají do československé destalinizace a jsou velmi produktivní v umělecké oblasti. V Bruselu Krejča režíruje celkem čtyři hry : v roce 1965 Hamlet, v roce 1966 Racek, v roce 1970 Tři sestry a v roce 1978 Romeo a Julie. Ty tři první hry jsou inscenovány před odjezdem Krejči do jeho polo-exilu a před dobou normalizace. Poslední hra znamená začátek jeho druhého období v Belgii, spojeného s městem Louvain-la-Neuve. Druhé období začíná v době normalizace, kdy bylo zlikvidováno Divadlo za branou, zatímco jsou Krejčovy inscenace již velmi známé v...

Politika, historie, paměť: politické využívání minulosti ve Francii od 90. let 20. století / Using of the Past in France from 1990s till Present

Emler, David January 2014 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Modern History PhD. Thesis POLITICS, HISTORY, MEMORY: POLITIC USES OF THE PAST IN FRANCE SINCE 1990s David EMLER Abstract The PhD. thesis analyzes the triangle of mutual influences between politics, history and memory. The introduction brings interpretations of the most important French concepts of memory (Halbwachs, Nora, Ricœur). The content is divided into three chapters, analyzing the mutual interactions of politics and history (so-called "memory laws" and reactions of historians), influences between memory and politics (uses of memory in presidential speeches), and mutual effects between history and memory (development of French historiography of contemporary history).

Historiens slut : En studie om samtidshistoria i historieundervisningen på gymnasiet. / The End of History : A study on contemporary history in history teaching at upper secondary school.

Svan, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how history teachers in upper secondary schools approach the teaching of contemporary history, focusing on the period from 1991 to the present. The aim is to investigate the content of this teaching, the motivations behind it, and the perceived opportunities and challenges. Using Ronald W. Evans' typology of historical perspectives, the study also seeks to identify which views of history are most prevalent in contemporary history teaching. Data was collected through a combination of surveys and semi-structured interviews with history teachers. The results reveal that the teaching of contemporary history differs from regular history instruction, with a stronger emphasis on global events and conflicts. Teachers with a relativistic view of history, who promote a global perspective and prioritises students' interests, are particularly advantaged using contemporary history in this context. In contrast, those with a narrative perspective, who prefer a chronological and Eurocentric approach, face more challenges, particularly regarding time constraints and the use of materials. The study highlights that teachers' selection of topics and methods is heavily influenced by students' interests and current societal debates, contrasting with the more rigid structure of traditional history teaching. Overall, contemporary history teaching enhances students' historical consciousness by connecting past events with current issues, although it requires students to have a foundational understanding of the historical events discussed. The study concludes that a relativistic perspective is best suited for teaching contemporary history, given its adaptability to current global contexts and its alignment with students' interests.

Le Brésil entre le mythe et l´idéal : la réception de l´œuvre de Gilberto Freyre en France dans l´après-guerre / Brazil between myth and the ideal : The reception of Gilberto Freyre’s works in postwar France

Barbosa da Silva Andrade, Cibele 08 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude de la réception de l’œuvre du sociologue brésilien Gilberto Freyre, en France, au sortir de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Etant donné l’enthousiasme suscité par Freyre auprès de chercheurs comme Lucien Febvre, Fernand Braudel, Roger Bastide entre autres, nous avons cherché à mieux comprendre les raisons qui ont persuadé ces hommes de science de souligner l’importance de l’ouvrage Maîtres et Esclaves au regard de leurs propres débats.L’hypothèse que nous défendons dans cette étude est que, contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, la réception de Freyre en France, n’a pas été liée, en premier lieu, au regard exotique sur le Brésil – bien que l’ouvrage y ait part – ni même à la contribution historiographique de Freyre en tant que précurseur supposé des innovations épistémologiques mises en œuvre par les historiens des Annales. Nous avons choisi de montrer qu’il n’est vraiment possible de comprendre l’acceptation de Gilberto Freyre en France que si nous prenons en considération les contingences historiques de la période concernée, grosse de facteurs d’ordre politico-idéologique, épistémologique et culturel, outre ceux à caractère institutionnel et personnel, comme, par exemple, le réseau de sociabilité construit par l’auteur auprès d’intellectuels de renom, ou sa présence à des forums internationaux, tels que l’UNESCO. En nous appuyant sur une documentation épistolaire, textuelle et iconographique, nous avons cherché à discerner, dans ses grandes lignes, la manière dont les idées de Freyre s’emboîtaient et interagissaient avec les différents horizons d’attente français des années 1950. / The objective of this thesis was to study the reception of the Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freyre’s works in France after the Second World War. Going from the starting point of the enthusiasm of Freyre’s reception by experts like Lucien Febvre, Fernand Braudel and Roger Bastide, among others, we sought to attain better comprehension of the reasons that convinced these intellectuals to highlight the importance of the work Maîtres et Esclaves as a function of their own debates. What we advocate as a hypothesis in this thesis is that, contrary to what might be thought about Freyre’s reception in France, it was not primarily related to viewing Brazil as exotic (although the work made a contribution in this respect) or even to Freyre’s historiographic contribution as a supposed precursor of the epistemological innovations made by the historians of Annales. We have instead shown that it is only possible to comprehend Freyre’s acceptance in France by taking into consideration the historical contingencies of the period, full of factors of a political-ideological, epistemological, cultural and scientific nature, and those of institutional and personal nature, such as the study of the sociability network that Freyre constructed with prominent intellectuals within the French scene or his presence in international forums like UNESCO. Based on epistolary, textual and iconographic documentation, we have sought to identify, along general lines, the ways in which Freyre’s ideas fitted in with and interacted with different levels of expectations in France in the 1950s.

