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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantum Chemical Investigation Of Reactions Of Atomic Carbon With Water And Methanol

Dede, Yavuz 01 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Reactions of singlet (1S and 1D) and triplet (3P) carbon atoms with water, and 1D and 3P carbon atoms with methanol were studied computationally. In the water and methanol systems, the carbon vapor containing a mixture of C(1S), C(1D), and C(3P) atoms, is predicted to react by primarily interacting with the oxygen, OH bond and CH bond of the substrate mainly with the 1D state. While C(1S) was proven to be unreactive C(3P) can hardly be supported to be reactive, and can safely be defined as unreactive. The major product, CO forms as a result of oxygen abstraction, which is observed as a fast, energetically quite favorable process. The scheme of this oxygen abstraction is promising to be applicable to substrates with the general formula R1-O-R2 i.e. water, alcohols, and ethers. OH insertion, both for water and methanol, yields trappable carbenes / the carbene being a key species on the distribution of the end products. Water matrix trapping the carbene opens the path to the formation of formaldehyde / and exhibits a prototype reaction for the formation of dialkoxymethanes. Gas phase product spectrum from the reactions are broader, due to the accessibility of the routes originating from the otherwise trapped intermediates / and the excess energy of the reactions being carried by them. In the condensed phase the very early and rapid reactions seem to have chance, the subsequent rearrangements are hard to occur. The conclusions thus far apply to the reactions in the gas phase as well as in condensed phases involving inert matrices / and the experimental isolation of the species is highly dependent on the ability of the medium to trap the intermediates via effective transfer of excess energy. Due to the large excess energies of intermediates involved, subsequent reactions are fast / of the order 1013 s-1 from kinetic rate calculations. In the absence of efficient transfer of non-fixed energies to the surrounding medium, all of the reaction paths will conclude with irreversible dissociation reactions. Plausible mechanisms for all the experimentally observed products are predicted. The results are in agreement with the available experimental data.

Quantenchemische Studien zu ausgewählten Themen der Biochemie

Sinnecker, Sebastian. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2001--Berlin.

Task Pool Teams for Implementing Irregular Algorithms on Clusters of SMPs

Hippold, Judith, Rünger, Gudula 06 April 2006 (has links)
The characteristics of irregular algorithms make a parallel implementation difficult, especially for PC clusters or clusters of SMPs. These characteristics may include an unpredictable access behavior to dynamically changing data structures or strong irregular coupling of computations. Problems are an unknown load distribution and expensive irregular communication patterns for data accesses and redistributions. Thus the parallel implementation of irregular algorithms on distributed memory machines and clusters requires a special organizational mechanism for a dynamic load balance while keeping the communication and administration overhead low. We propose task pool teams for implementing irregular algorithms on clusters of PCs or SMPs. A task pool team combines multithreaded programming using task pools on single nodes with explicit message passing between different nodes. The dynamic load balance mechanism of task pools is generalized to a dynamic load balance scheme for all distributed nodes. We have implemented and compared several versions for task pool teams. As application example, we use the hierarchical radiosity algorithm, which is based on dynamically growing quadtree data structures annotated by varying interaction lists expressing the irregular coupling between the quadtrees. Experiments are performed on a PC cluster and a cluster of SMPs.

Studium diradikálů multireferenčními metodami spřažených klastrů s explicitní korelací / Study of Diradicals By Explicitly Correlated Multireference Coupled Cluster Methods

Švaňa, Matej January 2013 (has links)
Title: Study of Diradicals by Explicitly Correlated Multireference Coupled Cluster Methods Author: Matej Švaňa Department: Department of Physical and Macromelecular Chemistry Supervisor: Mgr. Jiří Pittner, Dr. rer. nat., J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry Abstract: Total energies of cyclopropane, trimethylene, and propylidene were calculated with conventional post-HF CCSD(T), BWCCSD(T), MkCCSD(T) methods and their explicitly correlated alternatives. Main aims of the the- sis were to compare the basis set convergence of total energies and relative energies between cyclopropane and trimethylene/propylidene, both at the conventional and the explicitly correlated levels. It was shown that use of explicit correlation accelerates the convergence of the total energy by one or- der of basis set quality, resulting in considerable savings in computational times. Also, the MkCCSD(T)-F12/QZ and the BWCCSD(T)-F12/QZ calcula- tions belong to the most sophisticated approaches employed for estimation of the relative energies of cyclopropane and trimethylene/propylidene to date. Keywords: explicitly correlated, coupled cluster, multi-reference, cyclopropane isomerisation, trimethylene, propylidene 1

