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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The mechanism of assembly of the G-protein beta gamma subunit dimer by CK2 phosphorylated Phosducin-like protein and the chaperonin containing TCP-1 /

Baker, Christine M., January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 27-30).

Étude physiopathologique de la myopathie auto-immune des souris NOD invalidées pour la voie de costimulation ICOS/ICOSL. / Physiopathological study of autoimmune myopathy in disabled NOD mice for the ICOS/ICOSL costimulation pathway

Bourdenet, Gwladys 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les myopathies inflammatoires (MI) représentent un groupe hétérogène de maladies caractérisépar une faiblesse musculaire chronique et symétrique associée à une augmentation du taux sérique decréatine phosphokinase (CPK). Les MI sont actuellement subdivisées en 5 entitées : les dermatomyosites,les myopathies nécrosantes auto-immunes, la myosite à inclusion, la polymyosite et les myosites dechevauchement. A ce jour, le diagnostic des MI repose sur l’association de signes cliniques, decaractéristiques anatomopathologiques sur la biopsie musculaire et la présence d’auto-anticorps (aAc). Eneffet, la découverte d’aAc spécifiques et/ou associés aux myosites (MSA/MAA) a considérablementamélioré le diagnostic et le pronostic de la maladie. Cependant, un nombre non négligeable de patientsatteints de MI sont séronégatifs pour les MSA/MAA connus. Par ailleurs, la biopsie musculaire nécessaireau diagnostic est parfois guidée par imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM), bien qu’il n’ait pas étéprouvé que les données d’imagerie soient corrélées aux signes histologiques. Enfin, le traitement des MIrepose sur l’utilisation d’immunosuppresseurs systémiques, une approche non spécifique de laphysiopathologie de la maladie. Les modèles animaux de MI les plus utilisés sont induits et nonspontanés : ils reposent principalement sur l’immunisation d’animaux contre des protéines telles que lamyosine, la protéine C ou l’histidyl-tRNA synthétase.Les souris NOD (non obese diabetic) sont le modèle classique d’étude du diabète de type 1.Lorsque ces souris sont invalidées pour la voie de costimulation lymphocytaire ICOS/ICOSL, les souris nedéveloppent plus de diabète mais présentent alors une atteinte musculaire. Dans ce travail, nous avonsétudié le phénotype et caractérisé l’atteinte musculaire des souris NOD Icos-/- et NOD Icosl-/-. Nous avonsainsi établi le 1er modèle murin spontané de MI, dont la physiopathologie est médiée par leslymphocytes T CD4+ et la sécrétion d’IFN-γ. Par ailleurs, ces souris présentent un déficit en lymphocytes Trégulateurs. Nous avons également identifié 4 auto-antigènes (aAg) candidats cibles d’aAc chez ces souris.La recherche des aAc correspondants aux aAg orthologues dans le sérum des patients atteints de MI apermis d’identifier, pour l’un d’entre eux, une minorité d’individus séropositifs grâce au développementd’un nouveau test ALBIA (addressable laser