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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Food safety knowledge and attitudes: investigating the potential benefits of on-site food safety training for folklorama, a temporary food service event

Mancini, Roberto January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department: Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology / Douglas Powell / Folklorama in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada is a 14-day temporary food service event that explores the many different cultural realms of food, food preparation, and entertainment. The ethnic nature and diversity of foods prepared within each pavilion presents a unique problem for food inspectors as each culture prepares food in their own very unique way. In 2010, the Russian pavilion at Folklorama was implicated in a foodborne outbreak of E.coli O157 causing 37 illnesses and 18 hospitalizations. Both the Department of Health and Folklorama Board of Directors realized a need for implementation of a food safety delivery program that would be more effective than a simple 2-hour food safety course delivered via PowerPoint slides. Until 2011, the 2-hour food safety course delivered to event co-ordinators and food operators for Folklorama pavilions was not mandatory. The course is now mandatory in 2011 for all Folklorama pavilions. Five randomly chosen pavilions were trained on-site, in their work environment, focusing on critical control points specific to their menu. A control group (five pavilions) did not receive on-site food safety training. Critical infractions noted on standardized food inspection reports were assessed. Results of the current study suggest no statistically significant difference in food inspection scores between the trained group and control group. Results imply that the 2-hour food safety course delivered via slides was sufficient to pass public health inspections.

Análise de desempenho microbiológico de uma linha de processamento piloto de caldo de cana / Sugarcane juice processed in a pilot plant: the microbiological evaluation

Silva, Carine Oliveira da 14 August 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho microbiológico de uma linha de processamento e envase asséptico de caldo de cana acidificado. Para este fim foram identificados pontos críticos de controle em uma planta piloto instalada no Departamento de Engenharia de Alimentos da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, no campus de Pirassununga/SP. Inicialmente o caldo de cana foi extraído e acidificado com ácido cítrico a um valor de pH equivalente a 4,3. A bebida acidificada foi pasteurizada a 95 °C / 30 s, resfriada a 10 °C e acondicionada assepticamente em garrafas plásticas seladas por indução. O envase do produto foi conduzido em uma cabina de fluxo de ar unidirecional ISO classe 5. As garrafas foram descontaminadas por aspersão de ácido peracético a 0,05% (v/v), por 20 s a 45 ºC. Os selos e as tampas foram esterilizados a 121 ºC / 15 min. Realizaram-se três processamentos de caldo de cana, em datas distintas, tendo sido caracterizada a matéria-prima e avaliados a qualidade microbiológica do caldo recém-extraído; a água de enxágue final da linha de processamento e envase, após a sua desinfecção com solução de ácido peracético (0,1% v/v) a 50 ºC durante 40 min; a embalagem e o produto final. Testes de escala hedônica de 7 pontos foram aplicados para avaliar a aparência, o aroma e o sabor da bebida processada. Os valores médios de pH, de acidez titulável e de sólidos solúveis determinados na matéria-prima foram equivalentes a 5,1; 0,061%(m/v) e 22,3 ºBrix, respectivamente. As médias das contagens de micro-organismos mesófilos aeróbios totais e de bolores e leveduras no caldo in natura foram equivalentes a (6,26 e 5,20) logUFC/mL, respectivamente. As médias das contagens na água de enxágue final (pasteurizada) da linha de processamento e envase foram inferiores a 1 UFC/mL. As contagens de mesófilos, de bolores e leveduras nas embalagens foram igualmente inferiores a 1 UFC/embalagem. As médias das contagens de mesófilos aeróbios e de bolores e leveduras na bebida acidificada e pasteurizada foram equivalentes a (2,63 e < 1) logUFC/mL, respectivamente. As médias de notas obtidas nos testes de escala hedônica de 7 pontos variaram entre 5,8 e 6,1; demonstrando a elevada aceitação do caldo de cana acidificado. Concluiu-se que a planta de processamento avaliada mostrou-se apta ao processamento de caldo de cana acidificado, estocado sob refrigeração. / This study was carried out to evaluate the microbiological performance of a pilot plant designed for acidified sugarcane juice processing. For this purpose, critical control points in a pilot plant were identified. The juice was extracted in a stainless steel electric cylinder mill and then acidified with citric acid until attaining the pH of 4.3. Next, it was pasteurized in a plate heat exchanger at 95 ºC/30 s and then cooled to 10 ºC before being filled into a plastic bottle and induction sealed. Product\'s filling was performed in an ISO class 5 unidirectional air-flow cabin. Bottles were decontaminated by 0.05% peracetic acid (PAA) spray, at 45 ºC for 20 s. Seals and caps were sterilized at 121 ºC/15 min. Three batches of acidified sugarcane juice were carried out. The qualities of the raw material, rinse water of the processing and filling line (after sanitation with 0.1% PAA at 50 ºC for 40 min), packaging and end product, were all microbiologically evaluated. Seven-point hedonic scale tests were used to evaluate the sensory acceptance of the product. The mean values of pH, titratable acidity and soluble solids content determined in raw sugarcane juice were 5.1, 0.061%(w/w) and 22.3 ºC, respectively. The total aerobic mesophilic and the molds and yeasts mean counts in natural fresh sugarcane juice were (6.26 and 5.20) logCFU/mL, respectively. The mesophilic and the molds and yeasts mean counts taken, in both rinse water samples of the processing line and the bottles, were lower than 1 logCFU/mL. The mesophilic and the molds and yeasts mean counts in acidified and pasteurized sugarcane juice were (2.63 and lower than 1) logCFU/mL, respectively. A beverage with a high sensory acceptance with average scores ranging from 5.8 to 6.1 was achieved. The findings indicated that the procedures that were evaluated met standards for acidified sugarcane juice to be produced then stored under refrigeration.

