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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UV Disinfection between Concentric Cylinders

Ye, Zhengcai 10 January 2007 (has links)
Outbreaks of food-born illness associated with the consumption of unpasteurized juice and apple cider have resulted in a rule published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to improve the safety of juice products. The rule (21 CFR120) requires manufacturers of juice products to develop a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan and to achieve a 5-log reduction in the number of the most resistant pathogens. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is one of the promising methods to reach this 5-log reduction of pathogens. The absorption coefficients of juices typically vary from 10 to 40 1/cm and can be even higher depending on brand and processing conditions. Thin film reactors consisting of two concentric cylinders are suitable for inactivating pathogens in juices. When the two concentric cylinders are fixed, the flow pattern in the gap can be laminar Poiseuille flow or turbulent flow depending on flow rates. If the inner cylinder is rotating, and the rotating speed of the inner cylinder exceeds a certain value, the flow pattern can be either laminar or turbulent Taylor-Couette flow. UV disinfection between concentric cylinders in laminar Poiseuille flow, turbulent flow and both laminar and turbulent Taylor-Couette flow was investigated experimentally and numerically. This is the first systematic study done on UV disinfection between concentric cylinders in all three flow patterns. The present work provides new experimental data for pathogen inactivation in each of the three flow patterns. In addition, the present study constitutes the first systematic numerical CFD predictions of expected inactivation levels. Proper operating parameters and optimum gap widths for different flow patterns are suggested. It is concluded that laminar Poiseuille flow provides inferior (small) inactivation levels while laminar Taylor-Couette flow provides superior (large) inactivation levels. The relative inactivation levels are: laminar Poiseuille flow < turbulent flow < laminar Taylor-Couette flow.

Influence de l’agrégation érythrocytaire sur la migration axiale de microparticules simulant des plaquettes sanguines

