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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Outsourcing vs. insourcing in the automotive industry : the role and concepts of suppliers

Nitschke, Christian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University 2005. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research report takes an in-depth look at the automotive industry and their major participants in the upstream value chain. The different parties involved are the automotive manufacturers (OEMs) and their suppliers. The overall goal of the following report is to identify suitable business models for small to medium sized (SME) automotive suppliers. As the automotive value chain currently undergoes an evolutionary change towards a diminishing vertical integration of the OEMs, it becomes a challenging issue to reconfigure the responsibilities of the suppliers. Thereby OEMs and their suppliers have to cope with a shift from a functional to a process orientated value chain. During this reorganization of the OEM-supplier interface, enterprises realign their strategic intent towards their core competencies as well. Besides the shifting value chain, both suppliers and OEMs have to cope with a consolidation in their industries. This consolidation is impacted by stagnating traditional markets, an ongoing globalization of the value chain, and an increasing productivity pressure in the automotive industry. Looking at the automotive supplier, it becomes obvious that the suppliers are on the one hand challenged by productivity pressures and on the other hand have the opportunity to take over more business of the automotive value chain. The growth potential requires changes in the area of supply chain management and new types of collaboration in the supply network. This prospective development is mainly influenced by a trend towards the outsourcing of entire processes by the OEMs and the increasing need for future innovations in the automotive industry. After discussing the above mentioned issues, the report analyses the role of suppliers with respect to their main customers, the automotive OEMs. Based on the findings business models for suppliers are assessed and key success factors for small to medium sized suppliers are proposed and evaluated. The findings of the evaluation are translated into suggestions for most suitable business models of SMEs. The report concludes with recommendations for the strategy building process indicates problems concerning the shifting value chain, and points out the importance of further research in the field of the small to medium sized automotive supplier industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieverslag ondersoek die motorvoertuig industrie met verwysing na die hoof deelnemers 'n die opwaartse waarde-ketting. Die partye betrokke is die motorvoertuigvervaardigers (OEMs) asook hul verskaffers. Die oorhoofse doel van die verslag is om gepaste sakeplanne vir klein en medium grootte (SME) ondernemings te identifiseer. Die motorvoertuig industrie se waardeketting ervaar tans 'n drastiese veranderingsproses - gekenmerk deur afnemende vertikale integrasie vanaf die OEMs - wat voortdurende nuwe uitdagings veroorsaak vir die innoverende verskaffer. Beide die OEMs en hul verskaffers moet dus aanpas met hierdie verandering - van funksioneel na proses-georienteerd - in die waarde-ketting. Tydens hierdie herstrukturering van OEM-verskaffer interaksie, moet deelnemers verseker dat die strategiese bedoeling in fyn ooreenstemming is met hul basiese bevoegdhede. Behalwe die verskuiwing in die waardeketting, moet OEMs asook verskaffers aanpas met samesmelting in hulle industrieë. Hierdie proses van samesmelting word beinvloed deur kwynende konvensionele markte, voortgesette globalisasie van die waardeketting, asook toenemende druk om produktief te wees in die motorvoertuig-industrie. 'n Ondersoek in motorvoertuig industrie verskaffers toon dat daar enersyds geweldige uitdagings ervaar word soverre dit produktiwiteitverbetering betref, maar andersyds daar ook geleendhede gebied word vir die verskaffer om verder te integreer deur oornames in die waarde-ketting. Om groei potensiaal te verwesenlik noodsaak dit veranderinge in die veld van verskaffingskettingbestuur, asook nuwe metodes van samewerking in die verskaffingsnetwerk. Hierdie moontlike tendens van integrasie word hoofsaaklik beinvloed deur 'n geneigdheid van OEMs om volledige prosesse te sub-kontrakteur asook deur die toenemende aanvraag vir voortdurende innovering in die motorvoertuig industrie. Laastens ondersoek die verslag die rol van die verskaffer vanuit die oogpunt van hul hoof kliënte, die OEMs. Na aanleiding van die verslag se bevindings word verskaffers se sakeplanne en modelle beoordeel en evalueer en word sleutel suksesfaktore vir die SME verskaffer voorgestel. Die uitslae van die evaluasie word verder verwerk tot in voorstelle wat gepas is vir die sakeplanne van meeste SMEs. Die verslag kom tot voltrekking met aanbevelings in die strategie bouproses rakende die veranderende waardeketting, en dui ook op die noodsaaklikheid van verdere navorsing onder die SME motorvoertuig industrie verskaffers.

