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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matched Field Beamforming applied to Sonar Data / Matchad lobformning för sonar data

Lundström, Tomas January 2008 (has links)
Two methods for evaluating and improving plane wave beamforming have beendeveloped. The methods estimate the shape of the wavefront and use theinformation in the beamforming. One of the methods uses estimates of the timedelays between the sensors to approximate the shape of the wavefront, and theother estimates the wavefront by matching the received wavefront to sphericalwavefronts of different radii. The methods are compared to a third more commonmethod of beamforming, which assumes that the impinging wave is planar. Themethods’ passive ranging abilities are also evaluated, and compared to a referencemethod based on triangulation.Both methods were evaluated with both real and simulated data. The simulateddata was obtained using Raylab, which is a simulation program based on ray-tracing. The real data was obtained through a field-test performed in the Balticsea using a towed array sonar and a stationary source emitted tones.The performance of the matched beamformers depends on the distance to the tar-get. At a distance of 600 m near broadside the power received by the beamformerincreases by 0.5-1 dB compared to the plane wave beamformer. At a distance of300 m near broadside the improvement is approximately 2 dB. In general, obtain-ing an accurate distance estimation proved to be difficult, and highly dependenton the noise present in the environment. A moving target at a distance of 600 mat broadside can be estimated with a maximum error of 150 m, when recursiveupdating of the covariance matrix with a updating constant of 0.25 is used. Whenrecursive updating is not used the margin of error increases to 400 m.

Some Properties of Exchange Design Algorithms Under Correlation

Stehlik, Milan January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper we discuss an algorithm for the construction of D-optimal experimental designs for the parameters in a regression model when the errors have a correlation structure. We show that design points can collapse under the presence of some covariance structures and a so called nugget can be employed in a natural way. We also show that the information of equidistant design on covariance parameter is increasing with the number of design points under exponential variogram, however these designs are not D-optimal. Also in higher dimensions the exponential structure without nugget leads to collapsing of the D-optimal design when also parameters of covariance structure are of interest. However, if only trend parameters are of interest, the designs covering uniformly the whole design space are very efficient. For illustration some numerical examples are also included. (author's abstract) / Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics

Détection et Estimation en Environnement non Gaussien

Pascal, Frédéric 04 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le contexte très général de la détection radar, les détecteurs classiques, basés sur l'hypothèse d'un bruit Gaussien, sont souvent mis en défaut dès lors que l'environnement (fouillis de sol, de mer) devient inhomogène, voire impulsionnel, s'écartant très vite du modèle Gaussien. Des modèles physiques de fouillis basés sur les modèles de bruit composé (SIRP, Compound Gaussian Processes) permettent de mieux représenter la réalité (variations spatiales de puissance et nature de fouillis, transitions, ...). Ces modèles dépendent cependant de paramètres (matrice de covariance, loi de texture, paramètres de "disturbance") qu'il devient nécessaire d'estimer. Une fois ces paramètres estimés, il est possible de construire des détecteurs radar optimaux (Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test - Linear Quadratic) pour ces environnements. Cette thèse, qui s'appuie sur ces modèles, propose une analyse complète de diverses procédures d'estimation de matrices de covariance, associées à ce problème de détection. Une étude statistique des principaux estimateurs de matrice de covariance, utilisés actuellement, est réalisée. De plus, un nouvel estimateur est proposé: l'estimateur du point fixe, très attractif grâce à ses bonnes propriétés statistiques et "radaristiques".<br />Elle décrit également les performances et les propriétés théoriques (SIRV-CFAR) du détecteur GLRT-LQ construits avec ces nouveaux estimateurs. En particulier, on montre l'invariance du détecteur à la loi de la texture mais également à la matrice de covariance régissant les propriétés spectrales du fouillis. Ces nouveaux détecteurs sont ensuite analysés sur des données simulées mais également testés sur des données réelles de fouillis de sol.