bead immunoassay). Il pourrait donc s’agir d’un nouveaubiomarqueur. Dans la perspective de nouvelles évaluations thérapeutiques, nous avons établi desdonnées préliminaires montrant que l’interleukine 2 à faibles doses permet de retarder l’apparition de lamaladie. Enfin, nous avons mis à profit ce modèle et démontré la corrélation entre les données généréespar IRM et par analyse histologique de l’inflammation, confortant le rôle de cette technique d’imagerie àla fois pour le diagnostic et le suivi des MI. / Inflammatory Myopathies (IM) are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized bychronic and symmetrical muscle weakness associated to increased creatine phosphokinase (CPK)levels, according to entity concerned. Currently, IM are divided into 5 main entities:dematomyositis, immune-mediated necrotizing myopathies, inclusion body myositis, polymyositisand overlap myositis. Nowadays, IM diagnosis is based on clinical signs associated to pathologicfeatures on muscle biopsy and presence of auto-antibodies (aAb). Indeed, the discovery of myositisspecific and/or associated auto-antibodies (MSA/MAA) had considerably improve disease diagnosisand prognosis. However, substantial proportion of IM patients do not display any knownMSA/MAA. Furthermore, diagnosis requires muscle biopsy. This biopsy is sometimes guided bymagnetic resonance imaging (MRI), even though correlation between MRI findings and pathologicalfeatures is not established. Lastly, therapeutics used in IM treatment are systemicimmunosuppressive agents, i.e. not specific to IM pathophysiology. Animal models of IM are mainlybased on active immunization against different proteins as myosin, C protein orhistidyl-tRNA synthetase, while spontaneous models are required to identify pathophysiologicalmechanisms that new therapeutics should target.NOD (non obese diabetic) mice are the main model of type 1 diabetes. When invalidatedfor ICOS/ICOSL costimulation pathway, these mice do not develop diabetes but present musculardisorders. In this work, we study Icos-/- and Icosl-/- NOD mice phenotype and characterize theremuscle lesion. Thus, we have established this model as the first paradigm of IM. Pathophysiologicalstudy in these mice demonstrated that disease is CD4+ T cell dependent and associated to IFN-γproduction. Furthermore, we shown a quantitative defect in regulatory T cells. We have alsoidentified 4 candidate autoantigens (aAg) in Icos-/- and Icosl-/- NOD mice. Searching forcorresponding aAb against ortholog proteins in patients with IM, we identified for one of them, alow percentage of seropositive individuals using a new ALBIA (addressable laser beadimmunoassay). It could be identified as a new biomarker. In order to evaluate new therapies, weestablished preliminary data showing that low dose interleukin 2 therapy allow to delay diseaseonset. Lastly, we took advantage of this new model to demonstrate the correlation betweenMRI findings and histological inflammation features, confirming the valuable role of MRI for thediagnosis and monitoring of IM.