Jorge Caron: uma trajetória / Jorge Caron: a trajectory

Ruggiero, Amanda Saba 09 February 2007 (has links)
A Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Paulo foi ambiente disseminador de uma série de princípios éticos e estéticos referenciados na responsabilidade social do arquiteto, tendo a figura do mestre João Batista Vilanova Artigas, como eixo difusor e grande condutor destes ideais nas décadas de 50 e 60. O arquiteto Jorge Caron (1936/2000) respondeu ao perfil do arquiteto completo idealizado por este grupo da FAU-USP, atuando como arquiteto e urbanista, educador, paisagista, designer, cenógrafo, cineasta e agitador cultural. Sem dúvida alguma foi personagem de fundamental importância, tendo trabalhado intensamente no campo constitutivo deste rico ambiente de luta pela formação cultural do país. Trata-se do desenho inédito de uma trajetória profissional, executado a partir do resgate e do estudo sistematizado das propostas de Jorge Caron. Seu percurso é entendido através da identificação dos interlocutores, dos conflitos e diálogos estabelecidos nesse panorama, com o intuito de revelar escolhas e estratégias traduzidas também na sua arquitetura. / During the years of 1950 and 1960, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP) had been a center of ethics and esthetics principles, guided by the master João Batista Vilanova Artigas, architect and urban planner known as a diffuser, an important professor and great leader of the modern movement in Brazil. The architect Jorge Caron (1936/2000) represented the second generation of the modern architect idealized by this group from FAU-USP. He worked as an architect and urban planner, educator, landscape worker, designer, scenographist, movie director and cultural producer. He was indoubtly an important professional, having worked intensely for developing a national culture. In this work, we analyze Jorge Caron professional carrier based on the recovery and the systematic study of his proposals. We identify the interlocutors, the conflicts and dialogs established in this context, aiming to reveal the choices and strategies also translated in his architecture.

Plagiário, à maneira de todos os historiadores: Alphonse de Beauchamp e a escrita da história na França nas primeiras décadas do século XIX / Plagiarism, in the manner of all historians: Alphonse de Beauchmp and writing of history in France during the first decades of the nineteenth century

Medeiros, Bruno Franco 19 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a obra historiográfica de Alphonse de Beauchamp (1767-1832) a partir da qual examina as transformações ocorridas na maneira de escrever história no início do século XIX. Historiador orientado para o grande público, sua obra inscreve-se no contexto político restauracionista, em que se buscava reconstruir a memória da revolução francesa e legitimar os interesses monárquicos. Tal posicionamento político o levou a se interessar pela história da Monarquia portuguesa, e particularmente sobre o episódio da transferência da Corte para o Rio de Janeiro em 1808. A história do Brasil de Alphonse de Beauchamp deveria servir de contraponto ao destino das ex-colônias espanholas durante o processo de Independência nas primeiras duas décadas do século XIX. O historiador francês valeu-se, igualmente, dos historiadores da antiguidade, para escrever suas memórias sobre a França do seu tempo, assim como para reconstituir a história do Brasil. Contudo, os modelos da historiografia clássica já não supriam as exigências por novas maneiras de representar e narrar o passado, de tal forma que sua obra veio a ser confundida com a prática de plágio, caindo no descrédito dos historiadores e eruditos. / This dissertation investigates the work of historiography of Alphonse de Beauchamp (1767-1832) from which examines the transformations in the way of writing history in the early nineteenth century. Historian oriented to the general public, his work falls into the political restorationist, which sought to reconstruct the memory of the French Revolution and legitimate interests monarchists. This political stance led him to become interested in the history of the Portuguese monarchy, and particularly on the episode of the transfer of the Court to Rio de Janeiro in 1808. Brazil\'s history of Alphonse de Beauchamp should serve as a counterpoint to the fate of former Spanish colonies during the Independence on the first two decades of the nineteenth century. The French historian took advantage also of the historians of antiquity to write his memoirs about his time in France, as well as to reconstruct the history of Brazil. However, the models of classical historiography no longer meet the demands for new ways of representing and narrating the past, so that his work came to be confused with the practice of plagiarism, falling into disrepute by historians and scholars.