Guilbert, Cyrille 06 1900 (has links)
Lors du phénomène d’hémostase primaire ou de thrombose vasculaire, les plaquettes sanguines doivent adhérer aux parois afin de remplir leur fonction réparatrice ou pathologique. Pour ce faire, certains facteurs rhéologiques et hémodynamiques tels que l’hématocrite, le taux de cisaillement local et les contraintes de cisaillement pariétal, entrent en jeu afin d’exclure les plaquettes sanguines de l’écoulement principal et de les transporter vers le site endommagé ou enflammé. Cette exclusion pourrait aussi être influencée par l’agrégation de globules rouges qui est un phénomène naturel présent dans tout le système cardiovasculaire selon les conditions d’écoulement. La dérive de ces agrégats de globules rouges vers le centre des vaisseaux provoque la formation de réseaux d’agrégats dont la taille et la complexité varient en fonction de l’hématocrite et des conditions de cisaillement présentes. Il en résulte un écoulement bi-phasique avec un écoulement central composé d’agrégats de globules rouges avoisinés par une région moins dense en particules où l’on peut trouver des globules rouges singuliers, des petits rouleaux de globules rouges et une importante concentration en plaquettes et globules blancs. De ce fait, il est raisonnable de penser que plus la taille des agrégats qui occupent le centre du vaisseau augmente, plus il y aura de plaquettes expulsées vers les parois vasculaires. L'objectif du projet est de quantifier, in vitro, la migration des plaquettes sanguines en fonction du niveau d’agrégation érythrocytaire présent, en faisant varier l’hématocrite, le taux de cisaillement et en promouvant l’agrégation par l’ajout d’agents tels que le dextran à poids moléculaire élevé. Cependant, le comportement non Newtonien du sang dans un écoulement tubulaire peut être vu comme un facteur confondant à cause de son impact sur l’organisation spatiale des agrégats de globules rouges. De ce fait, les études ont été réalisées dans un appareil permettant de moduler, de façon homogène, la taille et la structure de ces agrégats et de quantifier ainsi leur effet sur la migration axiale des plaquettes. Du sang de porc anti coagulé a été ajusté à différents taux d’hématocrite et insérer dans un appareil à écoulement de Couette, à température ambiante. Les plaquettes sanguines, difficilement isolables in vitro sans en activer certains ligands membranaires, ont été remplacées par des fantômes en polystyrène ayant un revêtement de biotine. La quantification de la migration de ces fantômes de plaquettes a été réalisée grâce à l’utilisation de membranes biologiques fixées sur les parois internes de l’entrefer du rhéomètre de Couette. Ces membranes ont un revêtement de streptavidine assurant une très forte affinité d’adhésion avec les microparticules biotynilées. À 40% d’hématocrite, à un cisaillement de 2 s-1, 566 ± 53 microparticules ont été comptées pour un protocole préétabli avec du sang non agrégeant, comparativement à 1077 ± 229 pour du sang normal et 1568 ± 131 pour du sang hyper agrégeant. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent une nette participation de l’agrégation érythrocytaire sur le transport des fantômes de plaquettes puisque l’adhésion de ces derniers à la paroi du rhéomètre de Couette augmente de façon quasi exponentielle selon le niveau d’agrégation présent. / During the primary hemostatis or thrombosis phenomenon, the human blood platelets must adhere to the vascular wall in order for them to perform their repairing or pathological function. To do so, certain rheological and hemodynamic factors such as the hematocrit, local shear rate and the wall shear stress, must come into play to exclude blood platelets from the main blood stream and transport them to the vicinity of the damaged or inflamed site. This exclusion could also be influenced by red blood cell aggregation which is a natural process present throughout the entire cardiovascular system under certain flow conditions. The displacement of these rouleaux of red blood cells towards the centre of the vessel induces the formation of 3D networks of aggregates whose size and complexity vary as a function of the hematocrit and the shearing conditions present. It results in a two phase flow with an inner core composed of red blood cell aggregates surrounded by single red blood cells or small aggregates and large numbers of white blood cells and platelets. It is therefore reasonable to believe that the larger the inner core becomes, the more platelets will be expulsed towards the vascular wall. The objective of the study was to quantify, in vitro, the lateral migration of blood platelets as a function of the level of red blood cell aggregation present, by changing the hematocrit, the shear rate and by promoting red blood cell aggregation with the use of agents such as high molecular weight dextran. However, the non Newtonian behavior of blood in tube flow can be seen as a confounding factor to the understanding of the spatial organization of the red blood cell aggregates. In this study, whole blood was circulated in a simple shear flow apparatus, which allowed to homogeneously modulate the red blood cell aggregate sizes and structure, and quantify their effect on the axial migration of blood platelets. Anticoagulated porcine bloods were adjusted to different hematocrits and inserted into a Couette flow apparatus, at room temperature. Blood platelets, difficult to isolate in vitro without activating in a non reproducible manner specific membrane ligands, were replaced with biotin coated fluorescent polystyrene beads. The quantification of the migration of these platelet ghosts was conducted with the use of biological membranes fixed on the interior walls of the Couette apparatus. These streptavidin coated membranes ensure a strong adhesive affinity with the biotynilated beads. At 40% hematocrit and at a shear of 2 s-1, 566 ± 53 micro particles were counted for non aggregated erythrocytes, 1077 ± 229 for aggregating red blood cells and 1568 ± 131 for hyper aggregating blood. The results obtained suggest a strong participation of the red blood cell aggregation on the transport of platelet ghosts since the number of ghost cells fixed on the wall of the Couette rheometer increases almost exponentially with the level of aggregation present.

Purely elastic shear flow instabilities : linear stability, coherent states and direct numerical simulations

Searle, Toby William January 2017 (has links)
Recently, a new kind of turbulence has been discovered in the flow of concentrated polymer melts and solutions. These flows, known as purely elastic flows, become unstable when the elastic forces are stronger than the viscous forces. This contrasts with Newtonian turbulence, a more familiar regime where the fluid inertia dominates. While there is little understanding of purely elastic turbulence, there is a well-established dynamical systems approach to the transition from laminar flow to Newtonian turbulence. In this project, I apply this approach to purely elastic flows. Laminar flows are characterised by ordered, locally-parallel streamlines of fluid, with only diffusive mixing perpendicular to the flow direction. In contrast, turbulent flows are in a state of continuous instability: tiny differences in the location of fluid elements upstream make a large difference to their later locations downstream. The emerging understanding of the transition from a laminar to turbulent flow is in terms of exact coherent structures (ECS) — patterns of the flow that occur near to the transition to turbulence. The problem I address in this thesis is how to predict when a purely elastic flow will become unstable and when it will transition to turbulence. I consider a variety of flows and examine the purely elastic instabilities that arise. This prepares the ground for the identification of a three-dimensional steady state solution to the equations, corresponding to an exact coherent structure. I have organised my research primarily around obtaining a purely elastic exact coherent structure, however, solving this problem requires a very accurate prediction of the exact solution to the equations of motion. In Chapter 2 I start from a Newtonian ECS (travelling wave solutions in two-dimensional flow) and attempt to connect it to the purely elastic regime. Although I found no such connection, the results corroborate other evidence on the effect of elasticity on travelling waves in Poiseuille flow. The Newtonian plane Couette ECS is sustained by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. I discover a purely elastic counterpart of this mechanism in Chapter 3, and explore the non-linear evolution of this instability in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5 I turn to a slightly different problem, a (previously unexplained) instability in a purely elastic oscillatory shear flow. My numerical analysis supports the experimental evidence for instability of this flow, and relates it to the instability described in Chapter 3. In Chapter 6 I discover a self-sustaining flow, and discuss how it may lead to a purely elastic 3D exact coherent structure.