Site Water Budget: Influences of Measurement Uncertainties on Measurement Results and Model Results / Standortswasserbilanz: Einflüsse von Messunsicherheiten auf Mess- und Modellergebnisse

Spank, Uwe 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The exact quantification of site water budget is a necessary precondition for successful and sustainable management of forests, agriculture and water resources. In this study the water balance was investigated at the spatial scale of canopies and at different temporal scales with focus on the monthly time scale. The estimation of the individual water balance components was primarily based on micrometeorological measurement methods. Evapotranspiration was assessed by the eddy-covariance (EC) method, while sap flow measurements were used to estimate transpiration. Interception was assessed by a combination of canopy drip, stem flow and precipitation (gross rainfall) measurements and soil moisture measurements were used to estimate the soil water storage. The combination of different measurement methods and the derivation of water balance components that are not directly measurable e.g. seepage and soil evaporation is a very complex task due to different scales of measurement, measurement uncertainties and the superposition of these effects. The quantification of uncertainties is a core point of the present study. The uncertainties were quantified for water balance component as well as for meteorological variables (e.g. wind speed, temperature, global radiation, net radiation and precipitation) that served as input data in water balance models. Furthermore, the influences of uncertainties were investigated in relation to numerical water balance simulations. Here, both the effects of uncertainties in input data and in reference data were analysed and evaluated. The study addresses three main topics. The first topic was the providing of reference data of evapotranspiration by EC measurements. Here, the processing of EC raw-data was of main concern with focus on the correction of the spectral attenuation. Four different methods of spectral correction were tested and compared. The estimated correction coefficients were significantly different between all methods. However, the effects were small to absolute values on half-hourly time scale. In contrast to half-hour data sets, the method had significant influence to estimated monthly totals of evapotranspiration. The second main topic dealt with the comparison of water balances between a spruce (Picea abies) and a beech (Fagus sylvatica) site. Both sites are located in the Tharandter Wald (Germany). Abiotic conditions are very similar at both sites. Thus, the comparison of both sites offered the opportunity to reveal differences in the water balance due to different dominant tree species. The aim was to estimate and to compare all individual components of the water balance by a combination of the above mentioned measurement methods. A major challenge was to overcome problems due different scales of measurements. Significant differences of the water balances between both sites occurred under untypical weather conditions. However, under typical condition the sites showed a similar behaviour. Here, the importance of involved uncertainties deserved special attention. Results showed that differences in the water balance between sites were blurred by uncertainties. The third main topic dealt with the effects of uncertainties on simulations of water balances with numerical models. These analyses were based on data of three sites (Spruce, Grass and Agricultural site). A kind of Monte-Carlo-Simulation (uncertainty model) was used to simulate effects of measurement uncertainties. Furthermore, the effects of model complexity and the effect of uncertainties in reference data on the evaluation of simulation results were investigated. Results showed that complex water balance models like BROOK90 have the ability to describe the general behaviour and tendencies of a water balance. However, satisfying quantitative results were only reached under typical weather conditions. Under untypical weather e.g. droughts or extreme precipitation, the results significantly differed from actual (measured) values. In contrast to complex models, it was demonstrated that simple Black Box Models (e.g. HPTFs) are not suited for water balance simulations for the three sites tested here. / Die genaue