The relevance of outsourcing in construction project management companies : a literature study

Venter, J. J. (Johan Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research project focuses on the relevance of outsourcing in construction project management companies, and will be conducted in the field of project management, for it is closely related to matrix management and other project management elements. The primary aim of this study is to review and summarise some of the more important literature on outsourcing published in various sources during the past decade. Similar literature related to project management would also be studied in order to relate the mostly generic articles on outsourcing to the field of Project Management. A number of general conclusions will be drawn on the basis of similarities encountered in the various published works. The research is divided into the following sections: • An introduction, explaining the relationship between outsourcing, project management and a construction project management company. • The definition of a construction project management company. This entails a description of a construction project management company and the organisational structure of such a company. The properties and advantages of a matrix organisation structure are also discussed, because of the close resemblance between a construction project management company's organisational structure and that of a pure matrix organisation structure. • The definition of outsourcing, to enable the reader to comprehend the title of this research project. The difference between outsourcing and traditional subcontracting is explained, and drivers of the outsourcing process are identified. • The relevance of outsourcing in construction companies is then investigated. This involves the study of the formulation and implementation of a successful outsourcing strategy, the establishing of core and non-core activities and the outsourcing of these activities, specifically in a construction project management company. • The relationship between outsourcing and project success is then studied. In this process, both project success and the critical success factors are investigated and defined that are crucial to the successful implementation of an outsourcing strategy, together with its advantages and disadvantages. • All stakeholders play an important role in the implementation of an outsourcing strategy. It is therefore important to define the roles of the directors, operations manager, resource manager and project managers in this process. • In conclusion emphasis is placed on the fact that all construction companies will have to adopt this strategy or a similar one to become a true virtual construction company, thus a construction project management company, if their aim is to be successful by international standards. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieprojek fokus op die toepaslikheid van uitkontraktering in konstruksieprojekbestuurmaatskappye. Die studie sal onderneem word in die veld van projekbestuur aangesien dit in nou verband staan met matriksbestuur en ander projekbestuur elemente. Die hoofdoel van die studie is om van die belangrikste literatuur oor hierdie onderwerp wat oor die afgelope dekade gepubliseer is, te bestudeer en op te som. Soortgelyke literatuur oor projekbestuur sal ook bestudeer word om die onderwerp van toepassing te maak op projekbestuur, aangesien die artikels oor uitkontraktering meestal generies van aard is. Gevolgtrekkings sal gemaak word na aanleiding van ooreenkomste tussen die verskillende gepubliseerde werke. Die studieprojek sal verdeel word in die volgende gedeeltes: • 'n Inleiding wat die verband aantoon tussen uitkontraktering, projekbestuur en 'n konstruksie-projekbestuurmaatskappy. • Die definisie van 'n konstruksie-projekbestuurmaatskappy. Dit behels onder meer 'n beskrywing van 'n konstruksie-projekbestuurmaatskappy en die organisasiestruktuur van so 'n maatskappy. Die eienskappe en die voordele van 'n matriks-organisasiestruktuur word ook bespreek, aangesien daar 'n sterk ooreenkoms is tussen die organisasiestruktuur van 'n konstruksieprojekbestuurmaatskappy en 'n suiwer matriks-struktuur. • Uitkontraktering word gedefinieer sodat die leser 'n geheelbeeld kan skep t.o.v. die titel van hierdie studieprojek. Die verskil tussen uitkontraktering en tradisionele subkontraktering word verduidelik en die drywers van uitkontraktering word geidentifiseer. • Die toepaslikheid van uitkontraktering in konstruksie-projekbestuurmaatskappye word dan ondersoek. Die studie omvat die formulering en toepassing van 'n suksesvolle uitkontrakteringstrategie, die bepaling van kern en nie-kern aktiwiteite, en die uitkontraktering van hierdie aktiwiteite, spesifiek in die geval van 'n konstruksie-projekbestuurmaatskappy. • Die verband tussen suksesvolle uitkontraktering en projeksukses word ook ondersoek. In die proses word projeksukses, die kritieke suksesfaktore met die toepassing van 'n uitkontrakteringstrategie en die voor- en nadele van uitkontraktering gedefinieer en ondersoek. • Alle aandeelhouers speel 'n belangrike rol in die toepassing van 'n uitkontrakteringstrategie. Dit is dus belangrik om die rol van die direkteure, operasionele bestuurder, hulpbronbestuurder en die projekbestuurders te definieer en te identifiseer. • In die slotsom van die studieprojek word beklemtoon dat alle konstruksieprojekbestuur- maatskappye hierdie of 'n soortgelyke strategie sal moet volg indien hulle in die toekoms suksesvol wil wees.