Estudo das interações entre enzimas e polímeros: efeito do poli(etileno glicol) na atividade e na conformação estrutural de enzimas. Adsorção de enzimas sobre superfícies sólidas / Study on the interactions between enzymes and polymers: Influence of polyethylene glycol on the activity and conformation of enzymes. Adsorption of enzymes onto solid surfaces

Pancera, Sabrina Montero 10 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho visou investigar as interações entre enzimas e polímeros em solução e a adsorção das mesmas sobre superfícies sólidas e para isto foi dividido em duas partes distintas. Na primeira parte a influência do poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), polímero considerado inerte e utilizado em muitos processosbiotecnológicos, na atividade enzimática e na conformação estrutural de enzimas foi estudada através de medidas de espectrofotometria- UV, calorimetria e espalhamento de raio-X de baixo ângulo (SAXS). Foram escolhidas neste estudo as enzimas glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G-6-PDH) e hexoquinase (HK), que são enzimas largamente aplicadas em análises clínicas na determinação de glicose no sangue, e também a enzima álcool desidrogenase (AD), utilizada para determinação de concentração de álcool. Foram obtidos resultados quantitativos, numa faixa de baixa concentração de enzima, que indicam uma forte influência de PEG na atividade das enzimas estudadas. Medidas de calorimetria revelaram que PEG interage não só com a enzima em estudo mas também com a coenzima NADP+. Numa faixa de concentração maior, os resultados de SAXS mostraram que PEG exerce também um efeito significativo no processo de agregação das enzimas. Acima de tudo, foi evidenciado neste estudo que PEG não pode ser tratado como um polímero inerte, pois ele interfere na atividade e conformação de enzimas. As enzimas são macromoléculas complexas e PEG interage de forma diferenciada com cada enzima, merecendo atenção especial caso a caso. Na segunda parte do trabalho, o estudo da adsorção de hexoquinase (HK) e creatina fosfoquinase (CPK) sobre lâminas de silício foi realizado através de medidas de ângulo de contato, elipsometria in situ e microscopia de força atômica (AFM) em água. A CPK é uma enzima bastante utilizada em kits de determinação de creatina no sangue e no diagnóstico de desordens musculares. Este trabalho revelou que o mecanismo de adsorção de CPK sobre silício depende fortemente do pH. Em pH 4, 7 ou 9 CPK adsorveu mantendo a mesma conformação que tinha em solução. Medidas de espectrofotometria UV-Vis revelaram uma mudança no pH ótimo para atividade enzimática de CPK de 6,8 para 9 após adsorção. A HK imobilizada em esferas de vidro mostrou atividade maior do que HK imobilizada nas placas. A reutilização das esferas e placas recobertas com HK foi testada e observou-se que as atividades das enzimas adsorvidas no substrato esférico foram mantidas. Entretanto, nas placas revestidas a atividade foi perdida. As enzimas imobilizadas sobre esferas puderam ser reutilizadas pelo menos 3 vezes, mantendo a atividade por um período de até 3 semanas. / This work aimed to investigate the interactions between enzymes and polymers in solution and also the adsorption behavior of these enzymes on solid surfaces. For that reason it was divided into two parts. In the first part, the influence of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), a polymer considered inert and utilized in several biotechnological processes, on the enzymatic activity and structure of the enzyme was studied by means of UV spectrophotometry, calorimetric titration, circular dichroism (CD) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) and hexokinase (HK) were chosen because of their large application in clinical analysis for determination of glucose in the blood strain. Alcohol dehydrogenase (AD), which is widely used to determine alcohol concentration in various samples, was also used. Quantitative results, in a low enzyme concentration range, indicated a strong influence of PEG on the enzymes activity. The calorimetric measurements revealed no favorable interactions between enzyme and polymer, but indicated favorable interactions between PEG and co-enzyme NADP+. In a higher concentration range, SAXS results showed that PEG also exerts a significant effect on the enzyme aggregation process. This work showed that PEG shall no longer be treated as an inert polymer since it interferes in the enzyme activity and structure. The enzymes are complex macromolecules and PEG interacts differently with each one, deserving special attention in each case. In the second part of the work, the adsorption behavior of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and hexokinase (HK) onto silicon wafers was studied by means of contact angle measurements, in situ ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) in water. CPK was chosen due to its large application on the diagnosis of several muscle disorders. This work revealed that the adsorption mechanism of CPK on silicon surfaces is strongly dependent on pH. At pH 4, 6.8 or 9, CPK adsorbed keeping the same conformation as in solution. pectrophotometric measurements revealed a shift on the optimum pH from 6,8 to 9 upon CPK adsorption. HK adsorbed onto glass beads showed higher activity than HK immobilized on silicon wafers. HK covered glass beads could also be reused three times and for a period of at least three weeks. In the contrary, HK covered silicon wafers could not be reused. For practical purposes, HK covered glass beads showed to be a better “biosensor" than HK covered silicon wafers.

Marcadores bioquímicos de dano muscular em pacientes tratados com estatinas / Biochemical markers of muscle damage in patients treated with statins