Quantifizierung des Standortswasserhaushalts ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Wäldern, Äckern und Wasserressourcen. In dieser Studie wurde auf der Raumskala des Bestandes und auf verschieden Zeitskalen, jedoch vorrangig auf Monatsebene, die Wasserbilanz untersucht. Die Bestimmung der einzelnen Wasserbilanzkomponenten erfolgte hauptsächlich mit mikrometeorologischen Messmethoden. Die Eddy- Kovarianz- Methode (EC- Methode) wurde benutzt zur Messung der Evapotranspiration, während Xylem- Flussmessungen angewendet wurden, um die Transpiration zu bestimmen. Die Interzeption wurde aus Messungen des Bestandesniederschlags, des Stammablaufs und des Freilandniederschlags abgeleitet. Messungen der Bodenfeuchte dienten zur Abschätzung des Bodenwasservorrats. Die Kombination verschiedener Messmethoden und die Ableitung von nicht direkt messbaren Wasserhaushaltkomponenten (z.B. Versickerung und Bodenverdunstung) ist eine äußerst komplexe Aufgabe durch verschiedenen Messskalen, Messfehler und die Überlagerung dieser Effekte. Die Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten ist ein Kernpunkt in dieser Studie. Dabei werden sowohl Unsicherheiten in Wasserhaushaltskomponenten als auch in meteorologischen Größen, welche als Eingangsdaten in Wasserbilanzmodellen dienen (z.B. Windgeschwindigkeit, Temperatur, Globalstrahlung, Nettostrahlung und Niederschlag) quantifiziert. Weiterführend wird der Einfluss von Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit numerischen Wasserbilanzsimulationen untersucht. Dabei wird sowohl die Wirkung von Unsicherheiten in Eingangsdaten als auch in Referenzdaten analysiert und bewertet. Die Studie beinhaltet drei Hauptthemen. Das erste Thema widmet sich der Bereitstellung von Referenzdaten der Evapotranspiration mittels EC- Messungen. Dabei waren die Aufbereitung von EC- Rohdaten und insbesondere die Dämpfungskorrektur (Spektralkorrektur) der Schwerpunkt. Vier verschiedene Methoden zur Dämpfungskorrektur wurden getestet und verglichen. Die bestimmten Korrekturkoeffizienten unterschieden sich deutlich zwischen den einzelnen Methoden. Jedoch war der Einfluss auf die Absolutwerte halbstündlicher Datensätze gering. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte die Methode deutlichen Einfluss auf die ermittelten Monatssummen der Evapotranspiration. Das zweite Hauptthema beinhaltet einen Vergleich der Wasserbilanz eines Fichten- (Picea abies) mit der eines Buchenbestands (Fagus sylvatica). Beide Bestände befinden sich im Tharandter Wald (Deutschland). Die abiotischen Faktoren sind an beiden Standorten sehr ähnlich. Somit bietet der Vergleich die Möglichkeit Unterschiede in der Wasserbilanz, die durch unterschiedliche Hauptbaumarten verursacht wurden, zu analysieren. Das Ziel was es, die einzelnen Wasserbilanzkomponenten durch eine Kombination der eingangs genanten Messmethoden zu bestimmen und zu vergleichen. Ein Hauptproblem dabei war die Umgehung der unterschiedlichen Messskalen. Deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Standorten traten nur unter untypischen Wetterbedingungen auf. Unter typischen Bedingungen zeigten die Bestände jedoch ein ähnliches Verhalten. An dieser Stelle erlangten Messunsicherheiten besondere Bedeutung. So demonstrierten die Ergebnisse, dass Unterschiede in der Wasserbilanz beider Standorte durch Messunsicherheiten verwischt wurden. Das dritte Hauptthema behandelt die Wirkung von Unsicherheiten auf Wasserbilanzsimulationen mittels numerischer Modelle. Die Analysen basierten auf Daten von drei Messstationen (Fichten-, Grasland- und Agrarstandort). Es wurde eine Art Monte-Carlo-Simulation eingesetzt, um die Wirkung von Messunsicherheiten zu simulieren. Ferner wurden auch der Einfluss der Modellkomplexität und die Effekte von Unsicherheiten in Referenzdaten auf die Bewertung von Modellergebnissen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass komplexe Wasserhaushaltsmodelle wie BROOK90 in der Lage sind, das Verhalten und Tendenzen der Wasserbilanz abzubilden. Jedoch wurden zufriedenstellende quantitative Ergebnisse nur unter üblichen Wetterbedingungen erzielt. Unter untypischen Wetterbedingungen (Dürreperioden, Extremniederschläge) wichen die Ergebnisse deutlich vom tatsächlichen (gemessenen) Wert ab. Im Gegensatz zu komplexen Modellen zeigte sich, dass Black Box Modelle (HPTFs) nicht für Wasserhaushaltssimulation an den drei genannten Messstandorten geeignet sind.