Sistema análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle - APPCC, em uma indústria de embutidos de frango e suas implicações para a competitividade

Fortes, Martinha Borghetti January 2002 (has links)
As barreiras impostas pelos mercados externos, relacionadas à sanidade dos produtos e o aumento dos surtos de toxicoinfecções em consumidores, devido à ingestão de alimentos industrializados, são os principais fatores que fazem com que empresas e as cadeias agroalimentares como um todo, preocupem-se com a produção de alimentos seguros (security foods). Diante desta necessidade, foi realizado este estudo, que analisou as vantagens e desvantagens da implantação de um sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle o APPCC em uma indústria de alimentos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma unidade industrial, que já faz uso do sistema há cinco anos, para a produção de embutidos e pratos prontos. A empresa já possui o sistema APPCC estruturado em toda a cadeia de produção, sendo uma das poucas empresas brasileiras a preocupar-se profundamente com esta questão. Os resultados confirmaram a eficiência do sistema para a garantia de segurança em produtos e processos, o que contribui para a melhoria da saúde pública e a diminuição das devoluções. Também podem ser citadas, as vantagens relacionadas ao comprometimento de grupo, valorização e aumento da eficiência operacional, agregação de valor aos produtos ao longo da cadeia e a confiança dos consumidores no que se relaciona a segurança alimentar. Não identificou-se desvantagens aparentes, apenas considerações referentes aos recursos humanos envolvidos, os quais necessitam de treinamento constante, para que desenvolvam suas atividades de acordo com o estabelecido pelo plano. / The barriers imposed by the external markets related to product sanitation and the increase of out breaks among consumers due to the intake of industrialized food are the main factors which make the companies and the agrofeeding chains as a whole to worry about security foods. This study was carried out as a result of this need and it analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using a control system in food, Hazard Critical Control Points, the HACCP. The system for five years in the production of sausages and ready dishes. The company already ocons the HACCP system structured all over the production chain, being one of the fun Brazilian compances to concern delply about this matter. The results confirm the system efficienty to guarantee the product and process safety, what contributes to the improvement of public health and reduction of returns, as well as the retreat. Also, the advantages related to the group commitment, valuction and operational efficiency increase, value gathering to the products along the chain, as well as the increase in the consumers’ confidence concerning food sefaty. There are not apparent disadvantages, only considerations related to the human resources involved, which need constant supervision in order to develop their activities according to the what was stablished by the plan.

