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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Diskrete Elemente Methode als Simulationsmethode in der Vibrationsfördertechnik

Dallinger, Niels 19 September 2017 (has links)
Vibrationsförderer sind Stetigförderer, welche Fördergüter durch periodische Schwingbewegungen in gerichtete Bewegungen versetzen. Vibrationsförderer sind in der Handhabungstechnik, der Zuführung von Mikrobauteilen und feinen Pulvern, sowie in der Schüttgut verarbeitenden Schwerindustrie weit verbreitet. In dieser Arbeit erfolgt nach der Betrachtung des Stands der Technik von Vibrationsförderern und den Interpretationsmöglichkeiten der Förderorganbewegung, die Vorstellung und Diskussion weiterer analytischer Berechnungsansätze. Anschließend werden Störprozesse, die während des Guttransportes auf Vibrationsförderern immer wieder beobachtet werden, erstmals klassifiziert und mathematisch beschrieben. Um die DEM-Simulation von Vibrationswendelförderern und linearen Vibrationsförderern unter Verwendung des Gleit-, Wurf- und Haft-Gleitförderprinzips in der Software LIGGGHTS zu ermöglichen, wurde eine Softwareerweiterung entwickelt. Diese Erweiterung umfasst zwei Module, welche die Bewegungen von importierten CAD-Geometrien auf Basis von als Fourierreihen definierten harmonischen Schwingungen höherer Ordnung ermöglichen. Das Befehlsmodul viblin ermöglicht die Definition von translatorischen Schwingungen. Das Modul vibrot ermöglicht die Definition von Rotationsschwingungen um eine raumfeste Achse. Beide Bewegungsmodule ermöglichen die Definition von komplexen Schwingungszuständen der CAD-Geometrien. Untersuchungen der Mikroprozesse innerhalb einer Arbeitsperiode zeigen, für die Förderarten Wurf und Gleiten, alle notwendigen Abschnitte der Kraft- und Geschwindigkeitsverläufe am Fördergut. Die durchgeführten Validierungen stellen die Verwendung der DEM als Simulationswerkzeug in der Vibrationsfördertechnik sicher. Auf der Basis der abschließend durchgeführten Parameterstudien können in Zukunft Kalibrierungsmethoden bezüglich des Verhaltens von Partikeln auf vibrierenden Unterlagen entwickelt werden. / Vibratory conveyors are continuous conveyors which move the materials to be conveyed by periodic vibrations of the conveyor chute. Vibrating conveyors are used in handling technology, the supply of micro components and fine powders, as well as in bulk material processing heavy industry. Within this work the state of the art of vibratory conveyors and alternative interpretations of the conveyor movement are introduced. Afterwards further analytical approaches are discussed. Subsequently, interfering processes, which occur during the transport of the materials on vibratory conveyors are classified and mathematically described. To simulate vibrating spiral conveyors and linear vibration conveyors using the sliding, throwing or sticking-glide conveyor principle in the software LIGGGHTS, a software extension was developed. This extension includes two software modules, to define the movements of imported CAD geometries on the basis of as Fourier series defined harmonic oscillations. The viblin command module allows the definition of translatory vibrations. The module vibrot allows the definition of rotational vibrations around a fixed axis. Both motion modules allow the definition of complex vibrational states of the CAD geometries. Investigations of the micro processes within a working period showed all necessary sections of the force and speed progression on the conveyed particles for the conveyor principles of micro throw and slide. The validations constitute the basic function of the DEM as a simulation tool in the vibratory conveyor technology. The final parameter studies can be used to develop calibration methods to describe the motion of particles on vibrating plates

Modélisation, développement et essais des turbines hydrauliques à utiliser sur des chutes d'eau typiques des rivières de la R.D. Congo / Modeling, development and testing of hydro turbines to use on typical water falls rivers of DR Congo