Abrindo A Caixa Preta: uma leitura da sociedade israelense na década de 70 / Opening the Black Box: a reading society Israel in the 70

Schvartzman, Gabriel Steinberg 03 October 2000 (has links)
A sociedade israelense passou por modificações, em especial, na década de 70 que levaram a mudanças políticas e sociais. O escritor Amós Oz, um dos mais destacados do país, aborda em seus textos ficcionais e não ficcionais, as mudanças e alterações refletidas no país. Este trabalho pretende estudar as modificações da década em questão, conforme apresentadas no romance A Caixa Preta de Amós Oz e para isto, são aqui desenvolvidos os seguintes temas: A busca pela identidade nacional, o confronto entre a direita e a esquerda dento do sistema político israelense, o levantamento das semelhanças entre o Estado que busca redefinir sua identidade e o movimento sionista, que procura reencontrar seus objetivos uma vez que o Estado tornou-se realidade, a posição da esquerda israelense e as concepções do grupo pacifista Shalom Achshav, a atuação da direita israelense e a militância do grupo nacionalista Gush Emunim, as diferentes ondas imigratórias para Israel antes e após a proclamação da independência e a absorção das diferentes comunidades de imigrantes, o início dos conflitos étnicos entre as diversas comunidades que formam o mosaico social israelense. Uma análise do livro A Caixa Preta, mostrando como os conflitos étnicos, religiosos e políticos se refletem na obra de Amós Oz, assim como a análise dos personagens e seus comportamentos indicando a ligação entre ficção e realidade no cotidiano israelense completam a segunda parte desta dissertação / The israeli society has gone through some moves, specially on the seventies, that led to political and social changes. The author Amós Oz, a remarkable one in the country, has written in his fictional and non-fictional works about those innovations reflected in the country. This work intends to study the changes in the period above, as shown in the novel Kufsa Chhora (The Black Box) from Amós Oz. Therefore, these themes are here developed: The search for national identity, the confrontation between right and left in the israeli political system, the collecting of the simmilarities between the State, redefining its identity and the sionist movement, that is reshaping its objectives, once the State became a reality, the position of the israeli left wing and the conceptions of the pacifist group Shalom Achshav, the position of the israeli right wing and the militanty of the nacionalistic group Gush Emunim, the different immigratory waves to Israel before and after the proclamation of the State and the absorption of the different communities of immigrants, the beggining of ethnical conflicts among the several communities, which from the israeli social mosaic. We have, here, too, an analisis of the book Kufsa Chhora (The Black Box) showing how ethnical, religious and political conflicts reflect in Amós Ozs work, as well as an analisis of the characters and their behavior to show the liaison between fiction and reality in Israels routine.

"A montanha azul de Meir Shalev: uma leitura pós-sionista da sociedade israelense" / The Blue Mountain of Meir Shalev: A Reading Post-Zionist of the Israeli Society