Optimalizace systému kontroly hygieny ve vybraném provozu - porážka a bourárna / Optimization of control system for hygiene in the selected service slaughter, cutting plant

VLČKOVÁ, Irena January 2015 (has links)
HACCP ( Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ) is a science-based system of food safety. This system identifies hazards and risks in food production and it proposes an effective control and monitoring procedures at points that are critical for food safety . In cases where e.g. measured values ( temperature, time) deviates from the set limits are performed specific corrective measures. Within this system of protection of food safety Two critical control points(CCP)were established in selected company and they have been set correctly . Two checkpoints (CP )in HACCP weren´t determined completely so newly designed and in five cases recommended modifications , including one designed to change the compliance time and once in imminent danger .

Zajištění kvality v technologii výroby těstovin / Quality assurance in pasta technology

FRANTÍK, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is ?Quality assurance in technology of pasta production.? The theoretical part of this diploma thesis is concerned in histori of pasta, characterize raw material for pasta production and production technologies in pastry industry. This work is also including the quality assurance in the food industry, which follow into each individual quality management systems. The greatest attention is paid to the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). The practical part of this diploma thesis deals with the analysis of quality management system and is focused on hazard analysis and critical control points in the production of long type of the egg and egg-free pasta production line P 1000 in the pasta company Bratři Zátkové.

Sistema análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle - APPCC, em uma indústria de embutidos de frango e suas implicações para a competitividade

Fortes, Martinha Borghetti January 2002 (has links)
As barreiras impostas pelos mercados externos, relacionadas à sanidade dos produtos e o aumento dos surtos de toxicoinfecções em consumidores, devido à ingestão de alimentos industrializados, são os principais fatores que fazem com que empresas e as cadeias agroalimentares como um todo, preocupem-se com a produção de alimentos seguros (security foods). Diante desta necessidade, foi realizado este estudo, que analisou as vantagens e desvantagens da implantação de um sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle o APPCC em uma indústria de alimentos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma unidade industrial, que já faz uso do sistema há cinco anos, para a produção de embutidos e pratos prontos. A empresa já possui o sistema APPCC estruturado em toda a cadeia de produção, sendo uma das poucas empresas brasileiras a preocupar-se profundamente com esta questão. Os resultados confirmaram a eficiência do sistema para a garantia de segurança em produtos e processos, o que contribui para a melhoria da saúde pública e a diminuição das devoluções. Também podem ser citadas, as vantagens relacionadas ao comprometimento de grupo, valorização e aumento da eficiência operacional, agregação de valor aos produtos ao longo da cadeia e a confiança dos consumidores no que se relaciona a segurança alimentar. Não identificou-se desvantagens aparentes, apenas considerações referentes aos recursos humanos envolvidos, os quais necessitam de treinamento constante, para que desenvolvam suas atividades de acordo com o estabelecido pelo plano. / The barriers imposed by the external markets related to product sanitation and the increase of out breaks among consumers due to the intake of industrialized food are the main factors which make the companies and the agrofeeding chains as a whole to worry about security foods. This study was carried out as a result of this need and it analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using a control system in food, Hazard Critical Control Points, the HACCP. The system for five years in the production of sausages and ready dishes. The company already ocons the HACCP system structured all over the production chain, being one of the fun Brazilian compances to concern delply about this matter. The results confirm the system efficienty to guarantee the product and process safety, what contributes to the improvement of public health and reduction of returns, as well as the retreat. Also, the advantages related to the group commitment, valuction and operational efficiency increase, value gathering to the products along the chain, as well as the increase in the consumers’ confidence concerning food sefaty. There are not apparent disadvantages, only considerations related to the human resources involved, which need constant supervision in order to develop their activities according to the what was stablished by the plan.