Katond Mbay, Jean-Paul 20 December 2013 (has links)
La R.D. Congo possède l’un de taux de desserte en électricité le plus faible au monde (moins de 1 % en zones rurales) malgré son important potentiel hydroélectrique estimé à 100.000 MW. Pour accroitre le taux de desserte en électricité en construisant des microcentrales hydroélectrique, il est impérieux d’utiliser une technologie simple, fiable, robuste et peu coûteuse. La turbine à vis d’Archimède apparait comme une solution appropriée à ces exigences. Nous avons ainsi conçu et fabriqué localement (à Lubumbashi) un banc d’essai d’une turbine à vis d’Archimède possédant seulement deux hélices et des pas larges (β = 30° et β = 45°). L’objectif étant de simplifier la fabrication et réduire la quantité d’acier utilisé pour la vis par rapport aux vis utilisées en Europe et aux U.S.A. Le banc d’essais nous a permis d’obtenir six configurations combinant la pente de la vis (α = 22,5°, 30° et 37,5°) et les pas. La combinaison la plus optimale est la configuration de la vis inclinée de α = 22,5° par rapport à l’horizontale et dont l’hélice est orientée de β = 45° sur le moyeu (p45H22).<p>En second lieu, vient la configuration de la vis inclinée de α = 30° et dont l’hélice est orientée de β = 45° sur le moyeu (p45H30). Ces deux configurations ont respectivement un rendement à débit nominal de 89 et 86 %./D.R. Congo has an electricity service rate that ranks as the lowest in the world (less than 1% in rural areas) despite its large hydroelectric potential estimated at 100,000 MW. To increase the rate of access to electricity by constructing small hydropower plant, it is imperative to use simple technology, reliable, robust and inexpensive. The Archimedean screw turbine appears to be an appropriate solution to these requirements. We have designed and manufactured locally (in Lubumbashi) a test bench for Archimedean’s screw turbines having two blades only and a large pitch p function of β ( β = 30 ° and β = 45 °, β being the orientation angle of the blade on the screw cylinder). The goal is to simplify manufacturing and reduce the amount of steel used for the screw relative to the screws used in Europe or in USA. The test bench has allowed the experiments with six configurations combining the slope of the screw (α = 22.5 °, 30 ° and 37.5 °) and the pitch p (with varying rotation speed). The optimal combination appeared to be the configuration of the screw inclined at α = 22.5 ° relative to the horizon and with an helix β = 45 ° on the cylinder of the screw. The second best configuration has an inclined screw α = 30 ° and the helix which is oriented β = 45 °. These two configurations each have a global efficiency of 89% and 86%, respectively. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Vícefunkční přeladitelný aktivní filtr. / Multifunctional tuned active filter

Šotner, Roman January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals about design of the ARC multifunctional filters using modern functional blocks. These active blocks are for example voltage feedback operational amplifiers (OAs), operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs), current conveyors (CCIIs) or current mode analog multipliers, current feedback amplifiers (CFAs), integrated circuits with switched capacitors building blocks (SCs) and digital potentiometers. The filters are studied with ideal circuit models and models of third level (3) based on voltage controlled voltage sources, voltage controlled current sources etc. (analog behavioral modelling). The professional macromodels are used for example LT 1364 (Linear Technology), EL 2045 (Intersil), LT 1228 (Linear Technology), LM 13700 (National Semiconductor), EL 2082 (Intersil), AD 844 (Analog Devices) and others. The circuits of the designed filters are simulated in PSpice (OrCAD), parasite effects and effects of the real parts are studied. Tuning and electronic adjusting parameters these filters are discussed and controlled by simulation in PSpice. Properties some simulated circuits are compare with experimental results. In conclusion individual filters are discussed and compared their properties. The constructional details of the some filters are presented at the end of this work.

Obvody s moderními aktivními prvky / Circuits with Modern Active Elements

Axman, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
PhD. thesis is deals about sekond order ARC filters for cascade synthezis of Active filters. Here are presented new configurations of second order filters with current conveyors usable for higher frequencies and new second order filters with current conveyors usable for electrical tunable filters. In PhD. Thesis are presented schematics and equations for new sekond order filters. There are presented also practical realizations of these filters and basic measure results.

