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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komplexitet med hantering och utveckling av cyberfysiska system (CPS) i sjukhusmiljö / The complexity of managing and developing CPS in a hospital environment

Bakeleh, Majd January 2023 (has links)
Denna rapport närmar sig cyberfysiska system (CPS) ur både användnings- och utvecklingsperspektiv, med särskilt fokus på utmaningarna i en sjukhusmiljö. Vikten av en kontinuerlig utveckling för att optimera teknologins prestanda och användbarhet betonas, och de specifika utmaningar som är unika för en sjukhusmiljö belyses. Studien undersöker hantering av komplexitet kopplat till CPS i form av automatiserade transportsystem på Nya Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Stockholm, Sverige. Målet är att ge framtida sjukhusprojekt en klar beskrivning av erfarenheterna av att utveckla och hantera CPS i sjukhusmiljö. Genom att titta på både möjligheter och utmaningar kommer rapporten att bidra till en ökad förståelse för CPS och dess förmåga att förbättra vården. Resultaten visar att utmaningarna inkluderar höga säkerhetskrav, integrering med personal, noga övervakning för att undvika driftstörningar och behovet av samarbete och flexibilitet. Rapporten drar slutsatsen att samarbete, proaktiv inställning och kontinuerlig utveckling är nödvändiga för att optimera prestanda och användbarhet hos CPS. Användare och kunder bör också vara aktiva i att dokumentera och rapportera systemets beteende för en kontinuerlig förbättring. Utvecklingen av CPS inom sjukhusmiljöer kräver också kontinuerlig testning och utbildning av personal samt ett koordinerat och strategiskt förhållningssätt för att säkerställa god samverkan mellan systemets olika aspekter. / This report approaches CPS technology from both usage and development perspectives, with a particular focus on the challenges in a hospital environment. The importance of continuous development to optimize the technology's performance and usability is explored, as well as the specific challenges that are unique to a hospital environment. The study investigates the complexity management of CPS in the form of automated transport systems at the New Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. The goal is to provide future hospital projects with a clear description of the experiences of developing and managing CPS in a hospital environment. By looking at both opportunities and challenges, the report contributes to a greater understanding of CPS and its ability to improve health care. The study shows that the challenges include high security requirements, integration with staff, careful monitoring to avoid disruptions, and the need for cooperation and flexibility. The report concludes that cooperation, proactive attitude and continuous development are necessary to optimize the performance and usability of CPS. Users and customers should be active in documenting and reporting the system's behavior for continuous improvement. The development of CPS in hospital environments also requires continuous testing and training of staff and a coordinated and strategic approach to ensure cooperation between the system's different aspects.

A critical investigation into the nature and quality of in-service Education and Training programmes for Further education and training (FET) mathematics teachers in the Greater Taung area

Owusu-Mensah, James 29 February 2008 (has links)
The study investigated the nature and quality of in-service education and training programmes organized for Further Education and Training (FET) mathematics teachers in the Greater Taung Area. The researcher is of the contention that more could be done to improve the process and the effectiveness of in-service training in the area. An extensive literature study provides a theoretical foundation and exposes some critical issues for effective in-service training programmes. The qualitative approach is used in the case study. The data were analysed through inductive analysis. The major research findings are that there are no formal processes of identifying the needs of mathematics teachers and further, teachers are not monitored and supervised after in-service sessions. It is recommended that the needs of teachers be identified by the school before inset. For effective monitoring and supervision of mathematics teachers after inset, it is recommended that each cluster within the Area Project Office (APO) should have a subject specialist for mathematics. / EDUCATIONAL STUDIES / MED (MATHS EDUC)

A critical investigation into the nature and quality of in-service Education and Training programmes for Further education and training (FET) mathematics teachers in the Greater Taung area

Owusu-Mensah, James 29 February 2008 (has links)
The study investigated the nature and quality of in-service education and training programmes organized for Further Education and Training (FET) mathematics teachers in the Greater Taung Area. The researcher is of the contention that more could be done to improve the process and the effectiveness of in-service training in the area. An extensive literature study provides a theoretical foundation and exposes some critical issues for effective in-service training programmes. The qualitative approach is used in the case study. The data were analysed through inductive analysis. The major research findings are that there are no formal processes of identifying the needs of mathematics teachers and further, teachers are not monitored and supervised after in-service sessions. It is recommended that the needs of teachers be identified by the school before inset. For effective monitoring and supervision of mathematics teachers after inset, it is recommended that each cluster within the Area Project Office (APO) should have a subject specialist for mathematics. / EDUCATIONAL STUDIES / MED (MATHS EDUC)