Análise de desempenho microbiológico de uma linha de processamento piloto de caldo de cana / Sugarcane juice processed in a pilot plant: the microbiological evaluation

Carine Oliveira da Silva 14 August 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho microbiológico de uma linha de processamento e envase asséptico de caldo de cana acidificado. Para este fim foram identificados pontos críticos de controle em uma planta piloto instalada no Departamento de Engenharia de Alimentos da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, no campus de Pirassununga/SP. Inicialmente o caldo de cana foi extraído e acidificado com ácido cítrico a um valor de pH equivalente a 4,3. A bebida acidificada foi pasteurizada a 95 °C / 30 s, resfriada a 10 °C e acondicionada assepticamente em garrafas plásticas seladas por indução. O envase do produto foi conduzido em uma cabina de fluxo de ar unidirecional ISO classe 5. As garrafas foram descontaminadas por aspersão de ácido peracético a 0,05% (v/v), por 20 s a 45 ºC. Os selos e as tampas foram esterilizados a 121 ºC / 15 min. Realizaram-se três processamentos de caldo de cana, em datas distintas, tendo sido caracterizada a matéria-prima e avaliados a qualidade microbiológica do caldo recém-extraído; a água de enxágue final da linha de processamento e envase, após a sua desinfecção com solução de ácido peracético (0,1% v/v) a 50 ºC durante 40 min; a embalagem e o produto final. Testes de escala hedônica de 7 pontos foram aplicados para avaliar a aparência, o aroma e o sabor da bebida processada. Os valores médios de pH, de acidez titulável e de sólidos solúveis determinados na matéria-prima foram equivalentes a 5,1; 0,061%(m/v) e 22,3 ºBrix, respectivamente. As médias das contagens de micro-organismos mesófilos aeróbios totais e de bolores e leveduras no caldo in natura foram equivalentes a (6,26 e 5,20) logUFC/mL, respectivamente. As médias das contagens na água de enxágue final (pasteurizada) da linha de processamento e envase foram inferiores a 1 UFC/mL. As contagens de mesófilos, de bolores e leveduras nas embalagens foram igualmente inferiores a 1 UFC/embalagem. As médias das contagens de mesófilos aeróbios e de bolores e leveduras na bebida acidificada e pasteurizada foram equivalentes a (2,63 e < 1) logUFC/mL, respectivamente. As médias de notas obtidas nos testes de escala hedônica de 7 pontos variaram entre 5,8 e 6,1; demonstrando a elevada aceitação do caldo de cana acidificado. Concluiu-se que a planta de processamento avaliada mostrou-se apta ao processamento de caldo de cana acidificado, estocado sob refrigeração. / This study was carried out to evaluate the microbiological performance of a pilot plant designed for acidified sugarcane juice processing. For this purpose, critical control points in a pilot plant were identified. The juice was extracted in a stainless steel electric cylinder mill and then acidified with citric acid until attaining the pH of 4.3. Next, it was pasteurized in a plate heat exchanger at 95 ºC/30 s and then cooled to 10 ºC before being filled into a plastic bottle and induction sealed. Product\'s filling was performed in an ISO class 5 unidirectional air-flow cabin. Bottles were decontaminated by 0.05% peracetic acid (PAA) spray, at 45 ºC for 20 s. Seals and caps were sterilized at 121 ºC/15 min. Three batches of acidified sugarcane juice were carried out. The qualities of the raw material, rinse water of the processing and filling line (after sanitation with 0.1% PAA at 50 ºC for 40 min), packaging and end product, were all microbiologically evaluated. Seven-point hedonic scale tests were used to evaluate the sensory acceptance of the product. The mean values of pH, titratable acidity and soluble solids content determined in raw sugarcane juice were 5.1, 0.061%(w/w) and 22.3 ºC, respectively. The total aerobic mesophilic and the molds and yeasts mean counts in natural fresh sugarcane juice were (6.26 and 5.20) logCFU/mL, respectively. The mesophilic and the molds and yeasts mean counts taken, in both rinse water samples of the processing line and the bottles, were lower than 1 logCFU/mL. The mesophilic and the molds and yeasts mean counts in acidified and pasteurized sugarcane juice were (2.63 and lower than 1) logCFU/mL, respectively. A beverage with a high sensory acceptance with average scores ranging from 5.8 to 6.1 was achieved. The findings indicated that the procedures that were evaluated met standards for acidified sugarcane juice to be produced then stored under refrigeration.