Zweidimensionale Bewegungsformen in der Vibrationsfördertechnik

Risch, Thomas 24 February 2011 (has links)
Vibrationsförderer gehören zur Gruppe der Stetigförderer und werden branchenübergreifend sowohl zur Schütt- als auch zur Stückgutförderung eingesetzt. Das Förderorgan eines Vibrationsförderers versetzt ein darauf befindliches Fördergut mittels kleiner periodischer Vibrationen in eine gerichtete Bewegung. Diese Gutbewegung wird anhand der mittleren Fördergeschwindigkeit charakterisiert und stellt eine wichtige Dimensionierungsgröße dar. Gleichzeitig dient die mittlere Fördergeschwindigkeit, neben einem ruhigen Laufverhalten des Gutes, als Beurteilungskriterium der Güte eines Vibrationsförderers. Die fortschreitende Entwicklung bringt immer komplexere Geräte mit nahezu beliebigen zweidimensional ausgeformten Vibrationsbewegungen hervor, wobei diese gelegentlich auch unbeabsichtigt generiert werden. Die aus solchen Bewegungsformen resultierenden Fördergutreaktionen lassen sich mit bislang vorhandenen Berechnungsmodellen nicht beschreiben. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Einflüsse zweidimensionaler Bewegungsformen eines Förderorgans auf die daraus resultierende Gutbewegung bei Vibrationsförderern. Diesbezüglich wurde ein numerisches Berechnungsmodell entwickelt, experimentell verifiziert und mit der nach dem Stand der Technik geläufigen Berechnungsvorschrift verglichen. Das entwickelte Modell diente weiterhin als Basis theoretischer Untersuchungen, insbesondere für 2D-Bewegungsformen 1. Ordnung. Aus den Untersuchungsergebnissen konnte schließlich eine für den Anwender praktikable und erweiterte Berechnungsvorschrift abgeleitet werden. / Vibratory conveyors belong to the group of continuous conveyors and are inter-divisionally deployed for the conveyance of bulk and piece goods. The conveyor organ of a vibratory conveyor moves thereupon placed conveyed goods by means of small periodical vibrations in a directed movement. This movement of the goods is characterized via medium conveying speed and describes an important rating dimension. Next to a stable running performance of the goods, the medium conveying speed acts at the same time as an assessment criterion for the quality of a vibratory conveyor. The progressing development produces more and more complex devices with almost any two-dimensionally formed vibrating movements, which are, however, sometimes generated unintentionally. Reactions of conveying goods resulting from such movement patterns cannot be described with the so far existing analytical models. The dissertation at hand analyses the influence of two-dimensional movement patterns of a conveyor organ on the resulting movement of the goods when using vibratory conveyors. Concerning this matter, a numerical analytical model was developed, experimentally verified and, according to the calculation rule, compared to the state of the technology. The developed model provided furthermore a basis for theoretical research, here especially for 2D movement patterns of first order. Finally, a practicable and extended calculation rule could be deduced from the research results.

Návrh analogových kmitočtových filtrů s využitím grafů signálových toků / Analog frequency filter design using signal flow graphs

Petlák, Martin January 2008 (has links)
In my graduation thesis I first of all shortly mentioned frequency–selection filters and their utilisations. However, the base point of this project was to acquaint with different types of signal flow diagrams with whom I should design and analyse frequency-selection filtres with conventional and also innovative active components. As the first I created signal flow diagrams for both voltage and current conveyors. These modern active components are well known today and enable the construction of circuits with better properties than circuits with traditional differentiating amplifiers with voltage feedback. Thereinafter I made signal flow diagrams for OTA component. Transconductancal amplifiers are well known active components used in various areas of analog signal processing. OTA amplifier is in fact the current source controlled by voltage difference, which is characterised by gm transconductance. Ulterior components were IOZ and IZN models of voltage amplifier with voltage gain A. The last component was COA amplifier. It is a current operational amplifier. COA model is fully dual component to VOA, which is classical voltage amplifier. In my project I used filters with two OTA components. This filter offers functions like low-pass filter, band-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-stop filter and two-phase network. Following this I used circuits with two GCC conveyors. These offer band-pass filter, low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-stop filter and two-phase network. Ultimately I designed filters with COA components, which offer three transmission functions simultaneously (DP, PP and HP). Analysis of these filters was made with a help of PSpice computer programme.

Konstrukce univerzálního zařízení na dělení pneumatik . / Design of Universal Equipment for Tire Cutting

Kohoutek, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The main content of of this thesis is a construction design and analysis of a machine for cutting tires. The resulting solution emerges from the design options and the option that meets the best selection criteria is chosen. Then the thesis stops for a while at the choice of cutting technology and tries to exemine its suitability for cutting tires. In its other part there is an attempt to clarify the relevant parts of the machine, where the benefits of three-dimensional views is used. Basic design and check calculations are done in the selected machine parts.

<b>Automation of the Quality Control Process with the use of robotics and a coordinate Measuring Machine</b>

Alexander G Hoang (16677327) 02 August 2023 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this research experiment was to explore and implement a cost-effective automation solution into a low volume production line for loading parts onto a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) for dimensional inspection. Quality control practices have historically been separated from production process by inspection routines being performed in a controlled lab. The system demonstrated the possibilities of an in-process automation of the quality control process that was feasible to be implemented for small and mid-sized manufacturing companies. The process involved an APSX horizontal injection mold machine dispensing parts onto the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt was controlled by a Phoenix Contact PLC and two line sensors that provided two stopping point for cooldown before inspection. A MyCobot 320-M5 robotic arm was used to select the part off the line and places it into a fixture on a Hexagon coordinate measuring machine (CMM).</p>

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