Nogueira, Adriana de Andrade Ramos 29 June 2017 (has links)
Introdução: As estatinas são drogas amplamente utilizadas na prevenção primária e secundária de doenças cardiovasculares, por reduzirem o nível de colesterol. Porém alguns pacientes podem apresentar elevação da creatinofosfoquinase (CPK) e sintomas musculares relacionados ao seu uso. Além da CPK, outros marcadores de dano muscular podem apresentar alterações. Este estudo analisou a concentração dos marcadores bioquímicos, CKMB e anidrase carbônica III (CAIII) e sua relação com a presença de miosite. Métodos: Foram selecionados pacientes em tratamento com estatinas e com elevação da CPK. Foram realizadas as determinações de CKMB e CAIII e analisadas as variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais destes pacientes. Resultados: Cerca de 10% dos pacientes em tratamento com estatina apresentaram elevações de CPK acima 1x o limite superior de normalidade (LSN). Desses, 50,4% apresentaram sintomas musculares, definido como miosite. O uso de sinvastatina [OR=2,24 (IC95%:1,47-3,42)], o índice de massa corpórea > 28 Kg/m2 [OR=1,06 (IC95%: 1,01-1,10)] e a CKMB > 1xLSN [OR=1,59 (IC95%: 1,02-2,49)] apresentaram-se como preditores independentes para a ocorrência de miosite. A CKMB aumentada foi observada em 36,2% dos pacientes (7,17±4,4 ng/mL). Os pacientes com e sem miosite apresentaram valores semelhantes de CAIII (211,3±93,4pg/mL vs 204,0±84,6pg/mL; p=0,549). Pacientes diabéticos apresentaram elevações significantes de CKMB em relação aos não diabéticos (4,8±4,6ng/mL vs 3,5±2,4ng/mL; p=0,0006) e não apresentaram diferenças quanto à presença de miosite. Conclusão: A CKMB apresentou alteração em parte dos pacientes tratados com estatinas e foi um preditor independente para a presença de miosite. A CAIII não foi considerada um bom marcador de dano muscular na população deste estudo / Introduction: Statins are drugs widely used in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, due to the decreasing effect on cholesterol level. However, some patients may present elevated levels of creatine phosphokinase (CK) and muscle symptoms related to statin use. In addition to CK, other markers of muscle damage may present changes. This study analyzed the concentration of biochemical markers, CKMB and carbonic anhydrase III (CAIII) and related them to the presence of myositis. Methods: Patients on statin therapy and CK elevation were selected. CKMB and (CAIII) assays were performed and the clinical and laboratory variables of these patients were analyzed. Results: About 10% of the patients receiving statin therapy (6692) presented CK elevations above 1x upper reference limit (URL). Muscular symptoms, defined as myositis, were presented in 50.4% of these patients. Use of simvastatin [OR=2,24 (IC95%:1,47-3,42)], a body mass index > 28 kg / m2 [OR = 1.06 (95% CI: 1.01-1, 10)] and a concentration of CKMB > 1x URL [OR = 1.59 (95% CI: 1.02-2.49)] presented as independent predictors for the occurrence of myositis. Increased CKMB was observed in 36.2% of patients (7.17 ± 4.4 ng / mL). Patients with and without myositis had similar CAIII values (211.3 ± 93.4pg / mL vs 204.0 ± 84.6pg / mL, p = 0.549). Diabetic patients showed significant elevations of CKMB compared to non-diabetic patients (4.8 ± 4.6 ng / mL vs. 3.5 ± 2.4 ng / mL, p = 0.0006) and did not present differences regarding the presence of myositis. Conclusion: CKMB level changed in part of the patients treated with statins and this enzyme was an independent predictor for the presence of myositis. CAIII was not considered a good marker of muscle damage in the studied population

Estudo das interações entre enzimas e polímeros: efeito do poli(etileno glicol) na atividade e na conformação estrutural de enzimas. Adsorção de enzimas sobre superfícies sólidas / Study on the interactions between enzymes and polymers: Influence of polyethylene glycol on the activity and conformation of enzymes. Adsorption of enzymes onto solid surfaces