Sistema análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle - APPCC, em uma indústria de embutidos de frango e suas implicações para a competitividade

Fortes, Martinha Borghetti January 2002 (has links)
As barreiras impostas pelos mercados externos, relacionadas à sanidade dos produtos e o aumento dos surtos de toxicoinfecções em consumidores, devido à ingestão de alimentos industrializados, são os principais fatores que fazem com que empresas e as cadeias agroalimentares como um todo, preocupem-se com a produção de alimentos seguros (security foods). Diante desta necessidade, foi realizado este estudo, que analisou as vantagens e desvantagens da implantação de um sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle o APPCC em uma indústria de alimentos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma unidade industrial, que já faz uso do sistema há cinco anos, para a produção de embutidos e pratos prontos. A empresa já possui o sistema APPCC estruturado em toda a cadeia de produção, sendo uma das poucas empresas brasileiras a preocupar-se profundamente com esta questão. Os resultados confirmaram a eficiência do sistema para a garantia de segurança em produtos e processos, o que contribui para a melhoria da saúde pública e a diminuição das devoluções. Também podem ser citadas, as vantagens relacionadas ao comprometimento de grupo, valorização e aumento da eficiência operacional, agregação de valor aos produtos ao longo da cadeia e a confiança dos consumidores no que se relaciona a segurança alimentar. Não identificou-se desvantagens aparentes, apenas considerações referentes aos recursos humanos envolvidos, os quais necessitam de treinamento constante, para que desenvolvam suas atividades de acordo com o estabelecido pelo plano. / The barriers imposed by the external markets related to product sanitation and the increase of out breaks among consumers due to the intake of industrialized food are the main factors which make the companies and the agrofeeding chains as a whole to worry about security foods. This study was carried out as a result of this need and it analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using a control system in food, Hazard Critical Control Points, the HACCP. The system for five years in the production of sausages and ready dishes. The company already ocons the HACCP system structured all over the production chain, being one of the fun Brazilian compances to concern delply about this matter. The results confirm the system efficienty to guarantee the product and process safety, what contributes to the improvement of public health and reduction of returns, as well as the retreat. Also, the advantages related to the group commitment, valuction and operational efficiency increase, value gathering to the products along the chain, as well as the increase in the consumers’ confidence concerning food sefaty. There are not apparent disadvantages, only considerations related to the human resources involved, which need constant supervision in order to develop their activities according to the what was stablished by the plan.

Správná výrobní a hygienická praxe při zpracování sladkovodních ryb. / Good manufacturing and hygienic practices with processing of freshwater fish.

SMOLA, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
HACCP and good manufacturing practices are tools to the safeguard of food safety. Technologic process of fish processing begins by receiving of live fish and ending with stock and expedition of fish products. Stocking is the operation, whereat is able to get to consumer{\crq}s health hazard. Wrong temperature regulation causes multiplication of microorganisms. Stocking proceed at temperature 0 {--} 2 °C, which is stopping increasing of microorganisms. Practically were tracked difference course temperatures during hours and days. During monitoring was average temperature at 10 AM 2.33 {$\pm$} 1.25°C and average temperature at 10 PM was 2.11 {$\pm$} 1.19°C. During monitoring was average temperature 2.10 {$\pm$} 1.03°C. Maximum temperature was monitored in the morning. The temperature raised trough storage of new products. This short - period increasing is able to influence quality of products.

A comprehensive system for managing reproductive failure in small domestic ruminants