Schvartzman, Gabriel Steinberg 13 March 2006 (has links)
O século XX representou para os judeus dispersos pelo mundo uma dupla reviravolta; por um lado, seis milhões deles foram eliminados pela matança ordenada da II Guerra Mundial, na Shoá. Nestes mesmos anos conturbados chegou ao ápice a busca de uma solução territorial e nacional para o povo. Sustentados pelos ideais desenvolvidos e estipulados pelo Sionismo, o movimento que buscou recolocar o povo judeu no antigo solo bíblico e ali tornar a fazer dele uma nação, depois de anos de embates, criou-se o Estado de Israel, o lar nacional dos judeus. A história desta luta e concretização de um sonho foi escrita por autores que baseados em seus ideais e nos da nação, redigiram-na a partir de sua face heróica, conforme o modelo que lhes fora apresentado. Nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, Israel porém presenciou um novo fenômeno cultural e político: o revisionismo histórico. Os historiadores dessa corrente (Avi Shlaim, Ilan Pappé, Simcha Flapan, Benny Morris, Tom Seguev) ao negarem a história oficial que conforme a sua concepção está baseada em mitos sionistas, promoveram uma reescrita da história, o que originou grandes debates na sociedade israelense. Tal fato repercutiu nos mais diversos segmentos do país e, em particular, na literatura, um dos focos desta tese. A obra abordada nesta tese é Roman Russi de Meir Shalev (1988), versão em português A Montanha Azul (2002). No romance A Montanha Azul, o escritor israelense contemporâneo Meir Shalev recria o cotidiano de várias famílias de pioneiros ao longo de três gerações no Vale de Jezreel, na região da Galiléia: a geração dos pais fundadores chegados à Palestina no início do século XX com a 2ª aliá; a geração dos nascidos no ishuv e, portanto, os que ajudaram a fundar o Estado judaico; e a geração nascida após a criação de Israel. A Montanha Azul nos mostra que alguma coisa deu errado, que o sonho não se concretizou em sua totalidade, que tanto esforço em parte desmoronou. A obra sinaliza para o fato de que um povo que renuncia aos seus mitos é responsável por seu próprio declínio. A obra de Shalev foi recebida como sendo anti-sionista, porém na realidade o autor critica às novas gerações que negligenciaram os valores sionistas. Não obstante, o autor aponta uma esperança quando Uri, o sabra rebelde, dá uma nova direção ao Sionismo. Esta tese se propõe a indicar como a reviravolta da história pode ser adequadamente abordada por meio de uma obra ficcional. / The 20th century represented for the Jews scattered around the world a double great change; on one hand, 6 millions of them were killed at the Shoah, the organized II WW massacre. During these same disturbed years, search for a territorial and for a national solution for the Jewish people reached its apex. Supported by ideals developed and stipulated by Zionism, the movement that intended to restore the Jewish people in the ancient biblical soil and transform it into a nation, after years and years of clashes, the State of Israel, Jews’ national home was created. History of this struggle and of the rendering of the dream was written by authors that relied on their own ideals and on those of the nation; they composed it from its heroic face, according to the national model that was presented to them. But in the 80’s and 90’s Israel witnessed a new cultural and political phenomenon: a historical revisionism. These trends’ historians (Avi Shlaim, Ilan Pappé, Simcha Flapan, Benny Morris, Tom Seguev) by denying official history which according to their conception is based in Zionist myths, promoted a rewriting of history, and this caused big debates in Israel’s society. This fact reflected in most sections of the country, particularly in literature, one of the focus of this thesis. The thesis deals with Meir Shalev’s novel Roman Russi (Hebrew original, 1988, Montanha Azul, in the Portuguese version of 2002). In this novel, Israeli writer Meir Shalev (1948) recreates daily life of several pioneers’ families through three generations in Jezreel Valley, Galilee: the generation of founding fathers which arrived to Palestine at the beginning of the 20th century with 2nd aliyah, the generation of native yishuv born, hence those that helped to create the Jewish State and the generation born after the State’s birth. Blue Mountain signalizes that something went wrong, that the dream didn’t come completely true, that such big effort fell partially to pieces. The book points to the fact that a people that renounces to its myths is responsible for its own decline. Shalev’s book was received as an anti-Zionist novel, but as a matter of fact the author censures the new generations that neglected Zionist values. Notwithstanding, the author points to some hope when Uri, the rebel sabra, signals to a new direction in Zionism. This thesis proposes to point out how the complete turning of history can be suitably approached by means of fiction.

A política de ciência e tecnologia e o modelo brasileiro de desenvolvimento na formação do polo tecnológico de Campinas / The politics of science and technology and the Brazilian development model in the formation of the technological pole of Campinas

William Gama dos Santos 04 August 2017 (has links)
Nessa dissertação pretendemos analisar como o Estado brasileiro participou da construção das instituições de ensino e pesquisa na cidade de Campinas e de como essa estrutura foi mobilizada no sentido de realizar parte das iniciativas desenvolvimentistas presentes no Modelo Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento. Além da análise sobre a relação existente entre as políticas de ciência e tecnologia e o planejamento econômico do regime militar, pretendemos demonstrar quais as estruturas políticas e sociais que permitiram a formação de um polo tecnológico na cidade de Campinas. Procuraremos descrever como o processo de crescimento da economia local permitiu o surgimento de uma nova modalidade de produção baseada na alta tecnologia, e como o conteúdo tecnológico foi mobilizado pela academia científica e instituições de pesquisa da cidade. / This dissertation aims to analyze how the Brazilian State participated in the creation of educational and research institutions in the city of Campinas and how this structure was used in order to execute part of the developmental initiatives found in the Brazilian Development Model. Besides the analysis of the relationship between the economic planning of the military regime and science and technology policies , we aim to reveal the political and social structures that supported the development of a technological pole in the city of Campinas. We will describe how the local economy growth process supported the rise of a new modality of production based on the high technology, and how the technological content was used by the scientific academy and research institutions of the city.