SITA IT outsourcing framework

Makhubela, Sello 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / Purpose: The aim of this research is to establish an IT outsourcing framework to enable SITA to consider key IT outsourcing elements to provide the required IT outsourcing or similar services to its customers to better fulfil its mandate as outlined in the SITA Act and other related legislation. Design/methodology/approach: The information gathered from various literature sources was analysed, evaluated and assessed to determine trends, lessons learnt and pitfalls of IT outsourcing, and IT mergers and acquisitions to develop an IT outsourcing framework and approach. Findings: The IT outsourcing framework for SITA consists of customer value drivers (motivating factors), governance model, engagement and supplier management model, and business model as the key IT outsourcing elements that SITA must consider to successfully provide the required IT outsourcing or similar services to its customers to improve its credibility. Research limitations/implications: To extend this research, more work is necessary to assess each element of the framework to determine specific actions that must be taken to leverage on economies of scale, improve productivity and IT capability within Government departments. Practical implications: This framework is intended to provide SITA with guidelines and an approach that may be used to successfully respond to the customers requests respond to the IT operations of its customers or to collaborate with the customer in providing its IT outsourcing services. Originality/value: This research will contribute towards establishing the best practices for agencies like SITA to successfully provide IT outsourcing services to Government.

Sasol mining : a case study in outsourcing

Van der Walt, Christo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sasol Mining is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sasol Limited, an integrated oil and gas company with substantial chemical interests. Sasol Mining extracts and supplies coal to Sasol's synfuels and chemical plants in South Africa, but also sells some of its output to extemal customers, primarily international (United States Securities Exchange Commission, 2005: 39). Outsourcing, the practice of buying products and services from external suppliers, increasingly forms part of the Sasol Mining business environment and some of the challenges experienced and trends seen raise some interesting why and how questions. Such questions are the topic of this research report. The case study strategy to research has considerable ability to generate answers to 'why?' as well as 'what?' and 'how?' questions (Saunders, et aI., 2003: 93). Before such questions are explored further however, a comprehensive literature review was carried out, but with the intention to develop a theoretical framework of good outsourcing practice. This theoretical framework lies at the heart of the research design and methodology. The research objective is to develop an explanatory theory that associates certain factors with the effectiveness of outsourcing initiatives at Sasol Mining. This research report's central proposition is that any results obtained by Sasol Mining with outsourcing initiatives can be explained by understanding to what extent its management of the outsourcing process is in line with the theory of good outsourcing practice. This case study's fundamental design will be that of a single-case with multiple, embedded units of analysis. Sasol Mining serves as the single case in this research design and individual outsourcing initiatives and its results at Sasol Mining are logical subunits that can be identified and is studied in operational detail. Good evidence was found that the effectiveness of outsourcing initiatives at Sasol Mining can be explained by understanding the extent to which its outsourcing practices are in line with the theoretical framework of good outsourcing practice. In addition, it is recommended that Sasol Mining raise a strategic debate regarding outsourcing and its place in Sasol Mining's business strategy, but against the backdrop of its current outsourcing practice and the developed theoretical 'framework. There is good evidence that this framework developed as part of the literature review (heretofore not presented at such an integrated, all-encompassing level) is a "good" theory. Tantalising bits of information in the form