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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization of directional control valves through downstream compensation approach

Mesturini, Davide, Dolcin, Cesare, Busani, Ulderico, Marani, Pietro, Bonavolonta, Antonella, Frosina, Emma 25 June 2020 (has links)
Various academic studies show that in the use of common ICE Off-road Vehicles only about 10-15% of the available power at fuel level is actually transformed into useful energy for the actuators. Particularly the Directional Control Valves are responsible for the dissipation of about 35-40% of the hydraulic energy available at the pump level. The machine electrification trend makes it even more urgent to optimize the hydraulic system to ensure greater performance and higher battery autonomy. Traditional Directional Control Valves design solutions neglect important opportunities for reducing losses and improve internal regeneration. Especially, energy recovery is rarely applied and in any case by means of important superstructures which considerably increase the costs of the system. This paper presents an innovative Directional Control Valve layout, based on the Downstream Compensation approach that, in a simple and cost-effective design, allows to recover a considerable amount of energy from both the inertial loads and the simultaneous use of multiple actuators at different pressure level. The proposed layout performance and efficiency are studied through lumped element simulation and laboratory experimental tests.

Даљинско управљање дигиталном пнеуматиком у концепту Индустрије 4.0 / Daljinsko upravljanje digitalnom pneumatikom u konceptu Industrije 4.0 / Remote control of the digital pneumatics in a scope of Industry 4.0

Reljić Vule 28 August 2020 (has links)
<p>У овој докторској дисертацији, акценат је стављен на анализу даљински<br />управљаних дигиталних пнеуматских система у концепту Индустрије 4.0.<br />Доприноси тезе су сљедећи: 1) Показано је на који начин је могуће, постојеће<br />пнеуматске системе надградити тако да се омогући даљинско управљање<br />кретањем пнеуматских радних елемената, даљинска регулација притиска и<br />даљинска регулација протока. 2) Показано је на који начин је могуће развити<br />даљински управљан дигитални пнеуматски систем, који има могућност<br />даљинске промјене управљачких параметара (радног притиска и/или<br />протока) у току процеса рада, и који је искључиво софтверски<br />реконфигурабилан, те реализован на оптималан начин, чиме достиже ниво<br />флексибилности потребан да се задовољи основни концепт Индустрије 4.0.<br />Примјена добијених резултата могућа је у свим индустријским, а потом и<br />неиндустријским системима, у којима постоје пнеуматски радни елементи.</p> / <p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, akcenat je stavljen na analizu daljinski<br />upravljanih digitalnih pneumatskih sistema u konceptu Industrije 4.0.<br />Doprinosi teze su sljedeći: 1) Pokazano je na koji način je moguće, postojeće<br />pneumatske sisteme nadgraditi tako da se omogući daljinsko upravljanje<br />kretanjem pneumatskih radnih elemenata, daljinska regulacija pritiska i<br />daljinska regulacija protoka. 2) Pokazano je na koji način je moguće razviti<br />daljinski upravljan digitalni pneumatski sistem, koji ima mogućnost<br />daljinske promjene upravljačkih parametara (radnog pritiska i/ili<br />protoka) u toku procesa rada, i koji je isključivo softverski<br />rekonfigurabilan, te realizovan na optimalan način, čime dostiže nivo<br />fleksibilnosti potreban da se zadovolji osnovni koncept Industrije 4.0.<br />Primjena dobijenih rezultata moguća je u svim industrijskim, a potom i<br />neindustrijskim sistemima, u kojima postoje pneumatski radni elementi.</p> / <p>In this PhD thesis, the emphasis is placed on the analysis of remotely<br />controlled digital pneumatic systems in the scope of Industry 4.0. The<br />contributions of the thesis are the following: 1) The possibility of upgrading an<br />existing pneumatic systems to allow remote motion control of pneumatic<br />actuators, remote pressure control and remote flow control, is shown. 2) The<br />possibility of developing a remotely controlled digital pneumatic system, which<br />has the ability of remote change of the control parameters (the operating<br />pressure and/or the flow) during the operating process, and which is<br />exclusively software reconfigurable and optimally implemented, is shown. At<br />that way, it is achieving a level of flexibility needed to meet the basic concept<br />of Industry 4.0. The application of the obtained results is possible in all<br />industrial and then non-industrial systems, where pneumatic actuators exist.</p>