Biotic and abiotic controls on carbon dynamics in a Central Texas encroaching savanna

Thijs, Ann 16 January 2015 (has links)
Anthropogenic activities are responsible for increases in atmospheric CO₂ and climate change. These increases are partly counterbalanced by natural processes, such as carbon uptake in land surfaces. These processes are themselves subject to climate change, creating a coupled carbon-climate system. I investigated the carbon sink that woody encroachment represents, using a Central Texas savanna as study site, and studied how climatic factors influence this carbon sink. Woody plant encroachment, a worldwide structural change in grassland and savanna ecosystems, alters many ecosystem properties, but the net effect on the carbon balance is uncertain. Woody encroachment represents one of the key uncertainties in the US carbon balance, and demands a more detailed understanding. To come to a process-based understanding of the encroachment effect on carbon dynamics, I analyzed patterns of carbon exchange using eddy-covariance technology. I expected the imbalance between carbon uptake and release processes associated with the encroaching trees specifically, to be responsible for the carbon sink. I also expected that the sink would vary in time, due to strong links between carbon fluxes and soil water in this semi-arid ecosystem. I further studied the ecophysiology of the dominant species, as well as soil respiration processes under different vegetation types, and scaled these findings in space and time. I found that the ecosystem was a significant carbon sink of 405 g C m⁻² yr⁻¹. The encroaching trees increased photosynthesis by 180% and decreased soil respiration by 14%, compared to the grassland, resulting in a strong carbon sink due to the encroachment process. The encroaching process also altered carbon dynamics in relation to climatic drivers. The evergreen species Ashe juniper effectively lengthened the growing season and widened the temperature range over which the ecosystem acts as a carbon sink. The drought resistance of the encroaching trees reduced the sensitivity of this savanna to drought. I conclude that encroachment in Central Texas savannas increased the carbon sink strength by increasing the carbon inputs into the ecosystem. Woody encroachment also reduced the sensitivity to climatic drivers. These two effects constitute a direct effect, as well as a negative feedback to the coupled carbon-climate system. / text

Monsoon Dependent Ecosystems: Implications of the Vertical Distribution of Soil Moisture on Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions

Sanchez-Mejia, Zulia Mayari January 2013 (has links)
Uncertainty of predicted change in precipitation frequency and intensity motivates the scientific community to better understand, quantify, and model the possible outcome of dryland ecosystems. In pulse dependent ecosystems (i.e. monsoon driven) soil moisture is tightly linked to atmospheric processes. Here, I analyze three overarching questions; Q1) How does soil moisture presence or absence in a shallow or deep layer influence the surface energy budget and planetary boundary layer characteristics?, Q2) What is the role of vegetation on ecosystem albedo in the presence or absence of deep soil moisture?, Q3) Can we develop empirical relationships between soil moisture and the planetary boundary layer height to help evaluate the role of future precipitation changes in land surface atmosphere interactions?. To address these questions I use a conceptual framework based on the presence or absence of soil moisture in a shallow or deep layer. I define these layers by using root profiles and establish soil moisture thresholds for each layer using four years of observations from the Santa Rita Creosote Ameriflux site. Soil moisture drydown curves were used to establish the shallow layer threshold in the shallow layer, while NEE (Net Ecosystem Exchange of carbon dioxide) was used to define the deep soil moisture threshold. Four cases were generated using these thresholds: Case 1, dry shallow layer and dry deep layer; Case 2, wet shallow layer and dry deep layer; Case 3, wet shallow layer and wet deep layer, and Case 4 dry shallow and wet deep layer. Using this framework, I related data from the Ameriflux site SRC (Santa Rita Creosote) from 2008 to 2012 and from atmospheric soundings from the nearby Tucson Airport; conducted field campaigns during 2011 and 2012 to measure albedo from individual bare and canopy patches that were then evaluated in a grid to estimate the influence of deep moisture on albedo via vegetation cover change; and evaluated the potential of using a two-layer bucket model and empirical relationships to evaluate the link between deep soil moisture and the planetary boundary layer height under changing precipitation regime. My results indicate that (1) the presence or absence of water in two layers plays a role in surface energy dynamics, (2) soil moisture presence in the deep layer is linked with decreased ecosystem albedo and planetary boundary layer height, (3) deep moisture sustains vegetation greenness and decreases albedo, and (4) empirical relationships are useful in modeling planetary boundary layer height from dryland ecosystems. Based on these results we argue that deep soil moisture plays an important role in land surface-atmosphere interactions.