of thematic materials and recurring patterns surfaced during data reduction and analysis. Black Economic Empowerment and outsourcing is one such example, and it was explored to some extent. Many more exist. The case study as a research strategy was successful in the sense that the research question could be answered, in addition to the analytiC generalisation that could be made about the nature of the theory on outsourcing practice itself. Although at times data recording and analysis requirements were onerous, the research strategy also led to an in-depth understanding of Sasol Mining as a business. This is the strength of the case study approach to research. That is also what made the research report worthwhile. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sasol Mynbou is 'n filiaal van en word ten volle besit deur Sasol Beperk, 'n ge'integreerde olie- en gas maatskappy met uitgebreide chemiese belange. Sasol Mynbou ontgin en voorsien steenkool aan Sasol se sintetiese brandstowwe- en chemiese aanlegte in Suid Afrika, maar verkoop ook steenkool aan eksterne klante, hoofsaaklik in die internasionale arena (United States Securities Exchange Commission, 2005: 39). Eksterne verkryging, die praktyk waarvolgens 'n onderneming produkte en dienste van eksterne verskaffers verkry, vorm toenemend deer van die Sasol Mynbou besigheidsomgewing en van die probleme wat ervaar word daarmee en van die waarneembare neigings laat interessante hoekom en hoe vrae ontstaan. Sulke vrae vorm die onderwerp van hierdie navorsingsverslag. Die gevallestudie benadering tot navorsing beskik oor 'n kragtige vermoil om antwoorde te verskaf rakende 'hoekom?', 'wat?' en 'hoe?' vrae (Saunders, et ai., 2003: 93). Alvorens sulke vrae egter verder ondersoek word, word 'n omvattende literatuurstudie uitgevoer met die doer om 'n teoretiese raamwerk te ontwikkel van goeie eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Hierdie teoretiese raamwerk vorm ook die kern navorsingsontwerp en -metodologie. Die navorsingsdoelwit is om 'n verklarende teorie te ontwikkel wat sekere faktore koppel aan die effektiwiteit van eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe by Sasol Mynbou. Hierdie navorsingsverslag se sentrale stelling is: enige resultate wat deur Sasol Mynbou behaal word met eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe kan verklaar word deur die mate waartoe die eksterne verkrygingsproses bestuur word volgens die teoretiese raamwerk van goeie eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Die gevallestudie se fundamentele ontwerp is een van 'n enkele geval met veelvuldige ingeslote eenhede van analise. Sasol Mynbou dien as die enkele geval met individuele eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe en hul onderskeie resultate wat identifiseerbaar is as logiese sub-eenhede. Daar is goeie bewyse gevind dat die effektiwiteit van eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe by Sasol Mynbou verklaar kan word deur 'n beg rip te ontwikkel vir die mate waartoe die bestuur van hierdie inisiatiewe belyn is met die teoretiese raamwerk van goeie eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Dit word ook aanbeveel dat Sasol Mynbou 'n debat op strategiese vlak begin wat handel oor eksterne verkryging se plek in die algemene ondernemingstrategie, maar binne die konteks van die huidige praktyk by Sasol Mynbou en die teoretiese raamwerk wat as deel van hierdie navorsingsverslag ontwikkel is. Daar is ook goeie bewyse dat die teoretiese raamwerk (voorheen nie aangebied op so 'n ge"lntegreerde, omvattende vlak nie) aan die vereistes van 'n "goeie" teorie voldoen. 'n Aantal interessante temas en herhalende patrone het oak na vore gekom gedurende data analise. Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging en eksterne verkryging is 'n voorbeeld van so 'n herhalende patroon en dit is tot 'n sekere mate verder ondersoek. Daar is ook ander voorbeelde van soortgelyke patrone. Die gevallestudie as 'n navorsingstrategie was suksesvol tot so 'n mate dat die navorsingsvraag beantwoord kon word, en boonop was dit ook moontlik om afieidings te maak rakende die teorie van eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Hoewel data vaslegging en -analise soms oarweldigend was, het die navorsingstrategie tog gelei tot 'n diepe insig van Sasol Mynbou as 'n besigheid. Dit is die krag van die gevallestudie benadering tot navorsing. Dit is ook wat die navorsingsverslag die moeite werd gemaak het.