Numerical Simulation of Convection Dominated Flows using High Resolution Spectral Method

Vijay Kumar, V January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A high resolution spectrally accurate three-dimensional flow solver is developed in order to simulate convection dominated fluid flows. The governing incompressible Navier Stokes equations along with the energy equation for temperature are discretized using a second-order accurate projection method which utilizes Adams Bashforth and Backward Differentiation formula for temporal discretization of the non-linear convective and linear viscous terms, respectively. Spatial discretization is performed using a Fourier/Chebyshev spectral method. Extensive tests on three-dimensional Taylor Couette flow are performed and it is shown that the method successfully captures the different states ranging from formation of Taylor vortices to wavy vortex regime. Next, the code is validated for convection dominated flows through a comprehensive comparison of the results for two dimensional Rayleigh Benard convection with the theoretical and experimental results from the literature. Finally, fully parallel simulations, with efficient utilization of computational resources and memory, are performed on a model three-dimensional axially homogeneous Rayleigh Benard convection problem in order to explore the high Rayleigh number flows and to test the scaling of global properties.

Cisaillement pariétal et tourbillons en écoulement Taylor-Couette / Wall velocity gradients and vortices in Taylor-Couette flow

Faye, El Alioune 31 January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est une étude expérimentale permettant de mettre en évidence la cartographie générale de l’ensemble des états d’écoulement obtenus entre le régime laminaire de Couette et la turbulence. L’ensemble des expériences a été réalisé dans un dispositif appelé système Taylor-Couette (STC), composé de deux cylindres concentriques avec le cylindre intérieur tournant. Ces différentes instabilités (SPI, TVF, WVF, MWVF, TTVF), qui dépendent principalement du nombre de Taylor (Ta), seront obtenues avec ou sans débit axial dans le STC selon des protocoles d’analyse bien définis et nous notons que le nombre de Reynolds axial (Reax) a un effet de stabilisation de l’écoulement. Les vortex de Taylor toroïdaux, ondulés ou ondulés modulés, ont été caractérisés en termes de gradient pariétal de vitesse, de nombre d’ondes, de longueur d’ondes axiales et azimutales, de la vitesse de déplacement axial, de fréquence et de la vitesse de révolution ; la polarographie sera utilisée comme technique de mesure. La vitesse du cylindre intérieur (Ta) est essentiellement le seul phénomène agissant sur l’évolution de ces paramètres. L’utilisation de la sonde tri-segmentée dans la caractérisation des structures tourbillonnaires a contribué à la compréhension des mécanismes d’interaction vortex-paroi et à la détermination des composantes azimutale et axiale du gradient pariétal de vitesse. / This work is an experimental study to highlight general mapping of the set of states obtained from the Couette laminar flow to turbulence. All experiments were performed in a device called Taylor-Couette system (TCS) which consists of two concentric cylinders with the inner cylinder rotating. The flow regimes (SPI, TVF, WVF, MWVF, TTVF), which depend mainly on the Taylor number (Ta), were obtained with or without axial flow in the TCS according to well-defined experimental protocols. We noted that the axial Reynolds number (Reax) has astabilizing effect on the flow. Using electrodiffusion method and analysis of films, the toroidal Taylor vortices, wavy or wavy modulated flow, were characterized in terms of the wall velocity gradients, wave number, axial and azimuthal wavelength, the axial velocity of vortex displacement, and there frequencies. The Taylor number has substantial effect on the evolution of these parameters in the investigated range. The use of three-segment electrodiffusion has contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms of vortex-wall interaction and the determination of the azimuthal and axial components of the wall velocity gradient.