Investigating the mechanisms of therapeutic assessment with children : development of the parent experience of assessment scale (PEAS)

Austin, Cynthia Anne 21 October 2011 (has links)
Therapeutic Assessment (TA) is a hybrid of assessment and therapy techniques in which assessors actively collaborate with clients during an individualized assessment. TA is centered around client assessment questions and provides a safe environment where clients can create shifts in their ‘story’ of self. More specifically, TA with children and their parents has demonstrated more confident parenting and parents’ better understanding of their child’s difficulties, while children have shown decreased problem behaviors and improved social/emotional functioning. The theoretical framework behind TA emphasizes the importance of the interpersonal interactions between the assessor and client, such as the development of a strong assessor client relationship and collaboration. These interpersonal processes are conceptualized as catalysts for greater depth of parent investment in the assessment and deeper levels of feedback results. The need for greater parent involvement and partnership in child mental health services is increasingly recognized in the client/parent satisfaction literature. Parent feedback to child mental health services is most often acquired through satisfaction questionnaires. However, the satisfaction literature has well known limitations, specifically a lack of unifying theory and methodological issues in scale development. Parent satisfaction research indicates that interpersonal experiences are more related to satisfaction than outcomes or client characteristics, and that more psychometrically sound measures are needed. Currently, satisfaction surveys do not provide a detailed understanding of parents’ experiences to inform practice and research. The current study outlines the development of the Parent Experience of Assessment Scale (PEAS). The PEAS is anchored in the theoretical orientation of TA and provides a more quantifiable measure of hypothesized underlying TA constructs. Moreover, the development of the PEAS uses advanced statistical techniques, such as Confirmatory Factor Analysis and invariance testing, to provide a higher level of psychometric rigor. The resulting scale consists of 24 items divided among 5 subscales with demonstrated relationships to general satisfaction. Structural equation modeling provides insight via direct and indirect effects among the PEAS subscales and their relationship to general satisfaction. Through the development of the PEAS, this study provides empirical evidence and support for TA theory and a more nuanced understanding of parent experiences related to satisfaction. / text

The Ecohydrological Mechanisms of Resilience and Vulnerability of Amazonian Tropical Forests to Water Stress

Christoffersen, Bradley January 2013 (has links)
Predicting the interactions between climate change and ecosystems remains a core problem in global change research; tropical forest ecosystems are of particular importance because of their disproportionate role in global carbon and water cycling. Amazonia is unique among tropical forest ecosystems, exhibiting a high degree of coupling with its regional hydrometeorology, such that the stability of the entire forest-climate system is dependent on the functioning of its component parts. Belowground ecohydrological interactions between soil moisture environments and the roots which permeate them initiate the water transport pathway to leaf stomata, yet despite the disproportionate role they play in vegetation-atmosphere coupling in Amazonian forest ecosystems, the impacts of climate variability on the belowground environment remain understudied. The research which follows is designed to address critical knowledge gaps in our understanding of root functioning in Amazonian tropical forests as it relates to seasonality and extremes in belowground moisture regime as well as discerning which ecohydrological mechanisms govern ecosystem-level processes of carbon and water flux. A secondary research theme is the evaluation and use of models of ecosystem function as applied to Amazonia - these models are the "knowledge boxes" which build in the ecohydrological hypotheses (some testable than others) deemed to be most important for the forest ecosystems of Amazonia. In what follows, I investigate (i) which mechanisms of water supply (from the soil environment) and water demand (by vegetation) regulate the magnitude and seasonality of evapotranspiration across broad environmental gradients of Amazonia, (ii) how specific hypotheses of root function are or are not corroborated by soil moisture measurements conducted under normal seasonal and experimentally-induced extreme drought conditions, and (iii) the linkage between an extreme drought event with associated impacts on root zone soil moisture, the inferred response of root water uptake, and the observed impacts on ecosystem carbon and water flux in an east central Amazonian forest.