Fragment-based Excitonic Coupled-Cluster Theory for Large Chemical Systems

Liu, Yuhong 01 January 2017 (has links)
Accurate energetic modeling of large molecular systems is always desired by chemists. For example, ligand-protein binding simulations and enzymatic catalysis studies all involve with a small energy difference. The energetic accuracy depends largely on a proper handling of electronic correlations. Molecular mechanics (MM) methods deliver a parameterized Newtonian treatment to these problems. They show great capability in handling large calculations but give only qualitatively good results. Quantum mechanics (QM) methods solve Schrödinger equations and exhibit much better energy accuracy, though the computational cost can be prohibitive if directly applied to very large systems. Fragment-based methods have been developed to decompose large QM calculations into fragment calculations. However, most current schemes use a self- consistent field (SCF) method on fragments, in which no electronic correlation is accounted for. The super-system energy is computed as a sum of fragment energies plus two-body corrections and, possibly, three-body corrections (a "body" is a fragment). Higher order corrections can be added. Nevertheless, many problems require the treatment of high order electronic correlations. The coupled-cluster (CC) theory is the state-of-the-art QM method for handling electronic correlations. The CC wavefunction contains correlated excitations up to a given truncated level and coincidental excitations for all possible electronic excitations. It is a brilliant way of including more electronic correlations while maintaining a low-order scaling. In the proposed excitonic coupled-cluster (X-CC) theory, substantial modifications have been made to allow CC algorithms to act on the collective coordinates of fragment fluctuations to obtain super-system energy. The X-CC theory is designed to achieve accurate energetic modeling results for large chemical systems with much improved affordability and systematic improvability. The test system used in this work is a chain of beryllium atoms. A 30-fragment X-CCSD(2) calculation delivered matching accuracy with traditional CCSD method. An X-CCSD(2) calculation on a chain of 100 bonded fragments finished in 7 hours on a single 2.2 GHz CPU core. The X-CC scheme also demonstrates the ability in handling charge transfer problems. Due to the use of fluctuation basis in the test cases, the excitonic algorithms can be easily generalized to inhomogeneous systems. This will be investigated in future work.

Low-Rank Tensor Approximation in post Hartree-Fock Methods

Benedikt, Udo 21 January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis the application of novel tensor decomposition and tensor representation techniques in highly accurate post Hartree-Fock methods is evaluated. These representation techniques can help to overcome the steep scaling behaviour of high level ab-initio calculations with increasing system size and therefore break the "curse of dimensionality". After a comparison of various tensor formats the application of the "canonical polyadic" format (CP) is described in detail. There, especially the casting of a normal, index based tensor into the CP format (tensor decomposition) and a method for a low rank approximation (rank reduction) of the two-electron integrals in the AO basis are investigated. The decisive quantity for the applicability of the CP format is the scaling of the rank with increasing system and basis set size. The memory requirements and the computational effort for tensor manipulations in the CP format are only linear in the number of dimensions but still depend on the expansion length (rank) of the approximation. Furthermore, the AO-MO transformation and a MP2 algorithm with decomposed tensors in the CP format is evaluated and the scaling with increasing system and basis set size is investigated. Finally, a Coupled-Cluster algorithm based only on low-rank CP representation of the MO integrals is developed. There, especially the successive tensor contraction during the iterative solution of the amplitude equations and the error propagation upon multiple application of the reduction procedure are discussed. In conclusion the overall complexity of a Coupled-Cluster procedure with tensors in CP format is evaluated and some possibilities for improvements of the rank reduction procedure tailored to the needs in electronic structure calculations are shown. / Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Anwendung neuartiger Tensorzerlegungs- und Tensorrepesentationstechniken in hochgenauen post Hartree-Fock Methoden um das hohe Skalierungsverhalten dieser Verfahren mit steigender Systemgröße zu verringern und somit den "Fluch der Dimensionen" zu brechen. Nach einer vergleichenden Betrachtung verschiedener Representationsformate wird auf die Anwendung des "canonical polyadic" Formates (CP) detailliert eingegangen. Dabei stehen zunächst die Umwandlung eines normalen, indexbasierten Tensors in das CP Format (Tensorzerlegung) und eine Methode der Niedrigrang Approximation (Rangreduktion) für Zweielektronenintegrale in der AO Basis im Vordergrund. Die entscheidende Größe für die Anwendbarkeit ist dabei das Skalierungsverhalten das Ranges mit steigender System- und Basissatzgröße, da der Speicheraufwand und die Berechnungskosten für Tensormanipulationen im CP Format zwar nur noch linear von der Anzahl der Dimensionen des Tensors abhängen, allerdings auch mit der Expansionslänge (Rang) skalieren. Im Anschluss wird die AO-MO Transformation und der MP2 Algorithmus mit zerlegten Tensoren im CP Format diskutiert und erneut das Skalierungsverhalten mit steigender System- und Basissatzgröße untersucht. Abschließend wird ein Coupled-Cluster Algorithmus vorgestellt, welcher ausschließlich mit Tensoren in einer Niedrigrang CP Darstellung arbeitet. Dabei wird vor allem auf die sukzessive Tensorkontraktion während der iterativen Bestimmung der Amplituden eingegangen und die Fehlerfortpanzung durch Anwendung des Rangreduktions-Algorithmus analysiert. Abschließend wird die Komplexität des gesamten Verfahrens bewertet und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten der Reduktionsprozedur aufgezeigt.