Shear Induced Migration of Particles in a Yield Stress Fluid

Gholami, Mohammad January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The Hydrodynamic Interaction of Two Small Freely-moving Particles in a Couette Flow of a Yield Stress Fluid

Firouznia, Mohammadhossein January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


FABIO ROCHA HOELZ 16 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Escoamentos de fluidos sobre paredes flexíveis se fazem presentes em diversos processos biológicos e industriais. A flexibilidade do sólido permite a propagação de ondas na interface, podendo levar o sistema a se tornar instável mesmo a baixos valores do número de Reynolds. Esta perda de estabilidade provoca uma alteração nas características hidrodinâmicas e na transferência de calor do processo. Os trabalhos disponíveis na literatura se concentram em torno de análise de estabilidade linear e experimentos de determinação de parâmetros críticos. Entretanto estas metodologias não são capazes de descrever o comportamento do sistema após sua desestabilização. Neste trabalho, o regime instável de um escoamento de Couette de um fluido Newtoniano sobre um sólido incompressível e impermeável de MooneyRivlin é estudado numericamente através da solução acoplada das equações de conservação de quantidade de movimento linear transiente de cada meio. O número de Reynolds foi escolhido pequeno o suficiente para afastar a possibilidade de que mecanismos inerciais se façam presentes. Diferentes razões de espessura líquido-sólido flexível foram utilizadas para se determinar os efeitos desta grandeza sobre o processo. O sistema de equações diferenciais foram integradas no espaço pelo método de Galerkinjelementos finitos, e no tempo por diferenças finitas. A necessidade de se utilizar passos de tempo variáveis exigiu o desenvolvimento de uma fórmula específica para a aproximação da derivada segunda presente no termo transiente do sólido. / [en] Fluid flow over flexible wall are present in several biological and industrial processes. The flexibility of the solid body permits the waves propagation along the interface, leading the system to become unstable even at low value of Reynolds number. This loss of stability induce some changes on the hydrodynamic characteristics and on the heat transfer of the process. Works available on literature are concentrated around linear stability analysis and experiments of determining critical parameters. Nevertheless these methodologies are not able of describing the system behavior after the desestabilization. In this work, the unstable regime of a Newtonian fluid Couette flow over an incompressible and impermeable Mooney-Rivlin solid is numerically studied by solving the coupled fluid and solid momentum equation. The Reynolds number has been chosen small enough to avoid the presence of inertial mechanisms. Different liquid-flexible solid thickness ratio were used to determine the effect of this parameter on the problem. The system of differential equations were integrated by Galerki s/finite elements method on space, and by finite differences on time. The necessity of using variables changeables time steps demanded the development of a specific equation to approximates the second material derivative present on the unsteady solid term.

Modélisation numérique des phénomènes aérothermiques dans les machines électriques en vue d’optimisation de leur conception : application aux machines électriques des véhicules hybrides et électriques / Numerical modeling of the aerothermal behavior inside electrical machines in order to optimize their design : applications for automotive vehicles