Van Rooyen, Johan Anton 22 November 2012 (has links)
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system was used as a basis for describing a methodology for the management of reproduction in small ruminant flocks. The seven principles of the HACCP system are: <ul> 1. Conduct a hazard analysis 2. Identify critical control points 3. Establish critical limits for each control point 4. Establish monitoring procedure 5. Establish corrective actions 6. Establish a record keeping procedure 7. Establish verification procedures. </ul> The first principle of HACCP requires a description of the production system. The small ruminant reproduction process was subdivided into four sub-processes with a total of 33 phases. The ewe management cycle consists of 12 phases and the ram management cycle, replacement ewe cycle and replacement ram cycle each consists of seven phases. The reproductive process was described by a flow diagram. The hazards were categorized as management, environmental, nutritional, genetic, predatory, physiological and disease factors that could affect reproductive performance. The second principle requires the establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP). Seventeen CCPs in the reproductive process were established and monitoring and diagnostic procedures for each of the critical control points was described together with suggested corrective actions. The resulting HACCP plan formed the basis of consultations with 30 commercial small stock enterprises. Each of the Critical Control Points was applied to at least three and up to 30 of the flocks over the period of the trial to establish the practicality and validity of the procedures which were described as standard operating procedures. Data forms were designed for the structured collection of data regarding the process as well as the CCPs. The Critical Control Points and forms that were selected in this project were as follows: <ul> <li> CC1. Ewe selection. Prior to Ewe preparation. Ewe selection data form</li> <li> CC2.Ram selection. Prior to Phase two of ram preparation. Ram selection data form</li> <li> CC3. Ewe preparation. Prior to start of mating (end of flushing period). Ewe preparation data form</li> <li> CC4. Ram preparation. Prior start of mating (end of flushing period). Ram preparation data form</li> <li> CC5. Joining. Start of mating period. Joining data form</li> <li> CC6. Mating. End of mating period. Mating data form</li> <li> CC7. Scan. >35 days after mating. Scan data form</li> <li> CC8. Rescan. ≥ 30 days after initial scanning. Rescan data form</li> <li> CC9. Pregnant. Prior to start of lambing. Pregnancy management data form</li> <li> CC10. Lambing. End of lambing period. Lambing data form</li> <li> CC11. Marking. After neonatal period. Marking data form</li> <li> CC12. Weaning. Separation of lambs from ewes. Weaning data form</li> <li> CC13. Ewe replacement. At ewe selection. Replacement maiden data form</li> <li> CC14. Ram replacement. At ram selection. Replacement ram data form</li> <li> CC15. Genital soundness. Prior to ram selection. Ram genital soundness data form</li> <li> CC16. Ram recovery. About 8 weeks after mating. Ram recovery data form</li> <li> CC17. Last day of lambing. About 146 days after end of joining. Last day of lambing data form.</li> </ul> In addition to the specific procedures described in the seventeen CCP's three CCP's were described that can be performed to assist in monitoring the general health and welfare of the flock at strategic points in the management cycle: <ul> <li> CC 18 Body condition score</li> <li> CC 19 Helminthic status</li> <li> CC 20 Nutritional status.</li> </ul> Qualitative aspects of the critical control point as well as certain quality control questions were described as a generic quality control form. This generic form is modified annually to reflect hazard issues that need to be followed up the following year. Specific questions are entered on the form which is diarised for the next year. The use of these generic forms assisted in the process of continuous improvement by ensuring that adjustments to the Flock Health and Production Plan are made to prevent repeating management failures. Examples of the use of the CCP's are described on the basis of data that was collected from the flocks that participated in the project. Upon conclusion a questionnaire was completed by 12/25 of the flock managers who participated. The results of the survey indicated that there was general acceptance of a HACCP – based management system for the management of reproduction in the small ruminant enterprises by the flock managers that responded to the questionnaire. Flock managers agreed that the program must be adapted to their individual needs, would not be a problem to implement but needed to be simple and many would need assistance. Training and information was considered important aspects. There was general consensus that financial results should form part of the program and that comparisons within the group on an anonymous basis is accepted. The two responses that showed the least variance were the needs to reduce production risk and to be informed of potential hazards. Flock managers disagreed the most in their response about the range of control points they would implement. This correlates with the expressed need to have individually adapted programs. Flock managers were not very positive about the benefits of a quality control and certification system. Predation proved to be the most important hazard followed by parasites and stock theft, all three being highly variable as indicated by a large variance. The HACCP-based methodology should be applied in and extended form to all aspects of the flock production system to assist in improving sustainability. Copyright / Dissertation (MMedVet)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Production Animal Studies / unrestricted

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