The Incremental Scheme - From Method Development to Applications in Chemistry

Fiedler, Benjamin 15 October 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, several development steps for the incremental method are presented. At first, the extension of the incremental scheme to other quantities than the energy is advanced in terms of molecular dipole moments. In this context, a revised error correction as well as the template localization for the treatment of aromatic systems are introduced. As a second enhancement, a new implementation of the template localization ensures a higher stability of this algorithm step and, thus, of the incremental scheme. Finally, pair natural orbitals (PNOs) are utilized in the incremental method with the aim of an increased efficiency. The PNO approach is re-assessed in context of the incremental expansion leading to both small incremental and PNO local errors for reaction, intermolecular interaction and cluster binding energies. The higher efficiency due to the twofold reduction of the computational efforts by the PNO and the incremental approaches is demonstrated for molecular clusters. Additionally, the complete basis set (CBS) limit is targetted by using the efficient MP2-based focal-point approach to the incremental scheme (with and without PNOs). Finally, based on these improvements of the performance, the PNO-based incremental scheme is applied to support a computational study regarding the modelling of the reaction mechanism for the base-catalyzed twin polymerization.

Autoionizing states and their relevance in electron-ion recombination / Autojonizujuća stanja i njihov značaj u rekombinaciji jona sa elektronima

Nikolić, Dragan January 2004 (has links)
<p>Atomic physics plays an important role in determining the evolution stages in a wide range of laboratory and cosmic plasmas. Therefore, the main contribution to our ability to model, infer and control plasma sources is the knowledge of underlying atomic processes. Of particular importance are reliable low temperature dielectronic recombination (DR) rate coefficients.</p><p>This thesis provides systematically calculated DR rate coefficients of lithium-like beryllium and sodium ions via ∆n = 0 doubly excited resonant states. The calculations are based on complex-scaled relativistic many-body perturbation theory in an all-order formulation within the single- and double-excitation coupled-cluster scheme, including radiative corrections.</p><p>Comparison of DR resonance parameters (energy levels, autoionization widths, radiative transition probabilities and strengths) between our theoretical predictions and the heavy-ion storage rings experiments (CRYRING-Stockholm and TSRHeidelberg) shows good agreement.</p><p>The intruder state problem is a principal obstacle for general application of the coupled-cluster formalism on doubly excited states. Thus, we have developed a technique designed to avoid the intruder state problem. It is based on a convenient partitioning of the Hilbert space and reformulation of the conventional set of pairequations. The general aspects of this development are discussed, and the effectiveness of its numerical implementation (within the non-relativistic framework) is selectively illustrated on autoionizing doubly excited states of helium.</p>

Tidsberoende kvantkemiska beräkningar av optisk absorption hos polymerer och molekyler med litet bandgap / Calculations of optical absorption in low-bandgap polymers and molecules using time-dependent quantum chemical methods

Södergren, Helena January 2004 (has links)
<p>The vertical electronic excitation energies for the narrow-bandgap polymers LBPF, EP37 and EP62 have been calculated using Density Functional Theory (DFT). Also the vertical excitation energies for the acceptor unit of LBPF have been calculated using the Hartree-Fock (HF), DFT and Coupled Cluster (CC) methods. The calculations cover the visible and infrared wave length region and two strong transitions are obtained, one corresponding to the pi to pi* transition and one corresponding to the pi to Acceptor transition. The excitation energies obtained from DFT are below the corresponding experimental results and attempts have therefore been made to perform bench-marking calculations using a hierarchy of CC methods.</p>

Autoionizing states and their relevance in electron-ion recombination / Autojonizujuća stanja i njihov značaj u rekombinaciji jona sa elektronima

Nikolić, Dragan January 2004 (has links)
Atomic physics plays an important role in determining the evolution stages in a wide range of laboratory and cosmic plasmas. Therefore, the main contribution to our ability to model, infer and control plasma sources is the knowledge of underlying atomic processes. Of particular importance are reliable low temperature dielectronic recombination (DR) rate coefficients. This thesis provides systematically calculated DR rate coefficients of lithium-like beryllium and sodium ions via ∆n = 0 doubly excited resonant states. The calculations are based on complex-scaled relativistic many-body perturbation theory in an all-order formulation within the single- and double-excitation coupled-cluster scheme, including radiative corrections. Comparison of DR resonance parameters (energy levels, autoionization widths, radiative transition probabilities and strengths) between our theoretical predictions and the heavy-ion storage rings experiments (CRYRING-Stockholm and TSRHeidelberg) shows good agreement. The intruder state problem is a principal obstacle for general application of the coupled-cluster formalism on doubly excited states. Thus, we have developed a technique designed to avoid the intruder state problem. It is based on a convenient partitioning of the Hilbert space and reformulation of the conventional set of pairequations. The general aspects of this development are discussed, and the effectiveness of its numerical implementation (within the non-relativistic framework) is selectively illustrated on autoionizing doubly excited states of helium.

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