Reinženjering preduzeća kao tehnika savremenog menadžmenta / Reengineering the company as modern management technique

Pecić LJiljana 29 April 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu se iskazuje potreba za obavljanjem reinţenjeringa preduzeća (RP), kao radikalno novog totalnog procesnog organizovanja preduzeća sa tendencijom ostvarivanja TQM-a (totalno procesno organizovanje preduzeća po prvi put je inţenjering preduzeća (IR)). Takođe, u radu se daje odgovarajuća metodologija za obavljanje inţenjeringa I reinţenjeringa preduzeća i iskazuje ĉinjenica da obavljanje svakog inţenjeringa i reinţenjeringa preduzeća, kao i funkcionisanje TQM-a podrazumeva postojanje menadţmenta u preduzeću koji se stalno inovira.<br />Rad istiĉe ĉinjenicu da u procesnom organizovanju preduzeća treba da se razlikuje selekcionistiĉki pristup koji prvenstveno odgovara naprednim preduzećima u razvijenoj svetskoj privredi i totalistiĉki pristup, koji rad obrađuje, a koji prevashodno odgovara svim ostalim preduzećima. Osnovni kriterijum koji odreĊuje kad koji pristup treba da bude upotrebljen je kvalitet posedovanne marketin&scaron;ke organizacione culture. Ako je posedovana marketin&scaron;ka organizaciona kultura zadovoljavajuća onda za ostvarivanje procesnog organizovanja treba da bude upotrebljen postojeći selekcionistiĉki pristup, dok u suprotnom sluĉaju, koji je daleko rasprostranjeni, treba da bude primenjen totalistiĉki pristup, koga rad obrađuje.<br />U radu je obrađen model za identifikaciju kvaliteta postojeće marketin&scaron;ke organizacione kulture preduzeća i iskazan naĉin pokretanja reinţenjeringa na primeru konkretnog preduzeća sloţenog karaktera i naĉin kako se identifikuju koristi od njegovog obavljanja u poĉetnoj fazi obavljanja (prve dve godine od njegovog pokretanja).<br />Obavljeno istraţivanje je prevashodno analitiĉko deskriptivnog karaktera u okviru kog se dokazivanje postavljenih operativnih hipoteza vr&scaron;ilo po odgovarajućim radnim poglavljima koja nose njihove nazive. Takođe, u sklopu obavljanja istraţivanja data su odgovarajuća razja&scaron;njenja pojmova: vizija, misija, op&scaron;ti cilj, strategija ostvarivanja op&scaron;teg cilja, identifikovanje radne strukture i strukture radnih procesa, modeliranje poslovne strukture i strukture poslovnih procesa, i definisanje procesne organizacione strukture preduzeća sa uspostavljanjem novog baziĉnog marketin&scaron;ki orjentisanog organizacionog modela. Ostvarivanje ovakvog organizacionog poduhvata definisano je odgovarajućom specijalnom grafiĉkom interpretacijom. Na primeru jednog sloţenog preduzeća dokazano je, kroz poĉetne rezultate, da jedan ovakav pristup daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate.</p> / <p>The paper shows the need for the re-engineering of the company (RP), as performing a radical new process of organizing the total tendency of TQM implementation, called Enterprise Engineering (IE). It also provides an appropriate methodology for their performing and reflect the fact that the performance of each engineering and re-engineering enterprises, as well as the functioning of TQM, implies the existence of management in a company, that is constantly innovating.<br />The paper highlights the fact that in the process organizing the company we shoulddistinguish differ process selection approach (that is suitable for advanced enterprises in developed world economy) and totalistic approach (which mainly corresponds to other companies). The main criterion that determines when that approach should be used, is the quality of subsumed marketing organizational culture. If the marketing possessed organizational culture is satisfactory then for the process of organizing should be used selection approach, while in the opposite case, which is far distributed, should be applied totalistic approach, which this paper deals with.<br />The paper describes a model for identification the quality of the existing marketing organizational culture, of the company and shown the way to start re-engineering through example of a particular complex company and find way how to identify the benefits of its performance in the beginning phase (the first two years of its launch).<br />Conducted research has primarily analytical-descriptive character, within which is done proving the set of operational hypotheses through relevant chapters which take their names. Also, through research performing are given adequate clarifications of terms: vision, mission, objective, strategy for achieving public goals, identifying the labor structure and structure of work processes, modeling the business structure and the structure of business processes, defining process organized structure of the company to establish a new base market oriented organizational model. The exercise of such organizational enterprise defines appropriate special graphical interpretation.</p>

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