A revolução em película : a relação cinema-história e a construção do paradigma historiográfico

Quinsani, Rafael Hansen January 2015 (has links)
Esta Tese tem por objetivo problematizar sobre as implicações teóricas da relação Cinema-História, destacando como os filmes interpretam a História e quais as consequências desse processo para a História como ciência e para o meio social. Trata-se de pensar como o aporte de novas tecnologias constitui uma forma narrativa para a História apresentada, e se a divulgação da História por imagens filmográficas permite perceber a composição de um novo paradigma centrado na Razão Poética, que possibilite a reavaliação do próprio paradigma científico da História. O contexto escolhido para ancorar nossa análise é o da Revolução Mexicana, primeira Revolução a descortinar o breve, porém intenso, século XX. Este processo é sem dúvida um dos mais significativos na História contemporânea e mundial. Sua abrangência, seus efeitos e experiências proporcionadas ainda trazem impacto no presente vivido. O grande número de filmes realizados no México e no exterior permitiu a criação de um corpus fílmico invejável: mais de quinhentas películas produzidas desde o início do processo revolucionário, em 1910. O volume de ficções também é considerável, e sua realização incidiu em todas as décadas, seja no âmbito nacional, seja no internacional. Diante da magnitude da Revolução, as manifestações artísticas não ficaram imunes. O Estado e a sociedade trataram de abordá-la com diferentes prismas e interesses. Entre narrativas de convergência, imagens de consenso, desconstruções e solidificações de heróis, criou-se um corpus de produtos artísticos que compreendia a arte muralista, a literatura e o cinema. A Revolução tomada como um continuum permite elaborar um quadro inteligível da sociedade mexicana. Fora do México o interesse historiográfico e cinematográfico foi significativo. Para além do seu vizinho do Norte, Europa e URSS detiveram seu olhar sobre a Revolução. A escolha dos quatro filmes analisados nesta Tese recai sobre obras realizadas em dois eixos, batizados de Quadros ideológicos-temporais. O olhar estrangeiro destes cineastas de certa forma também coincide com o olhar do autor desta Tese sobre o processo mexicano. Os filmes são: Que Viva México!, México em Chamas, Companheiros e Uma bala para o General. Dessa forma, se buscará a partir das análises fílmicas, delinear alguns elementos teóricos do paradigma Cinema-História centrado no conceito de Razão Poética. / This thesis aims to discuss about the theoretical implications of Cinema History relationship, highlighting how the film interpret the history and what the consequences of this process for the History as a science and the social environment. It is thought as the contribution of new technologies is a narrative form to the history presented, and the dissemination of history by filmográficas images allows us to see the composition of a new paradigm focused on Poetic Reason, which allows the revaluation of own scientific paradigm History. The context chosen to anchor our analysis is the Mexican Revolution, the first revolution to uncover the brief but intense twentieth century. This process is undoubtedly one of the most significant in contemporary world history. Its comprehensiveness, its effects and proportionate experiences still carry impact on the lived present. The large number of films made in Mexico and abroad allowed the creation of an enviable filmic corpus: more than five hundred films produced since the beginning of the revolutionary process in 1910. The volume of fictions is also considerable, and its realization focused on all decades, whether at the national, whether at international level. Considering the magnitude of the Revolution, artistic events were not immune. The state and society have tried to approach it with different perspectives and interests. Convergence between narratives, consensus pictures, deconstructions and solidification of heroes created a corpus of artistic products comprising the mural art, literature and cinema. The Revolution taken as a continuum allows develop a meaningful framework of Mexican society. Outside of Mexico and the historiographical cinematic interest was significant. Apart from its northern neighbor, Europe and the USSR arrested his gaze on the Revolution. The choice of the four films analyzed in this work lies with works carried out in two axes, dubbed ideological-temporal frameworks. Foreign look of these filmmakers somehow also coincides with the look of the author of this thesis on the Mexican process. The films are: Que Viva Mexico!, Mexico in Flames, Companeros and A Bullet for the General. Thus, it seeks from the filmic analysis, outline some theoretical elements of Cinema History paradigm centered on the concept of Poetic Reason.

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