Ben Nachouane, Ayoub 21 March 2017 (has links)
Implanter une machine électrique dans un véhicule hybride pose avant tout des problèmes d’encombrement. Sous-dimensionner la machine semble légitime compte tenu de l’usage qui en est fait sur véhicule. Par contre, cela suppose que les aspects thermiques soient pris en compte non seulement lors de l’utilisation, mais aussi lors de la conception de la machine. Le phénomène majeur limitant la densité de puissance massique des machines électriques est l’échauffement interne des bobines et des aimants. La modélisation thermique de la machine est complexe compte tenu de la diversité des sources de chaleur et de la coexistence de différents modes de transferts thermiques : conduction dans la matière, convection avec l’eau de refroidissement, conduction, convection et rayonnement dans l’entrefer. En termes de géométrie, si une première approche peut être réalisée en ne considérant que des flux de chaleur radiaux, la composante axiale doit nécessairement être prise en compte dès lors qu’on veut tenir compte aussi des extrémités de machine, et notamment de la chaleur produite par les roulements et les têtes de bobines. Ainsi pour pouvoir analyser pertinemment les transferts thermiques dans la machine, des méthodes numériques de type CFD ont été utilisées pour caractériser le transfert thermique par convection. La caractérisation des échanges thermiques par convection naturelle et forcée a été réalisée à l’intérieur d’une machine synchrone à aimants permanents internes (MAPI). Des relations empiriques ont été proposées afin de prendre en compte le couplage entre la thermique et l’aérodynamique dans les cavités des machines électriques totalement fermées. Afin de valider la pertinence des modèles numériques dans le cadre de ce travail, des mesures thermiques à l’aide des moyens d’essais de l’UTC ont été réalisées. Les résultats de cette étude sont utilisés pour construire des circuits thermiques équivalents qui prennent en compte les phénomènes thermiques complexes dans les machines électriques fermées utilisées dans les véhicules hybrides et électriques. Ces recommandations de conception permettront l’optimisation de l’effort investi pour le refroidissement de la machine électrique dans ses différentes phases de fonctionnement. / The integration of an electrical machine into modern hybrid vehicles is associated with new technical constraints such as the integrability into small volume without losing certainly in performance. Therefore, the development of compacter electrical machines is a well-founded argument for car manufacturers as well as electrical machine designers. On the other hand, this finding assumes that the thermal aspects are undertaken not only during the operation of the electrical machine, but also during the design process. The internal heat generated in different areas impacts strongly the power density and the magnet health which deeply reduce the electrical machine reliability. Heat transfer modeling inside electrical machines is a tricky task because of the strong coupling between the different physics governing their operations. Indeed, the generated losses spread inside the electrical machine through three heat transfer modes which are: conduction (heat diffusion), convection(heat transport) and radiation (heat scattering). In terms of geometry, if a first approach can be carried out by considering only radial heat fluxes, the axially-transferred heat must be undertaken when it is also necessary to consider end caps effects, and particularly the heat released by the bearings. In order to carry out relevantly the thermal analysis of a permanent magnets synchronous machine, CFD based methods are used to characterize the convective heat transfer inside this machine over a large operating range. Both natural and forced convection are analyzed and the corresponding heat transfer coefficients are numerically-estimated. Empirical equations are proposed in order to take into account the coupling between thermal and fluid dynamics inside the cavities of the studied totally-enclosed machine. These correlations are integrated then into a detailed and reduced thermal network. Experimental tests are carried out using a test bench in order to measure temperature distribution in different areas of the electrical machine. Afterward, a comparison between estimated and measured temperatures shows that the results of the numerically-enhanced thermal network are in a good agreement with measurements. Thus, the proposed recommendations based on CFD modeling allow the convective heat transfer to be characterize quickly and precisely. These correlations are useful for upcoming studies dealing with convection inside automotive electrical machines as well as high speed electrical machines.

Macroscopic description of rarefied gas flows in the transition regime

Taheri Bonab, Peyman 01 September 2010 (has links)
The fast-paced growth in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microfluidic fabrication, porous media applications, biomedical assemblies, space propulsion, and vacuum technology demands accurate and practical transport equations for rarefied gas flows. It is well-known that in rarefied situations, due to strong deviations from the continuum regime, traditional fluid models such as Navier-Stokes-Fourier (NSF) fail. The shortcoming of continuum models is rooted in nonequilibrium behavior of gas particles in miniaturized and/or low-pressure devices, where the Knudsen number (Kn) is sufficiently large. Since kinetic solutions are computationally very expensive, there has been a great desire to develop macroscopic transport equations for dilute gas flows, and as a result, several sets of extended equations are proposed for gas flow in nonequilibrium states. However, applications of many of these extended equations are limited due to their instabilities and/or the absence of suitable boundary conditions. In this work, we concentrate on regularized 13-moment (R13) equations, which are a set of macroscopic transport equations for flows in the transition regime, i.e., Kn≤1. The R13 system provides a stable set of equations in Super-Burnett order, with a great potential to be a powerful CFD tool for rarefied flow simulations at moderate Knudsen numbers. The goal of this research is to implement the R13 equations for problems of practical interest in arbitrary geometries. This is done by transformation of the R13 equations and boundary conditions into general curvilinear coordinate systems. Next steps include adaptation of the transformed equations in order to solve some of the popular test cases, i.e., shear-driven, force-driven, and temperature-driven flows in both planar and curved flow passages. It is shown that inexpensive analytical solutions of the R13 equations for the considered problems are comparable to expensive numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation. The new results present a wide range of linear and nonlinear rarefaction effects which alter the classical flow patterns both in the bulk and near boundary regions. Among these, multiple Knudsen boundary layers (mechanocaloric heat flows) and their influence on mass and energy transfer must be highlighted. Furthermore, the phenomenon of temperature dip and Knudsen paradox in Poiseuille flow; Onsager's reciprocity relation, two-way flow pattern, and thermomolecular pressure difference in simultaneous Poiseuille and transpiration flows are described theoretically. Through comparisons it is shown that for Knudsen numbers up to 0.5 the compact R13 solutions exhibit a good agreement with expensive solutions of the Boltzmann equation.

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