Sabrina Montero Pancera 10 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho visou investigar as interações entre enzimas e polímeros em solução e a adsorção das mesmas sobre superfícies sólidas e para isto foi dividido em duas partes distintas. Na primeira parte a influência do poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), polímero considerado inerte e utilizado em muitos processosbiotecnológicos, na atividade enzimática e na conformação estrutural de enzimas foi estudada através de medidas de espectrofotometria- UV, calorimetria e espalhamento de raio-X de baixo ângulo (SAXS). Foram escolhidas neste estudo as enzimas glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G-6-PDH) e hexoquinase (HK), que são enzimas largamente aplicadas em análises clínicas na determinação de glicose no sangue, e também a enzima álcool desidrogenase (AD), utilizada para determinação de concentração de álcool. Foram obtidos resultados quantitativos, numa faixa de baixa concentração de enzima, que indicam uma forte influência de PEG na atividade das enzimas estudadas. Medidas de calorimetria revelaram que PEG interage não só com a enzima em estudo mas também com a coenzima NADP+. Numa faixa de concentração maior, os resultados de SAXS mostraram que PEG exerce também um efeito significativo no processo de agregação das enzimas. Acima de tudo, foi evidenciado neste estudo que PEG não pode ser tratado como um polímero inerte, pois ele interfere na atividade e conformação de enzimas. As enzimas são macromoléculas complexas e PEG interage de forma diferenciada com cada enzima, merecendo atenção especial caso a caso. Na segunda parte do trabalho, o estudo da adsorção de hexoquinase (HK) e creatina fosfoquinase (CPK) sobre lâminas de silício foi realizado através de medidas de ângulo de contato, elipsometria in situ e microscopia de força atômica (AFM) em água. A CPK é uma enzima bastante utilizada em kits de determinação de creatina no sangue e no diagnóstico de desordens musculares. Este trabalho revelou que o mecanismo de adsorção de CPK sobre silício depende fortemente do pH. Em pH 4, 7 ou 9 CPK adsorveu mantendo a mesma conformação que tinha em solução. Medidas de espectrofotometria UV-Vis revelaram uma mudança no pH ótimo para atividade enzimática de CPK de 6,8 para 9 após adsorção. A HK imobilizada em esferas de vidro mostrou atividade maior do que HK imobilizada nas placas. A reutilização das esferas e placas recobertas com HK foi testada e observou-se que as atividades das enzimas adsorvidas no substrato esférico foram mantidas. Entretanto, nas placas revestidas a atividade foi perdida. As enzimas imobilizadas sobre esferas puderam ser reutilizadas pelo menos 3 vezes, mantendo a atividade por um período de até 3 semanas. / This work aimed to investigate the interactions between enzymes and polymers in solution and also the adsorption behavior of these enzymes on solid surfaces. For that reason it was divided into two parts. In the first part, the influence of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), a polymer considered inert and utilized in several biotechnological processes, on the enzymatic activity and structure of the enzyme was studied by means of UV spectrophotometry, calorimetric titration, circular dichroism (CD) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) and hexokinase (HK) were chosen because of their large application in clinical analysis for determination of glucose in the blood strain. Alcohol dehydrogenase (AD), which is widely used to determine alcohol concentration in various samples, was also used. Quantitative results, in a low enzyme concentration range, indicated a strong influence of PEG on the enzymes activity. The calorimetric measurements revealed no favorable interactions between enzyme and polymer, but indicated favorable interactions between PEG and co-enzyme NADP+. In a higher concentration range, SAXS results showed that PEG also exerts a significant effect on the enzyme aggregation process. This work showed that PEG shall no longer be treated as an inert polymer since it interferes in the enzyme activity and structure. The enzymes are complex macromolecules and PEG interacts differently with each one, deserving special attention in each case. In the second part of the work, the adsorption behavior of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and hexokinase (HK) onto silicon wafers was studied by means of contact angle measurements, in situ ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) in water. CPK was chosen due to its large application on the diagnosis of several muscle disorders. This work revealed that the adsorption mechanism of CPK on silicon surfaces is strongly dependent on pH. At pH 4, 6.8 or 9, CPK adsorbed keeping the same conformation as in solution. pectrophotometric measurements revealed a shift on the optimum pH from 6,8 to 9 upon CPK adsorption. HK adsorbed onto glass beads showed higher activity than HK immobilized on silicon wafers. HK covered glass beads could also be reused three times and for a period of at least three weeks. In the contrary, HK covered silicon wafers could not be reused. For practical purposes, HK covered glass beads showed to be a better “biosensor” than HK covered silicon wafers.

