Spelling suggestions: "subject:"costa tica"" "subject:"costa rica""
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Apuntes para una sociología costarricenseRodríguez Vega, Eugenio. January 1953 (has links)
Tesis (licenciatura en leyes)--Universidad de Costa Rica. / Bibliography: p. [123]-126.
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Der geopolitische Diskurs um die Gründung einer US-amerikanischen International Law Enforcement Academy in Costa Rica : eine Analyse nationaler Interessen, raumbezogener diskursiver Instrumente und ihrer Verankerung in einem "Terrain of Resistance" /Scharl, Peter. January 2008 (has links)
Passau, Universiẗat, Diss., 2008.
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Valuing the environmental service of permanent forest stands to the global climate the case of Costa Rica /Castro Salazar, René, January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Doctoral)--Harvard University, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Der Schutz von genetischen Ressourcen und indigenem Wissen in Lateinamerika eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Andengemeinschaft, Brasiliens und Costa RicasBucher, Stephanie January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: München, Univ., Diss., 2007
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Effects of recent warming events on coral reef communities of Costa Rica (Central America)Jiménez Centeno, Carlos. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2002--Bremen.
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Classification and modeling of trees outside forest in Central American landscapes by combining remotely sensed data and GISHerrera-Fernández, Bernal. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2003--Freiburg (Breisgau).
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O mercado da natureza : uma análise dos sistemas de pagamentos por serviços ambientais na Costa RicaRosa, Pedro Paulo Videiro 03 July 2015 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas, 2015. / Submitted by Marília Freitas (marilia@bce.unb.br) on 2015-10-20T15:04:01Z
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2015_PedroPauloVideiroRosa.pdf: 5171743 bytes, checksum: 07e1d34c552c89c3f8bcac693bd01de7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-22T14:20:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2015_PedroPauloVideiroRosa.pdf: 5171743 bytes, checksum: 07e1d34c552c89c3f8bcac693bd01de7 (MD5) / Esta dissertação é resultado de um estudo sobre o conceito de natureza contido na política de Pagamentos por Serviços Ambientais – PSA – da Costa Rica. Partindo da crítica da Constituição Moderna acerca da oposição Natureza – Cultura, chega-se à consideração de que a natureza é uma construção social, produto de um imaginário normativo específico. A natureza, em forma de categoria analítica, é analisada à luz dos processos que ocasionam em sua mercantilização. Os PSA, ao serem uma nova forma de política ambiental que busca conciliar desenvolvimento econômico com conservação ambiental, inserem a Costa Rica na vanguarda na aplicação dessas políticas no qual se torna referência para a temática. O sistema de PSA costarriquenho é então analisado quanto à sua apropriação da ideia de natureza e frente aos processos que configuram a mercantilização da natureza em consonância com os princípios do Desenvolvimento Sustentável e pelos métodos da Economia Ambiental. Aborda a tendência de criação de mercados para diferentes Serviços Ambientais a partir do ambientalismo de mercado. Os PSA, por seus efeitos simbólicos, técnicos e materiais, devem ser tratados como políticas territoriais de desenvolvimento. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / This investigation is the result of a study on the concept of nature conteined in the policy of Payments for Environmental Services – PES – in Costa Rica. Starting from the critique of the Modern Constitution opposition of Nature – Culture, one comes to the account of that nature is a social construct, the product of a specific regulatory imaginary. Nature, in the form of an analytical category is analyzed in the light of the processes that causes in its commodization. PES, a new form of environmental policy, seeks to reconcile economic development with environmental conservation and insert Costa Rica at the forefront in the enforcement of these policies in wich it makes reference to the subject. The Costa Rican PES system is then analyzed for its appropriation of the idea of nature and face the processes that shape the commodification of nature in harmony with the principles of Sustainable Development and by the methods of Environmental Economics. Also addresses the tred of creating markets for different Environmental Services from the market environmentalism. The PES, by its symbolic, technical and material effects should be treated as territorial development policies.
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Análisis comparativo del sistema de instrumentos económicos ambientales de Chile y Costa RicaGodínez Hernández, Susana María 01 1900 (has links)
TESIS PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE MAGÍSTER EN POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS / Durante las últimas décadas el deterioro ambiental ha generado interés
mundial por sus eventuales graves consecuencias sobre la biodiversidad y
su sobrevivencia en el planeta, que implican enormes retos presentes y
futuros para el manejo y conservación de los ecosistemas y los servicios que
éstos brindan. El Pago por Servicios Ambientales (PSA) es un sistema de
conservación, restauración y aprovechamiento del medio ambiente cuyo
principio central consiste en que los individuos y comunidades propietarias
y administradoras de ecosistemas que, están en condiciones de
proporcionar servicios ecosistémicos reciben una compensación económica
por los costos en que incurren para ofrecer dichos servicios, compensación
que es pagada por quienes se benefician de dichos servicios. En este
estudio se presenta un análisis comparativo de algunos instrumentos
económicos ambientales de Chile y Costa Rica relacionado con el PSA.
Para alcanzar el objetivo se recopila y sistematiza todo tipo de
documentación relevante, entre ella la legislación vigente en cada país. En
el caso de Chile, éste cuenta con dos instrumentos jurídicos para entregar
bonificaciones por manejo forestal: el DL N°701 de fomento forestal y la ley
de recuperación de bosque nativo (N°20.283). En el caso costarricense, con
la Ley Forestal N°7575, se crea el concepto de servicios ambientales que
brindan los bosques y plantaciones forestales y que inciden en la protección
y mejoramiento del medio ambiente. Finalmente se concluye con una
comparación de ambas legislaciones y recomendaciones de política pública.