Framework for identifying areas in the operations division of Vodacom that could be outsourced

Dlamini, Joe 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Telecommunication operators are faced with the challenges of rising upward pressure by the competition; this is mainly due to the saturation of subscribers and the aggressive battle for a share of the customer wallet. This has forced mobile network operators to look for new opportunities to drive growth and to cut costs in business operations. The battleground rules are mainly defined by the speed with which new technologies are introduced, customer perception of the quality of the network, and site planning. The purpose of this study is to identify a framework to help the company identify activities which, due to their level and quality of performance, either help or hinder the performance of critical success factors. The starting point for this process is defining the critical success factors based on the company‟s high level priorities. Thereafter, activities that are critical or non-critical, based on their influence on each critical success factor, are identified. Finally, Vodacom‟s operations group activities in a value chain are analysed. The framework is applied to analyse Vodacom‟s operations group activities in a value chain with a view to improve sustainable execution of critical success factors. The report concludes with a decision to outsource activities that are non-critical and are being performed poorly, and the strategic outsourcing of those critical activities which require specialised skills easily sourced outside the company instead of Vodacom spending huge amounts of money in attracting and retaining such specialised skills. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Telekommunikasie-ondernemings staan voor die uitdaging om toenemende opwaartse druk van hul mededingers doeltreffend aan te spreek, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die oorversadigde intekenaarmark en die agressiewe stryd om 'n aandeel van die kliënt se beursie. Dit noop selfoonnetwerkondernemings om te soek na nuwe geleenthede om groei te dryf en om die bedryfskostes van die onderneming te besnoei. Die reëls op die gevegsfront word neergelê deur onder andere die tempo waarteen nuwe tegnologie bekend gestel word, die kliënt se persepsie van die netwerkkwaliteit, en terreinbeplanning. Hierdie studie het ten doel om 'n raamwerk te identifiseer wat die onderneming kan gebruik om te help met die identifisering van aktiwiteite wat as gevolg van hul vlak en gehalte van prestasie die kritiese suksesfaktore óf positief óf negatief beïnvloed. Die vertrekpunt in hierdie proses is die bepaling van kritiese suksesfaktore gegrond op die maatskappy se hoë-vlak prioriteite, en daarna moet aktiwiteite wat kritiek of nie-kritiek is op grond van hul invloed op elk van die kritiese suksesfaktore, geïdentifiseer word. Daarna word Vodacom se operasionele groepsaktiwiteie in 'n waarde-ketting ontleed. Die raamwerk word gebruik om Vodacom se operasionele groepsaktiwiteie in 'n waarde-ketting te ontleed met die oog op die verbetering van die volhoubare uitvoering van die kritiese suksesfaktore. Die verslag sluit af met 'n aanbeveling dat nie-kritiese aktiwiteite wat swak verrig word, uitgekontrakteer moet word; en dat ook daardie kritiese aktiwiteite wat gespesialiseerde vaardighede vereis en waarvan daar 'n oorvloed buite die onderneming bestaan, uitgekontrakteer moet word eerder as wat Vodacom groot bedrae geld spandeer aan die werwing en instandhouding van sulke gespesialiseerde vaardighede.

A study on private sector involvement in the provision of estate management and maintenance services for Hong Kong Housing Authority

Tsang, Sau-lan., 曾秀蘭. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Real Estate and Construction / Master / Master of Science in Real Estate and Construction

Contracting-out residential care for the elderly in Hong Kong

Liu, Ning, 劉宁 January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Politics and Public Administration / Master / Master of Philosophy

Civil celebrants of marriages scheme: a studyof outsourcing of government service in the immigration department

蔡志遠, Choi, Chi-yuen. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Politics and Public Administration / Master / Master of Public Administration

The feasibility of privatizing prisons in Hong Kong

Yu, King-lun, Sunny., 余經綸. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Sociology / Master / Master of Social Sciences

Development and transformation: a case study of social welfare non-governmental organizations in Hong Kong

Tian, Rong, 田蓉 January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work and Social Administration / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

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