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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boycotting, buycotting or doing nothing : A quantitative study of corporate reputation in relation to political consumerism

Kyller, Hannah, Thorson, Hedvig January 2021 (has links)
Background: In previous years, Swedish company Na-kd has been promoted in the media due to allegations of poor working conditions. While this has potentially taken a hit on the company’s reputation, studying the relationship between corporate actions and perceptions of the public has been neglected. People engage in political consumerism to express their opinions regarding political, social, or ethical concerns, which could for example include boycotting (refusing to shop at) a specific company. Previous literature within the political consumerism and corporate brand reputation stream pays little attention to understanding the relationship between the two, which includes the impact of corporate brand reputation on political consumerism. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between political consumerism and corporate reputation, where corporate reputation is impacted by CSR, employer branding, corporate image, and crisis exposure. Method: This research has adopted a deductive structure and a quantitative approach where the Na-kd case was used as a stimulus/prompt. A non-probability sampling approach was used, and primary data was collected through an online questionnaire where results were exported and analyzed in SPSS software. The methods of analysis were correlations and the sample consisted of 114 female respondents in the ages of 18-35. Findings: To test the hypotheses Pearson’s Chi-Square test and Spearman’s rho was conducted and calculated to test the relationship and its strength between the chosen variables. The results proved to be significant, and all five hypotheses were supported, which concludes that corporate reputation is influenced by poor CSR activities, poor employer branding, negative corporate image, and crisis exposure which in terms affects consumer purchase decisions to boycott, buycott or doing nothing. Originality/Value: This research proves that there is a positive correlation between negative corporate reputation and political consumerism, which contributes to the political consumerism stream within the consumer research domain as well as literature about corporate brand reputation within the field of brand marketing.

Kriskommunikation under företagskriser : En kvalitativ studie om kriskommunikation under företagskriser och konsumenters gensvar på kommunikationen / Crisis Communication during corporate crisis

Maloparic, Doris, Amanuel, Deborah Milli January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att söka djupare förståelse kring hur företag agerar vid företagskriser, vilka strategier de tar till sig. Vidare syftar studien till att bidra till djupare förståelse kring hur kriskommunikation tas emot av konsumenter på sociala medier. Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie har tillämpats på fyra företag som har genomgått en publik företagskris. Den samlade empirin grundar sig på sekundärdata som har framställts genom en E-forskningsmetod. För att undersöka konsumentresponsen har 100 slumpmässiga kommentarer valts från respektive kommentarsfält för att sedan presenteras i ett ordmoln där de mest kommenterade orden illustreras. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar teorierna: Corporate Apologia, Image Repair Theory och Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats ger indikationer på att företag ber om ursäkt för händelsen och kommunicerar ut alla beslut som tas rörande den. Det går att antyda att konsumenter reagerar varierande på kriskommunikation där företag enbart ber om ursäkt för den händelsen. Det går även att antyda att konsumenterna till största del har en generellt positiv bild av kriskommunikation där företag kommunicerar ut en handlingsplan, i samband med att företaget tidigare har bett om ursäkt för händelsen. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine how companies use external communication, through different communication strategies during a corporate crisis. Furthermore how customers respond to the company's crisis communication.   Methodology: A qualitative case study was applied to four companies that have undergone a corporate crisis. The empirical data is based on secondary data that have been collected through an E-science methodology. To examine the customer response on the crisis communication, 100 random comments were selected from each comment section. The response is presented in a wordcloud where the most frequently used words are illustrated in the cloud. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework includes the theories: Corporate Apologia, Image Repair Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Conclusion: The conclusion provides indications that companies apologize for the incident and communicate all decisions made regarding it. It can be suggested that consumers react differently to crisis communication where companies only apologize for that event. It can also be suggested that consumers for the most part have a generally positive image of crisis communication where companies communicate an action plan, in addition to that the company previously has apologized for the incident.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i gruvbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om gruvbolags hållbarhetsredovisning i samband med en skandal