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Investigations into the properties of mistletoe leaves, Phoradendron spp. (Viscaceae) and geophagic material consumed by Ateles geoffroyi (Atelidae) at sites within the Santa Rosa National Park, Costa RicaRostron, Lynda Ann January 2014 (has links)
This project arose because of the desire by the resident Ateles research observers, at Santa Rosa, to attempt to ascertain a function for what they deemed ‘uncharacteristic’ behaviours. The following were important considerations meriting further investigation. • Phoradendron (mistletoe) consumption by Ateles spp. appeared to be present only at Santa Rosa; • Mistletoe selection was considered deliberate, as mature host leaf (which was available) was not selected; • More than one mistletoe was available in the normal home range of the monkey, but selection was dominated by one mistletoe/host combination; • Consumption was of relatively small volumes; • There was an apparent seasonality to the use of mistletoe; • Consumption of mature, mistletoe leaf occurred at times when there was no shortage of suitable fruit; • Limitations of the Ateles spp. digestive system made exploitation of mature leaf potentially problematic; • The monkeys were also seen consuming geophageous material; on occasion, this closely followed mistletoe consumption; • There were no published reports of Ateles spp. geophagy in Central America and/or tropical dry forest habitat. The aim of the subsequent investigation was to determine if there was any beneficial function that could be attributed to the materials and so provide a link to a self-mediation hypothesis for mistletoe and/or geophagy or to relate the determined geophagy properties to the other published functional hypotheses for geophagy. The novel aspect of this project was the development of a specific ‘gastric model’ reflecting the differences between Ateles and human digestive systems. This modified model was used to investigate geophagic and Phoradendron samples. It was hoped that this approach would lead to the identification or constituents in the samples, which may have physiological significance. Samples of the two species of mistletoe identified were collected from three Phoradendron/host tree combinations. Samples were extracted using the simulated gastric conditions and the extracts analysed. Analytical ‘fingerprints’ of the gastric extracts of the two species were obtained together with the antimicrobial activities of the extracts. Species variation in Phoradendron constituents and antimicrobial activity was detected. The principal difference between the eaten and non-eaten Phoradendron species was identified using HPLC and LC-MS, as chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid has antibacterial and antioxidant properties, stimulates the immune system and has activities related to regulation of blood sugar levels. Phoradendron consumption wass during the wet season, which may be a period of increased bacterial and parasite infection. It also coincides with a change in dietary fruits. The geophagic samples were taken from sites previously used by Ateles, together with ‘control’ sites found in the home range of the study group. Analysis of the physical properties and characteristics was undertaken to attempt to identify the mineral content material. Further analyses then investigated the behaviour of the material in relation to the commonly accepted hypotheses for geophagy. Where possible these were investigated using the simulated gastric conditions. The physical characteristics of the samples did not resemble the previously published reports for geophagic material used by humans or non-human primates. The results failed to detect the presence of montmorillonite and only a suggestion of the presence of kaolinite. The results do not suggest that it functions as an antacid, an anti-diarrhoeal or mineral supplement. An increase in antibacterial activity was seen when geophagic material and Phoradendron samples were incubated together. A putative hypothesis for the mechanism of Fe limitation was suggested by the physical properties of the geophagic material and the Fe chelating potential of the chemical constituents of the Phoradendron leaf.
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Desarrollo de un plan de negocios para la Fundación Futbol Consultans en San José, Costa RicaGarro Rodríguez, Sergio Francisco January 2013 (has links)
Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas / FC Foundation es una organización sin fines de lucro fundada en Abril del 2013 en San José, Costa Rica. Su misión es la de convertirse en una organización que actúe como agente de cambio, mejorando año con año la niñez y juventud costarricense, mediante la integración entre la educación y la práctica del fútbol, empoderando capacidades personales y formando personas de bien que contribuyan en un futuro a la sociedad costarricense.
El segmento objetivo de la fundación son niños, niñas y jóvenes entre los 5 y los 17 años de los quintiles 1, 2 y 3. Durante todo el proceso ofrece paralelamente los siguientes servicios en su división FC Academy: academia de fútbol, clases de inglés, tutorías académicas, programas de formación de valores y de carácter psicológico. Además de programas de incentivos por rendimientos notables en la parte académica y deportiva. Adicionalmente, una vez los beneficiarios completen el proceso y obtengan su título de secundaria, el programa FC College les brinda la oportunidad de seguir sus estudios universitarios en los Estados Unidos mediante el acceso a una beca deportiva.
Las instalaciones se encuentran ubicadas actualmente en el cantón de Alajuelita, en la provincia de San José. Los servicios ofrecidos por la organización se encuentran en la fase introductoria, sin embargo FC Foundation ha desarrollado un plan de expansión para los próximos cuatro años a otras tres localidades escogidas estratégicamente bajo criterios de necesidades educativas y de estándar de vida cantonal. Estas localidades son: Liberia de Guanacaste, Sarapiquí de Heredia y Buenos Aires de Puntarenas. En cada uno de estos puntos se estima atender a 200 beneficiarios por año.
En el desarrollo de fondos, la fundación compite directamente con otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro, en especial las que se enfocan a fines educativos y fomento del deporte en zonas. Es por esto que FC Foundation busca diferenciarse en temas como seriedad operativa, transparencia financiera y comunicación constante, con los donadores corporativos y particulares, de los resultados y el impacto logrado. En la parte deportiva se compite con otras academias de fútbol, sin embargo el precio de mensualidad que se ofrece es notablemente menor y la gama de servicios es sumamente superior.
En el análisis de proyección financiera se identifica la necesidad de cubrir alrededor de $30,000 USD en gastos operacionales para el primer año, por lo que para la organización es vital la formulación y cumplimiento de su estrategia de desarrollo de fondos corporativos y la disminución de gastos del staff fijo mediante la búsqueda de profesionales voluntarios que contribuyan en las operaciones de la fundación.
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