Marcadores bioquímicos de dano muscular em pacientes tratados com estatinas / Biochemical markers of muscle damage in patients treated with statins

Adriana de Andrade Ramos Nogueira 29 June 2017 (has links)
Introdução: As estatinas são drogas amplamente utilizadas na prevenção primária e secundária de doenças cardiovasculares, por reduzirem o nível de colesterol. Porém alguns pacientes podem apresentar elevação da creatinofosfoquinase (CPK) e sintomas musculares relacionados ao seu uso. Além da CPK, outros marcadores de dano muscular podem apresentar alterações. Este estudo analisou a concentração dos marcadores bioquímicos, CKMB e anidrase carbônica III (CAIII) e sua relação com a presença de miosite. Métodos: Foram selecionados pacientes em tratamento com estatinas e com elevação da CPK. Foram realizadas as determinações de CKMB e CAIII e analisadas as variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais destes pacientes. Resultados: Cerca de 10% dos pacientes em tratamento com estatina apresentaram elevações de CPK acima 1x o limite superior de normalidade (LSN). Desses, 50,4% apresentaram sintomas musculares, definido como miosite. O uso de sinvastatina [OR=2,24 (IC95%:1,47-3,42)], o índice de massa corpórea > 28 Kg/m2 [OR=1,06 (IC95%: 1,01-1,10)] e a CKMB > 1xLSN [OR=1,59 (IC95%: 1,02-2,49)] apresentaram-se como preditores independentes para a ocorrência de miosite. A CKMB aumentada foi observada em 36,2% dos pacientes (7,17±4,4 ng/mL). Os pacientes com e sem miosite apresentaram valores semelhantes de CAIII (211,3±93,4pg/mL vs 204,0±84,6pg/mL; p=0,549). Pacientes diabéticos apresentaram elevações significantes de CKMB em relação aos não diabéticos (4,8±4,6ng/mL vs 3,5±2,4ng/mL; p=0,0006) e não apresentaram diferenças quanto à presença de miosite. Conclusão: A CKMB apresentou alteração em parte dos pacientes tratados com estatinas e foi um preditor independente para a presença de miosite. A CAIII não foi considerada um bom marcador de dano muscular na população deste estudo / Introduction: Statins are drugs widely used in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, due to the decreasing effect on cholesterol level. However, some patients may present elevated levels of creatine phosphokinase (CK) and muscle symptoms related to statin use. In addition to CK, other markers of muscle damage may present changes. This study analyzed the concentration of biochemical markers, CKMB and carbonic anhydrase III (CAIII) and related them to the presence of myositis. Methods: Patients on statin therapy and CK elevation were selected. CKMB and (CAIII) assays were performed and the clinical and laboratory variables of these patients were analyzed. Results: About 10% of the patients receiving statin therapy (6692) presented CK elevations above 1x upper reference limit (URL). Muscular symptoms, defined as myositis, were presented in 50.4% of these patients. Use of simvastatin [OR=2,24 (IC95%:1,47-3,42)], a body mass index > 28 kg / m2 [OR = 1.06 (95% CI: 1.01-1, 10)] and a concentration of CKMB > 1x URL [OR = 1.59 (95% CI: 1.02-2.49)] presented as independent predictors for the occurrence of myositis. Increased CKMB was observed in 36.2% of patients (7.17 ± 4.4 ng / mL). Patients with and without myositis had similar CAIII values (211.3 ± 93.4pg / mL vs 204.0 ± 84.6pg / mL, p = 0.549). Diabetic patients showed significant elevations of CKMB compared to non-diabetic patients (4.8 ± 4.6 ng / mL vs. 3.5 ± 2.4 ng / mL, p = 0.0006) and did not present differences regarding the presence of myositis. Conclusion: CKMB level changed in part of the patients treated with statins and this enzyme was an independent predictor for the presence of myositis. CAIII was not considered a good marker of muscle damage in the studied population

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