Perez Cancino, Betsabe, Hussein, Iman January 2022 (has links)
Background  Previous studies show a high level of uncertainty in the mining industry. Stakeholders require transparent sustainability reports from mining companies due to the high risk of accidents. In recent years, several failures causing disastrous consequences have occured in the industry. A clear example of such failure is the Samarco dam collapse in 2015, which is said to be Brazil's worst disaster in the mining industry. Due to companies using sustainability reports as a tool to communicate, there is a need to study how companies in the mining industry communicate negative information when involved in a scandal.  Purpose  The purpose of this study is to examine the strategies companies use in their sustainability reports and press releases in order to recover from a scandal. Furthermore, the study will also analyze how companies maintain their legitimacy when reporting negative information.  Method  The methodological approach for this study consists of a case study. The case study consists of a content analysis and a coding schedule in which the sustainability reports and press releases from BHP Billiton and Vale S.A. will be analyzed. These mining companies were directly involved in the Samarco dam disaster which is the case selected for this study.  Conclusion  Various approaches were identified in the reporting of the scandal that are attributable to different legitimacy strategies. The strategies that companies mainly used in their sustainability reports and press releases were complete measures, incomplete measures and indicating facts.This in order to maintain corporate legitimacy and trust of the stakeholders after a scandal has occurred. / Bakgrund  Tidigare forskning påvisar att det föreligger hög risk och osäkerhet inom gruvindustrin. Den höga risken för olyckor har medfört att intressenterna kräver transparentare hållbarhetsrapporter från gruvbolagen. Under de senaste åren har flera olyckor av allvarlig karaktär förekommit inom denna bransch. Ett tydligt exempel på detta är Samarco-dammkollapsen i 2015 som benämns vara Brasiliens värsta olycka inom gruvbranschen. I och med att företag använder hållbarhetsrapporter som kommunikationsverktyg finns ett behov att undersöka hur gruvbolag kommunicerar negativ information i samband med en skandal.  Syfte  Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka strategier företag använder sig av i sina hållbarhetsrapporter samt pressmeddelanden för att återhämta sig efter en skandal. Vidare kommer studien att analysera vilka tillvägagångssätt företagen använder för att bibehålla sin legitimitet när de rapporterar negativ information.  Metod  Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet för denna undersökning är en fallstudie. Fallet som valdes ut är Samarco-dammkatastrofen som skedde 2015 i Brasilien. Med hjälp av en innehållsanalys och kodningsschema har BHP Billiton och Vale S.A. som var inblandade i händelsen analyserats. Företagens hållbarhetsrapporter och pressmeddelanden utgör studiens material.  Slutsats  Det identifierades diverse tillvägagångssätt i rapporteringen av skandalen som är hänförligt till olika legitimitetsstrategier. De strategier som företagen använde främst av i sina hållbarhetsrapporter och pressmeddelanden var ofullständiga åtgärder, fullständiga åtgärder och identifikation av fakta. Detta i syfte att upprätthålla företagens legitimitet efter uppstått skandal och behålla tilliten hos intressenterna.

安控產業重新定位之研究 / On a study of repositioning of CCTV industry

林必祥, Lin, Pi Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
安控產業存在於市場上已有數十年的時間了,近十年來由於科技的突飛猛進,加上恐怖主義盛行,也帶動了這個產業的蓬勃發展。在2011年以後,安控產業預計將正式超過PC產業的產值,成為下一個明星產業。 雖說安控產業的前景一片看好,可是,馬上連想到的是PC產業的削價競爭。由於大陸安控產業的興起,全球安控產品的價格近年來也因此大幅滑落,未來,安控產業的業者若不尋找新的藍海,重新定位安控產業,則在低階的安控市場,很可見的將會都是大陸產品的天下。 本研究的目的在為安控產業找到新的價值與定位。由於安控產業的核心價值就是實時監控及遠端連線,對一個連鎖企業或跨國企業管理來說,其實可以提供一很實時的競爭資訊,進而可以使企業提升為實時企業。安控系統就如同經營者的雙眼,時時的監控著整個企業的運作,甚至可以透過智慧型影像辨識,主動蒐集所有可能的競爭資訊,盡可能極早期的發現問題所在,或是可以比競爭者更早發現新的商機。 本研究主要由兩個方向著手,一是策略風險管理,一是企業危機防範,藉由這兩個構面,加上動態價值鏈的重整與再鏈結,可以讓一個實時企業隨時都保持在低風險的境界。 / CCTV industry presence in the market for several decades, and over the past decade as technology advances, coupled with widespread terrorism also contributed to the rapid development of this industry. In many research institutions have done studies predict that after 2011, the revenue of CCTV industry will be more than PC industry, becoming the next rising star. Although the optimistic vision of CCTV industry, however, the same as PC industry, the price war is the first concern. Since the rise of China manufacturing, the prices of CCTV products have fallen dramatically. CCTV industry needs to find a new blue ocean to re-position CCTV industry; otherwise, China brands eventually will gain all the low level of CCTV market. The purpose of this study is trying to find a way to re-position the CCTV industry. As the core values of CCTV industry is the real-time monitoring and remote connection, for the management of chain-stores and multi-national enterprise, the CCTV can provide an unbeatable value to help them to be a real-time enterprise. A CCTV system is just like a pair of eyes to help managers to watch their enterprise all the time efficiently. In addition, through the intelligent image recognition, a CCTV system may collect all the possible competition information to help managers to find the business opportunities in a very early stage. This study includes two dimensions, strategic risk management and corporate crisis prevention. Based on the above two dimensions, coupled with the dynamic value chain, we can make a real-time enterprise maintained at a low-level risk state always.

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