Diversity Maintenance In Annual Plants And Stream Communities: The Effects Of Life History And Environmental Structure On Coexistence In A Variable Environment

Holt, Galen January 2014 (has links)
Species diversity and coexistence have long been central foci of ecology, but field studies are often limited to describing diversity patterns, while theory frequently ignores environmental variation. Scale transition theory is an ideal framework in which to study species diversity, as it explicitly accounts for this environmental variability and allows for the quantification of coexistence mechanisms. Each coexistence mechanism arises from specific types of biotic and abiotic interactions. Moreover, mechanism magnitudes provide information about how these interactions contribute to coexistence. By studying how the natural history of a community determines these biotic and abiotic interactions, insight can be gained into how that natural history influences coexistence. Environmental variation is a central hypothesis for the maintenance of diversity in both desert annual plants and streams. This dissertation is broadly interested in the way differences in the environmental responses of species interact with the structure of the environmental conditions to affect coexistence. I use scale transition theory to develop theoretical understanding of how life history and environmental structure in these communities influence coexistence mechanisms and diversity. In desert annual plants, the focus is on the environmental response itself: how germination depends on environmental conditions. I analyze how this life history interacts with variation in the environment to affect coexistence. The germination responses of desert annual plants to an unstudied type of environmental variation, duration of soil moisture after rainfall, generate species-specific but highly structured patterns of germination variation. Although this germination variation is one-dimensional, the nonlinearities that arise due to germination biology generate sufficient germination variation to promote coexistence by the temporal storage effect. In stream communities, I examine how the physical structure of stream environments affects coexistence given that species’ performance is environmentally dependent. This dissertation demonstrates that patterns of diversity along the stream are related to the strength of coexistence. The downstream drift of organisms has relatively minor effects on coexistence despite asymmetric shifts in the distribution of organism in the stream. This study identifies conditions that eliminate the effects of the branched structure of stream networks on coexistence. Branching has no effect on community dynamics if (a) tributaries have identical environmental conditions, (b) habitat size increases additively at confluences, and (c) demographic stochasticity is unimportant. Any effects of branching on coexistence caused by violating the environmental condition are asymptotically eliminated as streams increase in size. These studies provide a theoretical, mechanistic foundation for the study of stream communities that addresses environmental and life history factors long recognized as important by empirical stream ecologists.

Primary Marine Aerosol Production : Studies using bubble-bursting experiments

Hultin, Kim January 2010 (has links)
Aerosol particles affect the Earth’s climate, although their impact is associated with large uncertainties. Primary marine aerosol represents a significant fraction of the global aerosol budget considering the Earth’s 70-percentage coverage by oceans. They are produced when bubbles burst at the ocean surface and can consist of sea salt, organic matter and bacteria. An experimental approach was here used to investigate the primary marine aerosol production from the bubble-bursting mechanism using water from four different geographical locations. The main findings include: Similar and stable aerosol number size distributions at all locations, centered close to 0.2 μm. Largely varying aerosol organic fractions, both with size and location. Clear tendency for increased water temperature to negatively influence the aerosol production. No covariance between surface water chlorophyll α and aerosol production on a 10-minute time scale, although decreased aerosol production was observed at times of elevated phytoplankton activity on longer time scales. Mainly external mixtures of sea salt and organics was observed. A high tendency for colony-forming marine bacteria to use bubble-bursting to reach the atmosphere. A clear diurnal cycle in aerosol production was found for both laboratory produced aerosol and in-situ aerosol fluxes, probably biologically driven. The first near coastal sea spray fluxes with limited fetch and low salinity. While the primary marine aerosol spectral shape is stable, emission concentration varies with environmental parameters. Above that, the organic fraction of the aerosol varies largely between locations. This shows that observations of primary marine aerosol emissions not necessarily can be applied to large time- or spatial scales. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: In press. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.

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