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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林超駿, Lin, Chao-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
從比較法觀點,有關釋憲法官的選任制度正如釋憲制度般,陸離璀璨、五彩繽紛各有不同。有關釋憲制度之研究,國內文獻汗牛充棟著述甚夥,惟對於釋憲法官選任制度之檢討,卻鮮見學者著墨。其實,有關釋憲法官選任方式之研究亦甚重要,因為司法違憲審查制度能否發揮其應有功能,以及釋憲法院能否公正、中立且有力地扮演司法權應有之角色,端視職司釋憲的法官素質之良寙。抑且,有關憲法案件爭議不同於一般法律案件,因頗富政治性,條文又極為概括抽像,故亟需有智慧且具膽識的人擔崗其事。是故,如何設計一個合理的釋憲法官選任制度,便牽涉綦廣,非三言兩語所可究竟!以研究美國式的釋憲法官選任制度,也就是由總統行使提名權再經由國會同意之人事任命制度,作為全篇論文之主軸。之所以如此,其原因有二:第一,美國制度是世界上相類制度中歷史最悠久者,卻鮮少其它法律先進國家效顰,因此有必要探究其原因為何。第二,我國制度大體上源自美國制度,因此發生或存在美制之問題,均極有可能於我國出現翻版。特別是國民大會於民國八十三年夏天對第六屆大法官行使同意權時,若干問題也隱然出現。因此,如能徹底認識美式釋憲法官任命度,相信定有助於未來可能發生問題之解決。 問題之源起─司法違憲審查制度之「反多數決困難」與「正當性」 (一)司法違憲審查制度之「正當性」與「反多數決困難」提出 二次大戰後世界憲政之推展,如從司法違憲審查制度發展之角度加以觀察,可發現一有趣且弔詭之現象,此即當世界各國普遍「進口」美國「土產」之司法違憲審查制度之際,司法違憲審查制度之「正當性」(Legitimacy),卻在其發源地祖國受到廣泛而熱列之討論。此種獨樹一幟之景象,可謂係自一九五三年著名的Brown v. Board of Education乙案肇其端,而於一九六一年偉大之已故耶魯大學法學教授Alexander Bickel提出有名之司法違憲審查「反多數決困難」(Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty)達其高峰之,此司法違憲審查之「反多數決困難」,道出了司法違憲審查制度必須檢討之癥結。所謂「反多數決困難」,簡單講,係指民主政治以「多數決」為運作原則,而由於經由全體人民直接參與表決之實際上困難,故此原則每每係藉由人民所選出之議員所組成之議會落實。然司法違憲審查制度卻係以未經選舉出身之少數法官宣告代表多數人民議員所制定法律無效,如此不但阻礙了多數議員所代表人民意志之實現,更使得民主政治之「多數決」原則受到斲傷。職是之故,遂有學者對司法違憲審查制度能否與民主理論相容產生質疑,而有關司法違憲審查制度「正當性」之討論,也就是有關司法違憲審查制度本身有無正當性,以及如何增加其正當性之討論,自是應運而生。 (二)司法違憲審查制度「正當性」與釋憲法官之選任 由於部分學者─特別是政治學者對司法違憲審查制度正當性之質疑,因此,許多 學者─特別是法學教授─乃亟思理論上或制度設計上或實務運作層面上提高司法違憲審查制度之正當性。其表現於理論上者,迄今有關釋憲理論及最之爭辯,即為其中之翹楚。此外,有些學者更進而嚐試另闢蹊徑,從制度之設計上加以強化正當性。比如說,當今美國憲法重鎮之一的西北大學法學院Michael Perry教授,即於其一九九四年大作The Constitution in the Courts乙書中,分別參考德國及加拿大制度,對美國現行制度提出二項修正建議,一是對法官任期之限制,即改終身職為一定之任期,如我國之大法官般;其次,則是賦予議會以加重多數對法院判決進行複決之議會監督制度A就實務之運作層面言,對有關聯邦最高法院法官之「提名權」(Nomination)及「同意權」(Confirmation)運作程序之討論,則為常年討論之重點,並可用「於今為烈」四字形容 ,特別是自一九八七年最高法院提名人選Bork法官激烈之聽證案發生後。 美國學界之部份學者將討論重點轉移至有關法官選任程序之苦心孤詣,是可以理解的。一方面由於政府部門長期分裂─行政、立法部門分屬不同黨派,最高法院扮演「仲裁者」角色日益吃重;另一方面,共和黨總統利用連續十三次任命最高法院法官機會,企圖斧底抽薪地將最高法院從自由轉向保守。因之,任命程序如何再求公正與週延,自是部份學者關心之對象。也由於此一原因,要求參院發揮憲法所賦予權力,把守關卡之聲鵲起。但是,問題果真如此簡單?我們不禁想問,一個兩百年前設計的制度,真的仍能適應今天之需求嗎?倘若找們嚐試從法制史,司法違憲審查之本質與功能,以及從比較法等觀點分析,問題可能遠比我們想像的複雜!這也正是本文嚐試對美式釋憲法官選任制度作一澈底剖析之緣故!

The potential role of constitutional review in the realisation of human rights in Ethiopia

Abebe, Adem Kassie 08 April 2013 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the front of this document. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Centre for Human Rights / unrestricted

Minority rights and majority politics : a critical appraisal

Dent, Kate Jean 22 August 2016 (has links)
In the interplay between protection of rights and majoritarianism, the court is the arena. This research focuses on the conflicting role of the court within a constitutional democracy and a contestation of the counter-majoritarian dilemma that emerges from such a role. The counter-majoritarian dilemma centres on the idea that judges overturning decisions of the legislature through judicial review undermines democracy by thwarting the will of the majority through a subjective reading of abstract constitutional principles. As a point of departure, the counter-majoritarian dilemma is contested by revealing that the court can be seen as a democratically consistent institution if democracy can be reconceptualised. The examination of the South African jurisprudential climate and the adjudicative guidelines followed by the court suggests a rejection of such anti-democratic contention. The court upholds the commitments consented to at the time of the Constitution’s adoption and adjudication is reflective of the values undertaken by the country in reaction to its past. Within these values, minority rights can find a lifeline. Thus minority rights can exist through the implications of majoritarian consent. This research further identifies, in response to the counter-majoritarian dilemma, a constraining self-consciousness on the part of the court and an acute awareness of the court’s precarious role within a democratic infancy. The core of the counter-majoritarian dilemma is the view that interpretative indeterminacy of the Constitution means that the will of the people could be substituted for judicial preference. Through the examination of the court’s interpretative strategies and judicial subjectivity, this research suggests that within judicial subjectivity, adjudication continues to be reflective of the will of the people. Far from a constraining and mechanistic interpretation to avoid judicial subjectivity, the research reveals that open and non-formalist interpretative strategies are necessary to effectuate democratic conciliation within the judicial mandate. The results of this research suggest that, far from being a democratically deviant institution, the court in the current South African jurisprudential context, is the most suited to uphold the concept of democracy. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.

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