Holistic-Lightweight Approach for actuation systems of the next generation aircraft

Seung, Taehun 19 September 2019 (has links)
Currently the system development of aircraft engineering concentrates its focus on the reduction of energy consumption more than ever before. As a consequence, the efficiency of subsystems inside the aircraft is highlighted. According to previous investigations the simplification/unification of conventional multifaceted board energy systems by means of electric power management is the most promising way concerning aircraft global efficiency improvement. The main aim of the present work was to optimize a multi-device, heavy duty EHA-System by introducing of a comprehensive perspective. In order to achieve the final, non-plus-ultra improvement level, the attributes of architecture, hardware and operation method were combined in an interactive manner, whereas particular attention has been paid to the mutual enhancing influences. The maximum reduction of losses, the minimizing of consumption and weight optimization can be achieved concurrently when the physical coherences between the involved subsystems are understood and their hidden potentials are exploited. This can only be achieved in one way and the detail follows: The most effective way to reduce both manufacturing effort and weight is to introduce a multiple-allocation philosophy. The highest reliability possible can be achieved by novel cascade-nested system architecture and strict restraining of the control logic. By employing an ultra-low-loss hardware concept, the energy efficiency can be maximized at a necessary minimum own weight. Last but not least, possibly the most important cognition is that an intelligent operation method will improve the actual system and influence the entire system positively and with a lower effort. The final conclusion is that the only and reasonable way to achieve an ultimate optimized solution of an actuation system is an all-encompassing consideration. Eventually it was to recognize that the final result is nothing but ultimate lightweight architecture, i.e. a non-plus-ultra solution. / Gegenwärtig konzentriert sich die Technologieentwicklung für Flugzeuge auf die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs mehr denn je zuvor. Hierfür ist die Effizienz der an Bord befindlichen, nicht propulsiven Subsysteme neben der Wirkungsgradverbesserung der Triebwerke von zentraler Bedeutung. Laut vorangegangenen Untersuchungen und Studien ist die Vereinfachung bzw. Vereinheitlichung der Vielfalt der konventionellen Bordenergiesysteme durch ein adäquates Energiemanagement unter Verwendung von Elektrizität der aussichtsreichte Weg zur Effizienzverbesserung auf der Gesamtflugzeugebene. Durch die Elektrifizierung wurden die einzelnen Geräte zwar zuverlässiger und energieeffizienter als je zuvor aber gleichzeitig erheblich schwerer, sodaß ein signifikanter Verlust an Nutzlasten auf Gesamtflugzeugebene hervorgerufen wird. Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein Schwerlast-EHA-System mit mehrfachen Betätigungseinheiten durch Einführung von umfassenden Perspektiven zu optimieren. Durch Einführung der sog. ganzheitlichen Leichtbauweise demonstriert die Arbeit, wie das Subsystem mit mehreren Endgeräten ultimativ optimiert werden kann, ohne Abstriche an Gewichtsbilanz u/o Kompromiß mit der Energieeffizienz zu machen. Um eine wahrhaftige Optimierung, d.h. die Erreichung des ultimativen, Nonplusultra-Verbesserungslevels zu erreichen, wurden die Systemarchitektur, die Hardware und die Operationsmethode interaktiv kombiniert, wobei die besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf die interaktiven, zur Verbesserung führenden Einflüsse gelegt wurde. Die Minimierung des Energieverbrauchs und die ultimative Gewichtsoptimierung gleichzeitig können erreicht werden, wenn die physikalischen Zusammenhänge zwischen den involvierten Subsystemen verstanden und ihre verborgenen Potentiale ausgenutzt werden. Der einzige und vernünftige Weg zur Erreichung der ultimativen Optimierung eines Betätigungssystems ist eine allumfassende Betrachtung, also eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungs- bzw. Vorgehensweise.

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